#include "Enums.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "Map.h" #include "Script.h" #include #include #include #include #include "FileSystemUtils.h" #include "tinyxml2.h" #include "Network.h" #include "MakeAndPlay.h" // lol, Win32 -flibit #ifdef _WIN32 #define strcasecmp stricmp #endif //TODO: Non Urgent code cleanup const char* BoolToString(bool _b) { if(_b) { return "1"; } else { return "0"; } } bool GetButtonFromString(const char *pText, SDL_GameControllerButton *button) { if (*pText == '0' || *pText == 'a' || *pText == 'A') { *button = SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_A; return true; } if (strcmp(pText, "1") == 0 || *pText == 'b' || *pText == 'B') { *button = SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_B; return true; } if (*pText == '2' || *pText == 'x' || *pText == 'X') { *button = SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_X; return true; } if (*pText == '3' || *pText == 'y' || *pText == 'Y') { *button = SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_Y; return true; } if (*pText == '4' || strcasecmp(pText, "BACK") == 0) { *button = SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_BACK; return true; } if (*pText == '5' || strcasecmp(pText, "GUIDE") == 0) { *button = SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_GUIDE; return true; } if (*pText == '6' || strcasecmp(pText, "START") == 0) { *button = SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_START; return true; } if (*pText == '7' || strcasecmp(pText, "LS") == 0) { *button = SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_LEFTSTICK; return true; } if (*pText == '8' || strcasecmp(pText, "RS") == 0) { *button = SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_RIGHTSTICK; return true; } if (*pText == '9' || strcasecmp(pText, "LB") == 0) { *button = SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_LEFTSHOULDER; return true; } if (strcmp(pText, "10") == 0 || strcasecmp(pText, "RB") == 0) { *button = SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_RIGHTSHOULDER; return true; } return false; } void Game::init(void) { mutebutton = 0; infocus = true; muted = false; musicmuted = false; musicmutebutton = 0; glitchrunkludge = false; hascontrol = true; jumpheld = false; advancetext = false; jumppressed = 0; gravitycontrol = 0; teleport = false; edteleportent = 0; //Added in the port! companion = 0; roomchange = false; teleportscript = ""; savemystats = false; quickrestartkludge = false; tapleft = 0; tapright = 0; press_right = 0; press_left = 0; advancetext = false; pausescript = false; completestop = false; activeactivity = -1; act_fade = 0; backgroundtext = false; startscript = false; newscript = ""; inintermission = false; alarmon = false; alarmdelay = 0; blackout = false; creditposx = 0; creditposy = 0; creditposdelay = 0; useteleporter = false; teleport_to_teleporter = 0; activetele = false; readytotele = 0; activity_lastprompt = ""; activity_r = 0; activity_g = 0; activity_b = 0; creditposition = 0; bestgamedeaths = -1; fullScreenEffect_badSignal = false; //Accessibility Options colourblindmode = false; noflashingmode = false; slowdown = 30; gameframerate=34; fullscreen = false;// true; //Assumed true at first unless overwritten at some point! stretchMode = 0; useLinearFilter = false; advanced_mode = false; fullScreenEffect_badSignal = false; // 0..5 controllerSensitivity = 2; nodeathmode = false; nocutscenes = false; for(int i=0; i<50; i++) { customscript[i]=""; } customcol=0; crewstats.resize(6); tele_crewstats.resize(6); quick_crewstats.resize(6); besttimes.resize(6, -1); besttrinkets.resize(6, -1); bestlives.resize(6, -1); bestrank.resize(6, -1); crewstats[0] = true; lastsaved = 0; tele_gametime = "00:00"; tele_trinkets = 0; tele_currentarea = "Error! Error!"; quick_gametime = "00:00"; quick_trinkets = 0; quick_currentarea = "Error! Error!"; //Menu stuff initiliased here: unlock.resize(25); unlocknotify.resize(25); currentmenuoption = 0; current_credits_list_index = 0; menuxoff = 0; menuyoff = 0; menucountdown = 0; levelpage=0; playcustomlevel=0; customleveltitle=""; createmenu(Menu::mainmenu); deathcounts = 0; gameoverdelay = 0; frames = 0; seconds = 0; minutes = 0; hours = 0; gamesaved = false; savetime = "00:00"; savearea = "nowhere"; savetrinkets = 0; intimetrial = false; timetrialcountdown = 0; timetrialshinytarget = 0; timetrialparlost = false; timetrialpar = 0; timetrialresulttime = 0; totalflips = 0; hardestroom = "Welcome Aboard"; hardestroomdeaths = 0; currentroomdeaths=0; inertia = 1.1f; swnmode = false; swntimer = 0; swngame = 0;//Not playing sine wave ninja! swnstate = 0; swnstate2 = 0; swnstate3 = 0; swnstate4 = 0; swndelay = 0; swndeaths = 0; supercrewmate = false; scmhurt = false; scmprogress = 0; scmmoveme = false; swncolstate = 0; swncoldelay = 0; swnrecord = 0; swnbestrank = 0; swnrank = 0; swnmessage = 0; clearcustomlevelstats(); saveFilePath = FILESYSTEM_getUserSaveDirectory(); tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; if (!FILESYSTEM_loadTiXml2Document("saves/qsave.vvv", doc)) { quicksummary = ""; printf("Quick Save Not Found\n"); } else { tinyxml2::XMLHandle hDoc(&doc); tinyxml2::XMLElement* pElem; tinyxml2::XMLHandle hRoot(NULL); pElem=hDoc.FirstChildElement().ToElement(); if (!pElem) { printf("Quick Save Appears Corrupted: No XML Root\n"); } // save this for later hRoot=tinyxml2::XMLHandle(pElem); for( pElem = hRoot.FirstChildElement( "Data" ).FirstChild().ToElement(); pElem; pElem=pElem->NextSiblingElement()) { std::string pKey(pElem->Value()); const char* pText = pElem->GetText() ; if (pKey == "summary") { quicksummary = pText; } } } tinyxml2::XMLDocument docTele; if (!FILESYSTEM_loadTiXml2Document("saves/tsave.vvv", docTele)) { telesummary = ""; printf("Teleporter Save Not Found\n"); } else { tinyxml2::XMLHandle hDoc(&docTele); tinyxml2::XMLElement* pElem; tinyxml2::XMLHandle hRoot(NULL); { pElem=hDoc.FirstChildElement().ToElement(); // should always have a valid root but handle gracefully if it does if (!pElem) { printf("Teleporter Save Appears Corrupted: No XML Root\n"); } // save this for later hRoot=tinyxml2::XMLHandle(pElem); } for( pElem = hRoot.FirstChildElement( "Data" ).FirstChild().ToElement(); pElem; pElem=pElem->NextSiblingElement()) { std::string pKey(pElem->Value()); const char* pText = pElem->GetText() ; if (pKey == "summary") { telesummary = pText; } } } screenshake = flashlight = 0 ; stat_trinkets = 0; state = 1; statedelay = 0; //updatestate(); skipfakeload = false; cliplaytest = false; playx = 0; playy = 0; playrx = 0; playry = 0; playgc = 0; fadetomenu = false; fadetomenudelay = 0; fadetolab = false; fadetolabdelay = 0; #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) shouldreturntoeditor = false; #endif /* Terry's Patrons... */ const char* superpatrons_arr[] = { "Anders Ekermo", "Andreas K|mper", "Anthony Burch", "Bennett Foddy", "Brendan O'Sullivan", "Christopher Armstrong", "Daniel Benmergui", "David Pittman", "Ian Bogost", "Ian Poma", "Jaz McDougall", "John Faulkenbury", "Jonathan Whiting", "Kyle Pulver", "Markus Persson", "Nathan Ostgard", "Nick Easler", "Stephen Lavelle", }; superpatrons.insert(superpatrons.end(), superpatrons_arr, superpatrons_arr + sizeof(superpatrons_arr)/sizeof(superpatrons_arr[0])); const char* patrons_arr[] = { "Adam Wendt", "Andreas J{rgensen", "}ngel Louzao Penalva", "Ashley Burton", "Aubrey Hesselgren", "Bradley Rose", "Brendan Urquhart", "Chris Ayotte", "Christopher Zamanillo", "Daniel Schuller", "Hybrid Mind Studios", "Emilie McGinley", "Francisco Solares", "Hal Helms", "Hayden Scott-Baron", "Hermit Games", "Ido Yehieli", "Jade Vault Games", "James Andrews", "James Riley", "James Hsieh", "Jasper Byrne", "Jedediah Baker", "Jens Bergensten", "Jeremy J. Penner", "Jeremy Peterson", "Jim McGinley", "Jonathan Cartwright", "John Nesky", "Jos Yule", "Jose Flores", "Josh Bizeau", "Joshua Buergel", "Joshua Hochner", "Kurt Ostfeld", "Magnus P~lsson", "Mark Neschadimenko", "Matt Antonellis", "Matthew Reppert", "Michael Falkensteiner", "Michael Vendittelli", "Mike Kasprzak", "Mitchel Stein", "Sean Murray", "Simon Michael", "Simon Schmid", "Stephen Maxwell", "Swing Swing Submarine", "Tam Toucan", "Terry Dooher", "Tim W.", "Timothy Bragan", }; patrons.insert(patrons.end(), patrons_arr, patrons_arr + sizeof(patrons_arr)/sizeof(patrons_arr[0])); /* CONTRIBUTORS.txt, again listed alphabetically (according to `sort`) by last name */ const char* githubfriends_arr[] = { "Matt \"Fussmatte\" Aaldenberg", // TODO: Change to "Fußmatte" if/when UTF-8 support is added "AlexApps99", "Christoph B{hmwalder", "Charlie Bruce", "Brian Callahan", "Dav999", "Allison Fleischer", "Daniel Lee", "Fredrik Ljungdahl", "Matt Penny", "Elliott Saltar", "Marvin Scholz", "Keith Stellyes", "Elijah Stone", "Thomas S|nger", "Info Teddy", "Alexandra Tildea", "leo60228", "Emmanuel Vadot", "Remi Verschelde", // TODO: Change to "Rémi" if/when UTF-8 support is added "viri", "Wouter", }; githubfriends.insert(githubfriends.end(), githubfriends_arr, githubfriends_arr + sizeof(githubfriends_arr)/sizeof(githubfriends_arr[0])); /* Calculate credits length, finally. */ creditmaxposition = 1050 + (10 * ( superpatrons.size() + patrons.size() + githubfriends.size() )); } Game::~Game(void) { } void Game::lifesequence() { if (lifeseq > 0) { int i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].invis = false; if (lifeseq == 2) obj.entities[i].invis = true; if (lifeseq == 6) obj.entities[i].invis = true; if (lifeseq >= 8) obj.entities[i].invis = true; if (lifeseq > 5) gravitycontrol = savegc; lifeseq--; if (lifeseq <= 0) { obj.entities[i].invis = false; } } } void Game::clearcustomlevelstats() { //just clearing the arrays for(int i=0; i<200; i++) { customlevelstats[i]=""; customlevelscore[i]=0; } numcustomlevelstats=0; customlevelstatsloaded=false; //To ensure we don't load it where it isn't needed } void Game::updatecustomlevelstats(std::string clevel, int cscore) { if (clevel.find("levels/") != std::string::npos) { clevel = clevel.substr(7); } int tvar=-1; for(int j=0; j=0 && cscore > customlevelscore[tvar]) { //update existing entry customlevelscore[tvar]=cscore; } else { //add a new entry if(numcustomlevelstats<200) { customlevelstats[numcustomlevelstats]=clevel; customlevelscore[numcustomlevelstats]=cscore; numcustomlevelstats++; } } savecustomlevelstats(); } void Game::loadcustomlevelstats() { //testing if(!customlevelstatsloaded) { tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; if (!FILESYSTEM_loadTiXml2Document("saves/levelstats.vvv", doc)) { //No levelstats file exists; start new numcustomlevelstats=0; savecustomlevelstats(); } else { tinyxml2::XMLHandle hDoc(&doc); tinyxml2::XMLElement* pElem; tinyxml2::XMLHandle hRoot(NULL); { pElem=hDoc.FirstChildElement().ToElement(); // should always have a valid root but handle gracefully if it does if (!pElem) { printf("Error: Levelstats file corrupted\n"); } // save this for later hRoot=tinyxml2::XMLHandle(pElem); } for( pElem = hRoot.FirstChildElement( "Data" ).FirstChild().ToElement(); pElem; pElem=pElem->NextSiblingElement()) { std::string pKey(pElem->Value()); const char* pText = pElem->GetText() ; if(pText == NULL) { pText = ""; } if (pKey == "numcustomlevelstats") { numcustomlevelstats = atoi(pText); if(numcustomlevelstats>=200) numcustomlevelstats=199; } if (pKey == "customlevelscore") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { if(i<200) customlevelscore[i]=(atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "customlevelstats") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,'|'); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { if(i<200) customlevelstats[i]=values[i]; } } } } } } } void Game::savecustomlevelstats() { tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; tinyxml2::XMLElement* msg; tinyxml2::XMLDeclaration* decl = doc.NewDeclaration(); doc.LinkEndChild( decl ); tinyxml2::XMLElement * root = doc.NewElement( "Levelstats" ); doc.LinkEndChild( root ); tinyxml2::XMLComment * comment = doc.NewComment(" Levelstats Save file " ); root->LinkEndChild( comment ); tinyxml2::XMLElement * msgs = doc.NewElement( "Data" ); root->LinkEndChild( msgs ); if(numcustomlevelstats>=200)numcustomlevelstats=199; msg = doc.NewElement( "numcustomlevelstats" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(numcustomlevelstats).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string customlevelscorestr; for(int i = 0; i < numcustomlevelstats; i++ ) { customlevelscorestr += help.String(customlevelscore[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "customlevelscore" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( customlevelscorestr.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string customlevelstatsstr; for(int i = 0; i < numcustomlevelstats; i++ ) { customlevelstatsstr += customlevelstats[i] + "|"; } msg = doc.NewElement( "customlevelstats" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( customlevelstatsstr.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); if(FILESYSTEM_saveTiXml2Document("saves/levelstats.vvv", doc)) { printf("Level stats saved\n"); } else { printf("Could Not Save level stats!\n"); printf("Failed: %s%s\n", saveFilePath.c_str(), "levelstats.vvv"); } } void Game::updatestate() { int i; statedelay--; if(statedelay<=0){ statedelay=0; glitchrunkludge=false; } if (statedelay <= 0) { switch(state) { case 0: //Do nothing here! Standard game state break; case 1: //Game initilisation state = 0; break; case 2: //Opening cutscene advancetext = true; hascontrol = false; state = 3; graphics.createtextbox("To do: write quick", 50, 80, 164, 164, 255); graphics.addline("intro to story!"); //Oh no! what happen to rest of crew etc crash into dimension break; case 4: //End of opening cutscene for now graphics.createtextbox(" Press arrow keys or WASD to move ", -1, 195, 174, 174, 174); graphics.textboxtimer(60); state = 0; break; case 5: //Demo over advancetext = true; hascontrol = false; /*graphics.createtextbox(" Prototype Complete ", 50, 80, 164, 164, 255); graphics.addline("Congrats! More Info Soon!"); graphics.textboxcenter(); */ startscript = true; newscript="returntohub"; obj.removetrigger(5); state = 6; break; case 7: //End of opening cutscene for now graphics.textboxremove(); hascontrol = true; advancetext = false; state = 0; break; case 8: //Enter dialogue obj.removetrigger(8); if (!obj.flags[13]) { obj.flags[13] = true; graphics.createtextbox(" Press ENTER to view map ", -1, 155, 174, 174, 174); graphics.addline(" and quicksave"); graphics.textboxtimer(60); } state = 0; break; case 9: //Start SWN Minigame Mode B obj.removetrigger(9); swnmode = true; swngame = 6; swndelay = 150; swntimer = 60 * 30; //set the checkpoint in the middle of the screen savepoint = 0; savex = 148; savey = 100; savegc = 0; saverx = roomx; savery = roomy; savedir = 0; state = 0; break; case 10: //Start SWN Minigame Mode A obj.removetrigger(10); swnmode = true; swngame = 4; swndelay = 150; swntimer = 60 * 30; //set the checkpoint in the middle of the screen savepoint = 0; savex = 148; savey = 100; savegc = 0; saverx = roomx; savery = roomy; savedir = 0; state = 0; break; case 11: //Intermission 1 instructional textbox, depends on last saved graphics.textboxremovefast(); graphics.createtextbox(" When you're NOT standing on ", -1, 3, 174, 174, 174); if (graphics.flipmode) { if (lastsaved == 2) { graphics.addline(" the ceiling, Vitellary will"); } else if (lastsaved == 3) { graphics.addline(" the ceiling, Vermilion will"); } else if (lastsaved == 4) { graphics.addline(" the ceiling, Verdigris will"); } else if (lastsaved == 5) { graphics.addline(" the ceiling, Victoria will"); } } else { if (lastsaved == 2) { graphics.addline(" the floor, Vitellary will"); } else if (lastsaved == 3) { graphics.addline(" the floor, Vermilion will"); } else if (lastsaved == 4) { graphics.addline(" the floor, Verdigris will"); } else if (lastsaved == 5) { graphics.addline(" the floor, Victoria will"); } } graphics.addline(" stop and wait for you."); graphics.textboxtimer(180); state = 0; break; case 12: //Intermission 1 instructional textbox, depends on last saved obj.removetrigger(12); if (!obj.flags[61]) { obj.flags[61] = true; graphics.textboxremovefast(); graphics.createtextbox(" You can't continue to the next ", -1, 8, 174, 174, 174); if (lastsaved == 5) { graphics.addline(" room until she is safely across. "); } else { graphics.addline(" room until he is safely across. "); } graphics.textboxtimer(120); } state = 0; break; case 13: //textbox removal obj.removetrigger(13); graphics.textboxremovefast(); state = 0; break; case 14: //Intermission 1 instructional textbox, depends on last saved if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" When you're standing on the ceiling, ", -1, 3, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" When you're standing on the floor, ", -1, 3, 174, 174, 174); } if (lastsaved == 2) { graphics.addline(" Vitellary will try to walk to you. "); } else if (lastsaved == 3) { graphics.addline(" Vermilion will try to walk to you. "); } else if (lastsaved == 4) { graphics.addline(" Verdigris will try to walk to you. "); } else if (lastsaved == 5) { graphics.addline(" Victoria will try to walk to you. "); } graphics.textboxtimer(280); state = 0; break; case 15: //leaving the naughty corner obj.entities[obj.getplayer()].tile = 0; state = 0; break; case 16: //entering the naughty corner if(obj.entities[obj.getplayer()].tile == 0) { obj.entities[obj.getplayer()].tile = 144; music.playef(2); } state = 0; break; case 17: //Arrow key tutorial obj.removetrigger(17); graphics.createtextbox(" If you prefer, you can press UP or ", -1, 195, 174, 174, 174); graphics.addline(" DOWN instead of ACTION to flip."); graphics.textboxtimer(100); state = 0; break; case 20: if (!obj.flags[1]) { obj.flags[1] = true; state = 0; graphics.textboxremove(); } obj.removetrigger(20); break; case 21: if (!obj.flags[2]) { obj.flags[2] = true; state = 0; graphics.textboxremove(); } obj.removetrigger(21); break; case 22: if (!obj.flags[3]) { graphics.textboxremovefast(); obj.flags[3] = true; state = 0; graphics.createtextbox(" Press ACTION to flip ", -1, 25, 174, 174, 174); graphics.textboxtimer(60); } obj.removetrigger(22); break; case 30: //Generic "run script" if (!obj.flags[4]) { obj.flags[4] = true; startscript = true; newscript="firststeps"; state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(30); state = 0; break; case 31: //state = 55; statedelay = 50; state = 0; statedelay = 0; if (!obj.flags[6]) { obj.flags[6] = true; obj.flags[5] = true; startscript = true; newscript="communicationstation"; state = 0; statedelay = 0; } obj.removetrigger(31); break; case 32: //Generic "run script" if (!obj.flags[7]) { obj.flags[7] = true; startscript = true; newscript="teleporterback"; state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(32); state = 0; break; case 33: //Generic "run script" if (!obj.flags[9]) { obj.flags[9] = true; startscript = true; newscript="rescueblue"; state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(33); state = 0; break; case 34: //Generic "run script" if (!obj.flags[10]) { obj.flags[10] = true; startscript = true; newscript="rescueyellow"; state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(34); state = 0; break; case 35: //Generic "run script" if (!obj.flags[11]) { obj.flags[11] = true; startscript = true; newscript="rescuegreen"; state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(35); state = 0; break; case 36: //Generic "run script" if (!obj.flags[8]) { obj.flags[8] = true; startscript = true; newscript="rescuered"; state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(36); state = 0; break; case 37: //Generic "run script" if (companion == 0) { startscript = true; newscript="int2_yellow"; state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(37); state = 0; break; case 38: //Generic "run script" if (companion == 0) { startscript = true; newscript="int2_red"; state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(38); state = 0; break; case 39: //Generic "run script" if (companion == 0) { startscript = true; newscript="int2_green"; state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(39); state = 0; break; case 40: //Generic "run script" if (companion == 0) { startscript = true; newscript="int2_blue"; state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(40); state = 0; break; case 41: //Generic "run script" if (!obj.flags[60]) { obj.flags[60] = true; startscript = true; if (lastsaved == 2) { newscript = "int1yellow_2"; } else if (lastsaved == 3) { newscript = "int1red_2"; } else if (lastsaved == 4) { newscript = "int1green_2"; } else if (lastsaved == 5) { newscript = "int1blue_2"; } state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(41); state = 0; break; case 42: //Generic "run script" if (!obj.flags[62]) { obj.flags[62] = true; startscript = true; if (lastsaved == 2) { newscript = "int1yellow_3"; } else if (lastsaved == 3) { newscript = "int1red_3"; } else if (lastsaved == 4) { newscript = "int1green_3"; } else if (lastsaved == 5) { newscript = "int1blue_3"; } state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(42); state = 0; break; case 43: //Generic "run script" if (!obj.flags[63]) { obj.flags[63] = true; startscript = true; if (lastsaved == 2) { newscript = "int1yellow_4"; } else if (lastsaved == 3) { newscript = "int1red_4"; } else if (lastsaved == 4) { newscript = "int1green_4"; } else if (lastsaved == 5) { newscript = "int1blue_4"; } state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(43); state = 0; break; case 44: //Generic "run script" if (!obj.flags[64]) { obj.flags[64] = true; startscript = true; if (lastsaved == 2) { newscript = "int1yellow_5"; } else if (lastsaved == 3) { newscript = "int1red_5"; } else if (lastsaved == 4) { newscript = "int1green_5"; } else if (lastsaved == 5) { newscript = "int1blue_5"; } state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(44); state = 0; break; case 45: //Generic "run script" if (!obj.flags[65]) { obj.flags[65] = true; startscript = true; if (lastsaved == 2) { newscript = "int1yellow_6"; } else if (lastsaved == 3) { newscript = "int1red_6"; } else if (lastsaved == 4) { newscript = "int1green_6"; } else if (lastsaved == 5) { newscript = "int1blue_6"; } state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(45); state = 0; break; case 46: //Generic "run script" if (!obj.flags[66]) { obj.flags[66] = true; startscript = true; if (lastsaved == 2) { newscript = "int1yellow_7"; } else if (lastsaved == 3) { newscript = "int1red_7"; } else if (lastsaved == 4) { newscript = "int1green_7"; } else if (lastsaved == 5) { newscript = "int1blue_7"; } state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(46); state = 0; break; case 47: //Generic "run script" if (!obj.flags[69]) { obj.flags[69] = true; startscript = true; newscript="trenchwarfare"; state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(47); state = 0; break; case 48: //Generic "run script" if (!obj.flags[70]) { obj.flags[70] = true; startscript = true; newscript="trinketcollector"; state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(48); state = 0; break; case 49: //Start final level music if (!obj.flags[71]) { obj.flags[71] = true; music.niceplay(15); //Final level remix state = 0; } obj.removetrigger(49); state = 0; break; case 50: music.playef(15); graphics.createtextbox("Help! Can anyone hear", 35, 15, 255, 134, 255); graphics.addline("this message?"); graphics.textboxtimer(60); state++; statedelay = 100; break; case 51: music.playef(15); graphics.createtextbox("Verdigris? Are you out", 30, 12, 255, 134, 255); graphics.addline("there? Are you ok?"); graphics.textboxtimer(60); state++; statedelay = 100; break; case 52: music.playef(15); graphics.createtextbox("Please help us! We've crashed", 5, 22, 255, 134, 255); graphics.addline("and need assistance!"); graphics.textboxtimer(60); state++; statedelay = 100; break; case 53: music.playef(15); graphics.createtextbox("Hello? Anyone out there?", 40, 15, 255, 134, 255); graphics.textboxtimer(60); state++; statedelay = 100; break; case 54: music.playef(15); graphics.createtextbox("This is Doctor Violet from the", 5, 8, 255, 134, 255); graphics.addline("D.S.S. Souleye! Please respond!"); graphics.textboxtimer(60); state++; statedelay = 100; break; case 55: music.playef(15); graphics.createtextbox("Please... Anyone...", 45, 14, 255, 134, 255); graphics.textboxtimer(60); state++; statedelay = 100; break; case 56: music.playef(15); graphics.createtextbox("Please be alright, everyone...", 25, 18, 255, 134, 255); graphics.textboxtimer(60); state=50; statedelay = 100; break; case 80: //Used to return to menu from the game if(graphics.fademode == 1) state++; break; case 81: quittomenu(); state = 0; break; case 82: //Time Trial Complete! obj.removetrigger(82); hascontrol = false; timetrialresulttime = seconds + (minutes * 60); timetrialrank = 0; if (timetrialresulttime <= timetrialpar) timetrialrank++; if (trinkets() >= timetrialshinytarget) timetrialrank++; if (deathcounts == 0) timetrialrank++; if (timetrialresulttime < besttimes[timetriallevel] || besttimes[timetriallevel]==-1) { besttimes[timetriallevel] = timetrialresulttime; } if (trinkets() > besttrinkets[timetriallevel] || besttrinkets[timetriallevel]==-1) { besttrinkets[timetriallevel] = trinkets(); } if (deathcounts < bestlives[timetriallevel] || bestlives[timetriallevel]==-1) { bestlives[timetriallevel] = deathcounts; } if (timetrialrank > bestrank[timetriallevel] || bestrank[timetriallevel]==-1) { bestrank[timetriallevel] = timetrialrank; if(timetrialrank>=3){ if(timetriallevel==0) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvtimetrial_station1_fixed"); if(timetriallevel==1) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvtimetrial_lab_fixed"); if(timetriallevel==2) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvtimetrial_tower_fixed"); if(timetriallevel==3) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvtimetrial_station2_fixed"); if(timetriallevel==4) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvtimetrial_warp_fixed"); if(timetriallevel==5) NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvtimetrial_final_fixed"); } } savestats(); graphics.fademode = 2; music.fadeout(); state++; break; case 83: frames--; if(graphics.fademode == 1) state++; break; case 84: graphics.flipmode = false; gamestate = TITLEMODE; graphics.fademode = 4; graphics.backgrounddrawn = true; map.tdrawback = true; createmenu(Menu::timetrialcomplete); state = 0; break; case 85: //Cutscene skip version of final level change obj.removetrigger(85); //Init final stretch state++; music.playef(9); music.play(2); obj.flags[72] = true; screenshake = 10; flashlight = 5; map.finalstretch = true; map.warpx = false; map.warpy = false; map.background = 6; map.final_colormode = true; map.final_colorframe = 1; state = 0; break; //From 90-100 are run scripts for the eurogamer expo only, remove later case 90: //Generic "run script" startscript = true; newscript="startexpolevel_station1"; obj.removetrigger(90); state = 0; break; case 91: //Generic "run script" startscript = true; newscript="startexpolevel_lab"; obj.removetrigger(91); state = 0; break; case 92: //Generic "run script" startscript = true; newscript="startexpolevel_warp"; obj.removetrigger(92); state = 0; break; case 93: //Generic "run script" startscript = true; newscript="startexpolevel_tower"; obj.removetrigger(93); state = 0; break; case 94: //Generic "run script" startscript = true; newscript="startexpolevel_station2"; obj.removetrigger(94); state = 0; break; case 95: //Generic "run script" startscript = true; newscript="startexpolevel_final"; obj.removetrigger(95); state = 0; break; case 96: //Used to return to gravitron to game if(graphics.fademode == 1) state++; break; case 97: returntolab(); state = 0; break; case 100: // // Meeting crewmate in the warpzone // obj.removetrigger(100); if (!obj.flags[4]) { obj.flags[4] = true; state++; } break; case 101: { i = obj.getplayer(); hascontrol = false; if (obj.entities[i].onroof > 0 && gravitycontrol == 1) { gravitycontrol = 0; music.playef(1); } if (obj.entities[i].onground > 0) { state++; } } break; case 102: { companion = 6; i = obj.getcompanion(); obj.entities[i].tile = 0; obj.entities[i].state = 1; advancetext = true; hascontrol = false; graphics.createtextbox("Captain! I've been so worried!", 60, 90, 164, 255, 164); state++; music.playef(12); } break; case 104: graphics.createtextbox("I'm glad you're ok!", 135, 152, 164, 164, 255); state++; music.playef(11); graphics.textboxactive(); break; case 106: { graphics.createtextbox("I've been trying to find a", 74, 70, 164, 255, 164); graphics.addline("way out, but I keep going"); graphics.addline("around in circles..."); state++; music.playef(2); graphics.textboxactive(); i = obj.getcompanion(); obj.entities[i].tile = 54; obj.entities[i].state = 0; } break; case 108: graphics.createtextbox("Don't worry! I have a", 125, 152, 164, 164, 255); graphics.addline("teleporter key!"); state++; music.playef(11); graphics.textboxactive(); break; case 110: { i = obj.getcompanion(); obj.entities[i].tile = 0; obj.entities[i].state = 1; graphics.createtextbox("Follow me!", 185, 154, 164, 164, 255); state++; music.playef(11); graphics.textboxactive(); } break; case 112: graphics.textboxremove(); hascontrol = true; advancetext = false; state = 0; break; case 115: // // Test script for space station, totally delete me! // { i = obj.getplayer(); hascontrol = false; state++; } break; case 116: advancetext = true; hascontrol = false; graphics.createtextbox("Sorry Eurogamers! Teleporting around", 60 - 20, 200, 255, 64, 64); graphics.addline("the map doesn't work in this version!"); graphics.textboxcenterx(); state++; break; case 118: graphics.textboxremove(); hascontrol = true; advancetext = false; state = 0; break; case 120: // // Meeting crewmate in the space station // obj.removetrigger(120); if (!obj.flags[5]) { obj.flags[5] = true; state++; } break; case 121: { i = obj.getplayer(); hascontrol = false; if (obj.entities[i].onground > 0 && gravitycontrol == 0) { gravitycontrol = 1; music.playef(1); } if (obj.entities[i].onroof > 0) { state++; } } break; case 122: companion = 7; i = obj.getcompanion(); obj.entities[i].tile = 6; obj.entities[i].state = 1; advancetext = true; hascontrol = false; graphics.createtextbox("Captain! You're ok!", 60-10, 90-40, 255, 255, 134); state++; music.playef(14); break; case 124: graphics.createtextbox("I've found a teleporter, but", 60-20, 90 - 40, 255, 255, 134); graphics.addline("I can't get it to go anywhere..."); state++; music.playef(2); graphics.textboxactive(); i = obj.getcompanion(); //obj.entities[i].tile = 66; obj.entities[i].state = 0; break; case 126: graphics.createtextbox("I can help with that!", 125, 152-40, 164, 164, 255); state++; music.playef(11); graphics.textboxactive(); break; case 128: graphics.createtextbox("I have the teleporter", 130, 152-35, 164, 164, 255); graphics.addline("codex for our ship!"); state++; music.playef(11); graphics.textboxactive(); break; case 130: graphics.createtextbox("Yey! Let's go home!", 60-30, 90-35, 255, 255, 134); state++; music.playef(14); graphics.textboxactive(); i = obj.getcompanion(); obj.entities[i].tile = 6; obj.entities[i].state = 1; break; case 132: graphics.textboxremove(); hascontrol = true; advancetext = false; state = 0; break; case 200: //Init final stretch state++; music.playef(9); //music.play(2); obj.flags[72] = true; screenshake = 10; flashlight = 5; map.finalstretch = true; map.warpx = false; map.warpy = false; map.background = 6; map.final_colormode = true; map.final_colorframe = 1; startscript = true; newscript="finalterminal_finish"; state = 0; break; case 300: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[0]; obj.removetrigger(300); state = 0; break; case 301: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[1]; obj.removetrigger(301); state = 0; break; case 302: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[2]; obj.removetrigger(302); state = 0; break; case 303: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[3]; obj.removetrigger(303); state = 0; break; case 304: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[4]; obj.removetrigger(304); state = 0; break; case 305: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[5]; obj.removetrigger(305); state = 0; break; case 306: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[6]; obj.removetrigger(306); state = 0; break; case 307: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[7]; obj.removetrigger(307); state = 0; break; case 308: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[8]; obj.removetrigger(308); state = 0; break; case 309: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[9]; obj.removetrigger(309); state = 0; break; case 310: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[10]; obj.removetrigger(310); state = 0; break; case 311: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[11]; obj.removetrigger(311); state = 0; break; case 312: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[12]; obj.removetrigger(312); state = 0; break; case 313: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[13]; obj.removetrigger(313); state = 0; break; case 314: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[14]; obj.removetrigger(314); state = 0; break; case 315: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[15]; obj.removetrigger(315); state = 0; break; case 316: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[16]; obj.removetrigger(316); state = 0; break; case 317: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[17]; obj.removetrigger(317); state = 0; break; case 318: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[18]; obj.removetrigger(318); state = 0; break; case 319: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[19]; obj.removetrigger(319); state = 0; break; case 320: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[20]; obj.removetrigger(320); state = 0; break; case 321: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[21]; obj.removetrigger(321); state = 0; break; case 322: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[22]; obj.removetrigger(322); state = 0; break; case 323: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[23]; obj.removetrigger(323); state = 0; break; case 324: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[24]; obj.removetrigger(324); state = 0; break; case 325: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[25]; obj.removetrigger(325); state = 0; break; case 326: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[26]; obj.removetrigger(326); state = 0; break; case 327: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[27]; obj.removetrigger(327); state = 0; break; case 328: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[28]; obj.removetrigger(328); state = 0; break; case 329: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[29]; obj.removetrigger(329); state = 0; break; case 330: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[30]; obj.removetrigger(330); state = 0; break; case 331: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[31]; obj.removetrigger(331); state = 0; break; case 332: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[32]; obj.removetrigger(332); state = 0; break; case 333: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[33]; obj.removetrigger(333); state = 0; break; case 334: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[34]; obj.removetrigger(334); state = 0; break; case 335: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[35]; obj.removetrigger(335); state = 0; break; case 336: startscript = true; newscript="custom_"+customscript[36]; obj.removetrigger(336); state = 0; break; case 1000: graphics.showcutscenebars = true; hascontrol = false; completestop = true; state++; statedelay = 15; break; case 1001: //Found a trinket! advancetext = true; state++; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" Congratulations! ", 50, 105, 174, 174, 174); graphics.addline(""); graphics.addline("You have found a shiny trinket!"); graphics.textboxcenterx(); #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) if(map.custommode) { graphics.createtextbox(" " + help.number(trinkets()) + " out of " + help.number(ed.numtrinkets())+ " ", 50, 65, 174, 174, 174); graphics.textboxcenterx(); } else #endif { graphics.createtextbox(" " + help.number(trinkets()) + " out of Twenty ", 50, 65, 174, 174, 174); graphics.textboxcenterx(); } } else { graphics.createtextbox(" Congratulations! ", 50, 85, 174, 174, 174); graphics.addline(""); graphics.addline("You have found a shiny trinket!"); graphics.textboxcenterx(); #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) if(map.custommode) { graphics.createtextbox(" " + help.number(trinkets()) + " out of " + help.number(ed.numtrinkets())+ " ", 50, 135, 174, 174, 174); graphics.textboxcenterx(); } else #endif { graphics.createtextbox(" " + help.number(trinkets()) + " out of Twenty ", 50, 135, 174, 174, 174); graphics.textboxcenterx(); } } break; case 1003: graphics.textboxremove(); hascontrol = true; advancetext = false; completestop = false; state = 0; //music.play(music.resumesong); if(!muted && music.currentsong>-1) music.fadeMusicVolumeIn(3000); graphics.showcutscenebars = false; break; case 1010: graphics.showcutscenebars = true; hascontrol = false; completestop = true; state++; statedelay = 15; break; #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) case 1011: //Found a crewmate! advancetext = true; state++; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" Congratulations! ", 50, 105, 174, 174, 174); graphics.addline(""); graphics.addline("You have found a lost crewmate!"); graphics.textboxcenterx(); if(ed.numcrewmates()-crewmates()==0) { graphics.createtextbox(" All crewmates rescued! ", 50, 65, 174, 174, 174); } else if(ed.numcrewmates()-crewmates()==1) { graphics.createtextbox(" " + help.number(ed.numcrewmates()-crewmates())+ " remains ", 50, 65, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" " + help.number(ed.numcrewmates()-crewmates())+ " remain ", 50, 65, 174, 174, 174); } graphics.textboxcenterx(); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" Congratulations! ", 50, 85, 174, 174, 174); graphics.addline(""); graphics.addline("You have found a lost crewmate!"); graphics.textboxcenterx(); if(ed.numcrewmates()-crewmates()==0) { graphics.createtextbox(" All crewmates rescued! ", 50, 135, 174, 174, 174); } else if(ed.numcrewmates()-crewmates()==1) { graphics.createtextbox(" " + help.number(ed.numcrewmates()-crewmates())+ " remains ", 50, 135, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" " + help.number(ed.numcrewmates()-crewmates())+ " remain ", 50, 135, 174, 174, 174); } graphics.textboxcenterx(); } break; case 1013: graphics.textboxremove(); hascontrol = true; advancetext = false; completestop = false; state = 0; if(ed.numcrewmates()-crewmates()==0) { if(map.custommodeforreal) { graphics.fademode = 2; if(!muted && ed.levmusic>0) music.fadeMusicVolumeIn(3000); if(ed.levmusic>0) music.fadeout(); state=1014; } else { gamestate = EDITORMODE; graphics.backgrounddrawn=false; if(!muted && ed.levmusic>0) music.fadeMusicVolumeIn(3000); if(ed.levmusic>0) music.fadeout(); } } else { if(!muted && ed.levmusic>0) music.fadeMusicVolumeIn(3000); } graphics.showcutscenebars = false; returntomenu(Menu::levellist); break; #endif case 1014: frames--; if(graphics.fademode == 1) state++; break; case 1015: graphics.flipmode = false; gamestate = TITLEMODE; graphics.fademode = 4; music.play(6); graphics.backgrounddrawn = true; map.tdrawback = true; #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) //Update level stats if(ed.numcrewmates()-crewmates()==0) { //Finished level if(ed.numtrinkets()-trinkets()==0) { //and got all the trinkets! updatecustomlevelstats(customlevelfilename, 3); } else { updatecustomlevelstats(customlevelfilename, 1); } } #endif state = 0; break; case 2000: //Game Saved! if (intimetrial || nodeathmode || inintermission) { state = 0; } else { savetele(); if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" Game Saved ", -1, 202, 174, 174, 174); graphics.textboxtimer(25); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" Game Saved ", -1, 12, 174, 174, 174); graphics.textboxtimer(25); } state = 0; } break; case 2500: music.play(5); //Activating a teleporter (appear) state++; statedelay = 15; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90; music.playef(9); break; case 2501: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0; //we're done here! music.playef(10); break; case 2502: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 5; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[obj.getteleporter()].xp+44; obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[obj.getteleporter()].yp+44; obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = 6; obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = 6; i = obj.getteleporter(); obj.entities[i].tile = 1; obj.entities[i].colour = 101; break; case 2503: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break; case 2504: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); //obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break; case 2505: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 8; break; case 2506: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 6; break; case 2507: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); //obj.entities[i].xp += 4; break; case 2508: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 2; break; case 2509: state++; statedelay = 15; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 1; break; case 2510: advancetext = true; hascontrol = false; graphics.createtextbox("Hello?", 125+24, 152-20, 164, 164, 255); state++; music.playef(11); graphics.textboxactive(); break; case 2512: advancetext = true; hascontrol = false; graphics.createtextbox("Is anyone there?", 125+8, 152-24, 164, 164, 255); state++; music.playef(11); graphics.textboxactive(); break; case 2514: graphics.textboxremove(); hascontrol = true; advancetext = false; state = 0; music.play(3); break; case 3000: //Activating a teleporter (long version for level complete) state++; statedelay = 30; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90; music.playef(9); break; case 3001: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 15; flashlight = 5; music.playef(9); break; case 3002: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 15; flashlight = 5; music.playef(9); break; case 3003: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 15; flashlight = 5; music.playef(9); break; case 3004: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0; //we're done here! music.playef(10); break; case 3005: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 50; //testing! //state = 3006; //Warp Zone //state = 3020; //Space Station switch(companion) { case 6: state = 3006; break; //Warp Zone case 7: state = 3020; break; //Space Station case 8: state = 3040; break; //Lab case 9: state = 3060; break; //Tower case 10: state = 3080; break; //Intermission 2 case 11: state = 3085; break; //Intermission 1 } i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = true; i = obj.getcompanion(); if(i>-1) { obj.removeentity(i); } i = obj.getteleporter(); obj.entities[i].tile = 1; obj.entities[i].colour = 100; break; case 3006: //Level complete! (warp zone) unlocknum(4); lastsaved = 4; music.play(0); state++; statedelay = 75; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 180, 165, 165, 255); } else { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 12, 165, 165, 255); } //graphics.addline(" Level Complete! "); graphics.addline(" "); graphics.addline(""); graphics.addline(""); graphics.textboxcenterx(); /* advancetext = true; hascontrol = false; state = 3; graphics.createtextbox("To do: write quick", 50, 80, 164, 164, 255); graphics.addline("intro to story!");*/ break; case 3007: state++; statedelay = 45; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 104, 175,174,174); } else { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 64+8+16, 175,174,174); } graphics.addline(" You have rescued "); graphics.addline(" a crew member! "); graphics.addline(""); graphics.textboxcenterx(); break; case 3008: { state++; statedelay = 45; int temp = 6 - crewrescued(); if (temp == 1) { std::string tempstring = " One remains "; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); } } else if (temp > 0) { std::string tempstring = " " + help.number(temp) + " remain "; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); } } else { if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" All Crew Members Rescued! ", -1, 72, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" All Crew Members Rescued! ", -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); } } graphics.textboxcenterx(); break; } case 3009: state++; statedelay = 0; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" Press ACTION to continue ", -1, 20, 164, 164, 255); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" Press ACTION to continue ", -1, 196, 164, 164, 255); } graphics.textboxcenterx(); break; case 3010: if (jumppressed) { state++; statedelay = 30; graphics.textboxremove(); } break; case 3011: state = 3070; statedelay = 0; break; case 3020: //Level complete! (Space Station 2) unlocknum(3); lastsaved = 2; music.play(0); state++; statedelay = 75; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 180, 165, 165, 255); } else { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 12, 165, 165, 255); } //graphics.addline(" Level Complete! "); graphics.addline(" "); graphics.addline(""); graphics.addline(""); graphics.textboxcenterx(); /* advancetext = true; hascontrol = false; state = 3; graphics.createtextbox("To do: write quick", 50, 80, 164, 164, 255); graphics.addline("intro to story!");*/ break; case 3021: state++; statedelay = 45; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 104, 174,175,174); } else { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 64+8+16, 174,175,174); } graphics.addline(" You have rescued "); graphics.addline(" a crew member! "); graphics.addline(""); graphics.textboxcenterx(); break; case 3022: { state++; statedelay = 45; int temp = 6 - crewrescued(); if (temp == 1) { std::string tempstring = " One remains "; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); } } else if (temp > 0) { std::string tempstring = " " + help.number(temp) + " remain "; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); } } else { if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" All Crew Members Rescued! ", -1, 72, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" All Crew Members Rescued! ", -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); } } graphics.textboxcenterx(); break; } case 3023: state++; statedelay = 0; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" Press ACTION to continue ", -1, 20, 164, 164, 255); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" Press ACTION to continue ", -1, 196, 164, 164, 255); } graphics.textboxcenterx(); break; case 3024: if (jumppressed) { state++; statedelay = 30; graphics.textboxremove(); } break; case 3025: state = 3070; statedelay = 0; break; case 3040: //Level complete! (Lab) unlocknum(1); lastsaved = 5; music.play(0); state++; statedelay = 75; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 180, 165, 165, 255); } else { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 12, 165, 165, 255); } //graphics.addline(" Level Complete! "); graphics.addline(" "); graphics.addline(""); graphics.addline(""); graphics.textboxcenterx(); /* advancetext = true; hascontrol = false; state = 3; graphics.createtextbox("To do: write quick", 50, 80, 164, 164, 255); graphics.addline("intro to story!");*/ break; case 3041: state++; statedelay = 45; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 104, 174,174,175); } else { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 64+8+16, 174,174,175); } graphics.addline(" You have rescued "); graphics.addline(" a crew member! "); graphics.addline(""); graphics.textboxcenterx(); break; case 3042: { state++; statedelay = 45; int temp = 6 - crewrescued(); if (temp == 1) { std::string tempstring = " One remains "; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); } } else if (temp > 0) { std::string tempstring = " " + help.number(temp) + " remain "; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); } } else { if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" All Crew Members Rescued! ", -1, 72, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" All Crew Members Rescued! ", -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); } } graphics.textboxcenterx(); break; } case 3043: state++; statedelay = 0; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" Press ACTION to continue ", -1, 20, 164, 164, 255); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" Press ACTION to continue ", -1, 196, 164, 164, 255); } graphics.textboxcenterx(); break; case 3044: if (jumppressed) { state++; statedelay = 30; graphics.textboxremove(); } break; case 3045: state = 3070; statedelay = 0; break; case 3050: //Level complete! (Space Station 1) unlocknum(0); lastsaved = 1; music.play(0); state++; statedelay = 75; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 180, 165, 165, 255); } else { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 12, 165, 165, 255); } //graphics.addline(" Level Complete! "); graphics.addline(" "); graphics.addline(""); graphics.addline(""); graphics.textboxcenterx(); /* advancetext = true; hascontrol = false; state = 3; graphics.createtextbox("To do: write quick", 50, 80, 164, 164, 255); graphics.addline("intro to story!");*/ break; case 3051: state++; statedelay = 45; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 104, 175,175,174); } else { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 64+8+16, 175,175,174); } graphics.addline(" You have rescued "); graphics.addline(" a crew member! "); graphics.addline(""); graphics.textboxcenterx(); break; case 3052: { state++; statedelay = 45; int temp = 6 - crewrescued(); if (temp == 1) { std::string tempstring = " One remains "; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); } } else if (temp > 0) { std::string tempstring = " " + help.number(temp) + " remain "; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); } } else { if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" All Crew Members Rescued! ", -1, 72, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" All Crew Members Rescued! ", -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); } } graphics.textboxcenterx(); break; } case 3053: state++; statedelay = 0; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" Press ACTION to continue ", -1, 20, 164, 164, 255); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" Press ACTION to continue ", -1, 196, 164, 164, 255); } graphics.textboxcenterx(); break; case 3054: if (jumppressed) { state++; statedelay = 30; graphics.textboxremove(); crewstats[1] = 0; //Set violet's rescue script to 0 to make the next bit easier teleportscript = ""; } break; case 3055: graphics.fademode = 2; state++; statedelay = 10; break; case 3056: if(graphics.fademode==1) { startscript = true; if (nocutscenes) { newscript="bigopenworldskip"; } else { newscript = "bigopenworld"; } state = 0; } break; case 3060: //Level complete! (Tower) unlocknum(2); lastsaved = 3; music.play(0); state++; statedelay = 75; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 180, 165, 165, 255); } else { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 12, 165, 165, 255); } //graphics.addline(" Level Complete! "); graphics.addline(" "); graphics.addline(""); graphics.addline(""); graphics.textboxcenterx(); /* advancetext = true; hascontrol = false; state = 3; graphics.createtextbox("To do: write quick", 50, 80, 164, 164, 255); graphics.addline("intro to story!");*/ break; case 3061: state++; statedelay = 45; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 104, 175,174,175); } else { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 64+8+16, 175,174,175); } graphics.addline(" You have rescued "); graphics.addline(" a crew member! "); graphics.addline(""); graphics.textboxcenterx(); break; case 3062: { state++; statedelay = 45; int temp = 6 - crewrescued(); if (temp == 1) { std::string tempstring = " One remains "; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); } } else if (temp > 0) { std::string tempstring = " " + help.number(temp) + " remain "; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); } } else { if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" All Crew Members Rescued! ", -1, 72, 174, 174, 174); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" All Crew Members Rescued! ", -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); } } graphics.textboxcenterx(); break; } case 3063: state++; statedelay = 0; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" Press ACTION to continue ", -1, 20, 164, 164, 255); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" Press ACTION to continue ", -1, 196, 164, 164, 255); } graphics.textboxcenterx(); break; case 3064: if (jumppressed) { state++; statedelay = 30; graphics.textboxremove(); } break; case 3065: state = 3070; statedelay = 0; break; case 3070: graphics.fademode = 2; state++; break; case 3071: if (graphics.fademode == 1) state++; break; case 3072: //Ok, we need to adjust some flags based on who've we've rescued. Some of there conversation options //change depending on when they get back to the ship. if (lastsaved == 2) { if (crewstats[3]) obj.flags[25] = true; if (crewstats[4]) obj.flags[26] = true; if (crewstats[5]) obj.flags[24] = true; } else if (lastsaved == 3) { if (crewstats[2]) obj.flags[50] = true; if (crewstats[4]) obj.flags[49] = true; if (crewstats[5]) obj.flags[48] = true; } else if (lastsaved == 4) { if (crewstats[2]) obj.flags[54] = true; if (crewstats[3]) obj.flags[55] = true; if (crewstats[5]) obj.flags[56] = true; } else if (lastsaved == 5) { if (crewstats[2]) obj.flags[37] = true; if (crewstats[3]) obj.flags[38] = true; if (crewstats[4]) obj.flags[39] = true; } //We're pitch black now, make a decision companion = 0; if (crewrescued() == 6) { startscript = true; newscript="startlevel_final"; state = 0; } else if (crewrescued() == 4) { companion = 11; supercrewmate = true; scmprogress = 0; startscript = true; newscript = "intermission_1"; obj.flags[19] = true; if (lastsaved == 2) obj.flags[32] = true; if (lastsaved == 3) obj.flags[35] = true; if (lastsaved == 4) obj.flags[34] = true; if (lastsaved == 5) obj.flags[33] = true; state = 0; } else if (crewrescued() == 5) { startscript = true; newscript = "intermission_2"; obj.flags[20] = true; if (lastsaved == 2) obj.flags[32] = true; if (lastsaved == 3) obj.flags[35] = true; if (lastsaved == 4) obj.flags[34] = true; if (lastsaved == 5) obj.flags[33] = true; state = 0; } else { startscript = true; newscript="regularreturn"; state = 0; } break; case 3080: //returning from an intermission, very like 3070 if (inintermission) { graphics.fademode = 2; companion = 0; returnmenu(); state=3100; } else { unlocknum(7); graphics.fademode = 2; companion = 0; state++; } break; case 3081: if (graphics.fademode == 1) state++; break; case 3082: map.finalmode = false; startscript = true; newscript="regularreturn"; state = 0; break; case 3085: //returning from an intermission, very like 3070 //return to menu from here if (inintermission) { companion = 0; supercrewmate = false; state++; graphics.fademode = 2; music.fadeout(); returnmenu(); state=3100; } else { unlocknum(6); graphics.fademode = 2; companion = 0; supercrewmate = false; state++; } break; case 3086: if (graphics.fademode == 1) state++; break; case 3087: map.finalmode = false; startscript = true; newscript="regularreturn"; state = 0; break; case 3100: if(graphics.fademode == 1) state++; break; case 3101: graphics.flipmode = false; gamestate = TITLEMODE; graphics.fademode = 4; graphics.backgrounddrawn = true; map.tdrawback = true; music.play(6); state = 0; break; //startscript = true; newscript="returntohub"; //state = 0; /*case 3025: if (recording == 1) { //if recording the input, output it to debug here trace(recordstring); help.toclipboard(recordstring); } test = true; teststring = recordstring; graphics.createtextbox(" Congratulations! ", 50, 80, 164, 164, 255); graphics.addline(""); graphics.addline("Your play of this level has"); graphics.addline("been copied to the clipboard."); graphics.addline(""); graphics.addline("Please consider pasting and"); graphics.addline("sending it to me! Even if you"); graphics.addline("made a lot of mistakes - knowing"); graphics.addline("exactly where people are having"); graphics.addline("trouble is extremely useful!"); graphics.textboxcenter(); state = 0; break;*/ case 3500: music.fadeout(); state++; statedelay = 120; //state = 3511; //testing break; case 3501: //Game complete! NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvgamecomplete"); unlocknum(5); crewstats[0] = true; state++; statedelay = 75; music.play(7); if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 180, 164, 165, 255); } else { graphics.createtextbox("", -1, 12, 164, 165, 255); } graphics.addline(" "); graphics.addline(""); graphics.addline(""); graphics.textboxcenterx(); break; case 3502: state++; statedelay = 45+15; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" All Crew Members Rescued! ", -1, 175-24, 0, 0, 0); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" All Crew Members Rescued! ", -1, 64, 0, 0, 0); } savetime = timestring(); break; case 3503: { state++; statedelay = 45; std::string tempstring = help.number(trinkets()); if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox("Trinkets Found:", 48, 155-24, 0,0,0); graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, 180, 155-24, 0, 0, 0); } else { graphics.createtextbox("Trinkets Found:", 48, 84, 0,0,0); graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, 180, 84, 0, 0, 0); } break; } case 3504: { state++; statedelay = 45+15; std::string tempstring = savetime; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" Game Time:", 64, 143-24, 0,0,0); graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, 180, 143-24, 0, 0, 0); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" Game Time:", 64, 96, 0,0,0); graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, 180, 96, 0, 0, 0); } break; } case 3505: state++; statedelay = 45; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" Total Flips:", 64, 116-24, 0,0,0); graphics.createtextbox(help.String(totalflips), 180, 116-24, 0, 0, 0); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" Total Flips:", 64, 123, 0,0,0); graphics.createtextbox(help.String(totalflips), 180, 123, 0, 0, 0); } break; case 3506: state++; statedelay = 45+15; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox("Total Deaths:", 64, 104-24, 0,0,0); graphics.createtextbox(help.String(deathcounts), 180, 104-24, 0, 0, 0); } else { graphics.createtextbox("Total Deaths:", 64, 135, 0,0,0); graphics.createtextbox(help.String(deathcounts), 180, 135, 0, 0, 0); } break; case 3507: { state++; statedelay = 45+15; if (graphics.flipmode) { std::string tempstring = "Hardest Room (with " + help.String(hardestroomdeaths) + " deaths)"; graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 81-24, 0,0,0); graphics.createtextbox(hardestroom, -1, 69-24, 0, 0, 0); } else { std::string tempstring = "Hardest Room (with " + help.String(hardestroomdeaths) + " deaths)"; graphics.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 158, 0,0,0); graphics.createtextbox(hardestroom, -1, 170, 0, 0, 0); } break; } case 3508: state++; statedelay = 0; if (graphics.flipmode) { graphics.createtextbox(" Press ACTION to continue ", -1, 20, 164, 164, 255); } else { graphics.createtextbox(" Press ACTION to continue ", -1, 196, 164, 164, 255); } graphics.textboxcenterx(); break; case 3509: if (jumppressed) { state++; statedelay = 30; graphics.textboxremove(); } break; case 3510: //Save stats and stuff here if (!obj.flags[73]) { //flip mode complete NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvgamecompleteflip"); unlock[19] = true; } if (bestgamedeaths == -1) { bestgamedeaths = deathcounts; } else { if (deathcounts < bestgamedeaths) { bestgamedeaths = deathcounts; } } if (bestgamedeaths > -1) { if (bestgamedeaths <= 500) { NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvcomplete500"); } if (bestgamedeaths <= 250) { NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvcomplete250"); } if (bestgamedeaths <= 100) { NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvcomplete100"); } if (bestgamedeaths <= 50) { NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvcomplete50"); } } savestats(); if (nodeathmode) { NETWORK_unlockAchievement("vvvvvvmaster"); //bloody hell unlock[20] = true; state = 3520; statedelay = 0; } else { statedelay = 120; state++; } break; case 3511: //Activating a teleporter (long version for level complete) i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].colour = 102; state++; statedelay = 30; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90; music.playef(9); break; case 3512: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 15; flashlight = 5; music.playef(9); break; case 3513: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 15; flashlight = 5; music.playef(9); break; case 3514: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 15; flashlight = 5; music.playef(9); break; case 3515: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = true; //we're done here! music.playef(10); statedelay = 60; break; case 3516: graphics.fademode = 2; state++; break; case 3517: if (graphics.fademode == 1) { state++; statedelay = 30; } break; case 3518: graphics.fademode = 4; state = 0; statedelay = 30; //music.play(5); //music.play(10); map.finalmode = false; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0; map.finalstretch = false; map.finalx = 100; map.finaly = 100; graphics.cutscenebarspos = 320; teleport_to_new_area = true; teleportscript = "gamecomplete"; break; case 3520: //NO DEATH MODE COMPLETE JESUS hascontrol = false; crewstats[0] = true; graphics.fademode = 2; state++; break; case 3521: if(graphics.fademode == 1) state++; break; case 3522: graphics.flipmode = false; gamestate = TITLEMODE; graphics.fademode = 4; graphics.backgrounddrawn = true; map.tdrawback = true; createmenu(Menu::nodeathmodecomplete); state = 0; break; case 4000: //Activating a teleporter (short version) state++; statedelay = 10; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 10; music.playef(9); break; case 4001: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0; //we're done here! music.playef(10); break; case 4002: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 10; //testing! //state = 3006; //Warp Zone //state = 3020; //Space Station //state = 3040; //Lab i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = true; i = obj.getteleporter(); if(i>-1) { obj.entities[i].tile = 1; obj.entities[i].colour = 100; } break; case 4003: state = 0; statedelay = 0; teleport_to_new_area = true; break; case 4010: //Activating a teleporter (default appear) state++; statedelay = 15; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90; music.playef(9); break; case 4011: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0; music.playef(10); break; case 4012: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 5; i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter(); if (j != -1) { obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44; obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44; obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101; } obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 1; obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = 6; obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = 6; break; case 4013: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break; case 4014: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break; case 4015: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 8; break; case 4016: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 6; break; case 4017: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 3; break; case 4018: state++; statedelay = 15; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 1; break; case 4019: if (intimetrial || nodeathmode || inintermission) { } else { savetele(); } i = obj.getteleporter(); activetele = true; teleblock.x = obj.entities[i].xp - 32; teleblock.y = obj.entities[i].yp - 32; teleblock.w = 160; teleblock.h = 160; hascontrol = true; advancetext = false; state = 0; break; case 4020: //Activating a teleporter (default appear) state++; statedelay = 15; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90; music.playef(9); break; case 4021: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0; music.playef(10); break; case 4022: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 5; i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter(); if (j != -1) { obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44; obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44; obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101; } obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 1; obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = 6; obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = 6; break; case 4023: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 12; break; case 4024: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 12; break; case 4025: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break; case 4026: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 8; break; case 4027: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 5; break; case 4028: state++; statedelay = 15; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 2; break; case 4029: hascontrol = true; advancetext = false; state = 0; break; case 4030: //Activating a teleporter (default appear) state++; statedelay = 15; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90; music.playef(9); break; case 4031: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0; music.playef(10); break; case 4032: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 5; i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter(); if (j != -1) { obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44; obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44; obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101; } obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 0; obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = -6; obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = -6; break; case 4033: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 12; break; case 4034: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 12; break; case 4035: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 10; break; case 4036: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 8; break; case 4037: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 5; break; case 4038: state++; statedelay = 15; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 2; break; case 4039: hascontrol = true; advancetext = false; state = 0; break; case 4040: //Activating a teleporter (default appear) state++; statedelay = 15; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90; music.playef(9); break; case 4041: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0; music.playef(10); break; case 4042: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 5; i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter(); if (j != -1) { obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44; obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44; obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101; } obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 1; obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = 6; obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = 6; break; case 4043: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 12; obj.entities[i].yp -= 15; break; case 4044: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 12; obj.entities[i].yp -= 10; break; case 4045: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 12; obj.entities[i].yp -= 10; break; case 4046: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 8; obj.entities[i].yp -= 8; break; case 4047: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 6; obj.entities[i].yp -= 8; break; case 4048: state++; statedelay = 15; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 3; break; case 4049: hascontrol = true; advancetext = false; state = 0; break; case 4050: //Activating a teleporter (default appear) state++; statedelay = 15; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90; music.playef(9); break; case 4051: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0; music.playef(10); break; case 4052: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 5; i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter(); if (j != -1) { obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44; obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44; obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101; } obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 1; obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = 6; obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = 6; break; case 4053: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 4; obj.entities[i].yp -= 15; break; case 4054: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 4; obj.entities[i].yp -= 10; break; case 4055: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 4; obj.entities[i].yp -= 10; break; case 4056: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 4; obj.entities[i].yp -= 8; break; case 4057: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 2; obj.entities[i].yp -= 8; break; case 4058: state++; statedelay = 15; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 1; break; case 4059: hascontrol = true; advancetext = false; state = 0; break; case 4060: //Activating a teleporter (default appear) state++; statedelay = 15; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90; music.playef(9); break; case 4061: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0; music.playef(10); break; case 4062: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 5; i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter(); if (j != -1) { obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44; obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44; obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101; } obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 0; obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = -6; obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = -6; break; case 4063: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 28; obj.entities[i].yp -= 8; break; case 4064: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 28; obj.entities[i].yp -= 8; break; case 4065: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 25; break; case 4066: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 25; break; case 4067: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 20; break; case 4068: state++; statedelay = 15; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 16; break; case 4069: hascontrol = true; advancetext = false; state = 0; break; case 4070: //Activating a teleporter (special for final script, player has colour changed to match rescued crewmate) state++; statedelay = 15; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90; music.playef(9); break; case 4071: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0; music.playef(10); break; case 4072: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 5; i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter(); if (j != -1) { obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44; obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44; obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101; } obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 1; obj.entities[i].colour = obj.crewcolour(lastsaved); obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = 6; obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = 6; break; case 4073: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break; case 4074: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break; case 4075: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 8; break; case 4076: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 6; break; case 4077: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 3; break; case 4078: state++; statedelay = 15; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 1; break; case 4079: state = 0; startscript = true; newscript = "finallevel_teleporter"; break; case 4080: //Activating a teleporter (default appear) state++; statedelay = 15; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90; music.playef(9); break; case 4081: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0; music.playef(10); break; case 4082: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 5; i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter(); if (j != -1) { obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44; obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44; obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101; } obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 1; obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = 6; obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = 6; break; case 4083: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break; case 4084: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break; case 4085: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 8; break; case 4086: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 6; break; case 4087: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 3; break; case 4088: state++; statedelay = 15; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 1; break; case 4089: startscript = true; newscript = "gamecomplete_ending"; state = 0; break; case 4090: //Activating a teleporter (default appear) state++; statedelay = 15; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90; music.playef(9); break; case 4091: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0; music.playef(10); break; case 4092: //Activating a teleporter 2 state++; statedelay = 5; i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter(); if (j != -1) { obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44; obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44; obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101; } obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 1; obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = 6; obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = 6; break; case 4093: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break; case 4094: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break; case 4095: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 8; break; case 4096: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 6; break; case 4097: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 3; break; case 4098: state++; statedelay = 15; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 1; break; case 4099: if (nocutscenes) { startscript = true; newscript = "levelonecompleteskip"; } else { startscript = true; newscript = "levelonecomplete_ending"; } state = 0; break; } } } void Game::gethardestroom() { if (currentroomdeaths > hardestroomdeaths) { hardestroomdeaths = currentroomdeaths; hardestroom = map.roomname; if (map.roomname == "glitch") { if (roomx == 42 && roomy == 51) { hardestroom = "Rear Vindow"; } else if (roomx == 48 && roomy == 51) { hardestroom = "On the Vaterfront"; } else if (roomx == 49 && roomy == 51) { hardestroom = "The Untouchavles"; } } else if (map.roomname == "change") { if (roomx == 45 && roomy == 51) hardestroom =map.specialnames[3]; if (roomx == 46 && roomy == 51) hardestroom =map.specialnames[4]; if (roomx == 47 && roomy == 51) hardestroom =map.specialnames[5]; if (roomx == 50 && roomy == 53) hardestroom =map.specialnames[6]; if (roomx == 50 && roomy == 54) hardestroom = map.specialnames[7]; } else if (map.roomname == "") { hardestroom = "Dimension VVVVVV"; } } } void Game::deletestats() { if (!FILESYSTEM_delete("saves/unlock.vvv")) { puts("Error deleting saves/unlock.vvv"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { unlock[i] = false; unlocknotify[i] = false; } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { besttimes[i] = -1; besttrinkets[i] = -1; bestlives[i] = -1; bestrank[i] = -1; } graphics.setflipmode = false; stat_trinkets = 0; } } void Game::unlocknum( int t ) { if (map.custommode) { //Don't let custom levels unlock things! return; } unlock[t] = true; savestats(); } void Game::loadstats() { tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; if (!FILESYSTEM_loadTiXml2Document("saves/unlock.vvv", doc)) { savestats(); printf("No Stats found. Assuming a new player\n"); } tinyxml2::XMLHandle hDoc(&doc); tinyxml2::XMLElement* pElem; tinyxml2::XMLHandle hRoot(NULL); { pElem=hDoc.FirstChildElement().ToElement(); // should always have a valid root but handle gracefully if it does if (!pElem) { } ; // save this for later hRoot=tinyxml2::XMLHandle(pElem); } // WINDOW DIMS, ADDED AT PATCH 22 int width = 320; int height = 240; for( pElem = hRoot.FirstChildElement( "Data" ).FirstChild().ToElement(); pElem; pElem=pElem->NextSiblingElement()) { std::string pKey(pElem->Value()); const char* pText = pElem->GetText() ; if (pKey == "unlock") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); unlock.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { unlock.push_back(atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "unlocknotify") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); unlocknotify.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { unlocknotify.push_back(atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "besttimes") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); besttimes.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { besttimes.push_back(atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "besttrinkets") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); besttrinkets.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { besttrinkets.push_back(atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "bestlives") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); bestlives.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { bestlives.push_back(atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "bestrank") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); bestrank.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { bestrank.push_back(atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "bestgamedeaths") { bestgamedeaths = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "stat_trinkets") { stat_trinkets = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "fullscreen") { fullscreen = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "stretch") { stretchMode = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "useLinearFilter") { useLinearFilter = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "window_width") { width = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "window_height") { height = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "noflashingmode") { noflashingmode = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "colourblindmode") { colourblindmode = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "setflipmode") { graphics.setflipmode = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "invincibility") { map.invincibility = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "slowdown") { slowdown = atoi(pText); switch(slowdown) { case 30: gameframerate=34; break; case 24: gameframerate=41; break; case 18: gameframerate=55; break; case 12: gameframerate=83; break; default: gameframerate=34; break; } } if (pKey == "swnbestrank") { swnbestrank = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "swnrecord") { swnrecord = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "advanced_mode") { advanced_mode = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "advanced_smoothing") { fullScreenEffect_badSignal = atoi(pText); graphics.screenbuffer->badSignalEffect = fullScreenEffect_badSignal; } if (pKey == "usingmmmmmm") { if(atoi(pText)>0){ usingmmmmmm = 1; }else{ usingmmmmmm = 0; } } if (pKey == "skipfakeload") { skipfakeload = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "notextoutline") { graphics.notextoutline = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "translucentroomname") { graphics.translucentroomname = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "showmousecursor") { graphics.showmousecursor = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "flipButton") { SDL_GameControllerButton newButton; if (GetButtonFromString(pText, &newButton)) { controllerButton_flip.push_back(newButton); } } if (pKey == "enterButton") { SDL_GameControllerButton newButton; if (GetButtonFromString(pText, &newButton)) { controllerButton_map.push_back(newButton); } } if (pKey == "escButton") { SDL_GameControllerButton newButton; if (GetButtonFromString(pText, &newButton)) { controllerButton_esc.push_back(newButton); } } if (pKey == "controllerSensitivity") { controllerSensitivity = atoi(pText); } } if(fullscreen) { graphics.screenbuffer->toggleFullScreen(); } for (int i = 0; i < stretchMode; i += 1) { graphics.screenbuffer->toggleStretchMode(); } if (useLinearFilter) { graphics.screenbuffer->toggleLinearFilter(); } graphics.screenbuffer->ResizeScreen(width, height); if (graphics.showmousecursor == true) { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE); } else { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); } if (controllerButton_flip.size() < 1) { controllerButton_flip.push_back(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_A); } if (controllerButton_map.size() < 1) { controllerButton_map.push_back(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_Y); } if (controllerButton_esc.size() < 1) { controllerButton_esc.push_back(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_B); } } void Game::savestats() { tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; tinyxml2::XMLElement * msg; tinyxml2::XMLDeclaration * decl = doc.NewDeclaration(); doc.LinkEndChild( decl ); tinyxml2::XMLElement * root = doc.NewElement( "Save" ); doc.LinkEndChild( root ); tinyxml2::XMLComment * comment = doc.NewComment(" Save file " ); root->LinkEndChild( comment ); tinyxml2::XMLElement * dataNode = doc.NewElement( "Data" ); root->LinkEndChild( dataNode ); std::string s_unlock; for(size_t i = 0; i < unlock.size(); i++ ) { s_unlock += help.String(unlock[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "unlock" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( s_unlock.c_str() )); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string s_unlocknotify; for(size_t i = 0; i < unlocknotify.size(); i++ ) { s_unlocknotify += help.String(unlocknotify[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "unlocknotify" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( s_unlocknotify.c_str() )); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string s_besttimes; for(size_t i = 0; i < besttrinkets.size(); i++ ) { s_besttimes += help.String(besttimes[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "besttimes" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( s_besttimes.c_str() )); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string s_besttrinkets; for(size_t i = 0; i < besttrinkets.size(); i++ ) { s_besttrinkets += help.String(besttrinkets[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "besttrinkets" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( s_besttrinkets.c_str() )); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string s_bestlives; for(size_t i = 0; i < bestlives.size(); i++ ) { s_bestlives += help.String(bestlives[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "bestlives" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( s_bestlives.c_str() )); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string s_bestrank; for(size_t i = 0; i < bestrank.size(); i++ ) { s_bestrank += help.String(bestrank[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "bestrank" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( s_bestrank.c_str() )); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "bestgamedeaths" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(bestgamedeaths).c_str() )); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "stat_trinkets" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(stat_trinkets).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "fullscreen" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(fullscreen).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "stretch" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(stretchMode).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "useLinearFilter" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(useLinearFilter).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); int width, height; graphics.screenbuffer->GetWindowSize(&width, &height); msg = doc.NewElement( "window_width" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(width).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "window_height" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(height).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "noflashingmode" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(noflashingmode).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "colourblindmode" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(colourblindmode).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "setflipmode" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(graphics.setflipmode).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "invincibility" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(map.invincibility).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "slowdown" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(slowdown).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "swnbestrank" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(swnbestrank).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "swnrecord" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(swnrecord).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "advanced_mode" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(advanced_mode).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "advanced_smoothing" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(fullScreenEffect_badSignal).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "usingmmmmmm" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(usingmmmmmm).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement("skipfakeload"); msg->LinkEndChild(doc.NewText(help.String((int) skipfakeload).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild(msg); msg = doc.NewElement("notextoutline"); msg->LinkEndChild(doc.NewText(help.String((int) graphics.notextoutline).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild(msg); msg = doc.NewElement("translucentroomname"); msg->LinkEndChild(doc.NewText(help.String((int) graphics.translucentroomname).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild(msg); msg = doc.NewElement("showmousecursor"); msg->LinkEndChild(doc.NewText(help.String((int)graphics.showmousecursor).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild(msg); for (size_t i = 0; i < controllerButton_flip.size(); i += 1) { msg = doc.NewElement("flipButton"); msg->LinkEndChild(doc.NewText(help.String((int) controllerButton_flip[i]).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild(msg); } for (size_t i = 0; i < controllerButton_map.size(); i += 1) { msg = doc.NewElement("enterButton"); msg->LinkEndChild(doc.NewText(help.String((int) controllerButton_map[i]).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild(msg); } for (size_t i = 0; i < controllerButton_esc.size(); i += 1) { msg = doc.NewElement("escButton"); msg->LinkEndChild(doc.NewText(help.String((int) controllerButton_esc[i]).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild(msg); } msg = doc.NewElement( "controllerSensitivity" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(controllerSensitivity).c_str())); dataNode->LinkEndChild( msg ); FILESYSTEM_saveTiXml2Document("saves/unlock.vvv", doc); } void Game::customstart() { jumpheld = true; savex = edsavex; savey = edsavey; saverx = edsaverx; savery = edsavery; savegc = edsavegc; savedir = edsavedir; //Worldmap Start //savex = 6 * 8; savey = 15 * 8; saverx = 46; savery = 54; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Final Level Current savepoint = 0; gravitycontrol = savegc; //state = 2; deathseq = -1; lifeseq = 10; //Not dead, in game initilisation state state = 0; deathseq = -1; lifeseq = 0; //let's teleport in! //state = 2500; //if (!nocutscenes) music.play(5); } void Game::start() { jumpheld = true; savex = 232; savey = 113; saverx = 104; savery = 110; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Worldmap Start //savex = 6 * 8; savey = 15 * 8; saverx = 46; savery = 54; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Final Level Current savepoint = 0; gravitycontrol = savegc; //state = 2; deathseq = -1; lifeseq = 10; //Not dead, in game initilisation state state = 0; deathseq = -1; lifeseq = 0; //let's teleport in! //state = 2500; if (!nocutscenes) music.play(5); } void Game::deathsequence() { int i; if (supercrewmate && scmhurt) { i = obj.getscm(); } else { i = obj.getplayer(); } obj.entities[i].colour = 1; obj.entities[i].invis = false; if (deathseq == 30) { if (nodeathmode) { music.fadeout(); gameoverdelay = 60; } deathcounts++; music.playef(2); obj.entities[i].invis = true; if (map.finalmode) { if (roomx - 41 >= 0 && roomx - 41 < 20 && roomy - 48 >= 0 && roomy - 48 < 20) { map.roomdeathsfinal[roomx - 41 + (20 * (roomy - 48))]++; currentroomdeaths = map.roomdeathsfinal[roomx - 41 + (20 * (roomy - 48))]; } } else { if (roomx - 100 >= 0 && roomx - 100 < 20 && roomy - 100 >= 0 && roomy - 100 < 20) { map.roomdeaths[roomx - 100 + (20*(roomy - 100))]++; currentroomdeaths = map.roomdeaths[roomx - 100 + (20 * (roomy - 100))]; } } } if (deathseq == 25) obj.entities[i].invis = true; if (deathseq == 20) obj.entities[i].invis = true; if (deathseq == 16) obj.entities[i].invis = true; if (deathseq == 14) obj.entities[i].invis = true; if (deathseq == 12) obj.entities[i].invis = true; if (deathseq < 10) obj.entities[i].invis = true; if (!nodeathmode) { if (deathseq <= 1) obj.entities[i].invis = false; } else { gameoverdelay--; } } void Game::startspecial( int t ) { jumpheld = true; switch(t) { case 0: //Secret Lab savex = 104; savey = 169; saverx = 118; savery = 106; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; break; case 1: //Intermission 1 (any) savex = 80; savey = 57; saverx = 41; savery = 56; savegc = 0; savedir = 0; break; default: savex = 232; savey = 113; saverx = 104; savery = 110; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Worldmap Start break; } savepoint = 0; gravitycontrol = savegc; state = 0; deathseq = -1; lifeseq = 0; } void Game::starttrial( int t ) { jumpheld = true; switch(t) { case 0: //Space Station 1 savex = 200; savey = 161; saverx = 113; savery = 105; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; break; case 1: //Lab savex = 191; savey = 33; saverx = 102; savery = 116; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; break; case 2: //Tower savex = 84; savey = 193, saverx = 108; savery = 109; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; break; case 3: //Space Station 2 savex = 148; savey = 38; saverx = 112; savery = 114; savegc = 1; savedir = 0; break; case 4: //Warp savex = 52; savey = 73; saverx = 114; savery = 101; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; break; case 5: //Final savex = 101; savey = 113; saverx = 46; savery = 54; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; break; default: savex = 232; savey = 113; saverx = 104; savery = 110; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Worldmap Start break; } savepoint = 0; gravitycontrol = savegc; //state = 2; deathseq = -1; lifeseq = 10; //Not dead, in game initilisation state state = 0; deathseq = -1; lifeseq = 0; } void Game::loadquick() { tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; if (!FILESYSTEM_loadTiXml2Document("saves/qsave.vvv", doc)) return; tinyxml2::XMLHandle hDoc(&doc); tinyxml2::XMLElement* pElem; tinyxml2::XMLHandle hRoot(NULL); { pElem=hDoc.FirstChildElement().ToElement(); // should always have a valid root but handle gracefully if it does if (!pElem) { printf("Save Not Found\n"); } // save this for later hRoot=tinyxml2::XMLHandle(pElem); } for( pElem = hRoot.FirstChildElement( "Data" ).FirstChild().ToElement(); pElem; pElem=pElem->NextSiblingElement()) { std::string pKey(pElem->Value()); const char* pText = pElem->GetText() ; if(pText == NULL) { pText = ""; } if (pKey == "worldmap") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()>1) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); map.explored.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { map.explored.push_back(atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "flags") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); obj.flags.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { obj.flags.push_back((bool) atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "crewstats") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); crewstats.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { crewstats.push_back(atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "collect") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); obj.collect.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { obj.collect.push_back((bool) atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "finalmode") { map.finalmode = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "finalstretch") { map.finalstretch = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "finalx") { map.finalx = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "finaly") { map.finaly = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savex") { savex = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savey") { savey = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "saverx") { saverx = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savery") { savery = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savegc") { savegc = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savedir") { savedir= atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savepoint") { savepoint = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "companion") { companion = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "lastsaved") { lastsaved = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "teleportscript") { teleportscript = pText; } else if (pKey == "supercrewmate") { supercrewmate = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "scmprogress") { scmprogress = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "scmmoveme") { scmmoveme = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "frames") { frames = atoi(pText); frames = 0; } else if (pKey == "seconds") { seconds = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "minutes") { minutes = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "hours") { hours = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "deathcounts") { deathcounts = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "totalflips") { totalflips = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "hardestroom") { hardestroom = pText; } else if (pKey == "hardestroomdeaths") { hardestroomdeaths = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "currentsong") { music.play(atoi(pText)); } } if (map.finalmode) { map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0; } if (map.finalstretch) { map.finalstretch = true; map.final_colormode = true; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 1; } map.showteleporters = true; if(obj.flags[12]) map.showtargets = true; if (obj.flags[42]) map.showtrinkets = true; } void Game::customloadquick(std::string savfile) { if (cliplaytest) { savex = playx; savey = playy; saverx = playrx; savery = playry; savegc = playgc; return; } std::string levelfile = savfile.substr(7); tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; if (!FILESYSTEM_loadTiXml2Document(("saves/"+levelfile+".vvv").c_str(), doc)) return; tinyxml2::XMLHandle hDoc(&doc); tinyxml2::XMLElement* pElem; tinyxml2::XMLHandle hRoot(NULL); { pElem=hDoc.FirstChildElement().ToElement(); // should always have a valid root but handle gracefully if it does if (!pElem) { printf("Save Not Found\n"); } // save this for later hRoot=tinyxml2::XMLHandle(pElem); } for( pElem = hRoot.FirstChildElement( "Data" ).FirstChild().ToElement(); pElem; pElem=pElem->NextSiblingElement()) { std::string pKey(pElem->Value()); const char* pText = pElem->GetText() ; if(pText == NULL) { pText = ""; } if (pKey == "worldmap") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()>1) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); map.explored.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { map.explored.push_back(atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "flags") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); obj.flags.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { obj.flags.push_back((bool) atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "moods") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); for(size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) { obj.customcrewmoods[i]=atoi(values[i].c_str()); } } } if (pKey == "crewstats") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); crewstats.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { crewstats.push_back(atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "collect") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); obj.collect.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { obj.collect.push_back((bool) atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "customcollect") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); obj.customcollect.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { obj.customcollect.push_back((bool) atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "finalmode") { map.finalmode = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "finalstretch") { map.finalstretch = atoi(pText); } if (map.finalmode) { map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0; } if (map.finalstretch) { map.finalstretch = true; map.final_colormode = true; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 1; } if (pKey == "finalx") { map.finalx = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "finaly") { map.finaly = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savex") { savex = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savey") { savey = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "saverx") { saverx = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savery") { savery = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savegc") { savegc = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savedir") { savedir= atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savepoint") { savepoint = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "companion") { companion = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "lastsaved") { lastsaved = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "teleportscript") { teleportscript = pText; } else if (pKey == "supercrewmate") { supercrewmate = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "scmprogress") { scmprogress = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "scmmoveme") { scmmoveme = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "frames") { frames = atoi(pText); frames = 0; } else if (pKey == "seconds") { seconds = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "minutes") { minutes = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "hours") { hours = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "deathcounts") { deathcounts = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "totalflips") { totalflips = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "hardestroom") { hardestroom = pText; } else if (pKey == "hardestroomdeaths") { hardestroomdeaths = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "currentsong") { music.play(atoi(pText)); } else if (pKey == "showminimap") { map.customshowmm = atoi(pText); } } map.showteleporters = true; if(obj.flags[12]) map.showtargets = true; if (obj.flags[42]) map.showtrinkets = true; } void Game::loadsummary() { tinyxml2::XMLDocument docTele; if (!FILESYSTEM_loadTiXml2Document("saves/tsave.vvv", docTele)) { telesummary = ""; } else { tinyxml2::XMLHandle hDoc(&docTele); tinyxml2::XMLElement* pElem; tinyxml2::XMLHandle hRoot(NULL); { pElem=hDoc.FirstChildElement().ToElement(); // should always have a valid root but handle gracefully if it does if (!pElem) { printf("Save Not Found\n"); } // save this for later hRoot=tinyxml2::XMLHandle(pElem); } int l_minute, l_second, l_hours; l_minute = l_second= l_hours = 0; int l_saveX = 0; int l_saveY = 0; for( pElem = hRoot.FirstChildElement( "Data" ).FirstChild().ToElement(); pElem; pElem=pElem->NextSiblingElement()) { std::string pKey(pElem->Value()); const char* pText = pElem->GetText() ; if (pKey == "summary") { telesummary = pText; } else if (pKey == "seconds") { l_second = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "minutes") { l_minute = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "hours") { l_hours = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savery") { l_saveY = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "saverx") { l_saveX = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "trinkets") { tele_trinkets = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "finalmode") { map.finalmode = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "finalstretch") { map.finalstretch = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "crewstats") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); tele_crewstats.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { tele_crewstats.push_back(atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } } tele_gametime = giventimestring(l_hours,l_minute, l_second); tele_currentarea = map.currentarea(map.area(l_saveX, l_saveY)); } tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; if (!FILESYSTEM_loadTiXml2Document("saves/qsave.vvv", doc)) { quicksummary = ""; } else { tinyxml2::XMLHandle hDoc(&doc); tinyxml2::XMLElement* pElem; tinyxml2::XMLHandle hRoot(NULL); { pElem=hDoc.FirstChildElement().ToElement(); // should always have a valid root but handle gracefully if it does if (!pElem) { printf("Save Not Found\n"); } // save this for later hRoot=tinyxml2::XMLHandle(pElem); } int l_minute, l_second, l_hours; l_minute = l_second= l_hours = 0; int l_saveX = 0; int l_saveY = 0; for( pElem = hRoot.FirstChildElement( "Data" ).FirstChild().ToElement(); pElem; pElem=pElem->NextSiblingElement()) { std::string pKey(pElem->Value()); const char* pText = pElem->GetText() ; if (pKey == "summary") { quicksummary = pText; } else if (pKey == "seconds") { l_second = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "minutes") { l_minute = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "hours") { l_hours = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savery") { l_saveY = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "saverx") { l_saveX = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "trinkets") { quick_trinkets = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "finalmode") { map.finalmode = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "finalstretch") { map.finalstretch = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "crewstats") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); quick_crewstats.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { quick_crewstats.push_back(atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } } quick_gametime = giventimestring(l_hours,l_minute, l_second); quick_currentarea = map.currentarea(map.area(l_saveX, l_saveY)); } } void Game::initteleportermode() { //Set the teleporter variable to the right position! teleport_to_teleporter = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < map.teleporters.size(); i++) { if (roomx == map.teleporters[i].x + 100 && roomy == map.teleporters[i].y + 100) { teleport_to_teleporter = i; } } } void Game::savetele() { //TODO make this code a bit cleaner. if (map.custommode) { //Don't trash save data! return; } tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; tinyxml2::XMLElement* msg; tinyxml2::XMLDeclaration* decl = doc.NewDeclaration(); doc.LinkEndChild( decl ); tinyxml2::XMLElement * root = doc.NewElement( "Save" ); doc.LinkEndChild( root ); tinyxml2::XMLComment * comment = doc.NewComment(" Save file " ); root->LinkEndChild( comment ); tinyxml2::XMLElement * msgs = doc.NewElement( "Data" ); root->LinkEndChild( msgs ); //Flags, map and stats std::string mapExplored; for(size_t i = 0; i < map.explored.size(); i++ ) { mapExplored += help.String(map.explored[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "worldmap" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( mapExplored.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string flags; for(size_t i = 0; i < obj.flags.size(); i++ ) { flags += help.String((int) obj.flags[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "flags" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( flags.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string crewstatsString; for(size_t i = 0; i < crewstats.size(); i++ ) { crewstatsString += help.String(crewstats[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "crewstats" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( crewstatsString.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string collect; for(size_t i = 0; i < obj.collect.size(); i++ ) { collect += help.String((int) obj.collect[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "collect" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( collect.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); //Position msg = doc.NewElement( "finalx" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(map.finalx).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "finaly" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(map.finaly).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savex" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savex).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savey" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savey).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "saverx" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(saverx).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savery" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savery).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savegc" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savegc).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savedir" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savedir).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savepoint" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savepoint).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "trinkets" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(trinkets()).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); //Special stats if(music.nicefade==1) { msg = doc.NewElement( "currentsong" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(music.nicechange).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); } else { msg = doc.NewElement( "currentsong" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(music.currentsong).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); } msg = doc.NewElement( "teleportscript" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( teleportscript.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "companion" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(companion).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "lastsaved" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(lastsaved).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "supercrewmate" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( BoolToString(supercrewmate) )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "scmprogress" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(scmprogress).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "scmmoveme" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( BoolToString(scmmoveme) )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "frames" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(frames).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "seconds" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(seconds).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "minutes" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(minutes).c_str()) ); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "hours" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(hours).c_str()) ); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "deathcounts" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(deathcounts).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "totalflips" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(totalflips).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "hardestroom" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( hardestroom.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "hardestroomdeaths" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(hardestroomdeaths).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "finalmode" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( BoolToString(map.finalmode))); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "finalstretch" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( BoolToString(map.finalstretch) )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "summary" ); std::string summary = savearea + ", " + timestring(); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( summary.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); telesummary = summary; if(FILESYSTEM_saveTiXml2Document("saves/tsave.vvv", doc)) { printf("Game saved\n"); } else { printf("Could Not Save game!\n"); printf("Failed: %s%s\n", saveFilePath.c_str(), "tsave.vvv"); } } void Game::savequick() { if (map.custommode) { //Don't trash save data! return; } tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; tinyxml2::XMLElement* msg; tinyxml2::XMLDeclaration* decl = doc.NewDeclaration(); doc.LinkEndChild( decl ); tinyxml2::XMLElement * root = doc.NewElement( "Save" ); doc.LinkEndChild( root ); tinyxml2::XMLComment * comment = doc.NewComment(" Save file " ); root->LinkEndChild( comment ); tinyxml2::XMLElement * msgs = doc.NewElement( "Data" ); root->LinkEndChild( msgs ); //Flags, map and stats std::string mapExplored; for(size_t i = 0; i < map.explored.size(); i++ ) { mapExplored += help.String(map.explored[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "worldmap" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( mapExplored.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string flags; for(size_t i = 0; i < obj.flags.size(); i++ ) { flags += help.String((int) obj.flags[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "flags" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( flags.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string crewstatsString; for(size_t i = 0; i < crewstats.size(); i++ ) { crewstatsString += help.String(crewstats[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "crewstats" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( crewstatsString.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string collect; for(size_t i = 0; i < obj.collect.size(); i++ ) { collect += help.String((int) obj.collect[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "collect" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( collect.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); //Position msg = doc.NewElement( "finalx" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(map.finalx).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "finaly" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(map.finaly).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savex" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savex).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savey" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savey).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "saverx" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(saverx).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savery" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savery).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savegc" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savegc).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savedir" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savedir).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savepoint" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savepoint).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "trinkets" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(trinkets()).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); //Special stats if(music.nicefade==1) { msg = doc.NewElement( "currentsong" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(music.nicechange).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); } else { msg = doc.NewElement( "currentsong" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(music.currentsong).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); } msg = doc.NewElement( "teleportscript" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( teleportscript.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "companion" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(companion).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "lastsaved" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(lastsaved).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "supercrewmate" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( BoolToString(supercrewmate) )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "scmprogress" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(scmprogress).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "scmmoveme" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( BoolToString(scmmoveme) )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "finalmode" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( BoolToString(map.finalmode) )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "finalstretch" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( BoolToString(map.finalstretch) )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "frames" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(frames).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "seconds" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(seconds).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "minutes" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(minutes).c_str()) ); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "hours" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(hours).c_str()) ); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "deathcounts" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(deathcounts).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "totalflips" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(totalflips).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "hardestroom" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( hardestroom.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "hardestroomdeaths" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(hardestroomdeaths).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "summary" ); std::string summary = savearea + ", " + timestring(); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( summary.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); quicksummary = summary; if(FILESYSTEM_saveTiXml2Document("saves/qsave.vvv", doc)) { printf("Game saved\n"); } else { printf("Could Not Save game!\n"); printf("Failed: %s%s\n", saveFilePath.c_str(), "qsave.vvv"); } } void Game::customsavequick(std::string savfile) { tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; tinyxml2::XMLElement* msg; tinyxml2::XMLDeclaration* decl = doc.NewDeclaration(); doc.LinkEndChild( decl ); tinyxml2::XMLElement * root = doc.NewElement( "Save" ); doc.LinkEndChild( root ); tinyxml2::XMLComment * comment = doc.NewComment(" Save file " ); root->LinkEndChild( comment ); tinyxml2::XMLElement * msgs = doc.NewElement( "Data" ); root->LinkEndChild( msgs ); //Flags, map and stats std::string mapExplored; for(size_t i = 0; i < map.explored.size(); i++ ) { mapExplored += help.String(map.explored[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "worldmap" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( mapExplored.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string flags; for(size_t i = 0; i < obj.flags.size(); i++ ) { flags += help.String((int) obj.flags[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "flags" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( flags.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string moods; for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { moods += help.String(obj.customcrewmoods[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "moods" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( moods.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string crewstatsString; for(size_t i = 0; i < crewstats.size(); i++ ) { crewstatsString += help.String(crewstats[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "crewstats" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( crewstatsString.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string collect; for(size_t i = 0; i < obj.collect.size(); i++ ) { collect += help.String((int) obj.collect[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "collect" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( collect.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); std::string customcollect; for(size_t i = 0; i < obj.customcollect.size(); i++ ) { customcollect += help.String((int) obj.customcollect[i]) + ","; } msg = doc.NewElement( "customcollect" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( customcollect.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); //Position msg = doc.NewElement( "finalx" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(map.finalx).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "finaly" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(map.finaly).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savex" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savex).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savey" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savey).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "saverx" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(saverx).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savery" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savery).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savegc" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savegc).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savedir" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savedir).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "savepoint" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(savepoint).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "trinkets" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(trinkets()).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "crewmates" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(crewmates()).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); //Special stats if(music.nicefade==1) { msg = doc.NewElement( "currentsong" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(music.nicechange).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); } else { msg = doc.NewElement( "currentsong" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(music.currentsong).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); } msg = doc.NewElement( "teleportscript" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( teleportscript.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "companion" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(companion).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "lastsaved" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(lastsaved).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "supercrewmate" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( BoolToString(supercrewmate) )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "scmprogress" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(scmprogress).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "scmmoveme" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( BoolToString(scmmoveme) )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "frames" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(frames).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "seconds" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(seconds).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "minutes" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(minutes).c_str()) ); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "hours" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(hours).c_str()) ); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "deathcounts" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(deathcounts).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "totalflips" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(totalflips).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "hardestroom" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( hardestroom.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "hardestroomdeaths" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( help.String(hardestroomdeaths).c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "showminimap" ); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( BoolToString(map.customshowmm) )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); msg = doc.NewElement( "summary" ); std::string summary = savearea + ", " + timestring(); msg->LinkEndChild( doc.NewText( summary.c_str() )); msgs->LinkEndChild( msg ); customquicksummary = summary; std::string levelfile = savfile.substr(7); if(FILESYSTEM_saveTiXml2Document(("saves/"+levelfile+".vvv").c_str(), doc)) { printf("Game saved\n"); } else { printf("Could Not Save game!\n"); printf("Failed: %s%s%s", saveFilePath.c_str(), levelfile.c_str(), ".vvv"); } } void Game::loadtele() { tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; if (!FILESYSTEM_loadTiXml2Document("saves/tsave.vvv", doc)) return; tinyxml2::XMLHandle hDoc(&doc); tinyxml2::XMLElement* pElem; tinyxml2::XMLHandle hRoot(NULL); { pElem=hDoc.FirstChildElement().ToElement(); // should always have a valid root but handle gracefully if it does if (!pElem) { printf("Save Not Found\n"); } // save this for later hRoot=tinyxml2::XMLHandle(pElem); } for( pElem = hRoot.FirstChildElement( "Data" ).FirstChild().ToElement(); pElem; pElem=pElem->NextSiblingElement()) { std::string pKey(pElem->Value()); const char* pText = pElem->GetText() ; if(pText == NULL) { pText = ""; } if (pKey == "worldmap") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); map.explored.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { map.explored.push_back(atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "flags") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); obj.flags.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { obj.flags.push_back((bool) atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "crewstats") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); crewstats.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { crewstats.push_back(atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "collect") { std::string TextString = (pText); if(TextString.length()) { std::vector values = split(TextString,','); obj.collect.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { obj.collect.push_back((bool) atoi(values[i].c_str())); } } } if (pKey == "finalmode") { map.finalmode = atoi(pText); } if (pKey == "finalstretch") { map.finalstretch = atoi(pText); } if (map.finalmode) { map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0; } if (map.finalstretch) { map.finalstretch = true; map.final_colormode = true; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 1; } if (pKey == "finalx") { map.finalx = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "finaly") { map.finaly = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savex") { savex = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savey") { savey = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "saverx") { saverx = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savery") { savery = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savegc") { savegc = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savedir") { savedir= atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "savepoint") { savepoint = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "companion") { companion = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "lastsaved") { lastsaved = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "teleportscript") { teleportscript = pText; } else if (pKey == "supercrewmate") { supercrewmate = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "scmprogress") { scmprogress = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "scmmoveme") { scmmoveme = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "frames") { frames = atoi(pText); frames = 0; } else if (pKey == "seconds") { seconds = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "minutes") { minutes = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "hours") { hours = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "deathcounts") { deathcounts = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "totalflips") { totalflips = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "hardestroom") { hardestroom = pText; } else if (pKey == "hardestroomdeaths") { hardestroomdeaths = atoi(pText); } else if (pKey == "currentsong") { music.play(atoi(pText)); } } map.showteleporters = true; if(obj.flags[12]) map.showtargets = true; if (obj.flags[42]) map.showtrinkets = true; } std::string Game::unrescued() { //Randomly return the name of an unrescued crewmate if (fRandom() * 100 > 50) { if (!crewstats[5]) return "Victoria"; if (!crewstats[2]) return "Vitellary"; if (!crewstats[4]) return "Verdigris"; if (!crewstats[3]) return "Vermilion"; } else { if (fRandom() * 100 > 50) { if (!crewstats[2]) return "Vitellary"; if (!crewstats[4]) return "Verdigris"; if (!crewstats[3]) return "Vermilion"; if (!crewstats[5]) return "Victoria"; } else { if (!crewstats[4]) return "Verdigris"; if (!crewstats[3]) return "Vermilion"; if (!crewstats[5]) return "Victoria"; if (!crewstats[2]) return "Vitellary"; } } return "you"; } void Game::gameclock() { /* test = true; std::ostringstream os; os << hours << ":" << minutes << ":" << seconds << ", " << frames; teststring = os.str(); */ frames++; if (frames >= 30) { frames -= 30; seconds++; if (seconds >= 60) { seconds -= 60; minutes++; if (minutes >= 60) { minutes -= 60; hours++; } } } } std::string Game::giventimestring( int hrs, int min, int sec ) { std::string tempstring = ""; if (hrs > 0) { tempstring += help.String(hrs) + ":"; } tempstring += help.twodigits(min) + ":" + help.twodigits(sec); return tempstring; } std::string Game::timestring() { std::string tempstring = ""; if (hours > 0) { tempstring += help.String(hours) + ":"; } tempstring += help.twodigits(minutes) + ":" + help.twodigits(seconds); return tempstring; } std::string Game::partimestring() { //given par time in seconds: std::string tempstring = ""; if (timetrialpar >= 60) { tempstring = help.twodigits(int((timetrialpar - (timetrialpar % 60)) / 60)) + ":" + help.twodigits(timetrialpar % 60); } else { tempstring = "00:" + help.twodigits(timetrialpar); } return tempstring; } std::string Game::resulttimestring() { //given result time in seconds: std::string tempstring = ""; if (timetrialresulttime > 60) { tempstring = help.twodigits(int((timetrialresulttime - (timetrialresulttime % 60)) / 60)) + ":" + help.twodigits(timetrialresulttime % 60); } else { tempstring = "00:" + help.twodigits(timetrialresulttime); } return tempstring; } std::string Game::timetstring( int t ) { //given par time in seconds: std::string tempstring = ""; if (t >= 60) { tempstring = help.twodigits(int((t - (t % 60)) / 60)) + ":" + help.twodigits(t % 60); } else { tempstring = "00:" + help.twodigits(t); } return tempstring; } void Game::returnmenu() { if (menustack.empty()) { puts("Error: returning to previous menu frame on empty stack!"); return; } MenuStackFrame& frame = menustack[menustack.size()-1]; //Store this in case createmenu() removes the stack frame int previousoption = frame.option; createmenu(frame.name, true); currentmenuoption = previousoption; //Remove the stackframe now, but createmenu() might have already gotten to it //if we were returning to the main menu if (!menustack.empty()) { menustack.pop_back(); } } void Game::returntomenu(enum Menu::MenuName t) { if (currentmenuname == t) { //Re-create the menu int keep_menu_option = currentmenuoption; createmenu(t, true); if (keep_menu_option < (int) menuoptions.size()) { currentmenuoption = keep_menu_option; } return; } //Unwind the menu stack until we reach our desired menu int i = menustack.size() - 1; while (i >= 0) { //If we pop it off we can't reference it anymore, so check for it now bool is_the_menu_we_want = menustack[i].name == t; returnmenu(); if (is_the_menu_we_want) { break; } i--; } } void Game::createmenu( enum Menu::MenuName t, bool samemenu/*= false*/ ) { if (t == Menu::mainmenu) { //Either we've just booted up the game or returned from gamemode //Whichever it is, we shouldn't have a stack, //and most likely don't have a current stackframe menustack.clear(); } else if (!samemenu) { MenuStackFrame frame; frame.option = currentmenuoption; frame.name = currentmenuname; menustack.push_back(frame); } currentmenuoption = 0; currentmenuname = t; menuxoff = 0; menuyoff = 0; menucountdown = 0; menuoptions.clear(); switch (t) { case Menu::mainmenu: #if !defined(MAKEANDPLAY) option("start game"); #endif #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) option("player levels"); #endif option("graphic options"); option("game options"); #if !defined(MAKEANDPLAY) option("view credits"); #endif option("quit game"); menuxoff = -16; menuyoff = -10; break; #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) case Menu::playerworlds: option("play a level"); #if !defined(NO_EDITOR) option("level editor"); #endif option("open level folder", FILESYSTEM_openDirectoryEnabled()); option("back to menu"); menuxoff = -30; menuyoff = -40; break; case Menu::levellist: if(ed.ListOfMetaData.size()==0) { option("ok"); menuxoff = 0; menuyoff = -20; } else { for(int i=0; i<(int) ed.ListOfMetaData.size(); i++) // FIXME: int/size_t! -flibit { if(i>=levelpage*8 && i< (levelpage*8)+8) { //This is, er, suboptimal. Whatever, life optimisation and all that int tvar=-1; for(int j=0; j=0) { if(customlevelscore[tvar]==0) { text = " " + ed.ListOfMetaData[i].title; } else if(customlevelscore[tvar]==1) { text = " * " + ed.ListOfMetaData[i].title; } else if(customlevelscore[tvar]==3) { text = "** " + ed.ListOfMetaData[i].title; } } else { text = " " + ed.ListOfMetaData[i].title; } std::transform(text.begin(), text.end(), text.begin(), ::tolower); option(text); } } if((size_t) ((levelpage*8)+8) = 3 && !unlocknotify[9]) temp++; if (unlock[1] && stat_trinkets >= 6 && !unlocknotify[10]) temp++; if (unlock[2] && stat_trinkets >= 9 && !unlocknotify[11]) temp++; if (unlock[3] && stat_trinkets >= 12 && !unlocknotify[12]) temp++; if (unlock[4] && stat_trinkets >= 15 && !unlocknotify[13]) temp++; if (unlock[5] && stat_trinkets >= 18 && !unlocknotify[14]) temp++; if (temp > 0) { //you've unlocked a time trial! if (unlock[0] && stat_trinkets >= 3) { unlocknotify[9] = true; unlock[9] = true; } if (unlock[1] && stat_trinkets >= 6) { unlocknotify[10] = true; unlock[10] = true; } if (unlock[2] && stat_trinkets >= 9) { unlocknotify[11] = true; unlock[11] = true; } if (unlock[3] && stat_trinkets >= 12) { unlocknotify[12] = true; unlock[12] = true; } if (unlock[4] && stat_trinkets >= 15) { unlocknotify[13] = true; unlock[13] = true; } if (unlock[5] && stat_trinkets >= 18) { unlocknotify[14] = true; unlock[14] = true; } if (temp == 1) { createmenu(Menu::unlocktimetrial); savemystats = true; } else if (temp > 1) { createmenu(Menu::unlocktimetrials); savemystats = true; } } else { //Alright, we haven't unlocked any time trials. How about no death mode? temp = 0; if (bestrank[0] >= 2) temp++; if (bestrank[1] >= 2) temp++; if (bestrank[2] >= 2) temp++; if (bestrank[3] >= 2) temp++; if (bestrank[4] >= 2) temp++; if (bestrank[5] >= 2) temp++; if (temp >= 4 && !unlocknotify[17]) { //Unlock No Death Mode unlocknotify[17] = true; unlock[17] = true; createmenu(Menu::unlocknodeathmode); savemystats = true; } //Alright then! Flip mode? else if (unlock[5] && !unlocknotify[18]) { unlock[18] = true; unlocknotify[18] = true; createmenu(Menu::unlockflipmode); savemystats = true; } //What about the intermission levels? else if (unlock[7] && !unlocknotify[16]) { unlock[16] = true; unlocknotify[16] = true; createmenu(Menu::unlockintermission); savemystats = true; } else { if (save_exists()) { option("continue"); } else { option("new game"); } //ok, secret lab! no notification, but test: if (unlock[8]) { option("secret lab", !map.invincibility && slowdown == 30); } option("play modes"); if (save_exists()) { option("new game"); } option("return"); if (unlock[8]) { menuxoff = -40; menuyoff = -30; } else { menuxoff = -20; menuyoff = -40; } } } break; } case Menu::unlocktimetrial: case Menu::unlocktimetrials: case Menu::unlocknodeathmode: case Menu::unlockintermission: case Menu::unlockflipmode: option("continue"); menuxoff = 20; menuyoff = 70; break; case Menu::newgamewarning: option("start new game"); option("return to menu"); menuxoff = -30; menuyoff = 64; break; case Menu::playmodes: option("time trials", !map.invincibility && slowdown == 30); option("intermissions", unlock[16]); option("no death mode", unlock[17] && !map.invincibility && slowdown == 30); option("flip mode", unlock[18]); option("return to play menu"); menuxoff = -70; menuyoff = 8; break; case Menu::intermissionmenu: option("play intermission 1"); option("play intermission 2"); option("return to play menu"); menuxoff = -50; menuyoff = -35; break; case Menu::playint1: option("Vitellary"); option("Vermilion"); option("Verdigris"); option("Victoria"); option("return"); menuxoff = -60; menuyoff = 10; break; case Menu::playint2: option("Vitellary"); option("Vermilion"); option("Verdigris"); option("Victoria"); option("return"); menuxoff = -60; menuyoff = 10; break; case Menu::continuemenu: map.settowercolour(3); option("continue from teleporter"); option("continue from quicksave"); option("return to play menu"); menuxoff = -60; menuyoff = 20; break; case Menu::startnodeathmode: option("disable cutscenes"); option("enable cutscenes"); option("return to play menu"); menuxoff = -60; menuyoff = 40; break; case Menu::gameover: menucountdown = 120; menudest=Menu::gameover2; break; case Menu::gameover2: option("return to play menu"); menuxoff = -25; menuyoff = 80; break; case Menu::unlockmenutrials: option("space station 1", !unlock[9]); option("the laboratory", !unlock[10]); option("the tower", !unlock[11]); option("space station 2", !unlock[12]); option("the warp zone", !unlock[13]); option("the final level", !unlock[14]); option("return to unlock menu"); menuxoff = -80; menuyoff = 0; break; case Menu::timetrials: option(unlock[9] ? "space station 1" : "???", unlock[9]); option(unlock[10] ? "the laboratory" : "???", unlock[10]); option(unlock[11] ? "the tower" : "???", unlock[11]); option(unlock[12] ? "space station 2" : "???", unlock[12]); option(unlock[13] ? "the warp zone" : "???", unlock[13]); option(unlock[14] ? "the final level" : "???", unlock[14]); option("return to play menu"); menuxoff = -80; menuyoff = 0; break; case Menu::nodeathmodecomplete: menucountdown = 90; menudest = Menu::nodeathmodecomplete2; break; case Menu::nodeathmodecomplete2: option("return to play menu"); menuxoff = -25; menuyoff = 70; break; case Menu::timetrialcomplete: menucountdown = 90; menudest=Menu::timetrialcomplete2; break; case Menu::timetrialcomplete2: menucountdown = 60; menudest=Menu::timetrialcomplete3; break; case Menu::timetrialcomplete3: option("return to play menu"); option("try again"); menuxoff = -25; menuyoff = 70; break; case Menu::gamecompletecontinue: option("return to play menu"); menuxoff = -25; menuyoff = 70; break; } } void Game::deletequick() { if( !FILESYSTEM_delete( "saves/qsave.vvv" ) ) puts("Error deleting saves/qsave.vvv"); else quicksummary = ""; } void Game::deletetele() { if( !FILESYSTEM_delete( "saves/tsave.vvv" ) ) puts("Error deleting saves/tsave.vvv"); else telesummary = ""; } void Game::swnpenalty() { //set the SWN clock back to the closest 5 second interval if (swntimer <= 150) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 150) swntimer = 150; } else if (swntimer <= 300) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 300) swntimer = 300; } else if (swntimer <= 450) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 450) swntimer = 450; } else if (swntimer <= 600) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 600) swntimer = 600; } else if (swntimer <= 750) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 750) swntimer = 750; } else if (swntimer <= 900) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 900) swntimer = 900; } else if (swntimer <= 1050) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 1050) swntimer = 1050; } else if (swntimer <= 1200) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 1200) swntimer = 1200; } else if (swntimer <= 1350) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 1350) swntimer = 1350; } else if (swntimer <= 1500) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 1500) swntimer = 1500; } else if (swntimer <= 1650) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 1650) swntimer = 1650; } else if (swntimer <= 1800) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 1800) swntimer = 1800; } else if (swntimer <= 2100) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 2100) swntimer = 2100; } else if (swntimer <= 2400) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 2400) swntimer = 2400; } } int Game::crewrescued() { int temp = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < crewstats.size(); i++) { if (crewstats[i]) { temp++; } } return temp; } void Game::resetgameclock() { frames = 0; seconds = 0; minutes = 0; hours = 0; } int Game::trinkets() { int temp = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < obj.collect.size(); i++) { if (obj.collect[i]) { temp++; } } return temp; } int Game::crewmates() { int temp = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < obj.customcollect.size(); i++) { if (obj.customcollect[i]) { temp++; } } return temp; } bool Game::anything_unlocked() { for (size_t i = 0; i < unlock.size(); i++) { if (unlock[i] && (i == 8 // Secret Lab || i >= 9 || i <= 14 // any Time Trial || i == 16 // Intermission replays || i == 17 // No Death Mode || i == 18)) // Flip Mode { return true; } } return false; } bool Game::save_exists() { return telesummary != "" || quicksummary != ""; } void Game::quittomenu() { gamestate = TITLEMODE; graphics.fademode = 4; music.play(6); graphics.backgrounddrawn = false; map.tdrawback = true; graphics.flipmode = false; //Don't be stuck on the summary screen, //or "who do you want to play the level with?" //or "do you want cutscenes?" //or the confirm-load-quicksave menu if (intimetrial) { returntomenu(Menu::timetrials); } else if (inintermission) { returntomenu(Menu::intermissionmenu); } else if (nodeathmode) { returntomenu(Menu::playmodes); } else if (map.custommode) { returntomenu(Menu::levellist); } else if (save_exists() || anything_unlocked()) { returntomenu(Menu::play); if (!insecretlab) { //Select "continue" currentmenuoption = 0; } } else { createmenu(Menu::mainmenu); } script.hardreset(); FILESYSTEM_unmountassets(); } void Game::returntolab() { gamestate = GAMEMODE; graphics.fademode = 4; map.gotoroom(119, 107); int player = obj.getplayer(); if (player > -1) { obj.entities[player].xp = 132; obj.entities[player].yp = 137; } gravitycontrol = 0; savepoint = 0; saverx = 119; savery = 107; savex = 132; savey = 137; savegc = 0; if (player > -1) { savedir = obj.entities[player].dir; } music.play(11); } #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) void Game::returntoeditor() { game.gamestate = EDITORMODE; graphics.textboxremove(); game.hascontrol = true; game.advancetext = false; game.completestop = false; game.state = 0; graphics.showcutscenebars = false; graphics.fademode = 0; graphics.backgrounddrawn=false; music.fadeout(); //If warpdir() is used during playtesting, we need to set it back after! for (int j = 0; j < ed.maxheight; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < ed.maxwidth; i++) { ed.level[i+(j*ed.maxwidth)].warpdir=ed.kludgewarpdir[i+(j*ed.maxwidth)]; } } map.scrolldir = 0; } #endif