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Info Teddy 291d358b7e Add and draw one more row to all rooms with roomnames
Since translucent roomname backgrounds were introduced in
TerryCavanagh/VVVVVV#122, it exposes one glaring flaw with the game that
until now has been kept hidden: in rooms with room names, the game
cheapens out with the tile data and doesn't have a 30th row, because the
room name would hide the missing row. As a result, rooms with room names
have 29 rows instead of 30 to fill up the entire screen. And it looks
really weird when there's nothing but empty space behind the translucent
room name background.

To remedy this, I added one row to each room with a room name in the level.
First, I had to filter out all the rooms with no room names. However, that's
actually all contained in Otherlevel.cpp, the Overworld, which contains 221
rooms (8 of which are the Secret Lab, 6 more of which are the Ship, so 207 are
the actual Overworld, right? Wrong, 2 of those Overworld no-roomname rooms are
in the Lab, so there are actually 205 Overworld rooms). The remaining level
data files all contain rooms with room names.

But the process wasn't that easy. I noticed a while ago that each room
contains 29 `tmap.push_back()`s, one for each row of the room, and each row is
simply a string containing the 40 tiles for that row, concatenated with

However, I decided to actually check my intuition by doing a grep on each
level file and counting the number of results, for example `grep 'push_back'
Labclass.cpp | wc -l`. Whatever number comes out should be divisible by 29.
That particular grep on Labclass.cpp returns 1306, which divided by 29 is 45
with a remainder of 1.

So what does that mean? Does that mean there's 45 rooms each, and 1 leftover
row? Well, not exactly. The extra row comes from the fact that Outer Space has
30 rows instead of 29. Outer Space is the room that comes up when the game
finds a room is non-existent, which shouldn't happen with a properly-working
game, except in Outside Dimension VVVVVV. In fact, each level file has their
own Outer Space, and every single Outer Space also has 30 rooms. So really,
this means there are 44 rooms in the Lab and one Outer Space room. (Well, in
reality, there are 46 rooms in the Lab, because 2 of them use the Outside
tileset but have no room names, so they're stored in Otherlevel.cpp instead.)

We find the same result for the Warp Zone. `grep 'push_back' WarpClass.cpp |
wc -l` returns 697, which is 24 remainder 1, meaning 23 rooms of 29 rows and 1
room of 30 rows, which corresponds with 23 rooms in the Warp Zone and one
Outer Space room.

However, Outside Dimension VVVVVV + Tower Hallways and Space Station 1 and 2
are both odd curiosities. Finalclass.cpp contains Outside Dimension VVVVVV,
(which is Intermission 1 and 2 and the Final Level), but also the Tower
Hallway rooms, i.e. the auxiliary Tower rooms that are not a part of the main
tower. Spacestation2.cpp contains both Space Station 1 and 2, so don't be
deceived by the name.

`grep 'push_back' Finalclass.cpp | wc -l` returns 1597, which is actually 55
remainder 2. So... are there two rooms with 30 rows? Yes, in fact, The
Gravitron and Outer Space both contain 30 rows. So there are actually 55 rooms
stored in Finalclass.cpp (not including the minitowers Panic Room and The
Final Challenge), 54 rooms of actual level data and one Outer Space room, and
breaking down the 54 rooms even further, 51 of them are actually in Outside
Dimension VVVVVV and 3 of them are Tower Hallways. Of the 51 Outside Dimension
VVVVVV rooms, 14 of those are Intermission 1, 4 of them are Intermission 2,
and the rest of the 33 rooms are the Final Level (again, not including the

`grep 'push_back' Spacestation2.cpp | wc -l` returns 2148, which is 74
remainder 2. Are there two rooms with 30 rows again? No; one of those counted
2148 rows is a false-positive, because there's an if-else in Prize for the
Reckless that replaces the row with spikes with a row without spikes if you
are in a time trial or in No Death Mode. So there's 73 rooms in Space Station
1 and 2, and one Outer Space room.

With all this in mind, I decided to duplicate the current last row of each
room, the 29th row, to add a 30th row. However, I wasn't going to do this
automatically! But neither was I going to write some kludge-y code to parse
each nightmare of a level file and duplicate the rows that way.

Enter: Vim macros! (Er, well, actually, I use Neovim.) I first did
`/push_back`, so that pressing `n` would keep going to the next `push_back` in
the file. Then I went to the 29th row of the first room in the file, did a
`Yp`, and then started my macro with `qq`. The macro went like this: `30nYp`,
which is simply going to the 29th row of the next room over and duplicating
it. And that's all there was to it. However, I had to make sure that (1) my
cursor was before the `push_back` on the line of the 29th row of the room, and
(2) that I didn't skip rooms, both of which were problems I encountered when
pressing Ctrl+Z a given invocation of the macro (the Ctrl+Z is just a
metaphor, you actually undo by typing `u` in Vim). And also I had to make sure
to be careful around the extra lines of `push_back`s in Prize for the Reckless
and The Gravitron, and make sure I didn't run past the end of the file and
loop back around. Thankfully, all Outer Space rooms are at the end of each

But first, I had to increase the number of rows drawn in Graphics.cpp by 1 in
order to compensate for this, and do the same when reading the tile data in
Map.cpp. I had to change fillcontent(), drawmap(), drawfinalmap(),
drawtowermap(), and drawtowermap_nobackground(). Funnily enough, the tower
functions already used 30 rows, but I guess it's an off-by-one due to the
camera scrolling, so they now draw 31 rows each.

Then, I went in-game to make sure that the row behind each room name looked
fine. I checked EVERY single room with a room name. I turned on invincibility
mode and added a temporary line to hardreset() that always turned on
game.nocutscenes for a smoother playtesting experience. And to make sure that
rooms which have entirely empty bottom rows actually still have 30 rows,
instead of having 29 and the game assuming that the 30th row was empty
(because that sounds like it could lead to Undefined Behavior), I added this
temporary debugging line to the start of mapclass::fillcontent():

    printf("(%i,%i) has %i rows\n", game.roomx, game.roomy, (int) tmap.size());

Everywhere I checked - and I made sure to check all rooms - every room had 30
rows and not 29 rows.

Unfortunately, some rooms simply couldn't be left alone with their 29th row
duplicated and had to be manually edited. This was because the 29th row would
contain some edge tiles because the player would be able to walk somewhere on
the 28th, 27th, and 26th rows, and if you duplicated said edge tiles behind
the room name, it would look bad.

Here's a list of rooms whose 30th rows I had to manually edit:

 - Comms Relay
 - The Yes Men
 - Stop and Reflect
 - They Call Him Flipper
 - Double-slit Experiment
 - Square Root
 - Brought to you by the letter G
 - The Bernoulli Principle
 - Purest Unobtainium
 - I Smell Ozone
 - Conveying a New Idea
 - Upstream Downstream
 - Give Me A V
 - $eeing Dollar $ign$
 - Doing Things The Hard Way
 - Very Good
 - Must I Do Everything For You?
 - Now Stay Close To Me...
 - ...But Not Too Close
 - ...Not as I Do
 - Do Try To Keep Up
 - Whee Sports
 - As you like it

   This is actually a strange case where it looked bad because of the 29th
   row, instead of the 30th row, and I had to change the 29th row instead of
   the 30th row to fix it.
 - Maze With No Entrance
 - Ascending and Descending
 - Mind The Gap

   Same strange case as "As you like it" (it's the 29th row I had to change
   that was the problem, not the 30th).
 - 1950 Silverstone Grand V
 - The Villi People

I found that Panic Room and The Final Challenge also looked strange behind the
roomname background, but I can't do much about either because towers' tile
data wrap around at the top and bottom, and if I added another row to either
it would be visible above the room name.

I've considered updating the development editors with these new level tiles,
but I decided against it as the development editors are already pretty
outdated anyway.
2020-05-19 11:25:38 -07:00

2822 lines
81 KiB

#include "Graphics.h"
#include "Maths.h"
#include "Entity.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include "Screen.h"
#include "FileSystemUtils.h"
#include <utf8/unchecked.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void Graphics::init()
flipmode = false;
setRect(tiles_rect, 0,0,8,8);
setRect(sprites_rect, 0,0,32,32);
setRect(bfont_rect, 0,0,8,8);
setRect(bfontmask_rect, 0,0,8,8);
setRect(bg_rect, 0,0,320,240);
setRect(footerrect, 0, 230, 320, 10);
setRect(prect, 0, 0, 4, 4);
setRect(line_rect, 0,0,0,0);
//We initialise a few things
linestate = 0;
trinketcolset = false;
showcutscenebars = false;
cutscenebarspos = 0;
notextoutline = false;
flipmode = false;
setflipmode = false;
//Background inits
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
SDL_Rect s = {Sint16(fRandom() * 320), Sint16(fRandom() * 240), 2, 2};
int s2 = 4+(fRandom()*4);
SDL_Rect bb;
int bvx = 0;
int bvy = 0;
if(fRandom()*100 > 50)
bvx = 9 - (fRandom() * 19);
if (bvx > -6 && bvx < 6) bvx = 6;
bvx = bvx * 1.5;
setRect(bb, fRandom() * 320, fRandom() * 240, 32, 12);
bvy = 9 - (fRandom() * 19);
if (bvy > -6 && bvy < 6) bvy = 6;
bvy = bvy * 1.5;
setRect(bb, fRandom() * 320, fRandom() * 240, 12, 32) ;
float bint = 0.5 + ((fRandom() * 100) / 200);
backoffset = 0;
backgrounddrawn = false;
warpskip = 0;
warpfcol = 0x000000;
warpbcol = 0x000000;
spcol = 0;
spcoldel = 0;
rcol = 0;
crewframe = 0;
crewframedelay = 4;
menuoffset = 0;
resumegamemode = false;
//Fading stuff
fadeamount = 0;
fademode = 0;
// initialize everything else to zero
backBuffer = NULL;
backboxrect = SDL_Rect();
bcol = 0;
bcol2 = 0;
ct = colourTransform();
foot_rect = SDL_Rect();
foregrounddrawn = false;
foregroundBuffer = NULL;
backgrounddrawn = false;
images_rect = SDL_Rect();
j = 0;
k = 0;
m = 0;
linedelay = 0;
menubuffer = NULL;
screenbuffer = NULL;
tempBuffer = NULL;
tl = point();
towerbuffer = NULL;
trinketr = 0;
trinketg = 0;
trinketb = 0;
warprect = SDL_Rect();
translucentroomname = false;
showmousecursor = true;
int Graphics::font_idx(uint32_t ch) {
if (font_positions.size() > 0) {
std::map<int, int>::iterator iter = font_positions.find(ch);
if (iter == font_positions.end()) {
iter = font_positions.find('?');
if (iter == font_positions.end()) {
puts("font.txt missing fallback character!");
return iter->second;
} else {
return ch;
void Graphics::drawspritesetcol(int x, int y, int t, int c)
SDL_Rect rect;
BlitSurfaceColoured(sprites[t],NULL,backBuffer, &rect, ct);
void Graphics::Makebfont()
for (int j = 0; j < (grphx.im_bfont->h / 8); j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
SDL_Surface* temp = GetSubSurface(grphx.im_bfont,i*8,j*8,8,8);
SDL_Surface* TempFlipped = FlipSurfaceVerticle(temp);
unsigned char* charmap = NULL;
size_t length;
FILESYSTEM_loadFileToMemory("graphics/font.txt", &charmap, &length);
if (charmap != NULL) {
unsigned char* current = charmap;
unsigned char* end = charmap + length;
int pos = 0;
while (current != end) {
int codepoint = utf8::unchecked::next(current);
font_positions[codepoint] = pos;
int Graphics::bfontlen(uint32_t ch) {
if (ch < 32) {
return 6;
} else {
return 8;
void Graphics::MakeTileArray()
for(int j = 0; j <30; j++)
for(int i = 0; i <40; i++)
SDL_Surface* temp = GetSubSurface(grphx.im_tiles,i*8,j*8,8,8);
for(int j = 0; j <30; j++)
for(int i = 0; i <40; i++)
SDL_Surface* temp = GetSubSurface(grphx.im_tiles2,i*8,j*8,8,8);
for(int j = 0; j <30; j++)
for(int i = 0; i <30; i++)
SDL_Surface* temp = GetSubSurface(grphx.im_tiles3,i*8,j*8,8,8);
for(int j = 0; j <60; j++)
for(int i = 0; i <12; i++)
SDL_Surface* temp = GetSubSurface(grphx.im_entcolours,i*8,j*8,8,8);
void Graphics::maketelearray()
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
SDL_Surface* temp = GetSubSurface(grphx.im_teleporter,i*96,0,96,96);
void Graphics::MakeSpriteArray()
for(int j = 0; j <16; j++)
for(int i = 0; i <12; i++)
SDL_Surface* temp = GetSubSurface(grphx.im_sprites,i*32,j*32,32,32);
temp = GetSubSurface(grphx.im_flipsprites,i*32,j*32,32,32);
void Graphics::Print( int _x, int _y, std::string _s, int r, int g, int b, bool cen /*= false*/ ) {
return PrintAlpha(_x,_y,_s,r,g,b,255,cen);
void Graphics::PrintAlpha( int _x, int _y, std::string _s, int r, int g, int b, int a, bool cen /*= false*/ )
r = clamp(r,0,255);
g = clamp(g,0,255);
b = clamp(b,0,255);
a = clamp(a,0,255);
ct.colour = getRGBA(r, g, b, a);
if (cen)
_x = ((160 ) - ((len(_s)) / 2));
int bfontpos = 0;
int curr;
std::string::iterator iter = _s.begin();
while (iter != _s.end()) {
curr = utf8::unchecked::next(iter);
point tpoint;
tpoint.x = _x + bfontpos;
tpoint.y = _y;
SDL_Rect fontRect = bfont_rect;
fontRect.x = tpoint.x ;
fontRect.y = tpoint.y ;
if (flipmode)
BlitSurfaceColoured( flipbfont[font_idx(curr)], NULL, backBuffer, &fontRect , ct);
BlitSurfaceColoured( bfont[font_idx(curr)], NULL, backBuffer, &fontRect , ct);
bfontpos+=bfontlen(curr) ;
void Graphics::bigprint( int _x, int _y, std::string _s, int r, int g, int b, bool cen, int sc )
r = clamp(r,0,255);
g = clamp(g,0,255);
b = clamp(b,0,255);
ct.colour = getRGB(r, g, b);
if (cen)
_x = std::max(160 - (int((len(_s)/ 2.0)*sc)), 0 );
int bfontpos = 0;
int curr;
std::string::iterator iter = _s.begin();
while (iter != _s.end()) {
curr = utf8::unchecked::next(iter);
point tpoint;
tpoint.x = _x + bfontpos;
tpoint.y = _y;
SDL_Rect fontRect = bfont_rect;
fontRect.x = tpoint.x ;
fontRect.y = tpoint.y ;
if (flipmode)
SDL_Surface* tempPrint = ScaleSurfaceSlow(flipbfont[font_idx(curr)], bfont[font_idx(curr)]->w *sc,bfont[font_idx(curr)]->h *sc);
SDL_Rect printrect = { Sint16((_x) + bfontpos), Sint16(_y) , Sint16(bfont_rect.w*sc), Sint16(bfont_rect.h * sc)};
BlitSurfaceColoured(tempPrint, NULL, backBuffer, &printrect, ct);
SDL_Surface* tempPrint = ScaleSurfaceSlow(bfont[font_idx(curr)], bfont[font_idx(curr)]->w *sc,bfont[font_idx(curr)]->h *sc);
SDL_Rect printrect = { static_cast<Sint16>((_x) + bfontpos), static_cast<Sint16>(_y) , static_cast<Sint16>((bfont_rect.w*sc)+1), static_cast<Sint16>((bfont_rect.h * sc)+1)};
BlitSurfaceColoured(tempPrint, NULL, backBuffer, &printrect, ct);
bfontpos+=bfontlen(curr) *sc;
int Graphics::len(std::string t)
int bfontpos = 0;
std::string::iterator iter = t.begin();
while (iter != t.end()) {
int cur = utf8::unchecked::next(iter);
bfontpos += bfontlen(cur);
return bfontpos;
void Graphics::PrintOff( int _x, int _y, std::string _s, int r, int g, int b, bool cen /*= false*/ ) {
void Graphics::PrintOffAlpha( int _x, int _y, std::string _s, int r, int g, int b, int a, bool cen /*= false*/ )
r = clamp(r,0,255);
g = clamp(g,0,255);
b = clamp(b,0,255);
a = clamp(a,0,255);
ct.colour = getRGB(r, g, b);
if (cen)
_x = ((160) - (len(_s) / 2))+_x;
int bfontpos = 0;
std::string::iterator iter = _s.begin();
while (iter != _s.end()) {
int curr = utf8::unchecked::next(iter);
point tpoint;
tpoint.x = _x + bfontpos;
tpoint.y = _y;
SDL_Rect fontRect = bfont_rect;
fontRect.x = tpoint.x ;
fontRect.y = tpoint.y ;
if (flipmode)
BlitSurfaceColoured( flipbfont[font_idx(curr)], NULL, backBuffer, &fontRect , ct);
BlitSurfaceColoured( bfont[font_idx(curr)], NULL, backBuffer, &fontRect , ct);
bfontpos+=bfontlen(curr) ;
void Graphics::bprint( int x, int y, std::string t, int r, int g, int b, bool cen /*= false*/ ) {
void Graphics::bprintalpha( int x, int y, std::string t, int r, int g, int b, int a, bool cen /*= false*/ )
if (!notextoutline)
PrintAlpha(x, y - 1, t, 0, 0, 0, a, cen);
if (cen)
PrintOffAlpha(-1, y, t, 0, 0, 0, a, cen);
PrintOffAlpha(1, y, t, 0, 0, 0, a, cen);
PrintAlpha(x -1, y, t, 0, 0, 0, a, cen);
PrintAlpha(x +1, y, t, 0, 0, 0, a, cen);
PrintAlpha(x, y+1, t, 0, 0, 0, a, cen);
PrintAlpha(x, y, t, r, g, b, a, cen);
void Graphics::RPrint( int _x, int _y, std::string _s, int r, int g, int b, bool cen /*= false*/ )
r = clamp(r,0,255);
g = clamp(g,0,255);
b = clamp(b,0,255);
ct.colour = getRGB(r, g, b);
if (cen)
_x = ((308) - (_s.length() / 2));
int bfontpos = 0;
int curr;
std::string::iterator iter = _s.begin();
while (iter != _s.end()) {
curr = utf8::unchecked::next(iter);
point tpoint;
tpoint.x = _x + bfontpos;
tpoint.y = _y;
SDL_Rect fontRect = bfont_rect;
fontRect.x = tpoint.x ;
fontRect.y = tpoint.y ;
if (flipmode)
BlitSurfaceColoured( flipbfont[font_idx(curr)], NULL, backBuffer, &fontRect , ct);
BlitSurfaceColoured( bfont[font_idx(curr)], NULL, backBuffer, &fontRect , ct);
bfontpos+=bfontlen(curr) ;
void Graphics::printcrewname( int x, int y, int t )
//Print the name of crew member t in the right colour
case 0:
Print(x, y, "Viridian", 16, 240, 240,false );
case 1:
Print(x, y, "Violet", 240, 16, 240,false);
case 2:
Print(x, y, "Vitellary", 240, 240, 16,false);
case 3:
Print(x, y, "Vermilion", 240, 16, 16,false);
case 4:
Print(x, y, "Verdigris", 16, 240, 16,false);
case 5:
Print(x, y, "Victoria", 16, 16, 240,false);
void Graphics::printcrewnamedark( int x, int y, int t )
//Print the name of crew member t as above, but in black and white
case 0:
Print(x, y, "Viridian", 128,128,128,false);
case 1:
Print(x, y, "Violet", 128,128,128,false);
case 2:
Print(x, y, "Vitellary", 128,128,128,false);
case 3:
Print(x, y, "Vermilion", 128,128,128,false);
case 4:
Print(x, y, "Verdigris", 128,128,128,false);
case 5:
Print(x, y, "Victoria", 128,128,128,false);
void Graphics::printcrewnamestatus( int x, int y, int t )
//Print the status of crew member t in the right colour
case 0:
Print(x, y, "(that's you!)", 12, 140, 140,false);
case 1:
Print(x, y, "Rescued!", 140, 12, 140,false);
case 2:
Print(x, y, "Rescued!", 140, 140, 12,false);
case 3:
Print(x, y, "Rescued!", 140, 12, 12,false);
case 4:
Print(x, y, "Rescued!", 12, 140, 12,false);
case 5:
Print(x, y, "Rescued!", 12, 12, 140,false);
void Graphics::drawsprite( int x, int y, int t, int r, int g, int b )
SDL_Rect rect = { Sint16(x), Sint16(y), sprites_rect.w, sprites_rect.h };
BlitSurfaceColoured(sprites[t], NULL, backBuffer, &rect, ct);
void Graphics::drawtile( int x, int y, int t )
SDL_Rect rect = { Sint16(x), Sint16(y), tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h };
BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles[t], NULL, backBuffer, &rect);
void Graphics::drawtile2( int x, int y, int t )
SDL_Rect rect = { Sint16(x), Sint16(y), tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h };
BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles2[t], NULL, backBuffer, &rect);
void Graphics::drawtile3( int x, int y, int t, int off )
SDL_Rect rect = { Sint16(x), Sint16(y), tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h };
BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles3[t+(off*30)], NULL, backBuffer, &rect);
void Graphics::drawentcolours( int x, int y, int t)
SDL_Rect rect = { Sint16(x), Sint16(y), tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h };
BlitSurfaceStandard(entcolours[t], NULL, backBuffer, &rect);
void Graphics::drawtowertile( int x, int y, int t )
SDL_Rect rect = { Sint16(x), Sint16(y), tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h };
BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles2[t], NULL, towerbuffer, &rect);
void Graphics::drawtowertile3( int x, int y, int t, int off )
SDL_Rect rect = { Sint16(x), Sint16(y), tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h };
BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles3[t+(off*30)], NULL, towerbuffer, &rect);
void Graphics::drawgui()
//Draw all the textboxes to the screen
for (size_t i = 0; i<textbox.size(); i++)
//This routine also updates the textboxs
if (textbox[i].tm == 2 && textbox[i].tl <= 0.5)
textbox.erase(textbox.begin() + i);
if (textbox[i].r == 0 && textbox[i].g == 0 && textbox[i].b == 0)
for (j = 0; j < (int) textbox[i].line.size(); j++)
Print(textbox[i].xp + 8, textbox[i].yp + (textbox[i].line.size()*8) - (j * 8), textbox[i].line[j], 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
for (j = 0; j < (int) textbox[i].line.size(); j++)
Print(textbox[i].xp + 8, textbox[i].yp + 8 + (j * 8), textbox[i].line[j], 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
FillRect(backBuffer,textbox[i].textrect, textbox[i].r/6, textbox[i].g/6, textbox[i].b / 6 );
drawcoloredtile(textbox[i].xp, textbox[i].yp, 40, textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
drawcoloredtile(textbox[i].xp+textbox[i].w-8, textbox[i].yp, 42, textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
drawcoloredtile(textbox[i].xp, textbox[i].yp+textbox[i].h-8, 45, textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
drawcoloredtile(textbox[i].xp+textbox[i].w-8, textbox[i].yp+textbox[i].h-8, 47, textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
for (int k = 0; k < textbox[i].lw; k++)
drawcoloredtile(textbox[i].xp + 8 + (k * 8), textbox[i].yp, 41, textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
drawcoloredtile(textbox[i].xp + 8 + (k * 8), textbox[i].yp+textbox[i].h-8, 46, textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
for (size_t k = 0; k < textbox[i].line.size(); k++)
drawcoloredtile(textbox[i].xp, textbox[i].yp + 8 + (k * 8), 43, textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
drawcoloredtile(textbox[i].xp + textbox[i].w-8, textbox[i].yp + 8 + (k * 8), 44, textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
for (j = 0; j < (int) textbox[i].line.size(); j++)
Print(textbox[i].xp + 8, textbox[i].yp + (textbox[i].line.size()*8) - (j * 8), textbox[i].line[j], textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
for (j = 0; j < (int) textbox[i].line.size(); j++)
Print(textbox[i].xp + 8, textbox[i].yp +8 + (j * 8), textbox[i].line[j], textbox[i].r, textbox[i].g, textbox[i].b);
if ((textbox[i].yp == 12 || textbox[i].yp == 180) && textbox[i].r == 165)
if (flipmode)
drawimage(5, 0, 180, true);
drawimage(0, 0, 12, true);
else if ((textbox[i].yp == 12 || textbox[i].yp == 180) && textbox[i].g == 165)
if (flipmode)
drawimage(6, 0, 180, true);
drawimage(4, 0, 12, true);
if (flipmode)
if (textbox[i].r == 175 && textbox[i].g == 175)
//purple guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 48 + 4, 6, 220- help.glow/4 - int(fRandom()*20), 120- help.glow/4, 210 - help.glow/4);
else if (textbox[i].r == 175 && textbox[i].b == 175)
//red guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 48+ 4, 6, 255 - help.glow/8, 70 - help.glow/4, 70 - help.glow / 4);
else if (textbox[i].r == 175)
//green guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 48 + 4, 6, 120 - help.glow / 4 - int(fRandom() * 20), 220 - help.glow / 4, 120 - help.glow / 4);
else if (textbox[i].g == 175)
//yellow guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 48+ 4, 6, 220- help.glow/4 - int(fRandom()*20), 210 - help.glow/4, 120- help.glow/4);
else if (textbox[i].b == 175)
//blue guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 48+ 4, 6, 75, 75, 255- help.glow/4 - int(fRandom()*20));
if (textbox[i].r == 175 && textbox[i].g == 175)
//purple guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 32 + 4, 0, 220- help.glow/4 - int(fRandom()*20), 120- help.glow/4, 210 - help.glow/4);
else if (textbox[i].r == 175 && textbox[i].b == 175)
//red guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 32 + 4, 0, 255 - help.glow/8, 70 - help.glow/4, 70 - help.glow / 4);
else if (textbox[i].r == 175)
//green guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 32 + 4, 0, 120 - help.glow / 4 - int(fRandom() * 20), 220 - help.glow / 4, 120 - help.glow / 4);
else if (textbox[i].g == 175)
//yellow guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 32 + 4, 0, 220- help.glow/4 - int(fRandom()*20), 210 - help.glow/4, 120- help.glow/4);
else if (textbox[i].b == 175)
//blue guy
drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 32 + 4, 0, 75, 75, 255- help.glow/4 - int(fRandom()*20));
void Graphics::drawimagecol( int t, int xp, int yp, int r = 0, int g = 0, int b = 0, bool cent/*= false*/ )
SDL_Rect trect;
if(r+g+b != 0)
point tpoint;
if (cent)
tpoint.x = 160 - int(images[t]->w / 2);
tpoint.y = yp;
trect.x = tpoint.x ;
trect.y = tpoint.y;
trect.w = images[t]->w;
trect.h= images[t]->h;
BlitSurfaceColoured(images[t], NULL, backBuffer, &trect, ct);
trect.x = xp;
trect.y = yp;
trect.w = images[t]->w;
trect.h = images[t]->h;
BlitSurfaceColoured(images[t], NULL, backBuffer, &trect, ct);
void Graphics::drawimage( int t, int xp, int yp, bool cent/*=false*/ )
SDL_Rect trect;
if (cent)
trect.x = 160 - int(images[t]->w / 2);
trect.y = yp;
trect.w = images[t]->w;
trect.h = images[t]->h;
BlitSurfaceStandard(images[t], NULL, backBuffer, &trect);
trect.x = xp;
trect.y = yp;
trect.w = images[t]->w;
trect.h= images[t]->h;
BlitSurfaceStandard(images[t], NULL, backBuffer, &trect);
void Graphics::drawpartimage( int t, int xp, int yp, int wp, int hp)
SDL_Rect trect;
trect.x = xp;
trect.y = yp;
trect.w = wp;
trect.h= hp;
SDL_Rect trect2;
trect2.x = 0;
trect2.y = 0;
trect2.w = wp;
trect2.h= hp;
BlitSurfaceStandard(images[t], &trect2, backBuffer, &trect);
void Graphics::cutscenebars()
if (showcutscenebars)
cutscenebarspos += 25;
cutscenebarspos = std::min(cutscenebarspos, 361);
FillRect(backBuffer, 0, 0, cutscenebarspos, 16, 0x000000);
FillRect(backBuffer, 360-cutscenebarspos, 224, cutscenebarspos, 16, 0x000000);
if (cutscenebarspos > 0)
cutscenebarspos -= 25;
cutscenebarspos = std::max(cutscenebarspos, 0);
FillRect(backBuffer, 0, 0, cutscenebarspos, 16, 0x000000);
FillRect(backBuffer, 360-cutscenebarspos, 224, cutscenebarspos, 16, 0x000000);
void Graphics::drawcrewman( int x, int y, int t, bool act, bool noshift /*=false*/ )
if (!act)
if (noshift)
if (flipmode)
drawspritesetcol(x, y, 14, 19);
drawspritesetcol(x, y, 12, 19);
if (flipmode)
drawspritesetcol(x - 8, y, 14, 19);
drawspritesetcol(x - 8, y, 12, 19);
if (flipmode) crewframe += 6;
case 0:
drawspritesetcol(x, y, crewframe, 0);
case 1:
drawspritesetcol(x, y, crewframe, 20);
case 2:
drawspritesetcol(x, y, crewframe, 14);
case 3:
drawspritesetcol(x, y, crewframe, 15);
case 4:
drawspritesetcol(x, y, crewframe, 13);
case 5:
drawspritesetcol(x, y, crewframe, 16);
if (flipmode) crewframe -= 6;
void Graphics::drawpixeltextbox( int x, int y, int w, int h, int w2, int h2, int r, int g, int b, int xo, int yo )
//given these parameters, draw a textbox with a pixel width
//madrect.x = x; madrect.y = y; madrect.w = w; madrect.h = h;
FillRect(backBuffer,x,y,w,h, r/6, g/6, b/6 );
for (k = 0; k < w2-2; k++)
drawcoloredtile(x + 8-xo + (k * 8), y, 41, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + 8-xo + (k * 8), y + (h) - 8, 46, r, g, b);
for (k = 0; k < h2-2; k++)
drawcoloredtile(x, y + 8-yo + (k * 8), 43, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + 8-yo + (k * 8), 44, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x, y, 40, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y, 42, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x, y + (h) - 8, 45, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + (h) - 8, 47, r, g, b);
void Graphics::drawcustompixeltextbox( int x, int y, int w, int h, int w2, int h2, int r, int g, int b, int xo, int yo )
//given these parameters, draw a textbox with a pixel width
FillRect(backBuffer,x,y,w,h, r/6, g/6, b/6 );
for (k = 0; k < w2-2; k++)
drawcoloredtile(x + 8-xo + (k * 8), y, 41, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + 8-xo + (k * 8), y + (h) - 8, 46, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x+ (w) - 16, y, 41, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x+ (w) - 16, y + (h) - 8, 46, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x+ (w) - 24, y, 41, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x+ (w) - 24, y + (h) - 8, 46, r, g, b);
for (k = 0; k < h2-2; k++)
drawcoloredtile(x, y + 8-yo + (k * 8), 43, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + 8-yo + (k * 8), 44, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x, y + (h) - 16, 43, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + (h) - 16, 44, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x, y + (h) - 24, 43, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + (h) - 24, 44, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x, y, 40, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y, 42, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x, y + (h) - 8, 45, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + (h) - 8, 47, r, g, b);
void Graphics::drawtextbox( int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b )
//given these parameters, draw a textbox
FillRect(backBuffer,x,y,w*8,h*8, r/6, g/6, b/6 );
drawcoloredtile(x, y, 40, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w*8) - 8, y, 42, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x, y + (h*8) - 8, 45, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w*8) - 8, y + (h*8) - 8, 47, r, g, b);
for (int k = 0; k < w-2; k++)
drawcoloredtile(x + 8 + (k * 8), y, 41, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + 8 + (k * 8), y + (h * 8) - 8, 46, r, g, b);
for (int k = 0; k < h-2; k++)
drawcoloredtile(x, y + 8 + (k * 8), 43, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + (w * 8) - 8, y + 8 + (k * 8), 44, r, g, b);
void Graphics::textboxactive()
//Remove all but the most recent textbox
for (int i = 0; i < (int) textbox.size(); i++)
if (m != i) textbox[i].remove();
void Graphics::textboxremovefast()
//Remove all textboxes
for (size_t i = 0; i < textbox.size(); i++)
void Graphics::textboxremove()
//Remove all textboxes
for (size_t i = 0; i < textbox.size(); i++)
void Graphics::textboxtimer( int t )
void Graphics::addline( std::string t )
void Graphics::textboxadjust()
void Graphics::createtextbox( std::string t, int xp, int yp, int r/*= 255*/, int g/*= 255*/, int b /*= 255*/ )
m = textbox.size();
textboxclass text;
text.xp = xp;
int length = utf8::unchecked::distance(t.begin(), t.end());
if (xp == -1) text.xp = 160 - (((length / 2) + 1) * 8);
text.yp = yp;
text.initcol(r, g, b);
void Graphics::drawfade()
if ((fademode == 1)||(fademode == 4))
FillRect(backBuffer, 0, 0, backBuffer->w, backBuffer->h, 0x000000);
else if(fademode==3)
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
FillRect(backBuffer, fadebars[i], i * 16, fadeamount, 16, 0x000000 );
else if(fademode==5 )
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
FillRect(backBuffer, fadebars[i]-fadeamount, i * 16, 500, 16, 0x000000 );
void Graphics::processfade()
if (fademode > 1)
if (fademode == 2)
//prepare fade out
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
fadebars[i] = -int(fRandom() * 12) * 8;
fadeamount = 0;
fademode = 3;
else if (fademode == 3)
fadeamount += 24;
if (fadeamount > 416)
fademode = 1; //faded
else if (fademode == 4)
//prepare fade in
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
fadebars[i] = 320 + int(fRandom() * 12) * 8;
fadeamount = 416;
fademode = 5;
else if (fademode == 5)
fadeamount -= 24;
if (fadeamount <= 0)
fademode = 0; //normal
void Graphics::drawmenu( int cr, int cg, int cb, int division /*= 30*/ )
for (size_t i = 0; i < game.menuoptions.size(); i++)
if ((int) i == game.currentmenuoption)
//Draw it highlighted
if (game.menuoptions[i].active)
std::string tempstring = game.menuoptions[i].text;
std::transform(tempstring.begin(), tempstring.end(),tempstring.begin(), ::toupper);
tempstring = std::string("[ ") + tempstring + std::string(" ]");
Print(110 + (i * division) - 16 +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * 12) +game.menuyoff, tempstring, cr, cg, cb);
std::string tempstring = game.menuoptions[i].text;
tempstring = "[ " + tempstring + " ]";
//Draw it in gray
Print(110 + (i * division) - 16 +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * 12)+game.menuyoff, tempstring, 128, 128, 128);
//Draw it normally
if (game.menuoptions[i].active)
Print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * 12)+game.menuyoff, game.menuoptions[i].text, cr, cg, cb);
//Draw it in gray
Print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 140 + (i * 12)+game.menuyoff, game.menuoptions[i].text, 128, 128, 128);
void Graphics::drawlevelmenu( int cr, int cg, int cb, int division /*= 30*/ )
for (size_t i = 0; i < game.menuoptions.size(); i++)
if ((int) i == game.currentmenuoption)
//Draw it highlighted
if (game.menuoptions[i].active)
std::string tempstring = game.menuoptions[i].text;
std::transform(tempstring.begin(), tempstring.end(),tempstring.begin(), ::toupper);
tempstring = std::string("[ ") + tempstring + std::string(" ]");
Print(110 + (i * division) - 16 +game.menuxoff, 140+8 + (i * 12) +game.menuyoff, tempstring, cr, cg, cb);
std::string tempstring = game.menuoptions[i].text;
tempstring = "[ " + tempstring + " ]";
//Draw it in gray
Print(110 + (i * division) - 16 +game.menuxoff, 140+8 + (i * 12)+game.menuyoff, tempstring, 128, 128, 128);
//Draw it highlighted
if (game.menuoptions[i].active)
std::string tempstring = game.menuoptions[i].text;
std::transform(tempstring.begin(), tempstring.end(),tempstring.begin(), ::toupper);
tempstring = std::string("[ ") + tempstring + std::string(" ]");
Print(110 + (i * division) - 16 +game.menuxoff, 144 + (i * 12) +game.menuyoff, tempstring, cr, cg, cb);
std::string tempstring = game.menuoptions[i].text;
tempstring = "[ " + tempstring + " ]";
//Draw it in gray
Print(110 + (i * division) - 16 +game.menuxoff, 144 + (i * 12)+game.menuyoff, tempstring, 128, 128, 128);
//Draw it normally
if (game.menuoptions[i].active)
Print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 140+8 + (i * 12)+game.menuyoff, game.menuoptions[i].text, cr, cg, cb);
//Draw it in gray
Print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 140+8 + (i * 12)+game.menuyoff, game.menuoptions[i].text, 128, 128, 128);
//Draw it normally
if (game.menuoptions[i].active)
Print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 144 + (i * 12)+game.menuyoff, game.menuoptions[i].text, cr, cg, cb);
//Draw it in gray
Print(110 + (i * division) +game.menuxoff, 144 + (i * 12)+game.menuyoff, game.menuoptions[i].text, 128, 128, 128);
void Graphics::drawcoloredtile( int x, int y, int t, int r, int g, int b )
SDL_Rect rect;
BlitSurfaceColoured(tiles[t],NULL, backBuffer, &rect, ct );
bool Graphics::Hitest(SDL_Surface* surface1, point p1, SDL_Surface* surface2, point p2)
//find rectangle where they intersect:
int r1_left = p1.x;
int r1_right = r1_left + surface1->w;
int r2_left = p2.x;
int r2_right = r2_left + surface2->w;
int r1_bottom = p1.y;
int r1_top = p1.y + surface1->h;
int r2_bottom = p2.y;
int r2_top = p2.y + surface2->h;
bool intersection = intersectRect(r1_left, r1_right, r1_bottom, r1_top, r2_left, r2_right, r2_bottom, r2_top);
int r3_left = std::max(r1_left, r2_left);
int r3_top = std::min(r1_top, r2_top);
int r3_right = std::min(r1_right, r2_right);
int r3_bottom= std::max(r1_bottom, r2_bottom);
//for every pixel inside rectangle
for(int x = r3_left; x < r3_right; x++)
for(int y = r3_bottom; y < r3_top; y++)
Uint32 pixel1 = ReadPixel(surface1 , x - p1.x, y - p1.y);
Uint32 pixel2 = ReadPixel(surface2 , x - p2.x, y - p2.y);
if ((pixel1 & 0x000000FF) && (pixel2 & 0x000000FF))
return true;
return false;
return false;
void Graphics::drawgravityline( int t )
if (obj.entities[t].life == 0)
case 0:
FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(200-20, 200-20, 200-20));
case 1:
FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(225-30, 245-30, 245-30));
case 2:
FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(245-30, 245-30, 225-30));
case 3:
FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(164-10, 200-20, 200-20));
case 4:
FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(224-20, 255-30, 196-20));
case 5:
FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(205-20, 235-30, 196-20));
case 6:
FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(164-10, 164-10, 164-10));
case 7:
FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(225-30, 245-30, 205-20));
case 8:
FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(205-20, 255-30, 225-30));
case 9:
FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(245-30, 245-30, 245-30));
FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(96, 96, 96));
void Graphics::drawtrophytext()
int temp, temp2, temp3;
if (obj.trophytext < 15)
temp = (196 * obj.trophytext) / 15;
temp2 = (196 * obj.trophytext) / 15;
temp3 = ((255 - help.glow) * obj.trophytext) / 15;
temp = 196;
temp2 = 196;
temp3 = 255 - help.glow;
case 1:
Print( -1, 6, "SPACE STATION 1 MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
Print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 2:
Print( -1, 6, "LABORATORY MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
Print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 3:
Print( -1, 6, "THE TOWER MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
Print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 4:
Print( -1, 6, "SPACE STATION 2 MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
Print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 5:
Print( -1, 6, "WARP ZONE MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
Print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 6:
Print( -1, 6, "FINAL LEVEL MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
Print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 7:
Print( -1, 6, "GAME COMPLETE", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
Print( -1, 16, "Complete the game", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 8:
Print( -1, 6, "FLIP MODE COMPLETE", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
Print( -1, 16, "Complete the game in flip mode", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 9:
Print( -1, 11, "Win with less than 50 deaths", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 10:
Print( -1, 11, "Win with less than 100 deaths", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 11:
Print( -1, 11, "Win with less than 250 deaths", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 12:
Print( -1, 11, "Win with less than 500 deaths", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 13:
Print( -1, 11, "Last 5 seconds on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 14:
Print( -1, 11, "Last 10 seconds on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 15:
Print( -1, 11, "Last 15 seconds on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 16:
Print( -1, 11, "Last 20 seconds on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 17:
Print( -1, 11, "Last 30 seconds on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 18:
Print( -1, 11, "Last 1 minute on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
case 20:
Print( -1, 6, "MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
Print( -1, 16, "Complete the game in no death mode", temp, temp2, temp3, true);
void Graphics::drawentities()
//Update line colours!
if (linedelay <= 0)
if (linestate >= 10) linestate = 0;
linedelay = 2;
point tpoint;
SDL_Rect drawRect;
std::vector<SDL_Surface*> *tilesvec;
if (map.custommode)
tilesvec = &entcolours;
tilesvec = &tiles;
std::vector<SDL_Surface*> *spritesvec;
if (flipmode)
spritesvec = &flipsprites;
spritesvec = &sprites;
int yoff;
if (map.towermode)
yoff = map.ypos;
yoff = 0;
trinketcolset = false;
for (int i = obj.entities.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (obj.entities[i].invis)
switch (obj.entities[i].size)
case 0:
// Sprites
tpoint.x = obj.entities[i].xp;
tpoint.y = obj.entities[i].yp - yoff;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct);
if (map.warpx ||
(map.towermode && !map.minitowermode
&& map.ypos >= 500 && map.ypos <= 5000)) //The "wrapping" area of the tower
if (tpoint.x < 0)
tpoint.x += 320;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct);
else if (tpoint.x > 300)
tpoint.x -= 320;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct);
else if (map.warpy)
if (tpoint.y < 0)
tpoint.y += 230;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct);
else if (tpoint.y > 210)
tpoint.y -= 230;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct);
case 1:
// Tiles
tpoint.x = obj.entities[i].xp;
tpoint.y = obj.entities[i].yp - yoff;
drawRect = tiles_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect);
case 2:
case 8:
// Special: Moving platform, 4 tiles or 8 tiles
tpoint.x = obj.entities[i].xp;
tpoint.y = obj.entities[i].yp - yoff;
int thiswidth = 4;
if (obj.entities[i].size == 8)
thiswidth = 8;
for (int ii = 0; ii < thiswidth; ii++)
drawRect = tiles_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
drawRect.x += 8 * ii;
BlitSurfaceStandard((*tilesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect);
case 3: // Big chunky pixels!
prect.x = obj.entities[i].xp;
prect.y = obj.entities[i].yp - yoff;
//A seperate index of colours, for simplicity
FillRect(backBuffer, prect, (fRandom() * 64), 10, 10);
else if (obj.entities[i].colour == 2)
FillRect(backBuffer,prect, int(160- help.glow/2 - (fRandom()*20)), 200- help.glow/2, 220 - help.glow);
case 4: // Small pickups
drawhuetile(obj.entities[i].xp, obj.entities[i].yp - yoff, obj.entities[i].tile, obj.entities[i].colour);
case 5: //Horizontal Line
line_rect.x = obj.entities[i].xp;
line_rect.y = obj.entities[i].yp - yoff;
line_rect.w = obj.entities[i].w;
line_rect.h = 1;
case 6: //Vertical Line
line_rect.x = obj.entities[i].xp;
line_rect.y = obj.entities[i].yp - yoff;
line_rect.w = 1;
line_rect.h = obj.entities[i].h;
case 7: //Teleporter
drawtele(obj.entities[i].xp, obj.entities[i].yp - yoff, obj.entities[i].drawframe, obj.entities[i].colour);
//case 8: // Special: Moving platform, 8 tiles
// Note: This code is in the 4-tile code
case 9: // Really Big Sprite! (2x2)
tpoint.x = obj.entities[i].xp;
tpoint.y = obj.entities[i].yp - yoff;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct);
tpoint.x = obj.entities[i].xp+32;
tpoint.y = obj.entities[i].yp - yoff;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe+1],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct);
tpoint.x = obj.entities[i].xp;
tpoint.y = obj.entities[i].yp+32 - yoff;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe+12],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct);
tpoint.x = obj.entities[i].xp+32;
tpoint.y = obj.entities[i].yp+32 - yoff;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 13],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct);
case 10: // 2x1 Sprite
tpoint.x = obj.entities[i].xp;
tpoint.y = obj.entities[i].yp - yoff;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct);
tpoint.x = obj.entities[i].xp+32;
tpoint.y = obj.entities[i].yp - yoff;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe+1],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct);
case 11: //The fucking elephant
drawimagecol(3, obj.entities[i].xp, obj.entities[i].yp - yoff);
case 12: // Regular sprites that don't wrap
tpoint.x = obj.entities[i].xp;
tpoint.y = obj.entities[i].yp - yoff;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct);
//if we're outside the screen, we need to draw indicators
if (obj.entities[i].xp < -20 && obj.entities[i].vx > 0)
if (obj.entities[i].xp < -100)
tpoint.x = -5 + (int(( -obj.entities[i].xp) / 10));
tpoint.x = 5;
tpoint.y = tpoint.y+4;
drawRect = tiles_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
BlitSurfaceColoured(tiles[1167],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct);
else if (obj.entities[i].xp > 340 && obj.entities[i].vx < 0)
if (obj.entities[i].xp > 420)
tpoint.x = 320 - (int(( obj.entities[i].xp-320) / 10));
tpoint.x = 310;
tpoint.y = tpoint.y+4;
drawRect = tiles_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
BlitSurfaceColoured(tiles[1166],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct);
case 13:
//Special for epilogue: huge hero!
tpoint.x = obj.entities[i].xp; tpoint.y = obj.entities[i].yp - yoff;
SDL_Rect drawRect = {Sint16(obj.entities[i].xp ), Sint16(obj.entities[i].yp - yoff), Sint16(sprites_rect.x * 6), Sint16(sprites_rect.y * 6 ) };
SDL_Surface* TempSurface = ScaleSurface( (*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe], 6 * sprites_rect.w,6* sprites_rect.h );
BlitSurfaceColoured(TempSurface, NULL , backBuffer, &drawRect, ct );
void Graphics::drawbackground( int t )
int temp = 0;
case 1:
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
stars[i].w = 2;
stars[i].h = 2;
if (starsspeed[i] <= 6)
FillRect(backBuffer,stars[i], getRGB(0x22,0x22,0x22));
FillRect(backBuffer,stars[i], getRGB(0x55,0x55,0x55));
stars[i].x -= Sint16(starsspeed[i]);
if (stars[i].x < -10)
stars[i].x += 340;
stars[i].y = int(fRandom() * 240);
stars[i].w = 2;
starsspeed[i] = 4+int(fRandom()*4);
case 2:
//Akward ordering to match tileset
case 0:
bcol2 = RGBflip(0, 16*backboxint[0], 16*backboxint[0]);
break; //Cyan
case 1:
bcol2 = RGBflip(16*backboxint[0], 0, 0);
break; //Red
case 2:
bcol2 = RGBflip(16*backboxint[0], 0, 16*backboxint[0]);
break; //Purple
case 3:
bcol2 = RGBflip(0, 0, 16*backboxint[0]);
break; //Blue
case 4:
bcol2 = RGBflip(16*backboxint[0], 16*backboxint[0], 0);
break; //Yellow
case 5:
bcol2 = RGBflip(0, 16 * backboxint[0], 0);
break; //Green
case 6:
//crazy case
if (spcoldel <= 0)
spcoldel = 15;
if (spcol >= 12) spcol = 0;
case 0:
bcol2 = RGBflip(0, 16*backboxint[0], 16*backboxint[0]);
break; //Cyan
case 1:
bcol2 = RGBflip(0, (spcoldel+1)*backboxint[0], 16*backboxint[0]);
break; //Cyan
case 2:
bcol2 = RGBflip(0, 0, 16*backboxint[0]);
break; //Blue
case 3:
bcol2 = RGBflip((16-spcoldel)*backboxint[0], 0, 16*backboxint[0]);
break; //Blue
case 4:
bcol2 = RGBflip(16*backboxint[0], 0, 16*backboxint[0]);
break; //Purple
case 5:
bcol2 = RGBflip(16*backboxint[0], 0, (spcoldel+1)*backboxint[0]);
break; //Purple
case 6:
bcol2 = RGBflip(16*backboxint[0], 0, 0);
break; //Red
case 7:
bcol2 = RGBflip(16*backboxint[0], (16-spcoldel)*backboxint[0], 0);
break; //Red
case 8:
bcol2 = RGBflip(16*backboxint[0], 16*backboxint[0], 0);
break; //Yellow
case 9:
bcol2 = RGBflip((spcoldel+1)*backboxint[0], 16*backboxint[0], 0);
break; //Yellow
case 10:
bcol2 = RGBflip(0, 16 * backboxint[0], 0);
break; //Green
case 11:
bcol2 = RGBflip(0, 16 * backboxint[0], (16-spcoldel)*backboxint[0]);
break; //Green
for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
//Akward ordering to match tileset
case 0:
bcol = RGBflip(16, 128*backboxint[0], 128*backboxint[0]);
break; //Cyan
case 1:
bcol = RGBflip(128*backboxint[0], 16, 16);
break; //Red
case 2:
bcol = RGBflip(128*backboxint[0], 16, 128*backboxint[0]);
break; //Purple
case 3:
bcol = RGBflip(16, 16, 128*backboxint[0]);
break; //Blue
case 4:
bcol = RGBflip(128*backboxint[0], 128*backboxint[0], 16);
break; //Yellow
case 5:
bcol = RGBflip(16, 128 * backboxint[0], 16);
break; //Green
case 6:
//crazy case
case 0:
bcol = RGBflip(16, 128*backboxint[0], 128*backboxint[0]);
break; //Cyan
case 1:
bcol = RGBflip(16, ((spcoldel+1)*8)*backboxint[0], 128*backboxint[0]);
break; //Cyan
case 2:
bcol = RGBflip(16, 16, 128*backboxint[0]);
break; //Blue
case 3:
bcol = RGBflip((128-(spcoldel*8))*backboxint[0], 16, 128*backboxint[0]);
break; //Blue
case 4:
bcol = RGBflip(128*backboxint[0], 16, 128*backboxint[0]);
break; //Purple
case 5:
bcol = RGBflip(128*backboxint[0], 16, ((spcoldel+1)*8)*backboxint[0]);
break; //Purple
case 6:
bcol = RGBflip(128*backboxint[0], 16, 16);
break; //Red
case 7:
bcol = RGBflip(128*backboxint[0], (128-(spcoldel*8))*backboxint[0], 16);
break; //Red
case 8:
bcol = RGBflip(128*backboxint[0], 128*backboxint[0], 16);
break; //Yellow
case 9:
bcol = RGBflip(((spcoldel+1)*8)*backboxint[0], 128*backboxint[0], 16);
break; //Yellow
case 10:
bcol = RGBflip(16, 128 * backboxint[0], 16);
break; //Green
case 11:
bcol = RGBflip(16, 128 * backboxint[0], (128-(spcoldel*8))*backboxint[0]);
break; //Green
FillRect(backBuffer, backboxes[i], bcol);
backboxrect.x = backboxes[i].x + 1;
backboxrect.y = backboxes[i].y + 1;
backboxrect.w = backboxes[i].w - 2;
backboxrect.h = backboxes[i].h - 2;
FillRect(backBuffer,backboxrect, bcol2);
backboxes[i].x += backboxvx[i];
backboxes[i].y += backboxvy[i];
if (backboxes[i].x < -40)
backboxes[i].x = 320;
backboxes[i].y = fRandom() * 240;
if (backboxes[i].x > 320)
backboxes[i].x = -32;
backboxes[i].y = fRandom() * 240;
if (backboxes[i].y < -40)
backboxes[i].y = 240;
backboxes[i].x = fRandom() * 320;
if (backboxes[i].y > 260)
backboxes[i].y = -32;
backboxes[i].x = fRandom() * 320;
case 3: //Warp zone (horizontal)
if (backoffset >= 16) backoffset -= 16;
if (backgrounddrawn)
ScrollSurface(towerbuffer, -3, 0 );
for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++)
temp = 680 + (rcol * 3);
drawtowertile(317 - backoffset, (j * 16), temp+40); //20*16 = 320
drawtowertile(317 - backoffset + 8, (j * 16), temp + 41);
drawtowertile(317 - backoffset, (j * 16) + 8, temp + 80);
drawtowertile(317 - backoffset + 8, (j * 16) + 8, temp + 81);
//draw the whole thing for the first time!
backoffset = 0;
FillRect(towerbuffer, 0x000000);
for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
temp = 680 + (rcol * 3);
drawtowertile((i * 16) - backoffset - 3, (j * 16), temp+40);
drawtowertile((i * 16) - backoffset + 8 - 3, (j * 16), temp + 41);
drawtowertile((i * 16) - backoffset - 3, (j * 16) + 8, temp + 80);
drawtowertile((i * 16) - backoffset + 8 - 3, (j * 16) + 8, temp + 81);
backgrounddrawn = true;
BlitSurfaceStandard(towerbuffer, NULL, backBuffer, NULL);
case 4: //Warp zone (vertical)
if (backoffset >= 16) backoffset -= 16;
if (backgrounddrawn)
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
temp = 760 + (rcol * 3);
drawtowertile((i * 16), 237 - backoffset, temp + 40); //14*17=240 - 3
drawtowertile((i * 16) + 8, 237 - backoffset, temp + 41);
drawtowertile((i * 16), 237 - backoffset + 8, temp + 80);
drawtowertile((i * 16) + 8, 237 - backoffset + 8, temp + 81);
//draw the whole thing for the first time!
backoffset = 0;
FillRect(towerbuffer,0x000000 );
for (j = 0; j < 15; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
temp = 760 + (rcol * 3);
drawtowertile((i * 16), (j * 16)- backoffset - 3, temp+40);
drawtowertile((i * 16)+ 8, (j * 16)- backoffset - 3, temp + 41);
drawtowertile((i * 16), (j * 16)- backoffset + 8 - 3, temp + 80);
drawtowertile((i * 16)+ 8, (j * 16)- backoffset + 8 - 3, temp + 81);
backgrounddrawn = true;
SDL_BlitSurface(towerbuffer,NULL, backBuffer,NULL);
case 5:
//Warp zone, central
//Akward ordering to match tileset
case 0:
warpbcol = RGBflip(0x0A, 0x10, 0x0E);
warpfcol = RGBflip(0x10, 0x22, 0x21);
break; //Cyan
case 1:
warpbcol = RGBflip(0x11, 0x09, 0x0B);
warpfcol = RGBflip(0x22, 0x10, 0x11);
break; //Red
case 2:
warpbcol = RGBflip(0x0F, 0x0A, 0x10);
warpfcol = RGBflip(0x22,0x10,0x22);
break; //Purple
case 3:
warpbcol = RGBflip(0x0A, 0x0B, 0x10);
warpfcol = RGBflip(0x10, 0x10, 0x22);
break; //Blue
case 4:
warpbcol = RGBflip(0x10, 0x0D, 0x0A);
warpfcol = RGBflip(0x22, 0x1E, 0x10);
break; //Yellow
case 5:
warpbcol = RGBflip(0x0D, 0x10, 0x0A);
warpfcol = RGBflip(0x14, 0x22, 0x10);
break; //Green
case 6:
warpbcol = RGBflip(0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A);
warpfcol = RGBflip(0x12, 0x12, 0x12);
break; //Gray
warpbcol = RGBflip(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
warpfcol = RGBflip(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
backoffset += 1;
if (backoffset >= 16)
backoffset -= 16;
warpskip = (warpskip + 1) % 2;
for (int i = 10 ; i >= 0; i--)
temp = (i << 4) + backoffset;
setwarprect(160 - temp, 120 - temp, temp * 2, temp * 2);
if (i % 2 == warpskip)
FillRect(backBuffer, warprect, warpbcol);
FillRect(backBuffer,warprect, warpfcol);
case 6:
//Final Starfield
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
if (starsspeed[i] <= 8)
FillRect(backBuffer, stars[i], getRGB(0x22, 0x22, 0x22));
FillRect(backBuffer, stars[i], getRGB(0x55, 0x55, 0x55));
stars[i].y -= starsspeed[i];
if (stars[i].y < -10)
stars[i].y += 260;
stars[i].x = fRandom() * 320;
starsspeed[i] = 5+(fRandom()*5);
case 7:
//Static, unscrolling section of the tower
for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
drawtile3(i * 8, j * 8, map.tower.backat(i, j, 200), 15);
case 8:
//Static, unscrolling section of the tower
for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
drawtile3(i * 8, j * 8, map.tower.backat(i, j, 200), 10);
case 9:
//Static, unscrolling section of the tower
for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
drawtile3(i * 8, j * 8, map.tower.backat(i, j, 600), 0);
FillRect(backBuffer, 0x000000 );
BlitSurfaceStandard(backgrounds[t], NULL, backBuffer, &bg_rect);
void Graphics::drawmap()
if (!foregrounddrawn)
FillRect(foregroundBuffer, 0x00000000);
for (j = 0; j < 30; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
if(map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]]>0) drawforetile(i * 8, j * 8, map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]]);
else if (map.tileset == 1)
for (int jt = 0; jt < 30; jt++)
for (int it = 0; it < 40; it++)
if(map.contents[it + map.vmult[jt]]>0) drawforetile2(it * 8, jt * 8, map.contents[it + map.vmult[jt]]);
else if (map.tileset == 2)
for (j = 0; j < 30; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
if(map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]]>0) drawforetile3(i * 8, j * 8, map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]],map.rcol);
foregrounddrawn = true;
OverlaySurfaceKeyed(foregroundBuffer, backBuffer, 0x00000000);
//SDL_BlitSurface(foregroundBuffer, NULL, backBuffer, NULL);
void Graphics::drawfinalmap()
//Update colour cycling for final level
if (map.final_colormode) {
if (map.final_aniframedelay <= 0) {
map.final_aniframedelay = 2;
if (map.final_aniframe >= 4)
map.final_aniframe = 0;
if (!foregrounddrawn) {
FillRect(foregroundBuffer, 0x00000000);
for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
if((map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]])>0)
drawforetile(i * 8, j * 8, map.finalat(i,j));
}else if (map.tileset == 1) {
for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
if((map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]])>0)
drawforetile2(i * 8, j * 8, map.finalat(i,j));
OverlaySurfaceKeyed(foregroundBuffer, backBuffer, 0x00000000);
void Graphics::drawtowermap()
int temp;
for (int j = 0; j < 31; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
temp = map.tower.at(i, j, map.ypos);
if (temp > 0) drawtile3(i * 8, (j * 8) - ((int)map.ypos % 8), temp, map.colstate);
void Graphics::drawtowermap_nobackground()
int temp;
for (j = 0; j < 31; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
temp = map.tower.at(i, j, map.ypos);
if (temp > 0 && temp<28) drawtile3(i * 8, (j * 8) - ((int)map.ypos % 8), temp, map.colstate);
void Graphics::drawtowerspikes()
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
drawtile3(i * 8, -8+map.spikeleveltop, 9, map.colstate);
drawtile3(i * 8, 230-map.spikelevelbottom, 8, map.colstate);
void Graphics::drawtowerbackground()
int temp;
if (map.bypos < 0) map.bypos += 120 * 8;
if (map.tdrawback)
int off = map.scrolldir == 0 ? 0 : map.bscroll;
//Draw the whole thing; needed for every colour cycle!
for (int j = 0; j < 31; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
temp = map.tower.backat(i, j, map.bypos);
drawtowertile3(i * 8, (j * 8) - (map.bypos % 8) - off, temp, map.colstate);
SDL_BlitSurface(towerbuffer,NULL, backBuffer,NULL);
map.tdrawback = false;
//just update the bottom
ScrollSurface(towerbuffer, 0, -map.bscroll);
if (map.scrolldir == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
temp = map.tower.backat(i, 0, map.bypos);
drawtowertile3(i * 8, -(map.bypos % 8), temp, map.colstate);
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
temp = map.tower.backat(i, 29, map.bypos);
drawtowertile3(i * 8, 29*8 - (map.bypos % 8) - map.bscroll, temp, map.colstate);
temp = map.tower.backat(i, 30, map.bypos);
drawtowertile3(i * 8, 30*8 - (map.bypos % 8) - map.bscroll, temp, map.colstate);
temp = map.tower.backat(i, 31, map.bypos);
drawtowertile3(i * 8, 31*8 - (map.bypos % 8) - map.bscroll, temp, map.colstate);
SDL_BlitSurface(towerbuffer,NULL, backBuffer,NULL);
void Graphics::setcol( int t )
int temp;
//Setup predefinied colours as per our zany palette
//Player Normal
case 0:
ct.colour = getRGB(160- help.glow/2 - (fRandom()*20), 200- help.glow/2, 220 - help.glow);
//Player Hurt
case 1:
ct.colour = getRGB(196 - (fRandom() * 64), 10, 10);
//Enemies and stuff
case 2:
ct.colour = getRGB(225-(help.glow/2), 75, 30);
case 3: //Trinket
if (!trinketcolset)
trinketr = 200 - (fRandom() * 64);
trinketg = 200 - (fRandom() * 128);
trinketb = 164 + (fRandom() * 60);
trinketcolset = true;
ct.colour = getRGB(trinketr, trinketg, trinketb);
case 4: //Inactive savepoint
temp = (help.glow/2) + (fRandom() * 8);
ct.colour = getRGB(80 + temp, 80 + temp, 80 + temp);
case 5: //Active savepoint
ct.colour = getRGB(164+(fRandom()*64),164+(fRandom()*64), 255-(fRandom()*64));
case 6: //Enemy : Red
ct.colour = getRGB(250 - help.glow/2, 60- help.glow/2, 60 - help.glow/2);
case 7: //Enemy : Green
ct.colour = getRGB(100 - help.glow/2 - (fRandom()*30), 250 - help.glow/2, 100 - help.glow/2 - (fRandom()*30));
case 8: //Enemy : Purple
ct.colour = getRGB(250 - help.glow/2, 20, 128 - help.glow/2 + (fRandom()*30));
case 9: //Enemy : Yellow
ct.colour = getRGB(250 - help.glow/2, 250 - help.glow/2, 20);
case 10: //Warp point (white)
ct.colour = getRGB(255 - (fRandom() * 64), 255 - (fRandom() * 64), 255 - (fRandom() * 64));
case 11: //Enemy : Cyan
ct.colour = getRGB(20, 250 - help.glow/2, 250 - help.glow/2);
case 12: //Enemy : Blue
ct.colour = getRGB(90- help.glow/2, 90 - help.glow/2, 250 - help.glow/2);
//Crew Members
case 13:
ct.colour = getRGB(120- help.glow/4 - (fRandom()*20), 220 - help.glow/4, 120- help.glow/4);
case 14:
ct.colour = getRGB(220- help.glow/4 - (fRandom()*20), 210 - help.glow/4, 120- help.glow/4);
case 15:
ct.colour = getRGB(255 - help.glow/8, 70 - help.glow/4, 70 - help.glow / 4);
case 16:
ct.colour = getRGB(75, 75, 255- help.glow/4 - (fRandom()*20));
case 17: //Enemy : Orange
ct.colour = getRGB(250 - help.glow/2, 130 - help.glow/2, 20);
case 18: //Enemy : Gray
ct.colour = getRGB(130- help.glow/2, 130 - help.glow/2, 130 - help.glow/2);
case 19: //Enemy : Dark gray
ct.colour = getRGB(60- help.glow/8, 60 - help.glow/8, 60 - help.glow/8);
case 20:
ct.colour = getRGB(220 - help.glow / 4 - (fRandom() * 20), 120 - help.glow / 4, 210 - help.glow / 4);
case 21: //Enemy : Light Gray
ct.colour = getRGB(180- help.glow/2, 180 - help.glow/2, 180 - help.glow/2);
case 22: //Enemy : Indicator Gray
ct.colour = getRGB(230- help.glow/2, 230- help.glow/2, 230- help.glow/2);
case 23: //Enemy : Indicator Gray
ct.colour = getRGB(255- help.glow/2 - (fRandom() * 40) , 255- help.glow/2 - (fRandom() * 40), 255- help.glow/2 - (fRandom() * 40));
case 30:
ct.colour = RGBf(160, 200, 220);
case 31:
ct.colour = RGBf(220, 120, 210);
case 32:
ct.colour = RGBf(220, 210, 120);
case 33:
ct.colour = RGBf(255, 70, 70);
case 34:
ct.colour = RGBf(120, 220, 120);
case 35:
ct.colour = RGBf(75, 75, 255);
case 36:
ct.colour = getRGB(180, 120, 20);
case 37: //Trinket
if (!trinketcolset)
trinketr = 200 - (fRandom() * 64);
trinketg = 200 - (fRandom() * 128);
trinketb = 164 + (fRandom() * 60);
trinketcolset = true;
ct.colour = RGBf(trinketr, trinketg, trinketb);
case 38:
ct.colour = RGBf(196, 196, 196);
case 39:
ct.colour = RGBf(128, 64, 10);
case 40: //Teleporter in action!
temp = fRandom() * 150;
ct.colour = RGBf(255 - (fRandom() * 64), 64 + (fRandom() * 64), 64 + (fRandom() * 64));
else if (temp < 66)
ct.colour = RGBf(64 + (fRandom() * 64), 255 - (fRandom() * 64), 64 + (fRandom() * 64));
else if (temp < 100)
ct.colour = RGBf(64 + (fRandom() * 64), 64 + (fRandom() * 64), 255 - (fRandom() * 64));
ct.colour = RGBf(164+(fRandom()*64),164+(fRandom()*64), 255-(fRandom()*64));
case 100: //Inactive Teleporter
temp = (help.glow/2) + (fRandom() * 8);
ct.colour = getRGB(42 + temp, 42 + temp, 42 + temp);
case 101: //Active Teleporter
ct.colour = getRGB(164+(fRandom()*64),164+(fRandom()*64), 255-(fRandom()*64));
case 102: //Teleporter in action!
temp = fRandom() * 150;
ct.colour = getRGB(255 - (fRandom() * 64), 64 + (fRandom() * 64), 64 + (fRandom() * 64));
else if (temp < 66)
ct.colour = getRGB(64 + (fRandom() * 64), 255 - (fRandom() * 64), 64 + (fRandom() * 64));
else if (temp < 100)
ct.colour = getRGB(64 + (fRandom() * 64), 64 + (fRandom() * 64), 255 - (fRandom() * 64));
ct.colour = getRGB(164+(fRandom()*64),164+(fRandom()*64), 255-(fRandom()*64));
ct.colour = 0xFFFFFF;
void Graphics::menuoffrender()
SDL_Rect offsetRect1;
setRect (offsetRect1, 0, 0, backBuffer->w ,backBuffer->h);
//put the back buffer in the menubuffer
BlitSurfaceStandard(backBuffer, NULL, menubuffer, NULL);
// flipmatrix.translate(0, menuoffset);
// screenbuffer.draw(backbuffer, flipmatrix);
// flipmatrix.translate(0, -menuoffset);
SDL_Surface* tempbufferFlipped = FlipSurfaceVerticle(tempBuffer);
//put the stored backbuffer in the backbuffer.
SDL_FillRect(backBuffer, NULL, 0x00000000);
BlitSurfaceStandard(tempbufferFlipped, NULL, backBuffer, NULL);
SDL_Rect offsetRect;
setRect (offsetRect, 0, menuoffset, backBuffer->w ,backBuffer->h);
SDL_Surface* temp = FlipSurfaceVerticle(menubuffer);
//put the stored backbuffer in the backbuffer.
BlitSurfaceStandard(tempBuffer, NULL, backBuffer, NULL);
SDL_Rect offsetRect;
setRect (offsetRect, 0, menuoffset, backBuffer->w ,backBuffer->h);
SDL_Rect rect;
setRect(rect, 0, 0, backBuffer->w, backBuffer->h);
FillRect(backBuffer, 0x000000);
void Graphics::drawhuetile( int x, int y, int t, int c )
point tpoint;
tpoint.x = x;
tpoint.y = y;
case 0:
setcolreal(getRGB(250-int(fRandom()*32), 250-int(fRandom()*32), 10));
case 1:
setcolreal(getRGB(250-int(fRandom()*32), 250-int(fRandom()*32), 10));
setcolreal(getRGB(250-int(fRandom()*32), 250-int(fRandom()*32), 10));
SDL_Rect rect;
setRect(rect,tpoint.x,tpoint.y,tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h);
BlitSurfaceColoured(tiles[t],NULL,backBuffer, &rect, ct);
void Graphics::setwarprect( int a, int b, int c, int d )
warprect.x = a;
warprect.y = b;
warprect.w = c;
warprect.h = d;
void Graphics::textboxcleanup()
void Graphics::textboxcenter()
void Graphics::textboxcenterx()
int Graphics::textboxwidth()
return textbox[m].w;
void Graphics::textboxmove(int xo, int yo)
textbox[m].xp += xo;
textbox[m].yp += yo;
void Graphics::textboxmoveto(int xo)
textbox[m].xp = xo;
void Graphics::textboxcentery()
int Graphics::crewcolour(const int t)
//given crewmate t, return colour in setcol
if (t == 0) return 0;
if (t == 1) return 20;
if (t == 2) return 14;
if (t == 3) return 15;
if (t == 4) return 13;
if (t == 5) return 16;
return 0;
void Graphics::flashlight()
FillRect(backBuffer, 0xBBBBBBBB);
void Graphics::screenshake()
point tpoint;
// tpoint.x = int((Math.random() * 7) - 4); tpoint.y = int((Math.random() * 7) - 4);
// flipmatrix.translate(tpoint.x, tpoint.y);
// screenbuffer.draw(backbuffer, flipmatrix);
// flipmatrix.translate(-tpoint.x, -tpoint.y);
tpoint.x = (fRandom() * 7) - 4;
tpoint.y = (fRandom() * 7) - 4;
SDL_Rect shakeRect;
setRect(shakeRect,tpoint.x, tpoint.y, backBuffer->w, backBuffer->h);
SDL_Surface* flipBackBuffer = FlipSurfaceVerticle(backBuffer);
screenbuffer->UpdateScreen( flipBackBuffer, &shakeRect);
//FillRect(screenbuffer, 0x000);
//SDL_Rect rect;
//setRect(rect, blackBars/2, 0, screenbuffer->w, screenbuffer->h);
//SDL_BlitSurface(backBuffer, NULL, screenbuffer, &rect);
tpoint.x = static_cast<Sint32>((fRandom() * 7) - 4);
tpoint.y = static_cast<Sint32>((fRandom() * 7) - 4);
SDL_Rect shakeRect;
setRect(shakeRect,tpoint.x, tpoint.y, backBuffer->w, backBuffer->h);
screenbuffer->UpdateScreen( backBuffer, &shakeRect);
FillRect(backBuffer, 0x000000 );
void Graphics::render()
if(screenbuffer == NULL)
SDL_Rect rect;
setRect(rect, 0, 0, backBuffer->w, backBuffer->h);
//setRect(rect, 0, 0, backBuffer->w, backBuffer->h);
//SDL_BlitSurface(backBuffer, NULL, screenbuffer, &rect);
SDL_Surface* tempsurface = FlipSurfaceVerticle(backBuffer);
if(tempsurface != NULL)
screenbuffer->UpdateScreen( tempsurface, &rect);
SDL_Rect rect;
setRect(rect, 0, 0, backBuffer->w, backBuffer->h);
//setRect(rect, 0, 0, backBuffer->w, backBuffer->h);
//SDL_BlitSurface(backBuffer, NULL, screenbuffer, &rect);
screenbuffer->UpdateScreen( backBuffer, &rect);
void Graphics::renderwithscreeneffects()
if (game.flashlight > 0 && !game.noflashingmode)
if (game.screenshake > 0 && !game.noflashingmode)
void Graphics::bigrprint(int x, int y, std::string& t, int r, int g, int b, bool cen, float sc)
if (r < 0) r = 0;
if (g < 0) g = 0;
if (b < 0) b = 0;
if (r > 255) r = 255;
if (g > 255) g = 255;
if (b > 255) b = 255;
ct.colour = getRGB(r, g, b);
x = x / (sc);
x -= (len(t));
if (r < -1) r = -1;
if (g < 0) g = 0;
if (b < 0) b = 0;
if (r > 255) r = 255;
if (g > 255) g = 255;
if (b > 255) b = 255;
ct.colour = getRGB(r, g, b);
if (cen)
x = std::max(160 - (int((len(t)/ 2.0)*sc)), 0 );
x *= (sc);
int bfontpos = 0;
int cur;
std::string::iterator iter = t.begin();
while (iter != t.end()) {
cur = utf8::unchecked::next(iter);
if (flipmode)
SDL_Surface* tempPrint = ScaleSurfaceSlow(flipbfont[font_idx(cur)], bfont[font_idx(cur)]->w *sc,bfont[font_idx(cur)]->h *sc);
SDL_Rect printrect = { Sint16(x + bfontpos), Sint16(y) , Sint16(bfont_rect.w*sc), Sint16(bfont_rect.h * sc)};
BlitSurfaceColoured(tempPrint, NULL, backBuffer, &printrect ,ct);
SDL_Surface* tempPrint = ScaleSurfaceSlow(bfont[font_idx(cur)], bfont[font_idx(cur)]->w *sc,bfont[font_idx(cur)]->h *sc);
SDL_Rect printrect = { Sint16((x) + bfontpos), Sint16(y) , Sint16(bfont_rect.w*sc), Sint16(bfont_rect.h * sc)};
BlitSurfaceColoured(tempPrint, NULL, backBuffer, &printrect, ct);
bfontpos+=bfontlen(cur)* sc;
void Graphics::drawtele(int x, int y, int t, int c)
SDL_Rect telerect;
setRect(telerect, x , y, tele_rect.w, tele_rect.h );
BlitSurfaceColoured(tele[0], NULL, backBuffer, &telerect, ct);
if (t > 9) t = 8;
if (t < 0) t = 0;
setRect(telerect, x , y, tele_rect.w, tele_rect.h );
BlitSurfaceColoured(tele[t], NULL, backBuffer, &telerect, ct);
Uint32 Graphics::getRGBA(Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a)
return SDL_MapRGBA(backBuffer->format, b, g, r, a);
Uint32 Graphics::getRGB(Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b)
return SDL_MapRGB(backBuffer->format, b, g, r);
Uint32 Graphics::getBGR(Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b)
return SDL_MapRGB(backBuffer->format, r, g, b);
Uint32 Graphics::getRGB(Uint32 _col)
return ( _col);
Uint32 Graphics::RGBflip(Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b)
return SDL_MapRGB(backBuffer->format, r, g, b);
Uint32 Graphics::RGBf(int r, int g, int b)
r = (r+128) / 3;
g = (g+128) / 3;
b = (b+128) / 3;
return SDL_MapRGB(backBuffer->format, r, g, b);
void Graphics::setcolreal(Uint32 t)
ct.colour = t;
void Graphics::drawforetile(int x, int y, int t)
SDL_Rect rect;
setRect(rect, x,y,tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h);
BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles[t],NULL, foregroundBuffer, &rect );
void Graphics::drawforetile2(int x, int y, int t)
SDL_Rect rect;
setRect(rect, x,y,tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h);
BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles2[t],NULL, foregroundBuffer, &rect );
void Graphics::drawforetile3(int x, int y, int t, int off)
SDL_Rect rect;
setRect(rect, x,y,tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h);
BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles3[t+(off*30)],NULL, foregroundBuffer, &rect );
void Graphics::drawrect(int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b)
SDL_Rect madrect;
//Draw the retangle indicated by that object
madrect.x = x;
madrect.y = y;
madrect.w = w;
madrect.h = 1;
FillRect(backBuffer, madrect, getRGB(b,g,r));
madrect.w = 1;
madrect.h = h;
FillRect(backBuffer, madrect, getRGB(b,g,r));
madrect.x = x + w - 1;
madrect.w = 1;
madrect.h = h;
FillRect(backBuffer, madrect, getRGB(b,g,r));
madrect.x = x;
madrect.y = y + h - 1;
madrect.w = w;
madrect.h = 1;
FillRect(backBuffer, madrect, getRGB(b,g,r));
bool Graphics::onscreen(int t)
return (t >= -40 && t <= 280);