#define KEY_DEFINITION #include "KeyPoll.h" #include #include "Alloc.h" #include "ButtonGlyphs.h" #include "Constants.h" #include "Exit.h" #include "Game.h" #include "GlitchrunnerMode.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "GraphicsUtil.h" #include "Localization.h" #include "LocalizationStorage.h" #include "Music.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "UTF8.h" #include "Vlogging.h" bool SaveScreenshot(void); int inline KeyPoll::getThreshold(void) { switch (sensitivity) { case 0: return 28000; case 1: return 16000; case 2: return 8000; case 3: return 4000; case 4: return 2000; } return 8000; } KeyPoll::KeyPoll(void) { xVel = 0; yVel = 0; // 0..5 sensitivity = 2; keybuffer=""; leftbutton=0; rightbutton=0; middlebutton=0; mousex = 0; mousey = 0; resetWindow = 0; pressedbackspace=false; linealreadyemptykludge = false; isActive = true; } void KeyPoll::enabletextentry(void) { keybuffer=""; SDL_StartTextInput(); } void KeyPoll::disabletextentry(void) { SDL_StopTextInput(); } bool KeyPoll::textentry(void) { return SDL_IsTextInputActive() == SDL_TRUE; } void KeyPoll::toggleFullscreen(void) { gameScreen.toggleFullScreen(); keymap.clear(); /* we lost the input due to a new window. */ if (GlitchrunnerMode_less_than_or_equal(Glitchrunner2_2)) { game.press_left = false; game.press_right = false; game.press_action = true; game.press_map = false; } } static int changemousestate( int timeout, const bool show, const bool hide ) { int prev; int new_; if (timeout > 0) { return --timeout; } /* If we want to both show and hide at the same time, prioritize showing */ if (show) { new_ = SDL_ENABLE; } else if (hide) { new_ = SDL_DISABLE; } else { return timeout; } prev = SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_QUERY); if (prev == new_) { return timeout; } SDL_ShowCursor(new_); switch (new_) { case SDL_DISABLE: timeout = 0; break; case SDL_ENABLE: timeout = 30; break; } return timeout; } void KeyPoll::Poll(void) { static int raw_mousex = 0; static int raw_mousey = 0; static int mousetoggletimeout = 0; bool showmouse = false; bool hidemouse = false; bool altpressed = false; bool fullscreenkeybind = false; SDL_GameController *controller = NULL; SDL_Event evt; while (SDL_PollEvent(&evt)) { switch (evt.type) { /* Keyboard Input */ case SDL_KEYDOWN: { keymap[evt.key.keysym.sym] = true; if (evt.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_BACKSPACE) { pressedbackspace = true; } #ifdef __APPLE__ /* OSX prefers the command keys over the alt keys. -flibit */ altpressed = keymap[SDLK_LGUI] || keymap[SDLK_RGUI]; #else altpressed = keymap[SDLK_LALT] || keymap[SDLK_RALT]; #endif bool returnpressed = evt.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN; bool fpressed = evt.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_f; bool f11pressed = evt.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F11; if ((altpressed && (returnpressed || fpressed)) || f11pressed) { fullscreenkeybind = true; } if (loc::show_translator_menu && evt.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F8 && !evt.key.repeat) { /* Reload language files */ loc::loadtext(false); graphics.grphx.init_translations(); music.playef(Sound_COIN); } if (evt.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F6 && !evt.key.repeat) { SaveScreenshot(); } BUTTONGLYPHS_keyboard_set_active(true); if (textentry()) { if (evt.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_BACKSPACE && !keybuffer.empty()) { keybuffer.erase(UTF8_backspace(keybuffer.c_str(), keybuffer.length())); if (keybuffer.empty()) { linealreadyemptykludge = true; } } else if ( evt.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_v && keymap[SDLK_LCTRL] ) { char* text = SDL_GetClipboardText(); if (text != NULL) { keybuffer += text; VVV_free(text); } } else if ( evt.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_x && keymap[SDLK_LCTRL] ) { if (SDL_SetClipboardText(keybuffer.c_str()) == 0) { keybuffer = ""; } } } break; } case SDL_KEYUP: keymap[evt.key.keysym.sym] = false; if (evt.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_BACKSPACE) { pressedbackspace = false; } break; case SDL_TEXTINPUT: if (!altpressed) { keybuffer += evt.text.text; } break; /* Mouse Input */ case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: raw_mousex = evt.motion.x; raw_mousey = evt.motion.y; break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: switch (evt.button.button) { case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: raw_mousex = evt.button.x; raw_mousey = evt.button.y; leftbutton = 1; break; case SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT: raw_mousex = evt.button.x; raw_mousey = evt.button.y; rightbutton = 1; break; case SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE: raw_mousex = evt.button.x; raw_mousey = evt.button.y; middlebutton = 1; break; } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: switch (evt.button.button) { case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: raw_mousex = evt.button.x; raw_mousey = evt.button.y; leftbutton=0; break; case SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT: raw_mousex = evt.button.x; raw_mousey = evt.button.y; rightbutton=0; break; case SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE: raw_mousex = evt.button.x; raw_mousey = evt.button.y; middlebutton=0; break; } break; /* Controller Input */ case SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONDOWN: buttonmap[(SDL_GameControllerButton) evt.cbutton.button] = true; BUTTONGLYPHS_keyboard_set_active(false); controller = controllers[evt.cbutton.which]; BUTTONGLYPHS_update_layout(controller); break; case SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONUP: buttonmap[(SDL_GameControllerButton) evt.cbutton.button] = false; break; case SDL_CONTROLLERAXISMOTION: { const int threshold = getThreshold(); switch (evt.caxis.axis) { case SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX: if ( evt.caxis.value > -threshold && evt.caxis.value < threshold ) { xVel = 0; } else { xVel = (evt.caxis.value > 0) ? 1 : -1; } break; case SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY: if ( evt.caxis.value > -threshold && evt.caxis.value < threshold ) { yVel = 0; } else { yVel = (evt.caxis.value > 0) ? 1 : -1; } break; } BUTTONGLYPHS_keyboard_set_active(false); controller = controllers[evt.caxis.which]; BUTTONGLYPHS_update_layout(controller); break; } case SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED: { controller = SDL_GameControllerOpen(evt.cdevice.which); vlog_info( "Opened SDL_GameController ID #%i, %s", evt.cdevice.which, SDL_GameControllerName(controller) ); controllers[SDL_JoystickInstanceID(SDL_GameControllerGetJoystick(controller))] = controller; BUTTONGLYPHS_keyboard_set_active(false); BUTTONGLYPHS_update_layout(controller); break; } case SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEREMOVED: { controller = controllers[evt.cdevice.which]; controllers.erase(evt.cdevice.which); vlog_info("Closing %s", SDL_GameControllerName(controller)); SDL_GameControllerClose(controller); if (controllers.empty()) { BUTTONGLYPHS_keyboard_set_active(true); } break; } /* Window Events */ case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: switch (evt.window.event) { /* Window Resize */ case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED: if (SDL_GetWindowFlags( SDL_GetWindowFromID(evt.window.windowID) ) & SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS) { resetWindow = true; } break; /* Window Focus */ case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED: if (!game.disablepause) { isActive = true; if ((!game.disableaudiopause || !game.disabletemporaryaudiopause) && music.currentsong != -1) { music.resume(); music.resumeef(); } } if (SDL_strcmp(SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver(), "x11") == 0) { if (wasFullscreen) { gameScreen.isWindowed = false; SDL_SetWindowFullscreen( SDL_GetWindowFromID(evt.window.windowID), SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP ); } } SDL_DisableScreenSaver(); gameScreen.recacheTextures(); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST: if (!game.disablepause) { isActive = false; if (!game.disableaudiopause || !game.disabletemporaryaudiopause) { music.pause(); music.pauseef(); } } if (SDL_strcmp(SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver(), "x11") == 0) { wasFullscreen = !gameScreen.isWindowed; gameScreen.isWindowed = true; SDL_SetWindowFullscreen( SDL_GetWindowFromID(evt.window.windowID), 0 ); } SDL_EnableScreenSaver(); break; /* Mouse Focus */ case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_ENTER: SDL_DisableScreenSaver(); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_LEAVE: SDL_EnableScreenSaver(); break; } break; /* Quit Event */ case SDL_QUIT: VVV_exit(0); break; } switch (evt.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: if (evt.key.repeat == 0) { hidemouse = true; } break; case SDL_TEXTINPUT: case SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONDOWN: case SDL_CONTROLLERAXISMOTION: hidemouse = true; break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: showmouse = true; break; } } mousetoggletimeout = changemousestate( mousetoggletimeout, showmouse, hidemouse ); if (fullscreenkeybind) { toggleFullscreen(); } if (gameScreen.scalingMode == SCALING_STRETCH) { /* In this mode specifically, we have to fix the mouse coordinates */ int actualscreenwidth; int actualscreenheight; gameScreen.GetScreenSize(&actualscreenwidth, &actualscreenheight); mousex = raw_mousex * SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS / actualscreenwidth; mousey = raw_mousey * SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS / actualscreenheight; } else { mousex = raw_mousex; mousey = raw_mousey; } } bool KeyPoll::isDown(SDL_Keycode key) { return keymap[key]; } bool KeyPoll::isDown(std::vector buttons) { for (size_t i = 0; i < buttons.size(); i += 1) { if (buttonmap[buttons[i]]) { return true; } } return false; } bool KeyPoll::isDown(SDL_GameControllerButton button) { return buttonmap[button]; } bool KeyPoll::controllerButtonDown(void) { for ( SDL_GameControllerButton button = SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_A; button < SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_UP; button = (SDL_GameControllerButton) (button + 1) ) { if (isDown(button)) { return true; } } return false; } bool KeyPoll::controllerWantsLeft(bool includeVert) { return ( buttonmap[SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT] || xVel < 0 || ( includeVert && ( buttonmap[SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_UP] || yVel < 0 ) ) ); } bool KeyPoll::controllerWantsRight(bool includeVert) { return ( buttonmap[SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT] || xVel > 0 || ( includeVert && ( buttonmap[SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN] || yVel > 0 ) ) ); } bool KeyPoll::controllerWantsUp(void) { return buttonmap[SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_UP] || yVel < 0; } bool KeyPoll::controllerWantsDown(void) { return buttonmap[SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN] || yVel > 0; }