mirror of https://github.com/TerryCavanagh/VVVVVV.git synced 2024-06-23 13:08:30 +02:00
Misa f05827f268 Add support for internal screenshots
"But people already have screenshot tools", you might protest. The
rationale is simple: If you play with any video setting other than 1x
windowed (no stretching and no letterbox), then your screenshot will be
too big if you want the internal resolution of 320x240, and downscaling
will be an inconvenience.

The point is to make screenshots based off of internal resolution so
they are always pixel perfect and ideally never have to be altered once

I've added the keybind of F6 to do this.

Right now it saves to a temporary test location with the same filename;
future commits will save to properly-timestamped filenames.
2024-01-09 15:48:41 -08:00

3619 lines
100 KiB

#include "Graphics.h"
#include <SDL.h>
#include "Alloc.h"
#include "Constants.h"
#include "CustomLevels.h"
#include "Editor.h"
#include "Entity.h"
#include "Exit.h"
#include "FileSystemUtils.h"
#include "Font.h"
#include "GraphicsUtil.h"
#include "Localization.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include "Maths.h"
#include "Music.h"
#include "RoomnameTranslator.h"
#include "Screen.h"
#include "Script.h"
#include "UtilityClass.h"
#include "VFormat.h"
#include "Vlogging.h"
void Graphics::init(void)
flipmode = false;
setRect(tiles_rect, 0, 0, 8, 8);
setRect(sprites_rect, 0, 0, 32, 32);
setRect(footerrect, 0, 230, 320, 10);
setRect(tele_rect, 0, 0, 96, 96);
// We initialise a few things
linestate = 0;
trinketcolset = false;
showcutscenebars = false;
notextoutline = false;
flipmode = false;
setflipmode = false;
// Initialize backgrounds
for (int i = 0; i < numstars; i++)
const SDL_Rect star = {(int) (fRandom() * 320), (int) (fRandom() * 240), 2, 2};
stars[i] = star;
starsspeed[i] = 4 + (fRandom() * 4);
for (int i = 0; i < numbackboxes; i++)
SDL_Rect bb;
int bvx = 0;
int bvy = 0;
if (fRandom() * 100 > 50)
bvx = 9 - (fRandom() * 19);
if (bvx > -6 && bvx < 6) bvx = 6;
bvx = bvx * 1.5;
setRect(bb, fRandom() * 320, fRandom() * 240, 32, 12);
bvy = 9 - (fRandom() * 19);
if (bvy > -6 && bvy < 6) bvy = 6;
bvy = bvy * 1.5;
setRect(bb, fRandom() * 320, fRandom() * 240, 12, 32);
backboxes[i] = bb;
backboxvx[i] = bvx;
backboxvy[i] = bvy;
backboxmult = 0.5 + ((fRandom() * 100) / 200);
backoffset = 0;
foregrounddrawn = false;
backgrounddrawn = false;
warpskip = 0;
spcol = 0;
spcoldel = 0;
rcol = 0;
crewframe = 0;
crewframedelay = 4;
menuoffset = 0;
oldmenuoffset = 0;
resumegamemode = false;
//Fading stuff
SDL_memset(fadebars, 0, sizeof(fadebars));
fademode = FADE_NONE;
ingame_fademode = FADE_NONE;
// initialize everything else to zero
m = 0;
linedelay = 0;
gameTexture = NULL;
gameplayTexture = NULL;
menuTexture = NULL;
ghostTexture = NULL;
tempShakeTexture = NULL;
backgroundTexture = NULL;
foregroundTexture = NULL;
tempScreenshot = NULL;
towerbg = TowerBG();
titlebg = TowerBG();
trinketr = 0;
trinketg = 0;
trinketb = 0;
translucentroomname = false;
alpha = 1.0f;
screenshake_x = 0;
screenshake_y = 0;
col_tr = 0;
col_tg = 0;
col_tb = 0;
kludgeswnlinewidth = false;
tiles1_mounted = false;
tiles2_mounted = false;
minimap_mounted = false;
gamecomplete_mounted = false;
levelcomplete_mounted = false;
flipgamecomplete_mounted = false;
fliplevelcomplete_mounted = false;
void Graphics::destroy(void)
#define CLEAR_ARRAY(name) \
for (size_t i = 0; i < name.size(); i += 1) \
{ \
VVV_freefunc(SDL_FreeSurface, name[i]); \
} \
static SDL_Surface* tempFilterSrc = NULL;
static SDL_Surface* tempFilterDest = NULL;
void Graphics::create_buffers(void)
SDL_CreateTexture( \
gameScreen.m_renderer, \
(w), (h) \
gameTexture = CREATE_TEXTURE;
gameplayTexture = CREATE_TEXTURE;
menuTexture = CREATE_TEXTURE;
ghostTexture = CREATE_TEXTURE;
tempShakeTexture = CREATE_TEXTURE;
foregroundTexture = CREATE_TEXTURE;
backgroundTexture = CREATE_SCROLL_TEXTURE;
tempScrollingTexture = CREATE_SCROLL_TEXTURE;
towerbg.texture = CREATE_SCROLL_TEXTURE;
titlebg.texture = CREATE_SCROLL_TEXTURE;
gameScreen.isFiltered ? SDL_ScaleModeLinear : SDL_ScaleModeNearest
gameScreen.isFiltered ? SDL_ScaleModeLinear : SDL_ScaleModeNearest
void Graphics::destroy_buffers(void)
VVV_freefunc(SDL_DestroyTexture, gameTexture);
VVV_freefunc(SDL_DestroyTexture, gameplayTexture);
VVV_freefunc(SDL_DestroyTexture, menuTexture);
VVV_freefunc(SDL_DestroyTexture, ghostTexture);
VVV_freefunc(SDL_DestroyTexture, tempShakeTexture);
VVV_freefunc(SDL_DestroyTexture, foregroundTexture);
VVV_freefunc(SDL_DestroyTexture, backgroundTexture);
VVV_freefunc(SDL_DestroyTexture, tempScrollingTexture);
VVV_freefunc(SDL_DestroyTexture, towerbg.texture);
VVV_freefunc(SDL_DestroyTexture, titlebg.texture);
VVV_freefunc(SDL_FreeSurface, tempFilterSrc);
VVV_freefunc(SDL_FreeSurface, tempFilterDest);
VVV_freefunc(SDL_FreeSurface, tempScreenshot);
void Graphics::drawspritesetcol(int x, int y, int t, int c)
draw_grid_tile(grphx.im_sprites, t, x, y, sprites_rect.w, sprites_rect.h, getcol(c));
void Graphics::updatetitlecolours(void)
col_crewred = getcol(15);
col_crewyellow = getcol(14);
col_crewgreen = getcol(13);
col_crewcyan = getcol(0);
col_crewblue = getcol(16);
col_crewpurple = getcol(20);
col_crewinactive = getcol(19);
col_clock = getcol(18);
col_trinket = getcol(18);
void Graphics::map_tab(int opt, const char* text, bool selected /*= false*/)
int x = opt*80 + 40;
if (selected)
char buffer[SCREEN_WIDTH_CHARS + 1];
vformat_buf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), loc::get_langmeta()->menu_select_tight.c_str(), "label:str", text);
font::print(PR_CEN | PR_CJK_LOW | PR_RTL_XFLIP, x, 220, buffer, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
font::print(PR_CEN | PR_CJK_LOW | PR_RTL_XFLIP, x, 220, text, 64, 64, 64);
void Graphics::map_option(int opt, int num_opts, const std::string& text, bool selected /*= false*/)
int x = 80 + opt*32;
int y = 136; // start from middle of menu
int yoff = -(num_opts * 12) / 2; // could be simplified to -num_opts * 6, this conveys my intent better though
yoff += opt * 12;
if (flipmode)
y -= yoff; // going down, which in Flip Mode means going up
y -= 40;
y += yoff; // going up
if (selected)
std::string text_upper(loc::toupper(text));
char buffer[SCREEN_WIDTH_CHARS + 1];
vformat_buf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), loc::get_langmeta()->menu_select.c_str(), "label:str", text_upper.c_str());
// Account for brackets
x -= (font::len(0, buffer) - font::len(0, text_upper.c_str())) / 2;
font::print(PR_RTL_XFLIP, x, y, buffer, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
font::print(PR_RTL_XFLIP, x, y, loc::remove_toupper_escape_chars(text), 96, 96, 96);
void Graphics::printcrewname( int x, int y, int t )
//Print the name of crew member t in the right colour
const uint32_t flags = flipmode ? PR_CJK_LOW : PR_CJK_HIGH;
case 0:
font::print(flags, x, y, loc::gettext("Viridian"), 16, 240, 240);
case 1:
font::print(flags, x, y, loc::gettext("Violet"), 240, 16, 240);
case 2:
font::print(flags, x, y, loc::gettext("Vitellary"), 240, 240, 16);
case 3:
font::print(flags, x, y, loc::gettext("Vermilion"), 240, 16, 16);
case 4:
font::print(flags, x, y, loc::gettext("Verdigris"), 16, 240, 16);
case 5:
font::print(flags, x, y, loc::gettext("Victoria"), 16, 16, 240);
void Graphics::printcrewnamedark( int x, int y, int t )
//Print the name of crew member t as above, but in black and white
const uint32_t flags = flipmode ? PR_CJK_LOW : PR_CJK_HIGH;
case 0:
font::print(flags, x, y, loc::gettext("Viridian"), 128,128,128);
case 1:
font::print(flags, x, y, loc::gettext("Violet"), 128,128,128);
case 2:
font::print(flags, x, y, loc::gettext("Vitellary"), 128,128,128);
case 3:
font::print(flags, x, y, loc::gettext("Vermilion"), 128,128,128);
case 4:
font::print(flags, x, y, loc::gettext("Verdigris"), 128,128,128);
case 5:
font::print(flags, x, y, loc::gettext("Victoria"), 128,128,128);
void Graphics::printcrewnamestatus( int x, int y, int t, bool rescued )
//Print the status of crew member t in the right colour
int r, g, b;
char gender;
case 0:
r = 12; g = 140, b = 140;
gender = 3;
case 1:
r = 140; g = 12; b = 140;
gender = 2;
case 2:
r = 140; g = 140; b = 12;
gender = 1;
case 3:
r = 140; g = 12; b = 12;
gender = 1;
case 4:
r = 12; g = 140; b = 12;
gender = 1;
case 5:
r = 12; g = 12; b = 140;
gender = 2;
const char* status_text;
if (gender == 3 && rescued)
status_text = loc::gettext("(that's you!)");
else if (rescued)
status_text = loc::gettext_case("Rescued!", gender);
r = 64; g = 64; b = 64;
status_text = loc::gettext_case("Missing...", gender);
font::print(flipmode ? PR_CJK_HIGH : PR_CJK_LOW, x, y, status_text, r, g, b);
void Graphics::print_level_creator(
const uint32_t print_flags,
const int y,
const std::string& creator,
const uint8_t r,
const uint8_t g,
const uint8_t b
) {
/* We now display a face instead of "by {author}" for several reasons:
* - "by" may be in a different language than the author and look weird ("por various people")
* - "by" will be longer in different languages and break the limit that levels assume
* - "by" and author may need mutually incompatible fonts, e.g. Japanese level in Korean VVVVVV
* - avoids likely grammar problems: male/female difference, name inflection in user-written text...
* - it makes sense to make it a face
* - if anyone is sad about this decision, the happy face will cheer them up anyway :D */
int width_for_face = 17;
int total_width = width_for_face + font::len(print_flags, creator.c_str());
int face_x = (SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS - total_width) / 2;
set_texture_color_mod(grphx.im_sprites, r, g, b);
draw_texture_part(grphx.im_sprites, face_x, y - 1, 7, 2, 10, 10, 1, 1);
set_texture_color_mod(grphx.im_sprites, 255, 255, 255);
font::print(print_flags, face_x + width_for_face, y, creator, r, g, b);
int Graphics::set_render_target(SDL_Texture* texture)
const int result = SDL_SetRenderTarget(gameScreen.m_renderer, texture);
if (result != 0)
WHINE_ONCE_ARGS(("Could not set render target: %s", SDL_GetError()));
return result;
int Graphics::set_texture_color_mod(SDL_Texture* texture, const Uint8 r, const Uint8 g, const Uint8 b)
const int result = SDL_SetTextureColorMod(texture, r, g, b);
if (result != 0)
WHINE_ONCE_ARGS(("Could not set texture color mod: %s", SDL_GetError()));
return result;
int Graphics::set_texture_alpha_mod(SDL_Texture* texture, const Uint8 alpha)
const int result = SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(texture, alpha);
if (result != 0)
WHINE_ONCE_ARGS(("Could not set texture alpha mod: %s", SDL_GetError()));
return result;
int Graphics::query_texture(SDL_Texture* texture, Uint32* format, int* access, int* w, int* h)
const int result = SDL_QueryTexture(texture, format, access, w, h);
if (result != 0)
WHINE_ONCE_ARGS(("Could not query texture: %s", SDL_GetError()));
return result;
int Graphics::set_blendmode(const SDL_BlendMode blendmode)
const int result = SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(gameScreen.m_renderer, blendmode);
if (result != 0)
WHINE_ONCE_ARGS(("Could not set draw mode: %s", SDL_GetError()));
return result;
int Graphics::set_blendmode(SDL_Texture* texture, const SDL_BlendMode blendmode)
const int result = SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(texture, blendmode);
if (result != 0)
WHINE_ONCE_ARGS(("Could not set texture blend mode: %s", SDL_GetError()));
return result;
int Graphics::clear(const int r, const int g, const int b, const int a)
set_color(r, g, b, a);
const int result = SDL_RenderClear(gameScreen.m_renderer);
if (result != 0)
WHINE_ONCE_ARGS(("Could not clear current render target: %s", SDL_GetError()));
return result;
int Graphics::clear(void)
return clear(0, 0, 0, 255);
bool Graphics::substitute(SDL_Texture** texture)
/* Either keep the given texture the same and return false,
* or substitute it for a translation and return true. */
if (loc::english_sprites)
return false;
SDL_Texture* subst = NULL;
if (*texture == grphx.im_sprites)
subst = grphx.im_sprites_translated;
else if (*texture == grphx.im_flipsprites)
subst = grphx.im_flipsprites_translated;
if (subst == NULL)
return false;
// Apply the same colors as on the original
Uint8 r, g, b, a;
SDL_GetTextureColorMod(*texture, &r, &g, &b);
SDL_GetTextureAlphaMod(*texture, &a);
set_texture_color_mod(subst, r, g, b);
set_texture_alpha_mod(subst, a);
*texture = subst;
return true;
void Graphics::post_substitute(SDL_Texture* subst)
set_texture_color_mod(subst, 255, 255, 255);
set_texture_alpha_mod(subst, 255);
int Graphics::copy_texture(SDL_Texture* texture, const SDL_Rect* src, const SDL_Rect* dest)
bool is_substituted = substitute(&texture);
const int result = SDL_RenderCopy(gameScreen.m_renderer, texture, src, dest);
if (result != 0)
WHINE_ONCE_ARGS(("Could not copy texture: %s", SDL_GetError()));
if (is_substituted)
return result;
int Graphics::copy_texture(SDL_Texture* texture, const SDL_Rect* src, const SDL_Rect* dest, const double angle, const SDL_Point* center, const SDL_RendererFlip flip)
bool is_substituted = substitute(&texture);
const int result = SDL_RenderCopyEx(gameScreen.m_renderer, texture, src, dest, angle, center, flip);
if (result != 0)
WHINE_ONCE_ARGS(("Could not copy texture: %s", SDL_GetError()));
if (is_substituted)
return result;
int Graphics::set_color(const Uint8 r, const Uint8 g, const Uint8 b, const Uint8 a)
const int result = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(gameScreen.m_renderer, r, g, b, a);
if (result != 0)
WHINE_ONCE_ARGS(("Could not set draw color: %s", SDL_GetError()));
return result;
int Graphics::set_color(const Uint8 r, const Uint8 g, const Uint8 b)
return set_color(r, g, b, 255);
int Graphics::set_color(const SDL_Color color)
return set_color(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
int Graphics::fill_rect(const SDL_Rect* rect)
const int result = SDL_RenderFillRect(gameScreen.m_renderer, rect);
if (result != 0)
WHINE_ONCE_ARGS(("Could not draw filled rectangle: %s", SDL_GetError()));
return result;
int Graphics::fill_rect(const SDL_Rect* rect, const int r, const int g, const int b, const int a)
set_color(r, g, b, a);
return fill_rect(rect);
int Graphics::fill_rect(const SDL_Rect* rect, const int r, const int g, const int b)
return fill_rect(rect, r, g, b, 255);
int Graphics::fill_rect(const int r, const int g, const int b)
return fill_rect(NULL, r, g, b, 255);
int Graphics::fill_rect(const SDL_Rect* rect, const SDL_Color color)
return fill_rect(rect, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
int Graphics::fill_rect(const int x, const int y, const int w, const int h, const int r, const int g, const int b, const int a)
const SDL_Rect rect = {x, y, w, h};
return fill_rect(&rect, r, g, b, a);
int Graphics::fill_rect(const int x, const int y, const int w, const int h, const int r, const int g, const int b)
return fill_rect(x, y, w, h, r, g, b, 255);
int Graphics::fill_rect(const SDL_Color color)
return fill_rect(NULL, color);
int Graphics::fill_rect(const int x, const int y, const int w, const int h, const SDL_Color color)
return fill_rect(x, y, w, h, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
int Graphics::draw_rect(const SDL_Rect* rect)
const int result = SDL_RenderDrawRect(gameScreen.m_renderer, rect);
if (result != 0)
WHINE_ONCE_ARGS(("Could not draw rectangle: %s", SDL_GetError()));
return result;
int Graphics::draw_rect(const SDL_Rect* rect, const int r, const int g, const int b, const int a)
set_color(r, g, b, a);
return draw_rect(rect);
int Graphics::draw_rect(const SDL_Rect* rect, const int r, const int g, const int b)
return draw_rect(rect, r, g, b, 255);
int Graphics::draw_rect(const SDL_Rect* rect, const SDL_Color color)
return draw_rect(rect, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
int Graphics::draw_rect(const int x, const int y, const int w, const int h, const int r, const int g, const int b, const int a)
const SDL_Rect rect = {x, y, w, h};
return draw_rect(&rect, r, g, b, a);
int Graphics::draw_rect(const int x, const int y, const int w, const int h, const int r, const int g, const int b)
return draw_rect(x, y, w, h, r, g, b, 255);
int Graphics::draw_rect(const int x, const int y, const int w, const int h, const SDL_Color color)
return draw_rect(x, y, w, h, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
int Graphics::draw_line(const int x, const int y, const int x2, const int y2)
const int result = SDL_RenderDrawLine(gameScreen.m_renderer, x, y, x2, y2);
if (result != 0)
WHINE_ONCE_ARGS(("Could not draw line: %s", SDL_GetError()));
return result;
int Graphics::draw_points(const SDL_Point* points, const int count)
const int result = SDL_RenderDrawPoints(gameScreen.m_renderer, points, count);
if (result != 0)
WHINE_ONCE_ARGS(("Could not draw points: %s", SDL_GetError()));
return result;
int Graphics::draw_points(const SDL_Point* points, const int count, const int r, const int g, const int b)
set_color(r, g, b);
return draw_points(points, count);
void Graphics::draw_sprite(const int x, const int y, const int t, const int r, const int g, const int b)
draw_grid_tile(grphx.im_sprites, t, x, y, sprites_rect.w, sprites_rect.h, r, g, b);
void Graphics::draw_sprite(const int x, const int y, const int t, const SDL_Color color)
draw_grid_tile(grphx.im_sprites, t, x, y, sprites_rect.w, sprites_rect.h, color);
void Graphics::draw_flipsprite(const int x, const int y, const int t, const SDL_Color color)
draw_grid_tile(grphx.im_flipsprites, t, x, y, sprites_rect.w, sprites_rect.h, color);
void Graphics::scroll_texture(SDL_Texture* texture, SDL_Texture* temp, const int x, const int y)
SDL_Texture* target = SDL_GetRenderTarget(gameScreen.m_renderer);
SDL_Rect texture_rect = {0, 0, 0, 0};
SDL_QueryTexture(texture, NULL, NULL, &texture_rect.w, &texture_rect.h);
const SDL_Rect src = {0, 0, texture_rect.w, texture_rect.h};
const SDL_Rect dest = {x, y, texture_rect.w, texture_rect.h};
copy_texture(texture, &src, &dest);
copy_texture(temp, &src, &src);
bool Graphics::shouldrecoloroneway(const int tilenum, const bool mounted)
return (tilenum >= 14 && tilenum <= 17
&& (!mounted
|| cl.onewaycol_override));
void Graphics::drawtile(int x, int y, int t)
if (shouldrecoloroneway(t, tiles1_mounted))
draw_grid_tile(grphx.im_tiles_tint, t, x, y, tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h, cl.getonewaycol());
draw_grid_tile(grphx.im_tiles, t, x, y, tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h);
void Graphics::drawtile2(int x, int y, int t)
if (shouldrecoloroneway(t, tiles2_mounted))
draw_grid_tile(grphx.im_tiles2_tint, t, x, y, tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h, cl.getonewaycol());
draw_grid_tile(grphx.im_tiles2, t, x, y, tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h);
void Graphics::drawtile3(int x, int y, int t, int off, int height_subtract /*= 0*/)
t += off * 30;
// Can't use drawgridtile because we want to draw a slice of the tile,
// so do the logic ourselves (except include height_subtract in the final call)
int width;
if (query_texture(grphx.im_tiles3, NULL, NULL, &width, NULL) != 0)
const int x2 = (t % (width / 8)) * 8;
const int y2 = (t / (width / 8)) * 8;
draw_texture_part(grphx.im_tiles3, x, y, x2, y2, 8, 8 - height_subtract, 1, 1);
const char* Graphics::textbox_line(
char* buffer,
const size_t buffer_len,
const size_t textbox_i,
const size_t line_i
) {
/* Gets a line in a textbox, accounting for filling button placeholders like {b_map}.
* Takes a buffer as an argument, but DOESN'T ALWAYS write to that buffer.
* Always use the return value! ^^
* Does not check boundaries. */
const char* line = textboxes[textbox_i].lines[line_i].c_str();
if (!textboxes[textbox_i].fill_buttons)
return line;
vformat_buf(buffer, buffer_len,
vformat_button(ActionSet_InGame, Action_InGame_ACTION),
vformat_button(ActionSet_InGame, Action_InGame_Interact),
vformat_button(ActionSet_InGame, Action_InGame_Map),
vformat_button(ActionSet_InGame, Action_InGame_Restart),
vformat_button(ActionSet_InGame, Action_InGame_Esc)
return buffer;
void Graphics::drawgui(void)
int text_sign;
if (flipmode)
text_sign = -1;
text_sign = 1;
//Draw all the textboxes to the screen
for (size_t i = 0; i < textboxes.size(); i++)
int text_yoff;
int yp;
int font_height = font::height(textboxes[i].print_flags);
if (flipmode)
text_yoff = 8 + (textboxes[i].lines.size() - 1) * font_height;
text_yoff = 8;
yp = textboxes[i].yp;
if (flipmode && textboxes[i].flipme)
yp = SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS - yp - 16 - textboxes[i].lines.size() * font_height;
char buffer[SCREEN_WIDTH_CHARS + 1];
int w = textboxes[i].w;
if (textboxes[i].fill_buttons)
/* If we can fill in buttons, the width of the box may change...
* This is Violet's fault. She decided to say a button name out loud. */
int max = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < textboxes[i].lines.size(); j++)
int len = font::len(textboxes[i].print_flags, textbox_line(buffer, sizeof(buffer), i, j));
if (len > max)
max = len;
w = max + 16;
uint32_t print_flags = textboxes[i].print_flags | PR_CJK_LOW;
int text_xp;
if (font::is_rtl(print_flags))
print_flags |= PR_RIGHT;
text_xp = textboxes[i].xp + w - 8;
text_xp = textboxes[i].xp + 8;
const bool transparent = (textboxes[i].r | textboxes[i].g | textboxes[i].b) == 0;
if (transparent)
/* To avoid the outlines for different lines overlapping the text itself,
* first draw all the outlines and then draw the text. */
size_t j;
for (j = 0; j < textboxes[i].lines.size(); j++)
print_flags | PR_BOR,
yp + text_yoff + text_sign * (j * font_height),
textbox_line(buffer, sizeof(buffer), i, j),
0, 0, 0
for (j = 0; j < textboxes[i].lines.size(); j++)
yp + text_yoff + text_sign * (j * font_height),
textbox_line(buffer, sizeof(buffer), i, j),
196, 196, 255 - help.glow
const float tl_lerp = lerp(textboxes[i].prev_tl, textboxes[i].tl);
const int r = textboxes[i].r * tl_lerp;
const int g = textboxes[i].g * tl_lerp;
const int b = textboxes[i].b * tl_lerp;
drawpixeltextbox(textboxes[i].xp, yp, w, textboxes[i].h, r, g, b);
for (size_t j = 0; j < textboxes[i].lines.size(); j++)
print_flags | PR_BRIGHTNESS(tl_lerp*255),
yp + text_yoff + text_sign * (j * font_height),
textbox_line(buffer, sizeof(buffer), i, j),
textboxes[i].r, textboxes[i].g, textboxes[i].b
const bool opaque = textboxes[i].tl >= 1.0;
const bool draw_overlays = opaque || transparent;
if (!draw_overlays)
if (textboxes[i].image == TEXTIMAGE_LEVELCOMPLETE)
// Level complete
const char* english = "Level Complete!";
const char* translation = loc::gettext(english);
if (SDL_strcmp(english, translation) != 0
&& !(flipmode && fliplevelcomplete_mounted)
&& !(!flipmode && levelcomplete_mounted)
int sc = 2;
int y = 28;
if (font::len(0, translation) > 144)
// We told translators how long it could be... Ah well, mitigate the damage.
sc = 1;
y += 4;
if (flipmode)
y = 240 - y - 8 * sc;
SDL_Color color = TEXT_COLOUR("cyan");
font::print((sc == 2 ? PR_2X : PR_1X) | PR_CEN, -1, y, translation, color.r, color.g, color.b);
if (flipmode)
drawimage(IMAGE_FLIPLEVELCOMPLETE, 0, 180, true);
drawimage(IMAGE_LEVELCOMPLETE, 0, 12, true);
else if (textboxes[i].image == TEXTIMAGE_GAMECOMPLETE)
// Game complete
const char* english = "Game Complete!";
const char* translation = loc::gettext(english);
if (SDL_strcmp(english, translation) != 0
&& !(flipmode && flipgamecomplete_mounted)
&& !(!flipmode && gamecomplete_mounted)
int sc = 2;
int y = 28;
if (font::len(0, translation) > 144)
// We told translators how long it could be... Ah well, mitigate the damage.
sc = 1;
y += 4;
if (flipmode)
y = 240 - y - 8 * sc;
font::print((sc == 2 ? PR_2X : PR_1X) | PR_CEN, -1, y, translation, 196, 196, 243);
if (flipmode)
drawimage(IMAGE_FLIPGAMECOMPLETE, 0, 180, true);
drawimage(IMAGE_GAMECOMPLETE, 0, 12, true);
for (size_t index = 0; index < textboxes[i].sprites.size(); index++)
TextboxSprite* sprite = &textboxes[i].sprites[index];
int y = sprite->y + yp;
if (flipmode)
y = yp + textboxes[i].h - sprite->y - sprites_rect.h;
sprite->x + textboxes[i].xp,
(flipmode ? -1 : 1)
void Graphics::updatetextboxes(void)
for (size_t i = 0; i < textboxes.size(); i++)
if (textboxes[i].tm == 2 && textboxes[i].tl <= 0.5)
textboxes.erase(textboxes.begin() + i);
if (textboxes[i].tl >= 1.0f
&& ((textboxes[i].r == 175 && textboxes[i].g == 175)
|| textboxes[i].r == 175
|| textboxes[i].g == 175
|| textboxes[i].b == 175)
&& (textboxes[i].r != 175 || textboxes[i].b != 175))
textboxes[i].rand = fRandom() * 20;
void Graphics::drawimagecol( int t, int xp, int yp, const SDL_Color ct, bool cent/*= false*/ )
if (!INBOUNDS_ARR(t, images) || images[t] == NULL)
SDL_Rect trect;
trect.x = xp;
trect.y = yp;
if (query_texture(images[t], NULL, NULL, &trect.w, &trect.h) != 0)
if (cent)
trect.x = (int) ((SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS - trect.w) / 2);
set_texture_color_mod(images[t], ct.r, ct.g, ct.b);
draw_texture(images[t], trect.x, trect.y);
set_texture_color_mod(images[t], 255, 255, 255);
void Graphics::drawimage( int t, int xp, int yp, bool cent/*=false*/ )
if (!INBOUNDS_ARR(t, images) || images[t] == NULL)
SDL_Rect trect;
trect.x = xp;
trect.y = yp;
if (query_texture(images[t], NULL, NULL, &trect.w, &trect.h) != 0)
if (cent)
trect.x = (int) ((SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS - trect.w) / 2);
draw_texture(images[t], trect.x, trect.y);
void Graphics::drawpartimage(const int t, const int xp, const int yp, const int wp, const int hp)
if (!INBOUNDS_ARR(t, images) || images[t] == NULL)
draw_texture_part(images[t], xp, yp, 0, 0, wp, hp, 1, 1);
void Graphics::draw_texture(SDL_Texture* image, const int x, const int y)
int w, h;
if (query_texture(image, NULL, NULL, &w, &h) != 0)
const SDL_Rect dstrect = {x, y, w, h};
copy_texture(image, NULL, &dstrect);
void Graphics::draw_texture_part(SDL_Texture* image, const int x, const int y, const int x2, const int y2, const int w, const int h, const int scalex, const int scaley)
const SDL_Rect srcrect = {x2, y2, w, h};
int flip = SDL_FLIP_NONE;
if (scalex < 0)
if (scaley < 0)
const SDL_Rect dstrect = {x, y, w * SDL_abs(scalex), h * SDL_abs(scaley)};
copy_texture(image, &srcrect, &dstrect, 0, NULL, (SDL_RendererFlip) flip);
void Graphics::draw_grid_tile(SDL_Texture* texture, const int t, const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height, const int scalex, const int scaley)
int tex_width;
if (query_texture(texture, NULL, NULL, &tex_width, NULL) != 0)
const int x2 = (t % (tex_width / width)) * width;
const int y2 = (t / (tex_width / width)) * height;
draw_texture_part(texture, x, y, x2, y2, width, height, scalex, scaley);
void Graphics::draw_grid_tile(
SDL_Texture* texture, const int t,
const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height
) {
draw_grid_tile(texture, t, x, y, width, height, 1, 1);
void Graphics::draw_grid_tile(
SDL_Texture* texture, const int t,
const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height,
const int r, const int g, const int b, const int a,
const int scalex, const int scaley
) {
set_texture_color_mod(texture, r, g, b);
set_texture_alpha_mod(texture, a);
draw_grid_tile(texture, t, x, y, width, height, scalex, scaley);
set_texture_color_mod(texture, 255, 255, 255);
set_texture_alpha_mod(texture, 255);
void Graphics::draw_grid_tile(
SDL_Texture* texture, const int t,
const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height,
const int r, const int g, const int b, const int a
) {
draw_grid_tile(texture, t, x, y, width, height, r, g, b, a, 1, 1);
void Graphics::draw_grid_tile(
SDL_Texture* texture, const int t,
const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height,
const int r, const int g, const int b,
const int scalex, const int scaley
) {
draw_grid_tile(texture, t, x, y, width, height, r, g, b, 255, scalex, scaley);
void Graphics::draw_grid_tile(
SDL_Texture* texture, const int t,
const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height,
const int r, const int g, const int b
) {
draw_grid_tile(texture, t, x, y, width, height, r, g, b, 255);
void Graphics::draw_grid_tile(
SDL_Texture* texture, const int t,
const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height,
const SDL_Color color,
const int scalex, const int scaley
) {
draw_grid_tile(texture, t, x, y, width, height, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a, scalex, scaley);
void Graphics::draw_grid_tile(
SDL_Texture* texture, const int t,
const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height,
const SDL_Color color
) {
draw_grid_tile(texture, t, x, y, width, height, color, 1, 1);
void Graphics::cutscenebars(void)
const int usethispos = lerp(oldcutscenebarspos, cutscenebarspos);
if (showcutscenebars)
fill_rect(0, 0, usethispos, 16, 0, 0, 0);
fill_rect(360 - usethispos, 224, usethispos, 16, 0, 0, 0);
else if (cutscenebarspos > 0) //disappearing
fill_rect(0, 0, usethispos, 16, 0, 0, 0);
fill_rect(360 - usethispos, 224, usethispos, 16, 0, 0, 0);
void Graphics::cutscenebarstimer(void)
oldcutscenebarspos = cutscenebarspos;
if (showcutscenebars)
cutscenebarspos += 25;
cutscenebarspos = SDL_min(cutscenebarspos, 361);
else if (cutscenebarspos > 0)
cutscenebarspos -= 25;
cutscenebarspos = SDL_max(cutscenebarspos, 0);
void Graphics::setbars(const int position)
cutscenebarspos = position;
oldcutscenebarspos = position;
void Graphics::drawcrewman(int x, int y, int t, bool act, bool noshift /*=false*/)
if (!act)
if (noshift)
if (flipmode)
draw_sprite(x, y, 14, col_crewinactive);
draw_sprite(x, y, 12, col_crewinactive);
if (flipmode)
draw_sprite(x - 8, y, 14, col_crewinactive);
draw_sprite(x - 8, y, 12, col_crewinactive);
if (flipmode) crewframe += 6;
case 0:
draw_sprite(x, y, crewframe, col_crewcyan);
case 1:
draw_sprite(x, y, crewframe, col_crewpurple);
case 2:
draw_sprite(x, y, crewframe, col_crewyellow);
case 3:
draw_sprite(x, y, crewframe, col_crewred);
case 4:
draw_sprite(x, y, crewframe, col_crewgreen);
case 5:
draw_sprite(x, y, crewframe, col_crewblue);
if (flipmode) crewframe -= 6;
void Graphics::drawpixeltextbox(
const int x,
const int y,
const int w,
const int h,
const int r,
const int g,
const int b
) {
int k;
fill_rect(x, y, w, h, r / 6, g / 6, b / 6);
/* Horizontal tiles */
for (k = 0; k < w / 8 - 2; ++k)
drawcoloredtile(x + 8 + k * 8, y, 41, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + 8 + k * 8, y + h - 8, 46, r, g, b);
if (w % 8 != 0)
/* Fill in horizontal gap */
drawcoloredtile(x + w - 16, y, 41, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + w - 16, y + h - 8, 46, r, g, b);
/* Vertical tiles */
for (k = 0; k < h / 8 - 2; ++k)
drawcoloredtile(x, y + 8 + k * 8, 43, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + w - 8, y + 8 + k * 8, 44, r, g, b);
if (h % 8 != 0)
/* Fill in vertical gap */
drawcoloredtile(x, y + h - 16, 43, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + w - 8, y + h - 16, 44, r, g, b);
/* Corners */
drawcoloredtile(x, y, 40, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + w - 8, y, 42, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x, y + h - 8, 45, r, g, b);
drawcoloredtile(x + w - 8, y + h - 8, 47, r, g, b);
void Graphics::textboxactive(void)
//Remove all but the most recent textbox
for (int i = 0; i < (int) textboxes.size(); i++)
if (m != i) textboxes[i].remove();
void Graphics::textboxremovefast(void)
//Remove all textboxes
for (size_t i = 0; i < textboxes.size(); i++)
void Graphics::textboxremove(void)
//Remove all textboxes
for (size_t i = 0; i < textboxes.size(); i++)
void Graphics::textboxtimer(int t)
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textboxes))
vlog_error("textboxtimer() out-of-bounds!");
textboxes[m].timer = t;
void Graphics::addsprite(int x, int y, int tile, int col)
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textboxes))
vlog_error("addsprite() out-of-bounds!");
textboxes[m].addsprite(x, y, tile, col);
void Graphics::setimage(TextboxImage image)
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textboxes))
vlog_error("setimage() out-of-bounds!");
void Graphics::addline( const std::string& t )
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textboxes))
vlog_error("addline() out-of-bounds!");
void Graphics::setlarge(bool large)
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textboxes))
vlog_error("setlarge() out-of-bounds!");
textboxes[m].large = large;
void Graphics::textboxadjust(void)
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textboxes))
vlog_error("textboxadjust() out-of-bounds!");
void Graphics::createtextboxreal(
const std::string& t,
int xp, int yp,
int r, int g, int b,
bool flipme
) {
m = textboxes.size();
if (m < 20)
textboxclass text;
text.xp = xp;
if (xp == -1) text.xp = 160 - ((font::len(PR_FONT_LEVEL, t.c_str()) / 2) + 8);
text.yp = yp;
text.initcol(r, g, b);
text.flipme = flipme;
void Graphics::createtextbox(
const std::string& t,
int xp, int yp,
SDL_Color color
) {
createtextboxreal(t, xp, yp, color.r, color.g, color.b, false);
void Graphics::createtextbox(
const std::string& t,
int xp, int yp,
int r, int g, int b
) {
createtextboxreal(t, xp, yp, r, g, b, false);
void Graphics::createtextboxflipme(
const std::string& t,
int xp, int yp,
SDL_Color color
) {
createtextboxreal(t, xp, yp, color.r, color.g, color.b, true);
void Graphics::createtextboxflipme(
const std::string& t,
int xp, int yp,
int r, int g, int b
) {
createtextboxreal(t, xp, yp, r, g, b, true);
void Graphics::drawfade(void)
const int usethisamount = lerp(oldfadeamount, fadeamount);
switch (fademode)
fill_rect(0, 0, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(fadebars); i++)
fill_rect(fadebars[i], i * 16, usethisamount, 16, 0, 0, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(fadebars); i++)
fill_rect(fadebars[i] - usethisamount, i * 16, 500, 16, 0, 0, 0);
void Graphics::processfade(void)
oldfadeamount = fadeamount;
switch (fademode)
for (size_t i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(fadebars); i++)
fadebars[i] = -(int)(fRandom() * 12) * 8;
fademode = FADE_FADING_OUT;
fadeamount += 24;
if (fadeamount > 416)
fademode = FADE_FULLY_BLACK;
for (size_t i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(fadebars); i++)
fadebars[i] = 320 + (int)(fRandom() * 12) * 8;
fademode = FADE_FADING_IN;
fadeamount -= 24;
if (fadeamount <= 0)
fademode = FADE_NONE;
void Graphics::setfade(const int amount)
fadeamount = amount;
oldfadeamount = amount;
void Graphics::drawmenu(int cr, int cg, int cb, enum Menu::MenuName menu)
/* The MenuName is only used for some special cases,
* like the levels list and the language screen. */
bool language_screen = menu == Menu::language && !loc::languagelist.empty();
unsigned int twocol_voptions;
if (language_screen)
size_t n_options = game.menuoptions.size();
twocol_voptions = n_options - (n_options / 2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < game.menuoptions.size(); i++)
MenuOption& opt = game.menuoptions[i];
int fr, fg, fb;
if (opt.active)
// Color it normally
fr = cr;
fg = cg;
fb = cb;
// Color it gray
fr = 128;
fg = 128;
fb = 128;
int x, y;
if (language_screen)
int name_len = font::len(opt.print_flags, opt.text);
x = (i < twocol_voptions ? 80 : 240) - name_len / 2;
y = 36 + (i % twocol_voptions) * 12;
x = i * game.menuspacing + game.menuxoff;
y = 140 + i * 12 + game.menuyoff;
if (menu == Menu::levellist)
size_t separator;
if (cl.ListOfMetaData.size() > 8)
separator = 3;
separator = 1;
if (game.menuoptions.size() - i <= separator)
// We're on "next page", "previous page", or "return to menu". Draw them separated by a bit
y += 8;
// Get out of the way of the level descriptions
y += 4;
if (menu == Menu::translator_options_cutscenetest)
size_t separator = 4;
if (game.menuoptions.size() - i <= separator)
y += 4;
char buffer[MENU_TEXT_BYTES];
if ((int) i == game.currentmenuoption && game.slidermode == SLIDER_NONE)
std::string opt_text;
if (opt.active)
// Uppercase the text
opt_text = loc::toupper(opt.text);
opt_text = loc::remove_toupper_escape_chars(opt.text);
vformat_buf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), loc::get_langmeta()->menu_select.c_str(), "label:str", opt_text.c_str());
// Account for brackets
x -= (font::len(opt.print_flags, buffer) - font::len(opt.print_flags, opt_text.c_str())) / 2;
SDL_strlcpy(buffer, loc::remove_toupper_escape_chars(opt.text).c_str(), sizeof(buffer));
font::print(opt.print_flags, x, y, buffer, fr, fg, fb);
void Graphics::drawcoloredtile(
const int x, const int y,
const int t,
const int r, const int g, const int b
) {
draw_grid_tile(grphx.im_tiles_white, t, x, y, tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h, r, g, b);
bool Graphics::Hitest(SDL_Surface* surface1, SDL_Point p1, SDL_Surface* surface2, SDL_Point p2)
//find rectangle where they intersect:
int r1_left = p1.x;
int r1_right = r1_left + surface1->w;
int r2_left = p2.x;
int r2_right = r2_left + surface2->w;
int r1_bottom = p1.y;
int r1_top = p1.y + surface1->h;
int r2_bottom = p2.y;
int r2_top = p2.y + surface2->h;
SDL_Rect rect1 = {p1.x, p1.y, surface1->w, surface1->h};
SDL_Rect rect2 = {p2.x, p2.y, surface2->w, surface2->h};
bool intersection = help.intersects(rect1, rect2);
int r3_left = SDL_max(r1_left, r2_left);
int r3_top = SDL_min(r1_top, r2_top);
int r3_right = SDL_min(r1_right, r2_right);
int r3_bottom= SDL_max(r1_bottom, r2_bottom);
//for every pixel inside rectangle
for(int x = r3_left; x < r3_right; x++)
for(int y = r3_bottom; y < r3_top; y++)
const SDL_Color pixel1 = ReadPixel(surface1, x - p1.x, y - p1.y);
const SDL_Color pixel2 = ReadPixel(surface2, x - p2.x, y - p2.y);
/* INTENTIONAL BUG! In previous versions, the game mistakenly
* checked the red channel, not the alpha channel.
* We preserve it here because some people abuse this. */
if (pixel1.r != 0 && pixel2.r != 0)
return true;
return false;
void Graphics::drawgravityline(const int t, const int x, const int y, const int w, const int h)
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, obj.entities))
WHINE_ONCE("drawgravityline() out-of-bounds!");
if (obj.entities[t].life == 0)
if (game.noflashingmode)
set_color(200 - 20, 200 - 20, 200 - 20);
draw_line(x, y, x + w, y + h);
case 0:
set_color(200 - 20, 200 - 20, 200 - 20);
case 1:
set_color(245 - 30, 245 - 30, 225 - 30);
case 2:
set_color(225 - 30, 245 - 30, 245 - 30);
case 3:
set_color(200 - 20, 200 - 20, 164 - 10);
case 4:
set_color(196 - 20, 255 - 30, 224 - 20);
case 5:
set_color(196 - 20, 235 - 30, 205 - 20);
case 6:
set_color(164 - 10, 164 - 10, 164 - 10);
case 7:
set_color(205 - 20, 245 - 30, 225 - 30);
case 8:
set_color(225 - 30, 255 - 30, 205 - 20);
case 9:
set_color(245 - 30, 245 - 30, 245 - 30);
set_color(96, 96, 96);
draw_line(x, y, x + w, y + h);
void Graphics::drawtrophytext(void)
int brightness;
if (obj.trophytext < 15)
const int usethismult = lerp(obj.oldtrophytext, obj.trophytext);
brightness = (usethismult / 15.0) * 255;
brightness = 255;
/* These were originally all at the top of the screen, but might be too tight for localization.
* It probably makes sense to make them all have a top text now, but for now this is probably fine.
* Look at the Steam achievements, they have pretty logical titles that should probably be used. */
const char* top_text = NULL;
const char* bottom_text = NULL;
case 1:
top_text = loc::gettext("SPACE STATION 1 MASTERED");
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial");
case 2:
top_text = loc::gettext("LABORATORY MASTERED");
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial");
case 3:
top_text = loc::gettext("THE TOWER MASTERED");
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial");
case 4:
top_text = loc::gettext("SPACE STATION 2 MASTERED");
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial");
case 5:
top_text = loc::gettext("WARP ZONE MASTERED");
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial");
case 6:
top_text = loc::gettext("FINAL LEVEL MASTERED");
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial");
case 7:
top_text = loc::gettext("GAME COMPLETE");
bottom_text = loc::gettext_case("Complete the game", 1);
case 8:
top_text = loc::gettext("FLIP MODE COMPLETE");
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Complete the game in flip mode");
case 9:
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Win with less than 50 deaths");
case 10:
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Win with less than 100 deaths");
case 11:
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Win with less than 250 deaths");
case 12:
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Win with less than 500 deaths");
case 13:
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Last 5 seconds on the Super Gravitron");
case 14:
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Last 10 seconds on the Super Gravitron");
case 15:
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Last 15 seconds on the Super Gravitron");
case 16:
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Last 20 seconds on the Super Gravitron");
case 17:
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Last 30 seconds on the Super Gravitron");
case 18:
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Last 1 minute on the Super Gravitron");
case 20:
top_text = loc::gettext("MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE");
bottom_text = loc::gettext("Complete the game in no death mode");
short lines;
if (top_text != NULL)
font::string_wordwrap(0, top_text, 304, &lines);
font::print_wrap(PR_CEN | PR_BRIGHTNESS(brightness) | PR_BOR, -1, 11 - (lines - 1) * 5, top_text, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
if (bottom_text != NULL)
font::string_wordwrap(0, bottom_text, 304, &lines);
font::print_wrap(PR_CEN | PR_BRIGHTNESS(brightness) | PR_BOR, -1, 221 - (lines - 1) * 5, bottom_text, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);
void Graphics::drawentities(void)
const int yoff = map.towermode ? lerp(map.oldypos, map.ypos) : 0;
if (!map.custommode)
for (int i = obj.entities.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (!obj.entities[i].ishumanoid())
drawentity(i, yoff);
for (int i = obj.entities.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (obj.entities[i].ishumanoid())
drawentity(i, yoff);
for (int i = obj.entities.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
drawentity(i, yoff);
void Graphics::drawentity(const int i, const int yoff)
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities))
WHINE_ONCE("drawentity() out-of-bounds!");
if (obj.entities[i].invis)
SDL_Point tpoint;
SDL_Rect drawRect;
bool custom_gray;
// Special case for gray Warp Zone tileset!
if (map.custommode)
const RoomProperty* const room = cl.getroomprop(game.roomx - 100, game.roomy - 100);
custom_gray = room->tileset == 3 && room->tilecol == 6;
custom_gray = false;
SDL_Texture* sprites = flipmode ? grphx.im_flipsprites : grphx.im_sprites;
SDL_Texture* tiles = (map.custommode && !map.finalmode) ? grphx.im_entcolours : grphx.im_tiles;
SDL_Texture* tiles_tint = (map.custommode && !map.finalmode) ? grphx.im_entcolours_tint : grphx.im_tiles_tint;
const int xp = lerp(obj.entities[i].lerpoldxp, obj.entities[i].xp);
const int yp = lerp(obj.entities[i].lerpoldyp, obj.entities[i].yp);
switch (obj.entities[i].size)
case 0:
// Sprites
tpoint.x = xp;
tpoint.y = yp - yoff;
const SDL_Color ct = obj.entities[i].realcol;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
draw_grid_tile(sprites, obj.entities[i].drawframe, drawRect.x, drawRect.y, 32, 32, ct);
// screenwrapping!
SDL_Point wrappedPoint;
bool wrapX = false;
bool wrapY = false;
wrappedPoint.x = tpoint.x;
if (tpoint.x < 0)
wrapX = true;
wrappedPoint.x += 320;
else if (tpoint.x > 288)
wrapX = true;
wrappedPoint.x -= 320;
wrappedPoint.y = tpoint.y;
if (tpoint.y < 8)
wrapY = true;
wrappedPoint.y += 232;
else if (tpoint.y > 200)
wrapY = true;
wrappedPoint.y -= 232;
const bool isInWrappingAreaOfTower = map.towermode && !map.minitowermode && map.ypos >= 500 && map.ypos <= 5000;
if (wrapX && (map.warpx || isInWrappingAreaOfTower))
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += wrappedPoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
draw_grid_tile(sprites, obj.entities[i].drawframe, drawRect.x, drawRect.y, 32, 32, ct);
if (wrapY && map.warpy)
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += wrappedPoint.y;
draw_grid_tile(sprites, obj.entities[i].drawframe, drawRect.x, drawRect.y, 32, 32, ct);
if (wrapX && wrapY && map.warpx && map.warpy)
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += wrappedPoint.x;
drawRect.y += wrappedPoint.y;
draw_grid_tile(sprites, obj.entities[i].drawframe, drawRect.x, drawRect.y, 32, 32, ct);
case 1:
// Tiles
tpoint.x = xp;
tpoint.y = yp - yoff;
drawRect = tiles_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
draw_grid_tile(grphx.im_tiles, obj.entities[i].drawframe, drawRect.x, drawRect.y, 8, 8);
case 2:
case 8:
// Special: Moving platform, 4 tiles or 8 tiles
tpoint.x = xp;
tpoint.y = yp - yoff;
int thiswidth = 4;
if (obj.entities[i].size == 8)
thiswidth = 8;
for (int ii = 0; ii < thiswidth; ii++)
drawRect = tiles_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
drawRect.x += 8 * ii;
if (custom_gray)
draw_grid_tile(tiles_tint, obj.entities[i].drawframe, drawRect.x, drawRect.y, 8, 8);
draw_grid_tile(tiles, obj.entities[i].drawframe, drawRect.x, drawRect.y, 8, 8);
case 3: // Big chunky pixels!
fill_rect(xp, yp - yoff, 4, 4, obj.entities[i].realcol);
case 4: // Small pickups
const SDL_Color color = obj.entities[i].realcol;
drawcoloredtile(xp, yp - yoff, obj.entities[i].tile, color.r, color.g, color.b);
case 5: // Horizontal Line
int oldw = obj.entities[i].w;
if ((game.swngame == SWN_START_GRAVITRON_STEP_2 || kludgeswnlinewidth)
&& obj.getlineat(84 - 32) == i)
oldw -= 24;
drawgravityline(i, xp, yp - yoff, lerp(oldw, obj.entities[i].w) - 1, 0);
case 6: // Vertical Line
drawgravityline(i, xp, yp - yoff, 0, obj.entities[i].h - 1);
case 7: // Teleporter
drawtele(xp, yp - yoff, obj.entities[i].drawframe, obj.entities[i].realcol);
// case 8: // Special: Moving platform, 8 tiles
// Note: This code is in the 4-tile code
case 9: // Really Big Sprite! (2x2)
const SDL_Color ct = obj.entities[i].realcol;
tpoint.x = xp;
tpoint.y = yp - yoff;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
draw_grid_tile(sprites, obj.entities[i].drawframe, drawRect.x, drawRect.y, 32, 32, ct);
tpoint.x = xp + 32;
tpoint.y = yp - yoff;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
draw_grid_tile(sprites, obj.entities[i].drawframe + 1, drawRect.x, drawRect.y, 32, 32, ct);
tpoint.x = xp;
tpoint.y = yp + 32 - yoff;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
draw_grid_tile(sprites, obj.entities[i].drawframe + 12, drawRect.x, drawRect.y, 32, 32, ct);
tpoint.x = xp + 32;
tpoint.y = yp + 32 - yoff;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
draw_grid_tile(sprites, obj.entities[i].drawframe + 13, drawRect.x, drawRect.y, 32, 32, ct);
case 10: // 2x1 Sprite
const SDL_Color ct = obj.entities[i].realcol;
tpoint.x = xp;
tpoint.y = yp - yoff;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
draw_grid_tile(sprites, obj.entities[i].drawframe, drawRect.x, drawRect.y, 32, 32, ct);
tpoint.x = xp + 32;
tpoint.y = yp - yoff;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
draw_grid_tile(sprites, obj.entities[i].drawframe + 1, drawRect.x, drawRect.y, 32, 32, ct);
case 11: // The fucking elephant
drawimagecol(IMAGE_ELEPHANT, xp, yp - yoff, obj.entities[i].realcol);
case 12: // Regular sprites that don't wrap
tpoint.x = xp;
tpoint.y = yp - yoff;
const SDL_Color ct = obj.entities[i].realcol;
drawRect = sprites_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
draw_grid_tile(sprites, obj.entities[i].drawframe, drawRect.x, drawRect.y, 32, 32, ct);
// if we're outside the screen, we need to draw indicators
if (obj.entities[i].xp < -20 && obj.entities[i].vx > 0)
if (obj.entities[i].xp < -100)
tpoint.x = -5 + (int) (-xp / 10);
tpoint.x = 5;
tpoint.y = tpoint.y + 4;
drawRect = tiles_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
draw_grid_tile(grphx.im_tiles_white, 1167, drawRect.x, drawRect.y, 8, 8, ct);
else if (obj.entities[i].xp > 340 && obj.entities[i].vx < 0)
if (obj.entities[i].xp > 420)
tpoint.x = 320 - (int) ((xp - 320) / 10);
tpoint.x = 310;
tpoint.y = tpoint.y+4;
drawRect = tiles_rect;
drawRect.x += tpoint.x;
drawRect.y += tpoint.y;
draw_grid_tile(grphx.im_tiles_white, 1166, drawRect.x, drawRect.y, 8, 8, ct);
case 13:
// Special for epilogue: huge hero!
draw_grid_tile(grphx.im_sprites, obj.entities[i].drawframe, xp, yp - yoff, sprites_rect.w, sprites_rect.h, obj.entities[i].realcol, 6, 6);
void Graphics::drawbackground( int t )
case 1:
// Starfield
fill_rect(0, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < numstars; i++)
SDL_Rect star_rect = stars[i];
star_rect.x = lerp(star_rect.x + starsspeed[i], star_rect.x);
if (starsspeed[i] <= 6)
fill_rect(&star_rect, getRGB(0x22,0x22,0x22));
fill_rect(&star_rect, getRGB(0x55,0x55,0x55));
case 2:
SDL_Color bcol;
SDL_Color bcol2;
// Lab
switch (rcol)
// Akward ordering to match tileset
case 0:
bcol2 = getRGB(0, 16 * backboxmult, 16 * backboxmult);
break; // Cyan
case 1:
bcol2 = getRGB(16 * backboxmult, 0, 0);
break; // Red
case 2:
bcol2 = getRGB(16 * backboxmult, 0, 16 * backboxmult);
break; // Purple
case 3:
bcol2 = getRGB(0, 0, 16 * backboxmult);
break; // Blue
case 4:
bcol2 = getRGB(16 * backboxmult, 16 * backboxmult, 0);
break; // Yellow
case 5:
bcol2 = getRGB(0, 16 * backboxmult, 0);
break; // Green
case 6:
// crazy case
switch (spcol)
case 0:
bcol2 = getRGB(0, 16 * backboxmult, 16 * backboxmult);
break; // Cyan
case 1:
bcol2 = getRGB(0, (spcoldel + 1) * backboxmult, 16 * backboxmult);
break; // Cyan
case 2:
bcol2 = getRGB(0, 0, 16 * backboxmult);
break; // Blue
case 3:
bcol2 = getRGB((16 - spcoldel) * backboxmult, 0, 16 * backboxmult);
break; // Blue
case 4:
bcol2 = getRGB(16 * backboxmult, 0, 16 * backboxmult);
break; // Purple
case 5:
bcol2 = getRGB(16 * backboxmult, 0, (spcoldel + 1) * backboxmult);
break; // Purple
case 6:
bcol2 = getRGB(16 * backboxmult, 0, 0);
break; // Red
case 7:
bcol2 = getRGB(16 * backboxmult, (16 - spcoldel) * backboxmult, 0);
break; // Red
case 8:
bcol2 = getRGB(16 * backboxmult, 16 * backboxmult, 0);
break; // Yellow
case 9:
bcol2 = getRGB((spcoldel + 1) * backboxmult, 16 * backboxmult, 0);
break; // Yellow
case 10:
bcol2 = getRGB(0, 16 * backboxmult, 0);
break; // Green
case 11:
bcol2 = getRGB(0, 16 * backboxmult, (16 - spcoldel) * backboxmult);
break; // Green
for (int i = 0; i < numbackboxes; i++)
switch (rcol)
// Akward ordering to match tileset
case 0:
bcol = getRGB(16, 128 * backboxmult, 128 * backboxmult);
break; // Cyan
case 1:
bcol = getRGB(128 * backboxmult, 16, 16);
break; // Red
case 2:
bcol = getRGB(128 * backboxmult, 16, 128 * backboxmult);
break; // Purple
case 3:
bcol = getRGB(16, 16, 128 * backboxmult);
break; // Blue
case 4:
bcol = getRGB(128 * backboxmult, 128 * backboxmult, 16);
break; // Yellow
case 5:
bcol = getRGB(16, 128 * backboxmult, 16);
break; // Green
case 6:
// crazy case
switch (spcol)
case 0:
bcol = getRGB(16, 128 * backboxmult, 128 * backboxmult);
break; // Cyan
case 1:
bcol = getRGB(16, ((spcoldel + 1) * 8) * backboxmult, 128 * backboxmult);
break; // Cyan
case 2:
bcol = getRGB(16, 16, 128 * backboxmult);
break; // Blue
case 3:
bcol = getRGB((128 - (spcoldel * 8)) * backboxmult, 16, 128 * backboxmult);
break; // Blue
case 4:
bcol = getRGB(128 * backboxmult, 16, 128 * backboxmult);
break; // Purple
case 5:
bcol = getRGB(128 * backboxmult, 16, ((spcoldel + 1) * 8) * backboxmult);
break; // Purple
case 6:
bcol = getRGB(128 * backboxmult, 16, 16);
break; // Red
case 7:
bcol = getRGB(128 * backboxmult, (128 - (spcoldel * 8)) * backboxmult, 16);
break; // Red
case 8:
bcol = getRGB(128 * backboxmult, 128 * backboxmult, 16);
break; // Yellow
case 9:
bcol = getRGB(((spcoldel + 1) * 8) * backboxmult, 128 * backboxmult, 16);
break; // Yellow
case 10:
bcol = getRGB(16, 128 * backboxmult, 16);
break; // Green
case 11:
bcol = getRGB(16, 128 * backboxmult, (128 - (spcoldel * 8)) * backboxmult);
break; // Green
SDL_Rect backboxrect = backboxes[i];
backboxrect.x = lerp(backboxes[i].x - backboxvx[i], backboxes[i].x);
backboxrect.y = lerp(backboxes[i].y - backboxvy[i], backboxes[i].y);
fill_rect(&backboxrect, bcol);
backboxrect.w -= 2;
backboxrect.h -= 2;
fill_rect(&backboxrect, bcol2);
case 3: //Warp zone (horizontal)
const int offset = (int) lerp(-3, 0);
const SDL_Rect srcRect = {8 + offset, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS, SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS};
copy_texture(backgroundTexture, &srcRect, NULL);
case 4: //Warp zone (vertical)
const int offset = (int) lerp(-3, 0);
const SDL_Rect srcRect = {0, 8 + offset, SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS, SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS};
copy_texture(backgroundTexture, &srcRect, NULL);
case 5:
// Warp zone, central
SDL_Color warpbcol;
SDL_Color warpfcol;
// Akward ordering to match tileset
case 0:
warpbcol = getRGB(0x0A, 0x10, 0x0E);
warpfcol = getRGB(0x10, 0x22, 0x21);
break; // Cyan
case 1:
warpbcol = getRGB(0x11, 0x09, 0x0B);
warpfcol = getRGB(0x22, 0x10, 0x11);
break; // Red
case 2:
warpbcol = getRGB(0x0F, 0x0A, 0x10);
warpfcol = getRGB(0x22,0x10,0x22);
break; // Purple
case 3:
warpbcol = getRGB(0x0A, 0x0B, 0x10);
warpfcol = getRGB(0x10, 0x10, 0x22);
break; // Blue
case 4:
warpbcol = getRGB(0x10, 0x0D, 0x0A);
warpfcol = getRGB(0x22, 0x1E, 0x10);
break; // Yellow
case 5:
warpbcol = getRGB(0x0D, 0x10, 0x0A);
warpfcol = getRGB(0x14, 0x22, 0x10);
break; // Green
case 6:
warpbcol = getRGB(0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A);
warpfcol = getRGB(0x12, 0x12, 0x12);
break; // Gray
warpbcol = getRGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
warpfcol = getRGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
for (int i = 10; i >= 0; i--)
const int temp = (i * 16) + backoffset;
const SDL_Rect warprect = {160 - temp, 120 - temp, temp * 2, temp * 2};
if (i % 2 == warpskip)
fill_rect(&warprect, warpbcol);
fill_rect(&warprect, warpfcol);
case 6:
// Final Starfield
fill_rect(0, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < numstars; i++)
SDL_Rect star_rect = stars[i];
star_rect.y = lerp(star_rect.y + starsspeed[i], star_rect.y);
if (starsspeed[i] <= 8)
fill_rect(&star_rect, getRGB(0x22, 0x22, 0x22));
fill_rect(&star_rect, getRGB(0x55, 0x55, 0x55));
case 7:
// Static, unscrolling section of the tower
for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
drawtile3(i * 8, j * 8, map.tower.backat(i, j, 200), 15);
case 8:
// Static, unscrolling section of the tower
for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
drawtile3(i * 8, j * 8, map.tower.backat(i, j, 200), 10);
case 9:
// Static, unscrolling section of the tower
for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
drawtile3(i * 8, j * 8, map.tower.backat(i, j, 600), 0);
fill_rect(0, 0, 0);
void Graphics::updatebackground(int t)
switch (t)
case 1:
// Starfield
for (int i = 0; i < numstars; i++)
stars[i].x -= starsspeed[i];
if (stars[i].x < -10)
stars[i].x += 340;
stars[i].y = (int) (fRandom() * 240);
starsspeed[i] = 4 + (int) (fRandom() * 4);
case 2:
// Lab
if (rcol == 6)
// crazy caze
if (spcoldel <= 0)
spcoldel = 15;
if (spcol >= 12) spcol = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numbackboxes; i++)
backboxes[i].x += backboxvx[i];
backboxes[i].y += backboxvy[i];
if (backboxes[i].x < -40)
backboxes[i].x = 320;
backboxes[i].y = fRandom() * 240;
if (backboxes[i].x > 320)
backboxes[i].x = -32;
backboxes[i].y = fRandom() * 240;
if (backboxes[i].y < -40)
backboxes[i].y = 240;
backboxes[i].x = fRandom() * 320;
if (backboxes[i].y > 260)
backboxes[i].y = -32;
backboxes[i].x = fRandom() * 320;
case 3: // Warp zone (horizontal)
const int temp = 680 + (rcol * 3);
backoffset += 3;
if (backoffset >= 16) backoffset -= 16;
SDL_Texture* target = SDL_GetRenderTarget(gameScreen.m_renderer);
if (backgrounddrawn)
scroll_texture(backgroundTexture, tempScrollingTexture, -3, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
drawtile2(317 - backoffset + (i * 16), (j * 16), temp + 40); // 20*16 = 320
drawtile2(317 - backoffset + (i * 16) + 8, (j * 16), temp + 41);
drawtile2(317 - backoffset + (i * 16), (j * 16) + 8, temp + 80);
drawtile2(317 - backoffset + (i * 16) + 8, (j * 16) + 8, temp + 81);
// draw the whole thing for the first time!
backoffset = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
drawtile2((i * 16) - backoffset - 3, (j * 16), temp + 40);
drawtile2((i * 16) - backoffset + 8 - 3, (j * 16), temp + 41);
drawtile2((i * 16) - backoffset - 3, (j * 16) + 8, temp + 80);
drawtile2((i * 16) - backoffset + 8 - 3, (j * 16) + 8, temp + 81);
backgrounddrawn = true;
case 4: // Warp zone (vertical)
const int temp = 760 + (rcol * 3);
backoffset += 3;
if (backoffset >= 16) backoffset -= 16;
SDL_Texture* target = SDL_GetRenderTarget(gameScreen.m_renderer);
if (backgrounddrawn)
scroll_texture(backgroundTexture, tempScrollingTexture, 0, -3);
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
drawtile2((i * 16), 237 - backoffset + (j * 16), temp + 40); // 14*17=240 - 3
drawtile2((i * 16) + 8, 237 - backoffset + (j * 16), temp + 41);
drawtile2((i * 16), 237 - backoffset + (j * 16) + 8, temp + 80);
drawtile2((i * 16) + 8, 237 - backoffset + (j * 16) + 8, temp + 81);
// draw the whole thing for the first time!
backoffset = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
drawtile2((i * 16), (j * 16) - backoffset - 3, temp + 40);
drawtile2((i * 16) + 8, (j * 16) - backoffset - 3, temp + 41);
drawtile2((i * 16), (j * 16) - backoffset + 8 - 3, temp + 80);
drawtile2((i * 16) + 8, (j * 16) - backoffset + 8 - 3, temp + 81);
backgrounddrawn = true;
case 5:
// Warp zone, central
if (backoffset >= 16)
backoffset -= 16;
warpskip = (warpskip + 1) % 2;
case 6:
// Final Starfield
for (int i = 0; i < numstars; i++)
stars[i].y -= starsspeed[i];
if (stars[i].y < -10)
stars[i].y += 260;
stars[i].x = fRandom() * 320;
starsspeed[i] = 5 + (fRandom() * 5);
void Graphics::drawmap(void)
if (!foregrounddrawn)
SDL_Texture* target = SDL_GetRenderTarget(gameScreen.m_renderer);
set_blendmode(foregroundTexture, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND);
clear(0, 0, 0, 0);
for (int y = 0; y < 30; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 40; x++)
int tile;
int tileset;
if (game.gamestate == EDITORMODE)
tile = cl.gettile(ed.levx, ed.levy, x, y);
tileset = (cl.getroomprop(ed.levx, ed.levy)->tileset == 0) ? 0 : 1;
tile = map.contents[TILE_IDX(x, y)];
tileset = map.tileset;
if (tile > 0)
if (tileset == 0)
drawtile(x * 8, y * 8, tile);
else if (tileset == 1)
drawtile2(x * 8, y * 8, tile);
else if (tileset == 2)
drawtile3(x * 8, y * 8, tile, map.rcol);
foregrounddrawn = true;
copy_texture(foregroundTexture, NULL, NULL);
void Graphics::drawfinalmap(void)
if (!foregrounddrawn)
SDL_Texture* target = SDL_GetRenderTarget(gameScreen.m_renderer);
set_blendmode(foregroundTexture, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND);
clear(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (map.tileset == 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
if ((map.contents[TILE_IDX(i, j)]) > 0)
drawtile(i * 8, j * 8, map.finalat(i, j));
else if (map.tileset == 1) {
for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
if ((map.contents[TILE_IDX(i, j)]) > 0)
drawtile2(i * 8, j * 8, map.finalat(i, j));
foregrounddrawn = true;
copy_texture(foregroundTexture, NULL, NULL);
void Graphics::drawtowermap(void)
const int yoff = lerp(map.oldypos, map.ypos);
for (int j = 0; j < 31; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
const int temp = map.tower.at(i, j, yoff);
if (temp > 0)
drawtile3(i * 8, (j * 8) - (yoff % 8), temp, towerbg.colstate);
void Graphics::drawtowerspikes(void)
int spikeleveltop = lerp(map.oldspikeleveltop, map.spikeleveltop);
int spikelevelbottom = lerp(map.oldspikelevelbottom, map.spikelevelbottom);
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
drawtile3(i * 8, -8+spikeleveltop, 9, towerbg.colstate);
drawtile3(i * 8, 230-spikelevelbottom, 8, towerbg.colstate, 8 - spikelevelbottom);
void Graphics::drawtowerbackground(const TowerBG& bg_obj)
const int offset = (int) lerp(-bg_obj.bscroll, 0);
const SDL_Rect srcRect = {0, 8 + offset, SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS, SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS};
copy_texture(bg_obj.texture, &srcRect, NULL);
void Graphics::updatetowerbackground(TowerBG& bg_obj)
if (bg_obj.bypos < 0) bg_obj.bypos += 120 * 8;
SDL_Texture* target = SDL_GetRenderTarget(gameScreen.m_renderer);
if (bg_obj.tdrawback)
int off = bg_obj.scrolldir == 0 ? 0 : bg_obj.bscroll;
//Draw the whole thing; needed for every colour cycle!
for (int j = -1; j < 32; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
const int temp = map.tower.backat(i, j, bg_obj.bypos);
drawtile3(i * 8, (j * 8) - (bg_obj.bypos % 8) - off, temp, bg_obj.colstate);
bg_obj.tdrawback = false;
// just update the bottom
scroll_texture(bg_obj.texture, tempScrollingTexture, 0, -bg_obj.bscroll);
if (bg_obj.scrolldir == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
int temp = map.tower.backat(i, -1, bg_obj.bypos);
drawtile3(i * 8, -1 * 8 - (bg_obj.bypos % 8), temp, bg_obj.colstate);
temp = map.tower.backat(i, 0, bg_obj.bypos);
drawtile3(i * 8, -(bg_obj.bypos % 8), temp, bg_obj.colstate);
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
int temp = map.tower.backat(i, 29, bg_obj.bypos);
drawtile3(i * 8, 29 * 8 - (bg_obj.bypos % 8) - bg_obj.bscroll, temp, bg_obj.colstate);
temp = map.tower.backat(i, 30, bg_obj.bypos);
drawtile3(i * 8, 30 * 8 - (bg_obj.bypos % 8) - bg_obj.bscroll, temp, bg_obj.colstate);
temp = map.tower.backat(i, 31, bg_obj.bypos);
drawtile3(i * 8, 31 * 8 - (bg_obj.bypos % 8) - bg_obj.bscroll, temp, bg_obj.colstate);
temp = map.tower.backat(i, 32, bg_obj.bypos);
drawtile3(i * 8, 32 * 8 - (bg_obj.bypos % 8) - bg_obj.bscroll, temp, bg_obj.colstate);
#define GETCOL_RANDOM (game.noflashingmode ? 0.5 : fRandom())
SDL_Color Graphics::getcol( int t )
// Setup predefinied colours as per our zany palette
// Player Normal
case 0:
return getRGB(160 - help.glow/2 - (int) (GETCOL_RANDOM * 20), 200 - help.glow/2, 220 - help.glow);
// Player Hurt
case 1:
return getRGB(196 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 10, 10);
// Enemies and stuff
case 2:
return getRGB(225 - (help.glow / 2), 75, 30);
case 3: // Trinket
if (!trinketcolset)
trinketr = 200 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64);
trinketg = 200 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 128);
trinketb = 164 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 60);
trinketcolset = true;
return getRGB(trinketr, trinketg, trinketb);
case 4: // Inactive savepoint
const int temp = (help.glow / 2) + (int) (GETCOL_RANDOM * 8);
return getRGB(80 + temp, 80 + temp, 80 + temp);
case 5: // Active savepoint
return getRGB(164 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 164 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 255 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64));
case 6: // Enemy : Red
return getRGB(250 - help.glow / 2, 60 - help.glow / 2, 60 - help.glow / 2);
case 7: // Enemy : Green
return getRGB(100 - help.glow / 2 - (int) (GETCOL_RANDOM * 30), 250 - help.glow / 2, 100 - help.glow / 2 - (int) (GETCOL_RANDOM * 30));
case 8: // Enemy : Purple
return getRGB(250 - help.glow / 2, 20, 128 - help.glow / 2 + (int) (GETCOL_RANDOM * 30));
case 9: // Enemy : Yellow
return getRGB(250 - help.glow / 2, 250 - help.glow / 2, 20);
case 10: // Warp point (white)
return getRGB(255 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 255 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 255 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64));
case 11: // Enemy : Cyan
return getRGB(20, 250 - help.glow / 2, 250 - help.glow / 2);
case 12: // Enemy : Blue
return getRGB(90 - help.glow / 2, 90 - help.glow / 2, 250 - help.glow / 2);
// Crew Members
// green
case 13:
return getRGB(120 - help.glow / 4 - (int) (GETCOL_RANDOM * 20), 220 - help.glow / 4, 120 - help.glow / 4);
// Yellow
case 14:
return getRGB(220 - help.glow / 4 - (int) (GETCOL_RANDOM * 20), 210 - help.glow / 4, 120 - help.glow / 4);
// pink
case 15:
return getRGB(255 - help.glow / 8, 70 - help.glow / 4, 70 - help.glow / 4);
// Blue
case 16:
return getRGB(75, 75, 255 - help.glow / 4 - (int) (GETCOL_RANDOM * 20));
case 17: // Enemy : Orange
return getRGB(250 - help.glow / 2, 130 - help.glow / 2, 20);
case 18: // Enemy : Gray
return getRGB(130 - help.glow / 2, 130 - help.glow / 2, 130 - help.glow / 2);
case 19: // Enemy : Dark gray
return getRGB(60 - help.glow / 8, 60 - help.glow / 8, 60 - help.glow / 8);
// Purple
case 20:
return getRGB(220 - help.glow / 4 - (int) (GETCOL_RANDOM * 20), 120 - help.glow/4, 210 - help.glow/4);
case 21: // Enemy : Light Gray
return getRGB(180 - help.glow/2, 180 - help.glow/2, 180 - help.glow/2);
case 22: // Enemy : Indicator Gray
return getRGB(230 - help.glow/2, 230 - help.glow/2, 230 - help.glow/2);
case 23: // Enemy : Indicator Gray
return getRGB(255 - help.glow / 2 - (int) (GETCOL_RANDOM * 40), 255 - help.glow/2 - (int) (GETCOL_RANDOM * 40), 255 - help.glow/2 - (int) (GETCOL_RANDOM * 40));
// Trophies
// cyan
case 30:
return RGBf(160, 200, 220);
// Purple
case 31:
return RGBf(220, 120, 210);
// Yellow
case 32:
return RGBf(220, 210, 120);
// red
case 33:
return RGBf(255, 70, 70);
// green
case 34:
return RGBf(120, 220, 120);
// Blue
case 35:
return RGBf(75, 75, 255);
// Gold
case 36:
return getRGB(180, 120, 20);
case 37: // Trinket
if (!trinketcolset)
trinketr = 200 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64);
trinketg = 200 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 128);
trinketb = 164 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 60);
trinketcolset = true;
return RGBf(trinketr, trinketg, trinketb);
// Silver
case 38:
return RGBf(196, 196, 196);
// Bronze
case 39:
return RGBf(128, 64, 10);
// Awesome
case 40: // Teleporter in action!
if (game.noflashingmode)
return getRGB(196, 196, 223);
const int temp = GETCOL_RANDOM * 150;
if (temp < 33)
return RGBf(255 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 64 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 64 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64));
else if (temp < 66)
return RGBf(64 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 255 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 64 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64));
else if (temp < 100)
return RGBf(64 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 64 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 255 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64));
return RGBf(164 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 164 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 255 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64));
case 100: // Inactive Teleporter
const int temp = (help.glow / 2) + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 8);
return getRGB(42 + temp, 42 + temp, 42 + temp);
case 101: // Active Teleporter
return getRGB(164 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 164 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 255 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64));
case 102: // Teleporter in action!
if (game.noflashingmode)
return getRGB(196, 196, 223);
const int temp = GETCOL_RANDOM * 150;
if (temp < 33)
return getRGB(255 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 64 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 64 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64));
else if (temp < 66)
return getRGB(64 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 255 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 64 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64));
else if (temp < 100)
return getRGB(64 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 64 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 255 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64));
return getRGB(164 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 164 + (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64), 255 - (GETCOL_RANDOM * 64));
return getRGB(255, 255, 255);
void Graphics::menuoffrender(void)
if (copy_texture(gameplayTexture, NULL, NULL) != 0)
const int offset = (int) lerp(oldmenuoffset, menuoffset);
const SDL_Rect offsetRect = {0, offset, SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS, SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS};
if (copy_texture(menuTexture, NULL, &offsetRect) != 0)
SDL_Color Graphics::huetilegetcol()
if (game.noflashingmode)
return getRGB(234, 234, 10);
return getRGB(250 - (int) (fRandom() * 32), 250 - (int) (fRandom() * 32), 10);
SDL_Color Graphics::bigchunkygetcol(int t)
// A seperate index of colours, for simplicity
float random = game.noflashingmode ? 0.5 : fRandom();
switch (t)
case 1:
return getRGB(random * 64, 10, 10);
case 2:
return getRGB(160 - help.glow / 2 - (int) (random * 20), 200 - help.glow / 2, 220 - help.glow);
const SDL_Color color = {0, 0, 0, 0};
return color;
void Graphics::textboxcenterx(void)
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textboxes))
vlog_error("textboxcenterx() out-of-bounds!");
int Graphics::textboxwidth(void)
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textboxes))
vlog_error("textboxwidth() out-of-bounds!");
return 0;
return textboxes[m].w;
void Graphics::textboxmoveto(int xo)
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textboxes))
vlog_error("textboxmoveto() out-of-bounds!");
textboxes[m].xp = xo;
void Graphics::textboxcentery(void)
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textboxes))
vlog_error("textboxcentery() out-of-bounds!");
int Graphics::textboxwrap(int pad)
/* This function just takes a single-line textbox and wraps it...
* pad = the total number of characters we are going to pad this textbox.
* (or how many characters we should stay clear of 288 pixels width in general)
* Only to be used after a manual graphics.createtextbox[flipme] call.
* Returns the new, total height of the textbox. */
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textboxes))
vlog_error("textboxwrap() out-of-bounds!");
return 16;
if (textboxes[m].lines.empty())
vlog_error("textboxwrap() has no first line!");
return 16;
std::string wrapped = font::string_wordwrap_balanced(
36 * 8 - pad * 8
size_t startline = 0;
size_t newline;
do {
size_t pos_n = wrapped.find('\n', startline);
size_t pos_p = wrapped.find('|', startline);
newline = SDL_min(pos_n, pos_p);
addline(wrapped.substr(startline, newline-startline));
startline = newline + 1;
} while (newline != std::string::npos);
return textboxes[m].h;
void Graphics::textboxpad(size_t left_pad, size_t right_pad)
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textboxes))
vlog_error("textboxpad() out-of-bounds!");
textboxes[m].pad(left_pad, right_pad);
void Graphics::textboxpadtowidth(size_t new_w)
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textboxes))
vlog_error("textboxpadtowidth() out-of-bounds!");
void Graphics::textboxcentertext(void)
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textboxes))
vlog_error("textboxcentertext() out-of-bounds!");
void Graphics::textboxprintflags(const uint32_t flags)
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textboxes))
vlog_error("textboxprintflags() out-of-bounds!");
textboxes[m].print_flags = flags;
void Graphics::textboxbuttons(void)
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textboxes))
vlog_error("textboxbuttons() out-of-bounds!");
textboxes[m].fill_buttons = true;
void Graphics::textboxcommsrelay(void)
// Special treatment for the gamestate textboxes in Comms Relay
if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textboxes))
vlog_error("textboxcommsrelay() out-of-bounds!");
textboxes[m].xp = 224 - textboxes[m].w;
int Graphics::crewcolour(const int t)
// Given crewmate t, return colour
switch (t)
case 0:
return CYAN;
case 1:
return PURPLE;
case 2:
return YELLOW;
case 3:
return RED;
case 4:
return GREEN;
case 5:
return BLUE;
return 0;
void Graphics::flashlight(void)
fill_rect(NULL, 0xBB, 0xBB, 0xBB, 0xBB);
void Graphics::screenshake(void)
if (gameScreen.badSignalEffect)
ApplyFilter(&tempFilterSrc, &tempFilterDest);
const SDL_Rect shake = {screenshake_x, screenshake_y, SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS, SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS};
copy_texture(gameTexture, NULL, &shake);
// Clear the gameplay texture so blackout() is actually black after a screenshake
if (game.gamestate == GAMEMODE && game.blackout)
copy_texture(tempShakeTexture, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, flipmode ? SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL : SDL_FLIP_NONE);
void Graphics::updatescreenshake(void)
screenshake_x = static_cast<Sint32>((fRandom() * 7) - 4);
screenshake_y = static_cast<Sint32>((fRandom() * 7) - 4);
void Graphics::render(void)
if (gameScreen.badSignalEffect)
ApplyFilter(&tempFilterSrc, &tempFilterDest);
copy_texture(gameTexture, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, flipmode ? SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL : SDL_FLIP_NONE);
void Graphics::renderwithscreeneffects(void)
if (game.flashlight > 0 && !game.noflashingmode)
if (game.screenshake > 0 && !game.noflashingmode)
void Graphics::renderfixedpre(void)
if (game.screenshake > 0)
if (gameScreen.badSignalEffect)
void Graphics::renderfixedpost(void)
/* Screen effects timers */
if (game.flashlight > 0)
if (game.screenshake > 0)
void Graphics::drawtele(int x, int y, int t, const SDL_Color color)
SDL_Rect telerect;
setRect(telerect, x, y, tele_rect.w, tele_rect.h);
draw_grid_tile(grphx.im_teleporter, 0, x, y, tele_rect.w, tele_rect.h, 16, 16, 16);
if (t > 9) t = 8;
if (t < 1) t = 1;
draw_grid_tile(grphx.im_teleporter, t, x, y, tele_rect.w, tele_rect.h, color);
SDL_Color Graphics::getRGBA(const Uint8 r, const Uint8 g, const Uint8 b, const Uint8 a)
const SDL_Color color = {r, g, b, a};
return color;
SDL_Color Graphics::getRGB(const Uint8 r, const Uint8 g, const Uint8 b)
const SDL_Color color = {r, g, b, 255};
return color;
SDL_Color Graphics::RGBf(int r, int g, int b)
r = (r + 128) / 3;
g = (g + 128) / 3;
b = (b + 128) / 3;
const SDL_Color color = {(Uint8) r, (Uint8) g, (Uint8) b, 255};
return color;
bool Graphics::onscreen(int t)
return (t >= -40 && t <= 280);
bool Graphics::checktexturesize(
const char* filename, SDL_Texture* texture,
const int tilewidth, const int tileheight
) {
int texturewidth;
int textureheight;
if (query_texture(texture, NULL, NULL, &texturewidth, &textureheight) != 0)
/* Just give it the benefit of the doubt. */
"Assuming the dimensions of %s are exact multiples of %i by %i!",
filename, tilewidth, tileheight
return true;
const bool valid = texturewidth % tilewidth == 0 && textureheight % tileheight == 0;
if (!valid)
loc::gettext("{filename} dimensions not exact multiples of {width} by {height}!"),
"filename:str, width:int, height:int",
filename, tilewidth, tileheight
return false;
return true;
static void make_array(
SDL_Surface** tilesheet,
std::vector<SDL_Surface*>& vector,
const int tile_square
) {
int j;
for (j = 0; j < (*tilesheet)->h / tile_square; j++)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (*tilesheet)->w / tile_square; i++)
SDL_Surface* temp = GetSubSurface(
i * tile_square, j * tile_square,
tile_square, tile_square
bool Graphics::reloadresources(void)
MAYBE_FAIL(checktexturesize("tiles.png", grphx.im_tiles, 8, 8));
MAYBE_FAIL(checktexturesize("tiles2.png", grphx.im_tiles2, 8, 8));
MAYBE_FAIL(checktexturesize("tiles3.png", grphx.im_tiles3, 8, 8));
MAYBE_FAIL(checktexturesize("entcolours.png", grphx.im_entcolours, 8, 8));
MAYBE_FAIL(checktexturesize("sprites.png", grphx.im_sprites, 32, 32));
MAYBE_FAIL(checktexturesize("flipsprites.png", grphx.im_flipsprites, 32, 32));
MAYBE_FAIL(checktexturesize("teleporter.png", grphx.im_teleporter, 96, 96));
make_array(&grphx.im_sprites_surf, sprites_surf, 32);
make_array(&grphx.im_flipsprites_surf, flipsprites_surf, 32);
images[IMAGE_LEVELCOMPLETE] = grphx.im_image0;
images[IMAGE_MINIMAP] = grphx.im_image1;
images[IMAGE_COVERED] = grphx.im_image2;
images[IMAGE_ELEPHANT] = grphx.im_image3;
images[IMAGE_GAMECOMPLETE] = grphx.im_image4;
images[IMAGE_FLIPLEVELCOMPLETE] = grphx.im_image5;
images[IMAGE_FLIPGAMECOMPLETE] = grphx.im_image6;
images[IMAGE_SITE] = grphx.im_image7;
images[IMAGE_SITE2] = grphx.im_image8;
images[IMAGE_SITE3] = grphx.im_image9;
images[IMAGE_ENDING] = grphx.im_image10;
images[IMAGE_SITE4] = grphx.im_image11;
images[IMAGE_CUSTOMMINIMAP] = grphx.im_image12;
tiles1_mounted = FILESYSTEM_isAssetMounted("graphics/tiles.png");
tiles2_mounted = FILESYSTEM_isAssetMounted("graphics/tiles2.png");
minimap_mounted = FILESYSTEM_isAssetMounted("graphics/minimap.png");
gamecomplete_mounted = FILESYSTEM_isAssetMounted("graphics/gamecomplete.png");
levelcomplete_mounted = FILESYSTEM_isAssetMounted("graphics/levelcomplete.png");
flipgamecomplete_mounted = FILESYSTEM_isAssetMounted("graphics/flipgamecomplete.png");
fliplevelcomplete_mounted = FILESYSTEM_isAssetMounted("graphics/fliplevelcomplete.png");
return true;
return false;
SDL_Color Graphics::crewcolourreal(int t)
switch (t)
case 0:
return col_crewcyan;
case 1:
return col_crewpurple;
case 2:
return col_crewyellow;
case 3:
return col_crewred;
case 4:
return col_crewgreen;
case 5:
return col_crewblue;
return col_crewcyan;
void Graphics::render_roomname(uint32_t font_flag, const char* roomname, int r, int g, int b)
int font_height = font::height(font_flag);
if (font_height <= 8)
footerrect.h = font_height + 2;
footerrect.h = font_height + 1;
footerrect.y = 240 - footerrect.h;
fill_rect(&footerrect, getRGBA(0, 0, 0, translucentroomname ? 127 : 255));
font::print(font_flag | PR_CEN | PR_BOR | PR_CJK_LOW, -1, footerrect.y+1, roomname, r, g, b);
void Graphics::print_roomtext(int x, const int y, const char* text, const bool rtl)
uint32_t flags = PR_FONT_LEVEL | PR_CJK_LOW;
if (rtl)
flags |= PR_RIGHT;
x += 8; // the size of a tile, not font width!
font::print(flags, x, y, text, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow);