#if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) && !defined(NO_EDITOR) #define ED_DEFINITION #include "Editor.h" #include #include #include "Constants.h" #include "CustomLevels.h" #include "DeferCallbacks.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "Enums.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "GraphicsUtil.h" #include "KeyPoll.h" #include "Localization.h" #include "Map.h" #include "Music.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "Script.h" #include "UtilityClass.h" #include "VFormat.h" editorclass::editorclass(void) { reset(); } void editorclass::reset(void) { roomnamehide=0; zmod=false; xmod=false; cmod=false; vmod=false; hmod=false; bmod=false; spacemod=false; spacemenu=0; shiftmenu=false; shiftkey=false; saveandquit=false; note=""; notedelay=0; oldnotedelay=0; deletekeyheld=false; textmod = TEXT_NONE; titlemod=false; creatormod=false; desc1mod=false; desc2mod=false; desc3mod=false; websitemod=false; settingsmod=false; warpmod=false; //Two step process warpent=-1; boundarymod=0; boundarytype=0; boundx1=0; boundx2=0; boundy1=0; boundy2=0; textent=0; scripttexttype=0; drawmode=0; dmtile=0; dmtileeditor=0; entcol=0; tilex=0; tiley=0; levx=0; levy=0; keydelay=0; lclickdelay=0; savekey=false; loadkey=false; updatetiles=true; changeroom=true; entframe=0; entframedelay=0; SDL_zeroa(kludgewarpdir); hooklist.clear(); sb.clear(); clearscriptbuffer(); sbx=0; sby=0; pagey=0; scripteditmod=false; sbscript="null"; scripthelppage=0; scripthelppagedelay=0; hookmenupage=0; hookmenu=0; returneditoralpha = 0; oldreturneditoralpha = 0; ghosts.clear(); currentghosts = 0; loaded_filepath = ""; } void editorclass::gethooks(void) { //Scan through the script and create a hooks list based on it hooklist.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < script.customscripts.size(); i++) { Script& script_ = script.customscripts[i]; hooklist.push_back(script_.name); } } void editorclass::loadhookineditor(const std::string& t) { //Find hook t in the scriptclass, then load it into the editor clearscriptbuffer(); for(size_t i = 0; i < script.customscripts.size(); i++) { Script& script_ = script.customscripts[i]; if(script_.name == t) { sb = script_.contents; break; } } if(sb.empty()) { //Always have one line or we'll have problems sb.resize(1); } } void editorclass::addhooktoscript(const std::string& t) { //Adds hook+the scriptbuffer to the end of the scriptclass removehookfromscript(t); Script script_; script_.name = t; script_.contents = sb; script.customscripts.push_back(script_); } void editorclass::removehookfromscript(const std::string& t) { /* Find hook t in the scriptclass, then removes it (and any other code with it) * When this loop reaches the end, it wraps to SIZE_MAX; SIZE_MAX + 1 is 0 */ size_t i; for (i = script.customscripts.size() - 1; i + 1 > 0; --i) { if (script.customscripts[i].name == t) { script.customscripts.erase(script.customscripts.begin() + i); } } } void editorclass::removehook(const std::string& t) { //Check the hooklist for the hook t. If it's there, remove it from here and the script size_t i; removehookfromscript(t); /* When this loop reaches the end, it wraps to SIZE_MAX; SIZE_MAX + 1 is 0 */ for (i = hooklist.size() - 1; i + 1 > 0; --i) { if (hooklist[i] == t) { hooklist.erase(hooklist.begin() + i); } } } void editorclass::addhook(const std::string& t) { //Add an empty function to the list in both editor and script removehook(t); hooklist.push_back(t); addhooktoscript(t); } bool editorclass::checkhook(const std::string& t) { //returns true if hook t already is in the list for(size_t i=0; i1) { sb.erase(sb.begin() + t); } } void editorclass::insertline(int t) { //insert a blank line into script at line t sb.insert(sb.begin() + t, ""); } void editorclass::getlin(const enum textmode mode, const std::string& prompt, std::string* ptr) { textmod = mode; textptr = ptr; textdesc = prompt; key.enabletextentry(); if (ptr) { key.keybuffer = *ptr; } else { key.keybuffer = ""; textptr = &(key.keybuffer); } oldenttext = key.keybuffer; } static void addedentity( int xp, int yp, int tp, int p1 = 0, int p2 = 0, int p3 = 0, int p4 = 0, int p5 = 320, int p6 = 240) { CustomEntity entity; entity.x=xp; entity.y=yp; entity.t=tp; entity.p1=p1; entity.p2=p2; entity.p3=p3; entity.p4=p4; entity.p5=p5; entity.p6=p6; entity.scriptname=""; customentities.push_back(entity); } static void removeedentity( int t ) { customentities.erase(customentities.begin() + t); } static int edentat( int xp, int yp ) { for(size_t i=0; iwarpdir) { case 1: graphics.rcol=cl.getwarpbackground(ed.levx, ed.levy); graphics.drawbackground(3); break; case 2: graphics.rcol=cl.getwarpbackground(ed.levx, ed.levy); graphics.drawbackground(4); break; case 3: graphics.rcol=cl.getwarpbackground(ed.levx, ed.levy); graphics.drawbackground(5); break; default: break; } } //Draw map, in function for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { const int tile = cl.gettile(ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j); if (tile <= 0) { continue; } if (room->tileset == 0) { graphics.drawtile(i * 8, j * 8, tile); } else { graphics.drawtile2(i * 8, j * 8, tile); } } } //Edge tile fix //Buffer the sides of the new room with tiles from other rooms, to ensure no gap problems. for(int j=0; j<30; j++) { //left edge if(ed.freewrap((ed.levx*40)-1,j+(ed.levy*30))==1) { FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0,j*8, 2,8, graphics.getRGB(255 - help.glow, 255, 255)); } //right edge if(ed.freewrap((ed.levx*40)+40,j+(ed.levy*30))==1) { FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 318,j*8, 2,8, graphics.getRGB(255 - help.glow, 255, 255)); } } for(int i=0; i<40; i++) { if(ed.freewrap((ed.levx*40)+i,(ed.levy*30)-1)==1) { FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, i*8,0, 8,2, graphics.getRGB(255 - help.glow, 255, 255)); } if(ed.freewrap((ed.levx*40)+i,30+(ed.levy*30))==1) { FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, i*8,238, 8,2, graphics.getRGB(255 - help.glow, 255, 255)); } } //Draw entities obj.customplatformtile=game.customcol*12; const int edent_under_cursor = edentat(ed.tilex + ed.levx*40, ed.tiley + ed.levy*30); // Special case for drawing gray entities bool custom_gray = room->tileset == 3 && room->tilecol == 6; const SDL_Color gray_ct = {255, 255, 255, 255}; // Draw entities backward to remain accurate with ingame for (int i = customentities.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { point tpoint; SDL_Rect drawRect; //if() on screen if(customentities[i].x / 40 == ed.levx && customentities[i].y / 30 == ed.levy) { switch(customentities[i].t) { case 1: //Entities if (custom_gray) { graphics.setcol(18); ed.entcolreal = graphics.ct; } graphics.drawsprite((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),ed.getenemyframe(room->enemytype),ed.entcolreal); if(customentities[i].p1==0) graphics.Print((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8)+4,(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8)+4, "V", 255, 255, 255 - help.glow, false); if(customentities[i].p1==1) graphics.Print((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8)+4,(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8)+4, "^", 255, 255, 255 - help.glow, false); if(customentities[i].p1==2) graphics.Print((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8)+4,(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8)+4, "<", 255, 255, 255 - help.glow, false); if(customentities[i].p1==3) graphics.Print((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8)+4,(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8)+4, ">", 255, 255, 255 - help.glow, false); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),16,16,graphics.getRGB(255,164,255)); break; case 2: //Threadmills & platforms if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(obj.customplatformtile, graphics.entcolours)) { continue; } tpoint.x = (customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8); tpoint.y = (customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8); drawRect = graphics.tiles_rect; drawRect.x += tpoint.x; drawRect.y += tpoint.y; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (custom_gray) BlitSurfaceTinted(graphics.entcolours[obj.customplatformtile],NULL, graphics.backBuffer, &drawRect, gray_ct); else BlitSurfaceStandard(graphics.entcolours[obj.customplatformtile],NULL, graphics.backBuffer, &drawRect); drawRect.x += 8; } if(customentities[i].p1<=4) { if(customentities[i].p1==0) graphics.Print((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8)+12,(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8), "V", 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, false); if(customentities[i].p1==1) graphics.Print((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8)+12,(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8), "^", 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, false); if(customentities[i].p1==2) graphics.Print((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8)+12,(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8), "<", 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, false); if(customentities[i].p1==3) graphics.Print((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8)+12,(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8), ">", 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, false); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),32,8,graphics.getRGB(255,255,255)); } if(customentities[i].p1==5) { graphics.Print((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8), ">>>>", 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, false); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),32,8,graphics.getRGB(255,255,255)); } else if(customentities[i].p1==6) { graphics.Print((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8), "<<<<", 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, false); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),32,8,graphics.getRGB(255,255,255)); } if(customentities[i].p1>=7) { tpoint.x = (customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8)+32; tpoint.y = (customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8); drawRect = graphics.tiles_rect; drawRect.x += tpoint.x; drawRect.y += tpoint.y; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (custom_gray) BlitSurfaceTinted(graphics.entcolours[obj.customplatformtile],NULL, graphics.backBuffer, &drawRect, gray_ct); else BlitSurfaceStandard(graphics.entcolours[obj.customplatformtile],NULL, graphics.backBuffer, &drawRect); drawRect.x += 8; } } if(customentities[i].p1==7) { graphics.Print((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8)+4,(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8), "> > > > ", 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, false); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),64,8,graphics.getRGB(255,255,255)); } else if(customentities[i].p1==8) { graphics.Print((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8)+4,(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8), "< < < < ", 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, false); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),64,8,graphics.getRGB(255,255,255)); } break; case 3: //Disappearing Platform if (!INBOUNDS_VEC(obj.customplatformtile, graphics.entcolours)) { continue; } tpoint.x = (customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8); tpoint.y = (customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8); drawRect = graphics.tiles_rect; drawRect.x += tpoint.x; drawRect.y += tpoint.y; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (custom_gray) BlitSurfaceTinted(graphics.entcolours[obj.customplatformtile],NULL, graphics.backBuffer, &drawRect, gray_ct); else BlitSurfaceStandard(graphics.entcolours[obj.customplatformtile],NULL, graphics.backBuffer, &drawRect); drawRect.x += 8; } graphics.Print((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8), "////", 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, 255 - help.glow, false); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),32,8,graphics.getRGB(255,255,255)); break; case 9: //Shiny Trinket graphics.drawsprite((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),22,196,196,196); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),16,16,graphics.getRGB(255, 164, 164)); break; case 10: //Checkpoints graphics.drawsprite((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),20 + customentities[i].p1,196,196,196); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),16,16,graphics.getRGB(255, 164, 164)); break; case 11: //Gravity lines if(customentities[i].p1==0) //Horizontal { int tx = customentities[i].p2; int tx2 = tx + customentities[i].p3/8; int ty = customentities[i].y % 30; FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, (tx*8),(ty*8)+4, (tx2-tx)*8,1, graphics.getRGB(194,194,194)); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),8,8,graphics.getRGB(164,255,164)); } else //Vertical { int tx = customentities[i].x % 40; int ty = customentities[i].p2; int ty2 = ty + customentities[i].p3/8; FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, (tx*8)+3,(ty*8), 1,(ty2-ty)*8, graphics.getRGB(194,194,194)); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),8,8,graphics.getRGB(164,255,164)); } break; case 13://Warp tokens graphics.drawsprite((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),18+(ed.entframe%2),196,196,196); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),16,16,graphics.getRGB(255, 164, 164)); if (i == edent_under_cursor) { graphics.bprint((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8)-8, "("+help.String(customentities[i].p1/40 + 1)+","+help.String(customentities[i].p2/30 + 1)+")",210,210,255); } else { graphics.bprint((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8)-8,help.String(cl.findwarptoken(i)),210,210,255); } break; case 15: //Crewmates graphics.drawsprite((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8)-4,(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),144,graphics.crewcolourreal(customentities[i].p1)); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),16,24,graphics.getRGB(164,164,164)); break; case 16: //Start { if(customentities[i].p1==0) //Left { graphics.drawsprite((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8)-4,(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),0,graphics.col_crewcyan); } else if(customentities[i].p1==1) { graphics.drawsprite((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8)-4,(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),3,graphics.col_crewcyan); } fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),16,24,graphics.getRGB(255, 255, 164)); short labelcol = ed.entframe<2 ? 255 : 196; short startlen = graphics.len(loc::gettext("START")); graphics.bprint( (customentities[i].x*8) - (ed.levx*40*8) + 8 - startlen/2, (customentities[i].y*8) - (ed.levy*30*8) - 8, loc::gettext("START"), labelcol,labelcol,labelcol ); break; } case 17: //Roomtext if(customentities[i].scriptname.length()<1) { fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),8,8,graphics.getRGB(96,96,96)); } else { int length = utf8::unchecked::distance(customentities[i].scriptname.begin(), customentities[i].scriptname.end()); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),length*8,8,graphics.getRGB(96,96,96)); } graphics.Print((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8), customentities[i].scriptname, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; case 18: //Terminals { int usethistile = customentities[i].p1; int usethisy = (customentities[i].y % 30) * 8; // Not a boolean: just swapping 0 and 1, leaving the rest alone if (usethistile == 0) { usethistile = 1; // Unflipped } else if (usethistile == 1) { usethistile = 0; // Flipped; usethisy -= 8; } graphics.drawsprite((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8), usethisy + 8, usethistile + 16, 96,96,96); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),16,24,graphics.getRGB(164,164,164)); if (i == edent_under_cursor) { graphics.bprint((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8)-8,customentities[i].scriptname,210,210,255); } break; } case 19: //Script Triggers fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),customentities[i].p1*8,customentities[i].p2*8,graphics.getRGB(255,164,255)); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),8,8,graphics.getRGB(255,255,255)); if (i == edent_under_cursor) { graphics.bprint((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8)-8,customentities[i].scriptname,210,210,255); } break; case 50: //Warp lines if(customentities[i].p1>=2) //Horizontal { int tx=customentities[i].x-(ed.levx*40); int tx2=customentities[i].x-(ed.levx*40); int ty=customentities[i].y-(ed.levy*30); if (customentities[i].p4 != 1) { // Unlocked while(ed.free(tx,ty)==0) tx--; while(ed.free(tx2,ty)==0) tx2++; tx++; customentities[i].p2=tx; customentities[i].p3=(tx2-tx)*8; } else { // Locked tx = customentities[i].p2; tx2 = tx + customentities[i].p3/8; } fillboxabs((tx*8),(ty*8)+1, (tx2-tx)*8,6, graphics.getRGB(194, 255, 255)); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),8,8,graphics.getRGB(164, 255, 255)); } else //Vertical { int tx=customentities[i].x-(ed.levx*40); int ty=customentities[i].y-(ed.levy*30); int ty2=customentities[i].y-(ed.levy*30); if (customentities[i].p4 != 1) { // Unlocked while(ed.free(tx,ty)==0) ty--; while(ed.free(tx,ty2)==0) ty2++; ty++; customentities[i].p2=ty; customentities[i].p3=(ty2-ty)*8; } else { // Locked ty = customentities[i].p2; ty2 = ty + customentities[i].p3/8; } fillboxabs((tx*8)+1,(ty*8), 6,(ty2-ty)*8, graphics.getRGB(194, 255, 255)); fillboxabs((customentities[i].x*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].y*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),8,8,graphics.getRGB(164, 255, 255)); } break; } } //Need to also check warp point destinations if(customentities[i].t==13 && ed.warpent!=i) { if (customentities[i].p1 / 40 == ed.levx && customentities[i].p2 / 30 == ed.levy) { graphics.drawsprite((customentities[i].p1*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].p2*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),18+(ed.entframe%2),64,64,64); fillboxabs((customentities[i].p1*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].p2*8)- (ed.levy*30*8),16,16,graphics.getRGB(96, 64, 64)); if(ed.tilex+(ed.levx*40)==customentities[i].p1 && ed.tiley+(ed.levy*30)==customentities[i].p2) { graphics.bprint((customentities[i].p1*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].p2*8)- (ed.levy*30*8)-8, "("+help.String(customentities[i].x/40 + 1)+","+help.String(customentities[i].y/30 + 1)+")",190,190,225); } else { graphics.bprint((customentities[i].p1*8)- (ed.levx*40*8),(customentities[i].p2*8)- (ed.levy*30*8)-8,help.String(cl.findwarptoken(i)),190,190,225); } } } } if(ed.boundarymod>0) { if(ed.boundarymod==1) { fillboxabs(ed.tilex*8, ed.tiley*8, 8,8,graphics.getRGB(210 + help.glow/2, 191 + help.glow, 255 - help.glow/2)); fillboxabs((ed.tilex*8)+2, (ed.tiley*8)+2, 4,4,graphics.getRGB(105 + help.glow/4, 100 + help.glow/2, 128 - help.glow/4)); } else if(ed.boundarymod==2) { if((ed.tilex*8)+8<=ed.boundx1 || (ed.tiley*8)+8<=ed.boundy1) { fillboxabs(ed.boundx1, ed.boundy1, 8, 8,graphics.getRGB(210 + help.glow/2, 191 + help.glow, 255 - help.glow/2)); fillboxabs(ed.boundx1+2, ed.boundy1+2, 4, 4,graphics.getRGB(105 + help.glow/4, 100 + help.glow/2, 128 - help.glow/4)); } else { fillboxabs(ed.boundx1, ed.boundy1, (ed.tilex*8)+8-ed.boundx1,(ed.tiley*8)+8-ed.boundy1,graphics.getRGB(210 + help.glow/2, 191 + help.glow, 255 - help.glow/2)); fillboxabs(ed.boundx1+2, ed.boundy1+2, (ed.tilex*8)+8-ed.boundx1-4,(ed.tiley*8)+8-ed.boundy1-4,graphics.getRGB(105 + help.glow/4, 100 + help.glow/2, 128 - help.glow/4)); } } } else { //Draw boundaries if(room->enemyx1!=0 || room->enemyy1!=0 || room->enemyx2!=320 || room->enemyy2!=240) { fillboxabs( room->enemyx1, room->enemyy1, room->enemyx2-room->enemyx1, room->enemyy2-room->enemyy1, graphics.getRGB(255-(help.glow/2),64,64)); } if(room->platx1!=0 || room->platy1!=0 || room->platx2!=320 || room->platy2!=240) { fillboxabs( room->platx1, room->platy1, room->platx2-room->platx1, room->platy2-room->platy1, graphics.getRGB(64,64,255-(help.glow/2))); } } //Draw ghosts (spooky!) if (game.ghostsenabled) { ClearSurface(graphics.ghostbuffer); for (int i = 0; i < (int)ed.ghosts.size(); i++) { if (i <= ed.currentghosts) { // We don't want all of them to show up at once :) if (ed.ghosts[i].rx != ed.levx || ed.ghosts[i].ry != ed.levy || !INBOUNDS_VEC(ed.ghosts[i].frame, graphics.sprites)) continue; point tpoint; tpoint.x = ed.ghosts[i].x; tpoint.y = ed.ghosts[i].y; graphics.setcolreal(ed.ghosts[i].realcol); const int alpha = 3 * graphics.ct.a / 4; graphics.ct.a = (Uint8) alpha; SDL_Rect drawRect = graphics.sprites_rect; drawRect.x += tpoint.x; drawRect.y += tpoint.y; BlitSurfaceColoured(graphics.sprites[ed.ghosts[i].frame],NULL, graphics.ghostbuffer, &drawRect, graphics.ct); } } SDL_BlitSurface(graphics.ghostbuffer, NULL, graphics.backBuffer, NULL); } //Draw Cursor switch(ed.drawmode) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 9: case 10: case 12: //Single point fillboxabs((ed.tilex*8),(ed.tiley*8),8,8, graphics.getRGB(32, 32, 200)); break; case 3: case 4: case 8: case 13://2x2 fillboxabs((ed.tilex*8),(ed.tiley*8),16,16, graphics.getRGB(32, 32, 200)); break; case 5: case 6: case 7://Platform fillboxabs((ed.tilex*8),(ed.tiley*8),32,8, graphics.getRGB(32, 32, 200)); break; case 14: //X if not on edge if(ed.tilex==0 || ed.tilex==39 || ed.tiley==0 || ed.tiley==29) { fillboxabs((ed.tilex*8),(ed.tiley*8),8,8, graphics.getRGB(32, 32, 200)); } else { graphics.Print((ed.tilex*8),(ed.tiley*8),"X",255,0,0); } break; case 11: case 15: case 16: //2x3 fillboxabs((ed.tilex*8),(ed.tiley*8),16,24, graphics.getRGB(32, 32, 200)); break; } if(ed.drawmode<3) { if(ed.bmod && ed.drawmode<2) { fillboxabs((ed.tilex*8),0,8,240,graphics.getRGB(32, 32, 200)); } else if(ed.hmod && ed.drawmode<2) { fillboxabs(0,(ed.tiley*8),320,8,graphics.getRGB(32, 32, 200)); } else if(ed.vmod && ed.drawmode<2) { fillboxabs((ed.tilex*8)-32,(ed.tiley*8)-32,24+48,24+48, graphics.getRGB(32, 32, 200)); } else if(ed.cmod && ed.drawmode<2) { fillboxabs((ed.tilex*8)-24,(ed.tiley*8)-24,24+32,24+32, graphics.getRGB(32, 32, 200)); } else if(ed.xmod && ed.drawmode<2) { fillboxabs((ed.tilex*8)-16,(ed.tiley*8)-16,24+16,24+16, graphics.getRGB(32, 32, 200)); } else if(ed.zmod && ed.drawmode<2) { fillboxabs((ed.tilex*8)-8,(ed.tiley*8)-8,24,24, graphics.getRGB(32, 32, 200)); } } //If in directmode, show current directmode tile if(room->directmode==1) { //Tile box for direct mode int t2=0; if(ed.dmtileeditor>0) { if(ed.dmtileeditor<=4) { t2=graphics.lerp((4-ed.dmtileeditor+1)*12, (4-ed.dmtileeditor)*12); } //Draw five lines of the editor const int temp = ed.dmtile - (ed.dmtile % 40) - 80; FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0,-t2,320,40, graphics.getRGB(0,0,0)); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0,-t2+40,320,2, graphics.getRGB(255,255,255)); if(room->tileset==0) { const int numtiles = (((int) graphics.tiles.size()) / 40) * 40; for(int i=0; i<40; i++) { graphics.drawtile(i*8,0-t2,(temp+numtiles+i)%numtiles); graphics.drawtile(i*8,8-t2,(temp+numtiles+40+i)%numtiles); graphics.drawtile(i*8,16-t2,(temp+numtiles+80+i)%numtiles); graphics.drawtile(i*8,24-t2,(temp+numtiles+120+i)%numtiles); graphics.drawtile(i*8,32-t2,(temp+numtiles+160+i)%numtiles); } } else { const int numtiles = (((int) graphics.tiles2.size()) / 40) * 40; for(int i=0; i<40; i++) { graphics.drawtile2(i*8,0-t2,(temp+numtiles+i)%numtiles); graphics.drawtile2(i*8,8-t2,(temp+numtiles+40+i)%numtiles); graphics.drawtile2(i*8,16-t2,(temp+numtiles+80+i)%numtiles); graphics.drawtile2(i*8,24-t2,(temp+numtiles+120+i)%numtiles); graphics.drawtile2(i*8,32-t2,(temp+numtiles+160+i)%numtiles); } } //Highlight our little block fillboxabs(((ed.dmtile%40)*8)-2,16-t2-2,12,12,graphics.getRGB(255 - help.glow, 196, 196)); fillboxabs(((ed.dmtile%40)*8)-1,16-t2-1,10,10,graphics.getRGB(0,0,0)); } if(ed.dmtileeditor>0 && t2<=30) { short labellen = 2 + graphics.len(loc::gettext("Tile:")); graphics.bprint(2, 45-t2, loc::gettext("Tile:"), 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); graphics.bprint(labellen+16, 45-t2, help.String(ed.dmtile), 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, labellen+2,44-t2,10,10, graphics.getRGB(255 - help.glow, 196, 196)); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, labellen+3,45-t2,8,8, graphics.getRGB(0,0,0)); if(room->tileset==0) { graphics.drawtile(labellen+3,45-t2,ed.dmtile); } else { graphics.drawtile2(labellen+3,45-t2,ed.dmtile); } } else { short labellen = 2 + graphics.len(loc::gettext("Tile:")); graphics.bprint(2, 12, loc::gettext("Tile:"), 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); graphics.bprint(labellen+16, 12, help.String(ed.dmtile), 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, labellen+2,11,10,10, graphics.getRGB(255 - help.glow, 196, 196)); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, labellen+3,12,8,8, graphics.getRGB(0,0,0)); if(room->tileset==0) { graphics.drawtile(labellen+3,12,ed.dmtile); } else { graphics.drawtile2(labellen+3,12,ed.dmtile); } } } //Draw GUI if(ed.boundarymod>0) { std::string message; if(ed.boundarymod==1) { switch(ed.boundarytype) { case 0: message = loc::gettext("SCRIPT BOX: Click on top left"); break; case 1: message = loc::gettext("ENEMY BOUNDS: Click on top left"); break; case 2: message = loc::gettext("PLATFORM BOUNDS: Click on top left"); break; default: message = loc::gettext("Click on top left"); break; } } else if(ed.boundarymod==2) { switch(ed.boundarytype) { case 0: message = loc::gettext("SCRIPT BOX: Click on bottom right"); break; case 1: message = loc::gettext("ENEMY BOUNDS: Click on bottom right"); break; case 2: message = loc::gettext("PLATFORM BOUNDS: Click on bottom right"); break; default: message = loc::gettext("Click on bottom right"); break; } } short lines; message = graphics.string_wordwrap(message, 312, &lines); short textheight = 8*lines; FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0,238-textheight,320,240, graphics.getRGB(32,32,32)); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0,239-textheight,320,240, graphics.getRGB(0,0,0)); graphics.PrintWrap(4, 240-textheight, message, 255,255,255, false, 8, 312); } else if(ed.scripteditmod) { //Elaborate C64 BASIC menu goes here! FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0,0,320,240, graphics.getRGB(123, 111, 218)); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 14,16,292,208, graphics.getRGB(61, 48, 162)); switch(ed.scripthelppage) { case 0: graphics.Print(16,28,loc::gettext("**** VVVVVV SCRIPT EDITOR ****"), 123, 111, 218, true); graphics.Print(16,44,loc::gettext("PRESS ESC TO RETURN TO MENU"), 123, 111, 218, true); if(!ed.hooklist.empty()) { for(int i=0; i<9; i++) { if(ed.hookmenupage+i<(int)ed.hooklist.size()) { if(ed.hookmenupage+i==ed.hookmenu) { std::string text_upper(loc::toupper(ed.hooklist[(ed.hooklist.size()-1)-(ed.hookmenupage+i)])); char buffer[SCREEN_WIDTH_CHARS + 1]; vformat_buf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), loc::get_langmeta()->menu_select.c_str(), "label:str", text_upper.c_str()); graphics.Print(16, 68+(i*16), buffer, 123, 111, 218, true); } else { graphics.Print(16, 68+(i*16), ed.hooklist[(ed.hooklist.size()-1)-(ed.hookmenupage+i)], 123, 111, 218, true); } } } } else { graphics.Print(16,110,loc::gettext("NO SCRIPT IDS FOUND"), 123, 111, 218, true); graphics.PrintWrap(16,130,loc::gettext("CREATE A SCRIPT WITH EITHER THE TERMINAL OR SCRIPT BOX TOOLS"), 123, 111, 218, true, 10, 288); } break; case 1: { //Current scriptname FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 14,226,292,12, graphics.getRGB(61, 48, 162)); char namebuffer[SCREEN_WIDTH_CHARS + 1]; vformat_buf( namebuffer, sizeof(namebuffer), loc::gettext("CURRENT SCRIPT: {name}"), "name:str", ed.sbscript.c_str() ); graphics.Print(16,228, namebuffer, 123, 111, 218, true); //Draw text for(int i=0; i<25; i++) { if(i+ed.pagey<(int)ed.sb.size()) { graphics.Print(16,20+(i*8),ed.sb[i+ed.pagey], 123, 111, 218, false); } } //Draw cursor if(ed.entframe<2) { graphics.Print(16+(ed.sbx*8),20+(ed.sby*8),"_",123, 111, 218, false); } break; } } } else if(ed.settingsmod) { if(!game.colourblindmode) { graphics.drawtowerbackground(graphics.titlebg); } else { ClearSurface(graphics.backBuffer); } int tr = graphics.titlebg.r - (help.glow / 4) - int(fRandom() * 4); int tg = graphics.titlebg.g - (help.glow / 4) - int(fRandom() * 4); int tb = graphics.titlebg.b - (help.glow / 4) - int(fRandom() * 4); if (tr < 0) tr = 0; if(tr>255) tr=255; if (tg < 0) tg = 0; if(tg>255) tg=255; if (tb < 0) tb = 0; if(tb>255) tb=255; editormenurender(tr, tg, tb); graphics.drawmenu(tr, tg, tb, game.currentmenuname); } else if (ed.textmod) { short lines; std::string wrapped = graphics.string_wordwrap(ed.textdesc, 312, &lines); short textheight = 8*lines+8; FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0, 238-textheight, 320, 240, graphics.getRGB(32, 32, 32)); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0, 239-textheight, 320, 240, graphics.getRGB(0, 0, 0)); graphics.PrintWrap(4, 240-textheight, wrapped, 255, 255, 255, false, 8, 312); std::string input = key.keybuffer; if (ed.entframe < 2) { input += "_"; } else { input += " "; } graphics.Print(4, 232, input, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true); } else if(ed.warpmod) { //placing warp token FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0,221,320,240, graphics.getRGB(32,32,32)); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0,222,320,240, graphics.getRGB(0,0,0)); graphics.Print(4, 224, loc::gettext("Left click to place warp destination"), 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); graphics.Print(4, 232, loc::gettext("Right click to cancel"), 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); } else { if(ed.spacemod) { FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0,208,320,240, graphics.getRGB(32,32,32)); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0,209,320,240, graphics.getRGB(0,0,0)); //Draw little icons for each thingy int tx=6, ty=211, tg=32; if(ed.spacemenu==0) { for(int i=0; i<10; i++) { FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 4+(i*tg), 209,20,20,graphics.getRGB(32,32,32)); } FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 4+(ed.drawmode*tg), 209,20,20,graphics.getRGB(64,64,64)); //0: graphics.drawtile(tx,ty,83); graphics.drawtile(tx+8,ty,83); graphics.drawtile(tx,ty+8,83); graphics.drawtile(tx+8,ty+8,83); //1: tx+=tg; graphics.drawtile(tx,ty,680); graphics.drawtile(tx+8,ty,680); graphics.drawtile(tx,ty+8,680); graphics.drawtile(tx+8,ty+8,680); //2: tx+=tg; graphics.drawtile(tx+4,ty+4,8); //3: tx+=tg; graphics.drawsprite(tx,ty,22,196,196,196); //4: tx+=tg; graphics.drawsprite(tx,ty,21,196,196,196); //5: tx+=tg; graphics.drawtile(tx,ty+4,3); graphics.drawtile(tx+8,ty+4,4); //6: tx+=tg; graphics.drawtile(tx,ty+4,24); graphics.drawtile(tx+8,ty+4,24); //7: tx+=tg; graphics.drawtile(tx,ty+4,1); graphics.drawtile(tx+8,ty+4,1); //8: tx+=tg; graphics.drawsprite(tx,ty,78+ed.entframe,196,196,196); //9: tx+=tg; FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, tx+2,ty+8,12,1,graphics.getRGB(255,255,255)); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { fillboxabs(4+(i*tg), 209,20,20,graphics.getRGB(96,96,96)); const int col = i == ed.drawmode ? 255 : 164; const std::string glyph = i == 9 ? "0" : help.String(i + 1); graphics.Print(22 + i*tg - 4, 225 - 4, glyph, col, col, col, false); } fillboxabs(4+(ed.drawmode*tg), 209,20,20,graphics.getRGB(200,200,200)); graphics.Print(4, 232, "1/2", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); } else { for(int i=0; i<7; i++) { FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 4+(i*tg), 209,20,20,graphics.getRGB(32,32,32)); } FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 4+((ed.drawmode-10)*tg), 209,20,20,graphics.getRGB(64,64,64)); //10: graphics.Print(tx,ty,"A",196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); graphics.Print(tx+8,ty,"B",196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); graphics.Print(tx,ty+8,"C",196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); graphics.Print(tx+8,ty+8,"D",196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); //11: tx+=tg; graphics.drawsprite(tx,ty,17,196,196,196); //12: tx+=tg; fillboxabs(tx+4,ty+4,8,8,graphics.getRGB(96,96,96)); //13: tx+=tg; graphics.drawsprite(tx,ty,18+(ed.entframe%2),196,196,196); //14: tx+=tg; FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, tx+6,ty+2,4,12,graphics.getRGB(255,255,255)); //15: tx+=tg; graphics.drawsprite(tx,ty,186,graphics.col_crewblue); //16: tx+=tg; graphics.drawsprite(tx,ty,184,graphics.col_crewcyan); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { fillboxabs(4 + i*tg, 209, 20, 20, graphics.getRGB(96, 96, 96)); const int col = i + 10 == ed.drawmode ? 255 : 164; static const char glyphs[] = "RTYUIOP"; graphics.Print(22 + i*tg - 4, 225 - 4, std::string(1, glyphs[i]), col, col, col, false); } fillboxabs(4 + (ed.drawmode - 10) * tg, 209, 20, 20, graphics.getRGB(200, 200, 200)); graphics.Print(4, 232, "2/2", 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); } char changetooltext[SCREEN_WIDTH_CHARS + 1]; vformat_buf(changetooltext, sizeof(changetooltext), loc::gettext("{button1} and {button2} keys change tool"), "button1:str, button2:str", ",", "." ); graphics.Print(320-graphics.len(changetooltext), 232, changetooltext, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); const char* toolname; switch(ed.drawmode) { case 0: toolname = loc::gettext("1: Walls"); break; case 1: toolname = loc::gettext("2: Backing"); break; case 2: toolname = loc::gettext("3: Spikes"); break; case 3: toolname = loc::gettext("4: Trinkets"); break; case 4: toolname = loc::gettext("5: Checkpoint"); break; case 5: toolname = loc::gettext("6: Disappear"); break; case 6: toolname = loc::gettext("7: Conveyors"); break; case 7: toolname = loc::gettext("8: Moving"); break; case 8: toolname = loc::gettext("9: Enemies"); break; case 9: toolname = loc::gettext("0: Grav Line"); break; case 10: toolname = loc::gettext("R: Roomtext"); break; case 11: toolname = loc::gettext("T: Terminal"); break; case 12: toolname = loc::gettext("Y: Script Box"); break; case 13: toolname = loc::gettext("U: Warp Token"); break; case 14: toolname = loc::gettext("I: Warp Lines"); break; case 15: toolname = loc::gettext("O: Crewmate"); break; case 16: toolname = loc::gettext("P: Start Point"); break; default: toolname = "???"; break; } int toolnamelen = graphics.len(toolname); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0,197,toolnamelen+8,11, graphics.getRGB(32,32,32)); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0,198,toolnamelen+7,10, graphics.getRGB(0,0,0)); graphics.bprint(2,199, toolname, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 260,197,80,11, graphics.getRGB(32,32,32)); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 261,198,80,10, graphics.getRGB(0,0,0)); graphics.bprint(268,199, "("+help.String(ed.levx+1)+","+help.String(ed.levy+1)+")",196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); } else { //FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0,230,72,240, graphics.RGB(32,32,32)); //FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0,231,71,240, graphics.RGB(0,0,0)); if(room->roomname!="") { if (graphics.translucentroomname) { graphics.footerrect.y = 230+ed.roomnamehide; SDL_BlitSurface(graphics.footerbuffer, NULL, graphics.backBuffer, &graphics.footerrect); } else { FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0,230+ed.roomnamehide,320,10, graphics.getRGB(0,0,0)); } graphics.bprint(5,231+ed.roomnamehide,room->roomname, 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, true); graphics.bprint(4, 222, loc::gettext("SPACE ^ SHIFT ^"), 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); graphics.bprint(268,222, "("+help.String(ed.levx+1)+","+help.String(ed.levy+1)+")",196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); } else { graphics.bprint(4, 232, loc::gettext("SPACE ^ SHIFT ^"), 196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); graphics.bprint(268,232, "("+help.String(ed.levx+1)+","+help.String(ed.levy+1)+")",196, 196, 255 - help.glow, false); } } if(ed.shiftmenu) { const char* shiftmenuoptions[] = { loc::gettext("F1: Change Tileset"), loc::gettext("F2: Change Colour"), loc::gettext("F3: Change Enemies"), loc::gettext("F4: Enemy Bounds"), loc::gettext("F5: Platform Bounds"), "", loc::gettext("F9: Reload Resources"), loc::gettext("F10: Direct Mode"), "", loc::gettext("W: Change Warp Dir"), loc::gettext("E: Change Roomname"), }; int menuwidth = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(shiftmenuoptions); i++) { int len = graphics.len(shiftmenuoptions[i]); if (len > menuwidth) menuwidth = len; } fillboxabs(0, 117,menuwidth+17,140,graphics.getRGB(64,64,64)); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0,118,menuwidth+16,140, graphics.getRGB(0,0,0)); for (size_t i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(shiftmenuoptions); i++) graphics.Print(4, 120+i*10, shiftmenuoptions[i], 164,164,164,false); fillboxabs(220, 207,100,60,graphics.getRGB(64,64,64)); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 221,208,160,60, graphics.getRGB(0,0,0)); graphics.Print(224, 210, loc::gettext("S: Save Map"),164,164,164,false); graphics.Print(224, 220, loc::gettext("L: Load Map"),164,164,164,false); } } if(!ed.settingsmod && !ed.scripteditmod) { //Same as above, without borders switch(ed.drawmode) { case 0: graphics.bprint(2,2, loc::gettext("1: Walls"),196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; case 1: graphics.bprint(2,2, loc::gettext("2: Backing"),196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; case 2: graphics.bprint(2,2, loc::gettext("3: Spikes"),196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; case 3: graphics.bprint(2,2, loc::gettext("4: Trinkets"),196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; case 4: graphics.bprint(2,2, loc::gettext("5: Checkpoint"),196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; case 5: graphics.bprint(2,2, loc::gettext("6: Disappear"),196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; case 6: graphics.bprint(2,2, loc::gettext("7: Conveyors"),196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; case 7: graphics.bprint(2,2, loc::gettext("8: Moving"),196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; case 8: graphics.bprint(2,2, loc::gettext("9: Enemies"),196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; case 9: graphics.bprint(2,2, loc::gettext("0: Grav Line"),196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; case 10: graphics.bprint(2,2, loc::gettext("R: Roomtext"),196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; case 11: graphics.bprint(2,2, loc::gettext("T: Terminal"),196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; case 12: graphics.bprint(2,2, loc::gettext("Y: Script Box"),196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; case 13: graphics.bprint(2,2, loc::gettext("U: Warp Token"),196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; case 14: graphics.bprint(2,2, loc::gettext("I: Warp Lines"),196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; case 15: graphics.bprint(2,2, loc::gettext("O: Crewmate"),196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; case 16: graphics.bprint(2,2, loc::gettext("P: Start Point"),196, 196, 255 - help.glow); break; } } if(ed.notedelay>0 || ed.oldnotedelay>0) { short lines; std::string wrapped = graphics.string_wordwrap(ed.note, 304, &lines); short textheight = 8+(lines-1)*10; short banner_y = 120 - textheight/2 - 5; float alpha = graphics.lerp(ed.oldnotedelay, ed.notedelay); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0, banner_y, 320, 10+textheight, graphics.getRGB(92,92,92)); FillRect(graphics.backBuffer, 0, banner_y+1, 320, 8+textheight, graphics.getRGB(0,0,0)); graphics.PrintWrap(0,banner_y+5, wrapped, 196-((45.0f-alpha)*4), 196-((45.0f-alpha)*4), 196-((45.0f-alpha)*4), true); } graphics.drawfade(); graphics.render(); } void editorrenderfixed(void) { extern editorclass ed; const RoomProperty* const room = cl.getroomprop(ed.levx, ed.levy); graphics.updatetitlecolours(); game.customcol=cl.getlevelcol(room->tileset, room->tilecol)+1; ed.entcol=cl.getenemycol(game.customcol); graphics.setcol(ed.entcol); ed.entcolreal = graphics.ct; if (game.ghostsenabled) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ed.ghosts.size(); i++) { GhostInfo& ghost = ed.ghosts[i]; if ((int) i > ed.currentghosts || ghost.rx != ed.levx || ghost.ry != ed.levy) { continue; } graphics.setcol(ghost.col); ghost.realcol = graphics.ct; } if (ed.currentghosts + 1 < (int)ed.ghosts.size()) { ed.currentghosts++; if (ed.zmod) ed.currentghosts++; } else { ed.currentghosts = (int)ed.ghosts.size() - 1; } } if (!ed.settingsmod) { switch(room->warpdir) { case 1: graphics.rcol=cl.getwarpbackground(ed.levx, ed.levy); graphics.updatebackground(3); break; case 2: graphics.rcol=cl.getwarpbackground(ed.levx, ed.levy); graphics.updatebackground(4); break; case 3: graphics.rcol=cl.getwarpbackground(ed.levx, ed.levy); graphics.updatebackground(5); break; default: break; } } else if (!game.colourblindmode) { graphics.updatetowerbackground(graphics.titlebg); } /* Correct gravity lines */ for (size_t i = 0; i < customentities.size(); ++i) { if (customentities[i].x / 40 != ed.levx || customentities[i].y / 30 != ed.levy || customentities[i].t != 11 /* Is the gravity line locked? */ || customentities[i].p4 == 1) { continue; } if (customentities[i].p1 == 0) { /* Horizontal */ int tx = customentities[i].x % 40; int tx2 = tx; int ty = customentities[i].y % 30; while (!ed.spikefree(tx, ty)) { --tx; } while (!ed.spikefree(tx2, ty)) { ++tx2; } ++tx; customentities[i].p2 = tx; customentities[i].p3 = (tx2 - tx) * 8; } else { /* Vertical */ int tx = customentities[i].x % 40; int ty = customentities[i].y % 30; int ty2 = ty; /* Unlocked */ while (!ed.spikefree(tx, ty)) { --ty; } while (!ed.spikefree(tx, ty2)) { ++ty2; } ++ty; customentities[i].p2 = ty; customentities[i].p3 = (ty2 - ty) * 8; } } if (cl.getroomprop(ed.levx, ed.levy)->directmode == 1) { if (ed.dmtileeditor > 0) { ed.dmtileeditor--; } } else { ed.dmtileeditor = 0; } if (cl.getroomprop(ed.levx, ed.levy)->roomname != "") { if (ed.tiley < 28) { if (ed.roomnamehide > 0) { ed.roomnamehide--; } } else { if (ed.roomnamehide < 12) { ed.roomnamehide++; } } } else { if (ed.tiley < 28) { ed.roomnamehide = 0; } else { ed.roomnamehide = 12; } } } void editorlogic(void) { extern editorclass ed; //Misc help.updateglow(); graphics.titlebg.bypos -= 2; graphics.titlebg.bscroll = -2; ed.entframedelay--; if(ed.entframedelay<=0) { ed.entframe=(ed.entframe+1)%4; ed.entframedelay=8; } ed.oldnotedelay = ed.notedelay; if(ed.notedelay>0) { ed.notedelay--; } if (graphics.fademode == FADE_FULLY_BLACK) { //Return to game graphics.titlebg.colstate = 10; map.nexttowercolour(); game.quittomenu(); music.play(6); //should be before game.quittomenu() ed.settingsmod=false; } } static void creategameoptions(void) { game.createmenu(Menu::options); } static void nextbgcolor(void) { map.nexttowercolour(); } static void editormenuactionpress(void) { extern editorclass ed; switch (game.currentmenuname) { case Menu::ed_desc: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: ed.titlemod=true; key.enabletextentry(); key.keybuffer=translate_title(cl.title); break; case 1: ed.creatormod=true; key.enabletextentry(); key.keybuffer=translate_creator(cl.creator); break; case 2: ed.desc1mod=true; key.enabletextentry(); key.keybuffer=cl.Desc1; break; case 3: ed.websitemod=true; key.enabletextentry(); key.keybuffer=cl.website; break; case 4: game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } music.playef(11); break; case Menu::ed_settings: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //Change level description stuff music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::ed_desc); map.nexttowercolour(); break; case 1: //Enter script editormode music.playef(11); ed.scripteditmod=true; ed.clearscriptbuffer(); key.keybuffer=""; ed.hookmenupage=0; ed.hookmenu=0; ed.scripthelppage=0; ed.scripthelppagedelay=0; ed.sby=0; ed.sbx=0, ed.pagey=0; break; case 2: music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::ed_music); map.nexttowercolour(); if(cl.levmusic>0) music.play(cl.levmusic); break; case 3: music.playef(11); game.ghostsenabled = !game.ghostsenabled; break; case 4: //Load level ed.settingsmod=false; graphics.backgrounddrawn=false; map.nexttowercolour(); ed.keydelay = 6; ed.getlin(TEXT_LOAD, loc::gettext("Enter map filename to load:"), &(ed.filename)); game.mapheld=true; graphics.backgrounddrawn=false; break; case 5: //Save level ed.settingsmod=false; map.nexttowercolour(); ed.keydelay = 6; ed.getlin(TEXT_SAVE, loc::gettext("Enter map filename to save as:"), &(ed.filename)); game.mapheld=true; graphics.backgrounddrawn=false; break; case 6: /* Game options */ music.playef(11); game.gamestate = TITLEMODE; game.ingame_titlemode = true; game.ingame_editormode = true; DEFER_CALLBACK(creategameoptions); DEFER_CALLBACK(nextbgcolor); break; default: music.playef(11); game.createmenu(Menu::ed_quit); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::ed_music: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: case 1: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: cl.levmusic++; break; case 1: cl.levmusic--; break; } cl.levmusic = (cl.levmusic % 16 + 16) % 16; if(cl.levmusic>0) { music.play(cl.levmusic); } else { music.haltdasmusik(); } music.playef(11); break; case 2: music.playef(11); music.fadeout(); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; case Menu::ed_quit: switch (game.currentmenuoption) { case 0: //Saving and quit ed.saveandquit=true; ed.settingsmod=false; map.nexttowercolour(); ed.keydelay = 6; ed.getlin(TEXT_SAVE, loc::gettext("Enter map filename to save as:"), &(ed.filename)); game.mapheld=true; graphics.backgrounddrawn=false; break; case 1: //Quit without saving music.playef(11); music.fadeout(); graphics.fademode = FADE_START_FADEOUT; break; case 2: //Go back to editor music.playef(11); game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); break; } break; default: break; } } void editorinput(void) { extern editorclass ed; if (graphics.fademode == FADE_FADING_OUT) { return; } game.mx = (float) key.mx; game.my = (float) key.my; ed.tilex=(game.mx - (game.mx%8))/8; ed.tiley=(game.my - (game.my%8))/8; if (gameScreen.scalingMode == SCALING_STRETCH) { // In this mode specifically, we have to fix the mouse coordinates int winwidth, winheight; gameScreen.GetWindowSize(&winwidth, &winheight); ed.tilex = ed.tilex * 320 / winwidth; ed.tiley = ed.tiley * 240 / winheight; } bool up_pressed = key.isDown(SDLK_UP) || key.isDown(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_UP); bool down_pressed = key.isDown(SDLK_DOWN) || key.isDown(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN); bool left_pressed = key.isDown(SDLK_LEFT) || key.isDown(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT); bool right_pressed = key.isDown(SDLK_RIGHT) || key.isDown(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT); game.press_left = false; game.press_right = false; game.press_action = false; game.press_map = false; game.press_interact = false; if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_LEFT) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_a) || key.controllerWantsLeft(false)) { game.press_left = true; } if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_RIGHT) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_d) || key.controllerWantsRight(false)) { game.press_right = true; } if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_z) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_SPACE) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_v) || key.isDown(game.controllerButton_flip)) { game.press_action = true; }; if (key.keymap[SDLK_F9] && (ed.keydelay==0)) { ed.keydelay = 30; ed.note=loc::gettext("Reloaded resources"); ed.notedelay=45; graphics.reloadresources(); } if (key.isDown(KEYBOARD_ENTER)) game.press_map = true; if (key.isDown(27) && !ed.settingskey) { ed.settingskey=true; if (ed.textmod) { key.disabletextentry(); if (ed.textmod >= FIRST_ENTTEXT && ed.textmod <= LAST_ENTTEXT) { *ed.textptr = ed.oldenttext; if (ed.oldenttext == "") { removeedentity(ed.textent); } } ed.textmod = TEXT_NONE; ed.shiftmenu = false; ed.shiftkey = false; } else if (key.textentry()) { key.disabletextentry(); ed.titlemod=false; ed.desc1mod=false; ed.desc2mod=false; ed.desc3mod=false; ed.websitemod=false; ed.creatormod=false; music.playef(11); ed.shiftmenu=false; ed.shiftkey=false; } else if(ed.boundarymod>0) { ed.boundarymod=0; } else { music.playef(11); if (ed.settingsmod) { if (ed.scripteditmod) { ed.scripteditmod = false; } else if (ed.settingsmod) { if (game.currentmenuname == Menu::ed_settings) { ed.settingsmod = false; } else { game.returnmenu(); map.nexttowercolour(); } } } else { ed.settingsmod = true; } graphics.backgrounddrawn=false; if (ed.settingsmod) { bool edsettings_in_stack = game.currentmenuname == Menu::ed_settings; if (!edsettings_in_stack) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < game.menustack.size(); ++i) { if (game.menustack[i].name == Menu::ed_settings) { edsettings_in_stack = true; break; } } } if (edsettings_in_stack) { game.returntomenu(Menu::ed_settings); } else { game.createmenu(Menu::ed_settings); } map.nexttowercolour(); } } } if (!key.isDown(27)) { ed.settingskey=false; } if(key.keymap[SDLK_LCTRL] || key.keymap[SDLK_RCTRL]) { if(key.leftbutton) key.rightbutton=true; } if(ed.scripteditmod) { if(ed.scripthelppage==0) { //hook select menu if(ed.keydelay>0) ed.keydelay--; if(up_pressed && ed.keydelay<=0) { ed.keydelay=6; ed.hookmenu--; } if(down_pressed && ed.keydelay<=0) { ed.keydelay=6; ed.hookmenu++; } if(ed.hookmenu>=(int)ed.hooklist.size()) { ed.hookmenu=ed.hooklist.size()-1; } if(ed.hookmenu<0) ed.hookmenu=0; if(ed.hookmenu=ed.hookmenupage+9) { ed.hookmenupage=ed.hookmenu+8; } if(!key.keymap[SDLK_BACKSPACE]) ed.deletekeyheld=0; if(key.keymap[SDLK_BACKSPACE] && ed.deletekeyheld==0 && !ed.hooklist.empty()) { ed.deletekeyheld=1; music.playef(2); ed.removehook(ed.hooklist[(ed.hooklist.size()-1)-ed.hookmenu]); } if (!game.press_action && !game.press_left && !game.press_right && !up_pressed && !down_pressed && !key.isDown(27)) game.jumpheld = false; if (!game.jumpheld) { if (game.press_action || game.press_left || game.press_right || game.press_map || up_pressed || down_pressed || key.isDown(27)) { game.jumpheld = true; } if ((game.press_action || game.press_map) && !ed.hooklist.empty()) { game.mapheld=true; ed.scripthelppage=1; key.enabletextentry(); key.keybuffer=""; ed.sbscript=ed.hooklist[(ed.hooklist.size()-1)-ed.hookmenu]; ed.loadhookineditor(ed.sbscript); ed.sby=ed.sb.size()-1; ed.pagey=0; while(ed.sby>=20) { ed.pagey++; ed.sby--; } key.keybuffer=ed.sb[ed.pagey+ed.sby]; ed.sbx = utf8::unchecked::distance(ed.sb[ed.pagey+ed.sby].begin(), ed.sb[ed.pagey+ed.sby].end()); music.playef(11); } } } else if(ed.scripthelppage==1) { //Script editor! if (key.isDown(27)) { ed.scripthelppage=0; game.jumpheld = true; //save the script for use again! ed.addhook(ed.sbscript); } if(ed.keydelay>0) ed.keydelay--; if(up_pressed && ed.keydelay<=0) { ed.keydelay=6; ed.sby--; if(ed.sby<=5) { if(ed.pagey>0) { ed.pagey--; ed.sby++; } else { if(ed.sby<0) ed.sby=0; } } key.keybuffer=ed.sb[ed.pagey+ed.sby]; } if(down_pressed && ed.keydelay<=0) { ed.keydelay=6; if(ed.sby+ed.pagey<(int)ed.sb.size()-1) { ed.sby++; if(ed.sby>=20) { ed.pagey++; ed.sby--; } } key.keybuffer=ed.sb[ed.pagey+ed.sby]; } if(key.linealreadyemptykludge) { ed.keydelay=6; key.linealreadyemptykludge=false; } if(key.pressedbackspace && ed.sb[ed.pagey+ed.sby]=="" && ed.keydelay<=0) { //Remove this line completely ed.removeline(ed.pagey+ed.sby); ed.sby--; if(ed.sby<=5) { if(ed.pagey>0) { ed.pagey--; ed.sby++; } else { if(ed.sby<0) ed.sby=0; } } key.keybuffer=ed.sb[ed.pagey+ed.sby]; ed.keydelay=6; } /* Remove all pipes, they are the line separator in the XML * When this loop reaches the end, it wraps to SIZE_MAX; SIZE_MAX + 1 is 0 */ {size_t i; for (i = key.keybuffer.length() - 1; i + 1 > 0; --i) { if (key.keybuffer[i] == '|') { key.keybuffer.erase(key.keybuffer.begin() + i); } }} ed.sb[ed.pagey+ed.sby]=key.keybuffer; ed.sbx = utf8::unchecked::distance(ed.sb[ed.pagey+ed.sby].begin(), ed.sb[ed.pagey+ed.sby].end()); if(!game.press_map && !key.isDown(27)) game.mapheld=false; if (!game.mapheld) { if(game.press_map) { game.mapheld=true; //Continue to next line if(ed.sby+ed.pagey>=(int)ed.sb.size()) //we're on the last line { ed.sby++; if(ed.sby>=20) { ed.pagey++; ed.sby--; } key.keybuffer=ed.sb[ed.pagey+ed.sby]; ed.sbx = utf8::unchecked::distance(ed.sb[ed.pagey+ed.sby].begin(), ed.sb[ed.pagey+ed.sby].end()); } else { //We're not, insert a line instead ed.sby++; if(ed.sby>=20) { ed.pagey++; ed.sby--; } ed.insertline(ed.sby+ed.pagey); key.keybuffer=""; ed.sbx = 0; } } } } } else if (ed.textmod) { *ed.textptr = key.keybuffer; if (!game.press_map && !key.isDown(27)) { game.mapheld = false; } if (!game.mapheld && game.press_map) { game.mapheld = true; key.disabletextentry(); switch (ed.textmod) { case TEXT_GOTOROOM: { char coord_x[16]; char coord_y[16]; const char* comma = SDL_strchr(key.keybuffer.c_str(), ','); bool valid_input = comma != NULL; if (valid_input) { SDL_strlcpy( coord_x, key.keybuffer.c_str(), SDL_min((size_t) (comma - key.keybuffer.c_str() + 1), sizeof(coord_x)) ); SDL_strlcpy(coord_y, &comma[1], sizeof(coord_y)); valid_input = is_number(coord_x) && is_number(coord_y); } if (!valid_input) { ed.note = loc::gettext("ERROR: Invalid format"); ed.notedelay = 45; break; } ed.levx = SDL_clamp(help.Int(coord_x) - 1, 0, cl.mapwidth - 1); ed.levy = SDL_clamp(help.Int(coord_y) - 1, 0, cl.mapheight - 1); graphics.backgrounddrawn = false; break; } case TEXT_LOAD: { std::string loadstring = ed.filename + ".vvvvvv"; if (cl.load(loadstring)) { // don't use filename, it has the full path char buffer[3*SCREEN_WIDTH_CHARS + 1]; vformat_buf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), loc::gettext("Loaded map: {filename}.vvvvvv"), "filename:str", ed.filename.c_str()); ed.note = buffer; } else { ed.note = loc::gettext("ERROR: Could not load level"); } ed.notedelay = 45; break; } case TEXT_SAVE: { std::string savestring = ed.filename + ".vvvvvv"; if (cl.save(savestring)) { char buffer[3*SCREEN_WIDTH_CHARS + 1]; vformat_buf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), loc::gettext("Saved map: {filename}.vvvvvv"), "filename:str", ed.filename.c_str()); ed.note = buffer; } else { ed.note = loc::gettext("ERROR: Could not save level!"); ed.saveandquit = false; } ed.notedelay = 45; if (ed.saveandquit) { graphics.fademode = FADE_START_FADEOUT; /* quit editor */ } break; } case TEXT_SCRIPT: ed.clearscriptbuffer(); if (!ed.checkhook(key.keybuffer)) { ed.addhook(key.keybuffer); } break; default: break; } ed.shiftmenu = false; ed.shiftkey = false; ed.textmod = TEXT_NONE; } } else if (key.textentry()) { if(ed.titlemod) { cl.title=key.keybuffer; } else if(ed.creatormod) { cl.creator=key.keybuffer; } else if(ed.websitemod) { cl.website=key.keybuffer; } else if(ed.desc1mod) { cl.Desc1=key.keybuffer; } else if(ed.desc2mod) { cl.Desc2=key.keybuffer; } else if(ed.desc3mod) { cl.Desc3=key.keybuffer; } if(!game.press_map && !key.isDown(27)) game.mapheld=false; if (!game.mapheld) { if(game.press_map) { game.mapheld=true; if(ed.titlemod) { cl.title=key.keybuffer; ed.titlemod=false; } else if(ed.creatormod) { cl.creator=key.keybuffer; ed.creatormod=false; } else if(ed.websitemod) { cl.website=key.keybuffer; ed.websitemod=false; } else if(ed.desc1mod) { cl.Desc1=key.keybuffer; } else if(ed.desc2mod) { cl.Desc2=key.keybuffer; } else if(ed.desc3mod) { cl.Desc3=key.keybuffer; ed.desc3mod=false; } key.disabletextentry(); if(ed.desc1mod) { ed.desc1mod=false; ed.desc2mod=true; key.enabletextentry(); key.keybuffer=cl.Desc2; } else if(ed.desc2mod) { ed.desc2mod=false; ed.desc3mod=true; key.enabletextentry(); key.keybuffer=cl.Desc3; } music.playef(11); } } } else { if(ed.settingsmod) { if (!game.press_action && !game.press_left && !game.press_right && !up_pressed && !down_pressed) game.jumpheld = false; if (!game.jumpheld) { if (game.press_action || game.press_left || game.press_right || game.press_map || up_pressed || down_pressed) { game.jumpheld = true; } if(game.menustart) { if (game.press_left || up_pressed) { game.currentmenuoption--; } else if (game.press_right || down_pressed) { game.currentmenuoption++; } } if (game.currentmenuoption < 0) game.currentmenuoption = game.menuoptions.size()-1; if (game.currentmenuoption >= (int) game.menuoptions.size() ) game.currentmenuoption = 0; if (game.press_action) { editormenuactionpress(); } } } else if (ed.keydelay > 0) { ed.keydelay--; } else if (key.keymap[SDLK_LCTRL] || key.keymap[SDLK_RCTRL]) { // Ctrl modifiers int numtiles; if (cl.getroomprop(ed.levx, ed.levy)->tileset == 0) { numtiles = (((int) graphics.tiles.size()) / 40) * 40; } else { numtiles = (((int) graphics.tiles2.size()) / 40) * 40; } ed.dmtileeditor=10; if(left_pressed) { ed.dmtile--; ed.keydelay=3; if(ed.dmtile<0) ed.dmtile+=numtiles; } else if(right_pressed) { ed.dmtile++; ed.keydelay=3; if(ed.dmtile>=numtiles) ed.dmtile-=numtiles; } if(up_pressed) { ed.dmtile-=40; ed.keydelay=3; if(ed.dmtile<0) ed.dmtile+=numtiles; } else if(down_pressed) { ed.dmtile+=40; ed.keydelay=3; if(ed.dmtile>=numtiles) ed.dmtile-=numtiles; } } else if (key.keymap[SDLK_LSHIFT] || key.keymap[SDLK_RSHIFT]) { // Shift modifiers if (key.keymap[SDLK_F1]) { ed.switch_tileset(true); graphics.backgrounddrawn = false; ed.keydelay = 6; } if (key.keymap[SDLK_F2]) { ed.switch_tilecol(true); graphics.backgrounddrawn = false; ed.keydelay = 6; } if (key.keymap[SDLK_F3]) { ed.switch_enemy(true); ed.keydelay=6; } if (key.keymap[SDLK_w]) { ed.switch_warpdir(true); graphics.backgrounddrawn = false; ed.keydelay = 6; } if (up_pressed || down_pressed || left_pressed || right_pressed) { ed.keydelay=6; if(up_pressed) { cl.mapheight--; } else if(down_pressed) { cl.mapheight++; } else if(left_pressed) { cl.mapwidth--; } else if(right_pressed) { cl.mapwidth++; } if(cl.mapwidth<1) cl.mapwidth=1; if(cl.mapheight<1) cl.mapheight=1; if(cl.mapwidth>=cl.maxwidth) cl.mapwidth=cl.maxwidth; if(cl.mapheight>=cl.maxheight) cl.mapheight=cl.maxheight; char buffer[3*SCREEN_WIDTH_CHARS + 1]; vformat_buf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), loc::gettext("Mapsize is now [{width},{height}]"), "width:int, height:int", cl.mapwidth, cl.mapheight ); ed.note = buffer; ed.notedelay=45; } if(!ed.shiftkey) { if(ed.shiftmenu) { ed.shiftmenu=false; } else { ed.shiftmenu=true; } } ed.shiftkey=true; } else { // No modifiers ed.shiftkey=false; if(key.keymap[SDLK_F1]) { ed.switch_tileset(false); graphics.backgrounddrawn = false; ed.keydelay = 6; } if(key.keymap[SDLK_F2]) { ed.switch_tilecol(false); graphics.backgrounddrawn = false; ed.keydelay = 6; } if(key.keymap[SDLK_F3]) { ed.switch_enemy(false); ed.keydelay=6; } if(key.keymap[SDLK_F4]) { ed.keydelay=6; ed.boundarytype=1; ed.boundarymod=1; } if(key.keymap[SDLK_F5]) { ed.keydelay=6; ed.boundarytype=2; ed.boundarymod=1; } if(key.keymap[SDLK_F10]) { if(cl.getroomprop(ed.levx, ed.levy)->directmode==1) { cl.setroomdirectmode(ed.levx, ed.levy, 0); ed.note=loc::gettext("Direct Mode Disabled"); /* Kludge fix for rainbow BG here... */ if (cl.getroomprop(ed.levx, ed.levy)->tileset == 2 && cl.getroomprop(ed.levx, ed.levy)->tilecol == 6) { cl.setroomtilecol(ed.levx, ed.levy, 0); } } else { cl.setroomdirectmode(ed.levx, ed.levy, 1); ed.note=loc::gettext("Direct Mode Enabled"); } graphics.backgrounddrawn=false; ed.notedelay=45; ed.updatetiles=true; ed.keydelay=6; } if(key.keymap[SDLK_1]) ed.drawmode=0; if(key.keymap[SDLK_2]) ed.drawmode=1; if(key.keymap[SDLK_3]) ed.drawmode=2; if(key.keymap[SDLK_4]) ed.drawmode=3; if(key.keymap[SDLK_5]) ed.drawmode=4; if(key.keymap[SDLK_6]) ed.drawmode=5; if(key.keymap[SDLK_7]) ed.drawmode=6; if(key.keymap[SDLK_8]) ed.drawmode=7; if(key.keymap[SDLK_9]) ed.drawmode=8; if(key.keymap[SDLK_0]) ed.drawmode=9; if(key.keymap[SDLK_r]) ed.drawmode=10; if(key.keymap[SDLK_t]) ed.drawmode=11; if(key.keymap[SDLK_y]) ed.drawmode=12; if(key.keymap[SDLK_u]) ed.drawmode=13; if(key.keymap[SDLK_i]) ed.drawmode=14; if(key.keymap[SDLK_o]) ed.drawmode=15; if(key.keymap[SDLK_p]) ed.drawmode=16; if(key.keymap[SDLK_w]) { ed.switch_warpdir(false); graphics.backgrounddrawn = false; ed.keydelay = 6; } if(key.keymap[SDLK_e]) { ed.keydelay = 6; ed.getlin(TEXT_ROOMNAME, loc::gettext("Enter new room name:"), const_cast(&(cl.getroomprop(ed.levx, ed.levy)->roomname))); game.mapheld=true; } if (key.keymap[SDLK_g]) { ed.keydelay = 6; ed.getlin(TEXT_GOTOROOM, loc::gettext("Enter room coordinates x,y:"), NULL); game.mapheld=true; } //Save and load if(key.keymap[SDLK_s]) { ed.keydelay = 6; ed.getlin(TEXT_SAVE, loc::gettext("Enter map filename to save as:"), &(ed.filename)); game.mapheld=true; } if(key.keymap[SDLK_l]) { ed.keydelay = 6; ed.getlin(TEXT_LOAD, loc::gettext("Enter map filename to load:"), &(ed.filename)); game.mapheld=true; } if(!game.press_map) game.mapheld=false; if (!game.mapheld) { if(game.press_map) { game.mapheld=true; //Ok! Scan the room for the closest checkpoint int testeditor=-1; int startpoint=0; //First up; is there a start point on this screen? for(size_t i=0; i16) ed.drawmode=0; if(ed.drawmode>9) { if(ed.spacemod) ed.spacemenu=1; } else { if(ed.spacemod) ed.spacemenu=0; } if(up_pressed) { ed.keydelay=6; graphics.backgrounddrawn=false; ed.levy--; ed.updatetiles=true; ed.changeroom=true; } else if(down_pressed) { ed.keydelay=6; graphics.backgrounddrawn=false; ed.levy++; ed.updatetiles=true; ed.changeroom=true; } else if(left_pressed) { ed.keydelay=6; graphics.backgrounddrawn=false; ed.levx--; ed.updatetiles=true; ed.changeroom=true; } else if(right_pressed) { ed.keydelay=6; graphics.backgrounddrawn=false; ed.levx++; ed.updatetiles=true; ed.changeroom=true; } if(ed.levx<0) ed.levx+=cl.mapwidth; if(ed.levx>= cl.mapwidth) ed.levx-=cl.mapwidth; if(ed.levy<0) ed.levy+=cl.mapheight; if(ed.levy>=cl.mapheight) ed.levy-=cl.mapheight; if(key.keymap[SDLK_SPACE]) { ed.spacemod = !ed.spacemod; ed.keydelay=6; } } if(!ed.settingsmod) { if(ed.boundarymod>0) { if(key.leftbutton) { if(ed.lclickdelay==0) { if(ed.boundarymod==1) { ed.lclickdelay=1; ed.boundx1=(ed.tilex*8); ed.boundy1=(ed.tiley*8); ed.boundarymod=2; } else if(ed.boundarymod==2) { if((ed.tilex*8)+8>=ed.boundx1 && (ed.tiley*8)+8>=ed.boundy1) { ed.boundx2=(ed.tilex*8)+8; ed.boundy2=(ed.tiley*8)+8; } else { ed.boundx2=ed.boundx1+8; ed.boundy2=ed.boundy1+8; } if(ed.boundarytype==0) { //Script trigger ed.lclickdelay=1; ed.textent=customentities.size(); addedentity((ed.boundx1/8)+(ed.levx*40),(ed.boundy1/8)+ (ed.levy*30),19, (ed.boundx2-ed.boundx1)/8, (ed.boundy2-ed.boundy1)/8); ed.getlin(TEXT_SCRIPT, loc::gettext("Enter script name:"), &(customentities[ed.textent].scriptname)); ed.lclickdelay=1; } else if(ed.boundarytype==1) { //Enemy bounds cl.setroomenemyx1(ed.levx, ed.levy, ed.boundx1); cl.setroomenemyy1(ed.levx, ed.levy, ed.boundy1); cl.setroomenemyx2(ed.levx, ed.levy, ed.boundx2); cl.setroomenemyy2(ed.levx, ed.levy, ed.boundy2); } else if(ed.boundarytype==2) { //Platform bounds cl.setroomplatx1(ed.levx, ed.levy, ed.boundx1); cl.setroomplaty1(ed.levx, ed.levy, ed.boundy1); cl.setroomplatx2(ed.levx, ed.levy, ed.boundx2); cl.setroomplaty2(ed.levx, ed.levy, ed.boundy2); } else if(ed.boundarytype==3) { //Copy } ed.boundarymod=0; ed.lclickdelay=1; } } } else { ed.lclickdelay=0; } if(key.rightbutton) { ed.boundarymod=0; } } else if(ed.warpmod) { //Placing warp token if(key.leftbutton) { if(ed.lclickdelay==0) { if(ed.free(ed.tilex, ed.tiley)==0) { customentities[ed.warpent].p1=ed.tilex+(ed.levx*40); customentities[ed.warpent].p2=ed.tiley+(ed.levy*30); ed.warpmod=false; ed.warpent=-1; ed.lclickdelay=1; } } } else { ed.lclickdelay=0; } if(key.rightbutton) { removeedentity(ed.warpent); ed.warpmod=false; ed.warpent=-1; } } else { //Mouse input if(key.leftbutton) { if(ed.lclickdelay==0) { //Depending on current mode, place something if(ed.drawmode==0) { //place tiles //Are we in direct mode? if(cl.getroomprop(ed.levx, ed.levy)->directmode>=1) { if(ed.bmod) { for(int i=0; i<30; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex, i, ed.dmtile); } } else if(ed.hmod) { for(int i=0; i<40; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(i, ed.tiley, ed.dmtile); } } else if(ed.vmod) { for(int j=-4; j<5; j++) { for(int i=-4; i<5; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex+i, ed.tiley+j, ed.dmtile); } } } else if(ed.cmod) { for(int j=-3; j<4; j++) { for(int i=-3; i<4; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex+i, ed.tiley+j, ed.dmtile); } } } else if(ed.xmod) { for(int j=-2; j<3; j++) { for(int i=-2; i<3; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex+i, ed.tiley+j, ed.dmtile); } } } else if(ed.zmod) { for(int j=-1; j<2; j++) { for(int i=-1; i<2; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex+i, ed.tiley+j, ed.dmtile); } } } else { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex, ed.tiley, ed.dmtile); } } else { if(ed.bmod) { for(int i=0; i<30; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex, i, 80); } } else if(ed.hmod) { for(int i=0; i<40; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(i, ed.tiley, 80); } } else if(ed.vmod) { for(int j=-4; j<5; j++) { for(int i=-4; i<5; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex+i, ed.tiley+j, 80); } } } else if(ed.cmod) { for(int j=-3; j<4; j++) { for(int i=-3; i<4; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex+i, ed.tiley+j, 80); } } } else if(ed.xmod) { for(int j=-2; j<3; j++) { for(int i=-2; i<3; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex+i, ed.tiley+j, 80); } } } else if(ed.zmod) { for(int j=-1; j<2; j++) { for(int i=-1; i<2; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex+i, ed.tiley+j, 80); } } } else { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex, ed.tiley, 80); } } } else if(ed.drawmode==1) { //place background tiles if(ed.bmod) { for(int i=0; i<30; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex, i, 2); } } else if(ed.hmod) { for(int i=0; i<40; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(i, ed.tiley, 2); } } else if(ed.vmod) { for(int j=-4; j<5; j++) { for(int i=-4; i<5; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex+i, ed.tiley+j, 2); } } } else if(ed.cmod) { for(int j=-3; j<4; j++) { for(int i=-3; i<4; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex+i, ed.tiley+j, 2); } } } else if(ed.xmod) { for(int j=-2; j<3; j++) { for(int i=-2; i<3; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex+i, ed.tiley+j, 2); } } } else if(ed.zmod) { for(int j=-1; j<2; j++) { for(int i=-1; i<2; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex+i, ed.tiley+j, 2); } } } else { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex, ed.tiley, 2); } } else if(ed.drawmode==2) { //place spikes ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex, ed.tiley, 8); } int tmp=edentat(ed.tilex+ (ed.levx*40),ed.tiley+ (ed.levy*30)); if(tmp==-1) { //Room text and script triggers can be placed in walls if(ed.drawmode==10) { ed.lclickdelay=1; ed.textent=customentities.size(); addedentity(ed.tilex+ (ed.levx*40),ed.tiley+ (ed.levy*30),17); ed.getlin(TEXT_ROOMTEXT, loc::gettext("Enter roomtext:"), &(customentities[ed.textent].scriptname)); } else if(ed.drawmode==12) //Script Trigger { ed.boundarytype=0; ed.boundx1=ed.tilex*8; ed.boundy1=ed.tiley*8; ed.boundarymod=2; ed.lclickdelay=1; } } if(tmp==-1 && ed.free(ed.tilex,ed.tiley)==0) { if(ed.drawmode==3) { if(cl.numtrinkets()<100) { addedentity(ed.tilex+ (ed.levx*40),ed.tiley+ (ed.levy*30),9); ed.lclickdelay=1; } else { ed.note=loc::gettext("ERROR: Max number of trinkets is 100"); ed.notedelay=45; } } else if(ed.drawmode==4) { addedentity(ed.tilex+ (ed.levx*40),ed.tiley+ (ed.levy*30),10, 1); ed.lclickdelay=1; } else if(ed.drawmode==5) { addedentity(ed.tilex+ (ed.levx*40),ed.tiley+ (ed.levy*30),3); ed.lclickdelay=1; } else if(ed.drawmode==6) { addedentity(ed.tilex+ (ed.levx*40),ed.tiley+ (ed.levy*30),2,5); ed.lclickdelay=1; } else if(ed.drawmode==7) { addedentity(ed.tilex+ (ed.levx*40),ed.tiley+ (ed.levy*30),2,0); ed.lclickdelay=1; } else if(ed.drawmode==8) { addedentity(ed.tilex+ (ed.levx*40),ed.tiley+ (ed.levy*30),1,0); ed.lclickdelay=1; } else if(ed.drawmode==9) { addedentity(ed.tilex+ (ed.levx*40),ed.tiley+ (ed.levy*30),11,0); ed.lclickdelay=1; } else if(ed.drawmode==11) { ed.lclickdelay=1; ed.textent=customentities.size(); addedentity(ed.tilex+(ed.levx*40),ed.tiley+ (ed.levy*30),18,0); ed.getlin(TEXT_SCRIPT, loc::gettext("Enter script name:"), &(customentities[ed.textent].scriptname)); } else if(ed.drawmode==13) { ed.warpmod=true; ed.warpent=customentities.size(); addedentity(ed.tilex+ (ed.levx*40),ed.tiley+ (ed.levy*30),13); ed.lclickdelay=1; } else if(ed.drawmode==14) { //Warp lines if(ed.tilex==0) { addedentity(ed.tilex+ (ed.levx*40),ed.tiley+ (ed.levy*30),50,0); } else if(ed.tilex==39) { addedentity(ed.tilex+ (ed.levx*40),ed.tiley+ (ed.levy*30),50,1); } else if(ed.tiley==0) { addedentity(ed.tilex+ (ed.levx*40),ed.tiley+ (ed.levy*30),50,2); } else if(ed.tiley==29) { addedentity(ed.tilex+ (ed.levx*40),ed.tiley+ (ed.levy*30),50,3); } else { ed.note=loc::gettext("ERROR: Warp lines must be on edges"); ed.notedelay=45; } ed.lclickdelay=1; } else if(ed.drawmode==15) //Crewmate { if(cl.numcrewmates()<100) { addedentity(ed.tilex+ (ed.levx*40),ed.tiley+ (ed.levy*30),15,int(fRandom() * 6)); ed.lclickdelay=1; } else { ed.note=loc::gettext("ERROR: Max number of crewmates is 100"); ed.notedelay=45; } } else if(ed.drawmode==16) //Start Point { //If there is another start point, destroy it for(size_t i=0; i=5) { customentities[tmp].p1=(customentities[tmp].p1+1)%9; if(customentities[tmp].p1<5) customentities[tmp].p1=5; } else { customentities[tmp].p1=(customentities[tmp].p1+1)%4; } ed.lclickdelay=1; } else if(customentities[tmp].t==10) { // If it's not textured as a checkpoint, leave it alone if (customentities[tmp].p1 == 0 || customentities[tmp].p1 == 1) { customentities[tmp].p1=(customentities[tmp].p1+1)%2; } ed.lclickdelay=1; } else if(customentities[tmp].t==11) { customentities[tmp].p1=(customentities[tmp].p1+1)%2; ed.lclickdelay=1; } else if(customentities[tmp].t==15) { customentities[tmp].p1=(customentities[tmp].p1+1)%6; ed.lclickdelay=1; } else if(customentities[tmp].t==16) { customentities[tmp].p1=(customentities[tmp].p1+1)%2; ed.lclickdelay=1; } else if(customentities[tmp].t==17) { ed.getlin(TEXT_ROOMTEXT, loc::gettext("Enter roomtext:"), &(customentities[tmp].scriptname)); ed.textent=tmp; ed.lclickdelay=1; } else if(customentities[tmp].t==18 || customentities[tmp].t==19) { ed.lclickdelay=1; ed.textent=tmp; ed.getlin(TEXT_SCRIPT, loc::gettext("Enter script name:"), &(customentities[ed.textent].scriptname)); if (customentities[tmp].t == 18 && (customentities[tmp].p1 == 0 || customentities[tmp].p1 == 1)) { // Flip the terminal, but if it's not textured as a terminal leave it alone customentities[tmp].p1 = (customentities[tmp].p1 + 1) % 2; } } } } else { ed.lclickdelay=0; } if(key.rightbutton) { //place tiles if(ed.drawmode < 2) { if(ed.bmod) { for(int i=0; i<30; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex, i, 0); } } else if(ed.hmod) { for(int i=0; i<40; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(i, ed.tiley, 0); } } else if(ed.vmod) { for(int j=-4; j<5; j++) { for(int i=-4; i<5; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex+i, ed.tiley+j, 0); } } } else if(ed.cmod) { for(int j=-3; j<4; j++) { for(int i=-3; i<4; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex+i, ed.tiley+j, 0); } } } else if(ed.xmod) { for(int j=-2; j<3; j++) { for(int i=-2; i<3; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex+i, ed.tiley+j, 0); } } } else if(ed.zmod) { for(int j=-1; j<2; j++) { for(int i=-1; i<2; i++) { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex+i, ed.tiley+j, 0); } } } else { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex, ed.tiley, 0); } } else { ed.placetilelocal(ed.tilex, ed.tiley, 0); } for(size_t i=0; idirectmode==0) { ed.updatetiles=false; //Correctly set the tiles in the current room switch(cl.getroomprop(ed.levx, ed.levy)->tileset) { case 0: //The Space Station for(int j=0; j<30; j++) { for(int i=0; i<40; i++) { int temp=cl.gettile(ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j); if(temp>=3 && temp<80) { //Fix spikes cl.settile(ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j, ed.spikedir(i, j)); } else if(temp==2 || temp>=680) { //Fix background cl.settile( ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j, ed.backedgetile(i, j) + ed.backbase(ed.levx, ed.levy) ); } else if(temp>0) { //Fix tiles cl.settile( ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j, ed.edgetile(i, j) + ed.base(ed.levx, ed.levy) ); } } } break; case 1: //Outside for(int j=0; j<30; j++) { for(int i=0; i<40; i++) { int temp=cl.gettile(ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j); if(temp>=3 && temp<80) { //Fix spikes cl.settile(ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j, ed.spikedir(i, j)); } else if(temp==2 || temp>=680) { //Fix background cl.settile( ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j, ed.outsideedgetile(i, j) + ed.backbase(ed.levx, ed.levy) ); } else if(temp>0) { //Fix tiles cl.settile( ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j, ed.edgetile(i, j) + ed.base(ed.levx, ed.levy) ); } } } break; case 2: //Lab for(int j=0; j<30; j++) { for(int i=0; i<40; i++) { int temp=cl.gettile(ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j); if(temp>=3 && temp<80) { //Fix spikes cl.settile( ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j, ed.labspikedir( i, j, cl.getroomprop(ed.levx, ed.levy)->tilecol ) ); } else if(temp==2 || temp>=680) { //Fix background cl.settile(ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j, 713); } else if(temp>0) { //Fix tiles cl.settile( ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j, ed.edgetile(i, j) + ed.base(ed.levx, ed.levy) ); } } } break; case 3: //Warp Zone/Intermission for(int j=0; j<30; j++) { for(int i=0; i<40; i++) { int temp=cl.gettile(ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j); if(temp>=3 && temp<80) { //Fix spikes cl.settile(ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j, ed.spikedir(i, j)); } else if(temp==2 || temp>=680) { //Fix background cl.settile(ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j, 713); } else if(temp>0) { //Fix tiles cl.settile( ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j, ed.edgetile(i, j) + ed.base(ed.levx, ed.levy) ); } } } break; case 4: //The ship for(int j=0; j<30; j++) { for(int i=0; i<40; i++) { int temp=cl.gettile(ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j); if(temp>=3 && temp<80) { //Fix spikes cl.settile(ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j, ed.spikedir(i, j)); } else if(temp==2 || temp>=680) { //Fix background cl.settile( ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j, ed.backedgetile(i, j) + ed.backbase(ed.levx, ed.levy) ); } else if(temp>0) { //Fix tiles cl.settile( ed.levx, ed.levy, i, j, ed.edgetile(i, j) + ed.base(ed.levx, ed.levy) ); } } } break; case 5: //The Tower break; case 6: //Custom Set 1 break; case 7: //Custom Set 2 break; case 8: //Custom Set 3 break; case 9: //Custom Set 4 break; } } } int editorclass::getenemyframe(int t) { switch(t) { case 0: return 78; break; case 1: return 88; break; case 2: return 36; break; case 3: return 164; break; case 4: return 68; break; case 5: return 48; break; case 6: return 176; break; case 7: return 168; break; case 8: return 112; break; case 9: return 114; break; default: return 78; break; } } void editorclass::placetilelocal( int x, int y, int t ) { if(x>=0 && y>=0 && x<40 && y<30) { cl.settile(levx, levy, x, y, t); } updatetiles=true; } int editorclass::base( int x, int y ) { //Return the base tile for the given tileset and colour const RoomProperty* const room = cl.getroomprop(x, y); if(room->tileset==0) //Space Station { if(room->tilecol>=22) { return 483 + ((room->tilecol-22)*3); } else if(room->tilecol>=11) { return 283 + ((room->tilecol-11)*3); } else { return 83 + (room->tilecol*3); } } else if(room->tileset==1) //Outside { return 480 + (room->tilecol*3); } else if(room->tileset==2) //Lab { return 280 + (room->tilecol*3); } else if(room->tileset==3) //Warp Zone/Intermission { return 80 + (room->tilecol*3); } else if(room->tileset==4) //SHIP { return 101 + (room->tilecol*3); } return 0; } int editorclass::backbase( int x, int y ) { //Return the base tile for the background of the given tileset and colour const RoomProperty* const room = cl.getroomprop(x, y); if(room->tileset==0) //Space Station { //Pick depending on tilecol switch(room->tilecol) { case 0: case 5: case 26: return 680; //Blue break; case 3: case 16: case 23: return 683; //Yellow break; case 9: case 12: case 21: return 686; //Greeny Cyan break; case 4: case 8: case 24: case 28: case 30: return 689; //Green break; case 20: case 29: return 692; //Orange break; case 2: case 6: case 11: case 22: case 27: return 695; //Red break; case 1: case 10: case 15: case 19: case 31: return 698; //Pink break; case 14: case 18: return 701; //Dark Blue break; case 7: case 13: case 17: case 25: return 704; //Cyan break; default: return 680; break; } } else if(room->tileset==1) //outside { return 680 + (room->tilecol*3); } else if(room->tileset==2) //Lab { return 0; } else if(room->tileset==3) //Warp Zone/Intermission { return 120 + (room->tilecol*3); } else if(room->tileset==4) //SHIP { return 741 + (room->tilecol*3); } return 0; } int editorclass::at( int x, int y ) { if(x<0) return at(0,y); if(y<0) return at(x,0); if(x>=40) return at(39,y); if(y>=30) return at(x,29); if(x>=0 && y>=0 && x<40 && y<30) { return cl.gettile(levx, levy, x, y); } return 0; } int editorclass::freewrap( int x, int y ) { if(x<0) return freewrap(x+(cl.mapwidth*40),y); if(y<0) return freewrap(x,y+(cl.mapheight*30)); if(x>=(cl.mapwidth*40)) return freewrap(x-(cl.mapwidth*40),y); if(y>=(cl.mapheight*30)) return freewrap(x,y-(cl.mapheight*30)); if(x>=0 && y>=0 && x<(cl.mapwidth*40) && y<(cl.mapheight*30)) { if(cl.getabstile(x, y)==0) { return 0; } else { if(cl.getabstile(x, y)>=2 && cl.getabstile(x, y)<80) { return 0; } if(cl.getabstile(x, y)>=680) { return 0; } } } return 1; } int editorclass::backonlyfree( int x, int y ) { //Returns 1 if tile is a background tile, 0 otherwise if(x<0) return backonlyfree(0,y); if(y<0) return backonlyfree(x,0); if(x>=40) return backonlyfree(39,y); if(y>=30) return backonlyfree(x,29); if(x>=0 && y>=0 && x<40 && y<30) { if(cl.gettile(levx, levy, x, y)>=680) { return 1; } } return 0; } int editorclass::backfree( int x, int y ) { //Returns 0 if tile is not a block or background tile, 1 otherwise if(x<0) return backfree(0,y); if(y<0) return backfree(x,0); if(x>=40) return backfree(39,y); if(y>=30) return backfree(x,29); if(x>=0 && y>=0 && x<40 && y<30) { if(cl.gettile(levx, levy, x, y)==0) { return 0; } } return 1; } int editorclass::spikefree( int x, int y ) { //Returns 0 if tile is not a block or spike, 1 otherwise if(x==-1) return free(0,y); if(y==-1) return free(x,0); if(x==40) return free(39,y); if(y==30) return free(x,29); if(x>=0 && y>=0 && x<40 && y<30) { if(cl.gettile(levx, levy, x, y)==0) { return 0; } else { if(cl.gettile(levx, levy, x, y)>=680) { return 0; } } } return 1; } int editorclass::free( int x, int y ) { //Returns 0 if tile is not a block, 1 otherwise if(x==-1) return free(0,y); if(y==-1) return free(x,0); if(x==40) return free(39,y); if(y==30) return free(x,29); if(x>=0 && y>=0 && x<40 && y<30) { if(cl.gettile(levx, levy, x, y)==0) { return 0; } else { if(cl.gettile(levx, levy, x, y)>=2 && cl.gettile(levx, levy, x, y)<80) { return 0; } if(cl.gettile(levx, levy, x, y)>=680) { return 0; } } } return 1; } int editorclass::match( int x, int y ) { if(free(x-1,y)==0 && free(x,y-1)==0 && free(x+1,y)==0 && free(x,y+1)==0) return 0; if(free(x-1,y)==0 && free(x,y-1)==0) return 10; if(free(x+1,y)==0 && free(x,y-1)==0) return 11; if(free(x-1,y)==0 && free(x,y+1)==0) return 12; if(free(x+1,y)==0 && free(x,y+1)==0) return 13; if(free(x,y-1)==0) return 1; if(free(x-1,y)==0) return 2; if(free(x,y+1)==0) return 3; if(free(x+1,y)==0) return 4; if(free(x-1,y-1)==0) return 5; if(free(x+1,y-1)==0) return 6; if(free(x-1,y+1)==0) return 7; if(free(x+1,y+1)==0) return 8; return 0; } int editorclass::outsidematch( int x, int y ) { if(backonlyfree(x-1,y)==0 && backonlyfree(x+1,y)==0) return 2; if(backonlyfree(x,y-1)==0 && backonlyfree(x,y+1)==0) return 1; return 0; } int editorclass::backmatch( int x, int y ) { //Returns the first position match for a border // 5 1 6 // 2 X 4 // 7 3 8 if(backfree(x-1,y)==0 && backfree(x,y-1)==0 && backfree(x+1,y)==0 && backfree(x,y+1)==0) return 0; if(backfree(x-1,y)==0 && backfree(x,y-1)==0) return 10; if(backfree(x+1,y)==0 && backfree(x,y-1)==0) return 11; if(backfree(x-1,y)==0 && backfree(x,y+1)==0) return 12; if(backfree(x+1,y)==0 && backfree(x,y+1)==0) return 13; if(backfree(x,y-1)==0) return 1; if(backfree(x-1,y)==0) return 2; if(backfree(x,y+1)==0) return 3; if(backfree(x+1,y)==0) return 4; if(backfree(x-1,y-1)==0) return 5; if(backfree(x+1,y-1)==0) return 6; if(backfree(x-1,y+1)==0) return 7; if(backfree(x+1,y+1)==0) return 8; return 0; } int editorclass::edgetile( int x, int y ) { switch(match(x,y)) { case 14: return 0; break; case 10: return 80; break; case 11: return 82; break; case 12: return 160; break; case 13: return 162; break; case 1: return 81; break; case 2: return 120; break; case 3: return 161; break; case 4: return 122; break; case 5: return 42; break; case 6: return 41; break; case 7: return 2; break; case 8: return 1; break; case 0: default: return 0; break; } } int editorclass::outsideedgetile( int x, int y ) { switch(outsidematch(x,y)) { case 2: return 0; break; case 1: return 1; break; case 0: default: return 2; break; } } int editorclass::backedgetile( int x, int y ) { switch(backmatch(x,y)) { case 14: return 0; break; case 10: return 80; break; case 11: return 82; break; case 12: return 160; break; case 13: return 162; break; case 1: return 81; break; case 2: return 120; break; case 3: return 161; break; case 4: return 122; break; case 5: return 42; break; case 6: return 41; break; case 7: return 2; break; case 8: return 1; break; case 0: default: return 0; break; } } int editorclass::labspikedir( int x, int y, int t ) { // a slightly more tricky case if(free(x,y+1)==1) return 63 + (t*2); if(free(x,y-1)==1) return 64 + (t*2); if(free(x-1,y)==1) return 51 + (t*2); if(free(x+1,y)==1) return 52 + (t*2); return 63 + (t*2); } int editorclass::spikedir( int x, int y ) { if(free(x,y+1)==1) return 8; if(free(x,y-1)==1) return 9; if(free(x-1,y)==1) return 49; if(free(x+1,y)==1) return 50; return 8; } void editorclass::switch_tileset(const bool reversed) { const char* tilesets[] = {"Space Station", "Outside", "Lab", "Warp Zone", "Ship"}; int tiles = cl.getroomprop(levx, levy)->tileset; if (reversed) { tiles--; } else { tiles++; } const int modulus = SDL_arraysize(tilesets); tiles = POS_MOD(tiles, modulus); cl.setroomtileset(levx, levy, tiles); clamp_tilecol(levx, levy, false); char buffer[3*SCREEN_WIDTH_CHARS + 1]; vformat_buf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), loc::gettext("Now using {area} Tileset"), "area:str", loc::gettext(tilesets[tiles]) ); note = buffer; notedelay = 45; updatetiles = true; } void editorclass::switch_tilecol(const bool reversed) { int tilecol = cl.getroomprop(levx, levy)->tilecol; if (reversed) { tilecol--; } else { tilecol++; } cl.setroomtilecol(levx, levy, tilecol); clamp_tilecol(levx, levy, true); notedelay = 45; note = loc::gettext("Tileset Colour Changed"); updatetiles = true; } void editorclass::clamp_tilecol(const int rx, const int ry, const bool wrap) { const RoomProperty* const room = cl.getroomprop(rx, ry); const int tileset = room->tileset; int tilecol = room->tilecol; int mincol = -1; int maxcol = 5; // Only Space Station allows tileset -1 if (tileset != 0) { mincol = 0; } switch (tileset) { case 0: maxcol = 31; break; case 1: maxcol = 7; break; case 2: if (room->directmode) { maxcol = 6; } break; case 3: maxcol = 6; break; case 5: maxcol = 29; break; } // If wrap is true, wrap-around, otherwise just cap if (tilecol > maxcol) { tilecol = (wrap ? mincol : maxcol); } if (tilecol < mincol) { tilecol = (wrap ? maxcol : mincol); } cl.setroomtilecol(rx, ry, tilecol); } void editorclass::switch_enemy(const bool reversed) { const RoomProperty* const room = cl.getroomprop(levx, levy); int enemy = room->enemytype; if (reversed) { enemy--; } else { enemy++; } const int modulus = 10; enemy = POS_MOD(enemy, modulus); cl.setroomenemytype(levx, levy, enemy); note = loc::gettext("Enemy Type Changed"); notedelay = 45; } void editorclass::switch_warpdir(const bool reversed) { static const int modulus = 4; const RoomProperty* const room = cl.getroomprop(levx, levy); int warpdir = room->warpdir; if (reversed) { --warpdir; } else { ++warpdir; } warpdir = POS_MOD(warpdir, modulus); cl.setroomwarpdir(levx, levy, warpdir); switch (warpdir) { default: note = loc::gettext("Room warping disabled"); break; case 1: note = loc::gettext("Room warps horizontally"); break; case 2: note = loc::gettext("Room warps vertically"); break; case 3: note = loc::gettext("Room warps in all directions"); break; } notedelay = 45; } #endif /* NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS and NO_EDITOR */