#include #include "Credits.h" #include "editor.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "Enums.h" #include "FileSystemUtils.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "KeyPoll.h" #include "MakeAndPlay.h" #include "Map.h" #include "Music.h" #include "RenderFixed.h" #include "Script.h" #include "UtilityClass.h" void updatebuttonmappings(int bind) { for ( SDL_GameControllerButton i = SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_A; i < SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_UP; i = (SDL_GameControllerButton) (i + 1) ) { if (key.isDown(i)) { bool dupe = false; if (bind == 1) { for (size_t j = 0; j < game.controllerButton_flip.size(); j += 1) { if (i == game.controllerButton_flip[j]) { dupe = true; } } if (!dupe) { game.controllerButton_flip.push_back(i); music.playef(11); } for (size_t j = 0; j < game.controllerButton_map.size(); j += 1) { if (i == game.controllerButton_map[j]) { game.controllerButton_map.erase(game.controllerButton_map.begin() + j); } } for (size_t j = 0; j < game.controllerButton_esc.size(); j += 1) { if (i == game.controllerButton_esc[j]) { game.controllerButton_esc.erase(game.controllerButton_esc.begin() + j); } } for (size_t j = 0; j < game.controllerButton_restart.size(); j += 1) { if (i == game.controllerButton_restart[j]) { game.controllerButton_restart.erase(game.controllerButton_restart.begin() + j); } } } if (bind == 2) { for (size_t j = 0; j < game.controllerButton_map.size(); j += 1) { if (i == game.controllerButton_map[j]) { dupe = true; } } if (!dupe) { game.controllerButton_map.push_back(i); music.playef(11); } for (size_t j = 0; j < game.controllerButton_flip.size(); j += 1) { if (i == game.controllerButton_flip[j]) { game.controllerButton_flip.erase(game.controllerButton_flip.begin() + j); } } for (size_t j = 0; j < game.controllerButton_esc.size(); j += 1) { if (i == game.controllerButton_esc[j]) { game.controllerButton_esc.erase(game.controllerButton_esc.begin() + j); } } for (size_t j = 0; j < game.controllerButton_restart.size(); j += 1) { if (i == game.controllerButton_restart[j]) { game.controllerButton_restart.erase(game.controllerButton_restart.begin() + j); } } } if (bind == 3) { for (size_t j = 0; j < game.controllerButton_esc.size(); j += 1) { if (i == game.controllerButton_esc[j]) { dupe = true; } } if (!dupe) { game.controllerButton_esc.push_back(i); music.playef(11); } for (size_t j = 0; j < game.controllerButton_flip.size(); j += 1) { if (i == game.controllerButton_flip[j]) { game.controllerButton_flip.erase(game.controllerButton_flip.begin() + j); } } for (size_t j = 0; j < game.controllerButton_map.size(); j += 1) { if (i == game.controllerButton_map[j]) { game.controllerButton_map.erase(game.controllerButton_map.begin() + j); } } for (size_t j = 0; j < game.controllerButton_restart.size(); j += 1) { if (i == game.controllerButton_restart[j]) { game.controllerButton_restart.erase(game.controllerButton_restart.begin() + j); } } } if (bind == 4) { for (size_t j = 0; j < game.controllerButton_restart.size(); j += 1) { if (i == game.controllerButton_restart[j]) { dupe = true; } } if (!dupe) { game.controllerButton_restart.push_back(i); music.playef(11); } for (size_t j = 0; j < game.controllerButton_flip.size(); j += 1) { if (i == game.controllerButton_flip[j]) { game.controllerButton_flip.erase(game.controllerButton_flip.begin() + j); } } for (size_t j = 0; j < game.controllerButton_map.size(); j += 1) { if (i == game.controllerButton_map[j]) { game.controllerButton_map.erase(game.controllerButton_map.begin() + j); } } for (size_t j = 0; j < game.controllerButton_esc.size(); j += 1) { if (i == game.controllerButton_esc[j]) { game.controllerButton_esc.erase(game.controllerButton_esc.begin() + j); } } } } } } void menuactionpress() { switch (game.currentmenuname) { case Menu::mainmenu: #if defined(MAKEANDPLAY) #define MPOFFSET -1 #else #define MPOFFSET 0 #endif #if defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) #define NOCUSTOMSOFFSET -1 #else #define NOCUSTOMSOFFSET 0 #endif #define OFFSET (MPOFFSET+NOCUSTOMSOFFSET) switch (game.currentmenuoption) { #if !defined(MAKEANDPLAY) case 0: //Play if (!game.save_exists() && !game.anything_unlocked()) { //No saves exist, just start a new game music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 0; graphics.fademode = 2; } else { //Bring you to the normal playmenu music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::play); map.nexttowercolour(); } break; #endif #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) case OFFSET+1: //Bring you to the normal playmenu music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::playerworlds); map.nexttowercolour(); break; #endif case OFFSET+2: //Options music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::graphicoptions); map.nexttowercolour(); break; case OFFSET+3: //Options music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::options); map.nexttowercolour(); break; #if !defined(MAKEANDPLAY) case OFFSET+4: //Credits music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::credits); map.nexttowercolour(); break; #else #undef MPOFFSET #define MPOFFSET -2 #endif case OFFSET+5: //bye! music.playef(2); game.mainmenu = 100; graphics.fademode = 2; break; #undef OFFSET #undef NOCUSTOMSOFFSET #undef MPOFFSET } break; #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) case Menu::levellist: if(game.currentmenuoption==(int)game.menuoptions.size()-1){ //go back to menu music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); }else if(game.currentmenuoption==(int)game.menuoptions.size()-2){ //previous page music.playef(11); if(game.levelpage==0){ game.levelpage=(ed.ListOfMetaData.size()-1)/8; }else{ game.levelpage--; } game.createmenu(Menu::levellist, true); game.currentmenuoption=game.menuoptions.size()-2; map.nexttowercolour(); }else if(game.currentmenuoption==(int)game.menuoptions.size()-3){ //next page music.playef(11); if((size_t) ((game.levelpage*8)+8) >= ed.ListOfMetaData.size()){ game.levelpage=0; }else{ game.levelpage++; } game.createmenu(Menu::levellist, true); game.currentmenuoption=game.menuoptions.size()-3; map.nexttowercolour(); }else{ //Ok, launch the level! //PLAY CUSTOM LEVEL HOOK music.playef(11); game.playcustomlevel=(game.levelpage*8)+game.currentmenuoption; game.customleveltitle=ed.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].title; game.customlevelfilename=ed.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].filename; std::string name = "saves/" + ed.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].filename.substr(7) + ".vvv"; tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; if (!FILESYSTEM_loadTiXml2Document(name.c_str(), doc)){ game.mainmenu = 22; graphics.fademode = 2; }else{ game.createmenu(Menu::quickloadlevel); map.nexttowercolour(); } } break; #endif case Menu::quickloadlevel: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //continue save music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 23; graphics.fademode = 2; break; case 1: music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 22; graphics.fademode = 2; break; case 2: music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) case Menu::playerworlds: #if defined(NO_EDITOR) #define OFFSET -1 #else #define OFFSET 0 #endif switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: music.playef(11); game.levelpage=0; ed.getDirectoryData(); game.loadcustomlevelstats(); //Should only load a file if it's needed game.createmenu(Menu::levellist); map.nexttowercolour(); break; #if !defined(NO_EDITOR) case 1: //LEVEL EDITOR HOOK music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 20; graphics.fademode = 2; ed.filename=""; break; #endif case OFFSET+2: //"OPENFOLDERHOOK" if (FILESYSTEM_openDirectoryEnabled() && FILESYSTEM_openDirectory(FILESYSTEM_getUserLevelDirectory())) { music.playef(11); SDL_MinimizeWindow(graphics.screenbuffer->m_window); } else { music.playef(2); } break; case OFFSET+3: //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } #undef OFFSET break; #endif case Menu::errornostart: music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::mainmenu); map.nexttowercolour(); break; case Menu::graphicoptions: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: music.playef(11); graphics.screenbuffer->toggleFullScreen(); // Recreate menu to update "resize to nearest" game.createmenu(game.currentmenuname, true); game.currentmenuoption = 0; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 1: music.playef(11); graphics.screenbuffer->toggleStretchMode(); game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 2: // resize to nearest multiple if (graphics.screenbuffer->isWindowed) { music.playef(11); graphics.screenbuffer->ResizeToNearestMultiple(); game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); } else { music.playef(2); } break; case 3: music.playef(11); graphics.screenbuffer->toggleLinearFilter(); game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 4: //change smoothing music.playef(11); graphics.screenbuffer->badSignalEffect= !graphics.screenbuffer->badSignalEffect; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 5: //toggle 30+ fps music.playef(11); game.over30mode = !game.over30mode; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 6: //toggle vsync music.playef(11); #ifndef __HAIKU__ // FIXME: Remove after SDL VSync bug is fixed! -flibit graphics.screenbuffer->vsync = !graphics.screenbuffer->vsync; graphics.screenbuffer->resetRendererWorkaround(); game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); #endif break; default: //back music.playef(11); if (game.ingame_titlemode) { game.returntopausemenu(); } else { game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); } break; } break; case Menu::youwannaquit: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //bye! music.playef(2); game.mainmenu = 100; graphics.fademode = 2; break; default: music.playef(11); map.nexttowercolour(); //This goes first, otherwise mismatching continuemenu color is possible game.returnmenu(); } break; case Menu::setinvincibility: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; default: map.invincibility = !map.invincibility; music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; } break; case Menu::setslowdown: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //back game.slowdown = 30; music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); game.currentmenuoption = 4; map.nexttowercolour(); game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 1: game.slowdown = 24; music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); game.currentmenuoption = 4; map.nexttowercolour(); game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 2: game.slowdown = 18; music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); game.currentmenuoption = 4; map.nexttowercolour(); game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 3: game.slowdown = 12; music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); game.currentmenuoption = 4; map.nexttowercolour(); game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; } break; case Menu::advancedoptions: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //toggle mouse cursor music.playef(11); if (graphics.showmousecursor == true) { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); graphics.showmousecursor = false; } else { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE); graphics.showmousecursor = true; } game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 1: // toggle unfocus pause game.disablepause = !game.disablepause; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); music.playef(11); break; case 2: // toggle fake load screen game.skipfakeload = !game.skipfakeload; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); music.playef(11); break; case 3: // toggle translucent roomname BG graphics.translucentroomname = !graphics.translucentroomname; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); music.playef(11); break; case 4: // Glitchrunner mode music.playef(11); game.glitchrunnermode = !game.glitchrunnermode; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 5: //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::accessibility: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //disable animated backgrounds game.colourblindmode = !game.colourblindmode; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); graphics.towerbg.tdrawback = true; graphics.titlebg.tdrawback = true; music.playef(11); break; case 1: //disable screeneffects game.noflashingmode = !game.noflashingmode; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); if (!game.noflashingmode) { music.playef(18); game.screenshake = 10; game.flashlight = 5; }else{ music.playef(11); } break; case 2: //disable text outline graphics.notextoutline = !graphics.notextoutline; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); music.playef(11); break; case 3: //invincibility if (!game.ingame_titlemode || (!game.insecretlab && !game.intimetrial && !game.nodeathmode)) { if (!map.invincibility) { game.createmenu(Menu::setinvincibility); map.nexttowercolour(); } else { map.invincibility = !map.invincibility; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); } music.playef(11); } else { music.playef(2); map.invincibility = false; } break; case 4: //change game speed if (!game.ingame_titlemode || (!game.insecretlab && !game.intimetrial && !game.nodeathmode)) { game.createmenu(Menu::setslowdown); map.nexttowercolour(); music.playef(11); } else { music.playef(2); game.slowdown = 30; } break; case 5: //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; default: //Can't do yet! play sad sound music.playef(2); break; } break; case Menu::options: { #if defined(MAKEANDPLAY) int flipmode_offset = 0; #else int flipmode_offset = game.ingame_titlemode && game.unlock[18] ? 0 : -1; #endif #if defined(MAKEANDPLAY) int unlockmode_offset = -1; #else int unlockmode_offset = 0; #endif int mmmmmm_offset = music.mmmmmm ? 0 : -1; int offset = 0; switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //accessibility options music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::accessibility); map.nexttowercolour(); break; case 1: //advanced options music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::advancedoptions); map.nexttowercolour(); break; case 2: #if !defined(MAKEANDPLAY) if (game.ingame_titlemode && game.unlock[18]) #endif { // toggle Flip Mode graphics.setflipmode = !graphics.setflipmode; game.savemystats = true; if (graphics.setflipmode) { music.playef(18); game.screenshake = 10; game.flashlight = 5; } else { music.playef(11); } // Fix wrong area music in Tower (Positive Force vs. ecroF evitisoP) if (map.custommode) { break; } int area = map.area(game.roomx, game.roomy); if (area == 3 || area == 11) { if (graphics.setflipmode) { music.play(9); // ecroF evitisoP } else { music.play(2); // Positive Force } } } break; } offset += flipmode_offset; #if !defined(MAKEANDPLAY) if (game.currentmenuoption == 3+offset) { //unlock play options music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::unlockmenu); map.nexttowercolour(); } #endif offset += unlockmode_offset; if (game.currentmenuoption == 4+offset) { //clear data menu music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::controller); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } else if (game.currentmenuoption == 5+offset) { //clear data menu music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::cleardatamenu); map.nexttowercolour(); } else if (game.currentmenuoption == 6+offset && music.mmmmmm) { //**** TOGGLE MMMMMM music.usingmmmmmm = !music.usingmmmmmm; music.playef(11); music.play(music.currentsong); game.savestatsandsettings(); } offset += mmmmmm_offset; if (game.currentmenuoption == 7+offset) { //back music.playef(11); if (game.ingame_titlemode) { game.returntopausemenu(); } else { game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); } } break; } case Menu::unlockmenutrials: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //unlock 1 game.unlock[9] = true; game.unlocknotify[9] = true; music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::unlockmenutrials, true); game.currentmenuoption = 0; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 1: //unlock 2 game.unlock[10] = true; game.unlocknotify[10] = true; music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::unlockmenutrials, true); game.currentmenuoption = 1; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 2: //unlock 3 game.unlock[11] = true; game.unlocknotify[11] = true; music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::unlockmenutrials, true); game.currentmenuoption = 2; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 3: //unlock 4 game.unlock[12] = true; game.unlocknotify[12] = true; music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::unlockmenutrials, true); game.currentmenuoption = 3; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 4: //unlock 5 game.unlock[13] = true; game.unlocknotify[13] = true; music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::unlockmenutrials, true); game.currentmenuoption = 4; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 5: //unlock 6 game.unlock[14] = true; game.unlocknotify[14] = true; music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::unlockmenutrials, true); game.currentmenuoption = 5; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 6: //back //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::unlockmenu: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //unlock time trials separately... music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::unlockmenutrials); map.nexttowercolour(); break; case 1: //unlock intermissions music.playef(11); game.unlock[16] = true; game.unlocknotify[16] = true; game.unlock[6] = true; game.unlock[7] = true; game.createmenu(Menu::unlockmenu, true); game.currentmenuoption = 1; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 2: //unlock no death mode music.playef(11); game.unlock[17] = true; game.unlocknotify[17] = true; game.createmenu(Menu::unlockmenu, true); game.currentmenuoption = 2; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 3: //unlock flip mode music.playef(11); game.unlock[18] = true; game.unlocknotify[18] = true; game.createmenu(Menu::unlockmenu, true); game.currentmenuoption = 3; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 4: //unlock jukebox music.playef(11); game.stat_trinkets = 20; game.createmenu(Menu::unlockmenu, true); game.currentmenuoption = 4; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 5: //unlock secret lab music.playef(11); game.unlock[8] = true; game.unlocknotify[8] = true; game.createmenu(Menu::unlockmenu, true); game.currentmenuoption = 5; game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; default: //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::credits: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //next page music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::credits2, true); map.nexttowercolour(); break; case 1: //last page music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::credits6, true); game.currentmenuoption = 1; map.nexttowercolour(); break; default: //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::credits2: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //next page music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::credits25, true); map.nexttowercolour(); break; case 1: //previous page music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::credits, true); game.currentmenuoption = 1; map.nexttowercolour(); break; case 2: //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::credits25: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //next page music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::credits3, true); map.nexttowercolour(); break; case 1: //previous page music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::credits2, true); game.currentmenuoption = 1; map.nexttowercolour(); break; default: //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::credits3: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //next page music.playef(11); game.current_credits_list_index += 9; if (game.current_credits_list_index >= (int)SDL_arraysize(Credits::superpatrons)) { // No more super patrons. Move to the next credits section game.current_credits_list_index = 0; game.createmenu(Menu::credits4, true); } else { // There are more super patrons. Refresh the menu with the next ones game.createmenu(Menu::credits3, true); } map.nexttowercolour(); break; case 1: //previous page music.playef(11); game.current_credits_list_index -= 9; if (game.current_credits_list_index < 0) { //No more super patrons. Move to the previous credits section game.current_credits_list_index = 0; game.createmenu(Menu::credits25, true); } else { //There are more super patrons. Refresh the menu with the next ones game.createmenu(Menu::credits3, true); } game.currentmenuoption = 1; map.nexttowercolour(); break; default: //back music.playef(11); game.current_credits_list_index = 0; game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::credits4: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //next page music.playef(11); game.current_credits_list_index += 14; if (game.current_credits_list_index >= (int)SDL_arraysize(Credits::patrons)) { // No more patrons. Move to the next credits section game.current_credits_list_index = 0; game.createmenu(Menu::credits5, true); } else { // There are more patrons. Refresh the menu with the next ones game.createmenu(Menu::credits4, true); } map.nexttowercolour(); break; case 1: //previous page music.playef(11); game.current_credits_list_index -= 14; if (game.current_credits_list_index < 0) { //No more patrons. Move to the previous credits section game.current_credits_list_index = SDL_arraysize(Credits::superpatrons) - 1 - (SDL_arraysize(Credits::superpatrons)-1)%9; game.createmenu(Menu::credits3, true); } else { //There are more patrons. Refresh the menu with the next ones game.createmenu(Menu::credits4, true); } game.currentmenuoption = 1; map.nexttowercolour(); break; default: //back music.playef(11); game.current_credits_list_index = 0; game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::credits5: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //next page music.playef(11); game.current_credits_list_index += 9; if (game.current_credits_list_index >= (int)SDL_arraysize(Credits::githubfriends)) { // No more GitHub contributors. Move to the next credits section game.current_credits_list_index = 0; game.createmenu(Menu::credits6, true); } else { // There are more GitHub contributors. Refresh the menu with the next ones game.createmenu(Menu::credits5, true); } map.nexttowercolour(); break; case 1: //previous page music.playef(11); game.current_credits_list_index -= 9; if (game.current_credits_list_index < 0) { //No more GitHub contributors. Move to the previous credits section game.current_credits_list_index = SDL_arraysize(Credits::patrons) - 1 - (SDL_arraysize(Credits::patrons)-1)%14; game.createmenu(Menu::credits4, true); } else { //There are more GitHub contributors. Refresh the menu with the next ones game.createmenu(Menu::credits5, true); } game.currentmenuoption = 1; map.nexttowercolour(); break; default: //back music.playef(11); game.current_credits_list_index = 0; game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::credits6: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //first page music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::credits, true); map.nexttowercolour(); break; case 1: //previous page music.playef(11); game.current_credits_list_index = SDL_arraysize(Credits::githubfriends) - 1 - (SDL_arraysize(Credits::githubfriends)-1)%9; game.createmenu(Menu::credits5, true); game.currentmenuoption = 1; map.nexttowercolour(); break; default: //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); music.niceplay(6); break; } break; case Menu::play: { //Do we have the Secret Lab option? int sloffset = game.unlock[8] ? 0 : -1; //Do we have a telesave or quicksave? int ngoffset = game.save_exists() ? 0 : -1; if (game.currentmenuoption == 0) { //continue //right, this depends on what saves you've got if (!game.save_exists()) { //You have no saves but have something unlocked, or you couldn't have gotten here music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 0; graphics.fademode = 2; } else if (game.telesummary == "") { //You at least have a quicksave, or you couldn't have gotten here music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 2; graphics.fademode = 2; } else if (game.quicksummary == "") { //You at least have a telesave, or you couldn't have gotten here music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 1; graphics.fademode = 2; } else { //go to a menu! music.playef(11); game.loadsummary(); //Prepare save slots to display game.createmenu(Menu::continuemenu); } } else if (game.currentmenuoption == 1 && game.unlock[8]) { if(!map.invincibility && game.slowdown == 30){ music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 11; graphics.fademode = 2; }else{ //Can't do yet! play sad sound music.playef(2); } } else if (game.currentmenuoption == sloffset+2) { //play modes music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::playmodes); map.nexttowercolour(); } else if (game.currentmenuoption == sloffset+3 && game.save_exists()) { //newgame music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::newgamewarning); map.nexttowercolour(); } else if (game.currentmenuoption == sloffset+ngoffset+4) { //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); } break; } case Menu::newgamewarning: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //yep music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 0; graphics.fademode = 2; game.deletequick(); game.deletetele(); break; default: //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::controller: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: key.sensitivity++; music.playef(11); if(key.sensitivity > 4) { key.sensitivity = 0; } game.savestatsandsettings_menu(); break; case 5: music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); break; } break; case Menu::cleardatamenu: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; default: //yep music.playef(23); game.deletequick(); game.deletetele(); game.deletestats(); game.deletesettings(); game.flashlight = 5; game.screenshake = 15; game.createmenu(Menu::mainmenu); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::playmodes: if (game.currentmenuoption == 0 && game.slowdown == 30 && !map.invincibility) //go to the time trial menu { music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::timetrials); map.nexttowercolour(); } else if (game.currentmenuoption == 1 && game.unlock[16]) { //intermission mode menu music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::intermissionmenu); map.nexttowercolour(); } else if (game.currentmenuoption == 2 && game.unlock[17] && game.slowdown == 30 && !map.invincibility) //start a game in no death mode { music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::startnodeathmode); map.nexttowercolour(); } else if (game.currentmenuoption == 3 && game.unlock[18]) //enable/disable flip mode { // WARNING: Partially duplicated in Menu::options graphics.setflipmode = !graphics.setflipmode; game.savemystats = true; if (graphics.setflipmode) { music.playef(18); game.screenshake = 10; game.flashlight = 5; } else { music.playef(11); } } else if (game.currentmenuoption == 4) { //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); } else { //Can't do yet! play sad sound music.playef(2); } break; case Menu::startnodeathmode: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //start no death mode, disabling cutscenes music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 10; graphics.fademode = 2; break; case 1: music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 9; graphics.fademode = 2; break; case 2: //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::continuemenu: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 1; graphics.fademode = 2; break; case 1: music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 2; graphics.fademode = 2; break; case 2: //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::intermissionmenu: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: music.playef(11); music.play(6); game.createmenu(Menu::playint1); map.nexttowercolour(); break; case 1: music.playef(11); music.play(6); game.createmenu(Menu::playint2); map.nexttowercolour(); break; case 2: //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::playint1: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 12; graphics.fademode = 2; break; case 1: music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 13; graphics.fademode = 2; break; case 2: music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 14; graphics.fademode = 2; break; case 3: music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 15; graphics.fademode = 2; break; case 4: //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::playint2: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 16; graphics.fademode = 2; break; case 1: music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 17; graphics.fademode = 2; break; case 2: music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 18; graphics.fademode = 2; break; case 3: music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 19; graphics.fademode = 2; break; case 4: //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::gameover2: //back music.playef(11); music.play(6); game.returntomenu(Menu::playmodes); map.nexttowercolour(); break; case Menu::unlocktimetrials: case Menu::unlocktimetrial: case Menu::unlocknodeathmode: case Menu::unlockintermission: case Menu::unlockflipmode: //back music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::play, true); map.nexttowercolour(); break; case Menu::timetrials: if (game.currentmenuoption == 0 && game.unlock[9]) //space station 1 { music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 3; graphics.fademode = 2; } else if (game.currentmenuoption == 1 && game.unlock[10]) //lab { music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 4; graphics.fademode = 2; } else if (game.currentmenuoption == 2 && game.unlock[11]) //tower { music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 5; graphics.fademode = 2; } else if (game.currentmenuoption == 3 && game.unlock[12]) //station 2 { music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 6; graphics.fademode = 2; } else if (game.currentmenuoption == 4 && game.unlock[13]) //warp { music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 7; graphics.fademode = 2; } else if (game.currentmenuoption == 5 && game.unlock[14]) //final { music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 8; graphics.fademode = 2; } else if (game.currentmenuoption == 6) //go to the time trial menu { //back music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); } else { //Can't do yet! play sad sound music.playef(2); } break; case Menu::timetrialcomplete3: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //back music.playef(11); music.play(6); game.returntomenu(Menu::timetrials); map.nexttowercolour(); break; case 1: //Ok but first quickly remove the last stack frame to prevent piling up timetrialcomplete stack frames if (game.menustack.empty()) { puts("Error: menu stack is empty!"); } else { game.menustack.pop_back(); } //duplicate the above based on given time trial level! if (game.timetriallevel == 0) //space station 1 { music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 3; graphics.fademode = 2; } else if (game.timetriallevel == 1) //lab { music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 4; graphics.fademode = 2; } else if (game.timetriallevel == 2) //tower { music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 5; graphics.fademode = 2; } else if (game.timetriallevel == 3) //station 2 { music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 6; graphics.fademode = 2; } else if (game.timetriallevel == 4) //warp { music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 7; graphics.fademode = 2; } else if (game.timetriallevel == 5) //final { music.playef(11); game.mainmenu = 8; graphics.fademode = 2; } break; } break; case Menu::gamecompletecontinue: case Menu::nodeathmodecomplete2: music.play(6); music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; case Menu::errorsavingsettings: if (game.currentmenuoption == 1) { game.silence_settings_error = true; } music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; default: break; } } void titleinput() { //game.mx = (mouseX / 4); //game.my = (mouseY / 4); game.press_left = false; game.press_right = false; game.press_action = false; game.press_map = false; if (graphics.flipmode) { if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_LEFT) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_DOWN) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_a) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_s) || key.controllerWantsRight(true)) game.press_left = true; if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_RIGHT) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_UP) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_d) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_w) || key.controllerWantsLeft(true)) game.press_right = true; } else { if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_LEFT) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_UP) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_a) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_w) || key.controllerWantsLeft(true)) { game.press_left = true; } if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_RIGHT) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_DOWN) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_d) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_s) || key.controllerWantsRight(true)) { game.press_right = true; } } if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_z) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_SPACE) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_v) || key.isDown(game.controllerButton_flip)) game.press_action = true; //|| key.isDown(KEYBOARD_UP) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_DOWN)) game.press_action = true; //on menus, up and down don't work as action if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_ENTER)) game.press_map = true; //In the menu system, all keypresses are single taps rather than holds. Therefore this test has to be done for all presses if (!game.press_action && !game.press_left && !game.press_right) game.jumpheld = false; if (!game.press_map) game.mapheld = false; if (!game.jumpheld && graphics.fademode==0) { if (game.press_action || game.press_left || game.press_right || game.press_map) { game.jumpheld = true; } if (key.isDown(27) && game.currentmenuname != Menu::youwannaquit && game.menustart) { music.playef(11); if (game.ingame_titlemode) { game.returntopausemenu(); } else { game.createmenu(Menu::youwannaquit); map.nexttowercolour(); } } if(game.menustart) { if (game.press_left) { game.currentmenuoption--; } else if (game.press_right) { game.currentmenuoption++; } } if (game.currentmenuoption < 0) game.currentmenuoption = game.menuoptions.size()-1; if (game.currentmenuoption >= (int) game.menuoptions.size() ) game.currentmenuoption = 0; if (game.press_action) { if (!game.menustart) { game.menustart = true; music.play(6); music.playef(18); game.screenshake = 10; game.flashlight = 5; graphics.titlebg.colstate = 10; map.nexttowercolour(); } else { menuactionpress(); } } if ( game.currentmenuname == Menu::controller && game.currentmenuoption > 0 && game.currentmenuoption < 5 && key.controllerButtonDown() ) { updatebuttonmappings(game.currentmenuoption); } } if (graphics.fademode == 1) script.startgamemode(game.mainmenu); } void gameinput() { //TODO mouse input //game.mx = (mouseX / 2); //game.my = (mouseY / 2); if(!script.running) { game.press_left = false; game.press_right = false; game.press_action = false; if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_LEFT) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_a) || key.controllerWantsLeft(false)) { game.press_left = true; } if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_RIGHT) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_d) || key.controllerWantsRight(false)) { game.press_right = true; } if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_z) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_SPACE) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_v) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_UP) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_DOWN) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_w) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_s)|| key.isDown(game.controllerButton_flip)) { game.press_action = true; }; } game.press_map = false; if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_ENTER) || key.isDown(SDLK_KP_ENTER) || key.isDown(game.controllerButton_map) ) { game.press_map = true; } if (game.advancetext) { if (game.pausescript) { game.press_action = false; if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_z) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_SPACE) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_v) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_UP) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_DOWN) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_w) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_s) || key.isDown(game.controllerButton_flip)) game.press_action = true; } if (game.press_action && !game.jumpheld) { if (game.pausescript) { game.pausescript = false; game.hascontrol = true; game.jumpheld = true; } else { if(game.glitchrunnermode || !game.glitchrunkludge) game.state++; game.jumpheld = true; game.glitchrunkludge=true; //Bug fix! You should only be able to do this ONCE. //...Unless you're in glitchrunner mode } } } if (!game.press_map) game.mapheld = false; if (game.intimetrial && graphics.fademode == 1 && game.quickrestartkludge) { //restart the time trial game.quickrestartkludge = false; script.startgamemode(game.timetriallevel + 3); game.deathseq = -1; game.completestop = false; } //Returning to editor mode must always be possible #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) if(map.custommode && !map.custommodeforreal){ if ((game.press_map || key.isDown(27)) && !game.mapheld){ //Return to level editor if (INBOUNDS_VEC(game.activeactivity, obj.blocks) && game.press_map){ //pass, let code block below handle it }else if(game.activetele && game.readytotele > 20 && game.press_map){ //pass, let code block below handle it }else{ game.shouldreturntoeditor = true; game.mapheld = true; } } } #endif //Entity type 0 is player controled bool has_control = false; bool enter_pressed = game.press_map && !game.mapheld; bool enter_already_processed = false; for (size_t ie = 0; ie < obj.entities.size(); ++ie) { if (obj.entities[ie].rule == 0) { if (game.hascontrol && game.deathseq == -1 && game.lifeseq <= 5) { has_control = true; if (enter_pressed) { game.mapheld = true; if (game.activetele && game.readytotele > 20 && !game.intimetrial) { enter_already_processed = true; if(int(std::abs(obj.entities[ie].vx))<=1 && int(obj.entities[ie].vy)==0) { //wait! space station 2 debug thingy if (game.teleportscript != "") { //trace(game.recordstring); //We're teleporting! Yey! game.activetele = false; game.hascontrol = false; music.fadeout(); int player = obj.getplayer(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(player, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[player].colour = 102; } int teleporter = obj.getteleporter(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(teleporter, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[teleporter].tile = 6; obj.entities[teleporter].colour = 102; } //which teleporter script do we use? it depends on the companion! game.state = 4000; game.statedelay = 0; } else if (game.companion == 0) { //Alright, normal teleporting game.gamestate = TELEPORTERMODE; graphics.menuoffset = 240; //actually this should count the roomname graphics.oldmenuoffset = 240; if (map.extrarow) { graphics.menuoffset -= 10; graphics.oldmenuoffset -= 10; } BlitSurfaceStandard(graphics.menubuffer,NULL,graphics.backBuffer, NULL); graphics.resumegamemode = false; game.useteleporter = true; game.initteleportermode(); } else { //We're teleporting! Yey! game.activetele = false; game.hascontrol = false; music.fadeout(); int player = obj.getplayer(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(player, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[player].colour = 102; } int companion = obj.getcompanion(); if(INBOUNDS_VEC(companion, obj.entities)) obj.entities[companion].colour = 102; int teleporter = obj.getteleporter(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(teleporter, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[teleporter].tile = 6; obj.entities[teleporter].colour = 102; } //which teleporter script do we use? it depends on the companion! game.state = 3000; game.statedelay = 0; } } } else if (INBOUNDS_VEC(game.activeactivity, obj.blocks)) { enter_already_processed = true; if((int(std::abs(obj.entities[ie].vx))<=1) && (int(obj.entities[ie].vy) == 0) ) { script.load(obj.blocks[game.activeactivity].script); obj.removeblock(game.activeactivity); game.activeactivity = -1; } } } if (game.press_left) { game.tapleft++; } else { if (game.tapleft <= 4 && game.tapleft > 0) { if (obj.entities[ie].vx < 0.0f) { obj.entities[ie].vx = 0.0f; } } game.tapleft = 0; } if (game.press_right) { game.tapright++; } else { if (game.tapright <= 4 && game.tapright > 0) { if (obj.entities[ie].vx > 0.0f) { obj.entities[ie].vx = 0.0f; } } game.tapright = 0; } if(game.press_left) { obj.entities[ie].ax = -3; obj.entities[ie].dir = 0; } else if (game.press_right) { obj.entities[ie].ax = 3; obj.entities[ie].dir = 1; } if (!game.press_action) { game.jumppressed = 0; game.jumpheld = false; } if (game.press_action && !game.jumpheld) { game.jumppressed = 5; game.jumpheld = true; } if (game.jumppressed > 0) { game.jumppressed--; if (obj.entities[ie].onground>0 && game.gravitycontrol == 0) { game.gravitycontrol = 1; obj.entities[ie].vy = -4; obj.entities[ie].ay = -3; music.playef(0); game.jumppressed = 0; game.totalflips++; } if (obj.entities[ie].onroof>0 && game.gravitycontrol == 1) { game.gravitycontrol = 0; obj.entities[ie].vy = 4; obj.entities[ie].ay = 3; music.playef(1); game.jumppressed = 0; game.totalflips++; } } } } } if (!has_control) { //Simple detection of keypresses outside player control, will probably scrap this (expand on //advance text function) if (!game.press_action) { game.jumppressed = 0; game.jumpheld = false; } if (game.press_action && !game.jumpheld) { game.jumppressed = 5; game.jumpheld = true; } } // Continuation of Enter processing. The rest of the if-tree runs only if // enter_pressed && !enter_already_pressed if (!enter_pressed || enter_already_processed) { // Do nothing } else if (game.swnmode == 1 && game.swngame == 1) { //quitting the super gravitron game.mapheld = true; //Quit menu, same conditions as in game menu game.gamestate = MAPMODE; game.gamesaved = false; game.gamesavefailed = false; graphics.resumegamemode = false; game.menupage = 20; // The Map Page BlitSurfaceStandard(graphics.menubuffer,NULL,graphics.backBuffer, NULL); graphics.menuoffset = 240; //actually this should count the roomname graphics.oldmenuoffset = 240; if (map.extrarow) { graphics.menuoffset -= 10; graphics.oldmenuoffset -= 10; } } else if (game.intimetrial && graphics.fademode == 0) { //Quick restart of time trial graphics.fademode = 2; game.completestop = true; music.fadeout(); game.quickrestartkludge = true; } else if (game.intimetrial) { //Do nothing if we're in a Time Trial but a fade animation is playing } else { //Normal map screen, do transition later game.gamestate = MAPMODE; map.cursordelay = 0; map.cursorstate = 0; game.gamesaved = false; game.gamesavefailed = false; graphics.resumegamemode = false; if (script.running) { game.menupage = 3; // Only allow saving } else { game.menupage = 0; // The Map Page } BlitSurfaceStandard(graphics.menubuffer,NULL,graphics.backBuffer, NULL); graphics.menuoffset = 240; //actually this should count the roomname graphics.oldmenuoffset = 240; if (map.extrarow) { graphics.menuoffset -= 10; graphics.oldmenuoffset -= 10; } } if ((key.isDown(27) || key.isDown(game.controllerButton_esc)) && (!map.custommode || map.custommodeforreal)) { game.mapheld = true; //Quit menu, same conditions as in game menu game.gamestate = MAPMODE; game.gamesaved = false; game.gamesavefailed = false; graphics.resumegamemode = false; game.menupage = 30; // Pause screen BlitSurfaceStandard(graphics.menubuffer,NULL,graphics.backBuffer, NULL); graphics.menuoffset = 240; //actually this should count the roomname graphics.oldmenuoffset = 240; if (map.extrarow) { graphics.menuoffset -= 10; graphics.oldmenuoffset -= 10; } } if (game.deathseq == -1 && (key.isDown(SDLK_r) || key.isDown(game.controllerButton_restart)) && !game.nodeathmode)// && map.custommode) //Have fun glitchrunners! { game.deathseq = 30; } } void mapmenuactionpress(); void mapinput() { //TODO Mouse Input! //game.mx = (mouseX / 2); //game.my = (mouseY / 2); game.press_left = false; game.press_right = false; game.press_action = false; game.press_map = false; if (game.glitchrunnermode && graphics.fademode == 1 && graphics.menuoffset == 0) { // Deliberate re-addition of the glitchy gamestate-based fadeout! // First of all, detecting a black screen means if the glitchy fadeout // gets interrupted but you're still on a black screen, opening a menu // immediately quits you to the title. This has the side effect that if // you accidentally press Esc during a cutscene when it's black, you'll // immediately be quit and lose all your progress, but that's fair in // glitchrunner mode. // Also have to check graphics.menuoffset so this doesn't run every frame // Have to close the menu in order to run gamestates graphics.resumegamemode = true; // Remove half-second delay graphics.menuoffset = 250; // Technically this was in <=2.2 as well obj.removeallblocks(); if (game.menupage >= 20 && game.menupage <= 21) { game.state = 96; game.statedelay = 0; } else { // Produces more glitchiness! Necessary for credits warp to work. script.running = false; graphics.textbox.clear(); game.state = 80; game.statedelay = 0; } } if (game.fadetomenu && !game.glitchrunnermode) { if (game.fadetomenudelay > 0) { game.fadetomenudelay--; } else { game.quittomenu(); game.fadetomenu = false; } } if (game.fadetolab && !game.glitchrunnermode) { if (game.fadetolabdelay > 0) { game.fadetolabdelay--; } else { game.returntolab(); game.fadetolab = false; } } if(graphics.menuoffset==0 && ((!game.glitchrunnermode && !game.fadetomenu && game.fadetomenudelay <= 0 && !game.fadetolab && game.fadetolabdelay <= 0) || graphics.fademode == 0)) { if (graphics.flipmode) { if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_LEFT) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_DOWN) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_a) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_s) || key.controllerWantsLeft(true) ) game.press_left = true; if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_RIGHT) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_UP) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_d) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_w) || key.controllerWantsRight(true)) game.press_right = true; } else { if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_LEFT) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_UP) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_a) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_w)|| key.controllerWantsLeft(true)) { game.press_left = true; } if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_RIGHT) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_DOWN) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_d) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_s)|| key.controllerWantsRight(true)) { game.press_right = true; } } if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_z) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_SPACE) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_v) || key.isDown(game.controllerButton_flip)) { game.press_action = true; } if (game.menupage < 12 || (game.menupage >= 30 && game.menupage <= 33)) { if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_ENTER) || key.isDown(game.controllerButton_map) ) game.press_map = true; if (key.isDown(27) && !game.mapheld) { game.mapheld = true; if (game.menupage < 9) { game.menupage = 30; } else if (game.menupage < 12) { game.menupage = 31; } else { graphics.resumegamemode = true; } } } else { if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_ENTER) || key.isDown(27)|| key.isDown(game.controllerButton_map) ) game.press_map = true; } //In the menu system, all keypresses are single taps rather than holds. Therefore this test has to be done for all presses if (!game.press_action && !game.press_left && !game.press_right) { game.jumpheld = false; } if (!game.press_map && !key.isDown(27)) { game.mapheld = false; } } else { game.mapheld = true; game.jumpheld = true; } if (!game.mapheld) { if(game.press_map && game.menupage < 10) { //Normal map screen, do transition later graphics.resumegamemode = true; } } if (!game.jumpheld) { if (game.press_action || game.press_left || game.press_right || game.press_map) { game.jumpheld = true; } if (script.running && game.menupage == 3) { // Force the player to stay in the SAVE tab while in a cutscene } else if (game.press_left) { game.menupage--; } else if (game.press_right) { game.menupage++; } if (game.press_action) { mapmenuactionpress(); } if (game.menupage < 0) game.menupage = 3; if (game.menupage > 3 && game.menupage < 9) game.menupage = 0; if (game.menupage == 9) game.menupage = 11; if (game.menupage == 12) game.menupage = 10; if (game.menupage == 19) game.menupage = 21; if (game.menupage == 22) game.menupage = 20; if (game.menupage == 29) game.menupage = 33; if (game.menupage == 34) game.menupage = 30; } } void mapmenuactionpress() { switch (game.menupage) { case 1: if (obj.flags[67] && !game.inspecial() && !map.custommode) { //Warp back to the ship graphics.resumegamemode = true; game.teleport_to_x = 2; game.teleport_to_y = 11; //trace(game.recordstring); //We're teleporting! Yey! game.activetele = false; game.hascontrol = false; int i = obj.getplayer(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[i].colour = 102; } //which teleporter script do we use? it depends on the companion! game.state = 4000; game.statedelay = 0; } break; case 3: if (!game.gamesaved && !game.gamesavefailed && !game.inspecial()) { game.flashlight = 5; game.screenshake = 10; music.playef(18); game.savetime = game.timestring(); game.savearea = map.currentarea(map.area(game.roomx, game.roomy)); game.savetrinkets = game.trinkets(); if (game.roomx >= 102 && game.roomx <= 104 && game.roomy >= 110 && game.roomy <= 111) game.savearea = "The Ship"; bool success; #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) if(map.custommodeforreal) { success = game.customsavequick(ed.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].filename); } else #endif { success = game.savequick(); } game.gamesaved = success; game.gamesavefailed = !success; } break; case 10: //return to pause menu music.playef(11); game.menupage = 31; break; case 11: //quit to menu //Kill contents of offset render buffer, since we do that for some reason. //This fixes an apparent frame flicker. FillRect(graphics.tempBuffer, 0x000000); graphics.fademode = 2; if (music.currentsong != 6) { music.fadeout(); } map.nexttowercolour(); if (!game.glitchrunnermode) { game.fadetomenu = true; game.fadetomenudelay = 16; } break; case 20: //return to game graphics.resumegamemode = true; break; case 21: //quit to menu game.swnmode = false; graphics.fademode = 2; music.fadeout(); if (!game.glitchrunnermode) { game.fadetolab = true; game.fadetolabdelay = 16; } break; case 30: // Return to game graphics.resumegamemode = true; break; case 31: // Go to quit prompt music.playef(11); game.menupage = 10; break; case 32: case 33: // Graphic options and game options music.playef(11); game.gamestate = TITLEMODE; graphics.flipmode = false; game.ingame_titlemode = true; if (game.menupage == 32) { game.createmenu(Menu::graphicoptions); } else { game.createmenu(Menu::options); } game.kludge_ingametemp = game.currentmenuname; map.nexttowercolour(); // Fix delta rendering glitch graphics.updatetowerbackground(graphics.titlebg); titleupdatetextcol(); break; } } void teleporterinput() { //Todo Mouseinput! //game.mx = (mouseX / 2); //game.my = (mouseY / 2); int tempx, tempy; game.press_left = false; game.press_right = false; game.press_action = false; game.press_map = false; if(graphics.menuoffset==0) { if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_LEFT)|| key.isDown(KEYBOARD_a) || key.controllerWantsLeft(false) ) game.press_left = true; if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_RIGHT) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_d)|| key.controllerWantsRight(false) ) game.press_right = true; if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_z) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_SPACE) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_v) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_UP) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_DOWN)|| key.isDown(KEYBOARD_w)|| key.isDown(KEYBOARD_s) || key.isDown(game.controllerButton_flip)) game.press_action = true; if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_ENTER) || key.isDown(game.controllerButton_map)) game.press_map = true; //In the menu system, all keypresses are single taps rather than holds. Therefore this test has to be done for all presses if (!game.press_action && !game.press_left && !game.press_right) game.jumpheld = false; if (!game.press_map) game.mapheld = false; if (key.isDown(27)) { if (!map.custommode || map.custommodeforreal) { // Go to pause menu game.mapheld = true; game.menupage = 30; game.gamestate = MAPMODE; } else { // Close teleporter menu graphics.resumegamemode = true; } } } else { game.mapheld = true; game.jumpheld = true; } if (!game.jumpheld) { if (game.press_action || game.press_left || game.press_right || game.press_map) { game.jumpheld = true; } bool any_tele_unlocked = false; if (game.press_left || game.press_right) { for (size_t i = 0; i < map.teleporters.size(); i++) { point& tele = map.teleporters[i]; if (map.explored[tele.x + tele.y*20]) { any_tele_unlocked = true; break; } } } if (game.press_left && any_tele_unlocked) { do { game.teleport_to_teleporter--; if (game.teleport_to_teleporter < 0) game.teleport_to_teleporter = map.teleporters.size() - 1; tempx = map.teleporters[game.teleport_to_teleporter].x; tempy = map.teleporters[game.teleport_to_teleporter].y; } while (map.explored[tempx + (20 * tempy)] == 0); } else if (game.press_right && any_tele_unlocked) { do { game.teleport_to_teleporter++; if (game.teleport_to_teleporter >= (int) map.teleporters.size()) game.teleport_to_teleporter = 0; tempx = map.teleporters[game.teleport_to_teleporter].x; tempy = map.teleporters[game.teleport_to_teleporter].y; } while (map.explored[tempx + (20 * tempy)] == 0); } if (game.press_map) { tempx = map.teleporters[game.teleport_to_teleporter].x; tempy = map.teleporters[game.teleport_to_teleporter].y; if (game.roomx == tempx + 100 && game.roomy == tempy + 100) { //cancel! graphics.resumegamemode = true; } else { //teleport graphics.resumegamemode = true; game.teleport_to_x = tempx; game.teleport_to_y = tempy; //trace(game.recordstring); //We're teleporting! Yey! game.activetele = false; game.hascontrol = false; int i = obj.getplayer(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[i].colour = 102; } i = obj.getteleporter(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[i].tile = 6; obj.entities[i].colour = 102; } //which teleporter script do we use? it depends on the companion! game.state = 4000; game.statedelay = 0; } } } } void gamecompleteinput() { game.press_left = false; game.press_right = false; game.press_action = false; game.press_map = false; //Do this before we update map.bypos if (!game.colourblindmode) { graphics.updatetowerbackground(graphics.titlebg); } //Do these here because input comes first graphics.titlebg.bypos += graphics.titlebg.bscroll; game.oldcreditposition = game.creditposition; if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_z) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_SPACE) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_v) || key.isDown(game.controllerButton_flip)) { game.creditposition -= 6; if (game.creditposition <= -Credits::creditmaxposition) { if(graphics.fademode==0) { graphics.fademode = 2; } game.creditposition = -Credits::creditmaxposition; } else { graphics.titlebg.bscroll = +7; } game.press_action = true; } if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_ENTER)|| key.isDown(game.controllerButton_map)) game.press_map = true; if (!game.mapheld) { if(game.press_map) { //Return to game if(graphics.fademode==0) { graphics.fademode = 2; } } } } void gamecompleteinput2() { game.press_left = false; game.press_right = false; game.press_action = false; game.press_map = false; //Do this here because input comes first game.oldcreditposx = game.creditposx; if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_z) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_SPACE) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_v) || key.isDown(game.controllerButton_flip)) { game.creditposx++; game.oldcreditposx++; if (game.creditposy >= 30) { if(graphics.fademode==0) { graphics.fademode = 2; music.fadeout(); } } game.press_action = true; } if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_ENTER) || key.isDown(game.controllerButton_map)) game.press_map = true; if (!game.mapheld) { if(game.press_map) { //Return to game if(graphics.fademode==0) { graphics.fademode = 2; music.fadeout(); } } } }