Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TerryCavanagh/VVVVVV.git synced 2024-09-29 17:57:23 +02:00
2020-01-08 10:37:50 -05:00

359 lines
8.1 KiB

#ifndef GAME_H
#define GAME_H
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "SDL.h"
#include "Maths.h"
#include "UtilityClass.h"
#include "GraphicsUtil.h"
class entityclass;
class mapclass;
class Graphics;
class musicclass;
class Game
void setGlobalSoundVol(const float _vol)
m_globalVol = _vol;
float getGlobalSoundVol()
return m_globalVol;
int crewrescued();
std::string unrescued();
void resetgameclock();
void customsavequick(std::string savfile, mapclass& map, entityclass& obj, musicclass& music);
void savequick(mapclass& map, entityclass& obj, musicclass& music);
void gameclock();
std::string giventimestring(int hrs, int min, int sec, UtilityClass& help );
std::string timestring(UtilityClass& help);
std::string partimestring(UtilityClass& help);
std::string resulttimestring(UtilityClass& help);
std::string timetstring(int t, UtilityClass& help);
void createmenu(std::string t);
void lifesequence(entityclass& obj);
void gethardestroom(mapclass& map);
void updatestate(Graphics& dwgfx, mapclass& map, entityclass& obj, UtilityClass& help, musicclass& music);
void unlocknum(int t, mapclass& map, Graphics& dwgfx);
void loadstats(mapclass& map, Graphics& dwgfx);
void savestats(mapclass& map, Graphics& dwgfx);
void deletestats(mapclass& map, Graphics& dwgfx);
void deletequick();
void savetele(mapclass& map, entityclass& obj, musicclass& music);
void loadtele(mapclass& map, entityclass& obj, musicclass& music);
void deletetele();
void customstart(entityclass& obj, musicclass& music );
void start(entityclass& obj, musicclass& music );
void startspecial(int t, entityclass& obj, musicclass& music);
void starttrial(int t, entityclass& obj, musicclass& music);
void telegotoship()
//Special function to move the telesave to the ship teleporter.
//telecookie.data.savex = 13*8;
//telecookie.data.savey = 129;
//telecookie.data.saverx = 102;
//telecookie.data.savery = 111;
//telecookie.data.savegc = 0;
//telecookie.data.savedir = 1;
//telecookie.data.savepoint = 0;
//telecookie.data.currentsong = 4;
//telecookie.data.companion = 0;
//telecookie.data.finalmode = false;
//telecookie.data.finalstretch = false;
void swnpenalty();
void deathsequence(mapclass& map, entityclass& obj, musicclass& music);
void customloadquick(std::string savfile, mapclass& map, entityclass& obj, musicclass& music);
void loadquick(mapclass& map, entityclass& obj, musicclass& music);
void loadsummary(mapclass& map, UtilityClass& help);
void initteleportermode(mapclass& map);
std::string saveFilePath;
int door_left;
int door_right;
int door_up;
int door_down;
int roomx, roomy, roomchangedir;
int temp, j, k;
int savex, savey, saverx, savery;
int savegc, savedir;
//Added for port
int edsavex, edsavey, edsaverx, edsavery;
int edsavegc, edsavedir;
//State logic stuff
int state, statedelay;
bool glitchrunkludge;
int usingmmmmmm;
int gamestate;
bool hascontrol, jumpheld;
int jumppressed;
int gravitycontrol;
bool infocus;
bool muted;
int mutebutton;
float m_globalVol;
int tapleft, tapright;
//Menu interaction stuff
bool mapheld;
int menupage;
//public var crewstats:Array = new Array();
int lastsaved;
int deathcounts;
int timerStartTime;
int frames, seconds, minutes, hours;
bool gamesaved;
std::string savetime;
std::string savearea;
int savetrinkets;
bool startscript;
std::string newscript;
int mainmenu;
bool menustart;
bool teleport_to_new_area;
int teleport_to_x, teleport_to_y;
std::string teleportscript;
bool useteleporter;
int teleport_to_teleporter;
//Main Menu Variables
std::vector<std::string> menuoptions;
std::vector<bool> menuoptionsactive;
int nummenuoptions, currentmenuoption ;
std::string menuselection, currentmenuname, previousmenuname;
int menuxoff, menuyoff;
int menucountdown;
std::string menudest;
int creditposx, creditposy, creditposdelay;
//60 fps mode!
bool sfpsmode;
//Sine Wave Ninja Minigame
bool swnmode;
int swngame, swnstate, swnstate2, swnstate3, swnstate4, swndelay, swndeaths;
int swntimer, swncolstate, swncoldelay;
int swnrecord, swnbestrank, swnrank, swnmessage;
//SuperCrewMate Stuff
bool supercrewmate, scmhurt, scmmoveme;
int scmprogress;
//Accessibility Options
bool colourblindmode;
bool noflashingmode;
int slowdown;
Uint32 gameframerate;
bool nodeathmode;
int gameoverdelay;
bool nocutscenes;
//Time Trials
bool intimetrial, timetrialparlost;
int timetrialcountdown, timetrialshinytarget, timetriallevel;
int timetrialpar, timetrialresulttime, timetrialrank;
int creditposition;
bool insecretlab;
bool inintermission;
std::vector<bool> crewstats;
bool alarmon;
int alarmdelay;
bool blackout;
std::vector<bool> tele_crewstats;
std::vector<bool> quick_crewstats;
std::vector<int> unlock;
std::vector<int> unlocknotify;
std::vector<int> temp_unlock;
std::vector<int> temp_unlocknotify;
int stat_trinkets;
bool fullscreen;
int bestgamedeaths;
bool stat_screenshakes;
bool stat_backgrounds;
bool stat_flipmode;
bool stat_invincibility;
int stat_slowdown;
std::vector<int> bestrank;
bool telecookieexists;
bool quickcookieexists;
std::string tele_gametime;
int tele_trinkets;
std::string tele_currentarea;
std::string quick_gametime;
int quick_trinkets;
std::string quick_currentarea;
int mx, my;
int screenshake, flashlight;
bool test;
std::string teststring, tempstring;
bool advancetext, pausescript;
int deathseq, lifeseq;
int coins, trinkets, crewmates, trinkencollect;
int savepoint, teleport, teleportxpos;
int edteleportent;
bool completestop;
float inertia;
int companion;
bool roomchange;
SDL_Rect teleblock;
bool activetele;
int readytotele;
int activity_r, activity_g, activity_b;
std::string activity_lastprompt;
std::string telesummary, quicksummary, customquicksummary;
bool backgroundtext;
int activeactivity, act_fade;
bool press_left, press_right, press_action, press_map;
//Some stats:
int totalflips;
std::string hardestroom;
int hardestroomdeaths, currentroomdeaths;
bool savemystats;
bool advanced_mode;
bool fullScreenEffect_badSignal;
bool useLinearFilter;
int stretchMode;
int controllerSensitivity;
//Screenrecording stuff, for beta/trailer
int recording;
std::string recordstring;
bool combomode;
int combolen;
std::string comboaction;
std::string currentaction;
bool recordinit;
std::vector<int> playback;
int playbackpos;
int playbacksize;
int playmove;
int playcombo;
bool playbackfinished;
bool menukludge;
bool quickrestartkludge;
bool paused;
int globalsound;
//Custom stuff
std::string customscript[50];
int customcol;
int levelpage;
int playcustomlevel;
std::string customleveltitle;
std::string customlevelfilename;
void clearcustomlevelstats();
void loadcustomlevelstats();
void savecustomlevelstats();
void updatecustomlevelstats(std::string clevel, int cscore);
std::string customlevelstats[200]; //string array containing level filenames
int customlevelscore[200];//0 - not played, 1 - finished, 2 - all trinkets, 3 - finished, all trinkets
int numcustomlevelstats;
bool customlevelstatsloaded;
std::vector<SDL_GameControllerButton> controllerButton_map;
std::vector<SDL_GameControllerButton> controllerButton_flip;
std::vector<SDL_GameControllerButton> controllerButton_esc;
#endif /* GAME_H */