#define GRAPHICS_DEFINITION #include "Graphics.h" #include #include #include #include "editor.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "FileSystemUtils.h" #include "Map.h" #include "Music.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "UtilityClass.h" void Graphics::init() { grphx.init(); flipmode = false; setRect(tiles_rect, 0,0,8,8); setRect(sprites_rect, 0,0,32,32); setRect(bfont_rect, 0,0,8,8); setRect(bg_rect, 0,0,320,240); setRect(footerrect, 0, 230, 320, 10); setRect(prect, 0, 0, 4, 4); setRect(line_rect, 0,0,0,0); setRect(tele_rect,0,0,96,96); setRect(towerbuffer_rect, 8, 8, 320, 240); //We initialise a few things linestate = 0; trinketcolset = false; showcutscenebars = false; cutscenebarspos = 0; oldcutscenebarspos = 0; notextoutline = false; flipmode = false; setflipmode = false; //Background inits for (int i = 0; i < numstars; i++) { SDL_Rect s = {Sint16(fRandom() * 320), Sint16(fRandom() * 240), 2, 2}; int s2 = 4+(fRandom()*4); stars[i] = s; starsspeed[i] = s2; } for (int i = 0; i < numbackboxes; i++) { SDL_Rect bb; int bvx = 0; int bvy = 0; if(fRandom()*100 > 50) { bvx = 9 - (fRandom() * 19); if (bvx > -6 && bvx < 6) bvx = 6; bvx = bvx * 1.5; setRect(bb, fRandom() * 320, fRandom() * 240, 32, 12); } else { bvy = 9 - (fRandom() * 19); if (bvy > -6 && bvy < 6) bvy = 6; bvy = bvy * 1.5; setRect(bb, fRandom() * 320, fRandom() * 240, 12, 32) ; } float bint = 0.5 + ((fRandom() * 100) / 200); backboxes[i] = bb; backboxvx[i] = bvx; backboxvy[i] = bvy; backboxint[i] = bint; } backoffset = 0; backgrounddrawn = false; warpskip = 0; warpfcol = 0x000000; warpbcol = 0x000000; spcol = 0; spcoldel = 0; rcol = 0; crewframe = 0; crewframedelay = 4; menuoffset = 0; oldmenuoffset = 0; resumegamemode = false; //Fading stuff SDL_memset(fadebars, 0, sizeof(fadebars)); fadeamount = 0; oldfadeamount = 0; fademode = 0; // initialize everything else to zero backBuffer = NULL; bcol = 0; bcol2 = 0; ct = colourTransform(); foot_rect = SDL_Rect(); foregrounddrawn = false; foregroundBuffer = NULL; backgrounddrawn = false; images_rect = SDL_Rect(); m = 0; linedelay = 0; menubuffer = NULL; screenbuffer = NULL; tempBuffer = NULL; tl = point(); towerbuffer = NULL; towerbuffer_lerp = NULL; footerbuffer = NULL; ghostbuffer = NULL; trinketr = 0; trinketg = 0; trinketb = 0; warprect = SDL_Rect(); translucentroomname = false; showmousecursor = true; alpha = 1.0f; screenshake_x = 0; screenshake_y = 0; col_crewred = 0x00000000; col_crewyellow = 0x00000000; col_crewgreen = 0x00000000; col_crewcyan = 0x00000000; col_crewblue = 0x00000000; col_crewpurple = 0x00000000; col_crewinactive = 0x00000000; col_clock = 0x00000000; col_trinket = 0x00000000; col_tr = 0; col_tg = 0; col_tb = 0; kludgeswnlinewidth = false; } int Graphics::font_idx(uint32_t ch) { if (font_positions.size() > 0) { std::map::iterator iter = font_positions.find(ch); if (iter == font_positions.end()) { iter = font_positions.find('?'); if (iter == font_positions.end()) { puts("font.txt missing fallback character!"); exit(1); } } return iter->second; } else { return ch; } } void Graphics::drawspritesetcol(int x, int y, int t, int c) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, sprites)) { return; } SDL_Rect rect; setRect(rect,x,y,sprites_rect.w,sprites_rect.h); setcol(c); BlitSurfaceColoured(sprites[t],NULL,backBuffer, &rect, ct); } void Graphics::updatetitlecolours() { setcol(15); col_crewred = ct.colour; setcol(14); col_crewyellow = ct.colour; setcol(13); col_crewgreen = ct.colour; setcol(0); col_crewcyan = ct.colour; setcol(16); col_crewblue = ct.colour; setcol(20); col_crewpurple = ct.colour; setcol(19); col_crewinactive = ct.colour; setcol(18); col_clock = ct.colour; setcol(18); col_trinket = ct.colour; } #define PROCESS_TILESHEET_CHECK_ERROR(tilesheet, tile_square) \ if (grphx.im_##tilesheet->w % tile_square != 0 \ || grphx.im_##tilesheet->h % tile_square != 0) \ { \ const char* error = "Error: %s.png dimensions not exact multiples of %i!"; \ char message[128]; \ SDL_snprintf(message, sizeof(message), error, #tilesheet, tile_square); \ \ const char* error_title = "Error with %s.png"; \ char message_title[128]; \ SDL_snprintf(message_title, sizeof(message_title), error_title, #tilesheet); \ \ puts(message); \ \ SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox( \ SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, \ message_title, \ message, \ NULL \ ); \ \ exit(1); \ } #define PROCESS_TILESHEET_RENAME(tilesheet, vector, tile_square, extra_code) \ PROCESS_TILESHEET_CHECK_ERROR(tilesheet, tile_square) \ \ for (int j = 0; j < grphx.im_##tilesheet->h / tile_square; j++) \ { \ for (int i = 0; i < grphx.im_##tilesheet->w / tile_square; i++) \ { \ SDL_Surface* temp = GetSubSurface( \ grphx.im_##tilesheet, \ i * tile_square, j * tile_square, \ tile_square, tile_square \ ); \ vector.push_back(temp); \ \ extra_code \ } \ } #define PROCESS_TILESHEET(tilesheet, tile_square, extra_code) \ PROCESS_TILESHEET_RENAME(tilesheet, tilesheet, tile_square, extra_code) void Graphics::Makebfont() { PROCESS_TILESHEET(bfont, 8, { SDL_Surface* TempFlipped = FlipSurfaceVerticle(temp); flipbfont.push_back(TempFlipped); }) unsigned char* charmap = NULL; size_t length; FILESYSTEM_loadFileToMemory("graphics/font.txt", &charmap, &length); if (charmap != NULL) { unsigned char* current = charmap; unsigned char* end = charmap + length; int pos = 0; while (current != end) { int codepoint = utf8::unchecked::next(current); font_positions[codepoint] = pos; ++pos; } FILESYSTEM_freeMemory(&charmap); } else { font_positions.clear(); } } int Graphics::bfontlen(uint32_t ch) { if (ch < 32) { return 6; } else { return 8; } } void Graphics::MakeTileArray() { PROCESS_TILESHEET(tiles, 8, ) PROCESS_TILESHEET(tiles2, 8, ) PROCESS_TILESHEET(tiles3, 8, ) PROCESS_TILESHEET(entcolours, 8, ) } void Graphics::maketelearray() { PROCESS_TILESHEET_RENAME(teleporter, tele, 96, ) } void Graphics::MakeSpriteArray() { PROCESS_TILESHEET(sprites, 32, ) PROCESS_TILESHEET(flipsprites, 32, ) } #undef PROCESS_TILESHEET #undef PROCESS_TILESHEET_RENAME #undef PROCESS_TILESHEET_CHECK_ERROR void Graphics::map_tab(int opt, const std::string& text, bool selected /*= false*/) { int x = opt*80 + 40 - len(text)/2; if (selected) { Print(x-8, 220, "[" + text + "]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow); } else { Print(x, 220, text, 64, 64, 64); } } void Graphics::map_option(int opt, int num_opts, const std::string& text, bool selected /*= false*/) { int x = 80 + opt*32; int y = 136; // start from middle of menu int yoff = -(num_opts * 12) / 2; // could be simplified to -num_opts * 6, this conveys my intent better though yoff += opt * 12; if (flipmode) { y -= yoff; // going down, which in Flip Mode means going up y -= 40; } else { y += yoff; // going up } if (selected) { std::string text_upper(text); for (size_t i = 0; i < text_upper.length(); i++) { text_upper[i] = SDL_toupper(text_upper[i]); } Print(x - 16, y, "[ " + text_upper + " ]", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow); } else { Print(x, y, text, 96, 96, 96); } } void Graphics::Print( int _x, int _y, std::string _s, int r, int g, int b, bool cen /*= false*/ ) { return PrintAlpha(_x,_y,_s,r,g,b,255,cen); } void Graphics::PrintAlpha( int _x, int _y, std::string _s, int r, int g, int b, int a, bool cen /*= false*/ ) { std::vector& font = flipmode ? flipbfont : bfont; r = clamp(r,0,255); g = clamp(g,0,255); b = clamp(b,0,255); a = clamp(a,0,255); ct.colour = getRGBA(r, g, b, a); if (cen) _x = ((160 ) - ((len(_s)) / 2)); int bfontpos = 0; int curr; int idx; std::string::iterator iter = _s.begin(); while (iter != _s.end()) { curr = utf8::unchecked::next(iter); point tpoint; tpoint.x = _x + bfontpos; tpoint.y = _y; SDL_Rect fontRect = bfont_rect; fontRect.x = tpoint.x ; fontRect.y = tpoint.y ; idx = font_idx(curr); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(idx, font)) { BlitSurfaceColoured( font[idx], NULL, backBuffer, &fontRect , ct); } bfontpos+=bfontlen(curr) ; } } void Graphics::bigprint( int _x, int _y, std::string _s, int r, int g, int b, bool cen, int sc ) { std::vector& font = flipmode ? flipbfont : bfont; r = clamp(r,0,255); g = clamp(g,0,255); b = clamp(b,0,255); ct.colour = getRGB(r, g, b); if (cen) { _x = std::max(160 - (int((len(_s)/ 2.0)*sc)), 0 ); } int bfontpos = 0; int curr; int idx; std::string::iterator iter = _s.begin(); while (iter != _s.end()) { curr = utf8::unchecked::next(iter); /* point tpoint; tpoint.x = _x + bfontpos; tpoint.y = _y; SDL_Rect fontRect = bfont_rect; fontRect.x = tpoint.x ; fontRect.y = tpoint.y ; */ idx = font_idx(curr); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(idx, font)) { SDL_Surface* tempPrint = ScaleSurface(font[idx], font[idx]->w *sc,font[idx]->h *sc); SDL_Rect printrect = { static_cast((_x) + bfontpos), static_cast(_y) , static_cast((bfont_rect.w*sc)+1), static_cast((bfont_rect.h * sc)+1)}; BlitSurfaceColoured(tempPrint, NULL, backBuffer, &printrect, ct); SDL_FreeSurface(tempPrint); } bfontpos+=bfontlen(curr) *sc; } } int Graphics::len(std::string t) { int bfontpos = 0; std::string::iterator iter = t.begin(); while (iter != t.end()) { int cur = utf8::unchecked::next(iter); bfontpos += bfontlen(cur); } return bfontpos; } void Graphics::PrintOff( int _x, int _y, std::string _s, int r, int g, int b, bool cen /*= false*/ ) { PrintOffAlpha(_x,_y,_s,r,g,b,255,cen); } void Graphics::PrintOffAlpha( int _x, int _y, std::string _s, int r, int g, int b, int a, bool cen /*= false*/ ) { std::vector& font = flipmode ? flipbfont : bfont; r = clamp(r,0,255); g = clamp(g,0,255); b = clamp(b,0,255); a = clamp(a,0,255); ct.colour = getRGB(r, g, b); if (cen) _x = ((160) - (len(_s) / 2))+_x; int bfontpos = 0; int idx; std::string::iterator iter = _s.begin(); while (iter != _s.end()) { int curr = utf8::unchecked::next(iter); point tpoint; tpoint.x = _x + bfontpos; tpoint.y = _y; SDL_Rect fontRect = bfont_rect; fontRect.x = tpoint.x ; fontRect.y = tpoint.y ; idx = font_idx(curr); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(idx, font)) { BlitSurfaceColoured( font[idx], NULL, backBuffer, &fontRect , ct); } bfontpos+=bfontlen(curr) ; } } void Graphics::bprint( int x, int y, std::string t, int r, int g, int b, bool cen /*= false*/ ) { bprintalpha(x,y,t,r,g,b,255,cen); } void Graphics::bprintalpha( int x, int y, std::string t, int r, int g, int b, int a, bool cen /*= false*/ ) { if (!notextoutline) { PrintAlpha(x, y - 1, t, 0, 0, 0, a, cen); if (cen) { PrintOffAlpha(-1, y, t, 0, 0, 0, a, cen); PrintOffAlpha(1, y, t, 0, 0, 0, a, cen); } else { PrintAlpha(x -1, y, t, 0, 0, 0, a, cen); PrintAlpha(x +1, y, t, 0, 0, 0, a, cen); } PrintAlpha(x, y+1, t, 0, 0, 0, a, cen); } PrintAlpha(x, y, t, r, g, b, a, cen); } void Graphics::RPrint( int _x, int _y, std::string _s, int r, int g, int b, bool cen /*= false*/ ) { std::vector& font = flipmode ? flipbfont : bfont; r = clamp(r,0,255); g = clamp(g,0,255); b = clamp(b,0,255); ct.colour = getRGB(r, g, b); if (cen) _x = ((308) - (_s.length() / 2)); int bfontpos = 0; int curr; int idx; std::string::iterator iter = _s.begin(); while (iter != _s.end()) { curr = utf8::unchecked::next(iter); point tpoint; tpoint.x = _x + bfontpos; tpoint.y = _y; SDL_Rect fontRect = bfont_rect; fontRect.x = tpoint.x ; fontRect.y = tpoint.y ; idx = font_idx(curr); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(idx, font)) { BlitSurfaceColoured( font[idx], NULL, backBuffer, &fontRect , ct); } bfontpos+=bfontlen(curr) ; } } void Graphics::printcrewname( int x, int y, int t ) { //Print the name of crew member t in the right colour switch(t) { case 0: Print(x, y, "Viridian", 16, 240, 240,false ); break; case 1: Print(x, y, "Violet", 240, 16, 240,false); break; case 2: Print(x, y, "Vitellary", 240, 240, 16,false); break; case 3: Print(x, y, "Vermilion", 240, 16, 16,false); break; case 4: Print(x, y, "Verdigris", 16, 240, 16,false); break; case 5: Print(x, y, "Victoria", 16, 16, 240,false); break; } } void Graphics::printcrewnamedark( int x, int y, int t ) { //Print the name of crew member t as above, but in black and white switch(t) { case 0: Print(x, y, "Viridian", 128,128,128,false); break; case 1: Print(x, y, "Violet", 128,128,128,false); break; case 2: Print(x, y, "Vitellary", 128,128,128,false); break; case 3: Print(x, y, "Vermilion", 128,128,128,false); break; case 4: Print(x, y, "Verdigris", 128,128,128,false); break; case 5: Print(x, y, "Victoria", 128,128,128,false); break; } } void Graphics::printcrewnamestatus( int x, int y, int t ) { //Print the status of crew member t in the right colour switch(t) { case 0: Print(x, y, "(that's you!)", 12, 140, 140,false); break; case 1: Print(x, y, "Rescued!", 140, 12, 140,false); break; case 2: Print(x, y, "Rescued!", 140, 140, 12,false); break; case 3: Print(x, y, "Rescued!", 140, 12, 12,false); break; case 4: Print(x, y, "Rescued!", 12, 140, 12,false); break; case 5: Print(x, y, "Rescued!", 12, 12, 140,false); break; } } void Graphics::drawsprite( int x, int y, int t, int r, int g, int b ) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, sprites)) { WHINE_ONCE("drawsprite() out-of-bounds!"); } SDL_Rect rect = { Sint16(x), Sint16(y), sprites_rect.w, sprites_rect.h }; setcolreal(getRGB(r,g,b)); BlitSurfaceColoured(sprites[t], NULL, backBuffer, &rect, ct); } void Graphics::drawsprite(int x, int y, int t, Uint32 c) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, sprites)) { WHINE_ONCE("drawsprite() out-of-bounds!"); } SDL_Rect rect = { Sint16(x), Sint16(y), sprites_rect.w, sprites_rect.h }; setcolreal(c); BlitSurfaceColoured(sprites[t], NULL, backBuffer, &rect, ct); } void Graphics::drawtile( int x, int y, int t ) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, tiles)) { WHINE_ONCE("drawtile() out-of-bounds!") return; } SDL_Rect rect = { Sint16(x), Sint16(y), tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h }; #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) if (t >= 14 && t <= 17 && (!FILESYSTEM_assetsmounted || ed.onewaycol_override)) { colourTransform thect = {ed.getonewaycol()}; BlitSurfaceTinted(tiles[t], NULL, backBuffer, &rect, thect); } else #endif { BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles[t], NULL, backBuffer, &rect); } } void Graphics::drawtile2( int x, int y, int t ) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, tiles2)) { WHINE_ONCE("drawtile2() out-of-bounds!") return; } SDL_Rect rect = { Sint16(x), Sint16(y), tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h }; #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) if (t >= 14 && t <= 17 && (!FILESYSTEM_assetsmounted || ed.onewaycol_override)) { colourTransform thect = {ed.getonewaycol()}; BlitSurfaceTinted(tiles2[t], NULL, backBuffer, &rect, thect); } else #endif { BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles2[t], NULL, backBuffer, &rect); } } void Graphics::drawtile3( int x, int y, int t, int off, int height_subtract /*= 0*/ ) { t += off * 30; if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, tiles3)) { WHINE_ONCE("drawtile3() out-of-bounds!") return; } SDL_Rect src_rect = { 0, 0, tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h - height_subtract }; SDL_Rect rect = { Sint16(x), Sint16(y), tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h }; BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles3[t], &src_rect, backBuffer, &rect); } void Graphics::drawentcolours( int x, int y, int t) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, entcolours)) { WHINE_ONCE("drawentcolours() out-of-bounds!") return; } SDL_Rect rect = { Sint16(x), Sint16(y), tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h }; BlitSurfaceStandard(entcolours[t], NULL, backBuffer, &rect); } void Graphics::drawtowertile( int x, int y, int t ) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, tiles2)) { WHINE_ONCE("drawtowertile() out-of-bounds!") return; } x += 8; y += 8; SDL_Rect rect = { Sint16(x), Sint16(y), tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h }; BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles2[t], NULL, towerbuffer, &rect); } void Graphics::drawtowertile3( int x, int y, int t, int off ) { t += off*30; if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, tiles3)) { WHINE_ONCE("drawtowertile3() out-of-bounds!") return; } x += 8; y += 8; SDL_Rect rect = { Sint16(x), Sint16(y), tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h }; BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles3[t], NULL, towerbuffer, &rect); } void Graphics::drawgui() { //Draw all the textboxes to the screen for (size_t i = 0; i= 1.0; if ((textbox[i].yp == 12 || textbox[i].yp == 180) && textbox[i].r == 165 && drawspecial) { if (flipmode) { drawimage(5, 0, 180, true); } else { drawimage(0, 0, 12, true); } } else if ((textbox[i].yp == 12 || textbox[i].yp == 180) && textbox[i].g == 165 && drawspecial) { if (flipmode) { drawimage(6, 0, 180, true); } else { drawimage(4, 0, 12, true); } } if (flipmode) { if (textbox[i].r == 175 && textbox[i].g == 175 && drawspecial) { //purple guy drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 48 + 4, 6, 220- help.glow/4 - int(fRandom()*20), 120- help.glow/4, 210 - help.glow/4); } else if (textbox[i].r == 175 && textbox[i].b == 175 && drawspecial) { //red guy drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 48+ 4, 6, 255 - help.glow/8, 70 - help.glow/4, 70 - help.glow / 4); } else if (textbox[i].r == 175 && drawspecial) { //green guy drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 48 + 4, 6, 120 - help.glow / 4 - int(fRandom() * 20), 220 - help.glow / 4, 120 - help.glow / 4); } else if (textbox[i].g == 175 && drawspecial) { //yellow guy drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 48+ 4, 6, 220- help.glow/4 - int(fRandom()*20), 210 - help.glow/4, 120- help.glow/4); } else if (textbox[i].b == 175 && drawspecial) { //blue guy drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 48+ 4, 6, 75, 75, 255- help.glow/4 - int(fRandom()*20)); } } else { if (textbox[i].r == 175 && textbox[i].g == 175 && drawspecial) { //purple guy drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 32 + 4, 0, 220- help.glow/4 - int(fRandom()*20), 120- help.glow/4, 210 - help.glow/4); } else if (textbox[i].r == 175 && textbox[i].b == 175 && drawspecial) { //red guy drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 32 + 4, 0, 255 - help.glow/8, 70 - help.glow/4, 70 - help.glow / 4); } else if (textbox[i].r == 175 && drawspecial) { //green guy drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 32 + 4, 0, 120 - help.glow / 4 - int(fRandom() * 20), 220 - help.glow / 4, 120 - help.glow / 4); } else if (textbox[i].g == 175 && drawspecial) { //yellow guy drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 32 + 4, 0, 220- help.glow/4 - int(fRandom()*20), 210 - help.glow/4, 120- help.glow/4); } else if (textbox[i].b == 175 && drawspecial) { //blue guy drawsprite(80 - 6, 64 + 32 + 4, 0, 75, 75, 255- help.glow/4 - int(fRandom()*20)); } } } } void Graphics::updatetextboxes() { for (size_t i = 0; i < textbox.size(); i++) { textbox[i].update(); if (textbox[i].tm == 2 && textbox[i].tl <= 0.5) { textbox.erase(textbox.begin() + i); i--; continue; } } } void Graphics::drawimagecol( int t, int xp, int yp, int r = 0, int g = 0, int b = 0, bool cent/*= false*/ ) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, images)) { return; } SDL_Rect trect; if(r+g+b != 0) { RGBf(r,g,b); } point tpoint; if (cent) { tpoint.x = 160 - int(images[t]->w / 2); tpoint.y = yp; trect.x = tpoint.x ; trect.y = tpoint.y; trect.w = images[t]->w; trect.h= images[t]->h; BlitSurfaceColoured(images[t], NULL, backBuffer, &trect, ct); } else { trect.x = xp; trect.y = yp; trect.w = images[t]->w; trect.h = images[t]->h; BlitSurfaceColoured(images[t], NULL, backBuffer, &trect, ct); } } void Graphics::drawimage( int t, int xp, int yp, bool cent/*=false*/ ) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, images)) { return; } SDL_Rect trect; if (cent) { trect.x = 160 - int(images[t]->w / 2); trect.y = yp; trect.w = images[t]->w; trect.h = images[t]->h; BlitSurfaceStandard(images[t], NULL, backBuffer, &trect); } else { trect.x = xp; trect.y = yp; trect.w = images[t]->w; trect.h= images[t]->h; BlitSurfaceStandard(images[t], NULL, backBuffer, &trect); } } void Graphics::drawpartimage( int t, int xp, int yp, int wp, int hp) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, images)) { return; } SDL_Rect trect; trect.x = xp; trect.y = yp; trect.w = wp; trect.h= hp; SDL_Rect trect2; trect2.x = 0; trect2.y = 0; trect2.w = wp; trect2.h= hp; BlitSurfaceStandard(images[t], &trect2, backBuffer, &trect); } void Graphics::cutscenebars() { int usethispos = lerp(oldcutscenebarspos, cutscenebarspos); if (showcutscenebars) { FillRect(backBuffer, 0, 0, usethispos, 16, 0x000000); FillRect(backBuffer, 360-usethispos, 224, usethispos, 16, 0x000000); } else if (cutscenebarspos > 0) //disappearing { //draw FillRect(backBuffer, 0, 0, usethispos, 16, 0x000000); FillRect(backBuffer, 360-usethispos, 224, usethispos, 16, 0x000000); } } void Graphics::cutscenebarstimer() { oldcutscenebarspos = cutscenebarspos; if (showcutscenebars) { cutscenebarspos += 25; cutscenebarspos = std::min(cutscenebarspos, 361); } else if (cutscenebarspos > 0) { //disappearing cutscenebarspos -= 25; cutscenebarspos = std::max(cutscenebarspos, 0); } } void Graphics::drawcrewman( int x, int y, int t, bool act, bool noshift /*=false*/ ) { if (!act) { if (noshift) { if (flipmode) { drawsprite(x, y, 14, col_crewinactive); } else { drawsprite(x, y, 12, col_crewinactive); } } else { if (flipmode) { drawsprite(x - 8, y, 14, col_crewinactive); } else { drawsprite(x - 8, y, 12, col_crewinactive); } } } else { if (flipmode) crewframe += 6; switch(t) { case 0: drawsprite(x, y, crewframe, col_crewcyan); break; case 1: drawsprite(x, y, crewframe, col_crewpurple); break; case 2: drawsprite(x, y, crewframe, col_crewyellow); break; case 3: drawsprite(x, y, crewframe, col_crewred); break; case 4: drawsprite(x, y, crewframe, col_crewgreen); break; case 5: drawsprite(x, y, crewframe, col_crewblue); break; } if (flipmode) crewframe -= 6; } } void Graphics::drawpixeltextbox( int x, int y, int w, int h, int w2, int h2, int r, int g, int b, int xo, int yo ) { //given these parameters, draw a textbox with a pixel width //madrect.x = x; madrect.y = y; madrect.w = w; madrect.h = h; FillRect(backBuffer,x,y,w,h, r/6, g/6, b/6 ); for (int k = 0; k < w2-2; k++) { drawcoloredtile(x + 8-xo + (k * 8), y, 41, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x + 8-xo + (k * 8), y + (h) - 8, 46, r, g, b); } for (int k = 0; k < h2-2; k++) { drawcoloredtile(x, y + 8-yo + (k * 8), 43, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + 8-yo + (k * 8), 44, r, g, b); } drawcoloredtile(x, y, 40, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y, 42, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x, y + (h) - 8, 45, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + (h) - 8, 47, r, g, b); } void Graphics::drawcustompixeltextbox( int x, int y, int w, int h, int w2, int h2, int r, int g, int b, int xo, int yo ) { //given these parameters, draw a textbox with a pixel width FillRect(backBuffer,x,y,w,h, r/6, g/6, b/6 ); for (int k = 0; k < w2-2; k++) { drawcoloredtile(x + 8-xo + (k * 8), y, 41, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x + 8-xo + (k * 8), y + (h) - 8, 46, r, g, b); } drawcoloredtile(x+ (w) - 16, y, 41, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x+ (w) - 16, y + (h) - 8, 46, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x+ (w) - 24, y, 41, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x+ (w) - 24, y + (h) - 8, 46, r, g, b); for (int k = 0; k < h2-2; k++) { drawcoloredtile(x, y + 8-yo + (k * 8), 43, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + 8-yo + (k * 8), 44, r, g, b); } drawcoloredtile(x, y + (h) - 16, 43, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + (h) - 16, 44, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x, y + (h) - 24, 43, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + (h) - 24, 44, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x, y, 40, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y, 42, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x, y + (h) - 8, 45, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x + (w) - 8, y + (h) - 8, 47, r, g, b); } void Graphics::drawtextbox( int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b ) { //given these parameters, draw a textbox FillRect(backBuffer,x,y,w*8,h*8, r/6, g/6, b/6 ); drawcoloredtile(x, y, 40, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x + (w*8) - 8, y, 42, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x, y + (h*8) - 8, 45, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x + (w*8) - 8, y + (h*8) - 8, 47, r, g, b); for (int k = 0; k < w-2; k++) { drawcoloredtile(x + 8 + (k * 8), y, 41, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x + 8 + (k * 8), y + (h * 8) - 8, 46, r, g, b); } for (int k = 0; k < h-2; k++) { drawcoloredtile(x, y + 8 + (k * 8), 43, r, g, b); drawcoloredtile(x + (w * 8) - 8, y + 8 + (k * 8), 44, r, g, b); } } void Graphics::textboxactive() { //Remove all but the most recent textbox for (int i = 0; i < (int) textbox.size(); i++) { if (m != i) textbox[i].remove(); } } void Graphics::textboxremovefast() { //Remove all textboxes for (size_t i = 0; i < textbox.size(); i++) { textbox[i].removefast(); } } void Graphics::textboxremove() { //Remove all textboxes for (size_t i = 0; i < textbox.size(); i++) { textbox[i].remove(); } } void Graphics::textboxtimer( int t ) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textbox)) { puts("textboxtimer() out-of-bounds!"); return; } textbox[m].timer=t; } void Graphics::addline( std::string t ) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textbox)) { puts("addline() out-of-bounds!"); return; } textbox[m].addline(t); } void Graphics::textboxadjust() { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textbox)) { puts("textboxadjust() out-of-bounds!"); return; } textbox[m].adjust(); } void Graphics::createtextbox( std::string t, int xp, int yp, int r/*= 255*/, int g/*= 255*/, int b /*= 255*/ ) { m = textbox.size(); if(m<20) { textboxclass text; text.line.push_back(t); text.xp = xp; int length = utf8::unchecked::distance(t.begin(), t.end()); if (xp == -1) text.xp = 160 - (((length / 2) + 1) * 8); text.yp = yp; text.initcol(r, g, b); text.resize(); textbox.push_back(text); } } void Graphics::drawfade() { int usethisamount = lerp(oldfadeamount, fadeamount); if ((fademode == 1)||(fademode == 4)) { FillRect(backBuffer, 0, 0, backBuffer->w, backBuffer->h, 0x000000); } else if(fademode==3) { for (size_t i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(fadebars); i++) { FillRect(backBuffer, fadebars[i], i * 16, usethisamount, 16, 0x000000 ); } } else if(fademode==5 ) { for (size_t i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(fadebars); i++) { FillRect(backBuffer, fadebars[i]-usethisamount, i * 16, 500, 16, 0x000000 ); } } } void Graphics::processfade() { oldfadeamount = fadeamount; if (fademode > 1) { if (fademode == 2) { //prepare fade out for (size_t i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(fadebars); i++) { fadebars[i] = -int(fRandom() * 12) * 8; } fadeamount = 0; fademode = 3; } else if (fademode == 3) { fadeamount += 24; if (fadeamount > 416) { fademode = 1; //faded } } else if (fademode == 4) { //prepare fade in for (size_t i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(fadebars); i++) { fadebars[i] = 320 + int(fRandom() * 12) * 8; } fadeamount = 416; fademode = 5; } else if (fademode == 5) { fadeamount -= 24; if (fadeamount <= 0) { fademode = 0; //normal } } } } void Graphics::drawmenu( int cr, int cg, int cb, bool levelmenu /*= false*/ ) { for (size_t i = 0; i < game.menuoptions.size(); i++) { MenuOption& opt = game.menuoptions[i]; int fr, fg, fb; if (opt.active) { // Color it normally fr = cr; fg = cg; fb = cb; } else { // Color it gray fr = 128; fg = 128; fb = 128; } int x = i*game.menuspacing + game.menuxoff; int y = 140 + i*12 + game.menuyoff; if (levelmenu) { if (game.menuoptions.size() - i <= 3) { // We're on "next page", "previous page", or "return to menu". Draw them separated by a bit y += 8; } else { // Get out of the way of the level descriptions y += 4; } } char tempstring[Game::menutextbytes]; SDL_strlcpy(tempstring, opt.text, sizeof(tempstring)); char buffer[Game::menutextbytes]; if ((int) i == game.currentmenuoption) { if (opt.active) { // Uppercase the text // FIXME: This isn't UTF-8 aware! size_t templen = SDL_strlen(tempstring); for (size_t ii = 0; ii < templen; ii++) { tempstring[ii] = SDL_toupper(tempstring[ii]); } } // Add brackets SDL_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "[ %s ]", tempstring); // Account for brackets x -= 16; } else { SDL_strlcpy(buffer, tempstring, sizeof(buffer)); } Print(x, y, buffer, fr, fg, fb); } } void Graphics::drawcoloredtile( int x, int y, int t, int r, int g, int b ) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, tiles)) { return; } setcolreal(getRGB(r,g,b)); SDL_Rect rect; setRect(rect,x,y,tiles_rect.w,tiles_rect.h); BlitSurfaceColoured(tiles[t],NULL, backBuffer, &rect, ct ); } bool Graphics::Hitest(SDL_Surface* surface1, point p1, SDL_Surface* surface2, point p2) { //find rectangle where they intersect: int r1_left = p1.x; int r1_right = r1_left + surface1->w; int r2_left = p2.x; int r2_right = r2_left + surface2->w; int r1_bottom = p1.y; int r1_top = p1.y + surface1->h; int r2_bottom = p2.y; int r2_top = p2.y + surface2->h; SDL_Rect rect1 = {p1.x, p1.y, surface1->w, surface1->h}; SDL_Rect rect2 = {p2.x, p2.y, surface2->w, surface2->h}; bool intersection = help.intersects(rect1, rect2); if(intersection) { int r3_left = SDL_max(r1_left, r2_left); int r3_top = SDL_min(r1_top, r2_top); int r3_right = SDL_min(r1_right, r2_right); int r3_bottom= SDL_max(r1_bottom, r2_bottom); //for every pixel inside rectangle for(int x = r3_left; x < r3_right; x++) { for(int y = r3_bottom; y < r3_top; y++) { Uint32 pixel1 = ReadPixel(surface1 , x - p1.x, y - p1.y); Uint32 pixel2 = ReadPixel(surface2 , x - p2.x, y - p2.y); if ((pixel1 & 0x000000FF) && (pixel2 & 0x000000FF)) { return true; } } } } return false; } void Graphics::drawgravityline( int t ) { if (obj.entities[t].life == 0 || obj.entities[t].onentity == 1) // FIXME: Remove 'onentity == 1' when game loop order is fixed! { switch(linestate) { case 0: FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(200-20, 200-20, 200-20)); break; case 1: FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(225-30, 245-30, 245-30)); break; case 2: FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(245-30, 245-30, 225-30)); break; case 3: FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(164-10, 200-20, 200-20)); break; case 4: FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(224-20, 255-30, 196-20)); break; case 5: FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(205-20, 235-30, 196-20)); break; case 6: FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(164-10, 164-10, 164-10)); break; case 7: FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(225-30, 245-30, 205-20)); break; case 8: FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(205-20, 255-30, 225-30)); break; case 9: FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(245-30, 245-30, 245-30)); break; } } else { FillRect(backBuffer,line_rect, getRGB(96, 96, 96)); } } void Graphics::drawtrophytext() { int temp, temp2, temp3; if (obj.trophytext < 15) { int usethismult = lerp(obj.oldtrophytext, obj.trophytext); temp = (196 * usethismult) / 15; temp2 = (196 * usethismult) / 15; temp3 = ((255 - help.glow) * usethismult) / 15; } else { temp = 196; temp2 = 196; temp3 = 255 - help.glow; } switch(obj.trophytype) { case 1: Print( -1, 6, "SPACE STATION 1 MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true); Print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 2: Print( -1, 6, "LABORATORY MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true); Print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 3: Print( -1, 6, "THE TOWER MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true); Print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 4: Print( -1, 6, "SPACE STATION 2 MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true); Print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 5: Print( -1, 6, "WARP ZONE MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true); Print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 6: Print( -1, 6, "FINAL LEVEL MASTERED", temp, temp2, temp3, true); Print( -1, 16, "Obtain a V Rank in this Time Trial", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 7: Print( -1, 6, "GAME COMPLETE", temp, temp2, temp3, true); Print( -1, 16, "Complete the game", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 8: Print( -1, 6, "FLIP MODE COMPLETE", temp, temp2, temp3, true); Print( -1, 16, "Complete the game in flip mode", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 9: Print( -1, 11, "Win with less than 50 deaths", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 10: Print( -1, 11, "Win with less than 100 deaths", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 11: Print( -1, 11, "Win with less than 250 deaths", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 12: Print( -1, 11, "Win with less than 500 deaths", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 13: Print( -1, 11, "Last 5 seconds on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 14: Print( -1, 11, "Last 10 seconds on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 15: Print( -1, 11, "Last 15 seconds on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 16: Print( -1, 11, "Last 20 seconds on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 17: Print( -1, 11, "Last 30 seconds on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 18: Print( -1, 11, "Last 1 minute on the Super Gravitron", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; case 20: Print( -1, 6, "MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE", temp, temp2, temp3, true); Print( -1, 16, "Complete the game in no death mode", temp, temp2, temp3, true); break; } } void Graphics::drawentities() { point tpoint; SDL_Rect drawRect; #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) // Special case for gray Warp Zone tileset! int room = game.roomx-100 + (game.roomy-100) * ed.maxwidth; bool custom_gray = INBOUNDS_ARR(room, ed.level) && ed.level[room].tileset == 3 && ed.level[room].tilecol == 6; #else bool custom_gray = false; #endif std::vector *tilesvec; if (map.custommode && !map.finalmode) { tilesvec = &entcolours; } else { tilesvec = &tiles; } std::vector *spritesvec; if (flipmode) { spritesvec = &flipsprites; } else { spritesvec = &sprites; } int yoff; if (map.towermode) { yoff = lerp(map.oldypos, map.ypos); } else { yoff = 0; } for (int i = obj.entities.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (obj.entities[i].invis) { continue; } int xp = lerp(obj.entities[i].lerpoldxp, obj.entities[i].xp); int yp = lerp(obj.entities[i].lerpoldyp, obj.entities[i].yp); switch (obj.entities[i].size) { case 0: { // Sprites if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(obj.entities[i].drawframe, (*spritesvec))) { continue; } tpoint.x = xp; tpoint.y = yp - yoff; setcolreal(obj.entities[i].realcol); drawRect = sprites_rect; drawRect.x += tpoint.x; drawRect.y += tpoint.y; BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe], NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct); //screenwrapping! point wrappedPoint; bool wrapX = false; bool wrapY = false; wrappedPoint.x = tpoint.x; if (tpoint.x < 0) { wrapX = true; wrappedPoint.x += 320; } else if (tpoint.x > 300) { wrapX = true; wrappedPoint.x -= 320; } wrappedPoint.y = tpoint.y; if (tpoint.y < 0) { wrapY = true; wrappedPoint.y += 230; } else if (tpoint.y > 210) { wrapY = true; wrappedPoint.y -= 230; } bool isInWrappingAreaOfTower = map.towermode && !map.minitowermode && map.ypos >= 500 && map.ypos <= 5000; if (wrapX && (map.warpx || isInWrappingAreaOfTower)) { drawRect = sprites_rect; drawRect.x += wrappedPoint.x; drawRect.y += tpoint.y; BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe], NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct); } if (wrapY && map.warpy) { drawRect = sprites_rect; drawRect.x += tpoint.x; drawRect.y += wrappedPoint.y; BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe], NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct); } if (wrapX && wrapY && map.warpx && map.warpy) { drawRect = sprites_rect; drawRect.x += wrappedPoint.x; drawRect.y += wrappedPoint.y; BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe], NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct); } break; } case 1: // Tiles if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(obj.entities[i].drawframe, tiles)) { continue; } tpoint.x = xp; tpoint.y = yp - yoff; drawRect = tiles_rect; drawRect.x += tpoint.x; drawRect.y += tpoint.y; BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles[obj.entities[i].drawframe],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect); break; case 2: case 8: { // Special: Moving platform, 4 tiles or 8 tiles if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(obj.entities[i].drawframe, (*tilesvec))) { continue; } tpoint.x = xp; tpoint.y = yp - yoff; int thiswidth = 4; if (obj.entities[i].size == 8) { thiswidth = 8; } for (int ii = 0; ii < thiswidth; ii++) { drawRect = tiles_rect; drawRect.x += tpoint.x; drawRect.y += tpoint.y; drawRect.x += 8 * ii; if (custom_gray) { colourTransform temp_ct; temp_ct.colour = 0xFFFFFFFF; BlitSurfaceTinted((*tilesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, temp_ct); } else { BlitSurfaceStandard((*tilesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect); } } break; } case 3: // Big chunky pixels! prect.x = xp; prect.y = yp - yoff; FillRect(backBuffer, prect, obj.entities[i].realcol); break; case 4: // Small pickups setcolreal(obj.entities[i].realcol); drawhuetile(xp, yp - yoff, obj.entities[i].tile); break; case 5: //Horizontal Line { int oldw = obj.entities[i].w; if ((game.swngame == 3 || kludgeswnlinewidth) && obj.getlineat(84 - 32) == i) { oldw -= 24; } line_rect.x = xp; line_rect.y = yp - yoff; line_rect.w = lerp(oldw, obj.entities[i].w); line_rect.h = 1; drawgravityline(i); break; } case 6: //Vertical Line line_rect.x = xp; line_rect.y = yp - yoff; line_rect.w = 1; line_rect.h = obj.entities[i].h; drawgravityline(i); break; case 7: //Teleporter drawtele(xp, yp - yoff, obj.entities[i].drawframe, obj.entities[i].realcol); break; //case 8: // Special: Moving platform, 8 tiles // Note: This code is in the 4-tile code break; case 9: // Really Big Sprite! (2x2) if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(obj.entities[i].drawframe, (*spritesvec))) { continue; } setcolreal(obj.entities[i].realcol); tpoint.x = xp; tpoint.y = yp - yoff; drawRect = sprites_rect; drawRect.x += tpoint.x; drawRect.y += tpoint.y; BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct); tpoint.x = xp+32; tpoint.y = yp - yoff; // drawRect = sprites_rect; drawRect.x += tpoint.x; drawRect.y += tpoint.y; BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe+1],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct); tpoint.x = xp; tpoint.y = yp+32 - yoff; // drawRect = sprites_rect; drawRect.x += tpoint.x; drawRect.y += tpoint.y; BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe+12],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct); tpoint.x = xp+32; tpoint.y = yp+32 - yoff; // drawRect = sprites_rect; drawRect.x += tpoint.x; drawRect.y += tpoint.y; BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe + 13],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct); break; case 10: // 2x1 Sprite if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(obj.entities[i].drawframe, (*spritesvec))) { continue; } setcolreal(obj.entities[i].realcol); tpoint.x = xp; tpoint.y = yp - yoff; // drawRect = sprites_rect; drawRect.x += tpoint.x; drawRect.y += tpoint.y; BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct); tpoint.x = xp+32; tpoint.y = yp - yoff; // drawRect = sprites_rect; drawRect.x += tpoint.x; drawRect.y += tpoint.y; BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe+1],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct); break; case 11: //The fucking elephant setcolreal(obj.entities[i].realcol); drawimagecol(3, xp, yp - yoff); break; case 12: // Regular sprites that don't wrap if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(obj.entities[i].drawframe, (*spritesvec))) { continue; } tpoint.x = xp; tpoint.y = yp - yoff; setcolreal(obj.entities[i].realcol); // drawRect = sprites_rect; drawRect.x += tpoint.x; drawRect.y += tpoint.y; BlitSurfaceColoured((*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct); //if we're outside the screen, we need to draw indicators if (obj.entities[i].xp < -20 && obj.entities[i].vx > 0) { if (obj.entities[i].xp < -100) { tpoint.x = -5 + (int(( -obj.entities[i].xp) / 10)); } else { tpoint.x = 5; } tpoint.y = tpoint.y+4; drawRect = tiles_rect; drawRect.x += tpoint.x; drawRect.y += tpoint.y; BlitSurfaceColoured(tiles[1167],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct); } else if (obj.entities[i].xp > 340 && obj.entities[i].vx < 0) { if (obj.entities[i].xp > 420) { tpoint.x = 320 - (int(( obj.entities[i].xp-320) / 10)); } else { tpoint.x = 310; } tpoint.y = tpoint.y+4; // drawRect = tiles_rect; drawRect.x += tpoint.x; drawRect.y += tpoint.y; BlitSurfaceColoured(tiles[1166],NULL, backBuffer, &drawRect, ct); } break; case 13: { //Special for epilogue: huge hero! if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(obj.entities[i].drawframe, (*spritesvec))) { continue; } tpoint.x = xp; tpoint.y = yp - yoff; setcolreal(obj.entities[i].realcol); SDL_Rect drawRect = {Sint16(obj.entities[i].xp ), Sint16(obj.entities[i].yp - yoff), Sint16(sprites_rect.x * 6), Sint16(sprites_rect.y * 6 ) }; SDL_Surface* TempSurface = ScaleSurface( (*spritesvec)[obj.entities[i].drawframe], 6 * sprites_rect.w,6* sprites_rect.h ); BlitSurfaceColoured(TempSurface, NULL , backBuffer, &drawRect, ct ); SDL_FreeSurface(TempSurface); break; } } } } void Graphics::drawbackground( int t ) { int temp = 0; switch(t) { case 1: //Starfield FillRect(backBuffer,0x00000); for (int i = 0; i < numstars; i++) { stars[i].w = 2; stars[i].h = 2; SDL_Rect star_rect = stars[i]; star_rect.x = lerp(star_rect.x + starsspeed[i], star_rect.x); if (starsspeed[i] <= 6) { FillRect(backBuffer,star_rect, getRGB(0x22,0x22,0x22)); } else { FillRect(backBuffer,star_rect, getRGB(0x55,0x55,0x55)); } } break; case 2: //Lab switch(rcol) { //Akward ordering to match tileset case 0: bcol2 = RGBflip(0, 16*backboxint[0], 16*backboxint[0]); break; //Cyan case 1: bcol2 = RGBflip(16*backboxint[0], 0, 0); break; //Red case 2: bcol2 = RGBflip(16*backboxint[0], 0, 16*backboxint[0]); break; //Purple case 3: bcol2 = RGBflip(0, 0, 16*backboxint[0]); break; //Blue case 4: bcol2 = RGBflip(16*backboxint[0], 16*backboxint[0], 0); break; //Yellow case 5: bcol2 = RGBflip(0, 16 * backboxint[0], 0); break; //Green case 6: //crazy case switch(spcol) { case 0: bcol2 = RGBflip(0, 16*backboxint[0], 16*backboxint[0]); break; //Cyan case 1: bcol2 = RGBflip(0, (spcoldel+1)*backboxint[0], 16*backboxint[0]); break; //Cyan case 2: bcol2 = RGBflip(0, 0, 16*backboxint[0]); break; //Blue case 3: bcol2 = RGBflip((16-spcoldel)*backboxint[0], 0, 16*backboxint[0]); break; //Blue case 4: bcol2 = RGBflip(16*backboxint[0], 0, 16*backboxint[0]); break; //Purple case 5: bcol2 = RGBflip(16*backboxint[0], 0, (spcoldel+1)*backboxint[0]); break; //Purple case 6: bcol2 = RGBflip(16*backboxint[0], 0, 0); break; //Red case 7: bcol2 = RGBflip(16*backboxint[0], (16-spcoldel)*backboxint[0], 0); break; //Red case 8: bcol2 = RGBflip(16*backboxint[0], 16*backboxint[0], 0); break; //Yellow case 9: bcol2 = RGBflip((spcoldel+1)*backboxint[0], 16*backboxint[0], 0); break; //Yellow case 10: bcol2 = RGBflip(0, 16 * backboxint[0], 0); break; //Green case 11: bcol2 = RGBflip(0, 16 * backboxint[0], (16-spcoldel)*backboxint[0]); break; //Green } break; } FillRect(backBuffer,bcol2); for (int i = 0; i < numbackboxes; i++) { switch(rcol) { //Akward ordering to match tileset case 0: bcol = RGBflip(16, 128*backboxint[0], 128*backboxint[0]); break; //Cyan case 1: bcol = RGBflip(128*backboxint[0], 16, 16); break; //Red case 2: bcol = RGBflip(128*backboxint[0], 16, 128*backboxint[0]); break; //Purple case 3: bcol = RGBflip(16, 16, 128*backboxint[0]); break; //Blue case 4: bcol = RGBflip(128*backboxint[0], 128*backboxint[0], 16); break; //Yellow case 5: bcol = RGBflip(16, 128 * backboxint[0], 16); break; //Green case 6: //crazy case switch(spcol) { case 0: bcol = RGBflip(16, 128*backboxint[0], 128*backboxint[0]); break; //Cyan case 1: bcol = RGBflip(16, ((spcoldel+1)*8)*backboxint[0], 128*backboxint[0]); break; //Cyan case 2: bcol = RGBflip(16, 16, 128*backboxint[0]); break; //Blue case 3: bcol = RGBflip((128-(spcoldel*8))*backboxint[0], 16, 128*backboxint[0]); break; //Blue case 4: bcol = RGBflip(128*backboxint[0], 16, 128*backboxint[0]); break; //Purple case 5: bcol = RGBflip(128*backboxint[0], 16, ((spcoldel+1)*8)*backboxint[0]); break; //Purple case 6: bcol = RGBflip(128*backboxint[0], 16, 16); break; //Red case 7: bcol = RGBflip(128*backboxint[0], (128-(spcoldel*8))*backboxint[0], 16); break; //Red case 8: bcol = RGBflip(128*backboxint[0], 128*backboxint[0], 16); break; //Yellow case 9: bcol = RGBflip(((spcoldel+1)*8)*backboxint[0], 128*backboxint[0], 16); break; //Yellow case 10: bcol = RGBflip(16, 128 * backboxint[0], 16); break; //Green case 11: bcol = RGBflip(16, 128 * backboxint[0], (128-(spcoldel*8))*backboxint[0]); break; //Green } break; } SDL_Rect backboxrect = backboxes[i]; backboxrect.x = lerp(backboxes[i].x - backboxvx[i], backboxes[i].x); backboxrect.y = lerp(backboxes[i].y - backboxvy[i], backboxes[i].y); FillRect(backBuffer, backboxrect, bcol); backboxrect.x += 1; backboxrect.y += 1; backboxrect.w -= 2; backboxrect.h -= 2; FillRect(backBuffer,backboxrect, bcol2); } break; case 3: //Warp zone (horizontal) FillRect(backBuffer, 0x000000); BlitSurfaceStandard(towerbuffer, NULL, towerbuffer_lerp, NULL); ScrollSurface(towerbuffer_lerp, lerp(0, -3), 0); BlitSurfaceStandard(towerbuffer_lerp, &towerbuffer_rect, backBuffer, NULL); break; case 4: //Warp zone (vertical) FillRect(backBuffer, 0x000000); SDL_BlitSurface(towerbuffer, NULL, towerbuffer_lerp, NULL); ScrollSurface(towerbuffer_lerp, 0, lerp(0, -3)); SDL_BlitSurface(towerbuffer_lerp, &towerbuffer_rect, backBuffer, NULL); break; case 5: //Warp zone, central switch(rcol) { //Akward ordering to match tileset case 0: warpbcol = RGBflip(0x0A, 0x10, 0x0E); warpfcol = RGBflip(0x10, 0x22, 0x21); break; //Cyan case 1: warpbcol = RGBflip(0x11, 0x09, 0x0B); warpfcol = RGBflip(0x22, 0x10, 0x11); break; //Red case 2: warpbcol = RGBflip(0x0F, 0x0A, 0x10); warpfcol = RGBflip(0x22,0x10,0x22); break; //Purple case 3: warpbcol = RGBflip(0x0A, 0x0B, 0x10); warpfcol = RGBflip(0x10, 0x10, 0x22); break; //Blue case 4: warpbcol = RGBflip(0x10, 0x0D, 0x0A); warpfcol = RGBflip(0x22, 0x1E, 0x10); break; //Yellow case 5: warpbcol = RGBflip(0x0D, 0x10, 0x0A); warpfcol = RGBflip(0x14, 0x22, 0x10); break; //Green case 6: warpbcol = RGBflip(0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A); warpfcol = RGBflip(0x12, 0x12, 0x12); break; //Gray default: warpbcol = RGBflip(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); warpfcol = RGBflip(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); } for (int i = 10 ; i >= 0; i--) { temp = (i << 4) + lerp(backoffset - 1, backoffset); setwarprect(160 - temp, 120 - temp, temp * 2, temp * 2); if (i % 2 == warpskip) { FillRect(backBuffer, warprect, warpbcol); } else { FillRect(backBuffer,warprect, warpfcol); } } break; case 6: //Final Starfield FillRect(backBuffer,0x000000); for (int i = 0; i < numstars; i++) { stars[i].w = 2; stars[i].h = 2; SDL_Rect star_rect = stars[i]; star_rect.y = lerp(star_rect.y + starsspeed[i], star_rect.y); if (starsspeed[i] <= 8) { FillRect(backBuffer, star_rect, getRGB(0x22, 0x22, 0x22)); } else { FillRect(backBuffer, star_rect, getRGB(0x55, 0x55, 0x55)); } } break; case 7: //Static, unscrolling section of the tower for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { drawtile3(i * 8, j * 8, map.tower.backat(i, j, 200), 15); } } break; case 8: //Static, unscrolling section of the tower for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { drawtile3(i * 8, j * 8, map.tower.backat(i, j, 200), 10); } } break; case 9: //Static, unscrolling section of the tower for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { drawtile3(i * 8, j * 8, map.tower.backat(i, j, 600), 0); } } break; default: FillRect(backBuffer, 0x000000 ); break; } } void Graphics::updatebackground(int t) { switch (t) { case 1: //Starfield for (int i = 0; i < numstars; i++) { stars[i].w = 2; stars[i].h = 2; stars[i].x -= Sint16(starsspeed[i]); if (stars[i].x < -10) { stars[i].x += 340; stars[i].y = int(fRandom() * 240); stars[i].w = 2; starsspeed[i] = 4+int(fRandom()*4); } } break; case 2: //Lab if (rcol == 6) { //crazy caze spcoldel--; if (spcoldel <= 0) { spcoldel = 15; spcol++; if (spcol >= 12) spcol = 0; } } for (int i = 0; i < numbackboxes; i++) { backboxes[i].x += backboxvx[i]; backboxes[i].y += backboxvy[i]; if (backboxes[i].x < -40) { backboxes[i].x = 320; backboxes[i].y = fRandom() * 240; } if (backboxes[i].x > 320) { backboxes[i].x = -32; backboxes[i].y = fRandom() * 240; } if (backboxes[i].y < -40) { backboxes[i].y = 240; backboxes[i].x = fRandom() * 320; } if (backboxes[i].y > 260) { backboxes[i].y = -32; backboxes[i].x = fRandom() * 320; } } break; case 3: //Warp zone (horizontal) { int temp = 680 + (rcol * 3); backoffset+=3; if (backoffset >= 16) backoffset -= 16; if (backgrounddrawn) { ScrollSurface(towerbuffer, -3, 0 ); for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { drawtowertile(317 - backoffset + (i * 16), (j * 16), temp+40); //20*16 = 320 drawtowertile(317 - backoffset + (i * 16) + 8, (j * 16), temp + 41); drawtowertile(317 - backoffset + (i * 16), (j * 16) + 8, temp + 80); drawtowertile(317 - backoffset + (i * 16) + 8, (j * 16) + 8, temp + 81); } } } else { //draw the whole thing for the first time! backoffset = 0; FillRect(towerbuffer, 0x000000); for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) { drawtowertile((i * 16) - backoffset - 3, (j * 16), temp+40); drawtowertile((i * 16) - backoffset + 8 - 3, (j * 16), temp + 41); drawtowertile((i * 16) - backoffset - 3, (j * 16) + 8, temp + 80); drawtowertile((i * 16) - backoffset + 8 - 3, (j * 16) + 8, temp + 81); } } backgrounddrawn = true; } break; } case 4: //Warp zone (vertical) { int temp = 760 + (rcol * 3); backoffset+=3; if (backoffset >= 16) backoffset -= 16; if (backgrounddrawn) { ScrollSurface(towerbuffer,0,-3); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) { drawtowertile((i * 16), 237 - backoffset + (j * 16), temp + 40); //14*17=240 - 3 drawtowertile((i * 16) + 8, 237 - backoffset + (j * 16), temp + 41); drawtowertile((i * 16), 237 - backoffset + (j * 16) + 8, temp + 80); drawtowertile((i * 16) + 8, 237 - backoffset + (j * 16) + 8, temp + 81); } } } else { //draw the whole thing for the first time! backoffset = 0; FillRect(towerbuffer,0x000000 ); for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) { drawtowertile((i * 16), (j * 16)- backoffset - 3, temp+40); drawtowertile((i * 16)+ 8, (j * 16)- backoffset - 3, temp + 41); drawtowertile((i * 16), (j * 16)- backoffset + 8 - 3, temp + 80); drawtowertile((i * 16)+ 8, (j * 16)- backoffset + 8 - 3, temp + 81); } } backgrounddrawn = true; } break; } case 5: //Warp zone, central backoffset += 1; if (backoffset >= 16) { backoffset -= 16; warpskip = (warpskip + 1) % 2; } break; case 6: //Final Starfield for (int i = 0; i < numstars; i++) { stars[i].w = 2; stars[i].h = 2; stars[i].y -= starsspeed[i]; if (stars[i].y < -10) { stars[i].y += 260; stars[i].x = fRandom() * 320; starsspeed[i] = 5+(fRandom()*5); } } break; } } void Graphics::drawmap() { if (!foregrounddrawn) { FillRect(foregroundBuffer, 0x00000000); if(map.tileset==0) { for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { if(map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]]>0) drawforetile(i * 8, j * 8, map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]]); } } } else if (map.tileset == 1) { for (int jt = 0; jt < 30; jt++) { for (int it = 0; it < 40; it++) { if(map.contents[it + map.vmult[jt]]>0) drawforetile2(it * 8, jt * 8, map.contents[it + map.vmult[jt]]); } } } else if (map.tileset == 2) { for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { if(map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]]>0) drawforetile3(i * 8, j * 8, map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]],map.rcol); } } } foregrounddrawn = true; } SDL_BlitSurface(foregroundBuffer, NULL, backBuffer, NULL); } void Graphics::drawfinalmap() { if (!foregrounddrawn) { FillRect(foregroundBuffer, 0x00000000); if(map.tileset==0){ for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { if((map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]])>0) drawforetile(i * 8, j * 8, map.finalat(i,j)); } } }else if (map.tileset == 1) { for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { if((map.contents[i + map.vmult[j]])>0) drawforetile2(i * 8, j * 8, map.finalat(i,j)); } } } foregrounddrawn=true; } SDL_BlitSurface(foregroundBuffer, NULL, backBuffer, NULL); } void Graphics::drawtowermap() { int temp; int yoff = lerp(map.oldypos, map.ypos); for (int j = 0; j < 31; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { temp = map.tower.at(i, j, yoff); if (temp > 0) drawtile3(i * 8, (j * 8) - (yoff % 8), temp, map.colstate); } } } void Graphics::drawtowerspikes() { int spikeleveltop = lerp(map.oldspikeleveltop, map.spikeleveltop); int spikelevelbottom = lerp(map.oldspikelevelbottom, map.spikelevelbottom); for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { drawtile3(i * 8, -8+spikeleveltop, 9, map.colstate); drawtile3(i * 8, 230-spikelevelbottom, 8, map.colstate, 8 - spikelevelbottom); } } void Graphics::drawtowerbackground() { FillRect(backBuffer, 0x000000); SDL_BlitSurface(towerbuffer, NULL, towerbuffer_lerp, NULL); ScrollSurface(towerbuffer_lerp, 0, lerp(0, -map.bscroll)); SDL_BlitSurface(towerbuffer_lerp, &towerbuffer_rect, backBuffer, NULL); } void Graphics::updatetowerbackground() { int temp; if (map.bypos < 0) map.bypos += 120 * 8; if (map.tdrawback) { int off = map.scrolldir == 0 ? 0 : map.bscroll; //Draw the whole thing; needed for every colour cycle! for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { temp = map.tower.backat(i, j, map.bypos); drawtowertile3(i * 8, (j * 8) - (map.bypos % 8) - off, temp, map.colstate); } } map.tdrawback = false; } else { //just update the bottom ScrollSurface(towerbuffer, 0, -map.bscroll); if (map.scrolldir == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { temp = map.tower.backat(i, 0, map.bypos); drawtowertile3(i * 8, -(map.bypos % 8), temp, map.colstate); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { temp = map.tower.backat(i, 29, map.bypos); drawtowertile3(i * 8, 29*8 - (map.bypos % 8) - map.bscroll, temp, map.colstate); temp = map.tower.backat(i, 30, map.bypos); drawtowertile3(i * 8, 30*8 - (map.bypos % 8) - map.bscroll, temp, map.colstate); temp = map.tower.backat(i, 31, map.bypos); drawtowertile3(i * 8, 31*8 - (map.bypos % 8) - map.bscroll, temp, map.colstate); temp = map.tower.backat(i, 32, map.bypos); drawtowertile3(i * 8, 32*8 - (map.bypos % 8) - map.bscroll, temp, map.colstate); } } } } void Graphics::setcol( int t ) { int temp; //Setup predefinied colours as per our zany palette switch(t) { //Player Normal case 0: ct.colour = getRGB(160- help.glow/2 - (fRandom()*20), 200- help.glow/2, 220 - help.glow); break; //Player Hurt case 1: ct.colour = getRGB(196 - (fRandom() * 64), 10, 10); break; //Enemies and stuff case 2: ct.colour = getRGB(225-(help.glow/2), 75, 30); break; case 3: //Trinket if (!trinketcolset) { trinketr = 200 - (fRandom() * 64); trinketg = 200 - (fRandom() * 128); trinketb = 164 + (fRandom() * 60); trinketcolset = true; } ct.colour = getRGB(trinketr, trinketg, trinketb); break; case 4: //Inactive savepoint temp = (help.glow/2) + (fRandom() * 8); ct.colour = getRGB(80 + temp, 80 + temp, 80 + temp); break; case 5: //Active savepoint ct.colour = getRGB(164+(fRandom()*64),164+(fRandom()*64), 255-(fRandom()*64)); break; case 6: //Enemy : Red ct.colour = getRGB(250 - help.glow/2, 60- help.glow/2, 60 - help.glow/2); break; case 7: //Enemy : Green ct.colour = getRGB(100 - help.glow/2 - (fRandom()*30), 250 - help.glow/2, 100 - help.glow/2 - (fRandom()*30)); break; case 8: //Enemy : Purple ct.colour = getRGB(250 - help.glow/2, 20, 128 - help.glow/2 + (fRandom()*30)); break; case 9: //Enemy : Yellow ct.colour = getRGB(250 - help.glow/2, 250 - help.glow/2, 20); break; case 10: //Warp point (white) ct.colour = getRGB(255 - (fRandom() * 64), 255 - (fRandom() * 64), 255 - (fRandom() * 64)); break; case 11: //Enemy : Cyan ct.colour = getRGB(20, 250 - help.glow/2, 250 - help.glow/2); break; case 12: //Enemy : Blue ct.colour = getRGB(90- help.glow/2, 90 - help.glow/2, 250 - help.glow/2); break; //Crew Members //green case 13: ct.colour = getRGB(120- help.glow/4 - (fRandom()*20), 220 - help.glow/4, 120- help.glow/4); break; //Yellow case 14: ct.colour = getRGB(220- help.glow/4 - (fRandom()*20), 210 - help.glow/4, 120- help.glow/4); break; //pink case 15: ct.colour = getRGB(255 - help.glow/8, 70 - help.glow/4, 70 - help.glow / 4); break; //Blue case 16: ct.colour = getRGB(75, 75, 255- help.glow/4 - (fRandom()*20)); break; case 17: //Enemy : Orange ct.colour = getRGB(250 - help.glow/2, 130 - help.glow/2, 20); break; case 18: //Enemy : Gray ct.colour = getRGB(130- help.glow/2, 130 - help.glow/2, 130 - help.glow/2); break; case 19: //Enemy : Dark gray ct.colour = getRGB(60- help.glow/8, 60 - help.glow/8, 60 - help.glow/8); break; //Purple case 20: ct.colour = getRGB(220 - help.glow / 4 - (fRandom() * 20), 120 - help.glow / 4, 210 - help.glow / 4); break; case 21: //Enemy : Light Gray ct.colour = getRGB(180- help.glow/2, 180 - help.glow/2, 180 - help.glow/2); break; case 22: //Enemy : Indicator Gray ct.colour = getRGB(230- help.glow/2, 230- help.glow/2, 230- help.glow/2); break; case 23: //Enemy : Indicator Gray ct.colour = getRGB(255- help.glow/2 - (fRandom() * 40) , 255- help.glow/2 - (fRandom() * 40), 255- help.glow/2 - (fRandom() * 40)); break; //Trophies //cyan case 30: ct.colour = RGBf(160, 200, 220); break; //Purple case 31: ct.colour = RGBf(220, 120, 210); break; //Yellow case 32: ct.colour = RGBf(220, 210, 120); break; //red case 33: ct.colour = RGBf(255, 70, 70); break; //green case 34: ct.colour = RGBf(120, 220, 120); break; //Blue case 35: ct.colour = RGBf(75, 75, 255); break; //Gold case 36: ct.colour = getRGB(180, 120, 20); break; case 37: //Trinket if (!trinketcolset) { trinketr = 200 - (fRandom() * 64); trinketg = 200 - (fRandom() * 128); trinketb = 164 + (fRandom() * 60); trinketcolset = true; } ct.colour = RGBf(trinketr, trinketg, trinketb); break; //Silver case 38: ct.colour = RGBf(196, 196, 196); break; //Bronze case 39: ct.colour = RGBf(128, 64, 10); break; //Awesome case 40: //Teleporter in action! temp = fRandom() * 150; if(temp<33) { ct.colour = RGBf(255 - (fRandom() * 64), 64 + (fRandom() * 64), 64 + (fRandom() * 64)); } else if (temp < 66) { ct.colour = RGBf(64 + (fRandom() * 64), 255 - (fRandom() * 64), 64 + (fRandom() * 64)); } else if (temp < 100) { ct.colour = RGBf(64 + (fRandom() * 64), 64 + (fRandom() * 64), 255 - (fRandom() * 64)); } else { ct.colour = RGBf(164+(fRandom()*64),164+(fRandom()*64), 255-(fRandom()*64)); } break; case 100: //Inactive Teleporter temp = (help.glow/2) + (fRandom() * 8); ct.colour = getRGB(42 + temp, 42 + temp, 42 + temp); break; case 101: //Active Teleporter ct.colour = getRGB(164+(fRandom()*64),164+(fRandom()*64), 255-(fRandom()*64)); break; case 102: //Teleporter in action! temp = fRandom() * 150; if(temp<33) { ct.colour = getRGB(255 - (fRandom() * 64), 64 + (fRandom() * 64), 64 + (fRandom() * 64)); } else if (temp < 66) { ct.colour = getRGB(64 + (fRandom() * 64), 255 - (fRandom() * 64), 64 + (fRandom() * 64)); } else if (temp < 100) { ct.colour = getRGB(64 + (fRandom() * 64), 64 + (fRandom() * 64), 255 - (fRandom() * 64)); } else { ct.colour = getRGB(164+(fRandom()*64),164+(fRandom()*64), 255-(fRandom()*64)); } break; default: ct.colour = getRGB(255, 255, 255); break; } } void Graphics::menuoffrender() { SDL_Rect offsetRect1; setRect (offsetRect1, 0, 0, backBuffer->w ,backBuffer->h); //put the back buffer in the menubuffer BlitSurfaceStandard(backBuffer, NULL, menubuffer, NULL); int usethisoffset = lerp(oldmenuoffset, menuoffset); if(flipmode) { // flipmatrix.translate(0, menuoffset); // screenbuffer.draw(backbuffer, flipmatrix); // flipmatrix.translate(0, -menuoffset); SDL_Surface* tempbufferFlipped = FlipSurfaceVerticle(tempBuffer); //put the stored backbuffer in the backbuffer. SDL_FillRect(backBuffer, NULL, 0x00000000); BlitSurfaceStandard(tempbufferFlipped, NULL, backBuffer, NULL); SDL_FreeSurface(tempbufferFlipped); SDL_Rect offsetRect; setRect (offsetRect, 0, usethisoffset, backBuffer->w ,backBuffer->h); SDL_Surface* temp = FlipSurfaceVerticle(menubuffer); BlitSurfaceStandard(temp,NULL,backBuffer,&offsetRect); SDL_FreeSurface(temp); } else { //put the stored backbuffer in the backbuffer. BlitSurfaceStandard(tempBuffer, NULL, backBuffer, NULL); SDL_Rect offsetRect; setRect (offsetRect, 0, usethisoffset, backBuffer->w ,backBuffer->h); BlitSurfaceStandard(menubuffer,NULL,backBuffer,&offsetRect); } SDL_Rect rect; setRect(rect, 0, 0, backBuffer->w, backBuffer->h); screenbuffer->UpdateScreen(backBuffer,&rect); FillRect(backBuffer, 0x000000); } void Graphics::drawhuetile( int x, int y, int t ) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, tiles)) { return; } point tpoint; tpoint.x = x; tpoint.y = y; SDL_Rect rect; setRect(rect,tpoint.x,tpoint.y,tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h); BlitSurfaceColoured(tiles[t],NULL,backBuffer, &rect, ct); } void Graphics::huetilesetcol(int t) { switch (t) { case 0: setcolreal(getRGB(250-int(fRandom()*32), 250-int(fRandom()*32), 10)); break; case 1: setcolreal(getRGB(250-int(fRandom()*32), 250-int(fRandom()*32), 10)); break; default: setcolreal(getRGB(250-int(fRandom()*32), 250-int(fRandom()*32), 10)); break; } } Uint32 Graphics::bigchunkygetcol(int t) { //A seperate index of colours, for simplicity switch (t) { case 1: return getRGB((fRandom() * 64), 10, 10); case 2: return getRGB(int(160- help.glow/2 - (fRandom()*20)), 200- help.glow/2, 220 - help.glow); } return 0x00000000; } void Graphics::setwarprect( int a, int b, int c, int d ) { warprect.x = a; warprect.y = b; warprect.w = c; warprect.h = d; } void Graphics::textboxcenter() { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textbox)) { puts("textboxcenter() out-of-bounds!"); return; } textbox[m].centerx(); textbox[m].centery(); } void Graphics::textboxcenterx() { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textbox)) { puts("textboxcenterx() out-of-bounds!"); return; } textbox[m].centerx(); } int Graphics::textboxwidth() { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textbox)) { puts("textboxwidth() out-of-bounds!"); return 0; } return textbox[m].w; } void Graphics::textboxmove(int xo, int yo) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textbox)) { puts("textboxmove() out-of-bounds!"); return; } textbox[m].xp += xo; textbox[m].yp += yo; } void Graphics::textboxmoveto(int xo) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textbox)) { puts("textboxmoveto() out-of-bounds!"); return; } textbox[m].xp = xo; } void Graphics::textboxcentery() { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(m, textbox)) { puts("textboxcentery() out-of-bounds!"); return; } textbox[m].centery(); } int Graphics::crewcolour(const int t) { //given crewmate t, return colour in setcol if (t == 0) return 0; if (t == 1) return 20; if (t == 2) return 14; if (t == 3) return 15; if (t == 4) return 13; if (t == 5) return 16; return 0; } void Graphics::flashlight() { FillRect(backBuffer, 0xBBBBBBBB); } void Graphics::screenshake() { if(flipmode) { // tpoint.x = int((Math.random() * 7) - 4); tpoint.y = int((Math.random() * 7) - 4); // flipmatrix.translate(tpoint.x, tpoint.y); // screenbuffer.draw(backbuffer, flipmatrix); // flipmatrix.translate(-tpoint.x, -tpoint.y); SDL_Rect shakeRect; setRect(shakeRect,screenshake_x, screenshake_y, backBuffer->w, backBuffer->h); SDL_Surface* flipBackBuffer = FlipSurfaceVerticle(backBuffer); screenbuffer->UpdateScreen( flipBackBuffer, &shakeRect); SDL_FreeSurface(flipBackBuffer); } else { //FillRect(screenbuffer, 0x000); //SDL_Rect rect; //setRect(rect, blackBars/2, 0, screenbuffer->w, screenbuffer->h); //SDL_BlitSurface(backBuffer, NULL, screenbuffer, &rect); SDL_Rect shakeRect; setRect(shakeRect,screenshake_x, screenshake_y, backBuffer->w, backBuffer->h); screenbuffer->UpdateScreen( backBuffer, &shakeRect); } FillRect(backBuffer, 0x000000 ); } void Graphics::updatescreenshake() { screenshake_x = static_cast((fRandom() * 7) - 4); screenshake_y = static_cast((fRandom() * 7) - 4); } void Graphics::render() { if(screenbuffer == NULL) { return; } if(flipmode) { SDL_Rect rect; setRect(rect, 0, 0, backBuffer->w, backBuffer->h); //setRect(rect, 0, 0, backBuffer->w, backBuffer->h); //SDL_BlitSurface(backBuffer, NULL, screenbuffer, &rect); SDL_Surface* tempsurface = FlipSurfaceVerticle(backBuffer); if(tempsurface != NULL) { screenbuffer->UpdateScreen( tempsurface, &rect); SDL_FreeSurface(tempsurface); } } else { SDL_Rect rect; setRect(rect, 0, 0, backBuffer->w, backBuffer->h); //setRect(rect, 0, 0, backBuffer->w, backBuffer->h); //SDL_BlitSurface(backBuffer, NULL, screenbuffer, &rect); screenbuffer->UpdateScreen( backBuffer, &rect); } } void Graphics::renderwithscreeneffects() { if (game.flashlight > 0 && !game.noflashingmode) { flashlight(); } if (game.screenshake > 0 && !game.noflashingmode) { screenshake(); } else { render(); } } void Graphics::bigrprint(int x, int y, std::string& t, int r, int g, int b, bool cen, float sc) { std::vector& font = flipmode ? flipbfont : bfont; r = clamp(r, 0, 255); g = clamp(g, 0, 255); b = clamp(b, 0, 255); ct.colour = getRGB(r, g, b); x = x / (sc); x -= (len(t)); if (cen) { x = std::max(160 - (int((len(t)/ 2.0)*sc)), 0 ); } else { x *= (sc); } int bfontpos = 0; int cur; int idx; std::string::iterator iter = t.begin(); while (iter != t.end()) { cur = utf8::unchecked::next(iter); idx = font_idx(cur); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(idx, font)) { SDL_Surface* tempPrint = ScaleSurface(font[idx], font[idx]->w *sc,font[idx]->h *sc); SDL_Rect printrect = { Sint16((x) + bfontpos), Sint16(y) , Sint16(bfont_rect.w*sc), Sint16(bfont_rect.h * sc)}; BlitSurfaceColoured(tempPrint, NULL, backBuffer, &printrect, ct); SDL_FreeSurface(tempPrint); } bfontpos+=bfontlen(cur)* sc; } } void Graphics::drawtele(int x, int y, int t, Uint32 c) { setcolreal(getRGB(16,16,16)); SDL_Rect telerect; setRect(telerect, x , y, tele_rect.w, tele_rect.h ); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(0, tele)) { BlitSurfaceColoured(tele[0], NULL, backBuffer, &telerect, ct); } setcolreal(c); if (t > 9) t = 8; if (t < 0) t = 0; setRect(telerect, x , y, tele_rect.w, tele_rect.h ); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(t, tele)) { BlitSurfaceColoured(tele[t], NULL, backBuffer, &telerect, ct); } } Uint32 Graphics::getRGBA(Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a) { return SDL_MapRGBA(backBuffer->format, b, g, r, a); } Uint32 Graphics::getRGB(Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b) { return SDL_MapRGB(backBuffer->format, b, g, r); } Uint32 Graphics::getBGR(Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b) { return SDL_MapRGB(backBuffer->format, r, g, b); } Uint32 Graphics::getRGB(Uint32 _col) { return ( _col); } Uint32 Graphics::RGBflip(Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b) { return SDL_MapRGB(backBuffer->format, r, g, b); } Uint32 Graphics::RGBf(int r, int g, int b) { r = (r+128) / 3; g = (g+128) / 3; b = (b+128) / 3; return SDL_MapRGB(backBuffer->format, r, g, b); } void Graphics::setcolreal(Uint32 t) { ct.colour = t; } void Graphics::drawforetile(int x, int y, int t) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, tiles)) { WHINE_ONCE("drawforetile() out-of-bounds!") return; } SDL_Rect rect; setRect(rect, x,y,tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h); #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) if (t >= 14 && t <= 17 && (!FILESYSTEM_assetsmounted || ed.onewaycol_override)) { colourTransform thect = {ed.getonewaycol()}; BlitSurfaceTinted(tiles[t], NULL, foregroundBuffer, &rect, thect); } else #endif { BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles[t],NULL, foregroundBuffer, &rect ); } } void Graphics::drawforetile2(int x, int y, int t) { if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, tiles2)) { WHINE_ONCE("drawforetile2() out-of-bounds!") return; } SDL_Rect rect; setRect(rect, x,y,tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h); #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) if (t >= 14 && t <= 17 && (!FILESYSTEM_assetsmounted || ed.onewaycol_override)) { colourTransform thect = {ed.getonewaycol()}; BlitSurfaceTinted(tiles2[t], NULL, foregroundBuffer, &rect, thect); } else #endif { BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles2[t],NULL, foregroundBuffer, &rect ); } } void Graphics::drawforetile3(int x, int y, int t, int off) { t += off * 30; if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(t, tiles3)) { WHINE_ONCE("drawforetile3() out-of-bounds!") return; } SDL_Rect rect; setRect(rect, x,y,tiles_rect.w, tiles_rect.h); BlitSurfaceStandard(tiles3[t],NULL, foregroundBuffer, &rect ); } void Graphics::drawrect(int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b) { SDL_Rect madrect; //Draw the retangle indicated by that object madrect.x = x; madrect.y = y; madrect.w = w; madrect.h = 1; FillRect(backBuffer, madrect, getRGB(b,g,r)); madrect.w = 1; madrect.h = h; FillRect(backBuffer, madrect, getRGB(b,g,r)); madrect.x = x + w - 1; madrect.w = 1; madrect.h = h; FillRect(backBuffer, madrect, getRGB(b,g,r)); madrect.x = x; madrect.y = y + h - 1; madrect.w = w; madrect.h = 1; FillRect(backBuffer, madrect, getRGB(b,g,r)); } bool Graphics::onscreen(int t) { return (t >= -40 && t <= 280); } void Graphics::reloadresources() { grphx.destroy(); grphx = GraphicsResources(); grphx.init(); #define CLEAR_ARRAY(name) \ for (size_t i = 0; i < name.size(); i += 1) \ { \ SDL_FreeSurface(name[i]); \ } \ name.clear(); CLEAR_ARRAY(tiles) CLEAR_ARRAY(tiles2) CLEAR_ARRAY(tiles3) CLEAR_ARRAY(entcolours) CLEAR_ARRAY(sprites) CLEAR_ARRAY(flipsprites) CLEAR_ARRAY(tele) CLEAR_ARRAY(bfont) CLEAR_ARRAY(flipbfont) #undef CLEAR_ARRAY MakeTileArray(); MakeSpriteArray(); maketelearray(); Makebfont(); images.clear(); images.push_back(grphx.im_image0); images.push_back(grphx.im_image1); images.push_back(grphx.im_image2); images.push_back(grphx.im_image3); images.push_back(grphx.im_image4); images.push_back(grphx.im_image5); images.push_back(grphx.im_image6); images.push_back(grphx.im_image7); images.push_back(grphx.im_image8); images.push_back(grphx.im_image9); images.push_back(grphx.im_image10); images.push_back(grphx.im_image11); images.push_back(grphx.im_image12); if (screenbuffer != NULL) { screenbuffer->LoadIcon(); } music.init(); } Uint32 Graphics::crewcolourreal(int t) { switch (t) { case 0: return col_crewcyan; case 1: return col_crewpurple; case 2: return col_crewyellow; case 3: return col_crewred; case 4: return col_crewgreen; case 5: return col_crewblue; } return col_crewcyan; }