#include "BinaryBlob.h" #include #ifdef VVV_COMPILEMUSIC #include #endif #include "Exit.h" #include "FileSystemUtils.h" #include "UtilityClass.h" #include "Vlogging.h" binaryBlob::binaryBlob(void) { numberofHeaders = 0; SDL_zeroa(m_headers); SDL_zeroa(m_memblocks); } #ifdef VVV_COMPILEMUSIC void binaryBlob::AddFileToBinaryBlob(const char* _path) { long size; char * memblock; FILE *file = fopen(_path, "rb"); if (file != NULL) { fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); memblock = (char*) SDL_malloc(size); if (memblock == NULL) { VVV_exit(1); } fread(memblock, 1, size, file); fclose(file); vlog_info("The complete file size: %li", size); m_memblocks[numberofHeaders] = memblock; for (int i = 0; _path[i]; i += 1) { m_headers[numberofHeaders].name[i] = _path[i]; } m_headers[numberofHeaders].valid = true; m_headers[numberofHeaders].size = size; numberofHeaders += 1; } else { vlog_info("Unable to open file"); } } void binaryBlob::writeBinaryBlob(const char* _name) { FILE *file = fopen(_name, "wb"); if (file != NULL) { fwrite((char*) &m_headers, 1, sizeof(m_headers), file); for (int i = 0; i < numberofHeaders; i += 1) { fwrite(m_memblocks[i], 1, m_headers[i].size, file); } fclose(file); } else { vlog_info("Unable to open new file for writing. Feels bad."); } } #endif bool binaryBlob::unPackBinary(const char* name) { return FILESYSTEM_loadBinaryBlob(this, name); } void binaryBlob::clear(void) { for (size_t i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(m_headers); i += 1) { SDL_free(m_memblocks[i]); } SDL_zeroa(m_memblocks); SDL_zeroa(m_headers); } int binaryBlob::getIndex(const char* _name) { for (size_t i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(m_headers); i += 1) { if (SDL_strcmp(_name, m_headers[i].name) == 0 && m_headers[i].valid) { return i; } } return -1; } int binaryBlob::getSize(int _index) { if (!INBOUNDS_ARR(_index, m_headers)) { vlog_error("getSize() out-of-bounds!"); return 0; } return m_headers[_index].size; } char* binaryBlob::getAddress(int _index) { if (!INBOUNDS_ARR(_index, m_memblocks)) { vlog_error("getAddress() out-of-bounds!"); return NULL; } return m_memblocks[_index]; } bool binaryBlob::nextExtra(size_t* start) { size_t* idx; if (start == NULL) { return false; } for (idx = start; *idx < SDL_arraysize(m_headers); *idx += 1) { if (m_headers[*idx].valid #define FOREACH_TRACK(_, track_name) && SDL_strcmp(m_headers[*idx].name, "data/" track_name) != 0 TRACK_NAMES(_) ) { return true; } } return false; }