Taking the existing flow from Main into a separate Automaton module
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 110 additions and 92 deletions
@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ source-repository head
executable hanafudapi
main-is: Main.hs
other-modules: Config
other-modules: Automaton
, Config
, Message
, Game
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Automaton (
) where
import Control.Monad.Reader (asks)
import qualified Player (Session(..), Status(..))
import qualified Server (logIn, logOut, setStatus)
import qualified Session (App, T(..), current, debug, get, server, try, update)
import qualified Message (FromClient(..), T(..), broadcast, get, relay, send, sendTo)
type Vertex = Player.Status
edges :: Vertex -> Message.FromClient -> Session.App Vertex
edges (Player.LoggedIn False) logIn@(Message.LogIn login) =
asks Session.key >>= Session.try . (Server.logIn login)
>>= maybe
(Message.relay logIn Message.broadcast >> return (Player.LoggedIn True))
(withError $ Player.LoggedIn False)
edges (Player.LoggedIn True) logOut@Message.LogOut = do
Message.relay logOut Message.broadcast
asks Session.key >>= Session.update . Server.logOut
return (Player.LoggedIn False)
edges (Player.LoggedIn True) invitation@(Message.Invitation {Message.to}) = do
session <- Session.get to
case Player.status session of
Player.LoggedIn True -> do
key <- asks Session.key
Session.update (Server.setStatus (Player.Answering key) to)
(Message.relay invitation $ Message.sendTo (to, session))
return (Player.Waiting to)
_ -> Player.LoggedIn True `withError` "They just left"
edges (Player.Answering to) message@(Message.Answer {Message.accept}) = do
session <- Session.get to
key <- asks Session.key
case Player.status session of
Player.Waiting for | for == key -> do
Message.relay message $ Message.sendTo (to, session)
if accept
then Session.debug "Yeah ! Let's start a game" >> return (Player.LoggedIn True)
else Session.debug "Oh, they said no" >> return (Player.LoggedIn True)
_ -> (Player.LoggedIn True) `withError` "They're not waiting for your answer"
edges state _ =
state `withError` ("Invalid message in state " ++ show state)
withError :: Vertex -> String -> Session.App Vertex
withError vertex message =
(Message.send $ Message.Error message) >> return vertex
run :: Session.App ()
run = do
message <- Message.get
status <- Player.status <$> Session.current
newStatus <- edges status message
Server.setStatus newStatus <$> asks Session.key >>= Session.update
Session.debug $ show newStatus
start :: Session.App ()
start = do
Session.debug "Initial state"
Message.Welcome <$> Session.server <*> asks Session.key >>= Message.send
@ -4,87 +4,39 @@ module Main where
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (badRequest400)
import Network.WebSockets (defaultConnectionOptions)
import Network.WebSockets (ServerApp, acceptRequest, defaultConnectionOptions)
import Network.Wai.Handler.WebSockets (websocketsOr)
import Network.Wai (responseLBS)
import Control.Monad.Reader (asks)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT(..), asks)
import Control.Concurrent (newMVar, modifyMVar)
import Control.Exception (finally)
import qualified Config (listenPort)
import qualified Player (Session(..), Status(..))
import qualified Server (logIn, logOut, disconnect, setStatus)
import qualified Session (App, T(..), current, debug, get, serve, server, try, update)
import qualified Message (FromClient(..), T(..), broadcast, receive, relay, send, sendTo)
import qualified Player (openSession)
import qualified Server (disconnect, join, new)
import qualified Session (App, T(..), update)
import qualified Message (FromClient(..), broadcast, relay)
import qualified Automaton (start)
type Vertex = Session.App ()
type Edges = Message.FromClient -> Vertex
newVertex :: String -> Edges -> Vertex
newVertex name = do
(Session.debug name >> catchPings >>=)
catchPings = Message.receive >>= pong
pong Message.Ping = (Message.send Message.Pong >> catchPings)
pong m = return m
enter :: Vertex
enter = do
Session.debug "Initial state"
Message.Welcome <$> Session.server <*> asks Session.key >>= Message.send
onErrorGoto :: Vertex -> String -> Session.App ()
onErrorGoto vertex message =
(Message.send $ Message.Error message) >> vertex
connected :: Vertex
connected = newVertex "Connected" edges
edges logIn@(Message.LogIn login) =
asks Session.key >>= Session.try . (Server.logIn login)
>>= maybe
(Message.relay logIn Message.broadcast >> loggedIn)
(onErrorGoto connected)
edges _ = Session.debug "Invalid message" >> connected
loggedIn :: Vertex
loggedIn = newVertex "Logged in" edges
edges logOut@Message.LogOut = do
Message.relay logOut Message.broadcast
asks Session.key >>= Session.update . Server.logOut
edges invitation@(Message.Invitation {Message.to}) = do
session <- Session.get to
case Player.status session of
Player.LoggedIn True -> do
key <- asks Session.key
Session.update (Server.setStatus (Player.Waiting to) key)
Session.update (Server.setStatus (Player.Answering key) to)
(Message.relay invitation $ Message.sendTo (to, session))
_ -> onErrorGoto loggedIn "They just left"
edges (Message.Answer {Message.accept}) = do
current <- Session.current
case Player.status current of
Player.Answering to -> do
session <- Session.get to
key <- asks Session.key
case Player.status session of
Player.Waiting for | for == key ->
if accept
then Session.debug "Yeah ! Let's start a game" >> loggedIn
else Session.debug "Oh they said no" >> loggedIn
_ -> onErrorGoto loggedIn "They're not waiting for your answer"
_ -> onErrorGoto loggedIn "You haven't been invited yet"
edges _ = loggedIn
exit :: Vertex
exit :: Session.App ()
exit = do
asks Session.key >>= Session.update . Server.disconnect
Message.relay Message.LogOut Message.broadcast
serverApp :: Session.App () -> Session.App () -> IO ServerApp
serverApp onEnter onExit = do
mServer <- newMVar Server.new
return $ \pending -> do
key <- acceptRequest pending
>>= return . Player.openSession
>>= modifyMVar mServer . Server.join
let session = Session.T {Session.mServer, Session.key}
(runReaderT onEnter session)
(runReaderT onExit session)
main :: IO ()
main = do
app <- Session.serve enter exit
app <- serverApp Automaton.start exit
run Config.listenPort $ websocketsOr defaultConnectionOptions app blockNonWS
blockNonWS _ = ( $ responseLBS badRequest400 [] "Use a websocket")
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Message (
, T(..)
, broadcast
, get
, receive
, relay
, send
@ -77,3 +78,10 @@ receive = do
case eitherDecode' received of
Left errorMessage -> send (Message.Error errorMessage) >> receive
Right clientMessage -> return clientMessage
get :: Session.App Message.FromClient
get =
receive >>= pong
pong Ping = send Pong >> get
pong m = return m
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ data Status =
LoggedIn Bool
| Answering Key
| Waiting Key
deriving (Generic)
deriving (Show, Generic)
data Session = Session {
connection :: Connection
@ -6,19 +6,17 @@ module Session (
, debug
, get
, current
, serve
, server
, try
, update
) where
import Data.Map ((!))
import Control.Concurrent (MVar, newMVar, modifyMVar, putMVar, readMVar, takeMVar)
import Control.Exception (finally)
import Control.Concurrent (MVar, modifyMVar_, putMVar, readMVar, takeMVar)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT(..), ask, asks, lift)
import Network.WebSockets (Connection, ServerApp, acceptRequest)
import qualified Player (Key, Session(..), openSession)
import qualified Server (T(..), join, new)
import Network.WebSockets (Connection)
import qualified Player (Key, Session(..))
import qualified Server (T(..))
data T = T {
mServer :: MVar Server.T
@ -54,17 +52,8 @@ try f = do
Left message -> putMVar mServer currentValue >> return (Just message)
Right updated -> putMVar mServer updated >> return Nothing
{- Not using the previous to minimize the duration mServer gets locked -}
update :: (Server.T -> Server.T) -> App ()
update f = try (Right . f) >> return ()
serve :: App () -> App () -> IO ServerApp
serve onEnter onExit = do
mServer <- newMVar Server.new
return $ \pending -> do
key <- acceptRequest pending
>>= return . Player.openSession
>>= modifyMVar mServer . Server.join
(runReaderT onEnter $ T {mServer, key})
(runReaderT onExit $ T {mServer, key})
update f = do
T {mServer} <- ask
lift $ modifyMVar_ mServer (return . f)
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