package { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; public class musicclass extends Sprite { //For Music stuff public function play(t:int):void { if (currentsong !=t) { if (currentsong != -1) { //Stop the old song first musicchannel.stop(); if (currentsong != 0) { musicchannel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, loopmusic); } } if (t != -1) { musicfade = 0; currentsong = t; if (currentsong == 0 || currentsong == 7) { //Level Complete theme, no fade in or repeat musicchannel = musicchan[currentsong].play(0); musicchannel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(1.0); }else { musicfadein = 90; musicchannel = musicchan[currentsong].play(0); musicchannel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0); musicchannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, loopmusic); } }else { currentsong = -1; } } } public function loopmusic(e:Event):void { musicchannel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, loopmusic); if(currentsong>-1){ musicchannel = musicchan[currentsong].play(); musicchannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, loopmusic); } } public function stopmusic(e:Event):void { musicchannel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, stopmusic); musicchannel.stop(); currentsong = -1; } public function haltdasmusik():void { musicchannel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, stopmusic); musicchannel.stop(); resumesong = currentsong; currentsong = -1; } public function silencedasmusik():void { if(currentsong>-1){ musicchannel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0); } } public function fadeout():void { if(currentsong>-1){ if (musicfade == 0) { musicchannel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, stopmusic); musicfade = 61; } } } public function processmusicfade():void { musicfade--; if (musicfade > 0) { musicchannel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(musicfade / 60); }else { musicchannel.stop(); currentsong = -1; } } public function processmusicfadein():void { musicfadein--; if (musicfadein > 0) { musicchannel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform((90-musicfadein) / 90 ); }else { musicchannel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(1.0); } } public function processmusic():void { if (musicfade > 0) processmusicfade(); if (musicfadein > 0) processmusicfadein(); if (nicefade == 1 && currentsong==-1) { play(nicechange); nicechange = -1; nicefade = 0; } musicstopother--; if (musicstopother == 1) { musicstopother = 0; if (currentmusicchan == 0) musicchannel2.stop(); if (currentmusicchan == 1) musicchannel.stop(); } if (musicstopother < 0) musicstopother = 0; musicchancur--; if (musicchancur <= 0 && currentsong > -1 && musicchanlen > 0) { musicchancur = musicchanlen; if (currentmusicchan == 0) { musicchannel2 = musicchan[currentsong].play(); musicstopother = 3; currentmusicchan = 1; }else { musicchannel = musicchan[currentsong].play(); musicstopother = 3; currentmusicchan = 0; } } } public function niceplay(t:int):void { //important: do nothing if the correct song is playing! if(currentsong!=t){ if(currentsong!=-1) fadeout(); nicefade = 1; nicechange = t; } } public function musicroom(x:int, y:int):int { return x + (y * 20); } public function changemusicarea(x:int, y:int):void { switch(musicroom(x, y)) { case musicroom(11, 4): niceplay(2); break; case musicroom(2, 4): case musicroom(7, 15): niceplay(3); break; case musicroom(18, 1): case musicroom(15, 0): niceplay(12); break; case musicroom(0, 0): case musicroom(0, 16): case musicroom(2, 11): case musicroom(7, 9): case musicroom(8, 11): case musicroom(13, 2): case musicroom(17, 12): case musicroom(14, 19): case musicroom(17, 17): niceplay(4); break; default: niceplay(1); break; } } public var musicchan:Array = new Array(); public var musicchannel:SoundChannel, musicchannel2:SoundChannel; public var currentmusicchan:int, musicchanlen:int, musicchancur:int, musicstopother:int, resumesong:int; public var currentsong:int, musicfade:int, musicfadein:int; public var nicefade:int, nicechange:int; //Play a sound effect! There are 16 channels, which iterate public function initefchannels():void { for (var i:int = 0; i < 16; i++) efchannel.push(new SoundChannel); } public function playef(t:int, offset:int=0):void { efchannel[currentefchan] = efchan[t].play(offset); currentefchan++; if (currentefchan > 15) currentefchan -= 16; } public var currentefchan:int; public var efchannel:Array = new Array(); public var efchan:Array = new Array(); public var numplays:int; } }