Take player turns out of the Player data structure
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 25 additions and 30 deletions
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Hanafuda.KoiKoi (
, Move(..)
, Player
, PlayerID
, PlayerTurn
, Players
, Score
, Scores
@ -20,12 +21,13 @@ module Hanafuda.KoiKoi (
, play
) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map (fromList)
import Hanafuda (Card(..), Flower(Pine), contains, flower, match, remove)
import qualified Hanafuda.Player as Player (players, random, scores)
import Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Yaku (Yaku(..), Score)
import Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Game (
Action(..), Environment, Game(..), GameID, Mode(..), Move(..), Player
, PlayerID, Players, Scores, Source(..), Step(..)
, PlayerID, PlayerTurn, Players, Scores, Source(..), Step(..)
import qualified Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Round as Round (deal, next)
import qualified Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Turn as Turn (catch, end, next)
@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ new (playerA, playerB) mode = do
, scores = Player.scores players [0, 0]
, month = Pine
, players
, nextPlayer
, playing
, winning = playing
, oyake = playing
@ -70,3 +73,4 @@ new (playerA, playerB) mode = do
players = Player.players [playerA, playerB]
nextPlayer = Map.fromList $ [(playerA, playerB), (playerB, playerA)]
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Game (
, Move(..)
, Player
, PlayerID
, PlayerTurn
, Players
, Scores
, Source(..)
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ module Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Game (
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadWriter)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Hanafuda (Card, Flower, Pack)
import Hanafuda.ID (ID)
import qualified Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Yaku as KoiKoi (Score)
@ -43,11 +45,13 @@ type PlayerID = Player.ID KoiKoi.Score
type Players = Player.Players KoiKoi.Score
type Scores = Player.Scores KoiKoi.Score
type GameID = ID Game
type PlayerTurn = Map PlayerID PlayerID
data Game = Game {
mode :: Mode
, scores :: Scores
, month :: Flower
, nextPlayer :: PlayerTurn
, players :: Players
, playing :: PlayerID
, winning :: PlayerID
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Round (
import Hanafuda (Flower(Paulownia), cards, shuffle, packOfCards)
import Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Yaku (sumYakus)
import Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Game (Game(..), Mode(..), Step(..), end)
import qualified Hanafuda.Player as Player (deal, get, next, score, yakus)
import qualified Hanafuda.Player as Player (deal, get, score, yakus)
import Data.Map ((!), insert)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.State (runState, state)
@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ deal game@(Game {players}) = do
getTriple = (,,) <$> take8 <*> take8 <*> take8
next :: MonadIO m => Game -> m Game
next game@(Game {mode, scores, month, players, oyake, winning, rounds}) =
next game@(Game {mode, scores, month, players, nextPlayer, oyake, winning, rounds}) =
case mode of
FirstAt n | n <= newScore -> end scored
FirstAt _ -> continue
WholeYear | month == Paulownia -> end scored
WholeYear -> continue
playing = Player.next players oyake
playing = nextPlayer ! oyake
winner = Player.get winning players
newScore = (scores ! winning) + Player.score sumYakus winner
scored = game {scores = insert winning newScore scores, rounds = (winning, Player.yakus winner): rounds}
@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ module Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Turn (
, popNextCard
) where
import Data.Map ((!))
import Hanafuda (Card, Pack, empty, match)
import Hanafuda.Player (Player(..), plays)
import qualified Hanafuda.Player as Player (get, next)
import qualified Hanafuda.Player as Player (get)
import Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Yaku (meldInto)
import Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Game (Action(..), Environment, Game(..), Source(..), Step(..), setPlayer)
import qualified Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Round as Round (next)
@ -56,8 +57,8 @@ end game@(Game {month, trick, playing, players}) card (river, newCaptured) = do
updatedPlayer = player {meld = newMeld, yakus = scored `mappend` (yakus player)}
next :: MonadIO m => Game -> m Game
next game@(Game {players, playing}) =
let newPlaying = Player.next players playing in
next game@(Game {players, nextPlayer, playing}) =
let newPlaying = nextPlayer ! playing in
if hand (Player.get newPlaying players) == empty
then Round.next $ game
else return $ game {playing = newPlaying, step = ToPlay}
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ module Hanafuda.Player where
import Hanafuda (Card, Pack, contains, packOfCards, remove)
import qualified Hanafuda.ID as Hanafuda (ID)
import Data.Map ((!), Map, adjust, elemAt, empty, findMin, fromList, insert, keys, singleton, size)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (filter)
import Data.Map ((!), Map, elemAt, insert, keys, size)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (fromList, toList)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError(..))
import System.Random (Random(..))
@ -14,31 +14,19 @@ type ID yakus = Hanafuda.ID (Player yakus)
data Player yakus = Player {
hand :: Pack
, meld :: Pack
, nextPlayer :: ID yakus
, yakus :: yakus
} deriving (Show)
newtype Players yakus = Players (Map (ID yakus) (Player yakus)) deriving (Show)
new :: Monoid yakus => (ID yakus) -> Player yakus
new nextPlayer = Player {
new :: Monoid yakus => Player yakus
new = Player {
hand = packOfCards []
, meld = packOfCards []
, nextPlayer
, yakus = mempty
players :: Monoid yakus => [ID yakus] -> Players yakus
players [] = Players empty
players [player] = Players $ singleton player $ new player
players (alice:others@(bob:_)) =
let Players playersByID = players others in
let (before, _) = findMin $ Map.filter ((== bob) . nextPlayer) playersByID in
Players $ insert alice (new bob) $ adjust (setNextPlayer alice) before playersByID
setNextPlayer nextPlayer player = player {nextPlayer}
next :: Players yakus -> (ID yakus) -> (ID yakus)
next (Players playersByID) = nextPlayer . (playersByID !)
players = Players . Map.fromList . fmap (\playerID -> (playerID, new))
random :: MonadIO m => Players yakus -> m (ID yakus)
random (Players playersByID) =
@ -54,12 +42,10 @@ set playerID player (Players playersByID) = Players $ insert playerID player pla
deal :: Monoid yakus => Players yakus -> [[Card]] -> Players yakus
deal (Players playersByID) hands =
Players $ snd $ foldl dealTo (fst $ findMin playersByID, playersByID) hands
Players . Map.fromList . zipWith setHand hands $ Map.toList playersByID
setHand cards (Player {nextPlayer}) =
(new nextPlayer) {hand = packOfCards cards}
dealTo (playerID, m) hand =
(nextPlayer $ m ! playerID, adjust (setHand hand) playerID m)
setHand cards (playerID, player) =
(playerID, player {hand = packOfCards cards})
plays :: MonadError String m => Player yakus -> Card -> m (Player yakus)
plays player@(Player {hand}) card =
@ -74,4 +60,4 @@ score :: (yakus -> Points) -> Player yakus -> Points
score rater = rater . yakus
scores :: Players yakus -> [Points] -> Scores yakus
scores (Players playersByKey) = fromList . zip (keys playersByKey)
scores (Players playersByKey) = Map.fromList . zip (keys playersByKey)
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