#include #include #include #include #include #include "BinaryBlob.h" #include "Exit.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "Maths.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "Unused.h" #include "UtilityClass.h" #include "Vlogging.h" /* These are needed for PLATFORM_* crap */ #if defined(_WIN32) #include #include static int mkdir(char* path, int mode) { WCHAR utf16_path[MAX_PATH]; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, path, -1, utf16_path, MAX_PATH); return CreateDirectoryW(utf16_path, NULL); } #elif defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) #include #include #include #define MAX_PATH PATH_MAX #elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__HAIKU__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__unix__) #include #include #define MAX_PATH PATH_MAX #endif static bool isInit = false; static const char* pathSep = NULL; static char* basePath = NULL; static char saveDir[MAX_PATH] = {'\0'}; static char levelDir[MAX_PATH] = {'\0'}; static char assetDir[MAX_PATH] = {'\0'}; static char virtualMountPath[MAX_PATH] = {'\0'}; static int PLATFORM_getOSDirectory(char* output, const size_t output_size); static void* bridged_malloc(PHYSFS_uint64 size) { return SDL_malloc(size); } static void* bridged_realloc(void* ptr, PHYSFS_uint64 size) { return SDL_realloc(ptr, size); } static const PHYSFS_Allocator allocator = { NULL, NULL, bridged_malloc, bridged_realloc, SDL_free }; int FILESYSTEM_init(char *argvZero, char* baseDir, char *assetsPath) { char output[MAX_PATH]; pathSep = PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(); PHYSFS_setAllocator(&allocator); if (!PHYSFS_init(argvZero)) { vlog_error( "Unable to initialize PhysFS: %s", PHYSFS_getErrorByCode(PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode()) ); return 0; } PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks(1); /* Determine the OS user directory */ if (baseDir && baseDir[0] != '\0') { /* We later append to this path and assume it ends in a slash */ bool trailing_pathsep = SDL_strcmp(baseDir + SDL_strlen(baseDir) - SDL_strlen(pathSep), pathSep) == 0; SDL_snprintf(output, sizeof(output), "%s%s", baseDir, !trailing_pathsep ? pathSep : "" ); } else if (!PLATFORM_getOSDirectory(output, sizeof(output))) { return 0; } /* Mount our base user directory */ if (!PHYSFS_mount(output, NULL, 0)) { vlog_error( "Could not mount %s: %s", output, PHYSFS_getErrorByCode(PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode()) ); return 0; } if (!PHYSFS_setWriteDir(output)) { vlog_error( "Could not set write dir to %s: %s", output, PHYSFS_getErrorByCode(PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode()) ); return 0; } vlog_info("Base directory: %s", output); /* Store full save directory */ SDL_snprintf(saveDir, sizeof(saveDir), "%s%s%s", output, "saves", pathSep ); mkdir(saveDir, 0777); vlog_info("Save directory: %s", saveDir); /* Store full level directory */ SDL_snprintf(levelDir, sizeof(levelDir), "%s%s%s", output, "levels", pathSep ); mkdir(levelDir, 0777); vlog_info("Level directory: %s", levelDir); basePath = SDL_GetBasePath(); if (basePath == NULL) { vlog_warn("Unable to determine base path, falling back to current directory"); basePath = SDL_strdup("./"); } /* Mount the stock content last */ if (assetsPath) { SDL_strlcpy(output, assetsPath, sizeof(output)); } else { SDL_snprintf(output, sizeof(output), "%s%s", basePath, "data.zip" ); } if (!PHYSFS_mount(output, NULL, 1)) { vlog_error("Error: data.zip missing!"); vlog_error("You do not have data.zip!"); vlog_error("Grab it from your purchased copy of the game,"); vlog_error("or get it from the free Make and Play Edition."); SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox( SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, "data.zip missing!", "You do not have data.zip!" "\n\nGrab it from your purchased copy of the game," "\nor get it from the free Make and Play Edition.", NULL ); return 0; } SDL_snprintf(output, sizeof(output), "%s%s", basePath, "gamecontrollerdb.txt"); if (SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromFile(output) < 0) { vlog_info("gamecontrollerdb.txt not found!"); } isInit = true; return 1; } bool FILESYSTEM_isInit(void) { return isInit; } static unsigned char* stdin_buffer = NULL; static size_t stdin_length = 0; void FILESYSTEM_deinit(void) { if (PHYSFS_isInit()) { PHYSFS_deinit(); } if (stdin_buffer != NULL) { SDL_free(stdin_buffer); stdin_buffer = NULL; } SDL_free(basePath); basePath = NULL; isInit = false; } char *FILESYSTEM_getUserSaveDirectory(void) { return saveDir; } char *FILESYSTEM_getUserLevelDirectory(void) { return levelDir; } bool FILESYSTEM_isFile(const char* filename) { PHYSFS_Stat stat; bool success = PHYSFS_stat(filename, &stat); if (!success) { vlog_error( "Could not stat file: %s", PHYSFS_getErrorByCode(PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode()) ); return false; } /* We unfortunately cannot follow symlinks (PhysFS limitation). * Let the caller deal with them. */ return stat.filetype == PHYSFS_FILETYPE_REGULAR || stat.filetype == PHYSFS_FILETYPE_SYMLINK; } bool FILESYSTEM_isMounted(const char* filename) { return PHYSFS_getMountPoint(filename) != NULL; } static bool FILESYSTEM_exists(const char *fname) { return PHYSFS_exists(fname); } static void generateBase36(char* string, const size_t string_size) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < string_size - 1; ++i) { /* a-z0-9 */ char randchar = fRandom() * 35; if (randchar < 26) { randchar += 'a'; } else { randchar -= 26; randchar += '0'; } string[i] = randchar; } string[string_size - 1] = '\0'; } static void generateVirtualMountPath(char* path, const size_t path_size) { char random_str[6 + 1]; generateBase36(random_str, sizeof(random_str)); SDL_snprintf( path, path_size, ".vvv-mnt-virtual-%s/custom-assets/", random_str ); } static char levelDirError[256] = {'\0'}; static bool levelDirHasError = false; bool FILESYSTEM_levelDirHasError(void) { return levelDirHasError; } void FILESYSTEM_clearLevelDirError(void) { levelDirHasError = false; } const char* FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirError(void) { return levelDirError; } static int setLevelDirError(const char* text, ...) { va_list list; int retval; levelDirHasError = true; va_start(list, text); retval = SDL_vsnprintf(levelDirError, sizeof(levelDirError), text, list); va_end(list); vlog_error("%s", levelDirError); return retval; } static bool FILESYSTEM_mountAssetsFrom(const char *fname) { const char* real_dir = PHYSFS_getRealDir(fname); char path[MAX_PATH]; if (real_dir == NULL) { setLevelDirError( "Could not mount %s: real directory doesn't exist", fname ); return false; } SDL_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", real_dir, fname); generateVirtualMountPath(virtualMountPath, sizeof(virtualMountPath)); if (!PHYSFS_mount(path, virtualMountPath, 0)) { vlog_error( "Error mounting %s: %s", fname, PHYSFS_getErrorByCode(PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode()) ); return false; } SDL_strlcpy(assetDir, path, sizeof(assetDir)); return true; } void FILESYSTEM_loadZip(const char* filename) { PHYSFS_File* zip = PHYSFS_openRead(filename); if (!PHYSFS_mountHandle(zip, filename, "levels", 1)) { vlog_error( "Could not mount %s: %s", filename, PHYSFS_getErrorByCode(PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode()) ); } } void FILESYSTEM_unmountAssets(void); bool FILESYSTEM_mountAssets(const char* path) { const char* real_dir = PHYSFS_getRealDir(path); if (real_dir != NULL && SDL_strncmp(real_dir, "levels/", sizeof("levels/") - 1) == 0 && endsWith(real_dir, ".zip")) { /* This is a level zip */ vlog_info("Asset directory is .zip at %s", real_dir); if (!FILESYSTEM_mountAssetsFrom(real_dir)) { return false; } MAYBE_FAIL(graphics.reloadresources()); } else { /* If it's not a zip, look for a level folder */ char filename[MAX_PATH]; char virtual_path[MAX_PATH]; VVV_between(path, "levels/", filename, ".vvvvvv"); SDL_snprintf( virtual_path, sizeof(virtual_path), "levels/%s/", filename ); if (FILESYSTEM_exists(virtual_path)) { vlog_info("Asset directory exists at %s", virtual_path); if (!FILESYSTEM_mountAssetsFrom(virtual_path)) { return false; } MAYBE_FAIL(graphics.reloadresources()); } else { /* Wasn't a level zip or folder! */ vlog_debug("Asset directory does not exist"); } } return true; fail: FILESYSTEM_unmountAssets(); return false; } void FILESYSTEM_unmountAssets(void) { if (assetDir[0] != '\0') { vlog_info("Unmounting %s", assetDir); PHYSFS_unmount(assetDir); assetDir[0] = '\0'; graphics.reloadresources(); } else { vlog_debug("Cannot unmount when no asset directory is mounted"); } } static void getMountedPath( char* buffer, const size_t buffer_size, const char* filename ) { const char* path; const bool assets_mounted = assetDir[0] != '\0'; char mounted_path[MAX_PATH]; if (assets_mounted) { SDL_snprintf( mounted_path, sizeof(mounted_path), "%s%s", virtualMountPath, filename ); } if (assets_mounted && PHYSFS_exists(mounted_path)) { path = mounted_path; } else { path = filename; } SDL_strlcpy(buffer, path, buffer_size); } bool FILESYSTEM_isAssetMounted(const char* filename) { const char* realDir; char path[MAX_PATH]; /* Fast path */ if (assetDir[0] == '\0') { return false; } getMountedPath(path, sizeof(path), filename); realDir = PHYSFS_getRealDir(path); if (realDir == NULL) { return false; } return SDL_strcmp(assetDir, realDir) == 0; } void FILESYSTEM_freeMemory(unsigned char **mem); static void load_stdin(void) { size_t pos = 0; /* A .vvvvvv file with nothing is at least 140K... * initial size of 1K shouldn't hurt. */ #define INITIAL_SIZE 1024 size_t alloc_size = INITIAL_SIZE; stdin_buffer = (unsigned char*) SDL_malloc(INITIAL_SIZE); #undef INITIAL_SIZE if (stdin_buffer == NULL) { VVV_exit(1); } while (true) { int ch = fgetc(stdin); bool end = ch == EOF; if (end) { /* Add null terminator. There's no observable change in * behavior if addnull is always true, but not vice versa. */ ch = '\0'; } if (pos == alloc_size) { unsigned char *tmp; alloc_size *= 2; tmp = (unsigned char*) SDL_realloc((void*) stdin_buffer, alloc_size); if (tmp == NULL) { VVV_exit(1); } stdin_buffer = tmp; } stdin_buffer[pos] = ch; ++pos; if (end) { break; } } stdin_length = pos - 1; } void FILESYSTEM_loadFileToMemory( const char *name, unsigned char **mem, size_t *len, bool addnull ) { PHYSFS_File *handle; PHYSFS_sint64 length; PHYSFS_sint64 success; if (name == NULL || mem == NULL) { goto fail; } if (SDL_strcmp(name, "levels/special/stdin.vvvvvv") == 0) { // this isn't *technically* necessary when piping directly from a file, but checking for that is annoying if (stdin_buffer == NULL) { load_stdin(); } *mem = (unsigned char*) SDL_malloc(stdin_length + 1); /* + 1 for null */ if (*mem == NULL) { VVV_exit(1); } if (len != NULL) { *len = stdin_length; } SDL_memcpy((void*) *mem, (void*) stdin_buffer, stdin_length + 1); return; } handle = PHYSFS_openRead(name); if (handle == NULL) { goto fail; } length = PHYSFS_fileLength(handle); if (len != NULL) { if (length < 0) { length = 0; } *len = length; } if (addnull) { *mem = (unsigned char *) SDL_malloc(length + 1); if (*mem == NULL) { VVV_exit(1); } (*mem)[length] = 0; } else { *mem = (unsigned char*) SDL_malloc(length); if (*mem == NULL) { VVV_exit(1); } } success = PHYSFS_readBytes(handle, *mem, length); if (success == -1) { FILESYSTEM_freeMemory(mem); } PHYSFS_close(handle); return; fail: if (mem != NULL) { *mem = NULL; } if (len != NULL) { *len = 0; } } void FILESYSTEM_loadAssetToMemory( const char* name, unsigned char** mem, size_t* len, const bool addnull ) { char path[MAX_PATH]; getMountedPath(path, sizeof(path), name); FILESYSTEM_loadFileToMemory(path, mem, len, addnull); } void FILESYSTEM_freeMemory(unsigned char **mem) { SDL_free(*mem); *mem = NULL; } bool FILESYSTEM_loadBinaryBlob(binaryBlob* blob, const char* filename) { PHYSFS_sint64 size; PHYSFS_File* handle; int valid, offset; size_t i; char path[MAX_PATH]; if (blob == NULL || filename == NULL) { return false; } getMountedPath(path, sizeof(path), filename); handle = PHYSFS_openRead(path); if (handle == NULL) { vlog_info("Unable to open file %s", filename); return false; } size = PHYSFS_fileLength(handle); PHYSFS_readBytes( handle, &blob->m_headers, sizeof(blob->m_headers) ); valid = 0; offset = sizeof(blob->m_headers); for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(blob->m_headers); ++i) { resourceheader* header = &blob->m_headers[i]; char** memblock = &blob->m_memblocks[i]; /* Name can be stupid, just needs to be terminated */ static const size_t last_char = sizeof(header->name) - 1; header->name[last_char] = '\0'; if (header->valid & ~0x1 || !header->valid) { goto fail; /* Must be EXACTLY 1 or 0 */ } if (header->size < 1) { goto fail; /* Must be nonzero and positive */ } if (offset + header->size > size) { goto fail; /* Bogus size value */ } PHYSFS_seek(handle, offset); *memblock = (char*) SDL_malloc(header->size); if (*memblock == NULL) { VVV_exit(1); /* Oh god we're out of memory, just bail */ } PHYSFS_readBytes(handle, *memblock, header->size); offset += header->size; valid += 1; continue; fail: header->valid = false; } PHYSFS_close(handle); if (valid == 0) { return false; } vlog_debug("The complete reloaded file size: %lli", size); for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(blob->m_headers); ++i) { const resourceheader* header = &blob->m_headers[i]; if (!header->valid) { continue; } vlog_debug("%s unpacked", header->name); } return true; } bool FILESYSTEM_saveTiXml2Document(const char *name, tinyxml2::XMLDocument& doc, bool sync /*= true*/) { if (!isInit) { vlog_warn("Filesystem not initialized! Not writing just to be safe."); return false; } /* XMLDocument.SaveFile doesn't account for Unicode paths, PHYSFS does */ tinyxml2::XMLPrinter printer; doc.Print(&printer); PHYSFS_File* handle = PHYSFS_openWrite(name); if (handle == NULL) { return false; } PHYSFS_writeBytes(handle, printer.CStr(), printer.CStrSize() - 1); // subtract one because CStrSize includes terminating null PHYSFS_close(handle); #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ if (sync) { EM_ASM(FS.syncfs(false, function(err) { if (err) { console.warn("Error saving:", err); alert("Error saving. Check console for more information."); } })); } #else UNUSED(sync); #endif return true; } bool FILESYSTEM_loadTiXml2Document(const char *name, tinyxml2::XMLDocument& doc) { /* XMLDocument.LoadFile doesn't account for Unicode paths, PHYSFS does */ unsigned char *mem; FILESYSTEM_loadFileToMemory(name, &mem, NULL, true); if (mem == NULL) { return false; } doc.Parse((const char*) mem); FILESYSTEM_freeMemory(&mem); return true; } struct CallbackWrapper { void (*callback)(const char* filename); }; static PHYSFS_EnumerateCallbackResult enumerateCallback( void* data, const char* origdir, const char* filename ) { struct CallbackWrapper* wrapper = (struct CallbackWrapper*) data; void (*callback)(const char*) = wrapper->callback; char builtLocation[MAX_PATH]; SDL_snprintf( builtLocation, sizeof(builtLocation), "%s/%s", origdir, filename ); callback(builtLocation); return PHYSFS_ENUM_OK; } void FILESYSTEM_enumerateLevelDirFileNames( void (*callback)(const char* filename) ) { int success; struct CallbackWrapper wrapper = {callback}; success = PHYSFS_enumerate("levels", enumerateCallback, (void*) &wrapper); if (success == 0) { vlog_error( "Could not get list of levels: %s", PHYSFS_getErrorByCode(PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode()) ); } } static int PLATFORM_getOSDirectory(char* output, const size_t output_size) { #ifdef _WIN32 /* This block is here for compatibility, do not touch it! */ WCHAR utf16_path[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT retcode = SHGetFolderPathW( NULL, CSIDL_PERSONAL, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, utf16_path ); int num_bytes; if (FAILED(retcode)) { vlog_error( "Could not get OS directory: SHGetFolderPathW returned 0x%08x", retcode ); return 0; } num_bytes = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, utf16_path, -1, output, output_size, NULL, NULL ); if (num_bytes == 0) { vlog_error( "Could not get OS directory: UTF-8 conversion failed with %d", GetLastError() ); return 0; } SDL_strlcat(output, "\\VVVVVV\\", MAX_PATH); mkdir(output, 0777); return 1; #else const char* prefDir = PHYSFS_getPrefDir("distractionware", "VVVVVV"); if (prefDir == NULL) { vlog_error( "Could not get OS directory: %s", PHYSFS_getErrorByCode(PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode()) ); return 0; } SDL_strlcpy(output, prefDir, output_size); return 1; #endif } bool FILESYSTEM_openDirectoryEnabled(void) { return !gameScreen.isForcedFullscreen(); } #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) bool FILESYSTEM_openDirectory(const char *dname) { return false; } #else bool FILESYSTEM_openDirectory(const char *dname) { char url[MAX_PATH]; SDL_snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "file://%s", dname); if (SDL_OpenURL(url) == -1) { vlog_error("Error opening directory: %s", SDL_GetError()); return false; } return true; } #endif bool FILESYSTEM_delete(const char *name) { return PHYSFS_delete(name) != 0; } static void levelSaveCallback(const char* filename) { if (endsWith(filename, ".vvvvvv.vvv")) { if (!FILESYSTEM_delete(filename)) { vlog_error("Error deleting %s", filename); } } } void FILESYSTEM_deleteLevelSaves(void) { int success; struct CallbackWrapper wrapper = {levelSaveCallback}; success = PHYSFS_enumerate( "saves", enumerateCallback, (void*) &wrapper ); if (success == 0) { vlog_error( "Could not enumerate saves/: %s", PHYSFS_getErrorByCode(PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode()) ); } }