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// =================================================================================================
// Starling Framework
// Copyright Gamua GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
// =================================================================================================
package starling.utils
import flash.display3D.Context3D;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import flash.system.Capabilities;
import flash.text.Font;
import flash.text.FontStyle;
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
import starling.errors.AbstractClassError;
/** A utility class with methods related to the current platform and runtime. */
public class SystemUtil
private static var sInitialized:Boolean = false;
private static var sApplicationActive:Boolean = true;
private static var sWaitingCalls:Array = [];
private static var sPlatform:String;
private static var sDesktop:Boolean;
private static var sVersion:String;
private static var sAIR:Boolean;
private static var sEmbeddedFonts:Array = null;
private static var sSupportsDepthAndStencil:Boolean = true;
/** @private */
public function SystemUtil() { throw new AbstractClassError(); }
/** Initializes the <code>ACTIVATE/DEACTIVATE</code> event handlers on the native
* application. This method is automatically called by the Starling constructor. */
public static function initialize():void
if (sInitialized) return;
sInitialized = true;
sPlatform = Capabilities.version.substr(0, 3);
sVersion = Capabilities.version.substr(4);
sDesktop = /(WIN|MAC|LNX)/.exec(sPlatform) != null;
var nativeAppClass:Object = getDefinitionByName("flash.desktop::NativeApplication");
var nativeApp:EventDispatcher = nativeAppClass["nativeApplication"] as EventDispatcher;
nativeApp.addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, onActivate, false, 0, true);
nativeApp.addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, onDeactivate, false, 0, true);
var appDescriptor:XML = nativeApp["applicationDescriptor"];
var ns:Namespace = appDescriptor.namespace();
var ds:String = appDescriptor.ns::initialWindow.ns::depthAndStencil.toString().toLowerCase();
sSupportsDepthAndStencil = (ds == "true");
sAIR = true;
catch (e:Error)
sAIR = false;
private static function onActivate(event:Object):void
sApplicationActive = true;
for each (var call:Array in sWaitingCalls)
try { call[0].apply(null, call[1]); }
catch (e:Error)
trace("[Starling] Error in 'executeWhenApplicationIsActive' call:", e.message);
sWaitingCalls = [];
private static function onDeactivate(event:Object):void
sApplicationActive = false;
/** Executes the given function with its arguments the next time the application is active.
* (If it <em>is</em> active already, the call will be executed right away.) */
public static function executeWhenApplicationIsActive(call:Function, ...args):void
if (sApplicationActive) call.apply(null, args);
else sWaitingCalls.push([call, args]);
/** Indicates if the application is currently active. On Desktop, this means that it has
* the focus; on mobile, that it is in the foreground. In the Flash Plugin, always
* returns true. */
public static function get isApplicationActive():Boolean
return sApplicationActive;
/** Indicates if the code is executed in an Adobe AIR runtime (true)
* or Flash plugin/projector (false). */
public static function get isAIR():Boolean
return sAIR;
/** Indicates if the code is executed on a Desktop computer with Windows, OS X or Linux
* operating system. If the method returns 'false', it's probably a mobile device
* or a Smart TV. */
public static function get isDesktop():Boolean
return sDesktop;
/** Returns the three-letter platform string of the current system. These are
* the most common platforms: <code>WIN, MAC, LNX, IOS, AND, QNX</code>. Except for the
* last one, which indicates "Blackberry", all should be self-explanatory. */
public static function get platform():String
return sPlatform;
/** Returns the Flash Player/AIR version string. The format of the version number is:
* <em>majorVersion,minorVersion,buildNumber,internalBuildNumber</em>. */
public static function get version():String
return sVersion;
/** Returns the value of the 'initialWindow.depthAndStencil' node of the application
* descriptor, if this in an AIR app; otherwise always <code>true</code>. */
public static function get supportsDepthAndStencil():Boolean
return sSupportsDepthAndStencil;
/** Indicates if Context3D supports video textures. At the time of this writing,
* video textures are only supported on Windows, OS X and iOS, and only in AIR
* applications (not the Flash Player). */
public static function get supportsVideoTexture():Boolean
return Context3D["supportsVideoTexture"];
/** Updates the list of embedded fonts. To be called when a font is loaded at runtime. */
public static function updateEmbeddedFonts():void
sEmbeddedFonts = null; // will be updated in 'isEmbeddedFont()'
/** Figures out if an embedded font with the specified style is available.
* The fonts are enumerated only once; if you load a font at runtime, be sure to call
* 'updateEmbeddedFonts' before calling this method.
* @param fontName the name of the font
* @param bold indicates if the font has a bold style
* @param italic indicates if the font has an italic style
* @param fontType the type of the font (one of the constants defined in the FontType class)
public static function isEmbeddedFont(fontName:String, bold:Boolean=false, italic:Boolean=false,
if (sEmbeddedFonts == null)
sEmbeddedFonts = Font.enumerateFonts(false);
for each (var font:Font in sEmbeddedFonts)
var style:String = font.fontStyle;
var isBold:Boolean = style == FontStyle.BOLD || style == FontStyle.BOLD_ITALIC;
var isItalic:Boolean = style == FontStyle.ITALIC || style == FontStyle.BOLD_ITALIC;
if (fontName == font.fontName && bold == isBold && italic == isItalic &&
fontType == font.fontType)
return true;
return false;