#define SCRIPT_DEFINITION #include "Script.h" #include #include #include "editor.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "Enums.h" #include "Exit.h" #include "GlitchrunnerMode.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "KeyPoll.h" #include "Map.h" #include "Music.h" #include "UtilityClass.h" #include "Xoshiro.h" scriptclass::scriptclass(void) { position = 0; scriptdelay = 0; running = false; b = 0; g = 0; i = 0; j = 0; k = 0; loopcount = 0; looppoint = 0; r = 0; textx = 0; texty = 0; textflipme = false; } void scriptclass::clearcustom(void) { customscripts.clear(); } static bool argexists[NUM_SCRIPT_ARGS]; void scriptclass::tokenize( const std::string& t ) { j = 0; std::string tempword; char currentletter; SDL_zeroa(argexists); for (size_t i = 0; i < t.length(); i++) { currentletter = t[i]; if (currentletter == '(' || currentletter == ')' || currentletter == ',') { words[j] = tempword; argexists[j] = words[j] != ""; for (size_t ii = 0; ii < words[j].length(); ii++) { words[j][ii] = SDL_tolower(words[j][ii]); } j++; tempword = ""; } else if (currentletter == ' ') { //don't do anything - i.e. strip out spaces. } else { tempword += currentletter; } if (j >= (int) SDL_arraysize(words)) { break; } } if (j < (int) SDL_arraysize(words)) { const bool lastargexists = tempword != ""; if (lastargexists) { words[j] = tempword; } argexists[j] = lastargexists; } } void scriptclass::run(void) { if (!running) { return; } // This counter here will stop the function when it gets too high short execution_counter = 0; while(running && scriptdelay<=0 && !game.pausescript) { if (INBOUNDS_VEC(position, commands)) { //Let's split or command in an array of words tokenize(commands[position]); //For script assisted input game.press_left = false; game.press_right = false; game.press_action = false; game.press_map = false; //Ok, now we run a command based on that string if (words[0] == "moveplayer") { //USAGE: moveplayer(x offset, y offset) int player = obj.getplayer(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(player, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[player].xp += ss_toi(words[1]); obj.entities[player].yp += ss_toi(words[2]); obj.entities[player].lerpoldxp = obj.entities[player].xp; obj.entities[player].lerpoldyp = obj.entities[player].yp; } scriptdelay = 1; } #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) if (words[0] == "warpdir") { int temprx=ss_toi(words[1])-1; int tempry=ss_toi(words[2])-1; const edlevelclass* room; ed.setroomwarpdir(temprx, tempry, ss_toi(words[3])); room = ed.getroomprop(temprx, tempry); //Do we update our own room? if(game.roomx-100==temprx && game.roomy-100==tempry){ //If screen warping, then override all that: graphics.backgrounddrawn = false; map.warpx=false; map.warpy=false; if(room->warpdir==0){ map.background = 1; //Be careful, we could be in a Lab or Warp Zone room... if(room->tileset==2){ //Lab map.background = 2; graphics.rcol = room->tilecol; }else if(room->tileset==3){ //Warp Zone map.background = 6; } }else if(room->warpdir==1){ map.warpx=true; map.background=3; graphics.rcol = ed.getwarpbackground(temprx,tempry); }else if(room->warpdir==2){ map.warpy=true; map.background=4; graphics.rcol = ed.getwarpbackground(temprx,tempry); }else if(room->warpdir==3){ map.warpx=true; map.warpy=true; map.background = 5; graphics.rcol = ed.getwarpbackground(temprx,tempry); } } } if (words[0] == "ifwarp") { const edlevelclass* const room = ed.getroomprop(ss_toi(words[1])-1, ss_toi(words[2])-1); if (room->warpdir == ss_toi(words[3])) { load("custom_"+words[4]); position--; } } #endif if (words[0] == "destroy") { if(words[1]=="gravitylines"){ for(size_t edi=0; edi= ss_toi(words[1])) { load("custom_"+words[2]); position--; } } if (words[0] == "customiftrinketsless") { if (game.trinkets() < ss_toi(words[1])) { load("custom_"+words[2]); position--; } } else if (words[0] == "customifflag") { int flag = ss_toi(words[1]); if (INBOUNDS_ARR(flag, obj.flags) && obj.flags[flag]) { load("custom_"+words[2]); position--; } } if (words[0] == "custommap") { if(words[1]=="on"){ map.customshowmm=true; }else if(words[1]=="off"){ map.customshowmm=false; } } if (words[0] == "delay") { //USAGE: delay(frames) scriptdelay = ss_toi(words[1]); } if (words[0] == "flag") { int flag = ss_toi(words[1]); if (INBOUNDS_ARR(flag, obj.flags)) { if (words[2] == "on") { obj.flags[flag] = true; } else if (words[2] == "off") { obj.flags[flag] = false; } } } if (words[0] == "flash") { //USAGE: flash(frames) game.flashlight = ss_toi(words[1]); } if (words[0] == "shake") { //USAGE: shake(frames) game.screenshake = ss_toi(words[1]); } if (words[0] == "walk") { //USAGE: walk(dir,frames) if (words[1] == "left") { game.press_left = true; } else if (words[1] == "right") { game.press_right = true; } scriptdelay = ss_toi(words[2]); } if (words[0] == "flip") { game.press_action = true; scriptdelay = 1; } if (words[0] == "tofloor") { int player = obj.getplayer(); if(INBOUNDS_VEC(player, obj.entities) && obj.entities[player].onroof>0) { game.press_action = true; scriptdelay = 1; } } if (words[0] == "playef") { music.playef(ss_toi(words[1])); } if (words[0] == "play") { music.play(ss_toi(words[1])); } if (words[0] == "stopmusic") { music.haltdasmusik(); } if (words[0] == "resumemusic") { music.resumefade(0); } if (words[0] == "musicfadeout") { music.fadeout(false); } if (words[0] == "musicfadein") { music.fadein(); } if (words[0] == "trinketscriptmusic") { music.play(4); } if (words[0] == "gotoposition") { //USAGE: gotoposition(x position, y position, gravity position) int player = obj.getplayer(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(player, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[player].xp = ss_toi(words[1]); obj.entities[player].yp = ss_toi(words[2]); obj.entities[player].lerpoldxp = obj.entities[player].xp; obj.entities[player].lerpoldyp = obj.entities[player].yp; } game.gravitycontrol = ss_toi(words[3]); } if (words[0] == "gotoroom") { //USAGE: gotoroom(x,y) (manually add 100) map.gotoroom(ss_toi(words[1])+100, ss_toi(words[2])+100); } if (words[0] == "cutscene") { graphics.showcutscenebars = true; } if (words[0] == "endcutscene") { graphics.showcutscenebars = false; } if (words[0] == "audiopause") { if (words[1] == "on") { game.disabletemporaryaudiopause = false; } else if (words[1] == "off") { game.disabletemporaryaudiopause = true; } } if (words[0] == "untilbars") { if (graphics.showcutscenebars) { if (graphics.cutscenebarspos < 360) { scriptdelay = 1; position--; } } else { if (graphics.cutscenebarspos > 0) { scriptdelay = 1; position--; } } } else if (words[0] == "text") { //oh boy //first word is the colour. if (words[1] == "cyan") { r = 164; g = 164; b = 255; } else if (words[1] == "player") { r = 164; g = 164; b = 255; } else if (words[1] == "red") { r = 255; g = 60; b = 60; } else if (words[1] == "green") { r = 144; g = 255; b = 144; } else if (words[1] == "yellow") { r = 255; g = 255; b = 134; } else if (words[1] == "blue") { r = 95; g = 95; b = 255; } else if (words[1] == "purple") { r = 255; g = 134; b = 255; } else if (words[1] == "white") { r = 244; g = 244; b = 244; } else if (words[1] == "gray") { r = 174; g = 174; b = 174; } else if (words[1] == "orange") { r = 255; g = 130; b = 20; } else { //use a gray r = 174; g = 174; b = 174; } //next are the x,y coordinates textx = ss_toi(words[2]); texty = ss_toi(words[3]); //Number of lines for the textbox! txt.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < ss_toi(words[4]); i++) { position++; if (INBOUNDS_VEC(position, commands)) { txt.push_back(commands[position]); } } } else if (words[0] == "position") { //are we facing left or right? for some objects we don't care, default at 0. j = 0; //the first word is the object to position relative to if (words[1] == "player") { i = obj.getplayer(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { j = obj.entities[i].dir; } } else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i = obj.getcrewman(0); j = obj.entities[i].dir; } else if (words[1] == "purple") { i = obj.getcrewman(1); j = obj.entities[i].dir; } else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i = obj.getcrewman(2); j = obj.entities[i].dir; } else if (words[1] == "red") { i = obj.getcrewman(3); j = obj.entities[i].dir; } else if (words[1] == "green") { i = obj.getcrewman(4); j = obj.entities[i].dir; } else if (words[1] == "blue") { i = obj.getcrewman(5); j = obj.entities[i].dir; } else if (words[1] == "centerx") { words[2] = "donothing"; j = -1; textx = -500; } else if (words[1] == "centery") { words[2] = "donothing"; j = -1; texty = -500; } else if (words[1] == "center") { words[2] = "donothing"; j = -1; textx = -500; texty = -500; } //next is whether to position above or below if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities) && words[2] == "above") { if (j == 1) //left { textx = obj.entities[i].xp -10000; //tells the box to be oriented correctly later texty = obj.entities[i].yp - 16 - (txt.size()*8); } else if (j == 0) //Right { textx = obj.entities[i].xp - 16; texty = obj.entities[i].yp - 18 - (txt.size() * 8); } } else if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { if (j == 1) //left { textx = obj.entities[i].xp -10000; //tells the box to be oriented correctly later texty = obj.entities[i].yp + 26; } else if (j == 0) //Right { textx = obj.entities[i].xp - 16; texty = obj.entities[i].yp + 26; } } } else if (words[0] == "customposition") { //are we facing left or right? for some objects we don't care, default at 0. j = 0; //the first word is the object to position relative to if (words[1] == "player") { i = obj.getcustomcrewman(0); j = obj.entities[i].dir; } else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i = obj.getcustomcrewman(0); j = obj.entities[i].dir; } else if (words[1] == "purple") { i = obj.getcustomcrewman(1); j = obj.entities[i].dir; } else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i = obj.getcustomcrewman(2); j = obj.entities[i].dir; } else if (words[1] == "red") { i = obj.getcustomcrewman(3); j = obj.entities[i].dir; } else if (words[1] == "green") { i = obj.getcustomcrewman(4); j = obj.entities[i].dir; } else if (words[1] == "blue") { i = obj.getcustomcrewman(5); j = obj.entities[i].dir; } else if (words[1] == "centerx") { words[2] = "donothing"; j = -1; textx = -500; } else if (words[1] == "centery") { words[2] = "donothing"; j = -1; texty = -500; } else if (words[1] == "center") { words[2] = "donothing"; j = -1; textx = -500; texty = -500; } if(i==0 && words[1]!="player" && words[1]!="cyan"){ //Requested crewmate is not actually on screen words[2] = "donothing"; j = -1; textx = -500; texty = -500; } //next is whether to position above or below if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities) && words[2] == "above") { if (j == 1) //left { textx = obj.entities[i].xp -10000; //tells the box to be oriented correctly later texty = obj.entities[i].yp - 16 - (txt.size()*8); } else if (j == 0) //Right { textx = obj.entities[i].xp - 16; texty = obj.entities[i].yp - 18 - (txt.size() * 8); } } else if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { if (j == 1) //left { textx = obj.entities[i].xp -10000; //tells the box to be oriented correctly later texty = obj.entities[i].yp + 26; } else if (j == 0) //Right { textx = obj.entities[i].xp - 16; texty = obj.entities[i].yp + 26; } } } else if (words[0] == "backgroundtext") { game.backgroundtext = true; } else if (words[0] == "flipme") { textflipme = !textflipme; } else if (words[0] == "speak_active" || words[0] == "speak") { //Ok, actually display the textbox we've initilised now! //If using "speak", don't make the textbox active (so we can use multiple textboxes) if (txt.empty()) { txt.resize(1); } graphics.createtextboxreal(txt[0], textx, texty, r, g, b, textflipme); textflipme = false; if ((int) txt.size() > 1) { for (i = 1; i < (int) txt.size(); i++) { graphics.addline(txt[i]); } } //the textbox cannot be outside the screen. Fix if it is. if (textx <= -1000) { //position to the left of the player textx += 10000; textx -= graphics.textboxwidth(); textx += 16; graphics.textboxmoveto(textx); } if (textx == -500 || textx == -1) { graphics.textboxcenterx(); } if (texty == -500) { graphics.textboxcentery(); } graphics.textboxadjust(); if (words[0] == "speak_active") { graphics.textboxactive(); } if (!game.backgroundtext) { game.advancetext = true; game.hascontrol = false; game.pausescript = true; if (key.isDown(90) || key.isDown(32) || key.isDown(86) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_UP) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_DOWN)) game.jumpheld = true; } game.backgroundtext = false; } else if (words[0] == "endtext") { graphics.textboxremove(); game.hascontrol = true; game.advancetext = false; } else if (words[0] == "endtextfast") { graphics.textboxremovefast(); game.hascontrol = true; game.advancetext = false; } else if (words[0] == "do") { //right, loop from this point looppoint = position; loopcount = ss_toi(words[1]); } else if (words[0] == "loop") { //right, loop from this point loopcount--; if (loopcount > 0) { position = looppoint; } } else if (words[0] == "vvvvvvman") { //Create the super VVVVVV combo! i = obj.getplayer(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[i].xp = 30; obj.entities[i].yp = 46; obj.entities[i].size = 13; obj.entities[i].colour = 23; obj.entities[i].cx = 36;// 6; obj.entities[i].cy = 12+80;// 2; obj.entities[i].h = 126-80;// 21; } } else if (words[0] == "undovvvvvvman") { //Create the super VVVVVV combo! i = obj.getplayer(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[i].xp = 100; obj.entities[i].size = 0; obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].cx = 6; obj.entities[i].cy = 2; obj.entities[i].h = 21; } } else if (words[0] == "createentity") { std::string word6 = words[6]; std::string word7 = words[7]; std::string word8 = words[8]; std::string word9 = words[9]; if (!argexists[6]) words[6] = "0"; if (!argexists[7]) words[7] = "0"; if (!argexists[8]) words[8] = "320"; if (!argexists[9]) words[9] = "240"; obj.createentity( ss_toi(words[1]), ss_toi(words[2]), ss_toi(words[3]), ss_toi(words[4]), ss_toi(words[5]), ss_toi(words[6]), ss_toi(words[7]), ss_toi(words[8]), ss_toi(words[9]) ); words[6] = word6; words[7] = word7; words[8] = word8; words[9] = word9; } else if (words[0] == "createcrewman") { if (words[3] == "cyan") { r=0; } else if (words[3] == "red") { r=15; } else if (words[3] == "green") { r=13; } else if (words[3] == "yellow") { r=14; } else if (words[3] == "blue") { r=16; } else if (words[3] == "purple") { r=20; } else if (words[3] == "gray") { r=19; } else { r = 19; } //convert the command to the right index if (words[5] == "followplayer") words[5] = "10"; if (words[5] == "followpurple") words[5] = "11"; if (words[5] == "followyellow") words[5] = "12"; if (words[5] == "followred") words[5] = "13"; if (words[5] == "followgreen") words[5] = "14"; if (words[5] == "followblue") words[5] = "15"; if (words[5] == "followposition") words[5] = "16"; if (words[5] == "faceleft") { words[5] = "17"; words[6] = "0"; } if (words[5] == "faceright") { words[5] = "17"; words[6] = "1"; } if (words[5] == "faceplayer") { words[5] = "18"; words[6] = "0"; } if (words[5] == "panic") { words[5] = "20"; words[6] = "0"; } if (ss_toi(words[5]) >= 16) { obj.createentity(ss_toi(words[1]), ss_toi(words[2]), 18, r, ss_toi(words[4]), ss_toi(words[5]), ss_toi(words[6])); } else { obj.createentity(ss_toi(words[1]), ss_toi(words[2]), 18, r, ss_toi(words[4]), ss_toi(words[5])); } } else if (words[0] == "changemood") { if (words[1] == "player") { i=obj.getplayer(); } else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i=obj.getcrewman(0); } else if (words[1] == "customcyan") { i=obj.getcustomcrewman(0); } else if (words[1] == "red") { i=obj.getcrewman(3); } else if (words[1] == "green") { i=obj.getcrewman(4); } else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=obj.getcrewman(2); } else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=obj.getcrewman(5); } else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=obj.getcrewman(1); } else if (words[1] == "pink") { i=obj.getcrewman(1); } if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities) && ss_toi(words[2]) == 0) { obj.entities[i].tile = 0; } else if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[i].tile = 144; } } else if (words[0] == "changecustommood") { if (words[1] == "player") { i=obj.getcustomcrewman(0); obj.customcrewmoods[0]=ss_toi(words[2]); } else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i=obj.getcustomcrewman(0); obj.customcrewmoods[0]=ss_toi(words[2]); } else if (words[1] == "customcyan") { i=obj.getcustomcrewman(0); obj.customcrewmoods[0]=ss_toi(words[2]); } else if (words[1] == "red") { i=obj.getcustomcrewman(3); obj.customcrewmoods[3]=ss_toi(words[2]); } else if (words[1] == "green") { i=obj.getcustomcrewman(4); obj.customcrewmoods[4]=ss_toi(words[2]); } else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=obj.getcustomcrewman(2); obj.customcrewmoods[2]=ss_toi(words[2]); } else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=obj.getcustomcrewman(5); obj.customcrewmoods[5]=ss_toi(words[2]); } else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=obj.getcustomcrewman(1); obj.customcrewmoods[1]=ss_toi(words[2]); } else if (words[1] == "pink") { i=obj.getcustomcrewman(1); obj.customcrewmoods[1]=ss_toi(words[2]); } if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities) && ss_toi(words[2]) == 0) { obj.entities[i].tile = 0; } else if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[i].tile = 144; } } else if (words[0] == "changetile") { if (words[1] == "player") { i=obj.getplayer(); } else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i=obj.getcrewman(0); } else if (words[1] == "red") { i=obj.getcrewman(3); } else if (words[1] == "green") { i=obj.getcrewman(4); } else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=obj.getcrewman(2); } else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=obj.getcrewman(5); } else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=obj.getcrewman(1); } if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[i].tile = ss_toi(words[2]); } } else if (words[0] == "flipgravity") { //not something I'll use a lot, I think. Doesn't need to be very robust! if (words[1] == "player") { game.gravitycontrol = !game.gravitycontrol; ++game.totalflips; } else { if (words[1] == "cyan") { i=obj.getcrewman(0); } else if (words[1] == "red") { i=obj.getcrewman(3); } else if (words[1] == "green") { i=obj.getcrewman(4); } else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=obj.getcrewman(2); } else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=obj.getcrewman(5); } else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=obj.getcrewman(1); } if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities) && obj.entities[i].rule == 7) { obj.entities[i].rule = 6; obj.entities[i].tile = 0; } else if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities) && obj.getplayer() != i) // Don't destroy player entity { obj.entities[i].rule = 7; obj.entities[i].tile = 6; } } } else if (words[0] == "changegravity") { //not something I'll use a lot, I think. Doesn't need to be very robust! if (words[1] == "player") { i=obj.getplayer(); } else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i=obj.getcrewman(0); } else if (words[1] == "red") { i=obj.getcrewman(3); } else if (words[1] == "green") { i=obj.getcrewman(4); } else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=obj.getcrewman(2); } else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=obj.getcrewman(5); } else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=obj.getcrewman(1); } if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[i].tile +=12; } } else if (words[0] == "changedir") { if (words[1] == "player") { i=obj.getplayer(); } else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i=obj.getcrewman(0); } else if (words[1] == "red") { i=obj.getcrewman(3); } else if (words[1] == "green") { i=obj.getcrewman(4); } else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=obj.getcrewman(2); } else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=obj.getcrewman(5); } else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=obj.getcrewman(1); } if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities) && ss_toi(words[2]) == 0) { obj.entities[i].dir = 0; } else if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[i].dir = 1; } } else if (words[0] == "alarmon") { game.alarmon = true; game.alarmdelay = 0; } else if (words[0] == "alarmoff") { game.alarmon = false; } else if (words[0] == "changeai") { if (words[1] == "player") { i=obj.getplayer(); } else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i=obj.getcrewman(0); } else if (words[1] == "red") { i=obj.getcrewman(3); } else if (words[1] == "green") { i=obj.getcrewman(4); } else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=obj.getcrewman(2); } else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=obj.getcrewman(5); } else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=obj.getcrewman(1); } if (words[2] == "followplayer") words[2] = "10"; if (words[2] == "followpurple") words[2] = "11"; if (words[2] == "followyellow") words[2] = "12"; if (words[2] == "followred") words[2] = "13"; if (words[2] == "followgreen") words[2] = "14"; if (words[2] == "followblue") words[2] = "15"; if (words[2] == "followposition") words[2] = "16"; if (words[2] == "faceleft") { words[2] = "17"; words[3] = "0"; } if (words[2] == "faceright") { words[2] = "17"; words[3] = "1"; } if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[i].state = ss_toi(words[2]); if (obj.entities[i].state == 16) { obj.entities[i].para=ss_toi(words[3]); } else if (obj.entities[i].state == 17) { obj.entities[i].dir=ss_toi(words[3]); } } } else if (words[0] == "activateteleporter") { i = obj.getteleporter(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[i].tile = 6; obj.entities[i].colour = 102; } } else if (words[0] == "changecolour") { if (words[1] == "player") { i=obj.getplayer(); } else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i=obj.getcrewman(0); } else if (words[1] == "red") { i=obj.getcrewman(3); } else if (words[1] == "green") { i=obj.getcrewman(4); } else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=obj.getcrewman(2); } else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=obj.getcrewman(5); } else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=obj.getcrewman(1); } if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { if (words[2] == "cyan") { obj.entities[i].colour = 0; } else if (words[2] == "red") { obj.entities[i].colour = 15; } else if (words[2] == "green") { obj.entities[i].colour = 13; } else if (words[2] == "yellow") { obj.entities[i].colour = 14; } else if (words[2] == "blue") { obj.entities[i].colour = 16; } else if (words[2] == "purple") { obj.entities[i].colour = 20; } else if (words[2] == "teleporter") { obj.entities[i].colour = 102; } } } else if (words[0] == "squeak") { if (words[1] == "player") { music.playef(11); } else if (words[1] == "cyan") { music.playef(11); } else if (words[1] == "red") { music.playef(16); } else if (words[1] == "green") { music.playef(12); } else if (words[1] == "yellow") { music.playef(14); } else if (words[1] == "blue") { music.playef(13); } else if (words[1] == "purple") { music.playef(15); } else if (words[1] == "cry") { music.playef(2); } else if (words[1] == "terminal") { music.playef(20); } } else if (words[0] == "blackout") { game.blackout = true; } else if (words[0] == "blackon") { game.blackout = false; } else if (words[0] == "setcheckpoint") { i = obj.getplayer(); game.savepoint = 0; if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { game.savex = obj.entities[i].xp ; game.savey = obj.entities[i].yp; } game.savegc = game.gravitycontrol; game.saverx = game.roomx; game.savery = game.roomy; if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { game.savedir = obj.entities[i].dir; } } else if (words[0] == "gamestate") { game.state = ss_toi(words[1]); game.statedelay = 0; } else if (words[0] == "textboxactive") { graphics.textboxactive(); } else if (words[0] == "gamemode") { if (words[1] == "teleporter") { game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; /* to set prevgamestate */ game.mapmenuchange(TELEPORTERMODE, false); game.useteleporter = false; //good heavens don't actually use it } else if (words[1] == "game") { graphics.resumegamemode = true; game.prevgamestate = GAMEMODE; } } else if (words[0] == "ifexplored") { if (map.isexplored(ss_toi(words[1]), ss_toi(words[2]))) { load(words[3]); position--; } } else if (words[0] == "iflast") { if (game.lastsaved==ss_toi(words[1])) { load(words[2]); position--; } } else if (words[0] == "ifskip") { if (game.nocutscenes) { load(words[1]); position--; } } else if (words[0] == "ifflag") { int flag = ss_toi(words[1]); if (INBOUNDS_ARR(flag, obj.flags) && obj.flags[flag]) { load(words[2]); position--; } } else if (words[0] == "ifcrewlost") { int crewmate = ss_toi(words[1]); if (INBOUNDS_ARR(crewmate, game.crewstats) && !game.crewstats[crewmate]) { load(words[2]); position--; } } else if (words[0] == "iftrinkets") { if (game.trinkets() >= ss_toi(words[1])) { load(words[2]); position--; } } else if (words[0] == "iftrinketsless") { if (game.stat_trinkets < ss_toi(words[1])) { load(words[2]); position--; } } else if (words[0] == "hidecoordinates") { map.setexplored(ss_toi(words[1]), ss_toi(words[2]), false); } else if (words[0] == "showcoordinates") { map.setexplored(ss_toi(words[1]), ss_toi(words[2]), true); } else if (words[0] == "hideship") { map.hideship(); } else if (words[0] == "showship") { map.showship(); } else if (words[0] == "showsecretlab") { map.setexplored(16, 5, true); map.setexplored(17, 5, true); map.setexplored(18, 5, true); map.setexplored(17, 6, true); map.setexplored(18, 6, true); map.setexplored(19, 6, true); map.setexplored(19, 7, true); map.setexplored(19, 8, true); } else if (words[0] == "hidesecretlab") { map.setexplored(16, 5, false); map.setexplored(17, 5, false); map.setexplored(18, 5, false); map.setexplored(17, 6, false); map.setexplored(18, 6, false); map.setexplored(19, 6, false); map.setexplored(19, 7, false); map.setexplored(19, 8, false); } else if (words[0] == "showteleporters") { map.showteleporters = true; } else if (words[0] == "showtargets") { map.showtargets = true; } else if (words[0] == "showtrinkets") { map.showtrinkets = true; } else if (words[0] == "hideteleporters") { map.showteleporters = false; } else if (words[0] == "hidetargets") { map.showtargets = false; } else if (words[0] == "hidetrinkets") { map.showtrinkets = false; } else if (words[0] == "hideplayer") { int player = obj.getplayer(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(player, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[player].invis = true; } } else if (words[0] == "showplayer") { int player = obj.getplayer(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(player, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[player].invis = false; } } else if (words[0] == "teleportscript") { game.teleportscript = words[1]; } else if (words[0] == "clearteleportscript") { game.teleportscript = ""; } else if (words[0] == "nocontrol") { game.hascontrol = false; } else if (words[0] == "hascontrol") { game.hascontrol = true; } else if (words[0] == "companion") { game.companion = ss_toi(words[1]); } else if (words[0] == "befadein") { graphics.setfade(0); graphics.fademode= 0; } else if (words[0] == "fadein") { graphics.fademode = 4; } else if (words[0] == "fadeout") { graphics.fademode = 2; } else if (words[0] == "untilfade") { if (graphics.fademode>1) { scriptdelay = 1; position--; } } else if (words[0] == "entersecretlab") { game.unlocknum(8); game.insecretlab = true; SDL_memset(map.explored, true, sizeof(map.explored)); } else if (words[0] == "leavesecretlab") { game.insecretlab = false; } else if (words[0] == "resetgame") { map.resetnames(); map.resetmap(); map.resetplayer(); graphics.towerbg.tdrawback = true; obj.resetallflags(); i = obj.getplayer(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[i].tile = 0; } for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { obj.collect[i] = false; obj.customcollect[i] = false; } game.deathcounts = 0; game.advancetext = false; game.hascontrol = true; game.resetgameclock(); game.gravitycontrol = 0; game.teleport = false; game.companion = 0; game.roomchange = false; game.teleport_to_new_area = false; game.teleport_to_x = 0; game.teleport_to_y = 0; game.teleportscript = ""; //get out of final level mode! map.finalmode = false; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0; map.finalstretch = false; } else if (words[0] == "loadscript") { load(words[1]); position--; } else if (words[0] == "rollcredits") { #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) && !defined(NO_EDITOR) if (map.custommode && !map.custommodeforreal) { game.returntoeditor(); ed.note = "Rolled credits"; ed.notedelay = 45; } else #endif { game.gamestate = GAMECOMPLETE; graphics.fademode = 4; game.creditposition = 0; } } else if (words[0] == "finalmode") { map.finalmode = true; map.gotoroom(ss_toi(words[1]), ss_toi(words[2])); } else if (words[0] == "rescued") { if (words[1] == "red") { game.crewstats[3] = true; } else if (words[1] == "green") { game.crewstats[4] = true; } else if (words[1] == "yellow") { game.crewstats[2] = true; } else if (words[1] == "blue") { game.crewstats[5] = true; } else if (words[1] == "purple") { game.crewstats[1] = true; } else if (words[1] == "player") { game.crewstats[0] = true; } else if (words[1] == "cyan") { game.crewstats[0] = true; } } else if (words[0] == "missing") { if (words[1] == "red") { game.crewstats[3] = false; } else if (words[1] == "green") { game.crewstats[4] = false; } else if (words[1] == "yellow") { game.crewstats[2] = false; } else if (words[1] == "blue") { game.crewstats[5] = false; } else if (words[1] == "purple") { game.crewstats[1] = false; } else if (words[1] == "player") { game.crewstats[0] = false; } else if (words[1] == "cyan") { game.crewstats[0] = false; } } else if (words[0] == "face") { if (words[1] == "player") { i=obj.getplayer(); } else if (words[1] == "cyan") { i=obj.getcrewman(0); } else if (words[1] == "red") { i=obj.getcrewman(3); } else if (words[1] == "green") { i=obj.getcrewman(4); } else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=obj.getcrewman(2); } else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=obj.getcrewman(5); } else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=obj.getcrewman(1); } if (words[2] == "player") { j=obj.getplayer(); } else if (words[2] == "cyan") { j=obj.getcrewman(0); } else if (words[2] == "red") { j=obj.getcrewman(3); } else if (words[2] == "green") { j=obj.getcrewman(4); } else if (words[2] == "yellow") { j=obj.getcrewman(2); } else if (words[2] == "blue") { j=obj.getcrewman(5); } else if (words[2] == "purple") { j=obj.getcrewman(1); } if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities) && INBOUNDS_VEC(j, obj.entities) && obj.entities[j].xp > obj.entities[i].xp + 5) { obj.entities[i].dir = 1; } else if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities) && INBOUNDS_VEC(j, obj.entities) && obj.entities[j].xp < obj.entities[i].xp - 5) { obj.entities[i].dir = 0; } } else if (words[0] == "jukebox") { for (j = 0; j < (int) obj.entities.size(); j++) { if (obj.entities[j].type == 13) { obj.entities[j].colour = 4; } } if (ss_toi(words[1]) == 1) { obj.createblock(5, 88 - 4, 80, 20, 16, 25); for (j = 0; j < (int) obj.entities.size(); j++) { if (obj.entities[j].xp == 88 && obj.entities[j].yp==80) { obj.entities[j].colour = 5; } } } else if (ss_toi(words[1]) == 2) { obj.createblock(5, 128 - 4, 80, 20, 16, 26); for (j = 0; j < (int) obj.entities.size(); j++) { if (obj.entities[j].xp == 128 && obj.entities[j].yp==80) { obj.entities[j].colour = 5; } } } else if (ss_toi(words[1]) == 3) { obj.createblock(5, 176 - 4, 80, 20, 16, 27); for (j = 0; j < (int) obj.entities.size(); j++) { if (obj.entities[j].xp == 176 && obj.entities[j].yp==80) { obj.entities[j].colour = 5; } } } else if (ss_toi(words[1]) == 4) { obj.createblock(5, 216 - 4, 80, 20, 16, 28); for (j = 0; j < (int) obj.entities.size(); j++) { if (obj.entities[j].xp == 216 && obj.entities[j].yp==80) { obj.entities[j].colour = 5; } } } else if (ss_toi(words[1]) == 5) { obj.createblock(5, 88 - 4, 128, 20, 16, 29); for (j = 0; j < (int) obj.entities.size(); j++) { if (obj.entities[j].xp == 88 && obj.entities[j].yp==128) { obj.entities[j].colour = 5; } } } else if (ss_toi(words[1]) == 6) { obj.createblock(5, 176 - 4, 128, 20, 16, 30); for (j = 0; j < (int) obj.entities.size(); j++) { if (obj.entities[j].xp == 176 && obj.entities[j].yp==128) { obj.entities[j].colour = 5; } } } else if (ss_toi(words[1]) == 7) { obj.createblock(5, 40 - 4, 40, 20, 16, 31); for (j = 0; j < (int) obj.entities.size(); j++) { if (obj.entities[j].xp == 40 && obj.entities[j].yp==40) { obj.entities[j].colour = 5; } } } else if (ss_toi(words[1]) == 8) { obj.createblock(5, 216 - 4, 128, 20, 16, 32); for (j = 0; j < (int) obj.entities.size(); j++) { if (obj.entities[j].xp == 216 && obj.entities[j].yp==128) { obj.entities[j].colour = 5; } } } else if (ss_toi(words[1]) == 9) { obj.createblock(5, 128 - 4, 128, 20, 16, 33); for (j = 0; j < (int) obj.entities.size(); j++) { if (obj.entities[j].xp == 128 && obj.entities[j].yp==128) { obj.entities[j].colour = 5; } } } else if (ss_toi(words[1]) == 10) { obj.createblock(5, 264 - 4, 40, 20, 16, 34); for (j = 0; j < (int) obj.entities.size(); j++) { if (obj.entities[j].xp == 264 && obj.entities[j].yp==40) { obj.entities[j].colour = 5; } } } } else if (words[0] == "createactivityzone") { if (words[1] == "red") { i=3; } else if (words[1] == "green") { i=4; } else if (words[1] == "yellow") { i=2; } else if (words[1] == "blue") { i=5; } else if (words[1] == "purple") { i=1; } int crewman = obj.getcrewman(i); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(crewman, obj.entities) && i == 4) { obj.createblock(5, obj.entities[crewman].xp - 32, obj.entities[crewman].yp-20, 96, 60, i); } else if (INBOUNDS_VEC(crewman, obj.entities)) { obj.createblock(5, obj.entities[crewman].xp - 32, 0, 96, 240, i); } } else if (words[0] == "createrescuedcrew") { //special for final level cutscene //starting at 180, create the rescued crewmembers (ingoring violet, who's at 155) i = 215; if (game.crewstats[2] && game.lastsaved!=2) { obj.createentity(i, 153, 18, 14, 0, 17, 0); i += 25; } if (game.crewstats[3] && game.lastsaved!=3) { obj.createentity(i, 153, 18, 15, 0, 17, 0); i += 25; } if (game.crewstats[4] && game.lastsaved!=4) { obj.createentity(i, 153, 18, 13, 0, 17, 0); i += 25; } if (game.crewstats[5] && game.lastsaved!=5) { obj.createentity(i, 153, 18, 16, 0, 17, 0); i += 25; } } else if (words[0] == "restoreplayercolour") { i = obj.getplayer(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[i].colour = 0; } } else if (words[0] == "changeplayercolour") { i = obj.getplayer(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { if (words[1] == "cyan") { obj.entities[i].colour = 0; } else if (words[1] == "red") { obj.entities[i].colour = 15; } else if (words[1] == "green") { obj.entities[i].colour = 13; } else if (words[1] == "yellow") { obj.entities[i].colour = 14; } else if (words[1] == "blue") { obj.entities[i].colour = 16; } else if (words[1] == "purple") { obj.entities[i].colour = 20; } else if (words[1] == "teleporter") { obj.entities[i].colour = 102; } } } else if (words[0] == "altstates") { obj.altstates = ss_toi(words[1]); } else if (words[0] == "activeteleporter") { i = obj.getteleporter(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[i].colour = 101; } } else if (words[0] == "foundtrinket") { music.silencedasmusik(); music.playef(3); size_t trinket = ss_toi(words[1]); if (trinket < SDL_arraysize(obj.collect)) { obj.collect[trinket] = true; } graphics.textboxremovefast(); graphics.createtextboxflipme(" Congratulations! ", 50, 85, 174, 174, 174); graphics.addline(""); graphics.addline("You have found a shiny trinket!"); graphics.textboxcenterx(); std::string usethisnum; #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) if (map.custommode) { usethisnum = help.number(ed.numtrinkets()); } else #endif { usethisnum = "Twenty"; } graphics.createtextboxflipme(" " + help.number(game.trinkets()) + " out of " + usethisnum + " ", 50, 135, 174, 174, 174); graphics.textboxcenterx(); if (!game.backgroundtext) { game.advancetext = true; game.hascontrol = false; game.pausescript = true; if (key.isDown(90) || key.isDown(32) || key.isDown(86) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_UP) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_DOWN)) game.jumpheld = true; } game.backgroundtext = false; } else if (words[0] == "foundlab") { music.playef(3); graphics.textboxremovefast(); graphics.createtextbox(" Congratulations! ", 50, 85, 174, 174, 174); graphics.addline(""); graphics.addline("You have found the secret lab!"); graphics.textboxcenterx(); graphics.textboxcentery(); if (!game.backgroundtext) { game.advancetext = true; game.hascontrol = false; game.pausescript = true; if (key.isDown(90) || key.isDown(32) || key.isDown(86) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_UP) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_DOWN)) game.jumpheld = true; } game.backgroundtext = false; } else if (words[0] == "foundlab2") { graphics.textboxremovefast(); graphics.createtextbox("The secret lab is separate from", 50, 85, 174, 174, 174); graphics.addline("the rest of the game. You can"); graphics.addline("now come back here at any time"); graphics.addline("by selecting the new SECRET LAB"); graphics.addline("option in the play menu."); graphics.textboxcenterx(); graphics.textboxcentery(); if (!game.backgroundtext) { game.advancetext = true; game.hascontrol = false; game.pausescript = true; if (key.isDown(90) || key.isDown(32) || key.isDown(86) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_UP) || key.isDown(KEYBOARD_DOWN)) game.jumpheld = true; } game.backgroundtext = false; } else if (words[0] == "everybodysad") { for (i = 0; i < (int) obj.entities.size(); i++) { if (obj.entities[i].rule == 6 || obj.entities[i].rule == 0) { obj.entities[i].tile = 144; } } } else if (words[0] == "startintermission2") { map.finalmode = true; //Enable final level mode game.savex = 228; game.savey = 129; game.saverx = 53; game.savery = 49; game.savegc = 0; game.savedir = 0; //Intermission level 2 game.savepoint = 0; game.gravitycontrol = 0; map.gotoroom(46, 54); } else if (words[0] == "telesave") { if (!game.intimetrial && !game.nodeathmode && !game.inintermission) game.savetele(); } else if (words[0] == "createlastrescued") { if (game.lastsaved==2) { r=14; } else if (game.lastsaved==3) { r=15; } else if (game.lastsaved==4) { r=13; } else if (game.lastsaved==5) { r=16; } else { r = 19; } obj.createentity(200, 153, 18, r, 0, 19, 30); i = obj.getcrewman(game.lastsaved); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[i].dir = 1; } } else if (words[0] == "specialline") { switch(ss_toi(words[1])) { case 1: txt.resize(1); txt[0] = "I'm worried about " + game.unrescued() + ", Doctor!"; break; case 2: txt.resize(3); if (game.crewrescued() < 5) { txt[1] = "to helping you find the"; txt[2] = "rest of the crew!"; } else { txt.resize(2); txt[1] = "to helping you find " + game.unrescued() + "!"; } break; } } else if (words[0] == "trinketbluecontrol") { if (game.trinkets() == 20 && obj.flags[67]) { load("talkblue_trinket6"); position--; } else if (game.trinkets() >= 19 && !obj.flags[67]) { load("talkblue_trinket5"); position--; } else { load("talkblue_trinket4"); position--; } } else if (words[0] == "trinketyellowcontrol") { if (game.trinkets() >= 19) { load("talkyellow_trinket3"); position--; } else { load("talkyellow_trinket2"); position--; } } else if (words[0] == "redcontrol") { if (game.insecretlab) { load("talkred_14"); position--; } else if (game.roomx != 104) { if (game.roomx == 100) { load("talkred_10"); position--; } else if (game.roomx == 107) { load("talkred_11"); position--; } else if (game.roomx == 114) { load("talkred_12"); position--; } } else if (obj.flags[67]) { //game complete load("talkred_13"); position--; } else if (obj.flags[35] && !obj.flags[52]) { //Intermission level obj.flags[52] = true; load("talkred_9"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[51]) { //We're back home! obj.flags[51] = true; load("talkred_5"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[48] && game.crewstats[5]) { //Victoria's back obj.flags[48] = true; load("talkred_6"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[49] && game.crewstats[4]) { //Verdigris' back obj.flags[49] = true; load("talkred_7"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[50] && game.crewstats[2]) { //Vitellary's back obj.flags[50] = true; load("talkred_8"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[45] && !game.crewstats[5]) { obj.flags[45] = true; load("talkred_2"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[46] && !game.crewstats[4]) { obj.flags[46] = true; load("talkred_3"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[47] && !game.crewstats[2]) { obj.flags[47] = true; load("talkred_4"); position--; } else { obj.flags[45] = false; obj.flags[46] = false; obj.flags[47] = false; load("talkred_1"); position--; } } //TODO: Non Urgent fix compiler nesting errors without adding complexity if (words[0] == "greencontrol") { if (game.insecretlab) { load("talkgreen_11"); position--; } else if (game.roomx == 103 && game.roomy == 109) { load("talkgreen_8"); position--; } else if (game.roomx == 101 && game.roomy == 109) { load("talkgreen_9"); position--; } else if (obj.flags[67]) { //game complete load("talkgreen_10"); position--; } else if (obj.flags[34] && !obj.flags[57]) { //Intermission level obj.flags[57] = true; load("talkgreen_7"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[53]) { //Home! obj.flags[53] = true; load("talkgreen_6"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[54] && game.crewstats[2]) { obj.flags[54] = true; load("talkgreen_5"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[55] && game.crewstats[3]) { obj.flags[55] = true; load("talkgreen_4"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[56] && game.crewstats[5]) { obj.flags[56] = true; load("talkgreen_3"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[58]) { obj.flags[58] = true; load("talkgreen_2"); position--; } else { load("talkgreen_1"); position--; } } else if (words[0] == "bluecontrol") { if (game.insecretlab) { load("talkblue_9"); position--; } else if (obj.flags[67]) { //game complete, everything changes for victoria if (obj.flags[41] && !obj.flags[42]) { //second trinket conversation obj.flags[42] = true; load("talkblue_trinket2"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[41] && !obj.flags[42]) { //Third trinket conversation obj.flags[42] = true; load("talkblue_trinket3"); position--; } else { //Ok, we've already dealt with the trinket thing; so either you have them all, or you don't. If you do: if (game.trinkets() >= 20) { load("startepilogue"); position--; } else { load("talkblue_8"); position--; } } } else if (obj.flags[33] && !obj.flags[40]) { //Intermission level obj.flags[40] = true; load("talkblue_7"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[36] && game.crewstats[5]) { //Back on the ship! obj.flags[36] = true; load("talkblue_3"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[41] && game.crewrescued() <= 4) { //First trinket conversation obj.flags[41] = true; load("talkblue_trinket1"); position--; } else if (obj.flags[41] && !obj.flags[42] && game.crewrescued() == 5) { //second trinket conversation obj.flags[42] = true; load("talkblue_trinket2"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[41] && !obj.flags[42] && game.crewrescued() == 5) { //Third trinket conversation obj.flags[42] = true; load("talkblue_trinket3"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[37] && game.crewstats[2]) { obj.flags[37] = true; load("talkblue_4"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[38] && game.crewstats[3]) { obj.flags[38] = true; load("talkblue_5"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[39] && game.crewstats[4]) { obj.flags[39] = true; load("talkblue_6"); position--; } else { //if all else fails: //if yellow is found if (game.crewstats[2]) { load("talkblue_2"); position--; } else { load("talkblue_1"); position--; } } } else if (words[0] == "yellowcontrol") { if (game.insecretlab) { load("talkyellow_12"); position--; } else if (obj.flags[67]) { //game complete load("talkyellow_11"); position--; } else if (obj.flags[32] && !obj.flags[31]) { //Intermission level obj.flags[31] = true; load("talkyellow_6"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[27] && game.crewstats[2]) { //Back on the ship! obj.flags[27] = true; load("talkyellow_10"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[43] && game.crewrescued() == 5 && !game.crewstats[5]) { //If by chance we've rescued everyone except Victoria by the end, Vitellary provides you with //the trinket information instead. obj.flags[43] = true; obj.flags[42] = true; obj.flags[41] = true; load("talkyellow_trinket1"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[24] && game.crewstats[5]) { obj.flags[24] = true; load("talkyellow_8"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[26] && game.crewstats[4]) { obj.flags[26] = true; load("talkyellow_7"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[25] && game.crewstats[3]) { obj.flags[25] = true; load("talkyellow_9"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[28]) { obj.flags[28] = true; load("talkyellow_3"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[29]) { obj.flags[29] = true; load("talkyellow_4"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[30]) { obj.flags[30] = true; load("talkyellow_5"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[23]) { obj.flags[23] = true; load("talkyellow_2"); position--; } else { load("talkyellow_1"); position--; obj.flags[23] = false; } } else if (words[0] == "purplecontrol") { //Controls Purple's conversion //Crew rescued: if (game.insecretlab) { load("talkpurple_9"); position--; } else if (obj.flags[67]) { //game complete load("talkpurple_8"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[17] && game.crewstats[4]) { obj.flags[17] = true; load("talkpurple_6"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[15] && game.crewstats[5]) { obj.flags[15] = true; load("talkpurple_4"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[16] && game.crewstats[3]) { obj.flags[16] = true; load("talkpurple_5"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[18] && game.crewstats[2]) { obj.flags[18] = true; load("talkpurple_7"); position--; } else if (obj.flags[19] && !obj.flags[20] && !obj.flags[21]) { //intermission one: if played one / not had first conversation / not played two [conversation one] obj.flags[21] = true; load("talkpurple_intermission1"); position--; } else if (obj.flags[20] && obj.flags[21] && !obj.flags[22]) { //intermission two: if played two / had first conversation / not had second conversation [conversation two] obj.flags[22] = true; load("talkpurple_intermission2"); position--; } else if (obj.flags[20] && !obj.flags[21] && !obj.flags[22]) { //intermission two: if played two / not had first conversation / not had second conversation [conversation three] obj.flags[22] = true; load("talkpurple_intermission3"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[12]) { //Intro conversation obj.flags[12] = true; load("talkpurple_intro"); position--; } else if (!obj.flags[14]) { //Shorter intro conversation obj.flags[14] = true; load("talkpurple_3"); position--; } else { //if all else fails: //if green is found if (game.crewstats[4]) { load("talkpurple_2"); position--; } else { load("talkpurple_1"); position--; } } } position++; } else { running = false; } // Don't increment if we're at the max, signed int overflow is UB if (execution_counter == SHRT_MAX) { // We must be in an infinite loop printf("Warning: execution counter got to %i, stopping script\n", SHRT_MAX); running = false; } else { execution_counter++; } } if(scriptdelay>0) { scriptdelay--; } } void scriptclass::resetgametomenu(void) { obj.entities.clear(); game.quittomenu(); game.createmenu(Menu::gameover); } static void gotoerrorloadinglevel(void) { game.createmenu(Menu::errorloadinglevel); map.nexttowercolour(); graphics.fademode = 4; /* start fade in */ music.currentsong = -1; /* otherwise music.play won't work */ music.play(6); /* title screen music */ } void scriptclass::startgamemode( int t ) { switch(t) { case 0: //Normal new game game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; hardreset(); game.start(); game.jumpheld = true; graphics.showcutscenebars = true; graphics.setbars(320); //set flipmode if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true; else obj.flags[73] = true; if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); load("intro"); break; case 1: game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; hardreset(); game.start(); game.loadtele(); game.gravitycontrol = game.savegc; game.jumpheld = true; //set flipmode if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true; else obj.flags[73] = true; if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); graphics.fademode = 4; break; case 2: //Load Quicksave game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; hardreset(); game.start(); game.loadquick(); game.gravitycontrol = game.savegc; game.jumpheld = true; //set flipmode if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true; else obj.flags[73] = true; if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); //a very special case for here needs to ensure that the tower is set correctly if (map.towermode) { map.resetplayer(); i = obj.getplayer(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { map.ypos = obj.entities[i].yp - 120; map.oldypos = map.ypos; } map.setbgobjlerp(graphics.towerbg); map.cameramode = 0; map.colsuperstate = 0; } graphics.fademode = 4; break; case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: //Start Time Trial music.fadeout(); hardreset(); game.nocutscenes = true; game.intimetrial = true; game.timetrialcountdown = 150; game.timetrialparlost = false; game.timetriallevel = t - 3; switch (t) { case 3: game.timetrialpar = 75; game.timetrialshinytarget = 2; break; case 4: game.timetrialpar = 165; game.timetrialshinytarget = 4; break; case 5: game.timetrialpar = 105; game.timetrialshinytarget = 2; break; case 6: game.timetrialpar = 200; game.timetrialshinytarget = 5; break; case 7: game.timetrialpar = 120; game.timetrialshinytarget = 1; break; case 8: game.timetrialpar = 135; game.timetrialshinytarget = 1; map.finalmode = true; //Enable final level mode map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0; break; } game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; game.starttrial(game.timetriallevel); game.jumpheld = true; if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true;//set flipmode if (obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); graphics.fademode = 4; break; case 9: game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; hardreset(); game.nodeathmode = true; game.start(); game.jumpheld = true; graphics.showcutscenebars = true; graphics.setbars(320); //set flipmode if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true; if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); load("intro"); break; case 10: game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; hardreset(); game.nodeathmode = true; game.nocutscenes = true; game.start(); game.jumpheld = true; graphics.showcutscenebars = true; graphics.setbars(320); //set flipmode if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true; if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); load("intro"); break; case 11: game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; hardreset(); game.startspecial(0); game.jumpheld = true; //Secret lab, so reveal the map, give them all 20 trinkets SDL_memset(obj.collect, true, sizeof(obj.collect[0]) * 20); SDL_memset(map.explored, true, sizeof(map.explored)); i = 400; /* previously a nested for-loop set this */ game.insecretlab = true; map.showteleporters = true; //set flipmode if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true; if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); music.play(11); graphics.fademode = 4; break; case 12: game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; hardreset(); music.fadeout(); game.lastsaved = 2; game.crewstats[game.lastsaved] = true; game.inintermission = true; game.companion = 11; game.supercrewmate = true; game.scmprogress = 0; map.finalmode = true; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0; game.startspecial(1); game.jumpheld = true; //set flipmode if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true; if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); load("intermission_1"); break; case 13: game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; hardreset(); music.fadeout(); game.lastsaved = 3; game.crewstats[game.lastsaved] = true; game.inintermission = true; game.companion = 11; game.supercrewmate = true; game.scmprogress = 0; map.finalmode = true; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0; game.startspecial(1); game.jumpheld = true; //set flipmode if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true; if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); load("intermission_1"); break; case 14: game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; hardreset(); music.fadeout(); game.lastsaved = 4; game.crewstats[game.lastsaved] = true; game.inintermission = true; game.companion = 11; game.supercrewmate = true; game.scmprogress = 0; map.finalmode = true; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0; game.startspecial(1); game.jumpheld = true; //set flipmode if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true; if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); load("intermission_1"); break; case 15: game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; hardreset(); music.fadeout(); game.lastsaved = 5; game.crewstats[game.lastsaved] = true; game.inintermission = true; game.companion = 11; game.supercrewmate = true; game.scmprogress = 0; map.finalmode = true; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0; game.startspecial(1); game.jumpheld = true; //set flipmode if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true; if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); load("intermission_1"); break; case 16: game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; hardreset(); music.fadeout(); game.lastsaved = 2; game.crewstats[game.lastsaved] = true; game.inintermission = true; map.finalmode = true; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0; game.startspecial(1); game.jumpheld = true; //set flipmode if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true; if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); load("intermission_2"); break; case 17: game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; hardreset(); music.fadeout(); game.lastsaved = 3; game.crewstats[game.lastsaved] = true; game.inintermission = true; map.finalmode = true; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0; game.startspecial(1); game.jumpheld = true; //set flipmode if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true; if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); load("intermission_2"); break; case 18: game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; hardreset(); music.fadeout(); game.lastsaved = 4; game.crewstats[game.lastsaved] = true; game.inintermission = true; map.finalmode = true; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0; game.startspecial(1); game.jumpheld = true; //set flipmode if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true; if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); load("intermission_2"); break; case 19: game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; hardreset(); music.fadeout(); game.lastsaved = 5; game.crewstats[game.lastsaved] = true; game.inintermission = true; map.finalmode = true; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_colorframe = 0; game.startspecial(1); game.jumpheld = true; //set flipmode if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true; if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); load("intermission_2"); break; #if !defined(NO_CUSTOM_LEVELS) case 20: //Level editor hardreset(); ed.reset(); music.fadeout(); map.custommode = true; map.custommodeforreal = false; game.gamestate = EDITORMODE; game.jumpheld = true; if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true;//set flipmode if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); graphics.fademode = 4; break; case 21: //play custom level (in editor) game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; music.fadeout(); hardreset(); //If warpdir() is used during playtesting, we need to set it back after! for (int j = 0; j < ed.maxheight; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < ed.maxwidth; i++) { ed.kludgewarpdir[i+(j*ed.maxwidth)]=ed.level[i+(j*ed.maxwidth)].warpdir; } } game.customstart(); game.jumpheld = true; ed.ghosts.clear(); map.custommode = true; //set flipmode if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true; if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); if(ed.levmusic>0){ music.play(ed.levmusic); }else{ music.currentsong=-1; } break; case 22: //play custom level (in game) { //Initilise the level //First up, find the start point std::string filename = std::string(ed.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].filename); if (!ed.load(filename)) { gotoerrorloadinglevel(); break; } ed.findstartpoint(); game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; music.fadeout(); hardreset(); game.customstart(); game.jumpheld = true; map.custommodeforreal = true; map.custommode = true; //set flipmode if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true; if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); ed.generatecustomminimap(); map.customshowmm=true; if(ed.levmusic>0){ music.play(ed.levmusic); }else{ music.currentsong=-1; } graphics.fademode = 4; break; } case 23: //Continue in custom level { //Initilise the level //First up, find the start point std::string filename = std::string(ed.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].filename); if (!ed.load(filename)) { gotoerrorloadinglevel(); break; } ed.findstartpoint(); game.gamestate = GAMEMODE; music.fadeout(); hardreset(); map.custommodeforreal = true; map.custommode = true; game.customstart(); game.customloadquick(ed.ListOfMetaData[game.playcustomlevel].filename); game.jumpheld = true; game.gravitycontrol = game.savegc; //set flipmode if (graphics.setflipmode) graphics.flipmode = true; if(obj.entities.empty()) { obj.createentity(game.savex, game.savey, 0, 0); //In this game, constant, never destroyed } map.resetplayer(); map.gotoroom(game.saverx, game.savery); map.initmapdata(); ed.generatecustomminimap(); graphics.fademode = 4; break; } #endif case 100: VVV_exit(0); break; } } void scriptclass::teleport(void) { //er, ok! Teleport to a new area, so! //A general rule of thumb: if you teleport with a companion, get rid of them! game.companion = 0; i = obj.getplayer(); //less likely to have a serious collision error if the player is centered if (INBOUNDS_VEC(i, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[i].xp = 150; obj.entities[i].yp = 110; if(game.teleport_to_x==17 && game.teleport_to_y==17) obj.entities[i].xp = 88; //prevent falling! obj.entities[i].lerpoldxp = obj.entities[i].xp; obj.entities[i].lerpoldyp = obj.entities[i].yp; } if (game.teleportscript == "levelonecomplete") { game.teleport_to_x = 2; game.teleport_to_y = 11; } else if (game.teleportscript == "gamecomplete") { game.teleport_to_x = 2; game.teleport_to_y = 11; } game.gravitycontrol = 0; map.gotoroom(100+game.teleport_to_x, 100+game.teleport_to_y); j = obj.getteleporter(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(j, obj.entities)) { obj.entities[j].state = 2; } game.teleport_to_new_area = false; if (INBOUNDS_VEC(j, obj.entities)) { game.savepoint = obj.entities[j].para; game.savex = obj.entities[j].xp + 44; game.savey = obj.entities[j].yp + 44; } game.savegc = 0; game.saverx = game.roomx; game.savery = game.roomy; int player = obj.getplayer(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(player, obj.entities)) { game.savedir = obj.entities[player].dir; } if(game.teleport_to_x==0 && game.teleport_to_y==0) { game.state = 4020; } else if(game.teleport_to_x==0 && game.teleport_to_y==16) { game.state = 4030; } else if(game.teleport_to_x==7 && game.teleport_to_y==9) { game.state = 4040; } else if(game.teleport_to_x==8 && game.teleport_to_y==11) { game.state = 4050; } else if(game.teleport_to_x==14 && game.teleport_to_y==19) { game.state = 4030; } else if(game.teleport_to_x==17 && game.teleport_to_y==12) { game.state = 4020; } else if(game.teleport_to_x==17 && game.teleport_to_y==17) { game.state = 4020; } else if(game.teleport_to_x==18 && game.teleport_to_y==7) { game.state = 4060; } else { game.state = 4010; } if (game.teleportscript != "") { game.state = 0; load(game.teleportscript); game.teleportscript = ""; } else { //change music based on location if (game.teleport_to_x == 2 && game.teleport_to_y == 11) { /* Special case: Ship music needs to be set here; * ship teleporter on music map is -1 for jukebox. */ music.niceplay(4); } game.savetele_textbox(); } } void scriptclass::hardreset(void) { const bool version2_2 = GlitchrunnerMode_less_than_or_equal(Glitchrunner2_2); xoshiro_seed(SDL_GetTicks()); //Game: game.hascontrol = true; game.gravitycontrol = 0; game.teleport = false; game.companion = 0; game.roomchange = false; if (!version2_2) { // Ironically, resetting more variables makes the janky fadeout system in glitchrunnermode even more glitchy game.roomx = 0; game.roomy = 0; } game.prevroomx = 0; game.prevroomy = 0; game.teleport_to_new_area = false; game.teleport_to_x = 0; game.teleport_to_y = 0; game.teleportscript = ""; game.tapleft = 0; game.tapright = 0; game.startscript = false; game.newscript = ""; game.alarmon = false; game.alarmdelay = 0; game.blackout = false; game.useteleporter = false; game.teleport_to_teleporter = 0; game.nodeathmode = false; game.nocutscenes = false; for (i = 0; i < (int) SDL_arraysize(game.crewstats); i++) { game.crewstats[i] = false; } game.crewstats[0] = true; game.lastsaved = 0; game.deathcounts = 0; game.gameoverdelay = 0; game.resetgameclock(); game.gamesaved = false; game.gamesavefailed = false; game.savetime = "00:00"; game.savearea = "nowhere"; game.savetrinkets = 0; if (!version2_2) { // Ironically, resetting more variables makes the janky fadeout system in glitchrunnermode even more glitchy game.saverx = 0; game.savery = 0; } game.intimetrial = false; game.timetrialcountdown = 0; game.timetrialshinytarget = 0; game.timetrialparlost = false; game.timetrialpar = 0; game.totalflips = 0; game.hardestroom = "Welcome Aboard"; game.hardestroomdeaths = 0; game.currentroomdeaths=0; game.swnmode = false; game.swntimer = 0; game.swngame = 0;//Not playing sine wave ninja! game.swnstate = 0; game.swnstate2 = 0; game.swnstate3 = 0; game.swnstate4 = 0; game.swndelay = 0; game.swndeaths = 0; game.supercrewmate = false; game.scmhurt = false; game.scmprogress = 0; game.scmmoveme = false; game.swncolstate = 0; game.swncoldelay = 0; game.swnrank = 0; game.swnmessage = 0; game.creditposx = 0; game.creditposy = 0; game.creditposdelay = 0; game.inintermission = false; game.insecretlab = false; game.state = 0; game.statedelay = 0; game.hascontrol = true; if (!GlitchrunnerMode_less_than_or_equal(Glitchrunner2_0)) { // Keep the "- Press ACTION to advance text -" prompt around, // apparently the speedrunners call it the "text storage" glitch game.advancetext = false; } game.pausescript = false; game.completestop = false; game.flashlight = 0; game.screenshake = 0; game.activeactivity = -1; game.act_fade = 5; game.disabletemporaryaudiopause = true; //dwgraphicsclass graphics.backgrounddrawn = false; graphics.textbox.clear(); graphics.flipmode = false; //This will be reset if needs be elsewhere graphics.showcutscenebars = false; graphics.setbars(0); //mapclass map.warpx = false; map.warpy = false; map.showteleporters = false; map.showtargets = false; map.showtrinkets = false; map.finalmode = false; map.finalstretch = false; map.final_colormode = false; map.final_colorframe = 0; map.final_colorframedelay = 0; map.final_mapcol = 0; map.final_aniframe = 0; map.final_aniframedelay = 0; map.rcol = 0; map.resetnames(); map.custommode=false; map.custommodeforreal=false; if (!version2_2) { // Ironically, resetting more variables makes the janky fadeout system even more glitchy map.towermode=false; } map.cameraseekframe = 0; map.resumedelay = 0; graphics.towerbg.scrolldir = 0; map.customshowmm=true; SDL_memset(map.roomdeaths, 0, sizeof(map.roomdeaths)); SDL_memset(map.roomdeathsfinal, 0, sizeof(map.roomdeathsfinal)); map.resetmap(); //entityclass obj.nearelephant = false; obj.upsetmode = false; obj.upset = 0; obj.trophytext = 0 ; obj.trophytype = 0; obj.altstates = 0; obj.resetallflags(); for (i = 0; i < (int) SDL_arraysize(obj.customcrewmoods); i++){ obj.customcrewmoods[i]=true; } SDL_memset(obj.collect, false, sizeof(obj.collect)); SDL_memset(obj.customcollect, false, sizeof(obj.customcollect)); i = 100; //previously a for-loop iterating over collect/customcollect set this to 100 int theplayer = obj.getplayer(); if (INBOUNDS_VEC(theplayer, obj.entities)){ obj.entities[theplayer].tile = 0; } /* Disable duplicate player entities */ for (int i = 0; i < (int) obj.entities.size(); i++) { if (obj.entities[i].rule == 0 && i != theplayer) { obj.disableentity(i); } } obj.customscript = ""; //Script Stuff position = 0; commands.clear(); scriptdelay = 0; scriptname = "null"; running = false; for (size_t ii = 0; ii < SDL_arraysize(words); ++ii) { words[ii] = ""; } } void scriptclass::loadcustom(const std::string& t) { //this magic function breaks down the custom script and turns into real scripting! std::string cscriptname=""; for(size_t i=0; i=7) cscriptname+=t[i]; } std::string tstring; std::vector* contents = NULL; for(size_t i = 0; i < customscripts.size(); i++){ Script& script_ = customscripts[i]; if(script_.name == cscriptname){ contents = &script_.contents; break; } } if(contents == NULL){ return; } std::vector& lines = *contents; //Ok, we've got the relavent script segment, we do a pass to assess it, then run it! int customcutscenemode=0; for(size_t i=0; i=0 && ti<=50 ? ti : 1; for(int ti2=0; ti2=0 && ti<=50 ? ti : 1; for(int ti2=0; ti2