Adapt Game module to changes in protocol handling gameID with a shared GameState between public and private parts
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 35 additions and 19 deletions
@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ import Hanafuda.KoiKoi (Game, Mode(..), Player, PlayerID, Players)
import qualified Hanafuda.KoiKoi as KoiKoi (
Action, Game(..), Move(..), play, new
import Hanafuda.Message (PrivateState(..), PublicGame(..), PublicPlayer(..), PublicState(..))
import Hanafuda.Message (
GameState(..), PrivateState(..), PublicGame(..), PublicPlayer(..)
, PublicState(..)
import qualified Hanafuda.Player as Player (Player(..), Players(..), get)
import Keys (T(..))
import qualified Keys (public, secret)
@ -35,9 +38,16 @@ exportPlayers game =
let (Player.Players players) = KoiKoi.players game in
privateState :: Game -> PrivateState
privateState game = PrivateState {
hands = Player.hand <$> players
getGameState :: Game -> GameState
getGameState game = GameState {
gameID = KoiKoi.gameID game
, turns = 24 - length (KoiKoi.deck game)
privateState :: GameState -> Game -> PrivateState
privateState link game = PrivateState {
, hands = Player.hand <$> players
, deck = KoiKoi.deck game
@ -59,9 +69,10 @@ privatePlayer publicPlayers playerID hand = Player.Player {
, Player.yakus = yakus (publicPlayers ! playerID)
publicState :: Game -> PublicState
publicState game = PublicState {
mode = KoiKoi.mode game
publicState :: GameState -> Game -> PublicState
publicState gameState game = PublicState {
, mode = KoiKoi.mode game
, scores = KoiKoi.scores game
, month = KoiKoi.month game
, nextPlayer = KoiKoi.nextPlayer game
@ -72,7 +83,6 @@ publicState game = PublicState {
, river = KoiKoi.river game
, step = KoiKoi.step game
, trick = KoiKoi.trick game
, turns = 24 - length (KoiKoi.deck game)
, rounds = KoiKoi.rounds game
@ -88,15 +98,17 @@ exportGame playerID game = do
, publicSignature = signDetached (Keys.secret sign) $ toJSON public
public = publicState game
private = privateState game
sharedState = getGameState game
public = publicState sharedState game
private = privateState sharedState game
toJSON :: ToJSON a => a -> ByteString
toJSON = toStrict . encode
gameOf :: PublicState -> PrivateState -> Game
gameOf public private = KoiKoi.Game {
KoiKoi.mode = mode public
merge :: PublicState -> PrivateState -> Game
merge public private = KoiKoi.Game {
KoiKoi.gameID = gameID $ gameState public
, KoiKoi.mode = mode public
, KoiKoi.scores = scores public
, KoiKoi.month = month public
, KoiKoi.nextPlayer = nextPlayer public
@ -113,18 +125,22 @@ gameOf public private = KoiKoi.Game {
importGame :: PublicGame -> App.T (Either String Game)
importGame PublicGame {nonce, private, public, publicSignature} = do
Keys.T {encrypt, sign} <- App.get Server.keys
if signVerifyDetached (Keys.public sign) publicSignature $ toJSON public
then return $ do
importGame PublicGame {nonce, private, public, publicSignature} =
App.get Server.keys >>= \(Keys.T {encrypt, sign}) -> return $ do
check (signVerifyDetached (Keys.public sign) publicSignature (toJSON public))
`orDie` "The game state has been tampered with"
n <- Saltine.decode nonce `orDie` "Could not decode nonce"
decrypted <- secretboxOpen encrypt n private
`orDie` "Could not decrypt private state"
gameOf public <$> eitherDecode' (fromStrict decrypted)
else return $ Left "The game state has been tampered with"
decoded <- eitherDecode' (fromStrict decrypted)
check (link decoded == gameState public)
`orDie` "Private and public parts do not match"
return $ merge public decoded
orDie :: Maybe a -> String -> Either String a
orDie m errorMessage = maybe (Left errorMessage) Right m
check :: Bool -> Maybe ()
check test = if test then Just () else Nothing
play :: PlayerID -> KoiKoi.Move -> PublicGame -> App.T (Either String (Game, [KoiKoi.Action]))
play playerID move publicGame
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