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mirror of https://github.com/TerryCavanagh/VVVVVV.git synced 2024-09-29 17:57:23 +02:00
Terry Cavanagh 72d018ea04 Update mobile version to mobile v2.2.1
The android version just got a much needed update to fix some resolution issues on devices with cutouts.

It turns out the mobile source was actually pretty out of date, like 3 versions out of date! This commit brings it up to date.

All the changes have just been about keeping the game running on modern devices, though. The biggest change was adding the Starling library to the project, which made the game GPU powered and sped the whole thing up.
2022-12-02 18:19:58 +01:00

3129 lines
122 KiB

import starling.display.*;
import starling.events.*;
import starling.textures.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.net.*;
import starling.core.*;
import starling.text.BitmapFont;
import starling.text.TextField;
import starling.utils.AssetManager;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
public class dwgraphicsclass {
public var screenwidth:int = 320;
public var screenheight:int = 240;
public var BUTTON_BLANK:int = 0;
public var BUTTON_MENU:int = 1;
public var BUTTON_BACK:int = 2;
public var BUTTON_TALK:int = 3;
public var BUTTON_USE:int = 4;
public var BUTTON_TELEPORT:int = 5;
public var BUTTON_GAMECENTER:int = 6;
public var BUTTON_CONTROLS:int = 7;
public var BUTTON_DPAD:int = 8;
public function init(_stage:Stage):void {
starstage = _stage;
starstage.touchable = false;
backbuffer = new RenderTexture(screenwidth, screenheight, false);
frontbuffer_meshbatch = new MeshBatch();
towerbufferforeground_meshbatch = new MeshBatch();
towerbufferbackground_meshbatch = new MeshBatch();
warpzonevertical_meshbatch = new MeshBatch();
warpzonehorizontal_meshbatch = new MeshBatch();
towerbufferstatic_meshbatch = new MeshBatch();
menubuffer = new RenderTexture(screenwidth, screenheight, false);
menubuffer_image = new Image(menubuffer);
menubuffer_image.touchable = false;
menubuffer_image.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
screenmenubuffer = new RenderTexture(screenwidth, screenheight, false);
screenmenubuffer_image = new Image(screenmenubuffer);
screenmenubuffer_image.touchable = false;
screenmenubuffer_image.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
screen = new Image(backbuffer);
screen.touchable = false;
screen.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.BILINEAR;
smallscreen = new Image(backbuffer);
smallscreen.touchable = false;
smallscreen.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
tquad = new Quad(1, 1, RGB(255, 255, 255));
ttf = new TextField(320, 120, "");
ttf.touchable = false;
ttf.format.font = "c64";
ttf.format.color = 0xFFFFFF;
ttf.format.size = BitmapFont.NATIVE_SIZE;
ttf.format.horizontalAlign = "left";
ttf.format.verticalAlign = "top";
tposition = new Matrix();
//We initialise a few things
updatebackground = true;
tiles_rect=new Rectangle(0,0,8,8);
sprites_rect=new Rectangle(0,0,32,32);
bfont_rect=new Rectangle(0,0,8,8);
bfontmask_rect=new Rectangle(0,0,9,9);
bg_rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 320, 240);
footerrect = new Rectangle(0, 230, 320, 10);
prect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 4, 4);
line_rect = new Rectangle();
tl = new Point(0, 0); tpoint = new Point(0, 0); trect = new Rectangle();
ct = new ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 255, 255, 255, 1); //Set to white
madpoint = new Point;
madrect = new Rectangle;
trinketcolset = false;
showcutscenebars = false;
cutscenebarspos = 0;
flipmode = false; setflipmode = false;
flipmatrix.scale(1, -1);
flipmatrix.translate(0, 240);
flipfontmatrix.scale(1, -1); flipfontmatrix.translate(0, 8);
flipfontmatrix2.scale(1, -1); flipfontmatrix2.translate(0, 9);
//Android optimisations
var tbg:Array = [0x19090A, 0x190C0A, 0x190F0A, 0x191309, 0x191609, 0x191909,
0x171909, 0x151909, 0x131909, 0x111909, 0x0F1909, 0x0E190C,
0x0D190F, 0x0B1813, 0x0A1816, 0x091819, 0x0A1519, 0x0C1219,
0x0E0F19, 0x100C19, 0x110919, 0x130919, 0x140919, 0x160919,
0x170919, 0x190919, 0x190916, 0x190913, 0x190910, 0x19090D];
for (i = 0; i < tbg.length; i++){
tbg = [0x0A0304, 0x0A0504, 0x0A0604, 0x0A0703, 0x0A0803, 0x0A0A03,
0x090A03, 0x080A03, 0x070A03, 0x070A03, 0x060A03, 0x050A05,
0x050A06, 0x040907, 0x040908, 0x03090A, 0x04080A, 0x05070A,
0x05060A, 0x06040A, 0x07030A, 0x07030A, 0x08030A, 0x08030A,
0x09030A, 0x0A030A, 0x0A0309, 0x0A0307, 0x0A0306, 0x0A0305];
for (i = 0; i < tbg.length; i++){
//Background inits
for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
var s:Rectangle = new Rectangle(Math.random() * 320, Math.random() * 240, 2, 2);
var s2:int = 4+(Math.random()*4);
stars.push(s); starsspeed.push(s2);
var bb:Rectangle;
var bvx:int = 0; var bvy:int = 0;
if(Math.random()*100 > 50){
bvx = 9 - (Math.random() * 19); if (bvx > -6 && bvx < 6) bvx = 6;
bvx = bvx * 1.5;
bb = new Rectangle(Math.random() * 320, Math.random() * 240, 32, 12);
}else {
bvy = 9 - (Math.random() * 19); if (bvy > -6 && bvy < 6) bvy = 6;
bvy = bvy * 1.5;
bb = new Rectangle(Math.random() * 320, Math.random() * 240, 12, 32);
var bint:Number = 0.5 + ((Math.random() * 100) / 200);
backboxvx.push(bvx); backboxvy.push(bvy);
backboxrect = new Rectangle();
backoffset = 0; backgrounddrawn = false;
warpskip = 0;
warpfcol = 0x000000; warpbcol = 0x000000;
warprect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
spcol = 0; spcoldel = 0;
crewframe = 0; crewframedelay = 4;
menuoffset = 0; resumegamemode = false;
for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
var t:textboxclass = new textboxclass;
ntextbox = 0;
//Fading stuff
for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
fadeamount = 0;
fademode = 0;
//var devicexres:int = int(Capabilities.screenResolutionX);
//var deviceyres:int = int(Capabilities.screenResolutionY);
//updatescreen(starstage.stageWidth, starstage.stageHeight);
//Starling.current.showStats = true;
public function initbuttonstuff():void {
button_image_width.push(0); button_image_height.push(0);
button_image_width.push(0); button_image_height.push(0);
button_image_width.push(0); button_image_height.push(0);
button_image_width.push(0); button_image_height.push(0);
button_image.push(new Image(button_texture[0]));
button_image.push(new Image(button_texture[1]));
button_image.push(new Image(button_texture[2]));
button_image.push(new Image(button_texture[3]));
button_image[0].touchable = false; button_image[0].textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
button_image[1].touchable = false; button_image[1].textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
button_image[2].touchable = false; button_image[2].textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
button_image[3].touchable = false; button_image[3].textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
buttonhighlight.push(0); buttonhighlight.push(0); buttonhighlight.push(0); buttonhighlight.push(0);
buttonpos.push(new Point(0, 0)); buttonpos.push(new Point(0, 0));
buttonpos.push(new Point(0, 0)); buttonpos.push(new Point(0, 0));
//So, 0-4 are buffers that can be overwritten. 5+ contains graphics for each button.
drawonscreenbutton(0, -1);
drawonscreenbutton(1, -1);
drawonscreenbutton(2, -1);
drawonscreenbutton(3, -1);
buttonsready = true;
public function updatescreen(w:int, h:int):void {
starstage.stageWidth = w;
starstage.stageHeight = h;
Starling.current.viewPort = new Rectangle(0, 0, w, h);
// set rectangle dimensions for viewPort:
var stretchscalex:Number = w / screenwidth;
var stretchscaley:Number = h / screenheight;
screensizemultiplier = Math.min(stretchscalex, stretchscaley);
//Never mess with starling's viewport for VVVVVV - instead, mess with the
//screen image
screen.width = screenwidth * screensizemultiplier;
screen.height = screenheight * screensizemultiplier;
screen.x = (w / 2) - (screenwidth * screensizemultiplier / 2);
public function initbuttonpositions():void {
devicex = device.xres;
devicey = device.yres;
buttonsize = devicey / (32 / 3);
buttonyspacing = buttonsize / 3;
buttonxspacing = (buttonsize * 3) / 3;
button_image[0].width = (buttonsize * 46) / 15; button_image[0].height = buttonsize;
button_image[1].width = (buttonsize * 46) / 15; button_image[1].height = buttonsize;
button_image[2].width = (buttonsize * 5) / 3; button_image[2].height = (buttonsize * 5) / 3;
button_image[3].width = (buttonsize * 5) / 3; button_image[3].height = (buttonsize * 5) / 3;
button_image_width[0] = int(button_image[0].width);
button_image_width[1] = int(button_image[1].width);
button_image_width[2] = int(button_image[2].width);
button_image_width[3] = int(button_image[3].width);
button_image_height[0] = int(button_image[0].height);
button_image_height[1] = int(button_image[1].height);
button_image_height[2] = int(button_image[2].height);
button_image_height[3] = int(button_image[3].height);
buttonydiff = button_image_height[2] / 2;
button_image[0].x = devicex + 1;
button_image[0].y = 0;
buttonpos[0].setTo(button_image[0].x, button_image[0].y);
button_image[1].x = 0;
button_image[1].y = 0;
buttonpos[1].setTo(button_image[1].x, button_image[1].y);
button_image[2].x = (buttonxspacing / 2);
button_image[2].y = devicey - buttonsize-buttonyspacing - buttonydiff;
buttonpos[2].setTo(button_image[2].x, button_image[2].y);
button_image[3].x = (buttonxspacing/2) + buttonsize + buttonxspacing ;
button_image[3].y = devicey - buttonsize-buttonyspacing;
buttonpos[3].setTo(button_image[3].x, button_image[3].y);
public function mobile_changebutton(t:int):void {
if (newbuttontype[0] != t) {
if (currentbuttontype[0] != t) {
newbuttontype[0] = t;
buttonstate[0] = 1;
public function mobile_changeleftbutton(t:int):void {
if (newbuttontype[1] != t) {
if (currentbuttontype[1] != t) {
newbuttontype[1] = t;
buttonstate[1] = 1;
public function mobile_hidearrows():void {
if (newbuttontype[2] != BUTTON_BLANK) {
if (currentbuttontype[2] != BUTTON_BLANK) {
newbuttontype[2] = BUTTON_BLANK;
buttonstate[2] = 1;
public function mobile_showarrows(t:int):void {
if (t == 2) {
if (newbuttontype[2] != BUTTON_DPAD) {
if (currentbuttontype[2] != BUTTON_DPAD) {
newbuttontype[2] = BUTTON_DPAD;
buttonstate[2] = 1;
public function drawbutton(game:gameclass, help:helpclass):void {
//Called every frame, this function controls what buttons appear and when,
//and lerps them in and out in a nice way.
// 0 - Normal, slide in if not in
// 1 - Sliding out, change to new button state
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){
switch(buttonstate[i]) {
case 0:
if (buttonlerp[i] > 60) {
buttonlerp[i] = 60;
if (buttonlerp[i] > 0) {
buttonlerp[i] -= 20;
if (buttonlerp[i] < 0) {
buttonlerp[i] = 0;
case 1:
if (buttonlerp[i] < 100) {
buttonlerp[i] += 20;
if (buttonlerp[i] >= 60) buttonlerp[i] = 100;
if (buttonlerp[i] >= 100) {
buttonlerp[i] = 100;
buttonstate[i] = 0;
currentbuttontype[i] = newbuttontype[i];
newbuttontype[i] = -1;
switch(currentbuttontype[2]) {
changebuttonframe(2, -1);
changebuttonframe(3, -1);
changebuttonframe(2, 11);
changebuttonframe(3, 12);
if (game.press_left) {
changebuttonpos(2, (buttonxspacing/2), devicey - buttonsize-buttonyspacing - buttonydiff+10);
changebuttonpos(2, (buttonxspacing/2), devicey - buttonsize-buttonyspacing - buttonydiff);
if (game.press_right) {
changebuttonpos(3, (buttonxspacing/2) + buttonsize + buttonxspacing, devicey - buttonsize-buttonyspacing - buttonydiff+10);
changebuttonpos(3, (buttonxspacing/2) + buttonsize + buttonxspacing, devicey - buttonsize-buttonyspacing - buttonydiff);
switch(currentbuttontype[1]) {
changebuttonframe(1, -1);
changebuttonpos(1, 0 - ((button_image_width[1] * (buttonlerp[1])) / 100), 0);
//Controls button
if (game.menupage >= 30) {
changebuttonframe(1, 9);
changebuttonframe(1, 8);
if (flipmode) {
changebuttonpos(1, 0 - ((button_image_width[1] * (buttonlerp[1])) / 100), devicey - buttonyspacing - button_image_height[1]);
}else {
changebuttonpos(1, 0 - ((button_image_width[1] * (buttonlerp[1])) / 100), buttonyspacing);
changebuttonframe(1, 10);
changebuttonpos(1, 0 - ((button_image_width[1] * (buttonlerp[1])) / 100), 5);
switch(currentbuttontype[0]) {
changebuttonframe(0, -1);
changebuttonpos(0, devicex - ((button_image_width[0] * (100-buttonlerp[0])) / 100), 0);
//Menu button
changebuttonframe(0, 0);
changebuttonpos(0, devicex - ((button_image_width[0] * (100-buttonlerp[0])) / 100), 0);
//Back button
changebuttonframe(0, 1);
if (flipmode) {
changebuttonpos(0, devicex - ((button_image_width[0] * (100 - buttonlerp[0])) / 100), devicey - buttonyspacing - button_image_height[0]);
changebuttonpos(0, devicex - ((button_image_width[0] * (100 - buttonlerp[0])) / 100), buttonyspacing);
//Use button
if (help.slowsine % 16 > 8) {
changebuttonframe(0, 4);
}else {
changebuttonframe(0, 5);
changebuttonpos(0, devicex - ((button_image_width[0] * (100-buttonlerp[0])) / 100), buttonyspacing);
//Talk button
if (help.slowsine % 16 > 8) {
changebuttonframe(0, 2);
}else {
changebuttonframe(0, 3);
changebuttonpos(0, devicex - ((button_image_width[0] * (100-buttonlerp[0])) / 100), buttonyspacing);
//Teleport button
if (help.slowsine % 16 > 8) {
changebuttonframe(0, 6);
}else {
changebuttonframe(0, 7);
changebuttonpos(0, devicex - ((button_image_width[0] * (100-buttonlerp[0])) / 100), buttonyspacing);
public function addbutton(imgname:String):void {
var sourcetexture:Texture = starlingassets.getTexture(imgname);
var tmpimage:Image = new Image(sourcetexture);
var newtexture:RenderTexture = new RenderTexture(int(tmpimage.texture.width), int(tmpimage.texture.height));
public function drawonscreenbutton(t:int, t2:int):void {
//Draw button t with frame t2
if (t2 == -1) {
if (buttonframe[t] != t2) {
buttonframe[t] = t2;
var tempimg:Image = new Image(button_texture[4 + t2]);
public function changebuttonframe(t:int, t2:int):void {
//Draw button t with frame t2
if (buttonframe[t] != t2) {
buttonframe[t] = t2;
if (t2 == -1) {
var tempimg:Image = new Image(button_texture[4 + t2]);
public function changebuttonpos(t:int, xp:int, yp:int):void {
button_image[t].x = xp;
button_image[t].y = yp;
public function changebuttonxpos(t:int, xp:int):void {
button_image[t].x = xp;
public function showarrows():void {
if (buttonactive[0] == false) {
buttonhighlight[0] = 120;
buttonactive[0] = true;
public function hidearrows():void {
if (buttonactive[0] == true) {
buttonactive[0] = false;
public function drawspritesetcol(x:int, y:int, t:int, c:int, help:helpclass):void {
setcol(c, help);
sprites[t].color = ct.color;
tposition.translate(x, y);
backbuffer.draw(sprites[t], tposition);
public function makeentcolourarray():void {
var sourcetexture:Texture = starlingassets.getTexture("entcolours");
for (var j:int = 0; j < 60; j++) {
for (var i:int = 0; i < 12; i++) {
var tiletex:Texture = Texture.fromTexture(sourcetexture, new Rectangle(i * 8, j * 8, 8, 8));
var t:Image = new Image(tiletex);
t.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
t.touchable = false;
public function maketilearray():void {
var sourcetexture:Texture = starlingassets.getTexture("tiles");
for (var j:int = 0; j < 30; j++) {
for (var i:int = 0; i < 40; i++) {
var tiletex:Texture = Texture.fromTexture(sourcetexture, new Rectangle(i * 8, j * 8, 8, 8));
var tile:Image = new Image(tiletex);
tile.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
tile.touchable = false;
public function maketile2array():void {
var sourcetexture:Texture = starlingassets.getTexture("tiles2");
for (var j:int = 0; j < 30; j++) {
for (var i:int = 0; i < 40; i++) {
var tiletex:Texture = Texture.fromTexture(sourcetexture, new Rectangle(i * 8, j * 8, 8, 8));
var tile:Image = new Image(tiletex);
tile.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
tile.touchable = false;
public function maketile3array():void {
var sourcetexture:Texture = starlingassets.getTexture("tiles3");
for (var j:int = 0; j < 30; j++) {
for (var i:int = 0; i < 30; i++) {
var tiletex:Texture = Texture.fromTexture(sourcetexture, new Rectangle(i * 8, j * 8, 8, 8));
var tile:Image = new Image(tiletex);
tile.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
tile.touchable = false;
public function makespritearray():void {
var sourcetexture:Texture = starlingassets.getTexture("sprites");
for (var j:int = 0; j < 16; j++) {
for (var i:int = 0; i < 12; i++) {
var tiletex:Texture = Texture.fromTexture(sourcetexture, new Rectangle(i * 32, j * 32, 32, 32));
var t:Image = new Image(tiletex);
t.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
t.touchable = false;
//Sprites also need to load flash bitmapdatas, which are used for pixel perfect hittests
var b:Bitmap = new img_bitmapsprites();
var buffer:BitmapData = b.bitmapData;
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
var tb:BitmapData = new BitmapData(32, 32, true, 0x000000);
var temprect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(i * 32, j * 32, 32, 32);
tb.copyPixels(buffer, temprect, tl);
public function makeflipspritearray():void {
var sourcetexture:Texture = starlingassets.getTexture("flipsprites");
for (var j:int = 0; j < 16; j++) {
for (var i:int = 0; i < 12; i++) {
var tiletex:Texture = Texture.fromTexture(sourcetexture, new Rectangle(i * 32, j * 32, 32, 32));
var t:Image = new Image(tiletex);
t.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
t.touchable = false;
//Sprites also need to load flash bitmapdatas, which are used for pixel perfect hittests
var b:Bitmap = new img_bitmapflipsprites();
var buffer:BitmapData = b.bitmapData;
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
var tb:BitmapData = new BitmapData(32, 32, true, 0x000000);
var temprect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(i * 32, j * 32, 32, 32);
tb.copyPixels(buffer, temprect, tl);
public function maketelearray():void {
var sourcetexture:Texture = starlingassets.getTexture("teleporter");
for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var tiletex:Texture = Texture.fromTexture(sourcetexture, new Rectangle(i * 96, j * 96, 96, 96));
var t:Image = new Image(tiletex);
t.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
t.touchable = false;
public function drawmobilebutton(game:gameclass, xp:int, yp:int, wp:int, hp:int, t:String, cr:int, cg:int, cb:int, xoff:int = -8, yoff:int = -10):void {
xp = xp + xoff;
yp = yp + yoff;
drawfillrect(xp + 4, yp + 4, wp, hp, cr * 0.25, cg * 0.25, cb * 0.25);
drawfillrect(xp, yp, wp, hp, cr, cg, cb);
drawfillrect(xp + 2, yp + 2, wp - 4, hp - 4, cr * 0.75, cg * 0.75, cb * 0.75);
xp = xp + (wp / 2) - (t.length * 4);
print(xp, yp + 9, t, 255, 255, 255);
public function drawmenu(game:gameclass, cr:int, cg:int, cb:int, help:helpclass, division:int = 30):void {
if (game.mobilemenu) {
for (i = 0; i < game.nummenuoptions; i++) {
if (i == game.currentmenuoption) {
//Draw it highlighted
if (game.menuoptionsactive[i]) {
tempstring = game.menuoptions[i]; tempstring = "[ " + tempstring.toUpperCase() + " ]";
print(110 + (i * division) - 16 +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * 12) +game.menuyoff, tempstring, cr, cg, cb);
}else {
tempstring = game.menuoptions[i]; tempstring = "[ " + tempstring + " ]";
//Draw it in gray
print(110 + (i * division) - 16 +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * 12)+game.menuyoff, tempstring, 128, 128, 128);
}else {
//Draw it normally
if (game.menuoptionslayout[i] == 0) {
//Normal Buttons
if (game.menuoptionsactive[i]) {
drawfillrect(160 - 70 + 4, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff - 6 + 4, 140, b_size, cr*0.25, cg*0.25, cb*0.25);
drawfillrect(160 - 70, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff - 6, 140, b_size, cr, cg, cb);
drawfillrect(160 - 70 + 2, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff - 6 + 2, 140 - 4, b_size - 4, cr*0.75, cg*0.75, cb*0.75);
print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff+3, game.menuoptions[i], 255, 255, 255, true);
}else {
drawfillrect(160 - 70 + 4, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff - 6 + 4, 140, b_size, 128*0.25, 128*0.25, 128*0.25);
drawfillrect(160 - 70, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff - 6, 140, b_size, 128, 128, 128);
drawfillrect(160 - 70 + 2, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff - 6 + 2, 140 - 4, b_size - 4, 128*0.75, 128*0.75, 128*0.75);
print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff+3, "LOCKED", 255, 255, 255, true);
}else if (game.menuoptionslayout[i] == 1) {
//Super big button for main menu play
drawfillrect(160 - 70 + 4, 140 + (i * b_gap) -10+ game.menuyoff - 6 + 4, 140, b_size*2, cr*0.25, cg*0.25, cb*0.25);
drawfillrect(160 - 70, 140 + (i * b_gap)-10 + game.menuyoff - 6, 140, b_size*2, cr, cg, cb);
drawfillrect(160 - 70 + 2, 140 + (i * b_gap)-10 + game.menuyoff - 6 + 2, 140 - 4, (b_size*2) - 4, cr*0.75, cg*0.75, cb*0.75);
bigprint(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * b_gap) -10 + game.menuyoff + 10, game.menuoptions[i], 255, 255, 255, true);
}else if (game.menuoptionslayout[i] == 2) {
//Main menu: Player levels and super gravitron
if (game.menuoptionsactive[i]) {
drawfillrect(160 - 70 + 4, 140 + (i * b_gap)+20 + game.menuyoff - 6 + 4, 140, b_size, cr*0.25, cg*0.25, cb*0.25);
drawfillrect(160 - 70, 140 + (i * b_gap)+20 + game.menuyoff - 6, 140, b_size, cr, cg, cb);
drawfillrect(160 - 70 + 2, 140 + (i * b_gap) +20+ game.menuyoff - 6 + 2, 140 - 4, b_size - 4, cr*0.75, cg*0.75, cb*0.75);
print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * b_gap) + 20 + game.menuyoff+3, game.menuoptions[i], 255, 255, 255, true);
}else {
drawfillrect(160 - 70 + 4, 140 + (i * b_gap)+20 + game.menuyoff - 6 + 4, 140, 20, 128*0.25, 128*0.25, 128*0.25);
drawfillrect(160 - 70, 140 + (i * b_gap)+20 + game.menuyoff - 6, 140, 20, 128, 128, 128);
drawfillrect(160 - 70 + 2, 140 + (i * b_gap) +20+ game.menuyoff - 6 + 2, 140 - 4, 20 - 4, 128*0.75, 128*0.75, 128*0.75);
print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * b_gap) + 20 + game.menuyoff+3, "LOCKED", 255, 255, 255, true);
}else if (game.menuoptionslayout[i] == 3) {
//Back Button
drawfillrect(-4, 230 - 6 + 4, 70, b_size, cr*0.10, cg*0.10, cb*0.10);
drawfillrect(-8, 230 - 6, 70, b_size, cr*0.5, cg*0.5, cb*0.5);
drawfillrect(-8+2, 230 - 6 + 2, 70 - 4, b_size - 4, cr*0.4, cg*0.4, cb*0.4);
print(8, 230, game.menuoptions[i], 196, 196, 196);
}else if (game.menuoptionslayout[i] == 4) {
//Normal Buttons except wider for longer text
if (game.menuoptionsactive[i]) {
drawfillrect(160 - 90 + 4, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff - 6 + 4, 180, b_size, cr*0.25, cg*0.25, cb*0.25);
drawfillrect(160 - 90, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff - 6, 180, b_size, cr, cg, cb);
drawfillrect(160 - 90 + 2, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff - 6 + 2, 180 - 4, b_size - 4, cr*0.75, cg*0.75, cb*0.75);
print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff+3, game.menuoptions[i], 255, 255, 255, true);
}else {
drawfillrect(160 - 90 + 4, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff - 6 + 4, 180, b_size, 128*0.25, 128*0.25, 128*0.25);
drawfillrect(160 - 90, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff - 6, 180, b_size, 128, 128, 128);
drawfillrect(160 - 90 + 2, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff - 6 + 2, 180 - 4, b_size - 4, 128*0.75, 128*0.75, 128*0.75);
print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff+3, "LOCKED", 255, 255, 255, true);
}else if (game.menuoptionslayout[i] == 5) {
//Time trial button, left
if (game.menuoptionsactive[i]) {
drawfillrect(10, 140 + (i * 68) -10+ game.menuyoff - 6 + 4, 140, 40, cr*0.25, cg*0.25, cb*0.25);
drawfillrect(10, 140 + (i * 68)-10 + game.menuyoff - 6, 140, 40, cr, cg, cb);
drawfillrect(12, 140 + (i * 68)-10 + game.menuyoff - 6 + 2, 140 - 4, 40 - 4, cr*0.75, cg*0.75, cb*0.75);
print(18, 140 + (i * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 20, game.menuoptions[i], 255, 255, 255);
if (game.besttimes[i] == -1) {
print( 18, 140 + (i * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 3, "Not attempted", 196, 196, 196, false);
}else {
print( 18, 140 + (i * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 3, game.timetstring(game.besttimes[i], help), 196, 196, 196);
print( 18+72, 140 + (i * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 3, "Rank: ", 196, 196, 196);
switch(game.bestrank[i]) {
case 0: print( 18+116, 140 + (i * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 3, "B", 255, 255, 255); break;
case 1: print( 18+116, 140 + (i * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 3, "A", 255, 255, 255); break;
case 2: print( 18+116, 140 + (i * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 3, "S", 255, 255, 255); break;
case 3: print( 18+116, 140 + (i * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 3, "V", 255, 255, 255); break;
}else {
drawfillrect(10, 140 + (i * 68) -10+ game.menuyoff - 6 + 4, 140, 40, 128*0.25, 128*0.25, 128*0.25);
drawfillrect(10, 140 + (i * 68)-10 + game.menuyoff - 6, 140, 40, 128, 128, 128);
drawfillrect(12, 140 + (i * 68)-10 + game.menuyoff - 6 + 2, 140 - 4, 40 - 4, 128*0.75, 128*0.75, 128*0.75);
print( 18, 140 + (i * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 12, "Locked...", 255, 255, 255, false);
}else if (game.menuoptionslayout[i] == 6) {
//Time trial button, right
if (game.menuoptionsactive[i]) {
drawfillrect(170, 140 + ((i-3) * 68) -10+ game.menuyoff - 6 + 4, 140, 40, cr*0.25, cg*0.25, cb*0.25);
drawfillrect(170, 140 + ((i-3) * 68)-10 + game.menuyoff - 6, 140, 40, cr, cg, cb);
drawfillrect(172, 140 + ((i-3) * 68)-10 + game.menuyoff - 6 + 2, 140 - 4, 40 - 4, cr*0.75, cg*0.75, cb*0.75);
print(178, 140 + ((i - 3) * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 20, game.menuoptions[i], 255, 255, 255);
if (game.besttimes[i] == -1) {
print( 178, 140 + ((i - 3) * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 3, "Not attempted", 196, 196, 196, false);
}else {
print( 178, 140 + ((i - 3) * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 3, game.timetstring(game.besttimes[i], help), 196, 196, 196);
print( 178+72, 140 + ((i - 3) * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 3, "Rank: ", 196, 196, 196);
switch(game.bestrank[i]) {
case 0: print( 178+116, 140 + ((i - 3) * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 3, "B", 255, 255, 255); break;
case 1: print( 178+116, 140 + ((i - 3) * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 3, "A", 255, 255, 255); break;
case 2: print( 178+116, 140 + ((i - 3) * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 3, "S", 255, 255, 255); break;
case 3: print( 178+116, 140 + ((i - 3) * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 3, "V", 255, 255, 255); break;
}else {
drawfillrect(170, 140 + ((i-3) * 68) -10+ game.menuyoff - 6 + 4, 140, 40, 128*0.25, 128*0.25, 128*0.25);
drawfillrect(170, 140 + ((i-3) * 68)-10 + game.menuyoff - 6, 140, 40, 128, 128, 128);
drawfillrect(172, 140 + ((i - 3) * 68) - 10 + game.menuyoff - 6 + 2, 140 - 4, 40 - 4, 128 * 0.75, 128 * 0.75, 128 * 0.75);
print( 178, 140 + ((i - 3) * 68) -10 + game.menuyoff + 12, "Locked...", 255, 255, 255, false);
}else if (game.menuoptionslayout[i] == 7) {
//Options button on the main menu - don't draw anything, just have a detection zone
}else if (game.menuoptionslayout[i] == 8) {
//credits button on the main menu - don't draw anything, just have a detection zone
}else if (game.menuoptionslayout[i] == 9) {
//For unlocking and relocking things
if (game.menuoptionsactive[i]) {
drawfillrect(160 - 90 + 4, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff - 6 + 4, 180, b_size, cr*0.25, cg*0.25, cb*0.25);
drawfillrect(160 - 90, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff - 6, 180, b_size, cr, cg, cb);
drawfillrect(160 - 90 + 2, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff - 6 + 2, 180 - 4, b_size - 4, cr*0.75, cg*0.75, cb*0.75);
print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff+3, game.menuoptions[i], 255, 255, 255, true);
}else {
print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * b_gap) + game.menuyoff+3, game.menuoptions_alt[i], 255, 255, 255, true);
}else if (game.menuoptionslayout[i] == 10) {
//Player level menu next page button
if (game.menuoptionsactive[i]) {
drawfillrect(160 - 70 + 4, 240 - b_gap + 4, 140, b_size, cr*0.25, cg*0.25, cb*0.25);
drawfillrect(160 - 70, 240 - b_gap, 140, b_size, cr, cg, cb);
drawfillrect(160 - 70 + 2, 240 - b_gap + 2, 140 - 4, b_size - 4, cr*0.75, cg*0.75, cb*0.75);
print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 240 - b_gap+3+6, game.menuoptions[i], 255, 255, 255, true);
}else {
drawfillrect(160 - 70 + 4, 240 - b_gap + 4, 140, 20, 128*0.25, 128*0.25, 128*0.25);
drawfillrect(160 - 70, 240 - b_gap, 140, 20, 128, 128, 128);
drawfillrect(160 - 70 + 2, 240 - b_gap + 2, 140 - 4, 20 - 4, 128*0.75, 128*0.75, 128*0.75);
print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 240 - b_gap +3+6, "LOCKED", 255, 255, 255, true);
}else if (game.menuoptionslayout[i] == 11) {
//Player level
drawfillrect(160 - 140 + 4, 140 + (i * 65) -10+ game.menuyoff - 6 + 4, 280, (b_size*2)+5, cr*0.25, cg*0.25, cb*0.25);
drawfillrect(160 - 140, 140 + (i * 65)-10 + game.menuyoff - 6, 280, (b_size*2)+5, cr, cg, cb);
drawfillrect(160 - 140 + 2, 140 + (i * 65)-10 + game.menuyoff - 6 + 2, 280 - 4, (b_size*2) - 4+5, cr*0.75, cg*0.75, cb*0.75);
print(120, 140 + (i * 65) -10 + game.menuyoff, editor.ListOfMetaData[int(game.menuoptions[i])].title, 255, 255, 255);
print(120, 140 + (i * 65) -10 + game.menuyoff + 10, editor.ListOfMetaData[int(game.menuoptions[i])].creator, 196, 196, 196);
print(120, 140 + (i * 65) -10 + game.menuyoff + 35+3, "spikyness: ", 196, 196, 196);
for (var tiii:int = 0; tiii < editor.playerlevel_spikyness[int(game.menuoptions[i])]; tiii++){
drawtile(120 + (8 * 11)+(8*tiii), 140 + (i * 65) -10 + game.menuyoff + 35+3, 8);
if (int(game.menuoptions_alt[i]) == 3) {
drawsprite(280-20, 140 + (i * 65) -10 + game.menuyoff + 30-3, 188, 255, 255, 255);
drawsprite(280, 140 + (i * 65) -10 + game.menuyoff + 30, 184, 255, 255, 255);
}else if (int(game.menuoptions_alt[i]) == 1) {
drawsprite(280, 140 + (i * 65) -10 + game.menuyoff + 30, 184, 255, 255, 255);
drawplayerlevelimage(int(game.menuoptions[i]), 160 - 140 + 4+2, 140 + (i * 65) -10 + game.menuyoff - 6 + 4+2);
}else if (game.menuoptionslayout[i] == 12) {
//more games button on the main menu - don't draw anything, just have a detection zone
}else {
for (i = 0; i < game.nummenuoptions; i++) {
if (i == game.currentmenuoption) {
//Draw it highlighted
if (game.menuoptionsactive[i]) {
tempstring = game.menuoptions[i]; tempstring = "[ " + tempstring.toUpperCase() + " ]";
print(110 + (i * division) - 16 +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * 12) +game.menuyoff, tempstring, cr, cg, cb);
}else {
tempstring = game.menuoptions[i]; tempstring = "[ " + tempstring + " ]";
//Draw it in gray
print(110 + (i * division) - 16 +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * 12)+game.menuyoff, tempstring, 128, 128, 128);
}else {
//Draw it normally
if (game.menuoptionsactive[i]) {
print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * 12)+game.menuyoff, game.menuoptions[i], cr, cg, cb);
}else {
//Draw it in gray
print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * 12)+game.menuyoff, game.menuoptions[i], 128, 128, 128);
public function drawlevelmenu(game:gameclass, cr:int, cg:int, cb:int, division:int = 30):void {
trace("dwgfx.drawlevelmenu() is not implemented yet");
//Fade functions
public function processfade():void {
if (fademode > 1) {
if (fademode == 2) {
//prepare fade out
for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
fadebars[i] = -int(Math.random() * 12) * 8;
fadeamount = 0;
fademode = 3;
}else if (fademode == 3) {
fadeamount += 24;
if (fadeamount > 416) {
fademode = 1; //faded
}else if (fademode == 4) {
//prepare fade in
for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
fadebars[i] = 320 + int(Math.random() * 12) * 8;
fadeamount = 416;
fademode = 5;
}else if (fademode == 5) {
fadeamount -= 24;
if (fadeamount <= 0) {
fademode = 0; //normal
public function drawfade():void {
if (fademode == 1) {
}else if(fademode==3){
for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
drawfillrect(fadebars[i], i * 16, fadeamount, 16, 0, 0, 0);
}else if(fademode==5){
for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
drawfillrect(fadebars[i]-fadeamount, i * 16, 500, 16, 0, 0, 0);
public function setwarprect(a:int, b:int, c:int, d:int):void {
warprect.x = a; warprect.y = b;
warprect.width = c; warprect.height = d;
public function createtextbox(t:String, xp:int, yp:int, r:int = 255, g:int = 255, b:int = 255):void {
if(ntextbox == 0) {
//If there are no active textboxes, Z=0;
m = 0; ntextbox++;
}else {
/*i = 0; m = -1;
while (i < ntextbox) {
if (!textbox[i].active) { m = i; i = ntextbox;}
if (m == -1) {m = ntextbox; ntextbox++;}
m = ntextbox; ntextbox++;
if (m < 20) {
textbox[m].line[0] = t;
textbox[m].xp = xp;
if (xp == -1) textbox[m].xp = 160 - (((t.length / 2) + 1) * 8);
textbox[m].yp = yp;
textbox[m].initcol(r, g, b);
public function textboxcleanup():void {
i = ntextbox - 1; while (i >= 0 && !textbox[i].active) { ntextbox--; i--; }
public function textboxcenter():void {
textbox[m].centerx(); textbox[m].centery();
public function textboxcenterx():void {
public function textboxwidth():int {
return textbox[m].w;
public function textboxmove(xo:int, yo:int):void {
textbox[m].xp += xo; textbox[m].yp += yo;
public function textboxmoveto(xo:int):void {
textbox[m].xp = xo;
public function textboxcentery():void {
public function textboxadjust():void {
public function addline(t:String):void {
public function textboxtimer(t:int):void {
public function textboxremove():void {
//Remove all textboxes
for (i = 0; i < ntextbox; i++) {
public function textboxremovefast():void {
//Remove all textboxes
for (i = 0; i < ntextbox; i++) {
public function textboxactive():void {
//Remove all but the most recent textbox
for (i = 0; i < ntextbox; i++) {
if (m != i) textbox[i].remove();
public function setmadrect(x:int, y:int, w:int, h:int):void {
madrect.x = x; madrect.y = y; madrect.width = w; madrect.height = h;
public function drawtextbox(x:int, y:int, w:int, h:int, r:int, g:int, b:int):void {
//given these parameters, draw a textbox
drawfillrect(x, y, w * 8, h * 8, r / 6, g / 6, b / 6);
drawcoloredtile(x, y, 40, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w*8) - 8, y, 42, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x, y + (h*8) - 8, 45, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w*8) - 8, y + (h*8) - 8, 47, r, g, b);
for (k = 0; k < w-2; k++) {
drawcoloredtile(x + 8 + (k * 8), y, 41, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + 8 + (k * 8), y + (h * 8) - 8, 46, r, g, b);
for (k = 0; k < h-2; k++) {
drawcoloredtile(x, y + 8 + (k * 8), 43, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w * 8) - 8, y + 8 + (k * 8), 44, r, g, b);
public function drawpixeltextbox(x:int, y:int, w:int, h:int, w2:int, h2:int, r:int, g:int, b:int, xo:int = 0, yo:int = 0):void {
//given these parameters, draw a textbox with a pixel width
drawfillrect(x, y, w, h, r / 6, g / 6, b / 6);
for (k = 0; k < w2-2; k++) {
drawcoloredtile(x + 8-xo + (k * 8), y, 41, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + 8-xo + (k * 8), y + (h) - 8, 46, r, g, b);
for (k = 0; k < h2-2; k++) {
drawcoloredtile(x, y + 8-yo + (k * 8), 43, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + 8-yo + (k * 8), 44, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x, y, 40, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y, 42, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x, y + (h) - 8, 45, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + (h) - 8, 47, r, g, b);
public function drawcustompixeltextbox(x:int, y:int, w:int, h:int, w2:int, h2:int, r:int, g:int, b:int, xo:int = 0, yo:int = 0):void {
//given these parameters, draw a textbox with a pixel width
drawfillrect(x, y, w, h, r / 6, g / 6, b / 6);
for (k = 0; k < w2-2; k++){
drawcoloredtile(x + 8-xo + (k * 8), y, 41, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + 8-xo + (k * 8), y + (h) - 8, 46, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 16, y, 41, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 16, y + (h) - 8, 46, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 24, y, 41, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 24, y + (h) - 8, 46, r, g, b);
for (k = 0; k < h2-2; k++){
drawcoloredtile(x, y + 8-yo + (k * 8), 43, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + 8-yo + (k * 8), 44, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x, y + (h) - 16, 43, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + (h) - 16, 44, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x, y + (h) - 24, 43, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + (h) - 24, 44, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x, y, 40, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y, 42, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x, y + (h) - 8, 45, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + (h) - 8, 47, r, g, b);
public var subtex:Texture;
public var subimage:Image;
public function drawpartimage(t:Texture, xp:int, yp:int, wp:int, hp:int):void {
// Acquire SubTexture and build an Image from it.
trect.x = 0;
trect.y = 0;
trect.width = wp;
trect.height = hp;
if (subtex == null) {
subtex = Texture.fromTexture(t, trect);
subimage = new Image(subtex); // alloc. avoidable with pooling?
subimage.touchable = false;
subimage.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
tposition.translate(xp, yp);
backbuffer.draw(subimage, tposition);
}else {
//dispose of the old one
//No memory leaks, but this is throwing away a texture every call, which might
//get expensive? Ideally you'd reuse an image here if it hasn't changed.
//Or, maybe easier, make a function that grabs the chunk we need and keeps it somewhere
//else, hardcoding around the problem. Let's see if this is a problem in practice, though.
subtex = Texture.fromTexture(t, trect);
subimage = new Image(subtex);
subimage.touchable = false;
subimage.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
tposition.translate(xp, yp);
backbuffer.draw(subimage, tposition);
public function cutscenebars():void {
if (showcutscenebars) {
cutscenebarspos += 25;
if (cutscenebarspos >= 360) cutscenebarspos = 360;
drawfillrect(0, 0, cutscenebarspos, 16, 0, 0, 0);
drawfillrect(360 - cutscenebarspos, 224, cutscenebarspos, 16, 0, 0, 0);
}else {
if (cutscenebarspos > 0) {
cutscenebarspos -= 25;
drawfillrect(0, 0, cutscenebarspos, 16, 0, 0, 0);
drawfillrect(360 - cutscenebarspos, 224, cutscenebarspos, 16, 0, 0, 0);
//For android: this function draws textboxes to a buffer first, where they're later copied to the screen
//buffer is a 320x500 image. X coordinates aren't changed, but y coordinates are
public var textbox_ybuffer:int;
public var textbox_ybufferheight:int = 0;
public function drawgui(help:helpclass):void {
//Draw all the textboxes to the screen
for (i = 0; i<ntextbox; i++) {
//This routine also updates the textboxs
if (textbox[i].active) {
if (textbox[i].r == 0 && textbox[i].g == 0 && textbox[i].b == 0) {
for (j = 0; j < textbox[i].numlines; j++) {
print(textbox[i].xp + 8, textbox[i].yp + (textbox[i].numlines*8) - (j * 8), textbox[i].line[j], 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
}else {
for (j = 0; j < textbox[i].numlines; j++) {
print(textbox[i].xp + 8, textbox[i].yp + 8 + (j * 8), textbox[i].line[j], 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
}else {
drawfillrect(textbox[i].textrect.x, textbox[i].textrect.y, textbox[i].textrect.width, textbox[i].textrect.height, textbox[i].r/6, textbox[i].g/6, textbox[i].b / 6);
drawcoloredtile(textbox[i].xp, textbox[i].yp, 40, textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
drawcoloredtile(textbox[i].xp+textbox[i].w-8, textbox[i].yp, 42, textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
drawcoloredtile(textbox[i].xp, textbox[i].yp+textbox[i].h-8, 45, textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
drawcoloredtile(textbox[i].xp+textbox[i].w-8, textbox[i].yp+textbox[i].h-8, 47, textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
for (k = 0; k < textbox[i].lw; k++) {
drawcoloredtile(textbox[i].xp + 8 + (k * 8), textbox[i].yp, 41, textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
drawcoloredtile(textbox[i].xp + 8 + (k * 8), textbox[i].yp+textbox[i].h-8, 46, textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
for (k = 0; k < textbox[i].numlines; k++) {
drawcoloredtile(textbox[i].xp, textbox[i].yp + 8 + (k * 8), 43, textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
drawcoloredtile(textbox[i].xp + textbox[i].w-8, textbox[i].yp + 8 + (k * 8), 44, textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
for (j = 0; j < textbox[i].numlines; j++) {
print(textbox[i].xp + 8, textbox[i].yp + (textbox[i].numlines*8) - (j * 8), textbox[i].line[j], textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
}else {
for (j = 0; j < textbox[i].numlines; j++) {
print(textbox[i].xp + 8, textbox[i].yp +8 + (j * 8), textbox[i].line[j], textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
if ((textbox[i].yp == 12 || textbox[i].yp == 180) && textbox[i].r == 165) {
if (flipmode) { drawimage(5, 0, 180, true);
}else{ drawimage(0, 0, 12, true); }
}else if ((textbox[i].yp == 12 || textbox[i].yp == 180) && textbox[i].g == 165) {
if (flipmode) { drawimage(6, 0, 180, true);
}else{ drawimage(4, 0, 12, true); }
if (flipmode) {
if (textbox[i].r == 175 && textbox[i].g == 175) {
//purple guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 48 + 4, 6, 220- help.glow/4 - (Math.random()*20), 120- help.glow/4, 210 - help.glow/4);
}else if (textbox[i].r == 175 && textbox[i].b == 175) {
//red guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 48+ 4, 6, 255 - help.glow/8, 70 - help.glow/4, 70 - help.glow / 4);
}else if (textbox[i].r == 175) {
//green guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 48 + 4, 6, 120 - help.glow / 4 - (Math.random() * 20), 220 - help.glow / 4, 120 - help.glow / 4);
}else if (textbox[i].g == 175) {
//yellow guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 48+ 4, 6, 220- help.glow/4 - (Math.random()*20), 210 - help.glow/4, 120- help.glow/4);
}else if (textbox[i].b == 175) {
//blue guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 48+ 4, 6, 75, 75, 255- help.glow/4 - (Math.random()*20));
if (textbox[i].r == 175 && textbox[i].g == 175) {
//purple guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 32 + 4, 0, 220- help.glow/4 - (Math.random()*20), 120- help.glow/4, 210 - help.glow/4);
}else if (textbox[i].r == 175 && textbox[i].b == 175) {
//red guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 32 + 4, 0, 255 - help.glow/8, 70 - help.glow/4, 70 - help.glow / 4);
}else if (textbox[i].r == 175) {
//green guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 32 + 4, 0, 120 - help.glow / 4 - (Math.random() * 20), 220 - help.glow / 4, 120 - help.glow / 4);
}else if (textbox[i].g == 175) {
//yellow guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 32 + 4, 0, 220- help.glow/4 - (Math.random()*20), 210 - help.glow/4, 120- help.glow/4);
}else if (textbox[i].b == 175) {
//blue guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 32 + 4, 0, 75, 75, 255- help.glow/4 - (Math.random()*20));
public function RGBA(red:Number,green:Number,blue:Number):Number{
return (blue | (green << 8) | (red << 16)) + 0xFF000000;
public function RGB(red:Number,green:Number,blue:Number):Number{
return (blue | (green << 8) | (red << 16))
public function RGBf(red:Number, green:Number, blue:Number):Number {
red = (red+128) / 3; green = (green+128) / 3; blue = (blue+128) / 3;
return (blue | (green << 8) | (red << 16))
public function addmobileimage(imgname:String):void {
var sourcetexture:Texture = starlingassets.getTexture(imgname);
var t:Image = new Image(sourcetexture);
t.touchable = false;
t.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
public function addimage(imgname:String):void {
var sourcetexture:Texture = starlingassets.getTexture(imgname);
var t:Image = new Image(sourcetexture);
t.touchable = false;
t.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
public function addimage_rendertexture(imgname:String):void {
customminimap = starlingassets.getTexture(imgname) as RenderTexture;
var t:Image = new Image(customminimap);
t.touchable = false;
t.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
public function addplayerlevelimage(imgname:String):void {
var sourcetexture:Texture = starlingassets.getTexture(imgname);
var t:Image = new Image(sourcetexture);
t.touchable = false;
t.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
public function addbackground(imgname:String):void {
//Don't think this is actually used in VVVVVV
var sourcetexture:Texture = starlingassets.getTexture(imgname);
var t:Image = new Image(sourcetexture);
t.touchable = false;
t.textureSmoothing = TextureSmoothing.NONE;
public var towerx_pix:int;
public var towery_pix:int;
public var tower_bgcol:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>;
public var tower_bgdarkcol:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>;
public var lasttowercolstate:int = -1;
public var lasttowercolstate_front:int = -1;
public var maptdrawfront:Boolean = true;
public var forcetowerupdate:int = 10;
public var forcefronttowerupdate:int = 10;
public var towerfront_lastypos:int = 0;
public var tower_lastypos:int = 0;
public var forcewarpzonehorizontalupdate:int = 2;
public var forcewarpzoneverticalupdate:int = 1;
public var forcetowerstaticupdate:int = 1;
public function forcescreenupdates():void {
if (forcetowerupdate < 3) forcetowerupdate = 3;
if (forcefronttowerupdate < 3) forcefronttowerupdate = 3;
if (forcetowerstaticupdate < 3) forcetowerstaticupdate = 3;
if (forcewarpzoneverticalupdate < 1) forcewarpzoneverticalupdate = 1;
if (forcewarpzonehorizontalupdate < 1) forcewarpzonehorizontalupdate = 1;
public function drawtowerbackground(map:mapclass):void {
if (map.bypos < 0) {
map.bypos += 120 * 8;
forcetowerupdate += 5;
if (map.scrolldir == 1) {
if (map.tdrawback || lasttowercolstate != map.colstate || forcetowerupdate > 0) {
//Draw the whole thing; needed for every colour cycle!
towerbufferbackground_meshbatch.y = 0;
tower_lastypos = map.bypos;
//Draw the whole thing; needed for every colour cycle!
for (j = 0; j < 40; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
temp = map.tower.backat(i, j, map.bypos);
drawtowertile3(i * 8, (j * 8) - (map.bypos % 8), temp, map.colstate);
map.tdrawback = false;
lasttowercolstate = map.colstate;
if (forcetowerupdate > 0) forcetowerupdate--;
}else {
//just scroll down a bit
towerbufferbackground_meshbatch.y = -int(map.bypos - tower_lastypos);
if (towerbufferbackground_meshbatch.y < -80) {
towerbufferbackground_meshbatch.y = 0;
map.tdrawback = true;
if (map.tdrawback || lasttowercolstate != map.colstate || forcetowerupdate > 0) {
//Draw the whole thing; needed for every colour cycle!
towerbufferbackground_meshbatch.y = 0;
tower_lastypos = map.bypos;
//Draw the whole thing; needed for every colour cycle!
for (j = -10; j < 30; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
temp = map.tower.backat(i, j, map.bypos);
drawtowertile3(i * 8, (j * 8) - (map.bypos % 8), temp, map.colstate);
map.tdrawback = false;
lasttowercolstate = map.colstate;
if (forcetowerupdate > 0) forcetowerupdate--;
}else {
//just scroll down a bit
towerbufferbackground_meshbatch.y = -int(map.bypos - tower_lastypos);
if (towerbufferbackground_meshbatch.y > 80) {
towerbufferbackground_meshbatch.y = 0;
map.tdrawback = true;
public function drawtowerbackgroundsolo(map:mapclass):void {
if (map.bypos < 0) {
map.bypos += 120 * 8;
forcetowerupdate += 5;
if (map.scrolldir == 1) map.tdrawback = true;
if (map.tdrawback || lasttowercolstate != map.colstate || forcetowerupdate > 0) {
//Draw the whole thing; needed for every colour cycle!
towerbufferbackground_meshbatch.y = 0;
tower_lastypos = map.bypos;
//Draw the whole thing; needed for every colour cycle!
for (j = -10; j < 31; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
temp = map.tower.backat(i, j, map.bypos);
drawtowertile3(i * 8, (j * 8) - (map.bypos % 8), temp, map.colstate);
map.tdrawback = false;
lasttowercolstate = map.colstate;
if (forcetowerupdate > 0) forcetowerupdate--;
}else {
//just scroll down a bit
towerbufferbackground_meshbatch.y = -int(map.bypos - tower_lastypos);
if (towerbufferbackground_meshbatch.y > 80) {
towerbufferbackground_meshbatch.y = 0;
map.tdrawback = true;
public function drawtowermap(game:gameclass, map:mapclass):void {
if (game.deathseq > 0) { forcefronttowerupdate = 20; }
if (map.scrolldir == 1) {
if (maptdrawfront || lasttowercolstate_front != map.colstate || forcefronttowerupdate > 0) {
towerbufferforeground_meshbatch.y = 0;
towerfront_lastypos = map.ypos;
for (j = 0; j < 40; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
temp = map.tower.at(i, j, map.ypos);
if (temp > 0) drawtile3_batch(i * 8, (j * 8) - (map.ypos % 8), temp, map.colstate);
maptdrawfront = false;
lasttowercolstate_front = map.colstate;
if (forcefronttowerupdate > 0) forcefronttowerupdate--;
}else {
//just scroll down a bit
towerbufferforeground_meshbatch.y = -int(map.ypos - towerfront_lastypos);
if (towerbufferforeground_meshbatch.y < -80) {
towerbufferforeground_meshbatch.y = 0;
maptdrawfront = true;
if (maptdrawfront || lasttowercolstate_front != map.colstate || forcefronttowerupdate > 0) {
towerbufferforeground_meshbatch.y = 0;
towerfront_lastypos = map.ypos;
for (j = -10; j < 30; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
temp = map.tower.at(i, j, map.ypos);
if (temp > 0) drawtile3_batch(i * 8, (j * 8) - (map.ypos % 8), temp, map.colstate);
maptdrawfront = false;
lasttowercolstate_front = map.colstate;
if (forcefronttowerupdate > 0) forcefronttowerupdate--;
}else {
//just scroll down a bit
towerbufferforeground_meshbatch.y = -int(map.ypos - towerfront_lastypos);
if (towerbufferforeground_meshbatch.y > 80) {
towerbufferforeground_meshbatch.y = 0;
maptdrawfront = true;
public function drawtowermap_nobackground(map:mapclass):void {
for (j = 0; j < 30; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
temp = map.tower.at(i, j, map.ypos);
if (temp > 0 && temp<28) drawtile3_batch(i * 8, (j * 8) - (map.ypos % 8), temp, map.colstate);
public function drawtowerspikes(map:mapclass):void {
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
drawtile3(i * 8, -8 + map.spikeleveltop, 9, map.colstate);
drawtile3(i * 8, 230 - map.spikelevelbottom, 8, map.colstate);
public function drawtowerentities(map:mapclass, obj:entityclass, help:helpclass):void {
//Update line colours!
if (linedelay <= 0) {
if (linestate >= 10) linestate = 0;
linedelay = 2;
}else {
var j:int, k:int;
for (var i:int = 0; i < obj.nentity; i++) {
if (!obj.entities[i].invis && obj.entities[i].active) {
if (obj.entities[i].size == 0) { // Sprites
tposition.translate(obj.entities[i].xp, obj.entities[i].yp - map.ypos);
setcol(obj.entities[i].colour, help);
sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe].color = ct.color;
backbuffer.draw(sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
if (!map.minitowermode) {
if ( map.ypos >= 500 && map.ypos <= 5000) { //The "wrapping" area of the tower
if (tpoint.x < 0) {
tposition.translate(obj.entities[i].xp + 320, obj.entities[i].yp - map.ypos);
backbuffer.draw(sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
if (tpoint.x > 300) {
tposition.translate(obj.entities[i].xp - 320, obj.entities[i].yp - map.ypos);
backbuffer.draw(sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 1) { // Tiles
tposition.translate(obj.entities[i].xp, obj.entities[i].yp - map.ypos);
backbuffer.draw(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 2) { // Special: Moving platform, 4 tiles
tposition.translate(obj.entities[i].xp, obj.entities[i].yp - map.ypos);
backbuffer.draw(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.translate(obj.entities[i].xp + 8, obj.entities[i].yp - map.ypos);
backbuffer.draw(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.translate(obj.entities[i].xp + 16, obj.entities[i].yp - map.ypos);
backbuffer.draw(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.translate(obj.entities[i].xp + 24, obj.entities[i].yp - map.ypos);
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 3) { // Big chunky pixels!
prect.x = obj.entities[i].xp; prect.y = obj.entities[i].yp-map.ypos;
//A seperate index of colours, for simplicity
if (obj.entities[i].colour == 1) {
drawfillrect(prect.x, prect.y, prect.width, prect.height, 196 - (Math.random() * 64), 10, 10);
}else if (obj.entities[i].colour == 2) {
drawfillrect(prect.x, prect.y, prect.width, prect.height, 160- help.glow/2 - (Math.random()*20), 200- help.glow/2, 220 - help.glow);
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 4) { // Small pickups
drawhuetile(obj.entities[i].xp, obj.entities[i].yp-map.ypos, obj.entities[i].tile, obj.entities[i].colour);
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 5) { //Horizontal Line
line_rect.x = obj.entities[i].xp; line_rect.y = obj.entities[i].yp-map.ypos;
line_rect.width = obj.entities[i].w; line_rect.height = 1;
drawgravityline(i, obj);
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 6) { //Vertical Line
line_rect.x = obj.entities[i].xp; line_rect.y = obj.entities[i].yp-map.ypos;
line_rect.width = 1; line_rect.height = obj.entities[i].h;
drawgravityline(i, obj);
public function drawbackground(t:int, map:mapclass):void {
switch(t) {
case 1:
drawfillrect(0, 0, 320, 240, 0, 0, 0);
for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
if (starsspeed[i] <= 6) {
drawfillrect(stars[i].x, stars[i].y, stars[i].width, stars[i].height, 34, 34, 34);
}else {
drawfillrect(stars[i].x, stars[i].y, stars[i].width, stars[i].height, 85, 85, 85);
stars[i].x -= starsspeed[i];
if (stars[i].x < -10) {
stars[i].x += 340;
stars[i].y = Math.random() * 240;
starsspeed[i] = 4 + (Math.random()*4);
case 2:
i = 0;
switch(rcol) {
//Akward ordering to match tileset
case 0: bcol2 = RGB(0, 16*backboxint[i], 16*backboxint[i]); break; //Cyan
case 1: bcol2 = RGB(16*backboxint[i], 0, 0); break; //Red
case 2: bcol2 = RGB(16*backboxint[i], 0, 16*backboxint[i]); break; //Purple
case 3: bcol2 = RGB(0, 0, 16*backboxint[i]); break; //Blue
case 4: bcol2 = RGB(16*backboxint[i], 16*backboxint[i], 0); break; //Yellow
case 5: bcol2 = RGB(0, 16 * backboxint[i], 0); break; //Green
case 6:
//crazy case
if (spcoldel <= 0) {
spcoldel = 15;
if (spcol >= 12) spcol = 0;
switch(spcol) {
case 0: bcol2 = RGB(0, 16 * backboxint[i], 16 * backboxint[i]); break; //Cyan
case 1: bcol2 = RGB(0, (spcoldel+1)*backboxint[i], 16*backboxint[i]); break; //Cyan
case 2: bcol2 = RGB(0, 0, 16*backboxint[i]); break; //Blue
case 3: bcol2 = RGB((16-spcoldel)*backboxint[i], 0, 16*backboxint[i]); break; //Blue
case 4: bcol2 = RGB(16*backboxint[i], 0, 16*backboxint[i]); break; //Purple
case 5: bcol2 = RGB(16*backboxint[i], 0, (spcoldel+1)*backboxint[i]); break; //Purple
case 6: bcol2 = RGB(16*backboxint[i], 0, 0); break; //Red
case 7: bcol2 = RGB(16*backboxint[i], (16-spcoldel)*backboxint[i], 0); break; //Red
case 8: bcol2 = RGB(16*backboxint[i], 16*backboxint[i], 0); break; //Yellow
case 9: bcol2 = RGB((spcoldel+1)*backboxint[i], 16*backboxint[i], 0); break; //Yellow
case 10: bcol2 = RGB(0, 16 * backboxint[i], 0); break; //Green
case 11: bcol2 = RGB(0, 16 * backboxint[i], (16-spcoldel)*backboxint[i]); break; //Green
for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
switch(rcol) {
//Akward ordering to match tileset
case 0: bcol = RGB(16, 128*backboxint[i], 128*backboxint[i]); break; //Cyan
case 1: bcol = RGB(128*backboxint[i], 16, 16); break; //Red
case 2: bcol = RGB(128*backboxint[i], 16, 128*backboxint[i]); break; //Purple
case 3: bcol = RGB(16, 16, 128*backboxint[i]); break; //Blue
case 4: bcol = RGB(128*backboxint[i], 128*backboxint[i], 16); break; //Yellow
case 5: bcol = RGB(16, 128 * backboxint[i], 16); break; //Green
case 6:
//crazy case
switch(spcol) {
case 0: bcol = RGB(16, 128*backboxint[i], 128*backboxint[i]); break; //Cyan
case 1: bcol = RGB(16, ((spcoldel+1)*8)*backboxint[i], 128*backboxint[i]); break; //Cyan
case 2: bcol = RGB(16, 16, 128*backboxint[i]); break; //Blue
case 3: bcol = RGB((128-(spcoldel*8))*backboxint[i], 16, 128*backboxint[i]); break; //Blue
case 4: bcol = RGB(128*backboxint[i], 16, 128*backboxint[i]); break; //Purple
case 5: bcol = RGB(128*backboxint[i], 16, ((spcoldel+1)*8)*backboxint[i]); break; //Purple
case 6: bcol = RGB(128*backboxint[i], 16, 16); break; //Red
case 7: bcol = RGB(128*backboxint[i], (128-(spcoldel*8))*backboxint[i], 16); break; //Red
case 8: bcol = RGB(128*backboxint[i], 128*backboxint[i], 16); break; //Yellow
case 9: bcol = RGB(((spcoldel+1)*8)*backboxint[i], 128*backboxint[i], 16); break; //Yellow
case 10: bcol = RGB(16, 128 * backboxint[i], 16); break; //Green
case 11: bcol = RGB(16, 128 * backboxint[i], (128-(spcoldel*8))*backboxint[i]); break; //Green
drawfillrect(backboxes[i].x, backboxes[i].y, backboxes[i].width, backboxes[i].height, bcol);
backboxrect.x = backboxes[i].x + 1; backboxrect.y = backboxes[i].y + 1;
backboxrect.width = backboxes[i].width - 2; backboxrect.height = backboxes[i].height - 2;
drawfillrect(backboxrect.x, backboxrect.y, backboxrect.width, backboxrect.height, bcol2);
backboxes[i].x += backboxvx[i];
backboxes[i].y += backboxvy[i];
if (backboxes[i].x < -40) { backboxes[i].x = 320; backboxes[i].y = Math.random() * 240; }
if (backboxes[i].x > 320) { backboxes[i].x = -32; backboxes[i].y = Math.random() * 240; }
if (backboxes[i].y < -40) { backboxes[i].y = 240; backboxes[i].x = Math.random() * 320; }
if (backboxes[i].y > 260) { backboxes[i].y = -32; backboxes[i].x = Math.random() * 320; }
case 3: //Warp zone (horizontal)
backoffset += 3; if (backoffset >= 16) backoffset -= 16;
if (forcewarpzonehorizontalupdate > 0) {
warpzonehorizontal_meshbatch.x = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 15; j++) {
for (i = -1; i < 21; i++) {
temp = 680 + (rcol * 3);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int((i * 16) - backoffset), int(j * 16));
warpzonehorizontal_meshbatch.addMesh(tiles2[temp+40], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int((i * 16) - backoffset + 8), int((j * 16)));
warpzonehorizontal_meshbatch.addMesh(tiles2[temp + 41], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int((i * 16) - backoffset), int((j * 16) + 8));
warpzonehorizontal_meshbatch.addMesh(tiles2[temp + 80], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int((i * 16) - backoffset + 8), int((j * 16) + 8));
warpzonehorizontal_meshbatch.addMesh(tiles2[temp + 81], tposition);
}else {
warpzonehorizontal_meshbatch.x = backoffset;
case 4: //Warp zone (vertical)
backoffset += 3;
if (backoffset >= 16) backoffset -= 16;
if (forcewarpzoneverticalupdate > 0) {
warpzonevertical_meshbatch.y = 0;
for (j = -1; j < 16; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
temp = 760 + (rcol * 3);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int((i * 16)), int((j * 16) - backoffset));
warpzonevertical_meshbatch.addMesh(tiles2[temp+40], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int((i * 16) + 8), int((j * 16) - backoffset));
warpzonevertical_meshbatch.addMesh(tiles2[temp + 41], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int((i * 16)), int((j * 16) - backoffset + 8));
warpzonevertical_meshbatch.addMesh(tiles2[temp + 80], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int((i * 16) + 8), int((j * 16) - backoffset + 8));
warpzonevertical_meshbatch.addMesh(tiles2[temp + 81], tposition);
}else {
warpzonevertical_meshbatch.y = backoffset;
//backbuffer.copyPixels(towerbuffer, towerbuffer.rect, tl);
case 5:
//Warp zone, central
switch(rcol) {
//Akward ordering to match tileset
case 0: warpbcol = 0x0A100E; warpfcol = 0x102221; break; //Cyan
case 1: warpbcol = 0x11090B; warpfcol = 0x221011; break; //Red
case 2: warpbcol = 0x0F0A10; warpfcol = 0x221022; break; //Purple
case 3: warpbcol = 0x0A0B10; warpfcol = 0x101022; break; //Blue
case 4: warpbcol = 0x100D0A; warpfcol = 0x221E10; break; //Yellow
case 5: warpbcol = 0x0D100A; warpfcol = 0x142210; break; //Green
case 6: warpbcol = 0x0A0A0A; warpfcol = 0x121212; break; //Gray
backoffset += 1;
if (backoffset >= 16) {
backoffset -= 16;
warpskip = (warpskip + 1) % 2;
for (i = 10; i >= 0; i--) {
temp = (i << 4) + backoffset;
setwarprect(160 - temp, 120 - temp, temp * 2, temp * 2);
if (i % 2 == warpskip) {
drawfillrect(warprect.x, warprect.y, warprect.width, warprect.height, warpbcol);
}else {
drawfillrect(warprect.x, warprect.y, warprect.width, warprect.height, warpfcol);
case 6:
//Final Starfield
for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
if (starsspeed[i] <= 8) {
drawfillrect(stars[i].x, stars[i].y, stars[i].width, stars[i].height, 0x222222);
}else {
drawfillrect(stars[i].x, stars[i].y, stars[i].width, stars[i].height, 0x555555);
stars[i].y -= starsspeed[i];
if (stars[i].y < -10) {
stars[i].y += 260;
stars[i].x = Math.random() * 320;
starsspeed[i] = 5+(Math.random()*5);
case 7:
//Static, unscrolling section of the tower
if (forcetowerstaticupdate > 0) {
for (j = 0; j < 30; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
tposition.translate(int(i * 8), int(j * 8));
towerbufferstatic_meshbatch.addMesh(tiles3[map.tower.backat(i, j, 200) + (15 * 30)], tposition);
}else {
case 8:
//Static, unscrolling section of the tower
if (forcetowerstaticupdate > 0) {
for (j = 0; j < 30; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
tposition.translate(int(i * 8), int(j * 8));
towerbufferstatic_meshbatch.addMesh(tiles3[map.tower.backat(i, j, 200) + (15 * 10)], tposition);
}else {
case 9:
//Static, unscrolling section of the tower
if (forcetowerstaticupdate > 0) {
for (j = 0; j < 30; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
tposition.translate(int(i * 8), int(j * 8));
towerbufferstatic_meshbatch.addMesh(tiles3[map.tower.backat(i, j, 600)], tposition);
}else {
drawfillrect(0, 0, 320, 240, 0, 0, 0);
public function textbox_drawimage(t:int, xp:int, yp:int, cent:Boolean=false):void {
trace("dwgfx.textbox_drawimage() is not implemented yet");
public function drawimage(t:int, xp:int, yp:int, cent:Boolean=false):void {
if (cent) {
tposition.translate(160 - int(images[t].width / 2), yp);
backbuffer.draw(images[t], tposition);
}else {
tposition.translate(xp, yp);
backbuffer.draw(images[t], tposition);
public function drawmobileimage(t:int, xp:int, yp:int, cent:Boolean=false):void {
if (cent) {
tposition.translate(160 - int(mobileimages[t].width / 2), yp);
backbuffer.draw(mobileimages[t], tposition);
}else {
tposition.translate(xp, yp);
backbuffer.draw(mobileimages[t], tposition);
public function drawmobilehands(t:int, xp:int, yp:int):void {
tposition.translate(xp, yp);
backbuffer.draw(mobileimages[t], tposition);
public function drawplayerlevelimage(t:int, xp:int, yp:int):void {
tposition.translate(xp, yp);
backbuffer.draw(playerlevelimages[t], tposition);
public function drawimagecol(t:int, xp:int, yp:int, r:int, g:int, b:int, cent:Boolean = false):void {
if (cent) {
tposition.translate(160 - int(images[t].width / 2), yp);
images[t].color = RGB(r, g, b);
backbuffer.draw(images[t], tposition);
}else {
tposition.translate(xp, yp);
images[t].color = RGB(r, g, b);
backbuffer.draw(images[t], tposition);
public function crewcolour(t:int):int {
//given crewmate t, return colour in setcol
if (t == 0) return 0;
if (t == 1) return 20;
if (t == 2) return 14;
if (t == 3) return 15;
if (t == 4) return 13;
if (t == 5) return 16;
return 0;
public function setcol(t:int, help:helpclass):void {
//Setup predefinied colours as per our zany palette
switch(t) {
//Player Normal
case 0: ct.color = RGB(160- help.glow/2 - (Math.random()*20), 200- help.glow/2, 220 - help.glow); break;
//Player Hurt
case 1: ct.color = RGB(196 - (Math.random() * 64), 10, 10); break;
//Enemies and stuff
case 2: ct.color = RGB(225-(help.glow/2), 75, 30); break;
case 3: //Trinket
if (!trinketcolset) {
trinketr = 200 - (Math.random() * 64);
trinketg = 200 - (Math.random() * 128);
trinketb = 164 + (Math.random() * 60);
trinketcolset = true;
ct.color = RGB(trinketr, trinketg, trinketb);
case 4: //Inactive savepoint
temp = (help.glow/2) + (Math.random() * 8);
ct.color = RGB(80 + temp, 80 + temp, 80 + temp);
case 5: //Active savepoint
ct.color = RGB(164+(Math.random()*64),164+(Math.random()*64), 255-(Math.random()*64))
case 6: //Enemy : Red
ct.color = RGB(250 - help.glow/2, 60- help.glow/2, 60 - help.glow/2);
case 7: //Enemy : Green
ct.color = RGB(100 - help.glow/2 - (Math.random()*30), 250 - help.glow/2, 100 - help.glow/2 - (Math.random()*30));
case 8: //Enemy : Purple
ct.color = RGB(250 - help.glow/2, 20, 128 - help.glow/2 + (Math.random()*30));
case 9: //Enemy : Yellow
ct.color = RGB(250 - help.glow/2, 250 - help.glow/2, 20);
case 10: //Warp point (white)
ct.color = RGB(255 - (Math.random() * 64), 255 - (Math.random() * 64), 255 - (Math.random() * 64));
case 11: //Enemy : Cyan
ct.color = RGB(20, 250 - help.glow/2, 250 - help.glow/2);
case 12: //Enemy : Blue
ct.color = RGB(90- help.glow/2, 90 - help.glow/2, 250 - help.glow/2);
//Crew Members
case 13: ct.color = RGB(120- help.glow/4 - (Math.random()*20), 220 - help.glow/4, 120- help.glow/4); break;
case 14: ct.color = RGB(220- help.glow/4 - (Math.random()*20), 210 - help.glow/4, 120- help.glow/4); break;
case 15: ct.color = RGB(255 - help.glow/8, 70 - help.glow/4, 70 - help.glow / 4); break;
case 16: ct.color = RGB(75, 75, 255- help.glow/4 - (Math.random()*20)); break;
case 17: //Enemy : Orange
ct.color = RGB(250 - help.glow/2, 130 - help.glow/2, 20);
case 18: //Enemy : Gray
ct.color = RGB(130- help.glow/2, 130 - help.glow/2, 130 - help.glow/2);
case 19: //Enemy : Dark gray
ct.color = RGB(60- help.glow/8, 60 - help.glow/8, 60 - help.glow/8);
case 20: ct.color = RGB(220 - help.glow / 4 - (Math.random() * 20), 120 - help.glow / 4, 210 - help.glow / 4); break;
case 21: //Enemy : Light Gray
ct.color = RGB(180- help.glow/2, 180 - help.glow/2, 180 - help.glow/2);
case 22: //Enemy : Indicator Gray
ct.color = RGB(230- help.glow/2, 230- help.glow/2, 230- help.glow/2);
case 23: //Enemy : Indicator Gray
ct.color = RGB(255- help.glow/2 - (Math.random() * 40) , 255- help.glow/2 - (Math.random() * 40), 255- help.glow/2 - (Math.random() * 40));
case 30: ct.color = RGBf(160, 200, 220); break;
case 31: ct.color = RGBf(220, 120, 210); break;
case 32: ct.color = RGBf(220, 210, 120); break;
case 33: ct.color = RGBf(255, 70, 70); break;
case 34: ct.color = RGBf(120, 220, 120); break;
case 35: ct.color = RGBf(75, 75, 255); break;
case 36: ct.color = RGB(180, 120, 20); break;
case 37: //Trinket
if (!trinketcolset) {
trinketr = 200 - (Math.random() * 64);
trinketg = 200 - (Math.random() * 128);
trinketb = 164 + (Math.random() * 60);
trinketcolset = true;
ct.color = RGBf(trinketr, trinketg, trinketb);
case 38: ct.color = RGBf(196, 196, 196); break;
case 39: ct.color = RGBf(128, 64, 10); break;
case 40: //Teleporter in action!
temp = Math.random() * 150;
ct.color = RGBf(255 - (Math.random() * 64), 64 + (Math.random() * 64), 64 + (Math.random() * 64));
}else if (temp < 66) {
ct.color = RGBf(64 + (Math.random() * 64), 255 - (Math.random() * 64), 64 + (Math.random() * 64));
}else if (temp < 100) {
ct.color = RGBf(64 + (Math.random() * 64), 64 + (Math.random() * 64), 255 - (Math.random() * 64));
}else {
ct.color = RGBf(164+(Math.random()*64),164+(Math.random()*64), 255-(Math.random()*64))
case 100: //Inactive Teleporter
temp = (help.glow/2) + (Math.random() * 8);
ct.color = RGB(42 + temp, 42 + temp, 42 + temp);
case 101: //Active Teleporter
ct.color = RGB(164+(Math.random()*64),164+(Math.random()*64), 255-(Math.random()*64))
case 102: //Teleporter in action!
temp = Math.random() * 150;
ct.color = RGB(255 - (Math.random() * 64), 64 + (Math.random() * 64), 64 + (Math.random() * 64));
}else if (temp < 66) {
ct.color = RGB(64 + (Math.random() * 64), 255 - (Math.random() * 64), 64 + (Math.random() * 64));
}else if (temp < 100) {
ct.color = RGB(64 + (Math.random() * 64), 64 + (Math.random() * 64), 255 - (Math.random() * 64));
}else {
ct.color = RGB(164+(Math.random()*64),164+(Math.random()*64), 255-(Math.random()*64))
default: ct.color = 0xFFFFFF; break;
public function setcolreal(t:int):void {
ct.color = t;
public function textbox_drawcoloredtile(x:int, y:int, t:int, r:int, g:int, b:int):void {
trace("dwgfx.textbox_drawcoloredtile() is not implemented yet");
public function drawcoloredtile(x:int, y:int, t:int, r:int, g:int, b:int):void {
tposition.translate(x, y);
tiles[t].color = RGB(r, g, b);
backbuffer.draw(tiles[t], tposition);
public function drawhuetile(x:int, y:int, t:int, c:int):void {
tposition.translate(x, y);
switch(c) {
case 0: tiles[t].color = RGB(250-(Math.random()*32), 250-(Math.random()*32), 10); break;
case 1: tiles[t].color = RGB(250-(Math.random()*32), 250-(Math.random()*32), 10); break;
default: tiles[t].color = RGB(250-(Math.random()*32), 250-(Math.random()*32), 10); break;
backbuffer.draw(tiles[t], tposition);
public function drawcrewman(x:int, y:int, t:int, act:Boolean, help:helpclass, noshift:Boolean=false):void {
if (!act) {
if (noshift) {
if (flipmode) { drawspritesetcol(x, y, 14, 19, help);
}else{ drawspritesetcol(x, y, 12, 19, help); }
if (flipmode) { drawspritesetcol(x - 8, y, 14, 19, help);
}else{ drawspritesetcol(x - 8, y, 12, 19, help); }
}else {
if (flipmode) crewframe += 6;
switch(t) {
case 0: drawspritesetcol(x, y, crewframe, 0, help); break;
case 1: drawspritesetcol(x, y, crewframe, 20, help); break;
case 2: drawspritesetcol(x, y, crewframe, 14, help); break;
case 3: drawspritesetcol(x, y, crewframe, 15, help); break;
case 4: drawspritesetcol(x, y, crewframe, 13, help); break;
case 5: drawspritesetcol(x, y, crewframe, 16, help); break;
if (flipmode) crewframe -= 6;
public function drawtrophytext(obj:entityclass, help:helpclass):void {
if (obj.trophytext < 15) {
temp = (196 * obj.trophytext) / 15; temp2 = (196 * obj.trophytext) / 15; temp3 = ((255 - help.glow) * obj.trophytext) / 15;
}else { temp = 196; temp2 = 196; temp3 = 255 - help.glow; }
switch(obj.trophytype) {
case 1:
print( -1, 6, "SPACE STATION 1 MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 2:
print( -1, 6, "LABORATORY MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 3:
print( -1, 6, "THE TOWER MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 4:
print( -1, 6, "SPACE STATION 2 MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 5:
print( -1, 6, "WARP ZONE MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 6:
print( -1, 6, "FINAL LEVEL MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 7:
print( -1, 6, "GAME COMPLETE", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
print( -1, 16, "Complete the game", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 8:
print( -1, 6, "FLIP MODE COMPLETE", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
print( -1, 16, "Complete the game in flip mode", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 9:
print( -1, 11, "Win with less than 50 deaths", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 10:
print( -1, 11, "Win with less than 100 deaths", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 11:
print( -1, 11, "Win with less than 250 deaths", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 12:
print( -1, 11, "Win with less than 500 deaths", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 13:
print( -1, 11, "Last 5 seconds on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 14:
print( -1, 11, "Last 10 seconds on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 15:
print( -1, 11, "Last 15 seconds on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 16:
print( -1, 11, "Last 20 seconds on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 17:
print( -1, 11, "Last 30 seconds on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 18:
print( -1, 11, "Last 1 minute on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 20:
print( -1, 6, "MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
print( -1, 16, "Complete the game in no death mode", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
public function drawsprite(x:int, y:int, t:int, r:int, g:int, b:int):void {
sprites[t].color = RGB(r, g, b);
tposition.translate(x, y);
backbuffer.draw(sprites[t], tposition);
public function textbox_drawsprite(x:int, y:int, t:int, r:int, g:int, b:int):void {
trace("dwgfx.textbox_drawsprite() is not implemented yet");
public function drawgravityline(t:int, obj:entityclass):void {
if (obj.entities[t].life == 0) {
switch(linestate) {
case 0: drawfillrect(line_rect.x, line_rect.y, line_rect.width, line_rect.height, 200 - 20, 200 - 20, 200 - 20); break;
case 1: drawfillrect(line_rect.x, line_rect.y, line_rect.width, line_rect.height, 225 - 30, 245 - 30, 245 - 30); break;
case 2: drawfillrect(line_rect.x, line_rect.y, line_rect.width, line_rect.height, 245 - 30, 245 - 30, 225 - 30); break;
case 3: drawfillrect(line_rect.x, line_rect.y, line_rect.width, line_rect.height, 164 - 10, 200 - 20, 200 - 20); break;
case 4: drawfillrect(line_rect.x, line_rect.y, line_rect.width, line_rect.height, 224 - 20, 255 - 30, 196 - 20); break;
case 5: drawfillrect(line_rect.x, line_rect.y, line_rect.width, line_rect.height, 205 - 20, 235 - 30, 196 - 20); break;
case 6: drawfillrect(line_rect.x, line_rect.y, line_rect.width, line_rect.height, 164 - 10, 164 - 10, 164 - 10); break;
case 7: drawfillrect(line_rect.x, line_rect.y, line_rect.width, line_rect.height, 225 - 30, 245 - 30, 205 - 20); break;
case 8: drawfillrect(line_rect.x, line_rect.y, line_rect.width, line_rect.height, 205 - 20, 255 - 30, 225 - 30); break;
case 9: drawfillrect(line_rect.x, line_rect.y, line_rect.width, line_rect.height, 245 - 30, 245 - 30, 245 - 30); break;
drawfillrect(line_rect.x, line_rect.y, line_rect.width, line_rect.height, 96, 96, 96);
public function drawentities(map:mapclass, obj:entityclass, help:helpclass):void {
//Update line colours!
if (linedelay <= 0) {
if (linestate >= 10) linestate = 0;
linedelay = 2;
}else {
var j:int, k:int;
for (var i:int = obj.nentity - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!obj.entities[i].invis && obj.entities[i].active) {
if (obj.entities[i].size == 0) { // Sprites
if (flipmode) {
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
setcol(obj.entities[i].colour, help);
flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe].color = ct.color;
backbuffer.draw(flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
if (map.warpx) {
if (tpoint.x < 0) {
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp) + 320, int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
if (tpoint.x > 300) {
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp) - 320, int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
}else if (map.warpy) {
if (tpoint.y < 0) {
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp) + 230);
backbuffer.draw(flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
if (tpoint.y > 210) {
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp) - 230);
backbuffer.draw(flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
}else {
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
setcol(obj.entities[i].colour, help);
sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe].color = ct.color;
backbuffer.draw(sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
if (map.warpx) {
if (tpoint.x < 0) {
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp) + 320, int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
if (tpoint.x > 300) {
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp) - 320, int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
}else if (map.warpy) {
if (tpoint.y < 0) {
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp) + 230);
backbuffer.draw(sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
if (tpoint.y > 210) {
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp) - 230);
backbuffer.draw(sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 1) { // Tiles
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 2) { // Special: Moving platform, 4 tiles
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
if (map.custommode) {
backbuffer.draw(entcolours[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp) + 8, int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(entcolours[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp) + 16, int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(entcolours[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition)
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp) + 24, int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(entcolours[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition)
}else {
backbuffer.draw(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp) + 8, int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp) + 16, int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition)
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp) + 24, int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition)
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 3) { // Big chunky pixels!
prect.x = int(obj.entities[i].xp); prect.y = int(obj.entities[i].yp);
//A seperate index of colours, for simplicity
if (obj.entities[i].colour == 1) {
drawfillrect(prect.x, prect.y, prect.width, prect.height, 196 - (Math.random() * 64), 10, 10);
}else if (obj.entities[i].colour == 2) {
drawfillrect(prect.x, prect.y, prect.width, prect.height, 160 - help.glow / 2 - (Math.random() * 20), 200 - help.glow / 2, 220 - help.glow);
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 4) { // Small pickups
drawhuetile(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp), obj.entities[i].tile, obj.entities[i].colour);
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 5) { //Horizontal Line
line_rect.x = int(obj.entities[i].xp); line_rect.y = int(obj.entities[i].yp);
line_rect.width = obj.entities[i].w; line_rect.height = 1;
drawgravityline(i, obj);
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 6) { //Vertical Line
line_rect.x = int(obj.entities[i].xp); line_rect.y = int(obj.entities[i].yp);
line_rect.width = 1; line_rect.height = obj.entities[i].h;
drawgravityline(i, obj);
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 7) { //Teleporter
drawtele(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp), obj.entities[i].drawframe, obj.entities[i].colour, help);
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 8) { // Special: Moving platform, 8 tiles
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
if (map.custommode) {
backbuffer.draw(entcolours[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp + 8), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(entcolours[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp + 16), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(entcolours[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp + 24), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(entcolours[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp + 32), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(entcolours[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp + 40), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(entcolours[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp + 48), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(entcolours[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp + 56), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(entcolours[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
backbuffer.draw(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp + 8), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp + 16), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp + 24), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp + 32), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp + 40), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp + 48), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.identity(); tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp + 56), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
backbuffer.draw(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 9) { // Really Big Sprite! (2x2)
if (flipmode) {
setcol(obj.entities[i].colour, help);
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe].color = ct.color;
backbuffer.draw(flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp) + 32, int(obj.entities[i].yp));
flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 1].color = ct.color;
backbuffer.draw(flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 1], tposition);
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp) + 32);
flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 12].color = ct.color;
backbuffer.draw(flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 12], tposition);
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp) + 32, int(obj.entities[i].yp) + 32);
flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 13].color = ct.color;
backbuffer.draw(flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 13], tposition);
setcol(obj.entities[i].colour, help);
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe].color = ct.color;
backbuffer.draw(sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp) + 32, int(obj.entities[i].yp));
sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 1].color = ct.color;
backbuffer.draw(sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 1], tposition);
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp) + 32);
sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 12].color = ct.color;
backbuffer.draw(sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 12], tposition);
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp) + 32, int(obj.entities[i].yp) + 32);
sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 13].color = ct.color;
backbuffer.draw(sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 13], tposition);
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 10) { // 2x1 Sprite
if (flipmode) {
setcol(obj.entities[i].colour, help);
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe].color = ct.color;
backbuffer.draw(flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp) + 32, int(obj.entities[i].yp));
flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 1].color = ct.color;
backbuffer.draw(flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 1], tposition);
setcol(obj.entities[i].colour, help);
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe].color = ct.color;
backbuffer.draw(sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp) + 32, int(obj.entities[i].yp));
sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 1].color = ct.color;
backbuffer.draw(sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 1], tposition);
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 11) { //The fucking elephant
setcol(obj.entities[i].colour, help);
images[3].color = ct.color;
drawimage(3, int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 12) { // Regular sprites that don't wrap
if (flipmode) {
//forget this for a minute;
tpoint.x = int(obj.entities[i].xp); tpoint.y = int(obj.entities[i].yp);
setcol(obj.entities[i].colour, help);
flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe].color = ct.color;
tposition.translate(tpoint.x, tpoint.y);
backbuffer.draw(flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
//if we're outside the screen, we need to draw indicators
if (obj.entities[i].xp < -20 && obj.entities[i].vx > 0) {
if (obj.entities[i].xp < -100) {
tpoint.x = -5 + (int(( -obj.entities[i].xp) / 10));
tpoint.x = 5;
tpoint.y = tpoint.y+4;
setcol(23, help);
tiles[1167].color = ct.color;
tposition.translate(tpoint.x, tpoint.y);
backbuffer.draw(tiles[1167], tposition);
}else if (obj.entities[i].xp > 340 && obj.entities[i].vx < 0) {
if (obj.entities[i].xp > 420) {
tpoint.x = 320 - (int(( obj.entities[i].xp-320) / 10));
tpoint.x = 310;
tpoint.y = tpoint.y+4;
setcol(23, help);
tiles[1166].color = ct.color;
tposition.translate(tpoint.x, tpoint.y);
backbuffer.draw(tiles[1166], tposition);
tpoint.x = int(obj.entities[i].xp); tpoint.y = int(obj.entities[i].yp);
setcol(obj.entities[i].colour, help);
sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe].color = ct.color;
tposition.translate(tpoint.x, tpoint.y);
backbuffer.draw(sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
//if we're outside the screen, we need to draw indicators
if (obj.entities[i].xp < -20 && obj.entities[i].vx > 0) {
if (obj.entities[i].xp < -100) {
tpoint.x = -5 + (int(( -obj.entities[i].xp) / 10));
tpoint.x = 5;
tpoint.y = tpoint.y+4;
setcol(23, help);
tiles[1167].color = ct.color;
tposition.translate(tpoint.x, tpoint.y);
backbuffer.draw(tiles[1167], tposition);
}else if (obj.entities[i].xp > 340 && obj.entities[i].vx < 0) {
if (obj.entities[i].xp > 420) {
tpoint.x = 320 - (int(( obj.entities[i].xp-320) / 10));
tpoint.x = 310;
tpoint.y = tpoint.y+4;
setcol(23, help);
tiles[1166].color = ct.color;
tposition.translate(tpoint.x, tpoint.y);
backbuffer.draw(tiles[1166], tposition);
}else if (obj.entities[i].size == 13) { // Special for epilogue: huge hero!
if (flipmode) {
tposition.scale(6, 6);
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
setcol(obj.entities[i].colour, help);
flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe].color = ct.color;
backbuffer.draw(flipsprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
}else {
tposition.scale(6, 6);
tposition.translate(int(obj.entities[i].xp), int(obj.entities[i].yp));
setcol(obj.entities[i].colour, help);
sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe].color = ct.color;
backbuffer.draw(sprites[obj.entities[i].drawframe], tposition);
public function drawbuffertile(x:int, y:int, t:int):void {
trace("dwgfx.drawbuffertile() is not implemented yet");
public function drawforetile(x:int, y:int, t:int):void {
tposition.translate(x, y);
frontbuffer_meshbatch.addMesh(tiles[t], tposition);
public function drawforetile2(x:int, y:int, t:int):void {
tposition.translate(x, y);
frontbuffer_meshbatch.addMesh(tiles2[t], tposition);
public function drawforetile3(x:int, y:int, t:int, off:int):void {
tposition.translate(x, y);
frontbuffer_meshbatch.addMesh(tiles3[t+(off*30)], tposition);
public function drawtele(x:int, y:int, t:int, c:int, help:helpclass):void {
tele[0].color = RGB(16, 16, 16);
tposition.translate(x, y);
backbuffer.draw(tele[0], tposition);
setcol(c, help);
if (t > 9) t = 8; if (t < 0) t = 0;
tele[t].color = ct.color;
tposition.translate(x, y);
backbuffer.draw(tele[t], tposition);
public function drawtile(x:int, y:int, t:int):void {
tposition.translate(x, y);
backbuffer.draw(tiles[t], tposition);
public function drawtile2(x:int, y:int, t:int):void {
tposition.translate(x, y);
backbuffer.draw(tiles2[t], tposition);
public function drawtile3(x:int, y:int, t:int, off:int):void {
tposition.translate(x, y);
backbuffer.draw(tiles3[t + (off * 30)], tposition);
public function drawtile3_batch(x:int, y:int, t:int, off:int):void {
tposition.translate(x, y);
towerbufferforeground_meshbatch.addMesh(tiles3[t + (off * 30)], tposition);
public function drawtowertile3(x:int, y:int, t:int, off:int):void {
tposition.translate(x, y);
towerbufferbackground_meshbatch.addMesh(tiles3[t+(off*30)], tposition);
public function drawtowertile(x:int, y:int, t:int):void {
tposition.translate(x, y);
backbuffer.draw(tiles2[t], tposition);
public function drawmap(map:mapclass):void {
if (!foregrounddrawn) {
for (j = 0; j < 29+map.extrarow; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
if(map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]]>0) drawforetile(i * 8, j * 8, map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]]);
}else if (map.tileset == 1) {
for (j = 0; j < 29+map.extrarow; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
if(map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]]>0) drawforetile2(i * 8, j * 8, map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]]);
}else if (map.tileset == 2) {
for (j = 0; j < 29+map.extrarow; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
if(map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]]>0) drawforetile3(i * 8, j * 8, map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]],map.rcol);
foregrounddrawn = true;
public function drawfinalmap(map:mapclass):void {
//Update colour cycling for final level
if (map.final_colormode) {
if (map.final_aniframedelay == 0) foregrounddrawn = false;
if (map.final_aniframedelay <= 0) {
map.final_aniframedelay = 2;
if (map.final_aniframe >= 4) map.final_aniframe = 0;
if (!foregrounddrawn) {
for (j = 0; j < 29 + map.extrarow; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
if(map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]]>0) drawforetile(i * 8, j * 8, map.finalat(i,j));
}else if (map.tileset == 1) {
for (j = 0; j < 29+map.extrarow; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
if(map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]]>0) drawforetile2(i * 8, j * 8, map.finalat(i,j));
public function drawmaptileat(xp:int, yp:int, mapx:int, mapy:int, map:mapclass):void {
//Not used anymore, phew
trace("dwgfx.drawmaptileat() is not implemented yet");
public function drawminimap(game:gameclass, map:mapclass):void {
//Not used anymore, phew
trace("dwgfx.drawminimap() is not implemented yet");
public function drawrect(x:int, y:int, w:int, h:int, r:int, g:int, b:int):void {
//Draw the retangle indicated by that object
tquad.x = x; tquad.y = y;
tquad.width = w; tquad.height = 1;
tquad.color = RGB(r, g, b);
tquad.width = 1; tquad.height = h;
tquad.x = x + w - 1;
tquad.x = x; tquad.y = y + h - 1;
tquad.width = w; tquad.height = 1;
public function cls(c:int):void {
drawfillrect(0, 0, screenwidth, screenheight, c);
public function drawfillrect(x:int, y:int, w:int, h:int, r:int, g:int = -1, b:int = -1):void {
//Draw the retangle indicated by that object
tquad.x = x;
tquad.y = y;
tquad.width = w;
tquad.height = h;
if (b == -1) {
tquad.color = r;
tquad.color = RGB(r, g, b);
public function drawfillrect_onimage(img:RenderTexture, x:int, y:int, w:int, h:int, r:int, g:int = -1, b:int = -1):void {
//Draw the retangle indicated by that object
tquad.x = x;
tquad.y = y;
tquad.width = w;
tquad.height = h;
if (b == -1) {
tquad.color = r;
tquad.color = RGB(r, g, b);
public function printcrewname(x:int, y:int, t:int):void {
//Print the name of crew member t in the right colour
switch(t) {
case 0: print(x, y, "Viridian", 16, 240, 240); break;
case 1: print(x, y, "Violet", 240, 16, 240); break;
case 2: print(x, y, "Vitellary", 240, 240, 16); break;
case 3: print(x, y, "Vermilion", 240, 16, 16); break;
case 4: print(x, y, "Verdigris", 16, 240, 16); break;
case 5: print(x, y, "Victoria", 16, 16, 240); break;
public function printcrewnamestatus(x:int, y:int, t:int):void {
//Print the status of crew member t in the right colour
switch(t) {
case 0: print(x, y, "(that's you!)", 12, 140, 140); break;
case 1: print(x, y, "Rescued!", 140, 12, 140); break;
case 2: print(x, y, "Rescued!", 140, 140, 12); break;
case 3: print(x, y, "Rescued!", 140, 12, 12); break;
case 4: print(x, y, "Rescued!", 12, 140, 12); break;
case 5: print(x, y, "Rescued!", 12, 12, 140); break;
public function printcrewnamedark(x:int, y:int, t:int):void {
//Print the name of crew member t as above, but in black and white
switch(t) {
case 0: print(x, y, "Viridian", 128,128,128); break;
case 1: print(x, y, "Violet", 128,128,128); break;
case 2: print(x, y, "Vitellary", 128,128,128); break;
case 3: print(x, y, "Vermilion", 128,128,128); break;
case 4: print(x, y, "Verdigris", 128,128,128); break;
case 5: print(x, y, "Victoria", 128,128,128); break;
public function printmask(x:int, y:int, t:String, cen:Boolean = false):void {
trace("dwgfx.printmask() is not implemented yet");
public function textbox_print(x:int, y:int, t:String, r:int, g:int, b:int, cen:Boolean = false):void {
trace("dwgfx.textbox_print() is not implemented yet");
public function print(x:int, y:int, t:String, r:int, g:int, b:int, cen:Boolean = false):void {
if (r < 0) r = 0; if (g < 0) g = 0; if (b < 0) b = 0;
if (r > 255) r = 255; if (g > 255) g = 255; if (b > 255) b = 255;
if (cen) {
x = 0;
ttf.format.horizontalAlign = "center";
}else {
ttf.format.horizontalAlign = "left";
ttf.format.color = RGB(r, g, b);
ttf.text = t;
if (flipmode) {
tposition.scale(1, -1);
tposition.translate(x, y + 8);
backbuffer.draw(ttf, tposition);
tposition.translate(x, y);
backbuffer.draw(ttf, tposition);
public function rprint(x:int, y:int, t:String, r:int, g:int, b:int, cen:Boolean = false):void {
if (r < 0) r = 0; if (g < 0) g = 0; if (b < 0) b = 0;
if (r > 255) r = 255; if (g > 255) g = 255; if (b > 255) b = 255;
ttf.format.horizontalAlign = "right";
x = x - 320;
ttf.format.color = RGB(r, g, b);
ttf.text = t;
if (flipmode) {
tposition.scale(1, -1);
tposition.translate(x, y + 8);
backbuffer.draw(ttf, tposition);
}else {
tposition.translate(x, y);
backbuffer.draw(ttf, tposition);
public function printoff(x:int, y:int, t:String, r:int, g:int, b:int, cen:Boolean = false):void {
if (r < 0) r = 0; if (g < 0) g = 0; if (b < 0) b = 0;
if (r > 255) r = 255; if (g > 255) g = 255; if (b > 255) b = 255;
if (cen) {
ttf.format.horizontalAlign = "center";
}else {
ttf.format.horizontalAlign = "left";
ttf.format.color = RGB(r, g, b);
ttf.text = t;
if (flipmode) {
tposition.scale(1, -1);
tposition.translate(x, y + 8);
backbuffer.draw(ttf, tposition);
}else {
tposition.translate(x, y);
backbuffer.draw(ttf, tposition);
public function bprint(x:int, y:int, t:String, r:int, g:int, b:int, cen:Boolean = false):void {
//printmask(x, y, t, cen);
print(x, y - 1, t, 0, 0, 0, cen);
if (cen) {
printoff(-1, y, t, 0, 0, 0, cen); //kludge :i
printoff(1, y, t, 0, 0, 0, cen);
print(x-1, y, t, 0, 0, 0, cen);
print(x+1, y, t, 0, 0, 0, cen);
print(x, y+1, t, 0, 0, 0, cen);
print(x, y, t, r, g, b, cen);
public function printmasktemptile(x:int, y:int, t:String, cen:Boolean = false):void {
trace("dwgfx.printmasktemptile() is not implemented yet");
public function printtemptile(x:int, y:int, t:String, r:int, g:int, b:int, cen:Boolean = false):void {
trace("dwgfx.printtemptile() is not implemented yet");
public function onscreen(t:int):Boolean {
if (t >= -40 && t <= 280) return true;
return false;
public function bigrprint(x:int, y:int, t:String, r:int, g:int, b:int, cen:Boolean = false, sc:Number = 2):void {
if (r < 0) r = 0; if (g < 0) g = 0; if (b < 0) b = 0;
if (r > 255) r = 255; if (g > 255) g = 255; if (b > 255) b = 255;
ttf.format.horizontalAlign = "right";
x = x - 320;
ttf.format.color = RGB(r, g, b);
ttf.format.size = BitmapFont.NATIVE_SIZE * sc;
ttf.text = t;
if (flipmode) {
tposition.scale(1, -1);
tposition.translate(x, y + (8 * sc));
backbuffer.draw(ttf, tposition);
}else {
tposition.translate(x, y);
backbuffer.draw(ttf, tposition);
ttf.format.size = BitmapFont.NATIVE_SIZE;
public function bigprint(x:int, y:int, t:String, r:int, g:int, b:int, cen:Boolean = false, sc:Number = 2):void {
if (r < 0) r = 0; if (g < 0) g = 0; if (b < 0) b = 0;
if (r > 255) r = 255; if (g > 255) g = 255; if (b > 255) b = 255;
if (cen) {
x = 0;
ttf.format.horizontalAlign = "center";
}else {
ttf.format.horizontalAlign = "left";
ttf.format.color = RGB(r, g, b);
ttf.format.size = BitmapFont.NATIVE_SIZE * sc;
ttf.text = t;
if (flipmode) {
tposition.scale(1, -1);
tposition.translate(x, y + (8 * sc));
backbuffer.draw(ttf, tposition);
}else {
tposition.translate(x, y);
backbuffer.draw(ttf, tposition);
ttf.format.size = BitmapFont.NATIVE_SIZE;
public function len(t:String):int {
//For VVVVVV, we're using a fixed width font, so...
return t.length * 8;
public function flashlight():void {
drawfillrect(0, 0, 320, 240, 187, 187, 187);
public function screenshake():void {
if (flipmode) {
tposition.scale(1, -1);
tposition.translate(int((Math.random() * 7) - 4), screenheight + int((Math.random() * 7) - 4));
drawfillrect(0, 0, screenwidth, screenheight, 0, 0, 0);
backbuffer.draw(screenmenubuffer_image, tposition);
tposition.translate(int((Math.random() * 7) - 4), int((Math.random() * 7) - 4));
backbuffer.draw(screenmenubuffer_image, tposition);
public function render():void {
if (flipmode) {
tposition.scale(1, -1);
tposition.translate(0, screenheight);
screenmenubuffer.drawBundled(function():void {
backbuffer.draw(screenmenubuffer_image, tposition);
public function clear_menubuffer():void {
tquad.x = 0; tquad.y = 0;
tquad.width = screenwidth;
tquad.height = screenheight;
tquad.color = RGB(0, 0, 0);
menubuffer.drawBundled(function():void {
screenmenubuffer.drawBundled(function():void {
public function setup_menubuffer():void {
public function menuoffrender():void {
//The backbuffer currently contains the menu, so we save this...
//Then we draw the old in-game screen instead
//Finally, we draw the menu back on top of this, offset.
if (flipmode) {
tposition.scale(1, -1);
tposition.translate(0, screenheight + menuoffset);
backbuffer.draw(screenmenubuffer_image, tposition);
}else {
tposition.translate(0, menuoffset);
backbuffer.draw(screenmenubuffer_image, tposition);
public var tquad:Quad;
public var ttf:TextField;
public var tposition:Matrix;
public var starlingassets:AssetManager;
public var starstage:Stage
public var backgrounds:Vector.<Image> = new Vector.<Image>;
public var images:Vector.<Image> = new Vector.<Image>;
public var playerlevelimages:Vector.<Image> = new Vector.<Image>;
public var mobileimages:Vector.<Image> = new Vector.<Image>;
public var tele:Vector.<Image> = new Vector.<Image>;
public var tiles:Vector.<Image> = new Vector.<Image>;
public var tiles2:Vector.<Image> = new Vector.<Image>;
public var tiles3:Vector.<Image> = new Vector.<Image>;
public var sprites:Vector.<Image> = new Vector.<Image>;
public var flipsprites:Vector.<Image> = new Vector.<Image>;
public var sprites_bitmap:Vector.<BitmapData> = new Vector.<BitmapData>;
public var flipsprites_bitmap:Vector.<BitmapData> = new Vector.<BitmapData>;
public var entcolours:Vector.<Image> = new Vector.<Image>;
public var customminimap:RenderTexture;
public var cur:int;
public var ct:ColorTransform;
public var tiles_rect:Rectangle;
public var sprites_rect:Rectangle;
public var bfont_rect:Rectangle;
public var bfontmask_rect:Rectangle;
public var images_rect:Rectangle;
public var tl:Point; //The point at (0,0)
public var bg_rect:Rectangle, prect:Rectangle;
public var line_rect:Rectangle;
public var temp:int;
public var temp2:int;
public var temp3:int;
public var tempstring:String;
public var alphamult:uint;
public var stemp:String;
public var i:int, j:int, k:int, m:int;
public var tpoint:Point, trect:Rectangle;
public var madrect:Rectangle, madpoint:Point;
public var temptile:RenderTexture;
public var tempsprite:RenderTexture;
public var footerrect:Rectangle;
//Actual backgrounds
public var backbuffer:RenderTexture;
public var frontbuffer_meshbatch:MeshBatch;
public var menubuffer:RenderTexture;
public var menubuffer_image:Image;
public var screenmenubuffer:RenderTexture;
public var screenmenubuffer_image:Image;
public var towerbufferforeground_meshbatch:MeshBatch;
public var towerbufferbackground_meshbatch:MeshBatch;
public var towerbufferstatic_meshbatch:MeshBatch;
public var warpzonehorizontal_meshbatch:MeshBatch;
public var warpzonevertical_meshbatch:MeshBatch;
public var screen:Image;
public var smallscreen:Image;
public var updatebackground:Boolean;
//Textbox Stuff
public var ntextbox:int;
public var textbox:Vector.<textboxclass> = new Vector.<textboxclass>;
//Cutscene bars
public var showcutscenebars:Boolean;
public var cutscenebarspos:int;
//Background Stuff
public var stars:Vector.<Rectangle> = new Vector.<Rectangle>;
public var starsspeed:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>;
//special for weird lab rooms
public var spcol:int, spcoldel:int;
//Menu stuff
public var crewframe:int, crewframedelay:int;
public var menuoffset:int, resumegamemode:Boolean;
//More Background Stuff
public var backboxes:Vector.<Rectangle> = new Vector.<Rectangle>;
public var backboxvx:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>;
public var backboxvy:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>;
public var backboxint:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>;
public var bcol:int, bcol2:int, rcol:int;
public var backboxrect:Rectangle;
public var linestate:int, linedelay:int;
public var backoffset:int, backgrounddrawn:Boolean;
public var foregrounddrawn:Boolean;
public var warpskip:int;
public var warpfcol:int, warpbcol:int;
public var warprect:Rectangle;
//Fade effect
public var fademode:int;
public var fadeamount:int;
public var fadebars:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>;
//Single trinket colour
public var trinketcolset:Boolean, trinketr:int, trinketg:int, trinketb:int;
//Flipmode Stuff
public var flipmode:Boolean, setflipmode:Boolean;
public var flipmatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
public var flipfontmatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
public var flipfontmatrix2:Matrix = new Matrix();
//Mobile stuff
public var screensizemultiplier:Number;
public var screenoffx:int, screenoffy:int;
public var buttonsready:Boolean = false;
public var button_texture:Vector.<RenderTexture> = new Vector.<RenderTexture>;
public var button_image:Vector.<Image> = new Vector.<Image>;
public var button_image_width:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>;
public var button_image_height:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>;
public var buttonactive:Vector.<Boolean> = new Vector.<Boolean>;
public var buttonhighlight:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>;
public var buttonpos:Vector.<Point> = new Vector.<Point>;
public var currentbuttontype:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>;
public var newbuttontype:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>;
public var buttonstate:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>;
public var buttonlerp:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>;
public var buttonframe:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>;
public var buttonsize:int, buttonyspacing:int, buttonxspacing:int, buttonydiff:int;
public var b_gap:int = 40, b_size:int = 26;
public var devicex:int, devicey:int;
[Embed(source = "../data/bitmapsprites.png")]
public static const img_bitmapsprites:Class;
[Embed(source = "../data/bitmapflipsprites.png")]
public static const img_bitmapflipsprites:Class;