Restructure project to expose only what's needed to play KoiKoi and hide

all the inner logic in that module
This commit is contained in:
Sasha 2018-03-15 22:32:24 +01:00
parent d596a220b5
commit b63c06a317
9 changed files with 213 additions and 187 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# Revision history for hanafuda # Revision history for hanafuda
## -- 2018-03-16
* Restructured the project to expose only the cards, a parametric type for players, and a module to play KoiKoi
## -- 2018-03-03 ## -- 2018-03-03
* Game automaton, packaged with cabal * Game automaton, packaged with cabal

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@ -2,9 +2,17 @@
-- documentation, see -- documentation, see
name: hanafuda name: hanafuda
version: version:
synopsis: A game of Hanafuda (a family of japanese card games) synopsis: A game of Hanafuda (a family of japanese card games)
-- description: description: This is a library to represent the cards and the players
of games in this family. It also implements one such game
named KoiKoi as an example of its possibilities.
The Hanafuda.KoiKoi module in itself provides a
representation of the game's state, and exposes the
constructors you need to interact with it : initializing a
new game and playing moves. Its approach is move-by-move :
a game's state is computed from the previous state and a
homepage: homepage:
license: BSD3 license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE license-file: LICENSE
@ -15,12 +23,16 @@ category: Game
build-type: Simple build-type: Simple
extra-source-files: extra-source-files:
cabal-version: >=1.10 cabal-version: >=1.10
source-repository head
type: git
library library
exposed-modules: Hanafuda exposed-modules: Hanafuda
, Hanafuda.KoiKoi , Hanafuda.KoiKoi
, Hanafuda.Player , Hanafuda.Player
other-modules: Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Round other-modules: Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Game
, Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Round
, Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Turn , Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Turn
, Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Yaku , Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Yaku
-- other-modules: -- other-modules:

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Hanafuda (
, add , add
, cards , cards
, contains , contains
, empty
, flower , flower
, intersection , intersection
, match , match

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@ -1,63 +1,53 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Hanafuda.KoiKoi ( module Hanafuda.KoiKoi (
new Card(..)
, play , Game(..)
, Card(..)
, Mode(..) , Mode(..)
, Move(..) , Move(..)
, On , On(..)
, Over(..) , Over(..)
, new
, play
) where ) where
import Prelude hiding (round) import Hanafuda (Card(..), Flower(Pine), contains, flower, match, remove)
import Hanafuda (Flower(Paulownia), Card(..)) import qualified Hanafuda.Player as Player (deal)
import Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Round (Round(..), flower, next, score, winner) import Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Game (Game(..), Mode(..), Move(..), On(..), Over(..), Step(..), raise)
import qualified Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Round as Round (On(..), Over(..), new, play) import qualified Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Round as Round (deal, next)
import Hanafuda.Player (Move(..), Player(Player1), Scores, deal) import qualified Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Turn as Turn (catch, end, next)
import Data.Map (insert, (!)) import System.Random (randomIO)
import System.Random (StdGen)
data Mode = FirstAt Int | WholeYear deriving (Show) play :: Move -> On -> IO Game
play move on@(On_ {river, step, trick}) =
data On = On { case (step, move) of
mode :: Mode (ToPlay, Play card) ->
, round :: Round.On either raise (Turn.catch on card) $ match card river
, scores :: Scores (ToPlay, Capture (card, caught)) ->
} deriving (Show) if card `canCatch` caught
data Over = Over { then Turn.catch on card (remove river caught, [card, caught])
finalScores :: Scores else raise "You can't choose that card"
} deriving (Show) (Turned card, Choose caught) ->
if card `canCatch` caught
newtype Game = Game (Either Over On) deriving (Show) then Turn.end on (remove river caught, [card, caught])
else raise "You can't choose that card"
go :: On -> IO Game (Scored, KoiKoi keepOn) -> (if keepOn then else on
go = return . Game . Right (_, _) -> raise "You can't play this move in that state"
canCatch card1 card2 = flower card1 == flower card2 && river `contains` card2
new :: Mode -> IO On new :: Mode -> IO On
new mode = do new mode = do
round <- Player1 playing <- randomIO
return $ On {mode , round , scores = deal [0, 0]} $ On_ {
consolidate :: On -> Player -> Int -> IO Game , scores = [0, 0]
consolidate on@(On {mode, round, scores}) winner score = , month = Pine
case mode of , players = undefined
FirstAt n | n <= newScore -> stop , playing
FirstAt n -> continue , winning = playing
WholeYear | flower round == Paulownia -> stop , oyake = playing
WholeYear -> continue , stock = undefined
where , river = undefined
newScore = scores ! winner + score , step = ToPlay
newScores = insert winner newScore scores , trick = []
stop = return . Game . Left $ Over {finalScores = newScores} }
continue = do
nextMonth <- next round
go $ on {scores = newScores, round = nextMonth}
play :: On -> Move -> IO (Either String Game)
play on@(On {mode, round}) move =
either (return . Left) (fmap Right) . fmap after $ round move
after (Round (Left (Round.Over {winner, score}))) = consolidate on winner score
after (Round (Right newMonth)) = go $ on {round = newMonth}

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Game (
, Mode(..)
, Move(..)
, On(..)
, Over(..)
, Step(..)
, end
, raise
, setPlayer
, stop
) where
import Hanafuda (Card, Flower, Pack)
import Hanafuda.Player (Players, Player, Scores, Seat)
import Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Yaku (Score)
import Data.Map (insert)
data Mode = FirstAt Int | WholeYear deriving (Show)
data Move = Play Card | Capture (Card, Card) | Choose Card | KoiKoi Bool
data Step = ToPlay | Turned Card | Scored deriving (Show)
data On = On_ {
mode :: Mode
, scores :: Scores
, month :: Flower
, players :: Players Score
, playing :: Seat
, winning :: Seat
, oyake :: Seat
, stock :: [Card]
, river :: Pack
, step :: Step
, trick :: [Card]
} deriving (Show)
data Over = Over_ {
finalScores :: Scores
} deriving (Show)
data Game = Error String | Over Over | On On deriving (Show)
setPlayer :: On -> Player Score -> On
setPlayer on@(On_ {players, playing}) player = on {players = insert playing player players}
end :: On -> IO Game
end (On_ {scores}) = return . Over $ Over_ {finalScores = scores}
stop :: On -> IO Game
stop = return . On
raise :: String -> IO Game
raise = return . Error

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@ -1,68 +1,43 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} module Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Round (
module Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Round where deal
, next
) where
import Hanafuda (Card, Flower(Pine), cards, shuffle, packOfCards) import Hanafuda (Flower(Paulownia), cards, shuffle, packOfCards)
import Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Yaku (Score, sumYakus) import Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Yaku (sumYakus)
import Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Turn (Turn(..)) import Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Game (Game, Mode(..), On(..), Step(..), end, stop)
import qualified Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Turn as Turn (Step(Over), new, play) import qualified Hanafuda.Player as Player (deal, next, new, score)
import Hanafuda.Player (Move, Player, Players, deal) import Data.Map ((!), insert)
import qualified Hanafuda.Player as Player (next, new, score)
import Data.Map ((!), empty, insert)
import Control.Monad.State (replicateM, runState, state) import Control.Monad.State (replicateM, runState, state)
data On = On { deal :: On -> IO On
flower :: Flower deal on = do
, players :: Players Score ([hand1, hand2, river], stock) <- fmap (runState (replicateM 3 take8)) $ shuffle cards
, turn :: Turn return on {
, playing :: Player players = fmap $ [hand1, hand2]
, lastScored :: Player
, oyake :: Player
, stock :: [Card]
} deriving (Show)
data Over = Over {
winner :: Player
, score :: Int
newtype Round = Round (Either Over On)
go :: On -> Round
go = Round . Right
new :: Player -> IO On
new playing = do
([hand1, hand2, river], next:stock) <- fmap (runState (replicateM 3 take8)) $ shuffle cards
let players = fmap $ deal [hand1, hand2]
return On {
flower = Pine
, players
, turn = (packOfCards river) (players ! playing) next
, playing
, lastScored = playing
, oyake = playing
, stock , stock
, river = packOfCards river
} }
where where
take8 = state $ splitAt 8 take8 = state $ splitAt 8
next :: On -> IO On next :: On -> IO Game
next (On {flower, oyake}) = do next on@(On_ {mode, scores, month, players, oyake, winning}) =
on <- new $ oyake case mode of
return $ on {flower = succ flower} FirstAt n | n <= newScore -> end scored
FirstAt n -> continue
play :: On -> Move -> Either String Round WholeYear | month == Paulownia -> end scored
play on@(On {flower, turn, playing, players, stock = next : moreStock}) move = WholeYear -> continue
fmap after $ turn move
where where
after (Turn {step = Turn.Over True, player}) = playing = oyake
Round . Left $ Over {winner = playing, score = Player.score sumYakus player} newScore = (scores ! winning) + Player.score sumYakus (players ! winning)
after (Turn {step = Turn.Over False, player, river}) = scored = on {scores = insert winning newScore scores}
let otherPlayer = playing in continue =
go $ on { deal (scored {
players = insert playing player players month = succ month
, playing = otherPlayer , playing
, turn = ( river (players ! otherPlayer) next) { month = flower } , winning = playing
, stock = moreStock , oyake = playing
} , step = ToPlay
after newTurn = go $ on {turn = newTurn} }) >>= stop

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@ -1,64 +1,48 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} module Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Turn (
module Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Turn where catch
, end
, next
, popNextCard
) where
import Hanafuda (Card, Pack, Flower(Pine), contains, flower, match, remove) import Hanafuda (Card, Pack, empty, match)
import Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Yaku (Score, meldInto) import Hanafuda.Player (Players, Player(..), plays)
import Hanafuda.Player (Move(..), State(..), plays) import qualified Hanafuda.Player as Player (next)
import Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Yaku (meldInto)
import Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Game (Game, On(..), Step(..), raise, setPlayer, stop)
import qualified Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Round as Round (next)
import Data.Map ((!))
import Control.Monad.Reader (runReader) import Control.Monad.Reader (runReader)
data Step = ToPlay | Turned Card | Scored | Over Bool deriving (Show) catch :: On -> Card -> (Pack, [Card]) -> IO Game
type Player = State Score catch on@(On_ {players, playing}) card (river, trick) =
either raise (popNextCard . setPlayer (on {river, trick})) played
data Turn = Turn {
river :: Pack
, month :: Flower
, player :: Player
, next :: Card
, step :: Step
, trick :: [Card]
} deriving (Show)
new :: Pack -> Player -> Card -> Turn
new river player next = Turn {
, month = Pine
, player
, next
, step = ToPlay
, trick = []
play :: Turn -> Move -> Either String Turn
play turn@(Turn {river, step, next, trick, player}) move =
case (step, move) of
(ToPlay, Play card) -> match card river >>= play card
(ToPlay, Capture (card, caught)) ->
if card `canCatch` caught
then play card (remove river caught, [card, caught])
else Left "You can't choose that card"
(Turned card, Choose caught) ->
if card `canCatch` caught
then end $ turn {river = remove river caught, trick = [card, caught] ++ trick}
else Left "You can't choose that card"
(Scored, KoiKoi win) -> Right $ turn {step = Over win}
(_, _) -> Left "You can't play this move in that state"
where where
canCatch card1 card2 = flower card1 == flower card2 && river `contains` card2 played = (players ! playing) `plays` card
play card (river, trick) = do
played <- player `plays` card
turnOver $ turn {river, trick, player = played}
turnOver :: Turn -> Either String Turn popNextCard :: On -> IO Game
turnOver turn@(Turn {river, next, trick}) = popNextCard on@(On_ {river, stock = next : others, trick}) =
let pop = on {stock = others} in
case match next river of case match next river of
Right (newRiver, newCaptured) -> end $ turn {river = newRiver, trick = trick ++ newCaptured} Right (newRiver, newCaptured) -> end pop (newRiver, newCaptured)
Left _ -> Right $ turn {step = Turned next} Left _ -> stop $ pop {step = Turned next}
end :: Turn -> Either String Turn end :: On -> (Pack, [Card]) -> IO Game
end turn@(Turn {month, trick, player}) = end on@(On_ {month, trick, playing, players}) (river, newCaptured) = do
let (scored, newMeld) = runReader (trick `meldInto` (meld player)) month in let updatedGame = setPlayer (on {river, trick = []}) updatedPlayer
let updatedPlayer = turn {player = player {meld = newMeld, yakus = scored `mappend` (yakus player)}} in if null scored
Right $ if null scored then next updatedGame
then updatedPlayer {step = Over False} else stop $ updatedGame {step = Scored, winning = playing}
else updatedPlayer {step = Scored} where
newTrick = newCaptured ++ trick
player = players ! playing
(scored, newMeld) = runReader (newTrick `meldInto` (meld player)) month
updatedPlayer = player {meld = newMeld, yakus = scored `mappend` (yakus player)}
next :: On -> IO Game
next on@(On_ {players, playing}) =
let newPlaying = playing in
if hand (players ! newPlaying) == empty
then $ on
else stop $ on {playing = newPlaying, step = ToPlay}

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
module Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Yaku where module Hanafuda.KoiKoi.Yaku where
import Hanafuda (Card(..), Monthly, Pack, add, contains, intersection, packOfCards, size) import Hanafuda (Card(..), Monthly, Pack, add, contains, intersection, packOfCards, size)
import qualified Data.Map as M (Map, empty, insert, union, unionWith, (!)) import qualified Data.Map as M (Map, empty, insert, null, union, unionWith, (!))
import qualified Data.Set as S (Set, empty, singleton, union) import qualified Data.Set as S (Set, empty, singleton, union)
import Control.Monad.Reader (reader) import Control.Monad.Reader (reader)
@ -91,4 +91,6 @@ meldInto cards pack = do
scored score (YakuFinder {yaku, rater}) = foldr (M.insert yaku) score $ rater newPack scored score (YakuFinder {yaku, rater}) = foldr (M.insert yaku) score $ rater newPack
sumYakus :: Score -> Points sumYakus :: Score -> Points
sumYakus = foldl (+) 0 sumYakus s
| null s = 6
| otherwise = foldl (+) 0 s

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@ -1,47 +1,52 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Hanafuda.Player where module Hanafuda.Player where
import Data.Map (Map, empty, fromList)
import Hanafuda (Card, Pack, contains, packOfCards, remove) import Hanafuda (Card, Pack, contains, packOfCards, remove)
import Data.Map (Map, fromList)
import System.Random (Random(..))
data Player = data Seat =
Player1 Player1
| Player2 | Player2
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum)
next :: Player -> Player instance Random Seat where
randomR (lo, hi) g =
let (n, g') = randomR (fromEnum lo, fromEnum hi) g in
(toEnum n, g')
random = randomR (Player1, Player2)
next :: Seat -> Seat
next Player1 = Player2 next Player1 = Player2
next _ = Player1 next _ = Player1
data State a = State { data Player a = Player {
hand :: Pack hand :: Pack
, meld :: Pack , meld :: Pack
, yakus :: a , yakus :: a
} deriving (Show) } deriving (Show)
type Players a = Map Player (State a) type Players a = Map Seat (Player a)
deal :: [a] -> Map Player a deal :: [a] -> Map Seat a
deal = fromList . zip [Player1, Player2] deal = fromList . zip [Player1, Player2]
new :: Monoid a => [Card] -> State a new :: Monoid a => [Card] -> Player a
new cards = State { new cards = Player {
hand = packOfCards cards hand = packOfCards cards
, meld = packOfCards [] , meld = packOfCards []
, yakus = mempty , yakus = mempty
} }
plays :: State a -> Card -> Either String (State a) plays :: Player a -> Card -> Either String (Player a)
plays player@(State {hand}) card = plays player@(Player {hand}) card =
if hand `contains` card if hand `contains` card
then Right $ player {hand = remove hand card} then Right $ player {hand = remove hand card}
else Left "You don't have this card" else Left "You don't have this card"
data Move = Play Card | Capture (Card, Card) | Choose Card | KoiKoi Bool
type Points = Int type Points = Int
score :: (a -> Points) -> State a -> Int score :: (a -> Points) -> Player a -> Int
score rater = rater . yakus score rater = rater . yakus
type Scores = Map Player Points type Scores = Map Seat Points