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synced 2024-12-31 22:19:44 +01:00
Add edits to Japanese translation by KabanFriends
Japanese is 100% complete now, woo!
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 1063 additions and 1055 deletions
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Something's wrong! We're going to crash!" translation="なんだか嫌な予感が…うぉっ!
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Something's wrong! We're going to crash!" translation="なんだか嫌な予感が…うぉっ!
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Evacuate!" translation="全員緊急退避!"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Evacuate!" translation="全員緊急退避!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Oh no!" translation="えぇっ! 一体なに!?"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Oh no!" translation="えぇっ! 一体なに!?"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Everyone off the ship!" translation="みんな急いで脱出するっス!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Everyone off the ship!" translation="みんな急いで脱出するっス!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="This shouldn't be happening!" translation="馬鹿な…こんな事が!!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="This shouldn't be happening!" translation="馬鹿な…こんな事が!!"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Phew! That was scary!" translation="ふぅ、危ない所だったな…。"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Phew! That was scary!" translation="ふぅ、危ない所だったな…。"/>
@ -38,13 +38,12 @@
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Where are you, Captain?" translation="センチョーは今どこ?"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Where are you, Captain?" translation="センチョーは今どこ?"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="I'm on some sort of space station... It seems pretty modern..." translation="どこかの宇宙ステーションみたいだ。
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="I'm on some sort of space station... It seems pretty modern..." translation="どこかの宇宙ステーションみたいだ。
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="There seems to be some sort of interference in this dimension..." translation="そこの次元って、何かミョーな妨害電波が
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="There seems to be some sort of interference in this dimension..." translation="ココの次元って、何かミョーな妨害電波が
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I'm broadcasting the coordinates of the ship to you now." translation="いまこっちの座標を転送するね!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I'm broadcasting the coordinates of the ship to you now." translation="いまこっちの座標を転送するね!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I can't teleport you back, but..." translation="ここからセンチョーを呼び戻すのはムリだけど…"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I can't teleport you back, but..." translation="ここからセンチョーを呼び戻すのはムリだけど…"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="If YOU can find a teleporter anywhere nearby, you should be able to teleport back to me!" translation="そっちでテレポーターを見つけられれば
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="If YOU can find a teleporter anywhere nearby, you should be able to teleport back to me!" translation="そっちでテレポーターを見つけられれば
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Ok! I'll try to find one!" translation="わかった。それじゃあこっちで探してみよう。"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Ok! I'll try to find one!" translation="わかった。それじゃあこっちで探してみよう。"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Good luck, Captain!" translation="センチョーがんばってー!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Good luck, Captain!" translation="センチョーがんばってー!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I'll keep trying to find the rest of the crew..." translation="こっちも引き続き
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I'll keep trying to find the rest of the crew..." translation="こっちも引き続き
@ -101,9 +100,9 @@
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Ok! Where do we start?" translation="そりゃ名案だな…よし、どこから始めようか?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Ok! Where do we start?" translation="そりゃ名案だな…よし、どこから始めようか?"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Well, I've been trying to find them with the ship's scanners!" translation="ちょっとまって。
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Well, I've been trying to find them with the ship's scanners!" translation="それが、さっきからずっと
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="It's not working, but I did find something..." translation="…ってやっぱダメみたい。
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="It's not working, but I did find something..." translation="…やっぱダメみたい。
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="These points show up on our scans as having high energy patterns!" translation="こういう反応はエネルギー密度が高い場所を
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="These points show up on our scans as having high energy patterns!" translation="こういう反応はエネルギー密度が高い場所を
@ -111,9 +110,9 @@
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="They could be a very good place to start looking." translation="最初はこういうわかりやすくて目立つ場所から
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="They could be a very good place to start looking." translation="最初はこういうわかりやすくて目立つ場所から
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Ok! I'll head out and see what I can find!" translation="よし、じゃあちょっと行って
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Ok! I'll head out and see what I can find!" translation="よし、じゃあちょっと行って
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I'll be right here if you need any help!" translation="何か必要だったら言ってね。
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="I'll be right here if you need any help!" translation="何か必要だったら言ってね。
@ -125,9 +124,12 @@
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, Doctor." translation="まいったよヴァイオレット。
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, Doctor." translation="まいったよヴァイオレット。
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Where do I begin?" translation="何から始めりゃいいんだ?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Where do I begin?" translation="何から始めりゃいいんだ?"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Remember that you can press ENTER to check where you are on the map!" translation="."/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Remember that you can press ENTER to check where you are on the map!" translation="ENTERを押すとセンチョーが
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Remember that you can press {b_map} to check where you are on the map!" translation="" buttons="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Look for areas where the rest of the crew might be..." translation=""/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Remember that you can press {b_map} to check where you are on the map!" translation="{b_map}を押すとセンチョーが
今ドコにいるか分かるよ。" buttons="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Look for areas where the rest of the crew might be..." translation="クルーのみんながいそうな
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="If you get lost, you can get back to the ship from any teleporter." translation="もしも迷った時はテレポーターから
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="If you get lost, you can get back to the ship from any teleporter." translation="もしも迷った時はテレポーターから
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="And don't worry! We'll find everyone!" translation="大丈夫!
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="And don't worry! We'll find everyone!" translation="大丈夫!
@ -136,11 +138,11 @@
<cutscene id="talkpurple_3" explanation="only one player string is shown">
<cutscene id="talkpurple_3" explanation="only one player string is shown">
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Are you doing ok, Captain?" translation="センチョー平気?"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Are you doing ok, Captain?" translation="センチョー平気?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I'm worried about Victoria, Doctor!" translation="ヴィクトリアのことが心配だ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I'm worried about Victoria, Doctor!" translation="ヴィクトリアのことが心配だ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I'm worried about Vitellary, Doctor!" translation="ヴィテラリーのことが心配だ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I'm worried about Vitellary, Doctor!" translation="ヴィテラリーのことが心配だ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I'm worried about Verdigris, Doctor!" translation="ヴァーディグリスのことが心配だ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I'm worried about Verdigris, Doctor!" translation="ヴァーディグリスのことが心配だ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I'm worried about Vermilion, Doctor!" translation="ヴァーミリオンのことが心配だ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I'm worried about Vermilion, Doctor!" translation="ヴァーミリオンのことが心配だ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I'm worried about you, Doctor!" translation="君のことが心配だ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I'm worried about you, Doctor!" translation="君のことが心配だ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Oh - well, don't worry, they'll show up!" translation="シンパイいらないよッ。
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Oh - well, don't worry, they'll show up!" translation="シンパイいらないよッ。
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Here! Have a lollipop!" translation="ほらセンチョー…アメあげる♪"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Here! Have a lollipop!" translation="ほらセンチョー…アメあげる♪"/>
@ -184,7 +186,7 @@
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Oh... well, don't worry." translation="あぁ…すまんな。だが心配するな。"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Oh... well, don't worry." translation="あぁ…すまんな。だが心配するな。"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Follow me! Everything will be alright!" translation="とにかく俺についてこい!
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Follow me! Everything will be alright!" translation="とにかく俺についてこい!
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Sniff... Really?" translation="えっ…・・本当?"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Sniff... Really?" translation="えっ… 本当?"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Ok then!" translation="わかったわ。よろしくね船長!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Ok then!" translation="わかったわ。よろしくね船長!"/>
<cutscene id="rescuered" explanation="">
<cutscene id="rescuered" explanation="">
@ -192,7 +194,7 @@
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Am I ever glad to see you! I thought I was the only one to escape the ship..." translation="うぉおお!よくぞご無事でっス!!
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Am I ever glad to see you! I thought I was the only one to escape the ship..." translation="うぉおお!よくぞご無事でっス!!
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Vermilion! I knew you'd be ok!" translation="ヴァ―ミリオン! 無事だったか!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Vermilion! I knew you'd be ok!" translation="ヴァ―ミリオン! 無事だったか!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="So, what's the situation?" translation="しかし、一体何が起こっているんスか!?"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="So, what's the situation?" translation="しかし、一体何が起こっているんスか!?"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="I see! Well, we'd better get back then." translation="なるほど…ではとにかく船の所に行くっス!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="I see! Well, we'd better get back then." translation="なるほど…ではとにかく船の所に行くっス!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="There's a teleporter in the next room." translation="テレポーターは隣の部屋にあるっス!
<dialogue speaker="red" english="There's a teleporter in the next room." translation="テレポーターは隣の部屋にあるっス!
@ -215,8 +217,8 @@
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Er, that sounds about right!" translation="シンゴーカンショーでジゲンザヒョーか…。
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Er, that sounds about right!" translation="シンゴーカンショーでジゲンザヒョーか…。
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Let's get back to the ship, then!" translation=""/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Let's get back to the ship, then!" translation="それでは、船に戻りましょうか。"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="After you, Captain!" translation=""/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="After you, Captain!" translation="後に付いて行きますね!"/>
<cutscene id="int1blue_1" explanation="">
<cutscene id="int1blue_1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Waaaa!" translation="きゃぁあー!" case="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Waaaa!" translation="きゃぁあー!" case="1"/>
@ -259,9 +261,8 @@
<cutscene id="int1blue_5" explanation="">
<cutscene id="int1blue_5" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="We're never going to get out of here, are we?" translation="ねぇ私達もしかして…
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="We're never going to get out of here, are we?" translation="ねぇ私達もしかして…
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I.. I don't know..." translation="そ…そんな事はないさ。"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I.. I don't know..." translation="そ…そんな事はないさ。出口はすぐそこだ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I don't know where we are or how we're going to get out..." translation="たしかに、ここがどこかは分からない…
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I don't know where we are or how we're going to get out..." translation="(…ならば良いんだが…)"/>
<cutscene id="int1blue_6" explanation="">
<cutscene id="int1blue_6" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="We're going to be lost forever!" translation="私達きっとこのまま永遠に彷徨うんだわ…。"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="We're going to be lost forever!" translation="私達きっとこのまま永遠に彷徨うんだわ…。"/>
@ -327,7 +328,7 @@
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Hmm..." translation="そ、そうだなぁ…まぁ、あれだ…"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Hmm..." translation="そ、そうだなぁ…まぁ、あれだ…"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Um... you should... be yourself!" translation="そう!ありのままの自分でいろ!
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Um... you should... be yourself!" translation="そう!ありのままの自分でいろ!
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Oh." translation="ありのままの自分…・"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Oh." translation="ありのままの自分…"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Thanks Captain!" translation="わかったのです!流石キャプテンなのです!"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Thanks Captain!" translation="わかったのです!流石キャプテンなのです!"/>
<cutscene id="int1green_6" explanation="">
<cutscene id="int1green_6" explanation="">
@ -385,13 +386,13 @@
<cutscene id="int1red_5" explanation="">
<cutscene id="int1red_5" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Are we there yet?" translation="そろそろっスかね?"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Are we there yet?" translation="そろそろっスかね?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="We're getting closer, I think..." translation="あぁ、きっともうすぐだ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="We're getting closer, I think..." translation="あぁ、きっともうすぐだ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I hope..." translation="(…ならば良いんだが…)"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I hope..." translation="(…ならば良いんだが…)"/>
<cutscene id="int1red_6" explanation="">
<cutscene id="int1red_6" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I wonder where we are, anyway?" translation="しかしここは一体どこなんだろうな…。"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I wonder where we are, anyway?" translation="しかしここは一体どこなんだろうな…。"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="This seems different from that dimension we crashed in, somehow..." translation="船が不時着した次元とも
<dialogue speaker="player" english="This seems different from that dimension we crashed in, somehow..." translation="船が不時着した次元とも
<dialogue speaker="red" english="I dunno... But we must be close to a teleporter by now..." translation="自分もワカランっす! …でもきっと
<dialogue speaker="red" english="I dunno... But we must be close to a teleporter by now..." translation="自分もワカランっす! …でもきっと
<cutscene id="int1red_7" explanation="">
<cutscene id="int1red_7" explanation="">
@ -501,7 +502,7 @@
<cutscene id="int2_blue" explanation="after gravitron">
<cutscene id="int2_blue" explanation="after gravitron">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I think I'm going to be sick..." translation="もう、酔っちゃいそうだわ…。"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I think I'm going to be sick..." translation="もう、酔っちゃいそうだわ…。"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I feel dizzy..." translation="あぁ、しかも酷い酔いだ…。"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="I feel dizzy..." translation="あぁ、俺も酷い酔いだ…。"/>
<cutscene id="int2_green" explanation="after gravitron">
<cutscene id="int2_green" explanation="after gravitron">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Phew! You're ok!" translation="ふぇぇ…酷い目にあったのです。"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Phew! You're ok!" translation="ふぇぇ…酷い目にあったのです。"/>
@ -535,17 +536,17 @@
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Vermilion called in to say hello!" translation="ヴァーミリオンさんがセンチョーに
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Vermilion called in to say hello!" translation="ヴァーミリオンさんがセンチョーに
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He's really looking forward to helping you find the rest of the crew!" translation="ほんと、いちいち発言がオーバーだよね!
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He's really looking forward to helping you find the rest of the crew!" translation="ほんと、いちいち発言がオーバーだよね!
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He's really looking forward to helping you find Victoria!" translation="ほんと、いちいち発言がオーバーだよね!
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He's really looking forward to helping you find Victoria!" translation="ほんと、いちいち発言がオーバーだよね!
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He's really looking forward to helping you find Vitellary!" translation="ほんと、いちいち発言がオーバーだよね!
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He's really looking forward to helping you find Vitellary!" translation="ほんと、いちいち発言がオーバーだよね!
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He's really looking forward to helping you find Verdigris!" translation="ほんと、いちいち発言がオーバーだよね!
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He's really looking forward to helping you find Verdigris!" translation="ほんと、いちいち発言がオーバーだよね!
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He's really looking forward to helping you find Vermilion!" translation="ほんと、いちいち発言がオーバーだよね!
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He's really looking forward to helping you find Vermilion!" translation="ほんと、いちいち発言がオーバーだよね!
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He's really looking forward to helping you find you!" translation="ほんと、いちいち発言がオーバーだよね!
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="He's really looking forward to helping you find you!" translation="ほんと、いちいち発言がオーバーだよね!
<cutscene id="talkpurple_6" explanation="">
<cutscene id="talkpurple_6" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Captain! You found Verdigris!" translation="ヴァーディグリス機関長が見つかったのね!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Captain! You found Verdigris!" translation="ヴァーディグリス機関長が見つかったのね!"/>
@ -639,7 +640,7 @@
<cutscene id="talkgreen_8" explanation="">
<cutscene id="talkgreen_8" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="The antenna's broken! This is going to be very hard to fix..." translation="アンテナが折れているのです。
<dialogue speaker="green" english="The antenna's broken! This is going to be very hard to fix..." translation="アンテナが折れているのです。
<cutscene id="talkgreen_9" explanation="">
<cutscene id="talkgreen_9" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="green" english="It looks like we were warped into solid rock when we crashed!" translation="どうも船の一部が岩と同座標に
<dialogue speaker="green" english="It looks like we were warped into solid rock when we crashed!" translation="どうも船の一部が岩と同座標に
@ -710,7 +711,7 @@
<cutscene id="talkred_11" explanation="">
<cutscene id="talkred_11" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="I'm helping!" translation="師匠、助けに来たっス!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="I'm helping!" translation="助けに来たっス!"/>
<cutscene id="talkred_12" explanation="">
<cutscene id="talkred_12" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Hey Captain!" translation="師匠!"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Hey Captain!" translation="師匠!"/>
@ -748,7 +749,7 @@
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="sniff..." translation="…くすん。"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="sniff..." translation="…くすん。"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Doctor Victoria? He's ok!" translation="大丈夫。あいつは無事だよ。"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Doctor Victoria? He's ok!" translation="大丈夫。あいつは無事だよ。"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Oh! Sorry! I was just thinking about what if he wasn't?" translation="あっごめんなさい! その…
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Oh! Sorry! I was just thinking about what if he wasn't?" translation="あっごめんなさい! その…
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Thank you, Captain!" translation="本当にありがとう…船長。"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Thank you, Captain!" translation="本当にありがとう…船長。"/>
@ -817,14 +818,14 @@
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Oh? Really?" translation="おっ?本当か?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Oh? Really?" translation="おっ?本当か?"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Yeah, well done! That can't have been easy!" translation="えぇ本当よ。
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Yeah, well done! That can't have been easy!" translation="えぇ本当よ。
すごいじゃない! 大変だったでしょ?"/>
すごいじゃない! 大変だったでしょ?"/>
<cutscene id="talkblue_trinket6" explanation="">
<cutscene id="talkblue_trinket6" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="...and they're related. They're all a part of something bigger!" translation="…これらは相互に共鳴しあい
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="...and they're related. They're all a part of something bigger!" translation="…これらは相互に共鳴しあい
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Oh? Really?" translation="本当か?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Oh? Really?" translation="本当か?"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Yeah! There seem to be twenty variations of the fundamental energy signature..." translation="ええ、基本的なエネルギー痕は
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Yeah! There seem to be twenty variations of the fundamental energy signature..." translation="ええ、このエネルギー痕は
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Wait..." translation="ちょっと待って…。"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Wait..." translation="ちょっと待って…。"/>
@ -904,8 +905,8 @@
<cutscene id="talkyellow_11" explanation="">
<cutscene id="talkyellow_11" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="I know it's probably a little dangerous to stay here now that this dimension is collapsing..." translation="確かに崩壊の運命にあるここに残り
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="I know it's probably a little dangerous to stay here now that this dimension is collapsing..." translation="確かに、崩壊の運命にあるここに残り
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="...but it's so rare to find somewhere this interesting!" translation="だけど、ここはそれだけの価値が
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="...but it's so rare to find somewhere this interesting!" translation="だけど、ここはそれだけの価値が
@ -919,8 +920,7 @@
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Oh, it was just lying around that space station." translation="えぇと、あの宇宙ステーションに
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Oh, it was just lying around that space station." translation="えぇと、あの宇宙ステーションに
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="It's a pity Doctor Victoria isn't here, she loves studying that sort of thing..." translation="ヴィクトリア先生が居ないのが残念です。
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="It's a pity Doctor Victoria isn't here, she loves studying that sort of thing..." translation="ヴィクトリア先生が居ないのが残念です。
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Any idea what it does?" translation="君にはこれが何かわかるか?"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Any idea what it does?" translation="君にはこれが何かわかるか?"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Nope! But it is giving off a strange energy reading..." translation="専門外なので難しいですね。
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Nope! But it is giving off a strange energy reading..." translation="専門外なので難しいですね。
@ -952,30 +952,34 @@
[ Status ]
[ Status ]
READY _" translation="* ジゲン アンテイ ジェネレーター *
READY _" translation="* ジゲン アンテイ ジェネレーター *
[ ゲンザイ カドウチュウ ]
[ ゲンザイ カドウチュウ ]
アンテイド サイダイ
アンテイド サイダイ
[ ステータス ]
[ ステータス ]
READY _" tt="1"/>
READY _" tt="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Aha! This must be what's causing the interference!" translation="あった! 信号妨害の原因は
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Aha! This must be what's causing the interference!" translation="あった! 信号妨害の原因は
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="I wonder if I can turn it off?" translation="なんとかして停止出来ないか!?"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="I wonder if I can turn it off?" translation="なんとかして停止出来ないか!?"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="WARNING: Disabling the Dimensional Stability Generator may lead to instability! Are you sure you want to do this?" translation="警告:安定装置の動作を停止すると
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="WARNING: Disabling the Dimensional Stability Generator may lead to instability! Are you sure you want to do this?" translation=" [ 警告 ]
[ はい / いいえ ]"/>
[ はい / いいえ ]"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Yes!" translation="もちろん「はい」だ!" case="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Yes!" translation="もちろん「はい」だ!" case="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Seriously! The whole dimension could collapse! Just think about this for a minute!
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Seriously! The whole dimension could collapse! Just think about this for a minute!
Are you really sure you want to do this?" translation="警告!:いや、マジでこの装置を止めたら、
Are you really sure you want to do this?" translation=" [ 警告 ]
[ はい / いいえ ]"/>
[ はい / いいえ ]"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Yes!" translation="だから「はい」だっつってんだろ!" case="2"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Yes!" translation="だから「はい」だっつってんだろ!" case="2"/>
@ -984,19 +988,19 @@ Are you really sure you want to do this?" translation="警告!:いや、マジ
次元安定装置 機能停止" centertext="1" pad="1"/>
次元安定装置 機能停止" centertext="1" pad="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Uh oh..." translation="やっちまったか…?"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Uh oh..." translation="やっちまったか…?"/>
<cutscene id="gamecomplete" explanation="">
<cutscene id="gamecomplete" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Any moment now..." translation="そろそろです…。"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Any moment now..." translation="そろそろです…。"/>
<cutscene id="gamecomplete_ending" explanation="">
<cutscene id="gamecomplete_ending" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Hello!" translation="よぉみんな。改まってどうした!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Hello!" translation="よぉみんな!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Captain!" translation="センチョー!" case="1" pad_right="17"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Captain!" translation="センチョー!!" case="1" pad_right="8"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Captain!" translation="船長!" case="2" pad_right="16"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Captain!" translation="センチョー!!" case="2" pad_right="6"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Captain!" translation="師匠!" case="3" pad_right="12"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="Captain!" translation="センチョー!!" case="3" pad_right="4"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Captain!" translation="キャプテン!" case="4" pad_right="5"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="Captain!" translation="センチョー!!" case="4" pad_right="2"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Captain!" translation="ヴィリジアン!" case="5"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Captain!" translation="センチョー!!" case="5"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="You're alright!" translation="無事だったのね…"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="You're alright!" translation="無事だったのね…"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I knew you'd be ok!" translation="ううん、きっと無事だって分かってたわ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I knew you'd be ok!" translation="ううん、きっと無事だって分かってたわ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="We were very worried when you didn't come back..." translation="戻ってこなかった時は
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="We were very worried when you didn't come back..." translation="戻ってこなかった時は
@ -1008,9 +1012,9 @@ DIMENSIONAL STABILISER OFFLINE" translation="-= WARNING =-
<dialogue speaker="red" english="...and teleport you back on board!" translation="…それでこっちからぶっこ抜くように
<dialogue speaker="red" english="...and teleport you back on board!" translation="…それでこっちからぶっこ抜くように
<dialogue speaker="player" english="That was lucky!" translation="そいつは運が良かったな!
<dialogue speaker="player" english="That was lucky!" translation="そいつは運が良かったな!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Thanks guys!" translation="皆のおかげだ!
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Thanks guys!" translation="本当にありがとう!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="...it looks like this dimension is starting to destabilise, just like our own..." translation="この次元…
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="...it looks like this dimension is starting to destabilise, just like our own..." translation="この次元…
@ -1020,7 +1024,7 @@ DIMENSIONAL STABILISER OFFLINE" translation="-= WARNING =-
<dialogue speaker="green" english="There's no telling exactly how long we have here. But the ship's fixed, so..." translation="あとどれだけここに居られるか
<dialogue speaker="green" english="There's no telling exactly how long we have here. But the ship's fixed, so..." translation="あとどれだけここに居られるか
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="...as soon as we're ready, we can go home!" translation="…探索が済んだら
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="...as soon as we're ready, we can go home!" translation="…探索が済んだら
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="What now, Captain?" translation="センチョー、今度はなーに?"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="What now, Captain?" translation="センチョー、今度はなーに?"/>
@ -1035,7 +1039,7 @@ DIMENSIONAL STABILISER OFFLINE" translation="-= WARNING =-
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Wow! You found all of them!" translation="すごいわヴィリジアン!回収完了よ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Wow! You found all of them!" translation="すごいわヴィリジアン!回収完了よ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Really? Great!" translation="おぅ、そいつは良かった。"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Really? Great!" translation="おぅ、そいつは良かった。"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I'll run some tests and see if I can work out what they're for..." translation="それではこの光る物体がなんなのか
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="I'll run some tests and see if I can work out what they're for..." translation="それではこの光る物体がなんなのか
<dialogue speaker="player" english="That... that didn't sound good..." translation="い…今のはなんだ?
<dialogue speaker="player" english="That... that didn't sound good..." translation="い…今のはなんだ?
@ -1062,13 +1066,13 @@ DIMENSIONAL STABILISER OFFLINE" translation="-= WARNING =-
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Oh no! We're trapped!" translation="まずいわ!…トラップよ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="Oh no! We're trapped!" translation="まずいわ!…トラップよ!"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Oh dear..." translation="やられましたね…。"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="Oh dear..." translation="やられましたね…。"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Hmm... how should we get out of this?" translation="参ったな…
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Hmm... how should we get out of this?" translation="参ったな…
<dialogue speaker="player" english="COMBINE!" translation="合体ッ!" case="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="player" english="COMBINE!" translation="ガッタイ!!" case="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="COMBINE!" translation="ガッタァーイ♪" case="2"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="COMBINE!" translation="ガッタイ!!" case="2"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="COMBINE!" translation="…合体!" case="3"/>
<dialogue speaker="yellow" english="COMBINE!" translation="ガッタイ!!" case="3" pad_left="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="COMBINE!" translation="ぬおおぉぉぉガッタイっす!!" case="4"/>
<dialogue speaker="red" english="COMBINE!" translation="ガッタイ!!" case="4"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="COMBINE!" translation="合体なのです。" case="5"/>
<dialogue speaker="green" english="COMBINE!" translation="ガッタイ!!" case="5"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="COMBINE!" translation="合体♥" case="6"/>
<dialogue speaker="blue" english="COMBINE!" translation="ガッタイ!!" case="6"/>
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Or, you know... we could have just warped back to the ship..." translation="えーとこれ、フツーに
<dialogue speaker="purple" english="Or, you know... we could have just warped back to the ship..." translation="えーとこれ、フツーに
@ -1115,13 +1119,13 @@ Collect trinkets to unlock new songs!" translation="-= ジュークボックス
トリンケットを見つけてください。" centertext="1" padtowidth="264"/>
トリンケットを見つけてください。" centertext="1" pad_left="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_jukeunlock1" explanation="">
<cutscene id="terminal_jukeunlock1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
5 Trinkets
5 Trinkets
Pushing Onwards" translation="次のアンロック:
Pushing Onwards" translation="次の曲:
Pushing Onwards" tt="1" pad="1"/>
Pushing Onwards" tt="1" pad="1"/>
@ -1130,7 +1134,7 @@ Pushing Onwards" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
8 Trinkets
8 Trinkets
Positive Force" translation="次のアンロック:
Positive Force" translation="次の曲:
Positive Force" tt="1" pad="1"/>
Positive Force" tt="1" pad="1"/>
@ -1139,7 +1143,7 @@ Positive Force" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
10 Trinkets
10 Trinkets
Presenting VVVVVV" translation="次のアンロック:
Presenting VVVVVV" translation="次の曲:
Presenting VVVVVV" tt="1" pad="1"/>
Presenting VVVVVV" tt="1" pad="1"/>
@ -1148,7 +1152,7 @@ Presenting VVVVVV" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
12 Trinkets
12 Trinkets
Potential for Anything" translation="次のアンロック:
Potential for Anything" translation="次の曲:
Potential for Anything" tt="1" pad="1"/>
Potential for Anything" tt="1" pad="1"/>
@ -1157,7 +1161,7 @@ Potential for Anything" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
14 Trinkets
14 Trinkets
Pressure Cooker" translation="次のアンロック:
Pressure Cooker" translation="次の曲:
Pressure Cooker" tt="1" pad="1"/>
Pressure Cooker" tt="1" pad="1"/>
@ -1166,7 +1170,7 @@ Pressure Cooker" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
16 Trinkets
16 Trinkets
Predestined Fate" translation="次のアンロック:
Predestined Fate" translation="次の曲:
Predestined Fate" tt="1" pad="1"/>
Predestined Fate" tt="1" pad="1"/>
@ -1175,7 +1179,7 @@ Predestined Fate" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
18 Trinkets
18 Trinkets
Popular Potpourri" translation="次のアンロック:
Popular Potpourri" translation="次の曲:
Popular Potpourri" tt="1" pad="1"/>
Popular Potpourri" tt="1" pad="1"/>
@ -1184,22 +1188,23 @@ Popular Potpourri" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="NEXT UNLOCK:
20 Trinkets
20 Trinkets
Pipe Dream" translation="次のアンロック:
Pipe Dream" translation="次の曲:
Pipe Dream" tt="1" pad="1"/>
Pipe Dream" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_station_1" explanation="">
<cutscene id="terminal_station_1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= PERSONAL LOG =-" translation="-= 個人ログ =-" padtowidth="140"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= PERSONAL LOG =-" translation="-= 個人ログ =-" padtowidth="132"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Almost everyone has been evacuated from the space station now. The rest of us are leaving in a couple of days, once our research has been completed." translation="宇宙ステーションからの避難は
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Almost everyone has been evacuated from the space station now. The rest of us are leaving in a couple of days, once our research has been completed." translation="宇宙ステーションからの避難は
研究が終わればの話だが。" pad="1"/>
研究が終わればの話だが。" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_station_2" explanation="">
<cutscene id="terminal_station_2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= Research Notes =-" translation="-= 研究資料 =-" padtowidth="132"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= Research Notes =-" translation="-= 研究資料 =-" padtowidth="132"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="...everything collapses, eventually. It's the way of the universe." translation="…万物はいずれ崩壊する。
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="...everything collapses, eventually. It's the way of the universe." translation="…万物はいずれ崩壊する。
それが宇宙の理なのだから。" centertext="1" pad="1"/>
それが宇宙の理なのだから。" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_station_3" explanation="">
<cutscene id="terminal_station_3" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="I wonder if the generator we set up in the polar dimension is what's affecting our teleporters?" translation="もしや我々が極次元に設置した
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="I wonder if the generator we set up in the polar dimension is what's affecting our teleporters?" translation="もしや我々が極次元に設置した
@ -1208,9 +1213,9 @@ Pipe Dream" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="No, it's probably just a glitch." translation="いや、そちらは単なる電力異常だろう。"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="No, it's probably just a glitch." translation="いや、そちらは単なる電力異常だろう。"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_station_4" explanation="a trinket that's difficult to get">
<cutscene id="terminal_station_4" explanation="a trinket that's difficult to get">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= PERSONAL LOG =-" translation="-= 個人ログ =-" padtowidth="140"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= PERSONAL LOG =-" translation="-= 個人ログ =-" padtowidth="132"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Hah! Nobody will ever get this one." translation="ワハハハハッ!
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Hah! Nobody will ever get this one." translation="ワハハハハッ!
ここならば誰にも見つかるまい。" pad="1"/>
これならば誰にも取れるまい。" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_warp_1" explanation="">
<cutscene id="terminal_warp_1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="...The other day I was chased down a hallway by a giant cube with the word AVOID on it." translation="…先日「AVOID」と書かれた
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="...The other day I was chased down a hallway by a giant cube with the word AVOID on it." translation="…先日「AVOID」と書かれた
@ -1236,7 +1241,7 @@ Pipe Dream" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= Research Notes =-" translation="-= 研究資料 =-" padtowidth="132"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= Research Notes =-" translation="-= 研究資料 =-" padtowidth="132"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="...with just a small modification to the usual parameters, we were able to stabilise an infinite tunnel!" translation="…通常のパラメーターに微調整を
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="...with just a small modification to the usual parameters, we were able to stabilise an infinite tunnel!" translation="…通常のパラメーターに微調整を
に成功した!" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_outside_3" explanation="">
<cutscene id="terminal_outside_3" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= Research Notes =-" translation="-= 研究資料 =-" padtowidth="132"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= Research Notes =-" translation="-= 研究資料 =-" padtowidth="132"/>
@ -1250,22 +1255,22 @@ Pipe Dream" tt="1" pad="1"/>
やはり崩壊は時間の問題なのか…。" pad="1"/>
やはり崩壊は時間の問題なのか…。" pad="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Huh? These coordinates aren't even in this dimension!" translation="おいおい…この次元じゃ
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="Huh? These coordinates aren't even in this dimension!" translation="うん? この次元に
<cutscene id="terminal_outside_5" explanation="">
<cutscene id="terminal_outside_5" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= Personal Log =-" translation="-= 個人 ログ =-" padtowidth="116"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= Personal Log =-" translation="-= 個人ログ =-" padtowidth="132"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="... I've had to seal off access to most of our research. Who knows what could happen if it fell into the wrong hands? ..." translation="面倒だが我々の研究結果への
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="... I've had to seal off access to most of our research. Who knows what could happen if it fell into the wrong hands? ..." translation="面倒だが我々の研究結果への
それだけは避けねばならなかったのだ。" centertext="1" pad="1"/>
それだけは避けねばならなかったのだ。" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_outside_6" explanation="">
<cutscene id="terminal_outside_6" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= Research Notes =-" translation="-= 研究資料 =-" padtowidth="132"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= Research Notes =-" translation="-= 研究資料 =-" padtowidth="132"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="... access to the control center is still possible through the main atmospheric filters ..." translation="メイン大気フィルターを通って行けば
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="... access to the control center is still possible through the main atmospheric filters ..." translation="メイン大気フィルターを通って行けば
アクセスする事が出来るようだ…。" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_lab_1" explanation="">
<cutscene id="terminal_lab_1" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="... it turns out the key to stabilising this dimension was to create a balancing force outside of it!" translation="…どうやらこの次元を安定させる鍵は
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="... it turns out the key to stabilising this dimension was to create a balancing force outside of it!" translation="…どうやらこの次元を安定させる鍵は
@ -1278,7 +1283,7 @@ Pipe Dream" tt="1" pad="1"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_lab_2" explanation="">
<cutscene id="terminal_lab_2" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="?SYNTAX ERROR" translation="?SYNTAX ERROR"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="?SYNTAX ERROR" translation="?ERROR"/>
<cutscene id="terminal_letsgo" explanation="">
<cutscene id="terminal_letsgo" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Now that the ship is fixed, we can leave anytime we want!" translation="さてと、損傷箇所は全て修理完了したな。
<dialogue speaker="player" english="Now that the ship is fixed, we can leave anytime we want!" translation="さてと、損傷箇所は全て修理完了したな。
@ -1300,13 +1305,13 @@ Broadcasting" translation="-= 船内放送 =-
<cutscene id="terminal_secretlab" explanation="">
<cutscene id="terminal_secretlab" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= WARNING =-
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="-= WARNING =-
The Super-Gravitron is intended for entertainment purposes only." translation="-= 警 告 =-
The Super-Gravitron is intended for entertainment purposes only." translation=" -= 警 告 =-
遊戯用途専用の施設です。" centertext="1" pad="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Anyone found using the Super Gravitron for educational purposes may be asked to stand in the naughty corner." translation="スーパーグラビトロンを教育用に
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Anyone found using the Super Gravitron for educational purposes may be asked to stand in the naughty corner." translation="スーパーグラビトロンを教育用に
<cutscene id="terminal_shipcomputer" explanation="">
<cutscene id="terminal_shipcomputer" explanation="">
@ -1315,14 +1320,16 @@ The Super-Gravitron is intended for entertainment purposes only." translation="-
Ship Navigation Controls" translation="-= D.S.S. ソウルアイ =-
Ship Navigation Controls" translation="-= D.S.S. ソウルアイ =-
航路ナビゲーションコントロール" centertext="1" pad="1"/>
航路ナビゲーションコントロール" centertext="1" pad="1"/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Error! Error! Cannot isolate dimensional coordinates! Interference detected!" translation="[[ ERROR ]]
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Error! Error! Cannot isolate dimensional coordinates! Interference detected!" translation="[ ERROR ]
次元座標の分離に失敗しました。" centertext="1"/>
次元座標の分離に失敗しました。" centertext="1"/>
<cutscene id="alreadyvisited" explanation="">
<cutscene id="alreadyvisited" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="...oh, I've already found this." translation="…もう知ってる情報のようだ。"/>
<dialogue speaker="cyan" english="...oh, I've already found this." translation="…もう知ってる情報みたいだな。"/>
<cutscene id="disableaccessibility" explanation="">
<cutscene id="disableaccessibility" explanation="">
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Please disable invincibility and/or slowdown before entering the Super Gravitron." translation=""/>
<dialogue speaker="gray" english="Please disable invincibility and/or slowdown before entering the Super Gravitron." translation="スーパーグラビトロンを始める前に、
@ -6,13 +6,14 @@
<!-- English translation by X -->
<!-- English translation by X -->
<credit>Converted from Nicalis version</credit>
<!-- On the language screen, hard limit 40 8x8 characters. Space/Z/V sets this as the language -->
<!-- On the language screen, hard limit 40 8x8 characters. Space/Z/V sets this as the language -->
<action_hint>Press Space, Z, or V to select</action_hint>
<action_hint>スペース, Z または V を押して決定</action_hint>
<!-- Same as above, but for a gamepad button (hard limit 40 8x8 characters) -->
<!-- Same as above, but for a gamepad button (hard limit 40 8x8 characters) -->
<gamepad_hint>Press {button} to select</gamepad_hint>
<gamepad_hint>{button} を押して決定</gamepad_hint>
<!-- Enable automatic word wrapping instead of having to manually insert newlines -->
<!-- Enable automatic word wrapping instead of having to manually insert newlines -->
Executable file → Normal file
Executable file → Normal file
@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Please read README.txt for information about the language files -->
<!-- Please read README.txt for information about the language files -->
<number value="0" form="0" english="Zero" translation=""/>
<number value="0" form="0" english="Zero" translation="0"/>
<number value="1" form="0" english="One" translation=""/>
<number value="1" form="0" english="One" translation="1"/>
<number value="2" form="0" english="Two" translation=""/>
<number value="2" form="0" english="Two" translation="2"/>
<number value="3" form="0" english="Three" translation=""/>
<number value="3" form="0" english="Three" translation="3"/>
<number value="4" form="0" english="Four" translation=""/>
<number value="4" form="0" english="Four" translation="4"/>
<number value="5" form="0" english="Five" translation=""/>
<number value="5" form="0" english="Five" translation="5"/>
<number value="6" form="0" english="Six" translation=""/>
<number value="6" form="0" english="Six" translation="6"/>
<number value="7" form="0" english="Seven" translation=""/>
<number value="7" form="0" english="Seven" translation="7"/>
<number value="8" form="0" english="Eight" translation=""/>
<number value="8" form="0" english="Eight" translation="8"/>
<number value="9" form="0" english="Nine" translation=""/>
<number value="9" form="0" english="Nine" translation="9"/>
<number value="10" form="0" english="Ten" translation=""/>
<number value="10" form="0" english="Ten" translation="10"/>
<number value="11" form="0" english="Eleven" translation=""/>
<number value="11" form="0" english="Eleven" translation="11"/>
<number value="12" form="0" english="Twelve" translation=""/>
<number value="12" form="0" english="Twelve" translation="23"/>
<number value="13" form="0" english="Thirteen" translation=""/>
<number value="13" form="0" english="Thirteen" translation="13"/>
<number value="14" form="0" english="Fourteen" translation=""/>
<number value="14" form="0" english="Fourteen" translation="14"/>
<number value="15" form="0" english="Fifteen" translation=""/>
<number value="15" form="0" english="Fifteen" translation="15"/>
<number value="16" form="0" english="Sixteen" translation=""/>
<number value="16" form="0" english="Sixteen" translation="16"/>
<number value="17" form="0" english="Seventeen" translation=""/>
<number value="17" form="0" english="Seventeen" translation="17"/>
<number value="18" form="0" english="Eighteen" translation=""/>
<number value="18" form="0" english="Eighteen" translation="18"/>
<number value="19" form="0" english="Nineteen" translation=""/>
<number value="19" form="0" english="Nineteen" translation="19"/>
<number value="20" form="0" english="Twenty" translation=""/>
<number value="20" form="0" english="Twenty" translation="20"/>
<number value="21" form="0" english="Twenty One" translation=""/>
<number value="21" form="0" english="Twenty One" translation="21"/>
<number value="22" form="0" english="Twenty Two" translation=""/>
<number value="22" form="0" english="Twenty Two" translation="22"/>
<number value="23" form="0" english="Twenty Three" translation=""/>
<number value="23" form="0" english="Twenty Three" translation="23"/>
<number value="24" form="0" english="Twenty Four" translation=""/>
<number value="24" form="0" english="Twenty Four" translation="24"/>
<number value="25" form="0" english="Twenty Five" translation=""/>
<number value="25" form="0" english="Twenty Five" translation="25"/>
<number value="26" form="0" english="Twenty Six" translation=""/>
<number value="26" form="0" english="Twenty Six" translation="26"/>
<number value="27" form="0" english="Twenty Seven" translation=""/>
<number value="27" form="0" english="Twenty Seven" translation="27"/>
<number value="28" form="0" english="Twenty Eight" translation=""/>
<number value="28" form="0" english="Twenty Eight" translation="28"/>
<number value="29" form="0" english="Twenty Nine" translation=""/>
<number value="29" form="0" english="Twenty Nine" translation="29"/>
<number value="30" form="0" english="Thirty" translation=""/>
<number value="30" form="0" english="Thirty" translation="30"/>
<number value="31" form="0" english="Thirty One" translation=""/>
<number value="31" form="0" english="Thirty One" translation="31"/>
<number value="32" form="0" english="Thirty Two" translation=""/>
<number value="32" form="0" english="Thirty Two" translation="32"/>
<number value="33" form="0" english="Thirty Three" translation=""/>
<number value="33" form="0" english="Thirty Three" translation="33"/>
<number value="34" form="0" english="Thirty Four" translation=""/>
<number value="34" form="0" english="Thirty Four" translation="34"/>
<number value="35" form="0" english="Thirty Five" translation=""/>
<number value="35" form="0" english="Thirty Five" translation="35"/>
<number value="36" form="0" english="Thirty Six" translation=""/>
<number value="36" form="0" english="Thirty Six" translation="36"/>
<number value="37" form="0" english="Thirty Seven" translation=""/>
<number value="37" form="0" english="Thirty Seven" translation="37"/>
<number value="38" form="0" english="Thirty Eight" translation=""/>
<number value="38" form="0" english="Thirty Eight" translation="38"/>
<number value="39" form="0" english="Thirty Nine" translation=""/>
<number value="39" form="0" english="Thirty Nine" translation="39"/>
<number value="40" form="0" english="Forty" translation=""/>
<number value="40" form="0" english="Forty" translation="40"/>
<number value="41" form="0" english="Forty One" translation=""/>
<number value="41" form="0" english="Forty One" translation="41"/>
<number value="42" form="0" english="Forty Two" translation=""/>
<number value="42" form="0" english="Forty Two" translation="42"/>
<number value="43" form="0" english="Forty Three" translation=""/>
<number value="43" form="0" english="Forty Three" translation="43"/>
<number value="44" form="0" english="Forty Four" translation=""/>
<number value="44" form="0" english="Forty Four" translation="44"/>
<number value="45" form="0" english="Forty Five" translation=""/>
<number value="45" form="0" english="Forty Five" translation="45"/>
<number value="46" form="0" english="Forty Six" translation=""/>
<number value="46" form="0" english="Forty Six" translation="46"/>
<number value="47" form="0" english="Forty Seven" translation=""/>
<number value="47" form="0" english="Forty Seven" translation="47"/>
<number value="48" form="0" english="Forty Eight" translation=""/>
<number value="48" form="0" english="Forty Eight" translation="48"/>
<number value="49" form="0" english="Forty Nine" translation=""/>
<number value="49" form="0" english="Forty Nine" translation="49"/>
<number value="50" form="0" english="Fifty" translation=""/>
<number value="50" form="0" english="Fifty" translation="50"/>
<number value="51" form="0" english="Fifty One" translation=""/>
<number value="51" form="0" english="Fifty One" translation="51"/>
<number value="52" form="0" english="Fifty Two" translation=""/>
<number value="52" form="0" english="Fifty Two" translation="52"/>
<number value="53" form="0" english="Fifty Three" translation=""/>
<number value="53" form="0" english="Fifty Three" translation="53"/>
<number value="54" form="0" english="Fifty Four" translation=""/>
<number value="54" form="0" english="Fifty Four" translation="54"/>
<number value="55" form="0" english="Fifty Five" translation=""/>
<number value="55" form="0" english="Fifty Five" translation="55"/>
<number value="56" form="0" english="Fifty Six" translation=""/>
<number value="56" form="0" english="Fifty Six" translation="56"/>
<number value="57" form="0" english="Fifty Seven" translation=""/>
<number value="57" form="0" english="Fifty Seven" translation="57"/>
<number value="58" form="0" english="Fifty Eight" translation=""/>
<number value="58" form="0" english="Fifty Eight" translation="58"/>
<number value="59" form="0" english="Fifty Nine" translation=""/>
<number value="59" form="0" english="Fifty Nine" translation="59"/>
<number value="60" form="0" english="Sixty" translation=""/>
<number value="60" form="0" english="Sixty" translation="60"/>
<number value="61" form="0" english="Sixty One" translation=""/>
<number value="61" form="0" english="Sixty One" translation="61"/>
<number value="62" form="0" english="Sixty Two" translation=""/>
<number value="62" form="0" english="Sixty Two" translation="62"/>
<number value="63" form="0" english="Sixty Three" translation=""/>
<number value="63" form="0" english="Sixty Three" translation="63"/>
<number value="64" form="0" english="Sixty Four" translation=""/>
<number value="64" form="0" english="Sixty Four" translation="64"/>
<number value="65" form="0" english="Sixty Five" translation=""/>
<number value="65" form="0" english="Sixty Five" translation="65"/>
<number value="66" form="0" english="Sixty Six" translation=""/>
<number value="66" form="0" english="Sixty Six" translation="66"/>
<number value="67" form="0" english="Sixty Seven" translation=""/>
<number value="67" form="0" english="Sixty Seven" translation="67"/>
<number value="68" form="0" english="Sixty Eight" translation=""/>
<number value="68" form="0" english="Sixty Eight" translation="68"/>
<number value="69" form="0" english="Sixty Nine" translation=""/>
<number value="69" form="0" english="Sixty Nine" translation="69"/>
<number value="70" form="0" english="Seventy" translation=""/>
<number value="70" form="0" english="Seventy" translation="70"/>
<number value="71" form="0" english="Seventy One" translation=""/>
<number value="71" form="0" english="Seventy One" translation="71"/>
<number value="72" form="0" english="Seventy Two" translation=""/>
<number value="72" form="0" english="Seventy Two" translation="72"/>
<number value="73" form="0" english="Seventy Three" translation=""/>
<number value="73" form="0" english="Seventy Three" translation="73"/>
<number value="74" form="0" english="Seventy Four" translation=""/>
<number value="74" form="0" english="Seventy Four" translation="74"/>
<number value="75" form="0" english="Seventy Five" translation=""/>
<number value="75" form="0" english="Seventy Five" translation="75"/>
<number value="76" form="0" english="Seventy Six" translation=""/>
<number value="76" form="0" english="Seventy Six" translation="76"/>
<number value="77" form="0" english="Seventy Seven" translation=""/>
<number value="77" form="0" english="Seventy Seven" translation="77"/>
<number value="78" form="0" english="Seventy Eight" translation=""/>
<number value="78" form="0" english="Seventy Eight" translation="78"/>
<number value="79" form="0" english="Seventy Nine" translation=""/>
<number value="79" form="0" english="Seventy Nine" translation="79"/>
<number value="80" form="0" english="Eighty" translation=""/>
<number value="80" form="0" english="Eighty" translation="80"/>
<number value="81" form="0" english="Eighty One" translation=""/>
<number value="81" form="0" english="Eighty One" translation="81"/>
<number value="82" form="0" english="Eighty Two" translation=""/>
<number value="82" form="0" english="Eighty Two" translation="82"/>
<number value="83" form="0" english="Eighty Three" translation=""/>
<number value="83" form="0" english="Eighty Three" translation="83"/>
<number value="84" form="0" english="Eighty Four" translation=""/>
<number value="84" form="0" english="Eighty Four" translation="84"/>
<number value="85" form="0" english="Eighty Five" translation=""/>
<number value="85" form="0" english="Eighty Five" translation="85"/>
<number value="86" form="0" english="Eighty Six" translation=""/>
<number value="86" form="0" english="Eighty Six" translation="86"/>
<number value="87" form="0" english="Eighty Seven" translation=""/>
<number value="87" form="0" english="Eighty Seven" translation="87"/>
<number value="88" form="0" english="Eighty Eight" translation=""/>
<number value="88" form="0" english="Eighty Eight" translation="88"/>
<number value="89" form="0" english="Eighty Nine" translation=""/>
<number value="89" form="0" english="Eighty Nine" translation="89"/>
<number value="90" form="0" english="Ninety" translation=""/>
<number value="90" form="0" english="Ninety" translation="90"/>
<number value="91" form="0" english="Ninety One" translation=""/>
<number value="91" form="0" english="Ninety One" translation="91"/>
<number value="92" form="0" english="Ninety Two" translation=""/>
<number value="92" form="0" english="Ninety Two" translation="92"/>
<number value="93" form="0" english="Ninety Three" translation=""/>
<number value="93" form="0" english="Ninety Three" translation="93"/>
<number value="94" form="0" english="Ninety Four" translation=""/>
<number value="94" form="0" english="Ninety Four" translation="94"/>
<number value="95" form="0" english="Ninety Five" translation=""/>
<number value="95" form="0" english="Ninety Five" translation="95"/>
<number value="96" form="0" english="Ninety Six" translation=""/>
<number value="96" form="0" english="Ninety Six" translation="96"/>
<number value="97" form="0" english="Ninety Seven" translation=""/>
<number value="97" form="0" english="Ninety Seven" translation="97"/>
<number value="98" form="0" english="Ninety Eight" translation=""/>
<number value="98" form="0" english="Ninety Eight" translation="98"/>
<number value="99" form="0" english="Ninety Nine" translation=""/>
<number value="99" form="0" english="Ninety Nine" translation="99"/>
<number value="100" form="0" english="One Hundred" translation=""/>
<number value="100" form="0" english="One Hundred" translation="100"/>
<number value="101" form="0"/>
<number value="101" form="0"/>
<number value="102" form="0"/>
<number value="102" form="0"/>
<number value="103" form="0"/>
<number value="103" form="0"/>
@ -1,193 +1,193 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- You can translate these in-game to get better context! See README.txt -->
<!-- You can translate these in-game to get better context! See README.txt -->
<roomname x="0" y="18" english="Single-slit Experiment" translation="シ゛ッケン1:シンク゛ルスリット" explanation="(Many of the rooms in the Lab stage have science themed names.)"/>
<roomname x="0" y="18" english="Single-slit Experiment" translation="シンク゛ルスリット シ゛ッケン" explanation="(Many of the rooms in the Lab stage have science themed names.)"/>
<roomname x="0" y="19" english="Don't Flip Out" translation="キレンナヨ" explanation="Flip as in gravity flip, but also the expression in english, as in, keep your cool"/>
<roomname x="0" y="19" english="Don't Flip Out" translation="マイアカ゛ルナ" explanation="Flip as in gravity flip, but also the expression in english, as in, keep your cool"/>
<roomname x="1" y="0" english="I'm Sorry" translation="コ゛メンネ" explanation="The room below this one is Please Forgive Me. There is also a secret path to the right which leads to the rooms 'Anomaly' and 'Purest Unobtainium'."/>
<roomname x="1" y="0" english="I'm Sorry" translation="コ゛メンネ" explanation="The room below this one is Please Forgive Me. There is also a secret path to the right which leads to the rooms 'Anomaly' and 'Purest Unobtainium'."/>
<roomname x="1" y="1" english="Please Forgive Me!" translation="ユルシテチョ!" explanation="The room above this one is I'm Sorry"/>
<roomname x="1" y="1" english="Please Forgive Me!" translation="オネカ゛イ ユルシテ!" explanation="The room above this one is I'm Sorry"/>
<roomname x="1" y="17" english="Rascasse" translation="ミノカサコ゛" explanation="This is a type of fish with lots of thorny spikes on its back"/>
<roomname x="1" y="17" english="Rascasse" translation="ミノカサコ゛" explanation="This is a type of fish with lots of thorny spikes on its back"/>
<roomname x="1" y="18" english="Keep Going" translation="マヨワス゛ ススメ" explanation="Literally just 'Keep Going', through the room"/>
<roomname x="1" y="18" english="Keep Going" translation="マヨワス゛ ススメ" explanation="Literally just 'Keep Going', through the room"/>
<roomname x="1" y="19" english="Shuffled Hallway" translation="コ゛チャコ゛チャ ツウロ" explanation="Just describes how the room looks. 'Shuffled' as in offset."/>
<roomname x="1" y="19" english="Shuffled Hallway" translation="コ゛チャコ゛チャ ツウロ" explanation="Just describes how the room looks. 'Shuffled' as in offset."/>
<roomname x="2" y="0" english="Kids His Age Bounce" translation="ヒ゜ョンヒ゜ョンキッス゛" explanation="An old saying for when e.g. a small child falls out of a tree. A trampoline joke in this case."/>
<roomname x="2" y="0" english="Kids His Age Bounce" translation="ヒ゜ョンヒ゜ョンキッス゛" explanation="An old saying for when e.g. a small child falls out of a tree. A trampoline joke in this case."/>
<roomname x="2" y="1" english="Playing Foosball" translation="アソホ゛ウ テーフ゛ルサッカー" explanation="This room resembles a Foosball table - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_football"/>
<roomname x="2" y="1" english="Playing Foosball" translation="アソホ゛ウ テーフ゛ルサッカー" explanation="This room resembles a Foosball table - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_football"/>
<roomname x="2" y="4" english="Philadelphia Experiment" translation="フィラテ゛ルフィア ケイカク" explanation="There is a teleporter in this room. The Philadelphia Experiment is the name of 80's film about teleportation."/>
<roomname x="2" y="4" english="Philadelphia Experiment" translation="フィラテ゛ルフィア ケイカク" explanation="There is a teleporter in this room. The Philadelphia Experiment is the name of 80's film about teleportation."/>
<roomname x="2" y="16" english="Get Ready To Bounce" translation="ソロソロ イコウセ゛" explanation="The first room in the Lab zone. In the next room, you immediately come into contact with a gravity line, and flip back up."/>
<roomname x="2" y="16" english="Get Ready To Bounce" translation="シュッハ゜ツ シ゛ュンヒ゛" explanation="The first room in the Lab zone. In the next room, you immediately come into contact with a gravity line, and flip back up."/>
<roomname x="2" y="17" english="It's Perfectly Safe" translation="カンセ゛ン アンセ゛ンチタイ" explanation="The second room in the lab zone. Don't worry, it's perfectly safe."/>
<roomname x="2" y="17" english="It's Perfectly Safe" translation="セ゛ッタイ アンセ゛ン" explanation="The second room in the lab zone. Don't worry, it's perfectly safe."/>
<roomname x="2" y="18" english="Young Man, It's Worth the Challenge" translation="イト゛ム カチ アリ ワコウト゛ ヨ" explanation="Not a reference to anything in particular - Bennett explains that this is just something that his high school chemistry teacher used to say to students. He thinks the teacher was probably misquoting George Bernard Shaw, who said 'Life is not meant to be easy, my child - but take courage: it can be delightful.'."/>
<roomname x="2" y="18" english="Young Man, It's Worth the Challenge" translation="イト゛ム カチ アリ ワコウト゛ ヨ" explanation="Not a reference to anything in particular - Bennett explains that this is just something that his high school chemistry teacher used to say to students. He thinks the teacher was probably misquoting George Bernard Shaw, who said 'Life is not meant to be easy, my child - but take courage: it can be delightful.'."/>
<roomname x="2" y="19" english="Double-slit Experiment" translation="シ゛ッケン2:タ゛フ゛ルスリット" explanation="(Many of the rooms in the Lab stage have science themed names.)"/>
<roomname x="2" y="19" english="Double-slit Experiment" translation="タ゛フ゛ルスリット シ゛ッケン" explanation="(Many of the rooms in the Lab stage have science themed names.)"/>
<roomname x="3" y="0" english="Merge" translation="カ゛ッヘ゜イ" explanation="A wide section connecting to a narrower section - merge as in traffic"/>
<roomname x="3" y="0" english="Merge" translation="イッシャセン" explanation="A wide section connecting to a narrower section - merge as in traffic"/>
<roomname x="3" y="1" english="A Difficult Chord" translation="ケ゛キムス゛ コート゛" explanation="This room resembles a guitar chord"/>
<roomname x="3" y="1" english="A Difficult Chord" translation="ケ゛キムス゛ コート゛" explanation="This room resembles a guitar chord"/>
<roomname x="3" y="4" english="Why So Blue?" translation="ト゛ウシテ ソンナニ アオイノカ?" explanation="The crewmate Victoria is found here. Victoria is always sad! She's feeling blue."/>
<roomname x="3" y="4" english="Why So Blue?" translation="ソンナニ アオクナッテ ト゛ウシタンタ゛イ" explanation="The crewmate Victoria is found here. Victoria is always sad! She's feeling blue."/>
<roomname x="3" y="16" english="Brought to you by the letter G" translation="「G」ノテイキョウテ゛ オオクリシマシタ" explanation="Reference to Seseme Street - also, this room resembles the letter G"/>
<roomname x="3" y="16" english="Brought to you by the letter G" translation="G ノテイキョーテ゛ オオクリシマシタ" explanation="Reference to Seseme Street - also, this room resembles the letter G"/>
<roomname x="3" y="17" english="Thorny Exchange" translation="トケ゛トケ゛ エクスチェンシ゛" explanation="Two people having a polite argument could be described as having a Thorny Exchange of words."/>
<roomname x="3" y="17" english="Thorny Exchange" translation="トケ゛トケ゛ コーリュー" explanation="Two people having a polite argument could be described as having a Thorny Exchange of words."/>
<roomname x="3" y="18" english="Square Root" translation="ヘイホウコン" explanation="This room resembles a Square Root symbol."/>
<roomname x="3" y="18" english="Square Root" translation="ヘイホウコン" explanation="This room resembles a Square Root symbol."/>
<roomname x="3" y="19" english="They Call Him Flipper" translation="ヒトヨンテ゛ 「フリッハ゜ー」" explanation="This is a line from an American TV show intro about a Dolphin - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azEOeTX1LqM"/>
<roomname x="3" y="19" english="They Call Him Flipper" translation="ヒトヨンテ゛ フリッハ゜ー" explanation="This is a line from an American TV show intro about a Dolphin - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azEOeTX1LqM"/>
<roomname x="4" y="0" english="Vibrating String Problem" translation="シント゛ウケ゛ンノ フ゜ロフ゛レム" explanation="Another science themed room name, this one has two gravity lines that you bounce between."/>
<roomname x="4" y="0" english="Vibrating String Problem" translation="ケ゛ンノ シント゛ウモンタ゛イ" explanation="Another science themed room name, this one has two gravity lines that you bounce between."/>
<roomname x="4" y="1" english="The Living Dead End" translation="イケル シカハ゛ネノ サイコ゛" explanation="'The living end' is an idiom meaning 'the most extreme form of something', here it's an extreme dead end, i.e. a cul-de-sac"/>
<roomname x="4" y="1" english="The Living Dead End" translation="イケル シカハ゛ネノ サイコ゛" explanation="'The living end' is an idiom meaning 'the most extreme form of something', here it's an extreme dead end, i.e. a cul-de-sac"/>
<roomname x="4" y="2" english="AAAAAA" translation="AAAAAA" explanation="The player falls through this room without having time to stop - AAAAAA suggests a scream in English. Also, it's six As, like the title."/>
<roomname x="4" y="2" english="AAAAAA" translation="AAAAAA" explanation="The player falls through this room without having time to stop - AAAAAA suggests a scream in English. Also, it's six As, like the title."/>
<roomname x="4" y="3" english="Diode" translation="タ゛イオート゛" explanation="This room can only be passed through in one direction. It resembles the electrical component."/>
<roomname x="4" y="3" english="Diode" translation="タ゛イオート゛" explanation="This room can only be passed through in one direction. It resembles the electrical component."/>
<roomname x="4" y="4" english="I Smell Ozone" translation="サンソノ ニオイ" explanation="When you use a photocopier, it produces a distinctive smell (from the Ozone produced). This room has a background pattern that suggests a teleportation has recently happened here."/>
<roomname x="4" y="4" english="I Smell Ozone" translation="オソ゛ンノ ニオイ" explanation="When you use a photocopier, it produces a distinctive smell (from the Ozone produced). This room has a background pattern that suggests a teleportation has recently happened here."/>
<roomname x="4" y="16" english="Free Your Mind" translation="ラクニ シテ" explanation="Reference to the film The Matrix, where Morpheus jumps from the top of a Skyscaper - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef_agVIvh0A"/>
<roomname x="4" y="16" english="Free Your Mind" translation="ココロヲ トキハナテ" explanation="Reference to the film The Matrix, where Morpheus jumps from the top of a Skyscaper - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef_agVIvh0A"/>
<roomname x="4" y="17" english="I Changed My Mind, Thelma..." translation="キカ゛ カワッタヨ、テルマ" explanation="The room below Free Your Mind. Reference to the film Thelma and Louise, which ends with Thelma and Louise driving off a cliff, sorry, spoilers"/>
<roomname x="4" y="17" english="I Changed My Mind, Thelma..." translation="キカ゛ カワッタンタ゛ テルマ・・・" explanation="The room below Free Your Mind. Reference to the film Thelma and Louise, which ends with Thelma and Louise driving off a cliff, sorry, spoilers"/>
<roomname x="4" y="18" english="Hitting the Apex" translation="ヒッティンク゛・サ゛・アヘ゜ックス" explanation="'Hitting the Apex' is the term used by race drivers for the optimal path around a corner"/>
<roomname x="4" y="18" english="Hitting the Apex" translation="コーナーテ゛ サヲツケロ" explanation="'Hitting the Apex' is the term used by race drivers for the optimal path around a corner"/>
<roomname x="4" y="19" english="Three's a Crowd" translation="トヒ゛タ゛セ 3メイサマ" explanation="From the expression Two's Company, Three's a Crowd. This room has two challenges - the first has two gaps to cross, the second has three."/>
<roomname x="4" y="19" english="Three's a Crowd" translation="3ツナンテ ムリ" explanation="From the expression Two's Company, Three's a Crowd. This room has two challenges - the first has two gaps to cross, the second has three."/>
<roomname x="5" y="0" english="Spike Strip Deployed" translation="スハ゜イクストリッフ゜ ハイチカンリョウ" explanation="This room has some spikes on a gravity line. The name is a reference to the device that police might use to blow out the tyres of a speeding car."/>
<roomname x="5" y="0" english="Spike Strip Deployed" translation="スハ゜イクストリッフ゜ ハイチカンリョウ" explanation="This room has some spikes on a gravity line. The name is a reference to the device that police might use to blow out the tyres of a speeding car."/>
<roomname x="5" y="1" english="Anomaly" translation="ムシ゛ュン" explanation="As in, a strange result in science. This room has lots of different colours, unlike other rooms in this stage."/>
<roomname x="5" y="1" english="Anomaly" translation="ムシ゛ュン" explanation="As in, a strange result in science. This room has lots of different colours, unlike other rooms in this stage."/>
<roomname x="5" y="16" english="In a Single Bound" translation="ヒトトヒ゛" explanation="Superman is described as being able to leap tall buildings in a single bound."/>
<roomname x="5" y="16" english="In a Single Bound" translation="ヒトトヒ゛" explanation="Superman is described as being able to leap tall buildings in a single bound."/>
<roomname x="5" y="17" english="Indirect Jump Vector" translation="カンセツ シ゛ャンフ゜ノ ユクエ" explanation="If you miss the gap in 'In a Single Bound' above, you will end up back in this room - hence, your trajectory was off!"/>
<roomname x="5" y="17" english="Indirect Jump Vector" translation="カンセツ シ゛ャンフ゜ノ ユクエ" explanation="If you miss the gap in 'In a Single Bound' above, you will end up back in this room - hence, your trajectory was off!"/>
<roomname x="6" y="0" english="Topsy Turvyism" translation="トフ゜シーターウ゛ィス゛ム" explanation="Topsy Turvy is Australian slang for upside down"/>
<roomname x="6" y="0" english="Topsy Turvyism" translation="トフ゜シーターウ゛ィス゛ム" explanation="Topsy Turvy is Australian slang for upside down"/>
<roomname x="6" y="1" english="Purest Unobtainium" translation="モットモ ヒ゜ュアナ アンオフ゛タニウム" explanation="Unobtainium is a jokey made up term from science fiction for an impossible substance - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unobtainium"/>
<roomname x="6" y="1" english="Purest Unobtainium" translation="シ゛ュンスイナ アンオフ゛タニウム" explanation="Unobtainium is a jokey made up term from science fiction for an impossible substance - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unobtainium"/>
<roomname x="6" y="16" english="Barani, Barani" translation="セ゛ンホ゜ウチュウカ゛エリ 1/2ヒネリ" explanation="A Barani is a technical term for doing a flip on a trampoline"/>
<roomname x="6" y="16" english="Barani, Barani" translation="セ゛ンホ゜ウチュウカ゛エリ 1/2ヒネリ" explanation="A Barani is a technical term for doing a flip on a trampoline"/>
<roomname x="6" y="17" english="Safety Dance" translation="セイフティ タ゛ンス" explanation="Named after the 80s song by Men Without Hats."/>
<roomname x="6" y="17" english="Safety Dance" translation="セーフティ タ゛ンス" explanation="Named after the 80s song by Men Without Hats."/>
<roomname x="7" y="0" english="Standing Wave" translation="スタンテ゛ィンク゛ ウェーフ゛" explanation="Many of the rooms in the Lab stage have science themed names. This one is at the beginning of a section with gravity lines above and below you, before the section begins."/>
<roomname x="7" y="0" english="Standing Wave" translation="テイシ゛ョーハ" explanation="Many of the rooms in the Lab stage have science themed names. This one is at the beginning of a section with gravity lines above and below you, before the section begins."/>
<roomname x="7" y="15" english="Entanglement Generator" translation="ユウシテッセン シ゛ェネレーター" explanation="This room contains a teleporter. Entanglement is an idea from quantum mechanics."/>
<roomname x="7" y="15" english="Entanglement Generator" translation="エンタンク゛ル シ゛ェネレーター" explanation="This room contains a teleporter. Entanglement is an idea from quantum mechanics."/>
<roomname x="7" y="16" english="Heady Heights" translation="ソンナ タカサニ メカ゛クラム" explanation="Just below the highest point in the level."/>
<roomname x="7" y="16" english="Heady Heights" translation="アシカ゛スクム コノタカサ" explanation="Just below the highest point in the level."/>
<roomname x="7" y="17" english="Exhausted?" translation="ヘトヘト?" explanation="This room has an exit that sort of suggests an Exhaust Pipe in a car."/>
<roomname x="7" y="17" english="Exhausted?" translation="ヘトヘト!" explanation="This room has an exit that sort of suggests an Exhaust Pipe in a car."/>
<roomname x="7" y="18" english="The Tantalizing Trinket" translation="シ゛レッタイ コノ トリンケット" explanation="You see this Trinket just out of reach as you fall through the room."/>
<roomname x="7" y="18" english="The Tantalizing Trinket" translation="シ゛レッタイ コノ トリンケット" explanation="You see this Trinket just out of reach as you fall through the room."/>
<roomname x="7" y="19" english="The Bernoulli Principle" translation="ヘ゛ルヌーイノ ホウソク" explanation="Many of the rooms in the Lab stage have science themed names - this one is just named after a formula relating to flight."/>
<roomname x="7" y="19" english="The Bernoulli Principle" translation="ヘ゛ルヌーイノ ホウソク" explanation="Many of the rooms in the Lab stage have science themed names - this one is just named after a formula relating to flight."/>
<roomname x="8" y="9" english="Teleporter Divot" translation="テレホ゜ーター テ゛ィホ゛ット" explanation="There is a pattern in the background of this room that indicates that a teleporter has sent someone to this room"/>
<roomname x="8" y="9" english="Teleporter Divot" translation="テレホ゜ーター アト" explanation="There is a pattern in the background of this room that indicates that a teleporter has sent someone to this room"/>
<roomname x="9" y="9" english="The Tower" translation="タワー" explanation="This room is a single vertically scrolling stage, about 20 rooms high. The name is from the Tarot card."/>
<roomname x="9" y="9" english="The Tower" translation="サ゛・タワー" explanation="This room is a single vertically scrolling stage, about 20 rooms high. The name is from the Tarot card."/>
<roomname x="10" y="4" english="Seeing Red" translation="アカイ アカイ" explanation="This is the room that you find the red crewmate in. (Seeing Red is an expression in English about being filled with rage, but that doesn't really apply here)"/>
<roomname x="10" y="4" english="Seeing Red" translation="イチメンノ アカ" explanation="This is the room that you find the red crewmate in. (Seeing Red is an expression in English about being filled with rage, but that doesn't really apply here)"/>
<roomname x="10" y="5" english="Energize" translation="エナシ゛ャイス゛" explanation="There is a teleporter in this Room. Energize is what they say on Star Trek when they use the teleporters."/>
<roomname x="10" y="5" english="Energize" translation="テンソウ!" explanation="There is a teleporter in this Room. Energize is what they say on Star Trek when they use the teleporters."/>
<roomname x="10" y="6" english="Down Under" translation="シタヘ シタヘト・・・" explanation="Australia is sometimes called The Land Down Under because of its position on a globe. You complete this room by going down and under some moving platforms"/>
<roomname x="10" y="6" english="Down Under" translation="シタカラ シタカラ・・・" explanation="Australia is sometimes called The Land Down Under because of its position on a globe. You complete this room by going down and under some moving platforms"/>
<roomname x="10" y="7" english="A Deception" translation="イツワリノ メイキュウ" explanation="This room appears trivial at first, but is connected to a difficult trinket challenge"/>
<roomname x="10" y="7" english="A Deception" translation="イツワリノ メイキュウ" explanation="This room appears trivial at first, but is connected to a difficult trinket challenge"/>
<roomname x="11" y="4" english="Building Apport" translation="チョウノウリョク カイハツ" explanation="An 'Apport' is a kind of paranormal teleportation. Building Apport is a pun on the concept of 'building rapport' (except that to 'apport' is to teleport)."/>
<roomname x="11" y="4" english="Building Apport" translation="チョウノウリョク カイハツ" explanation="An 'Apport' is a kind of paranormal teleportation. Building Apport is a pun on the concept of 'building rapport' (except that to 'apport' is to teleport)."/>
<roomname x="11" y="5" english="Frown Upside Down" translation="イラタ゛チ アッフ゜サイト゛タ゛ウン" explanation="To 'Turn that Frown Upside Down' is an expression in English, like 'cheer up', basically means to stop being unhappy"/>
<roomname x="11" y="5" english="Frown Upside Down" translation="カナシミナンカ ヒックリカエセ" explanation="To 'Turn that Frown Upside Down' is an expression in English, like 'cheer up', basically means to stop being unhappy"/>
<roomname x="11" y="6" english="Shenanigan" translation="コ゛マカシノ メイキュウ" explanation="Shenanigan as in a prank, or practical joke. This room is connected to the 'Prize for the Reckless' puzzle, and like the room 'A Deception', it appears trivial unless you know the secret"/>
<roomname x="11" y="6" english="Shenanigan" translation="コ゛マカシノ メイキュウ" explanation="Shenanigan as in a prank, or practical joke. This room is connected to the 'Prize for the Reckless' puzzle, and like the room 'A Deception', it appears trivial unless you know the secret"/>
<roomname x="11" y="7" english="Prize for the Reckless" translation="ホ゛ウソウ タイショウ" explanation="This room contains a trinket that can only be collected by doing something difficult"/>
<roomname x="11" y="7" english="Prize for the Reckless" translation="ムホ゛ウモノノ アナタヘ" explanation="This room contains a trinket that can only be collected by doing something difficult"/>
<roomname x="11" y="11" english="Conveying a New Idea" translation="シンハッソウ テ゛ンシ゛ュ" explanation="This is the first room you encounter that has conveyor belts in it"/>
<roomname x="11" y="11" english="Conveying a New Idea" translation="シンハッソウ テ゛ンシ゛ュ" explanation="This is the first room you encounter that has conveyor belts in it"/>
<roomname x="11" y="12" english="One Way Room" translation="イッホ゜ー ツーコー" explanation="Can only be travelled through in one direction"/>
<roomname x="11" y="12" english="One Way Room" translation="イッホ゜ー ツーコー" explanation="Can only be travelled through in one direction"/>
<roomname x="11" y="13" english="Boldly To Go" translation="カカン ニ ススメ" explanation="Star Trek reference, this rooms is near the entrance to the space station level"/>
<roomname x="11" y="13" english="Boldly To Go" translation="カカン ニ ススメ" explanation="Star Trek reference, this rooms is near the entrance to the space station level"/>
<roomname x="11" y="14" english="The Filter" translation="サ゛・フィルター" explanation="Like a filter from an air conditioning vent"/>
<roomname x="11" y="14" english="The Filter" translation="フィルター" explanation="Like a filter from an air conditioning vent"/>
<roomname x="12" y="3" english="Security Sweep" translation="ホアン テンケン" explanation="Contains a single, fast moving enemy that moves up and down."/>
<roomname x="12" y="3" english="Security Sweep" translation="ホアン テンケン" explanation="Contains a single, fast moving enemy that moves up and down."/>
<roomname x="12" y="4" english="Gantry and Dolly" translation="コテイタ゛イサ゛&イト゛ウタ゛イサ゛" explanation="Gantry and Dolly are the names for types of cranes that move crates around. This room has two different types of platforms."/>
<roomname x="12" y="4" english="Gantry and Dolly" translation="コテイタ゛イサ゛ イト゛ウタ゛イサ゛" explanation="Gantry and Dolly are the names for types of cranes that move crates around. This room has two different types of platforms."/>
<roomname x="12" y="5" english="The Yes Men" translation="サ゛・イエスマン" explanation="Contains a number of enemies with briefcases and the word -YES- for a head. An expression for people who work at large companies and agree a lot with their bosses"/>
<roomname x="12" y="5" english="The Yes Men" translation="サ゛・イエスマン" explanation="Contains a number of enemies with briefcases and the word -YES- for a head. An expression for people who work at large companies and agree a lot with their bosses"/>
<roomname x="12" y="6" english="Stop and Reflect" translation="ストッフ゜&フリカエリ" explanation="Expression meaning to take a moment and think about what you're doing. In this room, a small puzzle where you need to use the underside of a moving platform to progress."/>
<roomname x="12" y="6" english="Stop and Reflect" translation="トマッテ フリカエリ" explanation="Expression meaning to take a moment and think about what you're doing. In this room, a small puzzle where you need to use the underside of a moving platform to progress."/>
<roomname x="12" y="7" english="V Stitch" translation="Vステッチ" explanation="A V Stitch is a type of crochet stitch."/>
<roomname x="12" y="7" english="V Stitch" translation="Vシ゛ ヌイ" explanation="A V Stitch is a type of crochet stitch."/>
<roomname x="12" y="11" english="Upstream Downstream" translation="アッフ゜ストリーム タ゛ウンストリーム" explanation="As in swimming upstream or downstream, with or against a current in a river"/>
<roomname x="12" y="11" english="Upstream Downstream" translation="シ゛ョーリュー カリュー" explanation="As in swimming upstream or downstream, with or against a current in a river"/>
<roomname x="12" y="12" english="The High Road is Low" translation="ヒクイ ハイロート゛" explanation="This room has two paths - a high path and a low path. The 'low' path leads to a trinket, so the roomname is a sort of clue about which way to go."/>
<roomname x="12" y="12" english="The High Road is Low" translation="コウカナモノハ ヒクイホウヘト" explanation="This room has two paths - a high path and a low path. The 'low' path leads to a trinket, so the roomname is a sort of clue about which way to go."/>
<roomname x="12" y="13" english="Give Me A V" translation="キ゛フ゛ ミー A V" explanation="Room is in the shape of a big letter V. The roomname suggests the common american cheerleading chant - e.g. Give me an L! Give me an O! Give me a C! Give me an A! Give me an L! Give me an I! Give me an S! Give me an A! Give me a T! Give me an I! Give me an O! Give me an N! What does it spell? LOCALISATION!"/>
<roomname x="12" y="13" english="Give Me A V" translation="V ヲ クタ゛サイ" explanation="Room is in the shape of a big letter V. The roomname suggests the common american cheerleading chant - e.g. Give me an L! Give me an O! Give me a C! Give me an A! Give me an L! Give me an I! Give me an S! Give me an A! Give me a T! Give me an I! Give me an O! Give me an N! What does it spell? LOCALISATION!"/>
<roomname x="12" y="14" english="Outer Hull" translation="アウターハル" explanation="The entrance to the Space Station 2 level - the outer hull of a space station."/>
<roomname x="12" y="14" english="Outer Hull" translation="カ゛イカク" explanation="The entrance to the Space Station 2 level - the outer hull of a space station."/>
<roomname x="13" y="0" english="It's Not Easy Being Green" translation="ミト゛リテ゛ イルノモ ラクシ゛ャナイ" explanation="References a song by Kermit from the Muppets. This room is where you find the green crewmate."/>
<roomname x="13" y="0" english="It's Not Easy Being Green" translation="ミト゛リテ゛ イルノモ ラクシ゛ャナイ" explanation="References a song by Kermit from the Muppets. This room is where you find the green crewmate."/>
<roomname x="13" y="3" english="Linear Collider" translation="リニアコライタ゛ー" explanation="An early room, name is just meant to suggest something sciency. Room contains long, wave like enemies."/>
<roomname x="13" y="3" english="Linear Collider" translation="リニアコライタ゛ー" explanation="An early room, name is just meant to suggest something sciency. Room contains long, wave like enemies."/>
<roomname x="13" y="4" english="Comms Relay" translation="ムセン リレー" explanation="This room contains some communication equipment, like a radio."/>
<roomname x="13" y="4" english="Comms Relay" translation="ムセン チューケイ" explanation="This room contains some communication equipment, like a radio."/>
<roomname x="13" y="5" english="Welcome Aboard" translation="ヨウコソ ワレラノ フネニ" explanation="The first room in the game"/>
<roomname x="13" y="5" english="Welcome Aboard" translation="ヨウコソ ワレラノ フネニ" explanation="The first room in the game"/>
<roomname x="13" y="6" english="Trench Warfare" translation="サ゛ンコ゛ウセン" explanation="Room contains a couple of pits with soldier-like enemies in them. Loosely references the 1983 videogame Hunchback."/>
<roomname x="13" y="6" english="Trench Warfare" translation="サ゛ンコ゛ウセン" explanation="Room contains a couple of pits with soldier-like enemies in them. Loosely references the 1983 videogame Hunchback."/>
<roomname x="13" y="7" english="B-B-B-Busted" translation="マママママシ゛カヨ" explanation="Room contains a large Bus. 'Bus'ted as in 'Caught'."/>
<roomname x="13" y="7" english="B-B-B-Busted" translation="マママママシ゛カヨ" explanation="Room contains a large Bus. 'Bus'ted as in 'Caught'."/>
<roomname x="13" y="8" english="Level Complete!" translation="レヘ゛ル コンフ゜リート!" explanation="This room has a teleporter, which is normally found at the end of a level. However this room is midway through the stage."/>
<roomname x="13" y="8" english="Level Complete!" translation="ステーシ゛ コンフ゜リート!" explanation="This room has a teleporter, which is normally found at the end of a level. However this room is midway through the stage."/>
<roomname x="13" y="9" english="Lighter Than Air" translation="クウキ ヨリ カルク" explanation="This room has clouds that rise from the bottom of the screen to the top, which the player is faster than, implying that the player is lighter than air."/>
<roomname x="13" y="9" english="Lighter Than Air" translation="クウキ ヨリ カルク" explanation="This room has clouds that rise from the bottom of the screen to the top, which the player is faster than, implying that the player is lighter than air."/>
<roomname x="13" y="10" english="The Solution is Dilution" translation="ソリューション テ゛ィリューション" explanation="This room has a factory and pollution clouds in it. Apparently this phrase was once used by industrialists to advocate for not worrying too much about pollution."/>
<roomname x="13" y="10" english="The Solution is Dilution" translation="ミス゛マシ モンタ゛イナシ" explanation="This room has a factory and pollution clouds in it. Apparently this phrase was once used by industrialists to advocate for not worrying too much about pollution."/>
<roomname x="13" y="11" english="The Cuckoo" translation="カッコー" explanation="This room contains a speaker that emits the word 'LIES' over and over. A cuckoo's call decieves other birds!"/>
<roomname x="13" y="11" english="The Cuckoo" translation="カッコウ" explanation="This room contains a speaker that emits the word 'LIES' over and over. A cuckoo's call decieves other birds!"/>
<roomname x="13" y="12" english="Backsliders" translation="ラクコ゛シャ" explanation="A conveyor belt in this room pushes against you as you try to move, so you slide backwards."/>
<roomname x="13" y="12" english="Backsliders" translation="フリタ゛シニ モト゛ル" explanation="A conveyor belt in this room pushes against you as you try to move, so you slide backwards."/>
<roomname x="13" y="13" english="Select Track" translation="トラック センタク" explanation="There are two paths you can pick between here"/>
<roomname x="13" y="13" english="Select Track" translation="トラック センタク" explanation="There are two paths you can pick between here"/>
<roomname x="14" y="0" english="Green Dudes Can't Flip" translation="ミト゛リヤロウハ フリッフ゜テ゛キネェ" explanation="You have a green crewmate with you in this room! A reference to the 90's film 'White Guy's Can't Jump'."/>
<roomname x="14" y="0" english="Green Dudes Can't Flip" translation="ミト゛リハ フリッフ゜ テ゛キナイ" explanation="You have a green crewmate with you in this room! A reference to the 90's film 'White Guy's Can't Jump'."/>
<roomname x="14" y="1" english="This is how it is" translation="トト゛ノツマリハ コーユー コト" explanation="literally as in, this is how the mechanic of this stage works - also an expression as in 'this is the way things are'"/>
<roomname x="14" y="1" english="This is how it is" translation="トト゛ノツマリハ コーユー コト" explanation="literally as in, this is how the mechanic of this stage works - also an expression as in 'this is the way things are'"/>
<roomname x="14" y="2" english="That's Why I Have To Kill You" translation="ワタシカ゛ アナタヲ コロスワケ" explanation="The follows the room named 'I love you'. 'I love you, that's why I have to kill you' is kind of a slasher horror trope."/>
<roomname x="14" y="2" english="That's Why I Have To Kill You" translation="・・・タ゛カラ アナタヲ コロスノヨ" explanation="The follows the room named 'I love you'. 'I love you, that's why I have to kill you' is kind of a slasher horror trope."/>
<roomname x="14" y="3" english="Atmospheric Filtering Unit" translation="タイキ フィルター ユニット" explanation="An early room, looks a bit like an air filter"/>
<roomname x="14" y="3" english="Atmospheric Filtering Unit" translation="タイキ フィルター ユニット" explanation="An early room, looks a bit like an air filter"/>
<roomname x="14" y="4" english="It's a Secret to Nobody" translation="ソレハ モハヤ ヒミツニ アラス゛" explanation="A reference to the infamous Zelda quote 'It's a secret to everybody'. This room contains the first trinket."/>
<roomname x="14" y="4" english="It's a Secret to Nobody" translation="ミンナカ゛ シッテル ナイショタ゛ヨ" explanation="A reference to the infamous Zelda quote 'It's a secret to everybody'. This room contains the first trinket."/>
<roomname x="14" y="5" english="Conundrum" translation="ナソ゛ナソ゛" explanation="Conundrum as in puzzle, riddle, problem to be solved"/>
<roomname x="14" y="5" english="Conundrum" translation="ナンモン ハ゜ス゛ル" explanation="Conundrum as in puzzle, riddle, problem to be solved"/>
<roomname x="14" y="6" english="Boo! Think Fast!" translation="ハットシテ Boo!" explanation="Contains a challenge that you need to react very quickly to. You might say 'Boo, think fast' if you threw something at someone, expecting them to catch it."/>
<roomname x="14" y="6" english="Boo! Think Fast!" translation="ホラ イソイテ゛!" explanation="Contains a challenge that you need to react very quickly to. You might say 'Boo, think fast' if you threw something at someone, expecting them to catch it."/>
<roomname x="14" y="7" english="The Sensible Room" translation="センスノ アル ヘヤ" explanation="Early corridor room containing no challenges. Sensible as in the opposite of Foolish - you might call someone sensible in english if they are excessively cautious."/>
<roomname x="14" y="7" english="The Sensible Room" translation="キノキイタ ヘヤ" explanation="Early corridor room containing no challenges. Sensible as in the opposite of Foolish - you might call someone sensible in english if they are excessively cautious."/>
<roomname x="14" y="8" english="The Hanged Man, Reversed" translation="ハンク゛ト゛マン リハ゛ースト゛" explanation="Named after the Tarot Card, reversed as in Upside Down. The room contains a stationary enemy which resembles a Wheel of Fortune. The name is supposed to suggest a kind of out-of-place quality."/>
<roomname x="14" y="8" english="The Hanged Man, Reversed" translation="キ゛ャクイチ ハンク゛ト゛マン" explanation="Named after the Tarot Card, reversed as in Upside Down. The room contains a stationary enemy which resembles a Wheel of Fortune. The name is supposed to suggest a kind of out-of-place quality."/>
<roomname x="14" y="9" english="Green Grotto" translation="ミト゛リノ ホラアナ" explanation="A peaceful green room."/>
<roomname x="14" y="9" english="Green Grotto" translation="ミト゛リノ ホラアナ" explanation="A peaceful green room."/>
<roomname x="14" y="10" english="Manic Mine" translation="マニック マイン" explanation="A reference to the 8-bit game Manic Miner."/>
<roomname x="14" y="10" english="Manic Mine" translation="マニック マイン" explanation="A reference to the 8-bit game Manic Miner."/>
<roomname x="14" y="11" english="Clarion Call" translation="クラリオンノ ヒヒ゛キ" explanation="A 'Clarion Call' is an idiom used when somebody makes a case for a course of action, for example in a politician's speech, or a call to battle. It sometimes has an association with dishonesty - in this room, the words 'LIES' appear over and over."/>
<roomname x="14" y="11" english="Clarion Call" translation="クラリオンノ ヒヒ゛キ" explanation="A 'Clarion Call' is an idiom used when somebody makes a case for a course of action, for example in a politician's speech, or a call to battle. It sometimes has an association with dishonesty - in this room, the words 'LIES' appear over and over."/>
<roomname x="14" y="12" english="Gordian Knot" translation="コ゛ルテ゛ィアスノ ムスヒ゛メ" explanation="As in the Gordian Knot from greek history. A complicated room that can be passed through twice."/>
<roomname x="14" y="12" english="Gordian Knot" translation="コ゛ルテ゛ィアスノ ムスヒ゛メ" explanation="As in the Gordian Knot from greek history. A complicated room that can be passed through twice."/>
<roomname x="14" y="13" english="You Chose... Poorly" translation="ソノ センタク・・・・・オキノト゛クニ" explanation="This room comes right after a choice between two paths. It's a quote from an Indiana Jones film."/>
<roomname x="14" y="13" english="You Chose... Poorly" translation="センタクヲ・・・ アヤマッタ" explanation="This room comes right after a choice between two paths. It's a quote from an Indiana Jones film."/>
<roomname x="15" y="0" english="Murdering Twinmaker" translation="サツシ゛ン ツインメーカー" explanation="Room contains a teleporter. A 'Murdering Twinmaker' is, uh, one way teleportation might work..."/>
<roomname x="15" y="0" english="Murdering Twinmaker" translation="サツシ゛ン ツインメーカー" explanation="Room contains a teleporter. A 'Murdering Twinmaker' is, uh, one way teleportation might work..."/>
<roomname x="15" y="1" english="A Bisected Spiral" translation="フ゛ンカツ サレタ ラセン" explanation="Room is a spiral, cut down the middle"/>
<roomname x="15" y="1" english="A Bisected Spiral" translation="2トウフ゛ンノ ラセン" explanation="Room is a spiral, cut down the middle"/>
<roomname x="15" y="2" english="Take the Red Pill" translation="テイク サ゛ レット゛ヒ゜ル" explanation="This is a Matrix reference that hasn't aged well, lol"/>
<roomname x="15" y="2" english="Take the Red Pill" translation="アカイ クスリヲ エラヘ゛" explanation="This is a Matrix reference that hasn't aged well, lol"/>
<roomname x="15" y="3" english="Traffic Jam" translation="シ゛ュウタイ チュー" explanation="The enemies in this room are Stop Signs"/>
<roomname x="15" y="3" english="Traffic Jam" translation="シ゛ュウタイ チュー" explanation="The enemies in this room are Stop Signs"/>
<roomname x="15" y="4" english="Leap of Faith" translation="シンシ゛テ トヒ゛タ゛セ!" explanation="To take a leap of faith means to do something without knowing how it's going to turn out."/>
<roomname x="15" y="4" english="Leap of Faith" translation="シンシ゛テ トヘ゛!" explanation="To take a leap of faith means to do something without knowing how it's going to turn out."/>
<roomname x="15" y="5" english="Solitude" translation="ヒトリホ゛ッチ" explanation="As in being alone, or in this case, lost by yourself"/>
<roomname x="15" y="5" english="Solitude" translation="ヒトリホ゛ッチ" explanation="As in being alone, or in this case, lost by yourself"/>
<roomname x="15" y="6" english="Driller" translation="キャフ゜テン ト゛リラー" explanation="Technically references the name of a C64 game, but that doesn't matter much"/>
<roomname x="15" y="6" english="Driller" translation="ト゛リラー" explanation="Technically references the name of a C64 game, but that doesn't matter much"/>
<roomname x="15" y="7" english="Exhaust Chute" translation="エキソ゛ースト シュート" explanation="Like a factory exhaust chute for disposing of rubbish"/>
<roomname x="15" y="7" english="Exhaust Chute" translation="ハイキ タ゛クト" explanation="Like a factory exhaust chute for disposing of rubbish"/>
<roomname x="15" y="8" english="Sorrow" translation="コウカイ・・・" explanation="A difficult room that you might die in a lot"/>
<roomname x="15" y="8" english="Sorrow" translation="コウカイ・・・" explanation="A difficult room that you might die in a lot"/>
<roomname x="15" y="9" english="doomS" translation="ト゛ゥームス" explanation="The room is above 'Swoop', and is a copy of the room rotated 180 degrees! The room name 'doomS' is the word 'Swoop' rotated 180 degrees. When localising this room, don't worry too much about trying to keep the meaning of the words Dooms and Swoop, because they're not that important - instead, focus on picking words that have this 180 degree flip quality!"/>
<roomname x="15" y="9" english="doomS" translation="マサカ サカサマ?" explanation="The room is above 'Swoop', and is a copy of the room rotated 180 degrees! The room name 'doomS' is the word 'Swoop' rotated 180 degrees. When localising this room, don't worry too much about trying to keep the meaning of the words Dooms and Swoop, because they're not that important - instead, focus on picking words that have this 180 degree flip quality!"/>
<roomname x="15" y="10" english="Swoop" translation="スゥーフ゜" explanation="See the note for room (15,9), doomS."/>
<roomname x="15" y="10" english="Swoop" translation="マサカ サカサマ!" explanation="See the note for room (15,9), doomS."/>
<roomname x="15" y="11" english="Chinese Rooms" translation="チャイニース゛ ルーム" explanation="This refers to a famous philosophical argument about artifical intelligence - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_room."/>
<roomname x="15" y="11" english="Chinese Rooms" translation="チュウコ゛クコ゛ノ ヘヤ" explanation="This refers to a famous philosophical argument about artifical intelligence - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_room."/>
<roomname x="15" y="12" english="You Just Keep Coming Back" translation="オカエリナサイ" explanation="You can pass through this room up to three times, depending on which route you take through the level."/>
<roomname x="15" y="12" english="You Just Keep Coming Back" translation="オカエリナサイ" explanation="You can pass through this room up to three times, depending on which route you take through the level."/>
<roomname x="15" y="13" english="Hyperspace Bypass 5" translation="ハイハ゜ースヘ゜ース ハ゛イハ゜ス5" explanation="A conveyor belt will take you through this room without you needing to press any buttons, hench the bypass. The phrase Hyperspace Bypass is a reference to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."/>
<roomname x="15" y="13" english="Hyperspace Bypass 5" translation="キ゛ンカ゛ ハ゛イハ゜ス 5" explanation="A conveyor belt will take you through this room without you needing to press any buttons, hench the bypass. The phrase Hyperspace Bypass is a reference to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."/>
<roomname x="16" y="0" english="I Love You" translation="アイラフ゛ユー" explanation="The room contains a couple of heart shaped enemies"/>
<roomname x="16" y="0" english="I Love You" translation="アイラフ゛ユー" explanation="The room contains a couple of heart shaped enemies"/>
<roomname x="16" y="1" english="As you like it" translation="オスキニ ト゛ウソ゛" explanation="This room can be approached in two different equivilent ways, whichever way you like it. 'As you like it' is the name of a Shakespeare play."/>
<roomname x="16" y="1" english="As you like it" translation="オキニ メスママ" explanation="This room can be approached in two different equivilent ways, whichever way you like it. 'As you like it' is the name of a Shakespeare play."/>
<roomname x="16" y="2" english="Short Circuit" translation="ショートサーキット" explanation="Probably named after the 80s film Short Circuit. Also works because you'll hit a dead end if you keep walking forwards."/>
<roomname x="16" y="2" english="Short Circuit" translation="ショートナ カイロウ" explanation="Probably named after the 80s film Short Circuit. Also works because you'll hit a dead end if you keep walking forwards."/>
<roomname x="16" y="3" english="Twisty Little Passages" translation="クネクネツウロ" explanation="A maze like room. Refers to the section from the 1976 text game Colossal Cave Adventure - you are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike"/>
<roomname x="16" y="3" english="Twisty Little Passages" translation="ツイスト メイロ" explanation="A maze like room. Refers to the section from the 1976 text game Colossal Cave Adventure - you are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike"/>
<roomname x="16" y="6" english="Quicksand" translation="リューサ" explanation="Contains lots of dissolving platforms."/>
<roomname x="16" y="6" english="Quicksand" translation="リューサ" explanation="Contains lots of dissolving platforms."/>
<roomname x="16" y="7" english="The Tomb of Mad Carew" translation="マット゛・カリューノ ハカ" explanation="A very obscure reference to the C64 game Dizzy"/>
<roomname x="16" y="7" english="The Tomb of Mad Carew" translation="マット゛・カリューノ ハカ" explanation="A very obscure reference to the C64 game Dizzy"/>
<roomname x="16" y="8" english="Parabolica" translation="ハ゜ラホ゛リカ" explanation="This room contains a section of wall in the shape of a parabolic arch."/>
<roomname x="16" y="8" english="Parabolica" translation="ホウフ゛ツセン" explanation="This room contains a section of wall in the shape of a parabolic arch."/>
<roomname x="16" y="9" english="$eeing Dollar $ign$" translation="ト゛ルヲ $AGA$E" explanation="This is a green room that resembles a dollar sign shape"/>
<roomname x="16" y="9" english="$eeing Dollar $ign$" translation="オカネニ $$ メカ゛ $$ クラム" explanation="This is a green room that resembles a dollar sign shape"/>
<roomname x="16" y="10" english="What Lies Beneath?" translation="ソコノ シタニ ヒソム モノ" explanation="The room below this contains enemies in the shape of the word 'Lies'. So there's a double meaning here - as in, a question, 'what is below this room', and that the word LIES is literally beneath this room."/>
<roomname x="16" y="10" english="What Lies Beneath?" translation="コノシタニ オタカラカ゛ッ!" explanation="The room below this contains enemies in the shape of the word 'Lies'. So there's a double meaning here - as in, a question, 'what is below this room', and that the word LIES is literally beneath this room."/>
<roomname x="16" y="11" english="Spikes Do!" translation="スハ゜イクス・ト゛ゥー!" explanation="This rooms is below the room named 'What lies Beneath?', and answers the question: Spikes do!"/>
<roomname x="16" y="11" english="Spikes Do!" translation="ショウタイハ トケ゛テ゛シタ" explanation="This rooms is below the room named 'What lies Beneath?', and answers the question: Spikes do!"/>
<roomname x="16" y="12" english="Ha Ha Ha Not Really" translation="ハッハッハ・・・エーッ!?" explanation="This is a difficult room that follows one called 'Plain Sailing from here on'. It's taunting the player. "/>
<roomname x="16" y="12" english="Ha Ha Ha Not Really" translation="ハッハッハ・・・ ソンナワケナイ" explanation="This is a difficult room that follows one called 'Plain Sailing from here on'. It's taunting the player. "/>
<roomname x="16" y="13" english="Plain Sailing from Here On" translation="ココカラ ラクチン" explanation="This room is at the end of a long section, and promises 'Plain Sailing' afterwards, as in, no further challenges. This is a lie"/>
<roomname x="16" y="13" english="Plain Sailing from Here On" translation="ココカラ ラクチン" explanation="This room is at the end of a long section, and promises 'Plain Sailing' afterwards, as in, no further challenges. This is a lie"/>
<roomname x="17" y="0" english="As we go up, we go down" translation="ウエニ アカ゛レト゛ シタヘト クタ゛リ" explanation="Named after the 1995 song by Guided by Voices"/>
<roomname x="17" y="0" english="As we go up, we go down" translation="ウエニ アカ゛レト゛ シタヘト クタ゛リ" explanation="Named after the 1995 song by Guided by Voices"/>
<roomname x="17" y="1" english="Maze With No Entrance" translation="イリク゛チ ナキ メイロ" explanation="This room is a maze which has no entrance, due to the nature of the warping mechanic."/>
<roomname x="17" y="1" english="Maze With No Entrance" translation="イリク゛チ ナキ メイロ" explanation="This room is a maze which has no entrance, due to the nature of the warping mechanic."/>
<roomname x="17" y="2" english="The Brown Gate" translation="チャイロノ トヒ゛ラ" explanation="I think this is an Ultima 7 reference? A literal translation is fine here"/>
<roomname x="17" y="2" english="The Brown Gate" translation="チャイロイ トヒ゛ラ" explanation="I think this is an Ultima 7 reference? A literal translation is fine here"/>
<roomname x="17" y="3" english="Edge Games" translation="エッシ゛ ケ゛ームス゛" explanation="Contains a trinket that you get by navigating around the edge of the screen. The use of the word EDGE is deliberate, refering to the trademark of a notoriously litigious individual who sued an indie developer around the time VVVVVV was made"/>
<roomname x="17" y="3" english="Edge Games" translation="エッシ゛ ケ゛ームス゛" explanation="Contains a trinket that you get by navigating around the edge of the screen. The use of the word EDGE is deliberate, refering to the trademark of a notoriously litigious individual who sued an indie developer around the time VVVVVV was made"/>
<roomname x="17" y="7" english="Brass Sent Us Under The Top" translation="エライヒトカ゛ アカ゛レト イウノテ゛" explanation="The enemies in this room look like little army guys"/>
<roomname x="17" y="7" english="Brass Sent Us Under The Top" translation="ショーコーニ メイレイサレタノテ゛" explanation="The enemies in this room look like little army guys"/>
<roomname x="17" y="8" english="The Warning" translation="ケ イ コ ク" explanation="This room has lots of checkpoints in it. It's beside the game's most difficult challenge, the Veni, Vidi, Vici section. The checkpoints don't really do anything, but they're a warning of the challenge ahead."/>
<roomname x="17" y="8" english="The Warning" translation="WARNING!!" explanation="This room has lots of checkpoints in it. It's beside the game's most difficult challenge, the Veni, Vidi, Vici section. The checkpoints don't really do anything, but they're a warning of the challenge ahead."/>
<roomname x="17" y="9" english="Just Pick Yourself Down" translation="オノレヲ モチサケ゛ロ??" explanation="A two part room name. From the expression 'If you fall down, just pick yourself up'."/>
<roomname x="17" y="9" english="Just Pick Yourself Down" translation="シタヲムイテ アルコウ" explanation="A two part room name. From the expression 'If you fall down, just pick yourself up'."/>
<roomname x="17" y="10" english="If You Fall Up" translation="モシモ ウエヘト オチタナラ" explanation="A two part room name. From the expression 'If you fall down, just pick yourself up'."/>
<roomname x="17" y="10" english="If You Fall Up" translation="キフ゛ンカ゛ アカ゛ッタ トキハ" explanation="A two part room name. From the expression 'If you fall down, just pick yourself up'."/>
<roomname x="17" y="11" english="Chipper Cipher" translation="ケ゛ンキナ サイファー" explanation="Just some nice wordplay. Chipper means 'Jolly' or 'Happy'."/>
<roomname x="17" y="11" english="Chipper Cipher" translation="コロコロ コート゛" explanation="Just some nice wordplay. Chipper means 'Jolly' or 'Happy'."/>
<roomname x="18" y="0" english="Time to get serious" translation="ココカラ ホンキタ゛ス" explanation="Literal, this is the first room in the stage which is fairly difficult"/>
<roomname x="18" y="0" english="Time to get serious" translation="ココカラ ホンキタ゛ス" explanation="Literal, this is the first room in the stage which is fairly difficult"/>
<roomname x="18" y="1" english="Wheeler's Wormhole" translation="ホイーラース゛ワームホール" explanation="Apparently a scientist named John Wheeler coined the phrase 'Wormhole'! I just found that out. Anyway, this room has a teleporter in it."/>
<roomname x="18" y="1" english="Wheeler's Wormhole" translation="ホイーラーイワク ワームホール" explanation="Apparently a scientist named John Wheeler coined the phrase 'Wormhole'! I just found that out. Anyway, this room has a teleporter in it."/>
<roomname x="18" y="2" english="Sweeney's Maze" translation="スウィーニーノ メイロ" explanation="Contains enemies that move strangly and resemble enemies from ZZT, an old game by Tim Sweeney"/>
<roomname x="18" y="2" english="Sweeney's Maze" translation="スウィーニーノ メイロ" explanation="Contains enemies that move strangly and resemble enemies from ZZT, an old game by Tim Sweeney"/>
<roomname x="18" y="3" english="Mind The Gap" translation="スキマニ チュウイ" explanation="Refers to what train announcers say on the London Underground when you leave the train - mind the gap between the train and the station platform"/>
<roomname x="18" y="3" english="Mind The Gap" translation="スキマニ コ゛チュウイクタ゛サイ" explanation="Refers to what train announcers say on the London Underground when you leave the train - mind the gap between the train and the station platform"/>
<roomname x="18" y="7" english="A Wrinkle in Time" translation="トキノ ユカ゛ミ" explanation="The name of a 60's science fiction book. There is a teleporter in this room."/>
<roomname x="18" y="7" english="A Wrinkle in Time" translation="5シ゛ケ゛ンセカイノ ホ゛ウケン" explanation="The name of a 60's science fiction book. There is a teleporter in this room."/>
<roomname x="18" y="8" english="Getting Here is Half the Fun" translation="ココマテ゛ オイテ゛" explanation="The top of the Veni Vidi Vici sequence. When you get to the top, you have to go all the way back down - hence, this room is the halfway point of the challenge."/>
<roomname x="18" y="8" english="Getting Here is Half the Fun" translation="カエルマテ゛カ゛ エンソク" explanation="The top of the Veni Vidi Vici sequence. When you get to the top, you have to go all the way back down - hence, this room is the halfway point of the challenge."/>
<roomname x="18" y="9" english="Your Bitter Tears... Delicious" translation="ナミタ゛ノ アシ゛ハ・・・ウマイ!" explanation="Part of the Veni Vidi Vici sequence. Taunting the player."/>
<roomname x="18" y="9" english="Your Bitter Tears... Delicious" translation="ソノ ナミタ゛ノ アシ゛ハ ウマイ" explanation="Part of the Veni Vidi Vici sequence. Taunting the player."/>
<roomname x="18" y="10" english="Easy Mode Unlocked" translation="イーシ゛ーモート゛ カイシ゛ョ" explanation="Part of the Veni Vidi Vici sequence. Taunting the player - the 'easy mode' refers to the second passageway on the right side that is easier to take when going back through this room on the way down, but that passageway leads to death."/>
<roomname x="18" y="10" english="Easy Mode Unlocked" translation="イーシ゛ーモート゛ カイキン" explanation="Part of the Veni Vidi Vici sequence. Taunting the player - the 'easy mode' refers to the second passageway on the right side that is easier to take when going back through this room on the way down, but that passageway leads to death."/>
<roomname x="18" y="11" english="Vici!" translation="カッタ!" explanation="The rooms Veni, Vidi, Vici! appear in sequence. Famous latin phrase attributed to Julius Caesar meaning I came, I saw, I conquered. The hardest challenge in the game."/>
<roomname x="18" y="11" english="Vici!" translation="カッタ!" explanation="The rooms Veni, Vidi, Vici! appear in sequence. Famous latin phrase attributed to Julius Caesar meaning I came, I saw, I conquered. The hardest challenge in the game."/>
<roomname x="18" y="12" english="Vidi" translation="ミタ!" explanation="The rooms Veni, Vidi, Vici! appear in sequence. Famous latin phrase attributed to Julius Caesar meaning I came, I saw, I conquered. The hardest challenge in the game."/>
<roomname x="18" y="12" english="Vidi" translation="ミタ!" explanation="The rooms Veni, Vidi, Vici! appear in sequence. Famous latin phrase attributed to Julius Caesar meaning I came, I saw, I conquered. The hardest challenge in the game."/>
<roomname x="18" y="13" english="Veni" translation="キタ!" explanation="The rooms Veni, Vidi, Vici! appear in sequence. Famous latin phrase attributed to Julius Caesar meaning I came, I saw, I conquered. The hardest challenge in the game."/>
<roomname x="18" y="13" english="Veni" translation="キタ!" explanation="The rooms Veni, Vidi, Vici! appear in sequence. Famous latin phrase attributed to Julius Caesar meaning I came, I saw, I conquered. The hardest challenge in the game."/>
<roomname x="18" y="14" english="Doing Things The Hard Way" translation="アエテ カコクナ ミチヲ イケ" explanation="The starting room from the Veni, Vidi, Vici! challenge."/>
<roomname x="18" y="14" english="Doing Things The Hard Way" translation="イソカ゛ハ゛ マワレ" explanation="The starting room from the Veni, Vidi, Vici! challenge."/>
<roomname x="19" y="0" english="To The Batcave!" translation="イコウヨ ハ゛ットケイフ゛" explanation="The Batcave, as in Batman's hideout."/>
<roomname x="19" y="0" english="To The Batcave!" translation="イコウヨ ハ゛ットケイフ゛" explanation="The Batcave, as in Batman's hideout."/>
<roomname x="19" y="1" english="Ascending and Descending" translation="ノホ゛リオリ" explanation="Just meant as in literally Ascending and Descending, going up and down. There is a room later in the game called Upstairs, Downstairs, which is a callback to this."/>
<roomname x="19" y="1" english="Ascending and Descending" translation="アカ゛ッタリ サカ゛ッタリ" explanation="Just meant as in literally Ascending and Descending, going up and down. There is a room later in the game called Upstairs, Downstairs, which is a callback to this."/>
<roomname x="19" y="2" english="Shockwave Rider" translation="ショックウェーフ゛ ライタ゛ー" explanation="Named after a 70's Science Fiction novel"/>
<roomname x="19" y="2" english="Shockwave Rider" translation="ショウケ゛キハヲ ノリキレ" explanation="Named after a 70's Science Fiction novel"/>
<roomname x="19" y="3" english="This will make you flip" translation="フリッフ゜ サセラレテ" explanation="Flip is used here in the sense 'Flip out', as in, to lose your temper"/>
<roomname x="19" y="3" english="This will make you flip" translation="ヒックリカエリタク ナルヨウナ" explanation="Flip is used here in the sense 'Flip out', as in, to lose your temper"/>
<roomname x="41" y="51" english="1950 Silverstone Grand V" translation="1950 シルハ゛ーストーンク゛ラント゛ V" explanation="Refers to 1950 Silverstone Grand Prix (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="41" y="51" english="1950 Silverstone Grand V" translation="1950 シルハ゛ーストーンク゛ラント゛ V" explanation="Refers to 1950 Silverstone Grand Prix (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="41" y="52" english="DIY V Repair" translation="DIY V リヘ゜ア" explanation="DIY TV repair - this room has a television you can interact with, which changes the theme from black and white to colour"/>
<roomname x="41" y="52" english="DIY V Repair" translation="DIY V リヘ゜ア" explanation="DIY TV repair - this room has a television you can interact with, which changes the theme from black and white to colour"/>
<roomname x="41" y="56" english="Now Take My Lead" translation="サァ イクソ゛!" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="41" y="56" english="Now Take My Lead" translation="オレニ ツイテコイ" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="42" y="52" english="Party Time!" translation="ハ゜ーリィタイム!" explanation="The first room after the black and white section. Doesn't refer to any TV show."/>
<roomname x="42" y="52" english="Party Time!" translation="ハ゜ーティタイム!" explanation="The first room after the black and white section. Doesn't refer to any TV show."/>
<roomname x="42" y="56" english="What Are You Waiting For?" translation="ナニマチ?" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="42" y="56" english="What Are You Waiting For?" translation="ナニヲ ツッタッテルンタ゛?" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="43" y="51" english="The Voon Show" translation="サ゛・ウ゛ーン ショー" explanation="Named after The Goon Show (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="43" y="51" english="The Voon Show" translation="サ゛・V゛ーン・ショー" explanation="Named after The Goon Show (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="43" y="52" english="Upstairs, Downstairs" translation="ウエヘ シタヘ ノ アッフ゜タ゛ウン" explanation="Named after the 70s TV show - but also, refers to the earlier room Ascending and Descending, which this room is an updated version of. (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomname x="43" y="52" english="Upstairs, Downstairs" translation="ノホ゛ッタリ クタ゛ッタリ" explanation="Named after the 70s TV show - but also, refers to the earlier room Ascending and Descending, which this room is an updated version of. (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomname x="43" y="56" english="Don't Get Ahead of Yourself!" translation="サキハ゛シルナ!" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="43" y="56" english="Don't Get Ahead of Yourself!" translation="サキハ゛シルナ!" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="44" y="51" english="Vertigo" translation="メマイ" explanation="Named after the Hitchcock film (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="44" y="51" english="Vertigo" translation="メマイ" explanation="Named after the Hitchcock film (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="44" y="52" english="Timeslip" translation="タイムスリッフ゜" explanation="Named after the 70s TV show - name also suggests a connection to the earlier room Backsliders, which this room is an updated version of (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomname x="44" y="52" english="Timeslip" translation="タイムスリッフ゜" explanation="Named after the 70s TV show - name also suggests a connection to the earlier room Backsliders, which this room is an updated version of (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomname x="44" y="56" english="Very Good" translation="ヘ゛リク゛ッ!" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="44" y="56" english="Very Good" translation="ヨシヨシ" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="45" y="52" english="Three's Company" translation="レッツコ゛ー 3メイサマ" explanation="Named after the 70s sitcom - but also, suggests a connection to the earlier room Two's Company, which this room is an updated version of (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomname x="45" y="52" english="Three's Company" translation="3ツナンテ ヨユウ" explanation="Named after the 70s sitcom - but also, suggests a connection to the earlier room Two's Company, which this room is an updated version of (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomname x="45" y="56" english="Must I Do Everything For You?" translation="セ゛ンフ゛ コッチテ゛ ヤレッテカ?" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="45" y="56" english="Must I Do Everything For You?" translation="セ゛ンフ゛ コッチテ゛ ヤレッテカ?" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="46" y="54" english="Temporary Fault..." translation="イチシ゛テキナ フク゛アイ テ゛ス…" explanation="Opening room of the final level."/>
<roomname x="46" y="54" english="Temporary Fault..." translation="ショウカ゛イカ゛ ハッセイ シテオリマス・・・" explanation="Opening room of the final level."/>
<roomname x="46" y="56" english="Now Stay Close To Me..." translation="モット チカクニ・・・" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="46" y="56" english="Now Stay Close To Me..." translation="モット チカクニコイ" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="47" y="52" english="Cosmic Creepers" translation="コスミック クリーハ゜ース゛" explanation="Named after the cat from the 70s film Bedknobs and Broomsticks. Not sure why!"/>
<roomname x="47" y="52" english="Cosmic Creepers" translation="コスミック クリーハ゜ース゛" explanation="Named after the cat from the 70s film Bedknobs and Broomsticks. Not sure why!"/>
<roomname x="47" y="54" english="Do Not Adjust the V-hold" translation="Vジク ト゛ウキ チョウセイ キンシ" explanation="I don't think V-hold is a real thing, it's supposed to just suggest 'Do not adjust your TV settings'. (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="47" y="54" english="Do Not Adjust the V-hold" translation="Vシ゛クニ サワラナイテ゛ クタ゛サイ" explanation="I don't think V-hold is a real thing, it's supposed to just suggest 'Do not adjust your TV settings'. (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="47" y="56" english="...But Not Too Close" translation="・・・ソレハ ヨリスキ゛" explanation="In this room, if you go too quickly, your crewmate will walk into spikes."/>
<roomname x="47" y="56" english="...But Not Too Close" translation="・・・ソレハ ヨリスキ゛" explanation="In this room, if you go too quickly, your crewmate will walk into spikes."/>
<roomname x="48" y="52" english="The Villi People" translation="サ゛・ウ゛ィリー ヒ゜ーホ゜ー" explanation="Bennett just thought this room looked 'intestinal'. Villi as in part of the intestinal system. Also refers to the 80s band The Village People."/>
<roomname x="48" y="52" english="The Villi People" translation="ウ゛ィリー・ヒ゜ーフ゜ル" explanation="Bennett just thought this room looked 'intestinal'. Villi as in part of the intestinal system. Also refers to the 80s band The Village People."/>
<roomname x="48" y="54" english="Regular Service Will Return Shortly" translation="スク゛ ツウシ゛ョウエイキ゛ョウニ モト゛リマス" explanation="This is something you might hear on a TV station if they had lost reception. (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows. A really, really good way to translate this level would be to use the names of black and white TV shows that are well known in your language, rather than trying to keep the exact meaning of the TV shows used here.)"/>
<roomname x="48" y="54" english="Regular Service Will Return Shortly" translation="スナアラシ" explanation="This is something you might hear on a TV station if they had lost reception. (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows. A really, really good way to translate this level would be to use the names of black and white TV shows that are well known in your language, rather than trying to keep the exact meaning of the TV shows used here.)"/>
<roomname x="48" y="56" english="Don't Be Afraid" translation="オソレルナ!" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="48" y="56" english="Don't Be Afraid" translation="オソレルナ!" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="49" y="52" english="Panic Room" translation="キンキュウ ヒナンシ゛ョ" explanation="A panic room is a safe room that you can hide in during an emergency, but I don't think that was Bennett's intention with this name. This room suddenly starts scrolling as soon as you enter, causing a panic."/>
<roomname x="49" y="52" english="Panic Room" translation="キンキュウ ヒナンシ゛ョ" explanation="A panic room is a safe room that you can hide in during an emergency, but I don't think that was Bennett's intention with this name. This room suddenly starts scrolling as soon as you enter, causing a panic."/>
<roomname x="49" y="54" english="Origami Room" translation="オリカ゛ミ ルーム" explanation="As in folded paper - this room is mirrored around the center point."/>
<roomname x="49" y="54" english="Origami Room" translation="オリカ゛ミ ルーム" explanation="As in folded paper - this room is mirrored around the center point."/>
<roomname x="49" y="56" english="Do as I Say..." translation="ワタシノ コトハ゛ヲ オモイタ゛セ・・・" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="49" y="56" english="Do as I Say..." translation="オレノ イウトオリニ・・・" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="50" y="51" english="The V Stooges" translation="サ゛・V ストゥーシ゛ス゛" explanation="Refers to the 3 Stooges (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="50" y="51" english="The V Stooges" translation="Vハ゛カ タイショウ" explanation="Refers to the 3 Stooges (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="50" y="52" english="1954 World Cup Vinyl" translation="1954 ワールト゛カッフ゜ V レコート゛" explanation="Refers to the World Cup Final (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="50" y="52" english="1954 World Cup Vinyl" translation="1954 ワールト゛カッフ゜ V レコート゛" explanation="Refers to the World Cup Final (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname x="50" y="56" english="...Not as I Do" translation="・・・ワタシノ サルマネ テ゛ハナク" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="50" y="56" english="...Not as I Do" translation="・・・オレノ サルマネ テ゛ハナク" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="51" y="53" english="The Final Challenge" translation="サイコ゛ノ チョウセン" explanation="One of the last challenges in the game."/>
<roomname x="51" y="53" english="The Final Challenge" translation="サイコ゛ノ チョウセン" explanation="One of the last challenges in the game."/>
<roomname x="51" y="56" english="Mind Your Head" translation="ラクセキ チュウイ" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="51" y="56" english="Mind Your Head" translation="ウエニ キヲツケテ・・・" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="52" y="53" english="The Last Straw" translation="カンニンフ゛クロノ オカ゛ キレタ" explanation="One more little challenge, just after the room called The Final Challenge"/>
<roomname x="52" y="53" english="The Last Straw" translation="ラスト ヒトイキ" explanation="One more little challenge, just after the room called The Final Challenge"/>
<roomname x="52" y="56" english="Do Try To Keep Up" translation="カ゛ンハ゛ッテ ツイテコイ!" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="52" y="56" english="Do Try To Keep Up" translation="カ゛ンハ゛ッテ ツイテコイ!" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="53" y="48" english="Whee Sports" translation="" explanation="Refers to Wii Sports, the Nintendo Wii launch title. 'Whee' as in what a child might say while going down a slide (this room has a long drop in it)"/>
<roomname x="53" y="48" english="Whee Sports" translation="ゥウィーッ! スホ゜ーツ" explanation="Refers to Wii Sports, the Nintendo Wii launch title. 'Whee' as in what a child might say while going down a slide (this room has a long drop in it)"/>
<roomname x="53" y="49" english="Whizz Down The Shaft" translation="マッサカサマ シャフト" explanation="Whizz is Australian slang for doing something quickly, I think"/>
<roomname x="53" y="49" english="Whizz Down The Shaft" translation="マッサカサマ シャフト" explanation="Whizz is Australian slang for doing something quickly, I think"/>
<roomname x="53" y="50" english="The Gravitron" translation="サ゛・ク゛ラヒ゛トロン" explanation="A special arcade section where you have to survive for 60 seconds. Bennett named this one so as to suggest a funfair ride (though not any one in particular)."/>
<roomname x="53" y="50" english="The Gravitron" translation="サ゛・ク゛ラヒ゛トロン" explanation="A special arcade section where you have to survive for 60 seconds. Bennett named this one so as to suggest a funfair ride (though not any one in particular)."/>
<roomname x="53" y="51" english="Tunnel of Terror" translation="キョウフノ トンネル" explanation="Another name inspired by funfairs."/>
<roomname x="53" y="51" english="Tunnel of Terror" translation="トンネル・オフ゛・テラー" explanation="Another name inspired by funfairs."/>
<roomname x="53" y="52" english="House of Mirrors" translation="カカ゛ミノ ヤカタ" explanation="Another name inspired by funfairs."/>
<roomname x="53" y="52" english="House of Mirrors" translation="マホウノ ミラーハウス" explanation="Another name inspired by funfairs."/>
<roomname x="53" y="53" english="W" translation="W" explanation="This room has platforms in a W shape."/>
<roomname x="53" y="53" english="W" translation="W" explanation="This room has platforms in a W shape."/>
<roomname x="53" y="56" english="You're Falling Behind" translation="オソイソ゛!" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="53" y="56" english="You're Falling Behind" translation="アシヲ ヒッハ゜ルナ" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="54" y="48" english="VVVVVV" translation="VVVVVV" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 6/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="48" english="VVVVVV" translation="VVVVVV" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 6/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="49" english="VVVVV" translation="VVVVV" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 5/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="49" english="VVVVV" translation="VVVVV" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 5/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="50" english="VVVV" translation="VVVV" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 4/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="50" english="VVVV" translation="VVVV" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 4/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="51" english="VVV" translation="VVV" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 3/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="51" english="VVV" translation="VVV" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 3/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="52" english="VV" translation="VV" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 2/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="52" english="VV" translation="VV" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 2/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="53" english="V" translation="V" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 1/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="53" english="V" translation="V" explanation="Final sequence of rooms that spell out V-V-V-V-V-V, 1/6"/>
<roomname x="54" y="56" english="Class Dismissed!" translation="ワタシノ シ゛ュキ゛ョウハ ココマテ゛ タ゛" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
<roomname x="54" y="56" english="Class Dismissed!" translation="キョウハ コレテ゛ ケッコウ" explanation="This entire intermission section has a tone of a strict schoolteacher leading a small child."/>
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Please read README.txt for information about the language files -->
<!-- Please read README.txt for information about the language files -->
<roomname english="Outer Space" translation="アウタースヘ゜ース" explanation="Literally Outer Space"/>
<roomname english="Outer Space" translation="ウチュウ クウカン" explanation="Literally Outer Space"/>
<roomname english="Dimension VVVVVV" translation="VVVVVV 次元" explanation="The overall area that the game takes place in."/>
<roomname english="Dimension VVVVVV" translation="次元VVVVVV" explanation="The overall area that the game takes place in."/>
<roomname english="The Ship" translation="船" explanation="The dimension exploring spaceship"/>
<roomname english="The Ship" translation="船" explanation="The dimension exploring spaceship"/>
<roomname english="Secret Lab" translation="シークレットラボ" explanation="An endgame section containing achievement trophys"/>
<roomname english="Secret Lab" translation="シークレットラボ" explanation="An endgame section containing achievement trophys"/>
<roomname english="Laboratory" translation="ラボ" explanation="One of the stages"/>
<roomname english="Laboratory" translation="ラボ" explanation="One of the stages"/>
@ -12,60 +12,60 @@
<roomname english="Outside Dimension VVVVVV" translation="次元VVVVVVの外" explanation="For rare rooms outside the normal area"/>
<roomname english="Outside Dimension VVVVVV" translation="次元VVVVVVの外" explanation="For rare rooms outside the normal area"/>
<roomname english="???" translation="???" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="???" translation="???" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="The Super Gravitron" translation="スーパーグラビトロン" explanation="An expanded version of the room at 53, 50"/>
<roomname english="The Super Gravitron" translation="スーパーグラビトロン" explanation="An expanded version of the room at 53, 50"/>
<roomname english="I Can't Believe You Got This Far" translation="コンナ ハ゛ショ マテ゛ ヨク キタネ" explanation="If you're playing No Death Mode, the room Prize for the Reckless has this roomname instead (the room is altered to make it possible to do this section without dying)"/>
<roomname english="I Can't Believe You Got This Far" translation="ココマテ゛ タト゛リツクトハ・・・ ミナオシタヨ" explanation="If you're playing No Death Mode, the room Prize for the Reckless has this roomname instead (the room is altered to make it possible to do this section without dying)"/>
<roomname english="Imagine Spikes There, if You Like" translation="ソウソ゛ウ シテコ゛ラン・・・ソコニトケ゛カ゛アル ト" explanation="If you're playing a time trial, the room Prize for the Reckless has this roomname instead (the room is altered to make it possible to do this section without dying)"/>
<roomname english="Imagine Spikes There, if You Like" translation="トケ゛ナンカ アルワケナイシ゛ャン" explanation="If you're playing a time trial, the room Prize for the Reckless has this roomname instead (the room is altered to make it possible to do this section without dying)"/>
<!-- - -->
<!-- - -->
<roomname english="Rear Window" translation="リアウィント゛ウ" explanation="Named after the Hitchcock film (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Rear Window" translation="ウラマト゛" explanation="Named after the Hitchcock film (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Rear Vindow" translation="リア ウ゛ィント゛ウ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Rear Vindow" translation="Vラマト゛" explanation=""/>
<!-- - -->
<!-- - -->
<roomname english="On the Waterfront" translation="ウォーターフロント ニテ" explanation="Named after the 1954 film (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="On the Waterfront" translation="ハトハ゛" explanation="Named after the 1954 film (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="On the Vaterfront" translation="ウ゛ォーターフロント ニテ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="On the Vaterfront" translation="ハトV゛" explanation=""/>
<!-- - -->
<!-- - -->
<roomname english="The Untouchables" translation="シ゛・アンタッチャホ゛ー" explanation="Before it was a film, the Untouchables was a TV series in 1959 (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="The Untouchables" translation="サ゛・アンタッチャフ゛ル" explanation="Before it was a film, the Untouchables was a TV series in 1959 (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="The Untouchavles" translation="シ゛・アンタッチャウ゛ォー" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="The Untouchavles" translation="サ゛・アンタッチャV゛ル" explanation=""/>
<!-- - -->
<!-- - -->
<roomname english="Television Newsveel" translation="タンヘ゜ンニュースエイカ゛" explanation="Refers to Television Newsreel. (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Television Newsveel" translation="テレV゛シ゛ョン・ニュースリール" explanation="Refers to Television Newsreel. (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Television Newsvel" translation="タンヘ゜ンニューウ゛エイカ゛" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Television Newsvel" translation="テレV゛シ゛ョン・ニュースVール" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="TelevisvonvNewsvel" translation="ウ゛ンヘ゜ンニューウ゛エイカ゛" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="TelevisvonvNewsvel" translation="テレV゛V゛ョンVニュースVール" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="TvlvvvsvonvNevsvel" translation="ウ゛ンフ゛ンウ゛ューウ゛エィウ゛" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="TvlvvvsvonvNevsvel" translation="テVV゛V゛ョVVニVスVール" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vvvvvvsvovvNe svel" translation="ウ゛ィウ゛ンウ゛ューウ゛ウ゛ィウ゛" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vvvvvvsvovvNe svel" translation="VVVVV゛ョVVニVスVーV" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vhv vvv'vvovv vevl" translation="ウ゛ィウ゛ウ゛ウ゛ィーウ゛ウ゛ィウ゛" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vhv vvv'vvovv vevl" translation="VV・VVVョVクVVスVーV" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vhv V v'Cvovv vewv" translation="ウ゛ィーウ゛ウ゛ィーウ゛クウ゛ウ゛" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vhv V v'Cvovv vewv" translation="V゛・VオVョVク・VVーV" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vhe 9 v'Cvovv vewv" translation="ウ゛ィース ウ゛ィウ゛クロッウ゛" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vhe 9 v'Cvovv vewv" translation="サ゛・VオVVVク・ニVーV" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vhe 9 v'Cvovv Newv" translation="ニ゛ュース V ウ゛クロッウ゛" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vhe 9 v'Cvovv Newv" translation="サ゛・9オVVック・ニVース" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="The 9 O'Cvovk Newv" translation="ニュース B オ゛クロック" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="The 9 O'Cvovk Newv" translation="サ゛・9オクVック・ニュース" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="The 9 O'Clock News" translation="ニュース 9 オクロック" explanation="(Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomname english="The 9 O'Clock News" translation="サ゛・9オクロック・ニュース" explanation="(Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<!-- - -->
<!-- - -->
<roomname english="Vwitched" translation="オクサマハ ウ゛ァシ゛ョ" explanation="Reference to early black and white sitcom Bewitched (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Vwitched" translation="オVサマハ マシ゛ョ" explanation="Reference to early black and white sitcom Bewitched (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Vwitvhed" translation="オウ゛サウ゛ハウ゛ァシ゛ョ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Vwitvhed" translation="オVサVハ マV゛ョ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vVwivcvedv" translation="オォウ゛サウ゛ハウ゛ァウ゛ョ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vVwivcvedv" translation="VVサVV マV゛ョV" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vvvwMvcvMdvv" translation="ウ゛ォウ゛ウ゛ウ゛ハウ゛ィウ゛ィ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="vvvwMvcvMdvv" translation="VVVヤV VV゛VVV" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="DvvvwMvfvvMdvvv" translation="ウ゛イウ゛ルウ゛ィフウ゛ウ゛イ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="DvvvwMvfvvMdvvv" translation="タVVヤV VVVVマVV" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Dvav Mvfvr Mdvvvv" translation="ウ゛イウ゛ルウムヲウ゛ウ゛セ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Dvav Mvfvr Mdvvvv" translation="タ゛VヤV V VVマワV" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Diav M for Mdrver" translation="タ゛イウルエムヲ マウ゛セ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Diav M for Mdrver" translation="タ゛Vヤル V ヲ マワセ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Dial M for Murder" translation="タ゛イアル M ヲ マワセ" explanation="Named after the Hitchcock film (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomname english="Dial M for Murder" translation="タ゛イヤル M ヲ マワセ" explanation="Named after the Hitchcock film (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<!-- - -->
<!-- - -->
<roomname english="Gvnsmoke" translation="カ゛ンウ゛モーク" explanation="Gunsmoke was a black and white Western (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Gvnsmoke" translation="V゛ンスモーク" explanation="Gunsmoke was a black and white Western (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Gvnsmove" translation="カ゛ウ゛スモーウ゛" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Gvnsmove" translation="V゛ンVモーV" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Gvnvmovevv" translation="カ゛ウ゛ウ゛モーウ゛" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Gvnvmovevv" translation="V゛ンVVーVV" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Gunvmove1vv6" translation="カ゛ンウ゛モーウ゛ 1w6" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Gunvmove1vv6" translation="カ゛ンVVーV1VV6" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Vunsmoke 19v6" translation="ウ゛ンスモーク 19v6" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Vunsmoke 19v6" translation="カ゛ンスVーク 19V6" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Gunsmoke 1966" translation="カ゛ンスモーク 1966" explanation="Gunsmoke changed to colour in 1966 (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomname english="Gunsmoke 1966" translation="カ゛ンスモーク 1966" explanation="Gunsmoke changed to colour in 1966 (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<!-- - -->
<!-- - -->
<roomname english="Please enjoy these repeats" translation="クリカエシ オタノシミクタ゛サイ" explanation="This stage also has a number of rooms which are harder versions of easier challenges, like this one. (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Please enjoy these repeats" translation="クリカエシ オタノシミクタ゛サイ" explanation="This stage also has a number of rooms which are harder versions of easier challenges, like this one. (The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Please envoy theve repeats" translation="クリカエシオタノウ゛ミクタ゛サイ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Please envoy theve repeats" translation="クリカエV オVノシミクV゛サイ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Plse envoy tse rvpvas" translation="ウ゛リカシオタノウ゛ミクウ゛イ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Plse envoy tse rvpvas" translation="VカエV VノシVクV゛Vイ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Vl envoy te rvevs" translation="ウ゛リウオタウ゛ウ゛ミクウ゛ィ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Vl envoy te rvevs" translation="VVエV VVシクV゛V" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Vv evo tv vevs" translation="ウ゛ハウ゛タウ゛ウ゛ミクウ゛ィ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Vv evo tv vevs" translation="ヨVVノ VトV゛V" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Iv vhv Mvrvivs" translation="ヨ゛ハウ゛タ ワトウ゛ワィ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Iv vhv Mvrvivs" translation="ヨハVノ VトV゛ワ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="In the Margins" translation="ヨハクノ ソトカ゛ワ" explanation="Not sure if this has a TV show reference, might just be meant literally (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomname english="In the Margins" translation="ヨハクノ ソトカ゛ワ" explanation="Not sure if this has a TV show reference, might just be meant literally (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<!-- - -->
<!-- - -->
<roomname english="Try Jiggling the Antenna" translation="アンテナ フ゛ンフ゛ン" explanation="(The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Try Jiggling the Antenna" translation="アンテナ フ゛ンフ゛ン" explanation="(The final stage has room names that suggest old black and white TV shows.)"/>
<roomname english="Try Viggling the Antenna" translation="アンテナ ウ゛ンウ゛ン" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Try Viggling the Antenna" translation="Vンテナ フ゛ンV゛ン" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="TryJivglvng theAvtevna" translation="ウ゛ンテナ ウ゛ィウ゛ン" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="TryJivglvng theAvtevna" translation="VンテV V゛ンV゛V" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Tvvivglvng thAvtvvv" translation="ウ゛ンウ゛イ ウ゛ィウ゛ィ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Tvvivglvng thAvtvvv" translation="VンVV V゛VV゛V" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Vvvgglvnv tvnvva" translation="ウ゛ィウ゛ィウ゛ィウ゛ィ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Vvvgglvnv tvnvva" translation="ヘVVVV゛VV゛Vト" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Vvavvnvs vvtv" translation="ウ゛ウ゛ンウ゛ィウ゛ーイ" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Vvavvnvs vvtv" translation="ヘV゛VV゛Vケ゛ーV" explanation=""/>
<roomname english="Veavvn's Gvte" translation="ヘウ゛ンス゛ィ ウ゛ート" explanation="Named after the 1980's film (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomname english="Veavvn's Gvte" translation="ヘV゛ンス゛ ケ゛ーV" explanation="Named after the 1980's film (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomname english="Heaven's Gate" translation="ヘウ゛ンス゛ ゲート" explanation="Named after the 1980's film (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
<roomname english="Heaven's Gate" translation="ヘフ゛ンス゛ ケ゛ート" explanation="Named after the 1980's film (Second part of the final stage has references to Colour TV shows)"/>
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -5,21 +5,21 @@
<translation form="0" translation="クルーを{n_crew|wordy}人救出し、"/>
<translation form="0" translation="クルーを{n_crew|wordy}人救出し、"/>
<string english_plural="and found {n_trinkets|wordy} trinkets." english_singular="and found {n_trinkets|wordy} trinket." explanation="These two strings are displayed underneath each other (2/2)" max="38*2" var="n_trinkets" expect="20" max_local="38*1">
<string english_plural="and found {n_trinkets|wordy} trinkets." english_singular="and found {n_trinkets|wordy} trinket." explanation="These two strings are displayed underneath each other (2/2)" max="38*2" var="n_trinkets" expect="20" max_local="38*1">
<translation form="0" translation="トリンケットを{n_trinkets|wordy}個集めた。"/>
<translation form="0" translation="トリンケットを{n_trinkets|wordy}個集めた!"/>
<string english_plural="And you found {n_trinkets|wordy} trinkets." english_singular="And you found {n_trinkets|wordy} trinket." explanation="You rescued all the crewmates! And you found XX trinket(s)." max="38*3" var="n_trinkets" expect="20" max_local="38*2">
<string english_plural="And you found {n_trinkets|wordy} trinkets." english_singular="And you found {n_trinkets|wordy} trinket." explanation="You rescued all the crewmates! And you found XX trinket(s)." max="38*3" var="n_trinkets" expect="20" max_local="38*2">
<translation form="0" translation="トリンケットも{n_trinkets|wordy}個見つけた!"/>
<translation form="0" translation="トリンケットを{n_trinkets|wordy}個集めた!"/>
<string english_plural="{n_crew|wordy} crewmates remain" english_singular="{n_crew|wordy} crewmate remains" explanation="Reminder: you can add |upper for an uppercase letter." max="40" var="n_crew" expect="100" max_local="40">
<string english_plural="{n_crew|wordy} crewmates remain" english_singular="{n_crew|wordy} crewmate remains" explanation="Reminder: you can add |upper for an uppercase letter." max="40" var="n_crew" expect="100" max_local="40">
<translation form="0" translation="残り{n_crew|wordy}人"/>
<translation form="0" translation="クルー 残り{n_crew|wordy}名"/>
<string english_plural="{n_crew|wordy} remain" english_singular="{n_crew|wordy} remains" explanation="You have rescued a crew member! XX remain" max="32" var="n_crew" expect="100" max_local="32">
<string english_plural="{n_crew|wordy} remain" english_singular="{n_crew|wordy} remains" explanation="You have rescued a crew member! XX remain" max="32" var="n_crew" expect="100" max_local="32">
<translation form="0" translation="残り{n_crew|wordy}名"/>
<translation form="0" translation="残り{n_crew|wordy}名"/>
<string english_plural="Hardest Room (with {n_deaths} deaths)" english_singular="Hardest Room (with {n_deaths} death)" explanation="game complete screen" max="40" var="n_deaths" expect="1000" max_local="40">
<string english_plural="Hardest Room (with {n_deaths} deaths)" english_singular="Hardest Room (with {n_deaths} death)" explanation="game complete screen" max="40" var="n_deaths" expect="1000" max_local="40">
<translation form="0" translation="最凶難度部屋(死亡回数: {n_deaths})"/>
<translation form="0" translation="最凶難度部屋 (ミス回数: {n_deaths})"/>
<string english_plural="{n} normal room names untranslated" english_singular="{n} normal room name untranslated" explanation="per-area counts for room name translator mode" max="38*4" var="n" expect="48" max_local="38*3">
<string english_plural="{n} normal room names untranslated" english_singular="{n} normal room name untranslated" explanation="per-area counts for room name translator mode" max="38*4" var="n" expect="48" max_local="38*3">
<translation form="0" translation=""/>
<translation form="0" translation="未翻訳のルームタイトル {n}個"/>
Reference in a new issue