#include "VFormat.h" #include #include #include #include "Alloc.h" #include "CWrappers.h" static inline bool is_whitespace(char ch) { return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t'; } static inline void trim_whitespace(const char** string, size_t* bytes) { /* Strips leading and trailing whitespace. */ while (*bytes > 0 && is_whitespace((*string)[0])) { (*string)++; (*bytes)--; } while (*bytes > 0 && is_whitespace((*string)[*bytes - 1])) { (*bytes)--; } } static inline void call_with_button(format_callback callback, void* userdata, int button_value) { /* Call the given callback with the specified button character (from * Unicode Private Use Area) so the text renderer can display it. */ if (button_value < 0 || button_value > 0xFF) { button_value = 0xFF; } uint32_t utf32[2]; utf32[0] = 0xE000 + button_value; utf32[1] = 0x0000; char utf8[5]; PHYSFS_utf8FromUcs4(utf32, utf8, sizeof(utf8)); callback(userdata, utf8, SDL_strlen(utf8)); } static inline void call_with_upper(format_callback callback, void* userdata, const char* string, size_t bytes) { /* Call the given callback with the specified string, where the first * letter is changed to uppercase. * First reserve some more space for the (in UTF-8) possibly larger * uppercase character, and the currently missing null terminator. * (Theoretically 1->4 bytes, + 1 for '\0') */ size_t conv_bytes = bytes + 4; char* utf8 = SDL_malloc(conv_bytes); uint32_t* utf32 = SDL_malloc(conv_bytes*4); if (utf8 == NULL || utf32 == NULL) { /* Never mind the capitalization then! Better than nothing. */ callback(userdata, string, bytes); VVV_free(utf32); VVV_free(utf8); return; } SDL_memcpy(utf8, string, bytes); utf8[bytes] = '\0'; PHYSFS_utf8ToUcs4(utf8, utf32, conv_bytes*4); utf32[0] = SDL_toupper(utf32[0]); /* FIXME: use loc::toupper_ch in localization branch */ PHYSFS_utf8FromUcs4(utf32, utf8, conv_bytes); callback(userdata, utf8, SDL_strlen(utf8)); VVV_free(utf32); VVV_free(utf8); } void vformat_cb_valist( format_callback callback, void* userdata, const char* format_string, const char* args_index, va_list args ) { /* Variant of vformat_cb which takes a va_list instead of `...` * * Also the core formatting function where everything comes together. * The callback receives each part of the resulting string. * These parts are not null-terminated. */ const char* cursor = format_string; while (true) { /* Fast path: maybe we're at the end? */ if (cursor[0] == '\0') { return; } /* Find the next { or }. The } is only needed now for escaping. */ const char* first_a = SDL_strchr(cursor, '{'); const char* first_b = SDL_strchr(cursor, '}'); const char* next_stop = first_a; if (next_stop == NULL || first_b < next_stop) { next_stop = first_b; } if (next_stop == NULL) { /* No more placeholders or escapes in this string, run it to the end */ callback(userdata, cursor, SDL_strlen(cursor)); return; } /* Output text until the placeholder... */ callback(userdata, cursor, next_stop - cursor); cursor = next_stop; if (cursor[0] == '}') { /* Just handle }}, for symmetry with {{ */ callback(userdata, cursor, 1); cursor++; if (*cursor == '}') { cursor++; } } else if (cursor[0] == '{' && cursor[1] == '{') { /* Just a {{ */ callback(userdata, cursor, 1); cursor += 2; } else if (cursor[0] == '{') { /* Start of a placeholder! * A placeholder can consist of one or more parts separated by |, * the first part always being the key, all others being flags. */ const char* placeholder_start = cursor; cursor++; const char* name = cursor; size_t name_len = 0; bool flag_wordy = false; int flag_digits = 0; bool flag_spaces = false; bool flag_upper = false; bool first_iter = true; do { first_a = SDL_strchr(cursor, '|'); first_b = SDL_strchr(cursor, '}'); next_stop = first_a; if (next_stop == NULL || first_b < next_stop) { next_stop = first_b; } if (next_stop == NULL) { /* Unterminated placeholder */ callback(userdata, placeholder_start, SDL_strlen(placeholder_start)); return; } size_t flag_len = next_stop - cursor; if (first_iter) { name_len = flag_len; first_iter = false; } else if (flag_len == 5 && SDL_memcmp(cursor, "wordy", 5) == 0) { flag_wordy = true; } else if (flag_len >= 8 && SDL_memcmp(cursor, "digits=", 7) == 0) { /* strtol stops on the first non-digit anyway, so... */ flag_digits = SDL_strtol(cursor + 7, NULL, 10); } else if (flag_len == 6 && SDL_memcmp(cursor, "spaces", 6) == 0) { flag_spaces = true; } else if (flag_len == 5 && SDL_memcmp(cursor, "upper", 5) == 0) { flag_upper = true; } cursor = next_stop + 1; } while (next_stop[0] != '}'); /* Now look up the name in the arguments. * The arguments index string is comma-separated, * each argument is name:type. */ va_list args_copy; va_copy(args_copy, args); const char* args_index_cursor = args_index; bool match = false; do { while (args_index_cursor[0] == ' ') { /* Skip spaces between args */ args_index_cursor++; } const char* next_comma = SDL_strchr(args_index_cursor, ','); const char* next_colon = SDL_strchr(args_index_cursor, ':'); if (next_comma == NULL) { next_comma = SDL_strchr(args_index_cursor, '\0'); } if (next_colon == NULL || next_colon > next_comma) { break; } const char* arg_name = args_index_cursor; size_t arg_name_len = next_colon - arg_name; const char* arg_type = next_colon + 1; size_t arg_type_len = next_comma - arg_type; trim_whitespace(&arg_name, &arg_name_len); trim_whitespace(&arg_type, &arg_type_len); match = (arg_name_len == name_len && SDL_memcmp(arg_name, name, name_len) == 0) || (arg_name_len == 1 && arg_name[0] == '_'); if (arg_type_len == 3 && SDL_memcmp(arg_type, "int", 3) == 0) { int value = va_arg(args_copy, int); if (match) { if (flag_wordy) { char* number = HELP_number_words(value); if (flag_upper) { call_with_upper(callback, userdata, number, SDL_strlen(number)); } else { callback(userdata, number, SDL_strlen(number)); } VVV_free(number); } else { const char* format = flag_spaces ? "%*d" : "%0*d"; char buffer[24]; SDL_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, flag_digits, value); callback(userdata, buffer, SDL_strlen(buffer)); } } } else if (arg_type_len == 3 && SDL_memcmp(arg_type, "str", 3) == 0) { const char* value = va_arg(args_copy, const char*); if (match) { if (value == NULL) { callback(userdata, "[null]", 6); } else if (flag_upper) { call_with_upper(callback, userdata, value, SDL_strlen(value)); } else { callback(userdata, value, SDL_strlen(value)); } } } else if (arg_type_len == 3 && SDL_memcmp(arg_type, "but", 3) == 0) { int button_value = va_arg(args_copy, int); if (match) { call_with_button(callback, userdata, button_value); } } else { /* Unknown type, now what type do we give va_arg? */ match = false; break; } if (match) { break; } /* Remember: next_comma can also be the final '\0' */ args_index_cursor = next_comma + 1; } while (args_index_cursor[-1] != '\0'); va_end(args_copy); if (!match) { callback(userdata, "[", 1); callback(userdata, name, name_len); callback(userdata, "?]", 2); } } } } void vformat_cb( format_callback callback, void* userdata, const char* format_string, const char* args_index, ... ) { /* Format with a user-supplied callback. * The callback receives each part of the resulting string. * These parts are not null-terminated. */ va_list args; va_start(args, args_index); vformat_cb_valist(callback, userdata, format_string, args_index, args); va_end(args); } typedef struct _buffer_info { size_t total_needed; char* buffer_cursor; size_t buffer_left; } buffer_info; static void callback_buffer_append(void* userdata, const char* string, size_t bytes) { /* Callback for vformat_buf. */ buffer_info* buf = (buffer_info*) userdata; buf->total_needed += bytes; if (buf->buffer_cursor != NULL && buf->buffer_left > 0) { size_t copy_len = SDL_min(bytes, buf->buffer_left); SDL_memcpy(buf->buffer_cursor, string, copy_len); buf->buffer_cursor += copy_len; buf->buffer_left -= copy_len; } } size_t vformat_buf_valist( char* buffer, size_t buffer_len, const char* format_string, const char* args_index, va_list args ) { /* Variant of vformat_buf which takes a va_list instead of `...` */ buffer_info buf = { .total_needed = 1, .buffer_cursor = buffer, .buffer_left = buffer_len }; if (buf.buffer_left != 0) { /* We do still need to write the null terminator */ buf.buffer_left--; } vformat_cb_valist(callback_buffer_append, (void*) &buf, format_string, args_index, args); if (buffer != NULL && buffer_len > 0) { *buf.buffer_cursor = '\0'; } return buf.total_needed; } size_t vformat_buf( char* buffer, size_t buffer_len, const char* format_string, const char* args_index, ... ) { /* Format to the specified buffer. * Ensures buffer is not overrun, and that it is null-terminated. * Returns total number of bytes that were needed, or that would have been needed. * You may pass a NULL buffer and/or size 0 if you only need this needed length. */ va_list args; va_start(args, args_index); size_t total_needed = vformat_buf_valist(buffer, buffer_len, format_string, args_index, args); va_end(args); return total_needed; } char* vformat_alloc_valist( const char* format_string, const char* args_index, va_list args ) { /* Variant of vformat_alloc which takes a va_list instead of `...` */ size_t needed = vformat_buf_valist(NULL, 0, format_string, args_index, args); char* buffer = SDL_malloc(needed); if (buffer == NULL) { return NULL; } vformat_buf_valist(buffer, needed, format_string, args_index, args); return buffer; } char* vformat_alloc( const char* format_string, const char* args_index, ... ) { /* Format to an automatically allocated and resized buffer. * Caller must VVV_free. */ va_list args; va_start(args, args_index); char* buffer = vformat_alloc_valist(format_string, args_index, args); va_end(args); return buffer; }