#define GAMESCREEN_DEFINITION #include "Screen.h" #include #include "Alloc.h" #include "Constants.h" #include "Exit.h" #include "FileSystemUtils.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "GraphicsUtil.h" #include "InterimVersion.h" #include "Render.h" #include "Vlogging.h" void ScreenSettings_default(struct ScreenSettings* _this) { _this->windowDisplay = 0; _this->windowWidth = SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS * 2; _this->windowHeight = SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS * 2; _this->fullscreen = false; _this->useVsync = true; // Now that uncapped is the default... _this->scalingMode = SCALING_INTEGER; _this->linearFilter = false; _this->badSignal = false; } void Screen::init(const struct ScreenSettings* settings) { m_window = NULL; m_renderer = NULL; windowDisplay = settings->windowDisplay; windowWidth = settings->windowWidth; windowHeight = settings->windowHeight; isWindowed = !settings->fullscreen; scalingMode = settings->scalingMode; isFiltered = settings->linearFilter; badSignalEffect = settings->badSignal; vsync = settings->useVsync; // Uncomment this next line when you need to debug -flibit // SDL_SetHintWithPriority(SDL_HINT_RENDER_DRIVER, "software", SDL_HINT_OVERRIDE); m_window = SDL_CreateWindow( "VVVVVV", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_DISPLAY(windowDisplay), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_DISPLAY(windowDisplay), SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS * 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS * 2, SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE | SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI ); if (m_window == NULL) { vlog_error("Could not create window: %s", SDL_GetError()); VVV_exit(1); } m_renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(m_window, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_TARGETTEXTURE); if (m_renderer == NULL) { vlog_error("Could not create renderer: %s", SDL_GetError()); VVV_exit(1); } SDL_RenderSetVSync(m_renderer, (int) vsync); #ifdef INTERIM_VERSION_EXISTS /* Branch name limits are ill-defined but on GitHub it's ~256 chars * ( https://stackoverflow.com/a/24014513/ ). * Really though, just don't use super long branch names. */ char title[256]; SDL_snprintf(title, sizeof(title), "VVVVVV [%s]", BRANCH_NAME); SDL_SetWindowTitle(m_window, title); #else SDL_SetWindowTitle(m_window, "VVVVVV"); #endif SDL_SetWindowMinimumSize(m_window, SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS, SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS); LoadIcon(); ResizeScreen(windowWidth, windowHeight); } void Screen::destroy(void) { /* Order matters! */ VVV_freefunc(SDL_DestroyRenderer, m_renderer); VVV_freefunc(SDL_DestroyWindow, m_window); } void Screen::GetSettings(struct ScreenSettings* settings) { windowDisplay = SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(m_window); if (windowDisplay < 0) { vlog_error("Error: could not get display index: %s", SDL_GetError()); windowDisplay = 0; } settings->windowDisplay = windowDisplay; settings->windowWidth = windowWidth; settings->windowHeight = windowHeight; settings->fullscreen = !isWindowed; settings->useVsync = vsync; settings->scalingMode = scalingMode; settings->linearFilter = isFiltered; settings->badSignal = badSignalEffect; } #ifdef __APPLE__ /* Apple doesn't like icons anymore... */ void Screen::LoadIcon(void) { } #else SDL_Surface* LoadImageSurface(const char* filename); void Screen::LoadIcon(void) { SDL_Surface* icon = LoadImageSurface("VVVVVV.png"); if (icon == NULL) { return; } SDL_SetWindowIcon(m_window, icon); VVV_freefunc(SDL_FreeSurface, icon); } #endif /* __APPLE__ */ void Screen::ResizeScreen(int x, int y) { windowDisplay = SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(m_window); if (windowDisplay < 0) { vlog_error("Error: could not get display index: %s", SDL_GetError()); windowDisplay = 0; } if (x != -1 && y != -1) { // This is a user resize! windowWidth = x; windowHeight = y; } if (!isWindowed || isForcedFullscreen()) { int result = SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(m_window, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP); recacheTextures(); if (result != 0) { vlog_error("Error: could not set the game to fullscreen mode: %s", SDL_GetError()); return; } } else { int result = SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(m_window, 0); if (result != 0) { vlog_error("Error: could not set the game to windowed mode: %s", SDL_GetError()); } else if (x != -1 && y != -1) { SDL_SetWindowSize(m_window, windowWidth, windowHeight); SDL_SetWindowPosition( m_window, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_DISPLAY(windowDisplay), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_DISPLAY(windowDisplay) ); } recacheTextures(); } } void Screen::ResizeToNearestMultiple(void) { int w, h; GetScreenSize(&w, &h); // Check aspect ratio first bool using_width; int usethisdimension, usethisratio; if ((float) w / (float) h > 4.0 / 3.0) { // Width is bigger, so it's limited by height usethisdimension = h; usethisratio = SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS; using_width = false; } else { // Height is bigger, so it's limited by width. Or we're exactly 4:3 already usethisdimension = w; usethisratio = SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS; using_width = true; } int floor = (usethisdimension / usethisratio) * usethisratio; int ceiling = floor + usethisratio; int final_dimension; if (usethisdimension - floor < ceiling - usethisdimension) { // Floor is nearest final_dimension = floor; } else { // Ceiling is nearest. Or we're exactly on a multiple already final_dimension = ceiling; } if (final_dimension == 0) { // We're way too small! ResizeScreen(SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS, SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS); return; } if (using_width) { ResizeScreen(final_dimension, final_dimension / 4 * 3); } else { ResizeScreen(final_dimension * 4 / 3, final_dimension); } } void Screen::GetScreenSize(int* x, int* y) { if (SDL_GetRendererOutputSize(m_renderer, x, y) != 0) { vlog_error("Could not get window size: %s", SDL_GetError()); /* Initialize to safe defaults */ *x = SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS; *y = SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS; } } void Screen::UpdateScaling(void) { int width; int height; if (scalingMode == SCALING_STRETCH) { GetScreenSize(&width, &height); } else { width = SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS; height = SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS; } int result = SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(m_renderer, width, height); if (result != 0) { vlog_error("Error: could not set logical size: %s", SDL_GetError()); return; } result = SDL_RenderSetIntegerScale(m_renderer, (SDL_bool) (scalingMode == SCALING_INTEGER)); if (result != 0) { vlog_error("Error: could not set scale: %s", SDL_GetError()); } } void Screen::RenderPresent(void) { /* In certain cases, the window size might mismatch with the logical size. * So it's better to just always call this. */ UpdateScaling(); SDL_RenderPresent(m_renderer); graphics.clear(); } void Screen::toggleFullScreen(void) { isWindowed = !isWindowed; ResizeScreen(windowWidth, windowHeight); if (game.currentmenuname == Menu::graphicoptions) { /* Recreate menu to update "resize to nearest" */ game.createmenu(game.currentmenuname, true); } } void Screen::toggleScalingMode(void) { scalingMode = (scalingMode + 1) % NUM_SCALING_MODES; UpdateScaling(); } void Screen::toggleLinearFilter(void) { isFiltered = !isFiltered; SDL_DestroyTexture(graphics.gameTexture); SDL_DestroyTexture(graphics.tempShakeTexture); graphics.gameTexture = SDL_CreateTexture( m_renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS, SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS ); graphics.tempShakeTexture = SDL_CreateTexture( m_renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS, SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS ); if (graphics.gameTexture == NULL) { vlog_error("Could not create game texture: %s", SDL_GetError()); return; } if (graphics.tempShakeTexture == NULL) { vlog_error("Could not create temp shake texture: %s", SDL_GetError()); return; } SDL_SetTextureScaleMode( graphics.gameTexture, isFiltered ? SDL_ScaleModeLinear : SDL_ScaleModeNearest ); SDL_SetTextureScaleMode( graphics.tempShakeTexture, isFiltered ? SDL_ScaleModeLinear : SDL_ScaleModeNearest ); } void Screen::toggleVSync(void) { vsync = !vsync; SDL_RenderSetVSync(m_renderer, (int) vsync); recacheTextures(); } void Screen::recacheTextures(void) { // Fix for d3d9, which clears target textures sometimes (ex. toggling vsync, switching fullscreen, etc...) // Signal cached textures to be redrawn fully graphics.backgrounddrawn = false; graphics.foregrounddrawn = false; graphics.towerbg.tdrawback = true; graphics.titlebg.tdrawback = true; if (game.ingame_titlemode) { // Redraw the cached gameplay texture if we're in the in-game menu. // Additionally, reset alpha so things don't jitter when re-entering gameplay. float oldAlpha = graphics.alpha; graphics.alpha = 0; gamerender(); graphics.alpha = oldAlpha; } } #ifdef __ANDROID__ bool Screen::isForcedFullscreen(void) { return true; } #else bool Screen::isForcedFullscreen(void) { /* This is just a check to see if we're on a desktop or tenfoot setup. * If you're working on a tenfoot-only build, add a def that always * returns true! */ return SDL_GetHintBoolean("SteamTenfoot", SDL_FALSE); } #endif