#include #include #include #include #include #include "Graphics.h" #include "UtilityClass.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /* These are needed for PLATFORM_* crap */ #if defined(_WIN32) #include #include #include #elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__HAIKU__) || defined(__DragonFly__) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_PATH PATH_MAX #endif char saveDir[MAX_PATH] = {'\0'}; char levelDir[MAX_PATH] = {'\0'}; void PLATFORM_getOSDirectory(char* output); void PLATFORM_migrateSaveData(char* output); void PLATFORM_copyFile(const char *oldLocation, const char *newLocation); int FILESYSTEM_init(char *argvZero, char* baseDir, char *assetsPath) { char output[MAX_PATH]; int mkdirResult; const char* pathSep = PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(); PHYSFS_init(argvZero); PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks(1); /* Determine the OS user directory */ if (baseDir && strlen(baseDir) > 0) { strcpy(output, baseDir); /* We later append to this path and assume it ends in a slash */ if (strcmp(std::string(1, output[strlen(output) - 1]).c_str(), pathSep) != 0) { strcat(output, pathSep); } } else { PLATFORM_getOSDirectory(output); } /* Create base user directory, mount */ mkdirResult = PHYSFS_mkdir(output); /* Mount our base user directory */ PHYSFS_mount(output, NULL, 0); PHYSFS_setWriteDir(output); printf("Base directory: %s\n", output); /* Create the save/level folders */ mkdirResult |= PHYSFS_mkdir("saves"); mkdirResult |= PHYSFS_mkdir("levels"); /* Store full save directory */ SDL_snprintf(saveDir, sizeof(saveDir), "%s%s%s", output, "saves", PHYSFS_getDirSeparator() ); printf("Save directory: %s\n", saveDir); /* Store full level directory */ SDL_snprintf(levelDir, sizeof(levelDir), "%s%s%s", output, "levels", PHYSFS_getDirSeparator() ); printf("Level directory: %s\n", levelDir); /* We didn't exist until now, migrate files! */ if (mkdirResult == 0) { PLATFORM_migrateSaveData(output); } /* Mount the stock content last */ if (assetsPath) { strcpy(output, assetsPath); } else { strcpy(output, PHYSFS_getBaseDir()); strcat(output, "data.zip"); } if (!PHYSFS_mount(output, NULL, 1)) { puts("Error: data.zip missing!"); puts("You do not have data.zip!"); puts("Grab it from your purchased copy of the game,"); puts("or get it from the free Make and Play Edition."); SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox( SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, "data.zip missing!", "You do not have data.zip!" "\n\nGrab it from your purchased copy of the game," "\nor get it from the free Make and Play Edition.", NULL ); return 0; } SDL_snprintf(output, sizeof(output), "%s%s", PHYSFS_getBaseDir(), "gamecontrollerdb.txt"); if (SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromFile(output) < 0) { printf("gamecontrollerdb.txt not found!\n"); } return 1; } void FILESYSTEM_deinit() { PHYSFS_deinit(); } char *FILESYSTEM_getUserSaveDirectory() { return saveDir; } char *FILESYSTEM_getUserLevelDirectory() { return levelDir; } bool FILESYSTEM_directoryExists(const char *fname) { return PHYSFS_exists(fname); } void FILESYSTEM_mount(const char *fname) { std::string path(PHYSFS_getRealDir(fname)); path += PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(); path += fname; if (!PHYSFS_mount(path.c_str(), NULL, 0)) { printf("Error mounting: %s\n", PHYSFS_getErrorByCode(PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode())); } else { graphics.assetdir = path.c_str(); } } bool FILESYSTEM_assetsmounted = false; void FILESYSTEM_mountassets(const char* path) { const std::string _path(path); std::string zippath = "levels/" + _path.substr(7,_path.size()-14) + ".data.zip"; std::string dirpath = "levels/" + _path.substr(7,_path.size()-14) + "/"; std::string zip_path; const char* cstr = PHYSFS_getRealDir(_path.c_str()); if (cstr) { zip_path = cstr; } if (cstr && FILESYSTEM_directoryExists(zippath.c_str())) { printf("Custom asset directory exists at %s\n", zippath.c_str()); FILESYSTEM_mount(zippath.c_str()); graphics.reloadresources(); FILESYSTEM_assetsmounted = true; } else if (zip_path != "data.zip" && !endsWith(zip_path, "/data.zip") && endsWith(zip_path, ".zip")) { printf("Custom asset directory is .zip at %s\n", zip_path.c_str()); PHYSFS_File* zip = PHYSFS_openRead(zip_path.c_str()); zip_path += ".data.zip"; if (zip == NULL) { printf("error loading .zip: %s\n", PHYSFS_getErrorByCode(PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode())); } else if (PHYSFS_mountHandle(zip, zip_path.c_str(), "/", 0) == 0) { printf("error mounting .zip: %s\n", PHYSFS_getErrorByCode(PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode())); } else { graphics.assetdir = zip_path; } FILESYSTEM_assetsmounted = true; graphics.reloadresources(); } else if (FILESYSTEM_directoryExists(dirpath.c_str())) { printf("Custom asset directory exists at %s\n",dirpath.c_str()); FILESYSTEM_mount(dirpath.c_str()); graphics.reloadresources(); FILESYSTEM_assetsmounted = true; } else { printf("Custom asset directory does not exist\n"); FILESYSTEM_assetsmounted = false; } } void FILESYSTEM_unmountassets() { if (graphics.assetdir != "") { printf("Unmounting %s\n", graphics.assetdir.c_str()); PHYSFS_unmount(graphics.assetdir.c_str()); graphics.assetdir = ""; graphics.reloadresources(); } else { printf("Cannot unmount when no asset directory is mounted\n"); } FILESYSTEM_assetsmounted = false; } void FILESYSTEM_freeMemory(unsigned char **mem); void FILESYSTEM_loadFileToMemory( const char *name, unsigned char **mem, size_t *len, bool addnull ) { if (strcmp(name, "levels/special/stdin.vvvvvv") == 0) { // this isn't *technically* necessary when piping directly from a file, but checking for that is annoying static std::vector STDIN_BUFFER; static bool STDIN_LOADED = false; if (!STDIN_LOADED) { std::istreambuf_iterator begin(std::cin), end; STDIN_BUFFER.assign(begin, end); STDIN_BUFFER.push_back(0); // there's no observable change in behavior if addnull is always true, but not vice versa STDIN_LOADED = true; } size_t length = STDIN_BUFFER.size() - 1; if (len != NULL) { *len = length; } ++length; *mem = static_cast(malloc(length)); // STDIN_BUFFER.data() causes double-free std::copy(STDIN_BUFFER.begin(), STDIN_BUFFER.end(), reinterpret_cast(*mem)); return; } PHYSFS_File *handle = PHYSFS_openRead(name); if (handle == NULL) { return; } PHYSFS_uint32 length = PHYSFS_fileLength(handle); if (len != NULL) { *len = length; } if (addnull) { *mem = (unsigned char *) malloc(length + 1); (*mem)[length] = 0; } else { *mem = (unsigned char*) malloc(length); } int success = PHYSFS_readBytes(handle, *mem, length); if (success == -1) { FILESYSTEM_freeMemory(mem); } PHYSFS_close(handle); } void FILESYSTEM_freeMemory(unsigned char **mem) { free(*mem); *mem = NULL; } bool FILESYSTEM_saveTiXml2Document(const char *name, tinyxml2::XMLDocument& doc) { /* XMLDocument.SaveFile doesn't account for Unicode paths, PHYSFS does */ tinyxml2::XMLPrinter printer; doc.Print(&printer); PHYSFS_File* handle = PHYSFS_openWrite(name); if (handle == NULL) { return false; } PHYSFS_writeBytes(handle, printer.CStr(), printer.CStrSize() - 1); // subtract one because CStrSize includes terminating null PHYSFS_close(handle); return true; } bool FILESYSTEM_loadTiXml2Document(const char *name, tinyxml2::XMLDocument& doc) { /* XMLDocument.LoadFile doesn't account for Unicode paths, PHYSFS does */ unsigned char *mem = NULL; FILESYSTEM_loadFileToMemory(name, &mem, NULL, true); if (mem == NULL) { return false; } doc.Parse((const char*) mem); FILESYSTEM_freeMemory(&mem); return true; } std::vector FILESYSTEM_getLevelDirFileNames() { std::vector list; char **fileList = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles("/levels"); char **i; std::string builtLocation; for (i = fileList; *i != NULL; i++) { if (strcmp(*i, "data") == 0) { continue; /* FIXME: lolwut -flibit */ } builtLocation = "levels/"; builtLocation += *i; list.push_back(builtLocation); } PHYSFS_freeList(fileList); return list; } void PLATFORM_getOSDirectory(char* output) { #ifdef _WIN32 /* This block is here for compatibility, do not touch it! */ WCHAR utf16_path[MAX_PATH]; SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_PERSONAL, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, utf16_path); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, utf16_path, -1, output, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL); strcat(output, "\\VVVVVV\\"); #else strcpy(output, PHYSFS_getPrefDir("distractionware", "VVVVVV")); #endif } void PLATFORM_migrateSaveData(char* output) { char oldLocation[MAX_PATH]; char newLocation[MAX_PATH]; char oldDirectory[MAX_PATH]; #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__HAIKU__) || defined(__DragonFly__) DIR *dir = NULL; struct dirent *de = NULL; DIR *subDir = NULL; struct dirent *subDe = NULL; char subDirLocation[MAX_PATH]; const char *homeDir = getenv("HOME"); if (homeDir == NULL) { /* Uhh, I don't want to get near this. -flibit */ return; } strcpy(oldDirectory, homeDir); #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__HAIKU__) || defined(__DragonFly__) strcat(oldDirectory, "/.vvvvvv/"); #elif defined(__APPLE__) strcat(oldDirectory, "/Documents/VVVVVV/"); #endif dir = opendir(oldDirectory); if (!dir) { printf("Could not find directory %s\n", oldDirectory); return; } printf("Migrating old savedata to new location...\n"); for (de = readdir(dir); de != NULL; de = readdir(dir)) { if ( strcmp(de->d_name, "..") == 0 || strcmp(de->d_name, ".") == 0 ) { continue; } #define COPY_SAVEFILE(name) \ else if (strcmp(de->d_name, name) == 0) \ { \ strcpy(oldLocation, oldDirectory); \ strcat(oldLocation, name); \ strcpy(newLocation, output); \ strcat(newLocation, "saves/"); \ strcat(newLocation, name); \ PLATFORM_copyFile(oldLocation, newLocation); \ } COPY_SAVEFILE("unlock.vvv") COPY_SAVEFILE("tsave.vvv") COPY_SAVEFILE("qsave.vvv") #undef COPY_SAVEFILE else if (strstr(de->d_name, ".vvvvvv.vvv") != NULL) { strcpy(oldLocation, oldDirectory); strcat(oldLocation, de->d_name); strcpy(newLocation, output); strcat(newLocation, "saves/"); strcat(newLocation, de->d_name); PLATFORM_copyFile(oldLocation, newLocation); } else if (strstr(de->d_name, ".vvvvvv") != NULL) { strcpy(oldLocation, oldDirectory); strcat(oldLocation, de->d_name); strcpy(newLocation, output); strcat(newLocation, "levels/"); strcat(newLocation, de->d_name); PLATFORM_copyFile(oldLocation, newLocation); } else if (strcmp(de->d_name, "Saves") == 0) { strcpy(subDirLocation, oldDirectory); strcat(subDirLocation, "Saves/"); subDir = opendir(subDirLocation); if (!subDir) { printf("Could not open Saves/ subdir!\n"); continue; } for ( subDe = readdir(subDir); subDe != NULL; subDe = readdir(subDir) ) { #define COPY_SAVEFILE(name) \ (strcmp(subDe->d_name, name) == 0) \ { \ strcpy(oldLocation, subDirLocation); \ strcat(oldLocation, name); \ strcpy(newLocation, output); \ strcat(newLocation, "saves/"); \ strcat(newLocation, name); \ PLATFORM_copyFile(oldLocation, newLocation); \ } if COPY_SAVEFILE("unlock.vvv") else if COPY_SAVEFILE("tsave.vvv") else if COPY_SAVEFILE("qsave.vvv") #undef COPY_SAVEFILE } } } #elif defined(_WIN32) WIN32_FIND_DATA findHandle; HANDLE hFind = NULL; char fileSearch[MAX_PATH]; /* Same place, different layout. */ strcpy(oldDirectory, output); /* In theory we don't need to worry about this, thanks case insensitivity! sprintf(fileSearch, "%s\\Saves\\*.vvv", oldDirectory); hFind = FindFirstFile(fileSearch, &findHandle); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("Could not find directory %s\\Saves\\\n", oldDirectory); } else do { if ((findHandle.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { #define COPY_SAVEFILE(name) \ (strcmp(findHandle.cFileName, name) == 0) \ { \ strcpy(oldLocation, oldDirectory); \ strcat(oldLocation, "Saves\\"); \ strcat(oldLocation, name); \ strcpy(newLocation, output); \ strcat(newLocation, "saves\\"); \ strcat(newLocation, name); \ PLATFORM_copyFile(oldLocation, newLocation); \ } if COPY_SAVEFILE("unlock.vvv") else if COPY_SAVEFILE("tsave.vvv") else if COPY_SAVEFILE("qsave.vvv") #undef COPY_SAVEFILE } } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &findHandle)); */ sprintf(fileSearch, "%s\\*.vvvvvv", oldDirectory); hFind = FindFirstFile(fileSearch, &findHandle); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("Could not find directory %s\n", oldDirectory); } else do { if ((findHandle.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { strcpy(oldLocation, oldDirectory); strcat(oldLocation, findHandle.cFileName); strcpy(newLocation, output); strcat(newLocation, "levels\\"); strcat(newLocation, findHandle.cFileName); PLATFORM_copyFile(oldLocation, newLocation); } } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &findHandle)); #else #error See PLATFORM_migrateSaveData #endif } void PLATFORM_copyFile(const char *oldLocation, const char *newLocation) { char *data; size_t length, bytes_read, bytes_written; /* Read data */ FILE *file = fopen(oldLocation, "rb"); if (!file) { printf("Cannot open/copy %s\n", oldLocation); return; } fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); length = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); data = (char*) malloc(length); bytes_read = fread(data, 1, length, file); fclose(file); if (bytes_read != length) { printf("An error occurred when reading from %s\n", oldLocation); free(data); return; } /* Write data */ file = fopen(newLocation, "wb"); if (!file) { printf("Could not write to %s\n", newLocation); free(data); return; } bytes_written = fwrite(data, 1, length, file); fclose(file); free(data); /* WTF did we just do */ printf("Copied:\n\tOld: %s\n\tNew: %s\n", oldLocation, newLocation); if (bytes_written != length) { printf("Warning: an error occurred when writing to %s\n", newLocation); } } bool FILESYSTEM_openDirectoryEnabled() { /* This is just a check to see if we're on a desktop or tenfoot setup. * If you're working on a tenfoot-only build, add a def that always * returns false! */ return !SDL_GetHintBoolean("SteamTenfoot", SDL_FALSE); } #ifdef _WIN32 bool FILESYSTEM_openDirectory(const char *dname) { ShellExecute(NULL, "open", dname, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWMINIMIZED); return true; } #elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__HAIKU__) || defined(__DragonFly__) #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__HAIKU__) const char* open_cmd = "open"; #else const char* open_cmd = "xdg-open"; #endif extern "C" char** environ; bool FILESYSTEM_openDirectory(const char *dname) { pid_t child; // This const_cast is legal (ctrl-f "The statement" at https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/exec.html char* argv[3] = { const_cast(open_cmd), const_cast(dname), NULL }; posix_spawnp(&child, open_cmd, NULL, NULL, argv, environ); int status = 0; waitpid(child, &status, 0); return WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0; } #else bool FILESYSTEM_openDirectory(const char *dname) { return false; } #endif bool FILESYSTEM_delete(const char *name) { return PHYSFS_delete(name) != 0; }