#include "GraphicsResources.h" #include "Alloc.h" #include "FileSystemUtils.h" #include "GraphicsUtil.h" #include "Vlogging.h" #include "Screen.h" // Used to load PNG data extern "C" { extern unsigned lodepng_decode32( unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h, const unsigned char* in, size_t insize ); extern const char* lodepng_error_text(unsigned code); } static SDL_Surface* LoadImageRaw(const char* filename, unsigned char** data) { //Temporary storage for the image that's loaded SDL_Surface* loadedImage = NULL; unsigned int width, height; unsigned int error; unsigned char* fileIn; size_t length; FILESYSTEM_loadAssetToMemory(filename, &fileIn, &length, false); if (fileIn == NULL) { SDL_assert(0 && "Image file missing!"); return NULL; } error = lodepng_decode32(data, &width, &height, fileIn, length); VVV_free(fileIn); if (error != 0) { vlog_error("Could not load %s: %s", filename, lodepng_error_text(error)); return NULL; } loadedImage = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom( *data, width, height, 32, width * 4, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888 ); return loadedImage; } static SDL_Surface* LoadSurfaceFromRaw(SDL_Surface* loadedImage) { SDL_Surface* optimizedImage = SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat( loadedImage, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, 0 ); SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(optimizedImage, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); return optimizedImage; } /* Can't be static, used in Screen.h */ SDL_Surface* LoadImageSurface(const char* filename) { unsigned char* data; SDL_Surface* loadedImage = LoadImageRaw(filename, &data); SDL_Surface* optimizedImage = LoadSurfaceFromRaw(loadedImage); if (loadedImage != NULL) { VVV_freefunc(SDL_FreeSurface, loadedImage); } VVV_free(data); if (optimizedImage == NULL) { VVV_free(data); vlog_error("Image not found: %s", filename); SDL_assert(0 && "Image not found! See stderr."); } return optimizedImage; } static SDL_Texture* LoadTextureFromRaw(const char* filename, SDL_Surface* loadedImage, const TextureLoadType loadtype) { if (loadedImage == NULL) { return NULL; } // Modify the surface with the load type. // This could be done in LoadImageRaw, however currently, surfaces are only used for // pixel perfect collision (which will be changed later) and the window icon. switch (loadtype) { case TEX_WHITE: SDL_LockSurface(loadedImage); for (int y = 0; y < loadedImage->h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < loadedImage->w; x++) { SDL_Color color = ReadPixel(loadedImage, x, y); color.r = 255; color.g = 255; color.b = 255; DrawPixel(loadedImage, x, y, color); } } SDL_UnlockSurface(loadedImage); break; case TEX_GRAYSCALE: SDL_LockSurface(loadedImage); for (int y = 0; y < loadedImage->h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < loadedImage->w; x++) { SDL_Color color = ReadPixel(loadedImage, x, y); // Magic numbers used for grayscaling (eyes perceive certain colors brighter than others) Uint8 r = color.r * 0.299; Uint8 g = color.g * 0.587; Uint8 b = color.b * 0.114; const double gray = SDL_floor(r + g + b + 0.5); color.r = gray; color.g = gray; color.b = gray; DrawPixel(loadedImage, x, y, color); } } SDL_UnlockSurface(loadedImage); break; default: break; } //Create texture from surface pixels SDL_Texture* texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(gameScreen.m_renderer, loadedImage); if (texture == NULL) { vlog_error("Failed creating texture: %s. SDL error: %s\n", filename, SDL_GetError()); } return texture; } static SDL_Texture* LoadImage(const char *filename, const TextureLoadType loadtype) { unsigned char* data; SDL_Surface* loadedImage = LoadImageRaw(filename, &data); SDL_Texture* texture = LoadTextureFromRaw(filename, loadedImage, loadtype); if (loadedImage != NULL) { VVV_freefunc(SDL_FreeSurface, loadedImage); } VVV_free(data); if (texture == NULL) { vlog_error("Image not found: %s", filename); SDL_assert(0 && "Image not found! See stderr."); } return texture; } static SDL_Texture* LoadImage(const char* filename) { return LoadImage(filename, TEX_COLOR); } /* Any unneeded variants can be NULL */ static void LoadVariants(const char* filename, SDL_Texture** colored, SDL_Texture** white, SDL_Texture** grayscale) { unsigned char* data; SDL_Surface* loadedImage = LoadImageRaw(filename, &data); if (colored != NULL) { *colored = LoadTextureFromRaw(filename, loadedImage, TEX_COLOR); if (*colored == NULL) { vlog_error("Image not found: %s", filename); SDL_assert(0 && "Image not found! See stderr."); } } if (grayscale != NULL) { *grayscale = LoadTextureFromRaw(filename, loadedImage, TEX_GRAYSCALE); if (*grayscale == NULL) { vlog_error("Image not found: %s", filename); SDL_assert(0 && "Image not found! See stderr."); } } if (white != NULL) { *white = LoadTextureFromRaw(filename, loadedImage, TEX_WHITE); if (*white == NULL) { vlog_error("Image not found: %s", filename); SDL_assert(0 && "Image not found! See stderr."); } } if (loadedImage != NULL) { VVV_freefunc(SDL_FreeSurface, loadedImage); } VVV_free(data); } /* The pointers `texture` and `surface` cannot be NULL */ static void LoadSprites(const char* filename, SDL_Texture** texture, SDL_Surface** surface) { unsigned char* data; SDL_Surface* loadedImage = LoadImageRaw(filename, &data); *texture = LoadTextureFromRaw(filename, loadedImage, TEX_WHITE); if (*texture == NULL) { vlog_error("Image not found: %s", filename); SDL_assert(0 && "Image not found! See stderr."); } *surface = LoadSurfaceFromRaw(loadedImage); if (*surface == NULL) { vlog_error("Image not found: %s", filename); SDL_assert(0 && "Image not found! See stderr."); } if (loadedImage != NULL) { VVV_freefunc(SDL_FreeSurface, loadedImage); } VVV_free(data); } void GraphicsResources::init(void) { LoadVariants("graphics/tiles.png", &im_tiles, &im_tiles_white, &im_tiles_tint); LoadVariants("graphics/tiles2.png", &im_tiles2, NULL, &im_tiles2_tint); LoadVariants("graphics/entcolours.png", &im_entcolours, NULL, &im_entcolours_tint); LoadSprites("graphics/sprites.png", &im_sprites, &im_sprites_surf); LoadSprites("graphics/flipsprites.png", &im_flipsprites, &im_flipsprites_surf); im_tiles3 = LoadImage("graphics/tiles3.png"); im_bfont = LoadImage("graphics/font.png", TEX_WHITE); im_teleporter = LoadImage("graphics/teleporter.png", TEX_WHITE); im_image0 = LoadImage("graphics/levelcomplete.png"); im_image1 = LoadImage("graphics/minimap.png"); im_image2 = LoadImage("graphics/covered.png"); im_image3 = LoadImage("graphics/elephant.png", TEX_WHITE); im_image4 = LoadImage("graphics/gamecomplete.png"); im_image5 = LoadImage("graphics/fliplevelcomplete.png"); im_image6 = LoadImage("graphics/flipgamecomplete.png"); im_image7 = LoadImage("graphics/site.png", TEX_WHITE); im_image8 = LoadImage("graphics/site2.png", TEX_WHITE); im_image9 = LoadImage("graphics/site3.png", TEX_WHITE); im_image10 = LoadImage("graphics/ending.png"); im_image11 = LoadImage("graphics/site4.png", TEX_WHITE); im_image12 = SDL_CreateTexture(gameScreen.m_renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, 240, 180); if (im_image12 == NULL) { vlog_error("Failed to create minimap texture: %s", SDL_GetError()); SDL_assert(0 && "Failed to create minimap texture! See stderr."); return; } } void GraphicsResources::destroy(void) { #define CLEAR(img) VVV_freefunc(SDL_DestroyTexture, img) CLEAR(im_tiles); CLEAR(im_tiles_white); CLEAR(im_tiles_tint); CLEAR(im_tiles2); CLEAR(im_tiles2_tint); CLEAR(im_tiles3); CLEAR(im_entcolours); CLEAR(im_entcolours_tint); CLEAR(im_sprites); CLEAR(im_flipsprites); CLEAR(im_bfont); CLEAR(im_teleporter); CLEAR(im_image0); CLEAR(im_image1); CLEAR(im_image2); CLEAR(im_image3); CLEAR(im_image4); CLEAR(im_image5); CLEAR(im_image6); CLEAR(im_image7); CLEAR(im_image8); CLEAR(im_image9); CLEAR(im_image10); CLEAR(im_image11); CLEAR(im_image12); #undef CLEAR VVV_freefunc(SDL_FreeSurface, im_sprites_surf); VVV_freefunc(SDL_FreeSurface, im_flipsprites_surf); }