#include #include "SoundSystem.h" #include "UtilityClass.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "KeyPoll.h" #include "titlerender.h" #include "Tower.h" #include "WarpClass.h" #include "Labclass.h" #include "Finalclass.h" #include "Map.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "Script.h" #include "Logic.h" #include "Input.h" #include "editor.h" #include "preloader.h" #include "FileSystemUtils.h" #include "Network.h" #include #include scriptclass script; #if !defined(NO_EDITOR) edentities edentity[3000]; editorclass ed; #endif UtilityClass help; Graphics graphics; musicclass music; Game game; KeyPoll key; mapclass map; entityclass obj; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK | SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER ); char* baseDir = NULL; char* assetsPath = NULL; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-renderer") == 0) { ++i; SDL_SetHintWithPriority(SDL_HINT_RENDER_DRIVER, argv[i], SDL_HINT_OVERRIDE); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-basedir") == 0) { ++i; baseDir = argv[i]; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-assets") == 0) { ++i; assetsPath = argv[i]; } } if(!FILESYSTEM_init(argv[0], baseDir, assetsPath)) { return 1; } NETWORK_init(); Screen gameScreen; printf("\t\t\n"); printf("\t\t\n"); printf("\t\t VVVVVV\n"); printf("\t\t\n"); printf("\t\t\n"); printf("\t\t 8888888888888888 \n"); printf("\t\t88888888888888888888\n"); printf("\t\t888888 8888 88\n"); printf("\t\t888888 8888 88\n"); printf("\t\t88888888888888888888\n"); printf("\t\t88888888888888888888\n"); printf("\t\t888888 88\n"); printf("\t\t88888888 8888\n"); printf("\t\t 8888888888888888 \n"); printf("\t\t 88888888 \n"); printf("\t\t 8888888888888888 \n"); printf("\t\t88888888888888888888\n"); printf("\t\t88888888888888888888\n"); printf("\t\t88888888888888888888\n"); printf("\t\t8888 88888888 8888\n"); printf("\t\t8888 88888888 8888\n"); printf("\t\t 888888888888 \n"); printf("\t\t 8888 8888 \n"); printf("\t\t 888888 888888 \n"); printf("\t\t 888888 888888 \n"); printf("\t\t 888888 888888 \n"); printf("\t\t\n"); printf("\t\t\n"); //Set up screen //UtilityClass help; // Load Ini //Graphics graphics; graphics.init(); //musicclass music; music.init(); //Game game; game.init(); game.infocus = true; graphics.MakeTileArray(); graphics.MakeSpriteArray(); graphics.maketelearray(); graphics.images.push_back(graphics.grphx.im_image0); graphics.images.push_back(graphics.grphx.im_image1); graphics.images.push_back(graphics.grphx.im_image2); graphics.images.push_back(graphics.grphx.im_image3); graphics.images.push_back(graphics.grphx.im_image4); graphics.images.push_back(graphics.grphx.im_image5); graphics.images.push_back(graphics.grphx.im_image6); graphics.images.push_back(graphics.grphx.im_image7); graphics.images.push_back(graphics.grphx.im_image8); graphics.images.push_back(graphics.grphx.im_image9); graphics.images.push_back(graphics.grphx.im_image10); graphics.images.push_back(graphics.grphx.im_image11); graphics.images.push_back(graphics.grphx.im_image12); const SDL_PixelFormat* fmt = gameScreen.GetFormat(); graphics.backBuffer = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE ,320 ,240 ,32,fmt->Rmask,fmt->Gmask,fmt->Bmask,fmt->Amask ) ; SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(graphics.backBuffer, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); graphics.footerbuffer = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, 320, 10, 32, fmt->Rmask, fmt->Gmask, fmt->Bmask, fmt->Amask); SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(graphics.footerbuffer, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod(graphics.footerbuffer, 127); FillRect(graphics.footerbuffer, SDL_MapRGB(fmt, 0, 0, 0)); graphics.Makebfont(); graphics.foregroundBuffer = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE ,320 ,240 ,fmt->BitsPerPixel,fmt->Rmask,fmt->Gmask,fmt->Bmask,fmt->Amask ); SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(graphics.foregroundBuffer, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); graphics.screenbuffer = &gameScreen; graphics.menubuffer = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE ,320 ,240 ,fmt->BitsPerPixel,fmt->Rmask,fmt->Gmask,fmt->Bmask,fmt->Amask ); SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(graphics.menubuffer, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); graphics.towerbuffer = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE ,320 ,240 ,fmt->BitsPerPixel,fmt->Rmask,fmt->Gmask,fmt->Bmask,fmt->Amask ); SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(graphics.towerbuffer, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); graphics.tempBuffer = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE ,320 ,240 ,fmt->BitsPerPixel,fmt->Rmask,fmt->Gmask,fmt->Bmask,fmt->Amask ); SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(graphics.tempBuffer, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); //Make a temporary rectangle to hold the offsets // SDL_Rect offset; //Give the offsets to the rectangle // offset.x = 60; // offset.y = 80; //game.gamestate = TITLEMODE; //game.gamestate=EDITORMODE; game.gamestate = PRELOADER; //Remember to uncomment this later! game.menustart = false; game.mainmenu = 0; //KeyPoll key; //mapclass map; map.ypos = (700-29) * 8; map.bypos = map.ypos / 2; //Moved screensetting init here from main menu V2.1 game.loadstats(map, graphics); if (game.skipfakeload) game.gamestate = TITLEMODE; if(game.usingmmmmmm==0) music.usingmmmmmm=false; if(game.usingmmmmmm==1) music.usingmmmmmm=true; if (game.slowdown == 0) game.slowdown = 30; switch(game.slowdown){ case 30: game.gameframerate=34; break; case 24: game.gameframerate=41; break; case 18: game.gameframerate=55; break; case 12: game.gameframerate=83; break; default: game.gameframerate=34; break; } //Check to see if you've already unlocked some achievements here from before the update if (game.swnbestrank > 0){ if(game.swnbestrank >= 1) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvsupgrav5"); if(game.swnbestrank >= 2) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvsupgrav10"); if(game.swnbestrank >= 3) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvsupgrav15"); if(game.swnbestrank >= 4) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvsupgrav20"); if(game.swnbestrank >= 5) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvsupgrav30"); if(game.swnbestrank >= 6) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvsupgrav60"); } if(game.unlock[5]) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvgamecomplete"); if(game.unlock[19]) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvgamecompleteflip"); if(game.unlock[20]) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvmaster"); if (game.bestgamedeaths > -1) { if (game.bestgamedeaths <= 500) { NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvcomplete500"); } if (game.bestgamedeaths <= 250) { NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvcomplete250"); } if (game.bestgamedeaths <= 100) { NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvcomplete100"); } if (game.bestgamedeaths <= 50) { NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvcomplete50"); } } if(game.bestrank[0]>=3) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvtimetrial_station1_fixed"); if(game.bestrank[1]>=3) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvtimetrial_lab_fixed"); if(game.bestrank[2]>=3) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvtimetrial_tower_fixed"); if(game.bestrank[3]>=3) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvtimetrial_station2_fixed"); if(game.bestrank[4]>=3) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvtimetrial_warp_fixed"); if(game.bestrank[5]>=3) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvtimetrial_final_fixed"); //entityclass obj; obj.init(); //Quick hack to start in final level ---- //Might be useful to leave this commented in for testing /* //game.gamestate=GAMEMODE; //game.start(obj,music); //script.startgamemode(8, key, graphics, game, map, obj, help, music); // map.finalmode = true; //Enable final level mode //map.finalx = 41; map.finaly = 52; //Midpoint //map.finalstretch = true; //map.final_colormode = true; //map.final_mapcol = 0; //map.final_colorframe = 0; //game.starttest(obj, music); game.savex = 5 * 8; game.savey = 15 * 8; game.saverx = 41; game.savery = 52; game.savegc = 0; game.savedir = 1; game.state = 0; game.deathseq = -1; game.lifeseq = 10; //obj.createentity(game, game.savex, game.savey, 0); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery, graphics, game, obj, music); //music.play(1); */ //End hack here ---- volatile Uint32 time, timePrev = 0; game.infocus = true; key.isActive = true; while(!key.quitProgram) { //gameScreen.ClearScreen(0x00); time = SDL_GetTicks(); // Update network per frame. NETWORK_update(); //framerate limit to 30 Uint32 timetaken = time - timePrev; if(game.gamestate==EDITORMODE) { if (timetaken < 24) { volatile Uint32 delay = 24 - timetaken; SDL_Delay( delay ); time = SDL_GetTicks(); } timePrev = time; }else{ if (timetaken < game.gameframerate) { volatile Uint32 delay = game.gameframerate - timetaken; SDL_Delay( delay ); time = SDL_GetTicks(); } timePrev = time; } key.Poll(); if(key.toggleFullscreen) { if(!gameScreen.isWindowed) { //SDL_WM_GrabInput(SDL_GRAB_ON); SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE); } else { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE); } if(game.gamestate == EDITORMODE) { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE); } gameScreen.toggleFullScreen(); game.fullscreen = !game.fullscreen; key.toggleFullscreen = false; key.keymap.clear(); //we lost the input due to a new window. game.press_left = false; game.press_right = false; game.press_action = true; game.press_map = false; printf("Error: failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } /*if(key.quitProgram) { music.playef(2); }*/ game.infocus = key.isActive; if(!game.infocus) { if(game.getGlobalSoundVol()> 0) { game.setGlobalSoundVol(0); } FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0x00000000); graphics.bprint(5, 110, "Game paused", 196 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, 196 - help.glow, true); graphics.bprint(5, 120, "[click to resume]", 196 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, 196 - help.glow, true); graphics.bprint(5, 230, "Press M to mute in game", 164 - help.glow, 196 - help.glow, 164 - help.glow, true); graphics.render(); //We are minimised, so lets put a bit of a delay to save CPU SDL_Delay(100); } else { switch(game.gamestate) { case PRELOADER: //Render preloaderrender(graphics, game, help); break; #if !defined(NO_EDITOR) case EDITORMODE: graphics.flipmode = false; //Input editorinput(key, graphics, game, map, obj, help, music); //Render editorrender(key, graphics, game, map, obj, help); ////Logic editorlogic(key, graphics, game, obj, music, map, help); break; #endif case TITLEMODE: //Input titleinput(key, graphics, map, game, obj, help, music); //Render titlerender(graphics, map, game, obj, help, music); ////Logic titlelogic(graphics, game, obj, help, music, map); break; case GAMEMODE: if (map.towermode) { gameinput(key, graphics, game, map, obj, help, music); //if(game.recording==1) //{ // ///recordinput(key, graphics, game, map, obj, help, music); //} //else //{ //} towerrender(graphics, game, map, obj, help); towerlogic(graphics, game, obj, music, map, help); } else { if (game.recording == 1) { //recordinput(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); } else { if (script.running) { script.run(key, graphics, game, map, obj, help, music); } gameinput(key, graphics, game, map, obj, help, music); //} gamerender(graphics,map, game, obj, help); gamelogic(graphics, game,obj, music, map, help); } break; case MAPMODE: maprender(graphics, game, map, obj, help); if (game.recording == 1) { //recordinput(key, dwgfx, game, map, obj, help, music); //will implement this later if it's actually needed } else { mapinput(key, graphics, game, map, obj, help, music); } maplogic(graphics, game, obj ,music , map, help ); break; case TELEPORTERMODE: teleporterrender(graphics, game, map, obj, help); if (game.recording == 1) { //recordinput(key, graphics, game, map, obj, help, music); } else { if(game.useteleporter) { teleporterinput(key, graphics, game, map, obj, help, music); } else { if (script.running) { script.run(key, graphics, game, map, obj, help, music); } gameinput(key, graphics, game, map, obj, help, music); } } maplogic(graphics, game, obj, music, map, help); break; case GAMECOMPLETE: gamecompleterender(graphics, game, obj, help, map); //Input gamecompleteinput(key, graphics, game, map, obj, help, music); //Logic gamecompletelogic(graphics, game, obj, music, map, help); break; case GAMECOMPLETE2: gamecompleterender2(graphics, game, obj, help); //Input gamecompleteinput2(key, graphics, game, map, obj, help, music); //Logic gamecompletelogic2(graphics, game, obj, music, map, help); break; case CLICKTOSTART: //dwgfx.bprint(5, 115, "[Click to start]", 196 - help.glow, 196 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, true); //dwgfx.drawgui(help); //dwgfx.render(); //dwgfx.backbuffer.unlock(); help.updateglow(); // if (key.click) { // dwgfx.textboxremove(); // } // if (dwgfx.ntextbox == 0) { // //music.play(6); // map.ypos = (700-29) * 8; // map.bypos = map.ypos / 2; // map.cameramode = 0; // game.gamestate = TITLEMODE; // } break; default: break; } } } //We did editorinput, now it's safe to turn this off key.linealreadyemptykludge = false; if (game.savemystats) { game.savemystats = false; game.savestats(map, graphics); } //Mute button #if !defined(NO_EDITOR) bool inEditor = ed.textentry || ed.scripthelppage == 1; #else bool inEditor = false; #endif if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_m) && game.mutebutton<=0 && !inEditor) { game.mutebutton = 8; if (game.muted) { game.muted = false; } else { game.muted = true; } } if(game.mutebutton>0) { game.mutebutton--; } if (game.muted) { //if (game.globalsound == 1) //{ game.globalsound = 0; Mix_VolumeMusic(0) ; Mix_Volume(-1,0); //} } if (!game.muted && game.globalsound == 0) { game.globalsound = 1; Mix_VolumeMusic(MIX_MAX_VOLUME) ; Mix_Volume(-1,MIX_MAX_VOLUME); } if(key.resetWindow) { key.resetWindow = false; gameScreen.ResizeScreen(-1, -1); } music.processmusic(); graphics.processfade(); game.gameclock(); gameScreen.FlipScreen(); //SDL_FillRect( SDL_GetVideoSurface(), NULL, 0 ); } //SDL_Delay(300); //TODO //Free the loaded image //SDL_FreeSurface( gameScreen ); //Quit SDL NETWORK_shutdown(); SDL_Quit(); FILESYSTEM_deinit(); return 0; }