#include "Textbox.h" #include #include "Font.h" #include "Localization.h" #include "UTF8.h" #include "Vlogging.h" textboxclass::textboxclass(int gap) { w = 0; h = 0; tl = 0; prev_tl = 0; tm = 0; timer = 0; xp = 0; yp = 0; r = 0; g = 0; b = 0; linegap = gap; flipme = false; rand = 0; large = false; should_centerx = false; should_centery = false; print_flags = PR_FONT_LEVEL; translate = TEXTTRANSLATE_NONE; function = NULL; fill_buttons = false; sprites.clear(); image = TEXTIMAGE_NONE; crewmate_position = TextboxCrewmatePosition(); original = TextboxOriginalContext(); original.text_case = 1; spacing = TextboxSpacing(); other_textbox_index = -1; } void textboxclass::addsprite(int x, int y, int tile, int col) { TextboxSprite sprite; sprite.x = x; sprite.y = y; sprite.tile = tile; sprite.col = col; sprites.push_back(sprite); } void textboxclass::setimage(TextboxImage new_image) { image = new_image; } void textboxclass::centerx(void) { resize(); xp = 160 - (w / 2); } void textboxclass::centery(void) { resize(); yp = 120 - (h / 2); } void textboxclass::applyposition(void) { resize(); reposition(); if (should_centerx) { centerx(); } if (should_centery) { centery(); } if (translate == TEXTTRANSLATE_CUTSCENE) { adjust(); } } void textboxclass::adjust(void) { resize(); if (xp < 10) xp = 10; if (yp < 10) yp = 10; if (xp + w > 310) xp = 310 - w; if (yp + h > 230) yp = 230 - h; } void textboxclass::initcol(int rr, int gg, int bb) { r = rr; g = gg; b = bb; tl = 0.5; } void textboxclass::update(void) { prev_tl = tl; if (tm == 0) { tl += .1f; if (tl >= 1) { tl = 1; tm = 1; } } else if (tm == 2) { tl -= .1f; if (tl <= 0.5) { tl = 0.5; //this textbox will be removed by updatetextboxes() later } } if (timer > 0) { timer--; if (timer == 0) tm = 2; } } void textboxclass::remove(void) { tm = 2; tl = 1.0f; //Remove mode } void textboxclass::removefast(void) { tm = 2; tl = 0.4f; //Remove mode } void textboxclass::resize(void) { //Set the width and height to the correct sizes int max = 0; for (size_t iter = 0; iter < lines.size(); iter++) { int len = font::len(print_flags, lines[iter].c_str()); if (len > max) max = len; } // 16 for the borders w = max + 16; h = lines.size()*(font::height(print_flags) + linegap) + 16 - linegap; } void textboxclass::reposition(void) { // Function-based translation overrides position. if (translate == TEXTTRANSLATE_FUNCTION) { return; } const int font_height = font::height(print_flags); // Reposition based off crewmate position, if applicable // Otherwise use original position, if applicable if (crewmate_position.override_x) { if (crewmate_position.dir == 1) // left { xp = crewmate_position.x - w + 16; } else if (crewmate_position.dir == 0) // right { xp = crewmate_position.x - 16; } } else { xp = original.x; } if (crewmate_position.override_y) { if (crewmate_position.text_above) { if (crewmate_position.dir == 1) // left { yp = crewmate_position.y - 16 - (lines.size() * (font_height + linegap) - linegap); } else if (crewmate_position.dir == 0) // right { yp = crewmate_position.y - 18 - (lines.size() * (font_height + linegap) - linegap); } } else { yp = crewmate_position.y + 26; } } else { yp = original.y; } } void textboxclass::addline(const std::string& t) { lines.push_back(t); resize(); if ((int)lines.size() > (large ? 26 : 11)) { lines.clear(); } } void textboxclass::pad(size_t left_pad, size_t right_pad) { // Pad the current text with a certain number of spaces on the left and right if (font::is_rtl(print_flags)) { // Swap left and right, because left will end up on the right and vice versa... size_t old_left_pad = left_pad; left_pad = right_pad; right_pad = old_left_pad; } for (size_t iter = 0; iter < lines.size(); iter++) { lines[iter] = std::string(left_pad, ' ') + lines[iter] + std::string(right_pad, ' '); } resize(); } void textboxclass::padtowidth(size_t new_w) { /* Pad the current text so that each line is new_w pixels wide. * Each existing line is centered in that width. */ resize(); uint8_t glyph_w = 8; font::glyph_dimensions(print_flags, &glyph_w, NULL); size_t chars_w = SDL_max(w-16, new_w) / glyph_w; for (size_t iter = 0; iter < lines.size(); iter++) { size_t n_glyphs = font::len(print_flags, lines[iter].c_str()) / glyph_w; signed int padding_needed = chars_w - n_glyphs; if (padding_needed < 0) { continue; } size_t left_pad = padding_needed / 2; size_t right_pad = padding_needed - left_pad; lines[iter] = std::string(left_pad, ' ') + lines[iter] + std::string(right_pad, ' '); } resize(); } void textboxclass::centertext(void) { padtowidth(w-16); } int textboxclass::wrap(int pad) { /* This function just takes a single-line textbox and wraps it... * pad = the total number of characters we are going to pad this textbox. * (or how many characters we should stay clear of 288 pixels width in general) * Only to be used after a manual graphics.createtextbox[flipme] call, * or the retranslation of a text box created with said call. * Returns the new, total height of the textbox. */ if (lines.empty()) { vlog_error("textboxclass::wrap() has no first line!"); return 16; } std::string wrapped = font::string_wordwrap_balanced( print_flags, lines[0], 36 * 8 - pad * 8 ); lines.clear(); size_t startline = 0; size_t newline; do { size_t pos_n = wrapped.find('\n', startline); size_t pos_p = wrapped.find('|', startline); newline = SDL_min(pos_n, pos_p); addline(wrapped.substr(startline, newline-startline)); startline = newline + 1; } while (newline != std::string::npos); return h; } void textboxclass::copyoriginaltext(void) { // Copy the original back, but keep the limit of lines in mind lines.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < original.lines.size(); i++) { addline(original.lines[i]); } } void textboxclass::applyoriginalspacing(void) { if (spacing.centertext) { centertext(); } if (spacing.pad_left > 0 || spacing.pad_right > 0) { pad(spacing.pad_left, spacing.pad_right); } if (spacing.padtowidth > 0) { padtowidth(spacing.padtowidth); } } void textboxclass::updatetext(void) { switch (translate) { case TEXTTRANSLATE_NONE: copyoriginaltext(); applyoriginalspacing(); break; case TEXTTRANSLATE_CUTSCENE: translatecutscene(); break; case TEXTTRANSLATE_FUNCTION: if (function == NULL) { SDL_assert(0 && "function is NULL!"); break; } function(this); } } void textboxclass::translatecutscene(void) { if (!loc::is_cutscene_translated(original.script_name)) { copyoriginaltext(); applyoriginalspacing(); return; } // English text needs to be un-wordwrapped, translated, and re-wordwrapped std::string eng; for (size_t i = 0; i < original.lines.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) { eng.append("\n"); } eng.append(original.lines[i]); } eng = font::string_unwordwrap(eng); const loc::TextboxFormat* format = loc::gettext_cutscene(original.script_name, eng, original.text_case); if (format == NULL || format->text == NULL || format->text[0] == '\0') { copyoriginaltext(); applyoriginalspacing(); return; } std::string tra; if (format->tt) { tra = std::string(format->text); size_t pipe; while (true) { pipe = tra.find('|', 0); if (pipe == std::string::npos) { break; } tra.replace(pipe, 1, "\n"); } } else { tra = font::string_wordwrap_balanced(PR_FONT_LEVEL, format->text, format->wraplimit); } lines.clear(); size_t startline = 0; size_t newline; do { newline = tra.find('\n', startline); lines.push_back(tra.substr(startline, newline - startline)); startline = newline + 1; } while (newline != std::string::npos); resize(); if (format->centertext) { centertext(); } if (format->pad_left > 0 || format->pad_right > 0) { pad(format->pad_left, format->pad_right); } if (format->padtowidth > 0) { padtowidth(format->padtowidth); } }