#define LOCALIZATIONMAINT_CPP #include "Localization.h" #include "LocalizationStorage.h" #include #include "FileSystemUtils.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "Vlogging.h" #include "XMLUtils.h" namespace loc { static void sync_lang_file(const std::string& langcode) { /* Update translation files for the given language with new strings from templates. * This basically takes the (English) templates, fills in existing translations, and saves. * Any FILESYSTEM_saveTiXml2Document() writes to main lang dir */ vlog_info("Syncing %s with templates...", langcode.c_str()); lang = langcode; loadtext(false); tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; tinyxml2::XMLHandle hDoc(&doc); tinyxml2::XMLElement* pElem; tinyxml2::XMLElement* subElem; if (load_lang_doc("meta", doc, "en")) { FOR_EACH_XML_ELEMENT(hDoc, pElem) { const char* pKey = pElem->Value(); if (SDL_strcmp(pKey, "active") == 0) pElem->SetText((int) langmeta.active); else if (SDL_strcmp(pKey, "nativename") == 0) pElem->SetText(langmeta.nativename.c_str()); else if (SDL_strcmp(pKey, "credit") == 0) pElem->SetText(langmeta.credit.c_str()); else if (SDL_strcmp(pKey, "action_hint") == 0) pElem->SetText(langmeta.action_hint.c_str()); else if (SDL_strcmp(pKey, "autowordwrap") == 0) pElem->SetText((int) langmeta.autowordwrap); else if (SDL_strcmp(pKey, "toupper") == 0) pElem->SetText((int) langmeta.toupper); else if (SDL_strcmp(pKey, "toupper_i_dot") == 0) pElem->SetText((int) langmeta.toupper_i_dot); else if (SDL_strcmp(pKey, "toupper_lower_escape_char") == 0) pElem->SetText((int) langmeta.toupper_lower_escape_char); else if (SDL_strcmp(pKey, "menu_select") == 0) pElem->SetText(langmeta.menu_select.c_str()); else if (SDL_strcmp(pKey, "menu_select_tight") == 0) pElem->SetText(langmeta.menu_select_tight.c_str()); } /* This part exists because we want to preserve blank lines between the commented * options for clarity, so we have to take matters into our own hands. */ for ( tinyxml2::XMLNode* pNode = hDoc.FirstChildElement().FirstChild().ToNode(); pNode != NULL; pNode = pNode->NextSibling() ) { tinyxml2::XMLComment* pCom = pNode->ToComment(); if (pCom != NULL) { tinyxml2::XMLNode* pPrevNode = pCom->PreviousSibling(); if (pPrevNode != NULL) { doc.FirstChildElement()->InsertAfterChild(pPrevNode, doc.NewText("\n\n ")); } doc.FirstChildElement()->InsertAfterChild(pCom, doc.NewText("\n ")); } } FILESYSTEM_saveTiXml2Document((langcode + "/meta.xml").c_str(), doc); } if (load_lang_doc("strings", doc, "en")) { FOR_EACH_XML_ELEMENT(hDoc, pElem) { EXPECT_ELEM(pElem, "string"); const char* eng = pElem->Attribute("english"); if (eng != NULL) { char textcase = pElem->UnsignedAttribute("case", 0); const char* tra; if (textcase == 0) { tra = map_lookup_text(map_translation, eng, ""); } else { char* eng_prefixed = add_disambiguator(textcase, eng, NULL); if (eng_prefixed == NULL) { /* Are we out of memory? Stop, don't blank our language files... */ return; } /* Note the fallback: if this string used to not be cased and now it is, * simply fill in the old single variant we already had. */ tra = map_lookup_text( map_translation, eng_prefixed, map_lookup_text(map_translation, eng, "") ); SDL_free(eng_prefixed); } pElem->SetAttribute("translation", tra); } } FILESYSTEM_saveTiXml2Document((langcode + "/strings.xml").c_str(), doc); } if (load_lang_doc("strings_plural", doc, "en")) { /* Form 255 is technically invalid, but we have to account for it */ bool form_id_used[256]; SDL_zeroa(form_id_used); for (int num = 0; num < 200; num++) { form_id_used[number_plural_form[num]] = true; } FOR_EACH_XML_ELEMENT(hDoc, pElem) { EXPECT_ELEM(pElem, "string"); pElem->DeleteChildren(); const char* eng_plural = pElem->Attribute("english_plural"); for (int form_id = 0; form_id < 255; form_id++) { if (form_id_used[form_id] && eng_plural != NULL) { subElem = doc.NewElement("translation"); pElem->LinkEndChild(subElem); subElem->SetAttribute("form", form_id); char* key = add_disambiguator(form_id+1, eng_plural, NULL); if (key == NULL) { /* Out of memory or something, stop */ return; } subElem->SetAttribute("translation", map_lookup_text(map_translation_plural, key, "")); SDL_free(key); } } } FILESYSTEM_saveTiXml2Document((langcode + "/strings_plural.xml").c_str(), doc); } if (load_lang_doc("cutscenes", doc, "en")) { FOR_EACH_XML_ELEMENT(hDoc, pElem) { EXPECT_ELEM(pElem, "cutscene"); const char* cutscene_id = pElem->Attribute("id"); if (cutscene_id == NULL) { continue; } hashmap* map = map_translation_cutscene; uintptr_t ptr_cutscene_map; bool found = hashmap_get(map, (void*) cutscene_id, SDL_strlen(cutscene_id), &ptr_cutscene_map); hashmap* cutscene_map = (hashmap*) ptr_cutscene_map; if (!found || cutscene_map == NULL) { continue; } FOR_EACH_XML_SUB_ELEMENT(pElem, subElem) { EXPECT_ELEM(subElem, "dialogue"); const char* eng = subElem->Attribute("english"); if (eng == NULL) { continue; } size_t alloc_len; const std::string eng_unwrapped = graphics.string_unwordwrap(eng); char* eng_prefixed = add_disambiguator(subElem->UnsignedAttribute("case", 1), eng_unwrapped.c_str(), &alloc_len); if (eng_prefixed == NULL) { /* Out of memory or something, stop */ return; } uintptr_t ptr_format; found = hashmap_get(cutscene_map, (void*) eng_prefixed, alloc_len-1, &ptr_format); const TextboxFormat* format = (TextboxFormat*) ptr_format; SDL_free(eng_prefixed); if (!found || format == NULL) { continue; } subElem->DeleteAttribute("tt"); subElem->DeleteAttribute("wraplimit"); subElem->DeleteAttribute("centertext"); subElem->DeleteAttribute("pad"); subElem->DeleteAttribute("pad_left"); subElem->DeleteAttribute("pad_right"); subElem->DeleteAttribute("padtowidth"); if (format->text != NULL) subElem->SetAttribute("translation", format->text); if (format->tt) subElem->SetAttribute("tt", 1); if (format->wraplimit_raw != 0) subElem->SetAttribute("wraplimit", format->wraplimit_raw); if (format->centertext) subElem->SetAttribute("centertext", 1); if (format->pad_left == format->pad_right && format->pad_left != 0) { subElem->SetAttribute("pad", format->pad_left); } else { if (format->pad_left != 0) subElem->SetAttribute("pad_left", format->pad_left); if (format->pad_right != 0) subElem->SetAttribute("pad_right", format->pad_right); } if (format->padtowidth != 0) subElem->SetAttribute("padtowidth", format->padtowidth); } } FILESYSTEM_saveTiXml2Document((langcode + "/cutscenes.xml").c_str(), doc); } if (load_lang_doc("roomnames", doc, "en")) { FOR_EACH_XML_ELEMENT(hDoc, pElem) { EXPECT_ELEM(pElem, "roomname"); pElem->SetAttribute("translation", get_roomname_translation(false, pElem->UnsignedAttribute("x"), pElem->UnsignedAttribute("y")) ); } FILESYSTEM_saveTiXml2Document((langcode + "/roomnames.xml").c_str(), doc); } if (load_lang_doc("roomnames_special", doc, "en")) { FOR_EACH_XML_ELEMENT(hDoc, pElem) { EXPECT_ELEM(pElem, "roomname"); const char* eng = pElem->Attribute("english"); if (eng != NULL) { pElem->SetAttribute("translation", map_lookup_text(map_translation_roomnames_special, eng, "")); } } FILESYSTEM_saveTiXml2Document((langcode + "/roomnames_special.xml").c_str(), doc); } } bool sync_lang_files(void) { /* Returns false if we can't set the lang write dir, true otherwise. * This could maybe be extended with better error reporting, * problem is getting across which files failed in which languages. */ std::string oldlang = lang; if (!FILESYSTEM_setLangWriteDir()) { vlog_error("Cannot set write dir to lang dir, not syncing language files"); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < languagelist.size(); i++) { if (languagelist[i].code != "en") sync_lang_file(languagelist[i].code); } FILESYSTEM_restoreWriteDir(); lang = oldlang; loadtext(false); return true; } bool save_roomname_to_file(const std::string& langcode, bool custom_level, int roomx, int roomy, const char* tra, const char* explanation) { if (custom_level) { vlog_error("Saving custom level room names not implemented"); return false; } if (!fix_room_coords(custom_level, &roomx, &roomy)) { return false; } tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; tinyxml2::XMLHandle hDoc(&doc); tinyxml2::XMLElement* pElem; if (!load_lang_doc("roomnames", doc, langcode)) { return false; } bool found = false; FOR_EACH_XML_ELEMENT(hDoc, pElem) { EXPECT_ELEM(pElem, "roomname"); int x = pElem->IntAttribute("x", -1); int y = pElem->IntAttribute("y", -1); if (x == roomx && y == roomy) { if (explanation != NULL) { pElem->SetAttribute("explanation", explanation); } if (tra != NULL) { pElem->SetAttribute("translation", tra); } found = true; } } if (!found) { vlog_error("Could not find room %d,%d in language file to replace!", roomx, roomy); return false; } if (!FILESYSTEM_setLangWriteDir()) { vlog_error("Cannot set write dir to lang dir, so room name can't be saved"); return false; } bool save_success = FILESYSTEM_saveTiXml2Document((langcode + "/roomnames.xml").c_str(), doc); FILESYSTEM_restoreWriteDir(); if (!save_success) { vlog_error("Could not write roomnames document!"); return false; } return store_roomname_translation(custom_level, roomx, roomy, tra, explanation); } bool save_roomname_explanation_to_files(bool custom_level, int roomx, int roomy, const char* explanation) { bool success = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < languagelist.size(); i++) { if (!save_roomname_to_file(languagelist[i].code, custom_level, roomx, roomy, NULL, explanation)) { success = false; vlog_warn("Could not save room name explanation to language %s", languagelist[i].code.c_str()); } } return !languagelist.empty() && success; } void local_limits_check(void) { text_overflows.clear(); loadtext(true); limitscheck_current_overflow = 0; } void global_limits_check(void) { text_overflows.clear(); std::string oldlang = lang; textbook_clear(&textbook_main); textbook_set_protected(&textbook_main, true); for (size_t i = 0; i < languagelist.size(); i++) { if (languagelist[i].code != "en") { lang = languagelist[i].code; loadtext(true); } } lang = oldlang; loadtext(false); textbook_set_protected(&textbook_main, false); limitscheck_current_overflow = 0; } } /* namespace loc */