2020-12-06 19:50:22 +02:00

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#! /usr/bin/env -S"ANSWER=42" nix-shell
#! nix-shell -p ghcid
#! nix-shell -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: with p; [attoparsec])"
#! nix-shell -i "ghcid -c 'ghci -Wall' -T main"
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser, parseOnly)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- The expected fields are as follows:
-- - byr (Birth Year)
-- - iyr (Issue Year)
-- - eyr (Expiration Year)
-- - hgt (Height)
-- - hcl (Hair Color)
-- - ecl (Eye Color)
-- - pid (Passport ID)
-- - cid (Country ID)
-- Count the number of valid passports - those that have all required fields.
-- Treat cid as optional. In your batch file, how many passports are valid?
data Field = BYR | IYR | EYR | HGT | HCL | ECL | PID | CID
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data PassportSpec = PassportSpec { birthYear :: !String
, issueYear :: !String
, expirationYear :: !String
, height :: !String
, hairColor :: !String
, eyeColor :: !String
, passportID :: !String
, countryID :: !(Maybe String)
deriving Show
fieldParser :: Parser (Map Field String)
fieldParser = ("byr:" *> A.takeTill isSpace >>= pure . (M.singleton BYR) . T.unpack)
<|> ("iyr:" *> A.takeTill isSpace >>= pure . (M.singleton IYR) . T.unpack)
<|> ("eyr:" *> A.takeTill isSpace >>= pure . (M.singleton EYR) . T.unpack)
<|> ("hgt:" *> A.takeTill isSpace >>= pure . (M.singleton HGT) . T.unpack)
<|> ("hcl:" *> A.takeTill isSpace >>= pure . (M.singleton HCL) . T.unpack)
<|> ("ecl:" *> A.takeTill isSpace >>= pure . (M.singleton ECL) . T.unpack)
<|> ("pid:" *> A.takeTill isSpace >>= pure . (M.singleton PID) . T.unpack)
<|> ("cid:" *> A.takeTill isSpace >>= pure . (M.singleton CID) . T.unpack)
fieldsParser :: Parser (Map Field String)
fieldsParser = mconcat <$> fieldParser `A.sepBy` (
batchFileParser :: Parser [Map Field String]
batchFileParser = fieldsParser `A.sepBy` (A.string "\n\n")
parseFields :: String -> Either String [Map Field String]
parseFields str = parseOnly batchFileParser (T.pack str)
mkPassport1 :: Map Field String -> Maybe PassportSpec
mkPassport1 m = do
byr <- M.lookup BYR m
iyr <- M.lookup IYR m
eyr <- M.lookup EYR m
hgt <- M.lookup HGT m
hcl <- M.lookup HCL m
ecl <- M.lookup ECL m
pid <- M.lookup PID m
cid <- Just $ M.lookup CID m
pure $ PassportSpec byr iyr eyr hgt hcl ecl pid cid
testData :: [String]
testData = [ "ecl:gry pid:860033327 eyr:2020 hcl:#fffffd"
, "byr:1937 iyr:2017 cid:147 hgt:183cm"
, ""
, "iyr:2013 ecl:amb cid:350 eyr:2023 pid:028048884"
, "hcl:#cfa07d byr:1929"
, ""
, "hcl:#ae17e1 iyr:2013"
, "eyr:2024"
, "ecl:brn pid:760753108 byr:1931"
, "hgt:179cm"
, ""
, "hcl:#cfa07d eyr:2025 pid:166559648"
, "iyr:2011 ecl:brn hgt:59in"
testData2 :: [String]
testData2 =
[ "eyr:1972 cid:100"
, "hcl:#18171d ecl:amb hgt:170 pid:186cm iyr:2018 byr:1926"
, ""
, "iyr:2019"
, "hcl:#602927 eyr:1967 hgt:170cm"
, "ecl:grn pid:012533040 byr:1946"
, ""
, "hcl:dab227 iyr:2012"
, "ecl:brn hgt:182cm pid:021572410 eyr:2020 byr:1992 cid:277"
, ""
, "hgt:59cm ecl:zzz"
, "eyr:2038 hcl:74454a iyr:2023"
, "pid:3556412378 byr:2007"
, ""
, "pid:087499704 hgt:74in ecl:grn iyr:2012 eyr:2030 byr:1980"
, "hcl:#623a2f"
, ""
, "eyr:2029 ecl:blu cid:129 byr:1989"
, "iyr:2014 pid:896056539 hcl:#a97842 hgt:165cm"
, ""
, "hcl:#888785"
, "hgt:164cm byr:2001 iyr:2015 cid:88"
, "pid:545766238 ecl:hzl"
, "eyr:2022"
, ""
, "iyr:2010 hgt:158cm hcl:#b6652a ecl:blu byr:1944 eyr:2021 pid:093154719"
solveDay4Part1 :: String -> Either String Int
solveDay4Part1 s =
length . catMaybes . map mkPassport1 <$> parseFields s
eitherToMaybe :: Either a b -> Maybe b
eitherToMaybe (Right x) = Just x
eitherToMaybe (Left _) = Nothing
nothingIfFalse :: Bool -> Maybe Bool
nothingIfFalse False = Nothing
nothingIfFalse True = Just True
mkPassport2 :: Map Field String -> Maybe PassportSpec
mkPassport2 m = do
byr <- M.lookup BYR m
iyr <- M.lookup IYR m
eyr <- M.lookup EYR m
hgt <- M.lookup HGT m
hcl <- M.lookup HCL m
ecl <- M.lookup ECL m
pid <- M.lookup PID m
cid <- Just $ M.lookup CID m
_ <- nothingIfFalse (checkByr byr)
_ <- nothingIfFalse (checkIyr iyr)
_ <- nothingIfFalse (checkEyr eyr)
_ <- (checkHgt hgt)
_ <- (checkHcl hcl)
_ <- (checkEcl ecl)
_ <- (checkPid pid)
pure $ PassportSpec byr iyr eyr hgt hcl ecl pid cid
checkByr s = (\n -> n >= 1920 && n <= 2002) $ (read s :: Int)
checkIyr s = (\n -> n >= 2010 && n <= 2020) $ (read s :: Int)
checkEyr s = (\n -> n >= 2020 && n <= 2030) $ (read s :: Int)
checkHcl = eitherToMaybe . parseOnly (
A.char '#' *> (A.hexadecimal :: Parser Int) *> pure True) . T.pack
checkEcl = eitherToMaybe . parseOnly (
( A.string "amb"
<|> A.string "blu"
<|> A.string "brn"
<|> A.string "gry"
<|> A.string "grn"
<|> A.string "hzl"
<|> A.string "oth"
) *> pure True) . T.pack
checkPid = eitherToMaybe . parseOnly (A.count 9 A.digit *> A.endOfInput *> pure True) . T.pack
checkHgt :: String -> Maybe Bool
checkHgt = eitherToMaybe . parseOnly hgtParser . T.pack
hgtParser :: Parser Bool
hgtParser = (decimalIn <* A.string "in") <|> (decimalCm <* A.string "cm")
decimalIn :: Parser Bool
decimalIn = do
d <- A.decimal
unless (d >= (59::Int) && d <= (76::Int)) (fail "")
pure $ True
decimalCm :: Parser Bool
decimalCm = do
d <- A.decimal
unless (d >= (150::Int) && d <= (193::Int)) (fail "")
pure $ True
solveDay4Part2 :: String -> Either String Int
solveDay4Part2 s =
length . catMaybes . map mkPassport2 <$> parseFields s
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Day 4 - Part 1"
print $ unlines testData
print $ solveDay4Part1 (unlines testData)
input <- readFile "day4/input"
print $ solveDay4Part1 input
print $ solveDay4Part2 (unlines testData2)
print $ solveDay4Part2 input