Remove shameful commented-out code — not even in the right language !
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 0 additions and 153 deletions
@ -60,54 +60,6 @@ function Hanafuda(modules) {
Pine0: 0, Pine1: 1, PinePoetry: 2, Crane: 3,
Plum0: 4, Plum1: 5, PlumPoetry: 6, BushWarbler: 7,
Cherry0: 8, Cherry1: 9, CherryPoetry: 10, CampCurtain: 11,
Wisteria0: 12, Wisteria1: 13, WisteriaRed: 14, Cuckoo: 15,
Iris0: 16, Iris1: 17, IrisRed: 18, EightPlankBridge: 19,
Peony0: 20, Peony1: 21, PeonyBlue: 22, Butterflies: 23,
BushClover0: 24, BushClover1: 25, BushCloverRed: 26, Boar: 27,
SusukiGrass0: 28, SusukiGrass1: 29, Geese: 30, FullMoon: 31,
Chrysanthemum0: 32, Chrysanthemum1: 33, ChrysanthemumBlue: 34, SakeCup: 35,
Maple0: 36, Maple1: 37, MapleBlue: 38, Deer: 39,
Lightning: 40, WillowRed: 41, Swallow: 42, RainMan: 43,
Paulownia0: 44, Paulownia1: 45, Sand: 46, Phoenix: 47
var kasu = Object.freeze(
Array.apply(null, Array(10)).reduce(
function(t, _, i) {return t.concat(4*i, 4*i + 1);}, []
["Lightning", "Paulownia0", "Paulownia1", "Sand"].map(
).reduce(setKey, {})
var tan = Object.freeze(
["Pine", "Plum", "Cherry"].map(function(name) {return name+"Poetry";}).concat(
["Wisteria", "Iris", "BushClover"].map(function(name) {return name+"Red";}),
["Peony", "Chrysanthemum", "Maple"].map(function(name) {return name+"Blue";})
.reduce(setKey, {})
var tane = Object.freeze(
"BushWarbler", "Cuckoo", "EightPlankBridge", "Butterflies",
"Boar", "Geese", "SakeCup", "Deer", "Swallow"
.reduce(setKey, {})
var light = Object.freeze(
["Crane", "CampCurtain", "FullMoon", "RainMan", "Phoenix"]
.reduce(setKey, {})
return {
return {
Flower: Flower,
Flower: Flower,
Family: Family,
Family: Family,
@ -126,109 +78,4 @@ function Hanafuda(modules) {
return - first;
return - first;
data Flower =
| Plum
| Cherry
| Wisteria
| Iris
| Peony
| BushClover
| SusukiGrass
| Chrysanthemum
| Maple
| Willow
| Paulownia
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show)
data Card =
Pine0 | Pine1 | PinePoetry | Crane
| Plum0 | Plum1 | PlumPoetry | BushWarbler
| Cherry0 | Cherry1 | CherryPoetry | CampCurtain
| Wisteria0 | Wisteria1 | WisteriaRed | Cuckoo
| Iris0 | Iris1 | IrisRed | EightPlankBridge
| Peony0 | Peony1 | PeonyBlue | Butterflies
| BushClover0 | BushClover1 | BushCloverRed | Boar
| SusukiGrass0 | SusukiGrass1 | Geese | FullMoon
| Chrysanthemum0 | Chrysanthemum1 | ChrysanthemumBlue | SakeCup
| Maple0 | Maple1 | MapleBlue | Deer
| Lightning | WillowRed | Swallow | RainMan
| Paulownia0 | Paulownia1 | Sand | Phoenix
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show)
flower :: Card -> Flower
flower = toEnum . (`div` 4) . fromEnum
type Monthly a = Reader Flower a
newtype Pack = Pack { unpack :: Word64 } deriving (Eq)
empty :: Pack
empty = Pack 0
packOfCards :: [Card] -> Pack
packOfCards = foldl add empty
smallest :: Pack -> Card
smallest = toEnum . countTrailingZeros . unpack
cardsOfPack :: Pack -> [Card]
cardsOfPack (Pack 0) = []
cardsOfPack p =
let c = smallest p in
c : cardsOfPack (remove p c)
instance Show Pack where
show = ("packOfCards " ++) . show . cardsOfPack
portEnum :: Enum e => (Word64 -> Int -> b) -> Pack -> e -> b
portEnum f (Pack p) = f p . fromEnum
contains :: Pack -> Card -> Bool
contains = portEnum testBit
size :: Pack -> Int
size (Pack p) = popCount p
add :: Pack -> Card -> Pack
add p = Pack . portEnum setBit p
remove :: Pack -> Card -> Pack
remove p = Pack . portEnum clearBit p
portBinary :: (Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64) -> Pack -> Pack -> Pack
portBinary operator (Pack a) (Pack b) = Pack $ operator a b
intersection :: Pack -> Pack -> Pack
intersection = portBinary (.&.)
difference :: Pack -> Pack -> Pack
difference = portBinary (\a b -> a `xor` (a .&. b))
sameMonth :: Card -> Pack
sameMonth card = Pack $ 0xf `shift` (fromEnum card .&. 0xfc)
cards :: [Card]
cards = [Pine0 .. Phoenix]
shuffle :: [a] -> IO [a]
shuffle l =
aux (length l) l
aux _ [] = return []
aux n (h:t) = do
cut <- randomRIO (0, n-1)
shuffled <- shuffle t
let (top, bottom) = splitAt cut shuffled
return $ top ++ h : bottom
match :: Card -> Pack -> Either String (Pack, [Card])
match card pack =
let sameMonthCards = sameMonth card `intersection` pack in
case size sameMonthCards of
0 -> Right (add pack card, [])
1 -> Right (difference pack sameMonthCards, card : cardsOfPack sameMonthCards)
_ -> Left "This card can match several others"
Add table
Reference in a new issue