Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TerryCavanagh/VVVVVV.git synced 2024-09-29 17:57:23 +02:00
Misa 628eb7b7bf Fix mixed indentation in editor.h
Some of the file was indented with two spaces and the rest indented with
tabs. It feels like two different people worked on the file, one more
than the other. Since most of it uses two spaces, I'll just replace the
tabs with two spaces.
2020-06-11 22:13:52 -04:00

256 lines
5 KiB

#if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS)
#ifndef EDITOR_H
#define EDITOR_H
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "Script.h"
class edentities{
int x, y, t;
int p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6;
std::string scriptname;
class edlevelclass{
int tileset, tilecol;
std::string roomname;
int warpdir;
int platx1, platy1, platx2, platy2, platv;
int enemyx1, enemyy1, enemyx2, enemyy2, enemytype;
int directmode;
struct LevelMetaData
std::string title;
std::string creator;
std::string Desc1;
std::string Desc2;
std::string Desc3;
std::string website;
std::string filename;
std::string modifier;
std::string timeCreated;
std::string timeModified;
int version;
extern std::vector<edentities> edentity;
class EditorData
static EditorData& GetInstance()
static EditorData instance; // Guaranteed to be destroyed.
// Instantiated on first use.
return instance;
std::string title;
std::string creator;
std::string modifier;
std::string timeCreated;
std::string timeModified;
class editorclass{
//Special class to handle ALL editor variables locally
std::string Desc1;
std::string Desc2;
std::string Desc3;
std::string website;
std::vector<std::string> directoryList;
std::vector<LevelMetaData> ListOfMetaData;
void loadZips();
void getDirectoryData();
bool getLevelMetaData(std::string& filename, LevelMetaData& _data );
void saveconvertor();
void reset();
std::vector<int> loadlevel(int rxi, int ryi);
void placetile(int x, int y, int t);
void placetilelocal(int x, int y, int t);
int getenemyframe(int t);
int base(int x, int y);
int backbase(int x, int y);
int at(int x, int y);
int freewrap(int x, int y);
int backonlyfree(int x, int y);
int backfree(int x, int y);
int spikefree(int x, int y);
int free(int x, int y);
int absfree(int x, int y);
int match(int x, int y);
int warpzonematch(int x, int y);
int outsidematch(int x, int y);
int backmatch(int x, int y);
bool load(std::string& _path);
bool save(std::string& _path);
void generatecustomminimap();
int edgetile(int x, int y);
int warpzoneedgetile(int x, int y);
int outsideedgetile(int x, int y);
int backedgetile(int x, int y);
int labspikedir(int x, int y, int t);
int spikedir(int x, int y);
int findtrinket(int t);
int findcrewmate(int t);
int findwarptoken(int t);
void findstartpoint();
int getlevelcol(int t);
int getenemycol(int t);
int entcol;
//Colouring stuff
int getwarpbackground(int rx, int ry);
std::vector<std::string> getLevelDirFileNames( );
std::vector <int> contents;
std::vector <int> vmult;
int numtrinkets();
int numcrewmates();
edlevelclass level[400]; //Maxwidth*maxheight
int kludgewarpdir[400]; //Also maxwidth*maxheight
int temp;
int notedelay;
std::string note;
std::string keybuffer;
std::string filename;
int drawmode;
int tilex, tiley;
int keydelay, lclickdelay;
bool savekey, loadkey;
int levx, levy;
int entframe, entframedelay;
bool roomtextmod;
bool scripttextmod;
int textent;
int scripttexttype;
std::string oldenttext;
bool xmod, zmod, spacemod, warpmod, roomnamemod, textentry, savemod, loadmod;
bool titlemod, creatormod, desc1mod, desc2mod, desc3mod, websitemod;
int roomnamehide;
bool saveandquit;
bool shiftmenu, shiftkey;
int spacemenu;
bool settingsmod, settingskey;
int warpent;
bool updatetiles, changeroom;
int deletekeyheld;
int boundarymod, boundarytype;
int boundx1, boundx2, boundy1, boundy2;
int levmusic;
int mapwidth, mapheight; //Actual width and height of stage
int maxwidth, maxheight; //Special; the physical max the engine allows
int version;
//Script editor stuff
void removeline(int t);
void insertline(int t);
bool scripteditmod;
int scripthelppage, scripthelppagedelay;
std::vector<std::string> sb;
std::string sbscript;
int sbx, sby;
int pagey;
std::string author;
std::string description;
std::string title;
//Functions for interfacing with the script:
void addhook(std::string t);
void removehook(std::string t);
void addhooktoscript(std::string t);
void removehookfromscript(std::string t);
void loadhookineditor(std::string t);
void clearscriptbuffer();
void gethooks();
bool checkhook(std::string t);
std::vector<std::string> hooklist;
int hookmenupage, hookmenu;
//Direct Mode variables
int dmtile;
int dmtileeditor;
int returneditoralpha;
void addedentity(int xp, int yp, int tp, int p1=0, int p2=0, int p3=0, int p4=0, int p5=320, int p6=240);
void removeedentity(int t);
int edentat(int xp, int yp);
bool edentclear(int xp, int yp);
void fillbox(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int c);
void fillboxabs(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int c);
void editorrender();
void editorlogic();
void editorinput();
extern editorclass ed;
#endif /* EDITOR_H */
#endif /* NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS */