package{ import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.ContextMenu; import flash.ui.ContextMenuItem; import; import flash.ui.Keyboard; import flash.ui.Mouse; import bigroom.input.KeyPoll; import flash.system.fscommand; import flash.system.Capabilities; import flash.utils.getTimer; import flash.utils.Timer; //import com.mesmotronic.ane.AndroidFullScreen; //import com.sociodox.theminer.TheMiner; //Profiler //Real value //[SWF(width = "1136", height = "768", frameRate = "30", backgroundColor = "#000000")] //Set the size and color of the Flash file //Big frame for big androids! //[SWF(width = "3000", height = "2000", frameRate = "30", backgroundColor = "#000000")] //Set the size and color of the Flash file [SWF(frameRate = "30", backgroundColor = "#000000")] //Set the size and color of the Flash file //iPad test //[SWF(width = "1024", height = "768", frameRate="60", backgroundColor = "#000000")] //Set the size and color of the Flash file //iPhone test //[SWF(width = "480", height = "320", frameRate="30", backgroundColor = "#000000")] //Set the size and color of the Flash file //[SWF(width = "960", height = "640", frameRate="30", backgroundColor = "#000000")] //Set the size and color of the Flash file public class Main extends Sprite { static public var BLOCK:Number = 0; static public var TRIGGER:Number = 1; static public var DAMAGE:Number = 2; include "includes/"; include "includes/"; include "includes/"; public var GAMEMODE:int = 0; public var TITLEMODE:int = 1; public var CLICKTOSTART:int = 2; public var FOCUSMODE:int = 3; public var MAPMODE:int = 4; public var TELEPORTERMODE:int = 5; public var GAMECOMPLETE:int = 6; public var GAMECOMPLETE2:int = 7; public var EDITORMODE:int = 8; public var CONTROLTUTORIALMODE:int = 9; public function Main():void { if (stage) gameinit(); else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, gameinit); } private function gameinit(e:Event = null):void { removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, gameinit); // entry point var tempbmp:Bitmap; this.mouseEnabled = false; this.mouseChildren = false; //Ok: quick security check to make sure it doesn't get posted about if (sitelock()) { key = new KeyPoll(stage); //ANDROID SPECIFIC CODE HERE /* if (AndroidFullScreen.isSupported) { if (!AndroidFullScreen.immersiveMode()){ stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE; device.xres = flash.system.Capabilities.screenResolutionX; device.yres = flash.system.Capabilities.screenResolutionY; immersivemode = false; }else { device.xres = stage.stageWidth; device.yres = stage.stageHeight; immersivemode = true; } }else { */ stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE; device.xres = flash.system.Capabilities.screenResolutionX; device.yres = flash.system.Capabilities.screenResolutionY; immersivemode = false; //} /* if (immersivemode) { stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, androidresize); } */ /* trace("NOTE: REMEMBER TO FIX RESOLUTION SUPPORT BEFORE BUILDING"); device.xres = 1024; device.yres = 768; device.deviceresolution = device.IPAD; */ //Testing:Let's be an ipad /* device.xres = 1024; device.yres = 768; device.deviceresolution = device.IPAD; */ /* device.xres = 480; device.yres = 320; device.deviceresolution = device.IPHONE; */ /* device.xres = 960; device.yres = 640; device.deviceresolution = device.IPHONE; */ editor.init(); //Load in all the levels if (device.xres < device.yres) { //Switch them! t = device.yres; device.yres = device.xres; device.xres = t; } if (device.yres < 768) { device.deviceresolution = device.IPHONE; }else { device.deviceresolution = device.IPAD; } //Manually enable androids here! Mostly just changed buttons sizes // device.deviceresolution = device.ANDROID; //General game variables obj.init(); help.init(); /*obj.createblock(BLOCK,20,200,128,16); obj.createblock(BLOCK,130,170,128,16); obj.createblock(BLOCK,240,150,128,16); obj.createblock(BLOCK,240,20,128,16); obj.createblock(BLOCK,130,40,128,16); obj.createblock(BLOCK,20,60,128,16);*/ //Input key.definestickrange(device.xres / 2, 0, 6); SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(1); music.currentsong = -1; music.musicfade = 0;//no music, no amb music.initefchannels(); music.currentefchan = 0; music.nicechange = -1; music.numplays = 0; music.musicchan.push(new music_1()); // 0: Level Complete music.musicchan.push(new vmaintheme_hq()); // 1: VVVVVV Main Theme (Pushing Forward) music.musicchan.push(new vtempo_hq()); // 2: VVVVVV Tempo Theme (Positive Force) music.musicchan.push(new vpfa_hq()); // 3: Potential for Anything music.musicchan.push(new passionforexploring()); // 4: UU Brothers Instrumental music.musicchan.push(new souleye_intermission()); // 5: Jingle: Intermission music.musicchan.push(new presentingvvvvvv()); // 6: Jingle: Menu Loop music.musicchan.push(new music_2()); // 7: Jingle: Game Complete music.musicchan.push(new configmegamix_hq()); // 8: Config Megamix music.musicchan.push(new posreverse()); // 9: Tempo Theme, Reversed music.musicchan.push(new poppot()); // 10: Extra music.musicchan.push(new pipedream_hq()); // 11: Highscore music.musicchan.push(new pressurecooker_hq()); // 12: Pressure Cooker music.musicchan.push(new pacedenergy()); // NEW 13: Paced Energy music.musicchan.push(new piercingthesky()); // NEW 14: Piercing the Sky music.musicchan.push(new predestinedfateremix()); // NEW 15: Predestined Fate Remix music.efchan.push(new ef_0()); music.efchan.push(new ef_1()); music.efchan.push(new ef_2()); music.efchan.push(new ef_3()); music.efchan.push(new ef_4()); music.efchan.push(new ef_5()); music.efchan.push(new ef_6()); music.efchan.push(new ef_7()); music.efchan.push(new ef_8()); music.efchan.push(new ef_9()); music.efchan.push(new ef_10()); music.efchan.push(new ef_11()); music.efchan.push(new ef_12()); music.efchan.push(new ef_13()); music.efchan.push(new ef_14()); music.efchan.push(new ef_15()); music.efchan.push(new ef_16()); music.efchan.push(new ef_17()); music.efchan.push(new ef_18()); music.efchan.push(new ef_19()); music.efchan.push(new ef_20()); music.efchan.push(new ef_21()); music.efchan.push(new ef_22()); music.efchan.push(new ef_23()); music.efchan.push(new ef_24()); music.efchan.push(new ef_25()); music.efchan.push(new ef_26()); music.efchan.push(new ef_27()); /* Graphics Init */ //First we init the class and add its display list to the main display list dwgfx.buttonimg.push(new BitmapData(92, 30, true, 0x00000000)); dwgfx.buttonimg.push(new BitmapData(92, 30, true, 0x00000000)); dwgfx.buttonimg.push(new BitmapData(40, 40, true, 0x00000000)); dwgfx.buttonimg.push(new BitmapData(40, 40, true, 0x00000000)); tempbmp = new im_button_0(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addbutton(); tempbmp = new im_button_1(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addbutton(); tempbmp = new im_button_2(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addbutton(); tempbmp = new im_button_3(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addbutton(); tempbmp = new im_button_4(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addbutton(); tempbmp = new im_button_5(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addbutton(); tempbmp = new im_button_6(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addbutton(); tempbmp = new im_button_7(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addbutton(); tempbmp = new im_button_8(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addbutton(); tempbmp = new im_button_9(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addbutton(); tempbmp = new im_button_10(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addbutton(); tempbmp = new im_button_11(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addbutton(); tempbmp = new im_button_12(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addbutton(); dwgfx.init(); //We load all our graphics in: tempbmp = new im_tiles(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.maketilearray(); tempbmp = new im_tiles2(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.maketile2array(); tempbmp = new im_tiles3(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.maketile3array(); tempbmp = new im_sprites(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.makespritearray(); tempbmp = new im_flipsprites(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.makeflipspritearray(); tempbmp = new im_bfont(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.makebfont(); tempbmp = new im_bfontmask(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.makebfontmask(); tempbmp = new im_teleporter(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.maketelearray(); tempbmp = new im_entcolours(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.makeentcolourarray(); //Load in the images tempbmp = new im_image0(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addimage(); // 0 tempbmp = new im_image1(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addimage(); // 1 (this is the minimap!) tempbmp = new im_image2(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addimage(); // 2 tempbmp = new im_image3(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addimage(); // 3 tempbmp = new im_image4(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addimage(); // 4 tempbmp = new im_image5(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addimage(); // 5 tempbmp = new im_image6(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addimage(); // 6 tempbmp = new im_image7(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addimage(); // 7 tempbmp = new im_image8(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addimage(); // 8 tempbmp = new im_image9(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addimage(); // 9 tempbmp = new im_image10(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addimage(); // 10 tempbmp = new im_image1(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addimage(); // Minimap tempbmp = new im_image1(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addimage(); // Minimap tempbmp = new im_mobileimage1(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addmobileimage(); tempbmp = new im_mobileimage2(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addmobileimage(); tempbmp = new im_mobileimage3(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addmobileimage(); tempbmp = new im_mobileimage4(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addmobileimage(); tempbmp = new im_mobileimage5(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addmobileimage(); tempbmp = new im_mobileimage6(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addmobileimage(); tempbmp = new im_mobileimage7(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addmobileimage(); tempbmp = new im_mobileimage8(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addmobileimage(); tempbmp = new im_mobileimage9(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addmobileimage(); tempbmp = new im_imgplayerlevel0(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addplayerlevelimage(); tempbmp = new im_imgplayerlevel1(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addplayerlevelimage(); tempbmp = new im_imgplayerlevel2(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addplayerlevelimage(); tempbmp = new im_imgplayerlevel3(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addplayerlevelimage(); tempbmp = new im_imgplayerlevel4(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addplayerlevelimage(); tempbmp = new im_imgplayerlevel5(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addplayerlevelimage(); tempbmp = new im_imgplayerlevel6(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addplayerlevelimage(); tempbmp = new im_imgplayerlevel7(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addplayerlevelimage(); tempbmp = new im_imgplayerlevel8(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addplayerlevelimage(); tempbmp = new im_imgplayerlevel9(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addplayerlevelimage(); tempbmp = new im_imgplayerlevel10(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addplayerlevelimage(); tempbmp = new im_imgplayerlevel11(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addplayerlevelimage(); tempbmp = new im_imgplayerlevel12(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addplayerlevelimage(); tempbmp = new im_imgplayerlevel13(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addplayerlevelimage(); tempbmp = new im_imgplayerlevel14(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addplayerlevelimage(); tempbmp = new im_imgplayerlevel15(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addplayerlevelimage(); tempbmp = new im_imgplayerlevel16(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.addplayerlevelimage(); //Now that the graphics are loaded, init the background buffer dwgfx.buffer=new BitmapData(320,240,false,0x000000); stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; stage.quality = StageQuality.LOW; //EXACT FIT dwgfx.screensizemultiplier = device.yres / 240; dwgfx.screen.width = 320 * dwgfx.screensizemultiplier; dwgfx.screen.height = device.yres; dwgfx.screen.x = (device.xres / 2) - (320 * dwgfx.screensizemultiplier / 2); dwgfx.screen.y = 0; dwgfx.initbuttonpositions(); //PIXEL PERFECT /* dwgfx.screensizemultiplier = int(device.yres / 240); dwgfx.screen.width = 320 * dwgfx.screensizemultiplier; dwgfx.screen.height = 240 * dwgfx.screensizemultiplier; dwgfx.screenoffx = (device.xres / 2) - (320 * dwgfx.screensizemultiplier / 2); dwgfx.screenoffy = (device.yres / 2) - (240 * dwgfx.screensizemultiplier / 2); dwgfx.screen.x = dwgfx.screenoffx; dwgfx.screen.y = dwgfx.screenoffy; */ addChild(dwgfx); //stage.addChild(new TheMiner()); //Profiler //Iphone orientation fix var startOrientation:String = stage.orientation; if (startOrientation == StageOrientation.DEFAULT || startOrientation == StageOrientation.UPSIDE_DOWN){ //stage.setOrientation(StageOrientation.ROTATED_RIGHT); stage.setAspectRatio(StageAspectRatio.LANDSCAPE); }else{ stage.setOrientation(startOrientation); } stage.addEventListener(StageOrientationEvent.ORIENTATION_CHANGING, orientationChangeListener); game = new gameclass(dwgfx, map, obj, help, music); map.ypos = (700-29) * 8; map.bypos = map.ypos / 2; map.cameramode = 0; ///Test Start: //-- Comment this for real start /* gamestate = GAMEMODE; /*map.finalmode = true; //Enable final level mode //map.finalx = 41; map.finaly = 52; //Midpoint //map.finalx = 48; map.finaly = 52; //Just before the tower map.finalx = 46; map.finaly = 54; //Current //map.finalstretch = true; map.final_colormode = true; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0; */ /* game.starttest(obj, music); obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);; */ //game.crewstats[1] = true; //game.crewstats[2] = true; //game.crewstats[3] = true; //game.crewstats[4] = true; //game.crewstats[5] = true; //script.load("intro"); //crew member test //obj.createentity(game, game.savex - 10, game.savey - 10, 14); //game.companion = 6; //different rules for different members //-- //Uncomment this if testing the final level /* map.finalmode = true; //Enable final level mode map.finalx = 46; map.finaly = 54; //Current //map.finalx = 41; map.finaly = 52; //Midpoint map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0; */ //And this if after the midpoint: /* map.finalx = 52; map.finaly = 53; //Current map.finalstretch = true; map.final_colormode = true; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0; //map.background = 6; */ //-- Jumping right in /* game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; game.starttest(obj, music); //game.loadquick(map, obj, music); obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, dwgfx, game, obj, music);; //fscommand("quit"); game.crewstats[1] = true; //game.crewstats[2] = true; game.crewstats[3] = true; game.crewstats[4] = true; //game.crewstats[5] = true; map.showtargets = true; map.showteleporters = true; //map.showtrinkets = true; //obj.flags[34] = 1; //obj.flags[20] = 1; //obj.flags[67] = 1; //Game complete for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { obj.collect[i] = true; } game.trinkets = 19; obj.collect[18] = false; game.stat_trinkets = 20; //obj.altstates = 1; //initilise map info for (j = 0; j < 20; j++) { for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { map.explored[i + (j * 20)] = 1; } } */ //obj.entities[obj.getplayer()].size = 13; //game.gamestate = 6; //game.intimetrail = true; game.timetrialcountdown = 0; //game.nodeathmode = true; //dwgfx.flipmode = true; //game.nocutscenes = true; //map.invincibility = true; //stage.frameRate = 24; //game.colourblindmode = true; //game.noflashingmode = true; //for intermission 2 test //game.lastsaved = 3; /* game.swnmode = true; game.swngame = 2; game.swndelay = 120; game.swntimer = 60 * 30; */ //script.load("intermission_2"); //for intermission 1 test /* game.companion = 11; game.supercrewmate = true; game.scmprogress = 0; game.scmprogress = 10; game.lastsaved = 4;; */ //game.sfpsmode = true; //Run at 60 FPS //stage.frameRate = 60; // doesn't work, it's a bit more complex than this - will have to do a double sized window instead... //dwgfx.flipmode = true; //Testing some unlock stuff /* game.unlock[9] = true; //Space Station Intro Time Trial game.unlock[10] = true; //Lab Time Trial game.unlock[11] = true; //Tower Time Trial game.unlock[12] = true; //Space Station 2 Time Trial game.unlock[13] = true; //Warp Zone Time Trial game.unlock[14] = true; //Final Level Time Trial game.unlock[17] = true; //No death mode game.unlock[18] = true; //Flip Mode */ //-- Normal start, with no fancy stuff! /* game.gamestate = CLICKTOSTART; dwgfx.createtextbox(" Click to Start ", 96, 107, 164, 164, 255); dwgfx.textboxcenter(); */ //No click to start any more! Instead go right to the menu //INIT GRAPHIC MODE HERE game.loadstats(map, dwgfx); //updategraphicsmode(game, dwgfx); game.gamestate = TITLEMODE; game.menustart = false; game.mainmenu = 0; /*if (game.quicksummary != "") { game.mainmenu = 2; } if (game.telesummary != "") { game.mainmenu = 1; }*/ //what the hell is that for /* game.gamestate = 6; game.menustart = true; map.ypos = (700-29) * 8; map.bypos = map.ypos / 2; map.cameramode = 0; */ //--Everything after this is screen recording //ok, screenrecording here //don't record anything (comment both next parts) game.recording = 0; if(game.recording==1){ trace("warning! recording input!"); }else if(game.recording==2){ trace("playing back input!"); game.recordstring = "blahblahblah"; help.toclipboard(game.recordstring); game.initplayback(); game.playbackpos = 5; game.savex = game.playback[0]; game.savey = game.playback[1]; game.saverx = game.playback[2]; game.savery = game.playback[3]; game.savegc = game.playback[4]; game.savedir = 1; } //addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mainloop); // start the tick-timer, which updates roughly every 4 milliseconds _timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, mainloop); _timer.start(); }else { dwgfx.init(); addChild(dwgfx); //We load the font in: tempbmp = new im_bfont(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.makebfont(); tempbmp = new im_bfontmask(); dwgfx.buffer = tempbmp.bitmapData; dwgfx.makebfontmask(); //Now that the graphics are loaded, init the background buffer dwgfx.buffer = new BitmapData(320, 240, false, 0x000000); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, lockedloop); } } public function visit_distractionware(e:Event):void{ var distractionware_link:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "" ); navigateToURL( distractionware_link, "_blank" ); } public function visit_sponsor(e:Event):void{ var sponsor_link:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "" ); navigateToURL( sponsor_link, "_blank" ); } public function visit_sponsor_logo():void{ var sponsor_link:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "" ); navigateToURL( sponsor_link, "_blank" ); } /* public function androidresize(e:Event):void { if (immersivemode) { device.xres = stage.stageWidth; device.yres = stage.stageHeight; }else{ device.xres = flash.system.Capabilities.screenResolutionX; device.yres = flash.system.Capabilities.screenResolutionY; } if (device.xres < device.yres) { //Switch them! t = device.yres; device.yres = device.xres; device.xres = t; } key.definestickrange(device.xres / 2, 0, 6); dwgfx.screensizemultiplier = device.yres / 240; dwgfx.screen.width = 320 * dwgfx.screensizemultiplier; dwgfx.screen.height = device.yres; dwgfx.screen.x = (device.xres / 2) - (320 * dwgfx.screensizemultiplier / 2); dwgfx.screen.y = 0; dwgfx.initbuttonpositions(); } */ public function orientationChangeListener(e:StageOrientationEvent):void{ if (e.afterOrientation == StageOrientation.DEFAULT || e.afterOrientation == StageOrientation.UPSIDE_DOWN) { e.preventDefault(); } } public function lockedloop(e:Event):void { dwgfx.backbuffer.lock(); dwgfx.bprint(5, 110, "Sorry! This game can only be", 196-help.glow, 196-help.glow, 255-help.glow, true); dwgfx.bprint(5, 120, "played on", 196-help.glow, 196-help.glow, 255-help.glow, true); dwgfx.render(); dwgfx.backbuffer.unlock(); help.updateglow(); } public function setstage(w:int, h:int):void { //stage.stageWidth = w; //stage.stageHeight = h; } public function sitelock():Boolean { //No preloader for Kong version var currUrl:String = stage.loaderInfo.url.toLowerCase(); // if ((currUrl.indexOf("ile:///") <= 0) || (currUrl.indexOf("http") == 0)){ //if ((currUrl.indexOf("") <= 0) && (currUrl.indexOf("") <= 0)){ return true; //return false; }else{ return true; } } public function input():void { if (!game.infocus) { }else { switch(game.gamestate){ case TITLEMODE: titleinput(key, dwgfx, map, game, obj, help, music); break; case GAMEMODE: if (map.towermode) { if(game.recording==1){ recordinput(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); }else { gameinput(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); } }else{ if (game.recording == 1) { recordinput(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); }else { if (script.running) {, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); } gameinput(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); } } break; case CONTROLTUTORIALMODE: controltutorialinput(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); break; case MAPMODE: if (game.recording == 1) { //recordinput(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); //will implement this later if it's actually needed }else{ mapinput(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); } break; case TELEPORTERMODE: if (game.recording == 1) { recordinput(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); }else { if(game.useteleporter) { teleporterinput(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); }else { if (script.running) {, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); } gameinput(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); } } break; case GAMECOMPLETE: gamecompleteinput(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); break; case GAMECOMPLETE2: gamecompleteinput2(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); break; case CLICKTOSTART: if ( { dwgfx.textboxremove(); } break; } //Mute button if (key.isDown(77) && game.mutebutton<=0) { game.mutebutton = 8; if (game.muted) { game.muted = false; }else { game.muted = true;} } if(game.mutebutton>0) game.mutebutton--; } //Stupid event listeners! if (key.hasclicked) = false; } public function logic():void { if (!game.infocus) { if (game.globalsound > 0) { game.globalsound = 0; SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0); } music.processmusic(); help.updateglow(); }else { switch(game.gamestate){ case TITLEMODE: titlelogic(key, dwgfx, game, obj, help, music); break; case GAMEMODE: if (map.towermode) { towerlogic(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); }else{ gamelogic(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); } break; case MAPMODE: maplogic(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); break; case CONTROLTUTORIALMODE: controltutoriallogic(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); break; case TELEPORTERMODE: maplogic(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); break; case GAMECOMPLETE: gamecompletelogic(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); break; case GAMECOMPLETE2: gamecompletelogic2(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); break; case CLICKTOSTART: help.updateglow(); if (dwgfx.ntextbox == 0) { //; map.ypos = (700-29) * 8; map.bypos = map.ypos / 2; map.cameramode = 0; game.gamestate = TITLEMODE; } break; } if (game.platform.wakeupcall > 0) { game.platform.wakeupcall--; if (game.platform.wakeupcall == 0) { if(immersivemode){ //AndroidFullScreen.immersiveMode(); } } } music.processmusic(); dwgfx.processfade(); game.gameclock(); dwgfx.trinketcolset = false; //Reset this in every frame, used for a new standard random colour each frame if (game.savemystats) { game.savemystats = false; game.savestats(map, dwgfx); } if (game.muted) { if (game.globalsound == 1) { game.globalsound = 0; SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0); } } if (!game.muted && game.globalsound == 0) { game.globalsound = 1; SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(1); } } } public function render():void { if (!game.infocus) { dwgfx.backbuffer.lock(); /* dwgfx.bprint(5, 110, "Game paused", 196 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, 196 - help.glow, true); dwgfx.bprint(5, 120, "[click to resume]", 196 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, 196 - help.glow, true); dwgfx.bprint(5, 230, "Press M to mute in game", 164 - help.glow, 196 - help.glow, 164 - help.glow, true); */ dwgfx.render(); dwgfx.backbuffer.unlock(); }else { switch(game.gamestate){ case TITLEMODE: titlerender(key, dwgfx, map, game, obj, help); break; case GAMEMODE: if (map.towermode) { towerrender(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help); }else{ gamerender(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help); } break; case CONTROLTUTORIALMODE: controltutorialrender(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help); break; case MAPMODE: maprender(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help); break; case TELEPORTERMODE: teleporterrender(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help); break; case GAMECOMPLETE: gamecompleterender(key, dwgfx, game, obj, help); break; case GAMECOMPLETE2: gamecompleterender2(key, dwgfx, game, obj, help); break; case CLICKTOSTART: dwgfx.backbuffer.lock(); //dwgfx.bprint(5, 115, "[Click to start]", 196 - help.glow, 196 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, true); dwgfx.drawgui(help); dwgfx.render(); dwgfx.backbuffer.unlock(); break; } } } public function mainloop(e:TimerEvent):void { _current = getTimer(); if (_last < 0) _last = _current; _delta += _current - _last; _last = _current; if (_delta >= _rate){ _delta %= _skip; while (_delta >= _rate){ _delta -= _rate; input(); logic(); if (key.hasclicked) = false; } render(); e.updateAfterEvent(); } } public function setzoom(t:int, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass):void { /* switch(t) { case 1: dwgfx.screen.width = 320; dwgfx.screen.height = 240; dwgfx.screen.x = (640 - 320) / 2; dwgfx.screen.y = (480 - 240) / 2; break; case 2: dwgfx.screen.width = 640; dwgfx.screen.height = 480; dwgfx.screen.x = 0; dwgfx.screen.y = 0; break; case 3: dwgfx.screen.width = 960; dwgfx.screen.height = 720; dwgfx.screen.x = (640 - 960) / 2; dwgfx.screen.y = (480 - 720) / 2; break; case 4: dwgfx.screen.width = 1280; dwgfx.screen.height = 960; dwgfx.screen.x = (640 - 1280) / 2; dwgfx.screen.y = (480 - 960) / 2; break; } */ } public function updategraphicsmode(game:gameclass, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass):void { /* swfStage = stage; if (game.advanced_mode) { //advanced graphics mode //Screen Smooting dwgfx.screen.smoothing = game.advanced_smoothing; //Scaling if(game.advanced_scaling==0){ swfStage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL; setzoom(2, dwgfx); }else{ swfStage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; //Turn Scaling off setzoom(game.advanced_scaling, dwgfx); } stage.fullScreenSourceRect = null; //Fullscreen if (game.fullscreen) { stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN; Mouse.hide(); }else { stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL;; } }else{ swfStage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL; if (game.fullscreen) { dwgfx.screen.smoothing = true; stage.fullScreenSourceRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 640, 480); stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN; Mouse.hide(); }else { dwgfx.screen.smoothing = false; stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL;; } } */ } // Timer information (a shout out to ChevyRay for the implementation) public static const TARGET_FPS:Number = 30; // the fixed-FPS we want the game to run at private var _rate:Number = 1000 / TARGET_FPS; // how long (in seconds) each frame is private var _skip:Number = _rate * 10; // this tells us to allow a maximum of 10 frame skips private var _last:Number = -1; private var _current:Number = 0; private var _delta:Number = 0; private var _timer:Timer = new Timer(4); public var dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass = new dwgraphicsclass(); public var music:musicclass = new musicclass(); public var help:helpclass = new helpclass(); public var map:mapclass = new mapclass(); public var game:gameclass; public var obj:entityclass = new entityclass(); public var key:KeyPoll; public var script:scriptclass = new scriptclass(); public var slogo:MovieClip; public var logoposition:Matrix; public var pixel:uint; public var pixel2:uint; public var pi:uint, pj:uint; public var i:int, j:int, k:int, temp:int, tempx:int, tempy:int, tempstring:String; public var tr:int, tg:int, tb:int, t:int; public var tvel:Number; public var swfStage:Stage; public var immersivemode:Boolean; //Embedded resources: //Graphics [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/tiles.png')] private var im_tiles:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/tiles2.png')] private var im_tiles2:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/tiles3.png')] private var im_tiles3:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/sprites.png')] private var im_sprites:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/flipsprites.png')] private var im_flipsprites:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/font.png')] private var im_bfont:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/fontmask.png')] private var im_bfontmask:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/teleporter.png')] private var im_teleporter:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/entcolours.png')] private var im_entcolours:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/levelcomplete.png')] private var im_image0:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/minimap.png')] private var im_image1:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/covered.png')] private var im_image2:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/elephant.png')] private var im_image3:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/gamecomplete.png')] private var im_image4:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/fliplevelcomplete.png')] private var im_image5:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/flipgamecomplete.png')] private var im_image6:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/site.png')] private var im_image7:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/site2.png')] private var im_image8:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/site3.png')] private var im_image9:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/ending.png')] private var im_image10:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/controls/touchscreen.png')] private var im_mobileimage1:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/controls/lefthand_off.png')] private var im_mobileimage2:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/controls/lefthand_near.png')] private var im_mobileimage3:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/controls/lefthand_far.png')] private var im_mobileimage4:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/controls/righthand_off.png')] private var im_mobileimage5:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/controls/righthand_near.png')] private var im_mobileimage6:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/controls/righthand_far.png')] private var im_mobileimage7:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/controls/arrowleft.png')] private var im_mobileimage8:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/controls/arrowright.png')] private var im_mobileimage9:Class; //Playerlevel images [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/playerlevels/playerlevel_0.png')] private var im_imgplayerlevel0:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/playerlevels/playerlevel_1.png')] private var im_imgplayerlevel1:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/playerlevels/playerlevel_2.png')] private var im_imgplayerlevel2:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/playerlevels/playerlevel_3.png')] private var im_imgplayerlevel3:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/playerlevels/playerlevel_4.png')] private var im_imgplayerlevel4:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/playerlevels/playerlevel_5.png')] private var im_imgplayerlevel5:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/playerlevels/playerlevel_6.png')] private var im_imgplayerlevel6:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/playerlevels/playerlevel_7.png')] private var im_imgplayerlevel7:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/playerlevels/playerlevel_8.png')] private var im_imgplayerlevel8:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/playerlevels/playerlevel_9.png')] private var im_imgplayerlevel9:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/playerlevels/playerlevel_10.png')] private var im_imgplayerlevel10:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/playerlevels/playerlevel_11.png')] private var im_imgplayerlevel11:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/playerlevels/playerlevel_12.png')] private var im_imgplayerlevel12:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/playerlevels/playerlevel_13.png')] private var im_imgplayerlevel13:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/playerlevels/playerlevel_14.png')] private var im_imgplayerlevel14:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/playerlevels/playerlevel_15.png')] private var im_imgplayerlevel15:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/playerlevels/playerlevel_16.png')] private var im_imgplayerlevel16:Class; //iOS Buttons [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/mobilebuttons/map.png')] private var im_button_0:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/mobilebuttons/back.png')] private var im_button_1:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/mobilebuttons/talk_1.png')] private var im_button_2:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/mobilebuttons/talk_2.png')] private var im_button_3:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/mobilebuttons/use_1.png')] private var im_button_4:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/mobilebuttons/use_2.png')] private var im_button_5:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/mobilebuttons/teleport_1.png')] private var im_button_6:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/mobilebuttons/teleport_2.png')] private var im_button_7:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/mobilebuttons/controls_1.png')] private var im_button_8:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/mobilebuttons/controls_2.png')] private var im_button_9:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/mobilebuttons/gamecenter.png')] private var im_button_10:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/mobilebuttons/button_left.png')] private var im_button_11:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/graphics/mobilebuttons/button_right.png')] private var im_button_12:Class; //Music [Embed(source = '../data/music/levelcomplete.mp3')] private var music_1:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/music/endgame.mp3')] private var music_2:Class; //Sound effects [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/jump.mp3')] private var ef_0:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/jump2.mp3')] private var ef_1:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/hurt.mp3')] private var ef_2:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/souleyeminijingle.mp3')] private var ef_3:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/coin.mp3')] private var ef_4:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/save.mp3')] private var ef_5:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/crumble.mp3')] private var ef_6:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/vanish.mp3')] private var ef_7:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/blip.mp3')] private var ef_8:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/preteleport.mp3')] private var ef_9:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/teleport.mp3')] private var ef_10:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/crew1.mp3')] private var ef_11:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/crew2.mp3')] private var ef_12:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/crew3.mp3')] private var ef_13:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/crew4.mp3')] private var ef_14:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/crew5.mp3')] private var ef_15:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/crew6.mp3')] private var ef_16:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/terminal.mp3')] private var ef_17:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/gamesaved.mp3')] private var ef_18:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/crashing.mp3')] private var ef_19:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/blip2.mp3')] private var ef_20:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/countdown.mp3')] private var ef_21:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/go.mp3')] private var ef_22:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/crash.mp3')] private var ef_23:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/combine.mp3')] private var ef_24:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/newrecord.mp3')] private var ef_25:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/trophy.mp3')] private var ef_26:Class; [Embed(source = '../data/sounds/rescue.mp3')] private var ef_27:Class; } }