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{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Automaton (
) where
import Control.Monad.Reader (asks, lift)
import qualified Data (RW(..))
import qualified Game (new, play)
import qualified Hanafuda.KoiKoi as KoiKoi (Game(..))
import qualified Session (Status(..), T(..), Update)
import qualified Server (get, logIn, logOut, update, register)
import qualified App (Context(..), T, current, debug, get, server, try, update, update_)
import qualified Message (FromClient(..), T(..), broadcast, get, notifyPlayers, relay, send, sendTo, update)
type Vertex = Session.Status
edges :: Vertex -> Message.FromClient -> App.T Vertex
edges (Session.LoggedIn False) logIn@(Message.LogIn login) =
asks App.key >>= App.try . (Server.logIn login)
>>= maybe
(Message.relay logIn Message.broadcast >> return (Session.LoggedIn True))
(withError $ Session.LoggedIn False)
edges (Session.LoggedIn True) logOut@Message.LogOut = do
Message.relay logOut Message.broadcast
asks App.key >>= App.update_ . Server.logOut
return (Session.LoggedIn False)
edges (Session.LoggedIn True) invitation@(Message.Invitation {}) = do
session <- App.get to
case Session.status session of
Session.LoggedIn True -> do
key <- asks App.key
App.update_ (Server.update to (Data.set $ Session.Answering key :: Session.Update))
Message.broadcast $ Message.update {Message.paired = [key, to]}
(Message.relay invitation $ Message.sendTo [to])
return (Session.Waiting to)
_ -> Session.LoggedIn True `withError` "They just left"
edges (Session.Answering to) message@(Message.Answer {Message.accept}) = do
session <- App.get to
key <- asks App.key
case Session.status session of
Session.Waiting for | for == key -> do
Message.relay message $ Message.sendTo [to]
newStatus <-
if accept
then do
gameKey <- Server.register <$> (lift $ for to) >>= App.update
game <- Server.get gameKey <$> App.server
Message.notifyPlayers game
return $ Session.Playing gameKey
else do
Message.broadcast $ Message.update {Message.alone = [key, to]}
return $ Session.LoggedIn True
App.update_ $ Server.update to (Data.set newStatus :: Session.Update)
return newStatus
_ -> (Session.LoggedIn True) `withError` "They're not waiting for your answer"
edges status@(Session.Playing gameKey) (Message.Play {Message.move}) = do
key <- asks App.key
game <- Server.get gameKey <$> App.server
newGame <- lift $ key move game
case newGame of
KoiKoi.Error s -> status `withError` s
KoiKoi.Over _ -> undefined
2018-07-15 17:57:40 +02:00
KoiKoi.On on -> do
App.update_ $ Server.update gameKey (const on)
Message.notifyPlayers on
return status
edges state _ =
state `withError` ("Invalid message in state " ++ show state)
withError :: Vertex -> String -> App.T Vertex
withError vertex message =
(Message.send $ Message.Error message) >> return vertex
run :: App.T ()
run = do
message <- Message.get
status <- Session.status <$> App.current
newStatus <- edges status message
key <- asks App.key
App.update_ $ Server.update key $ (Data.set newStatus :: Session.Update)
App.debug $ show newStatus
start :: App.T ()
start = do
App.debug "Initial state"
Message.Welcome <$> App.server <*> asks App.key >>= Message.send