Optimize game states and moves to reduce client-server to-and-fro
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 28 additions and 19 deletions
@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ shuffle l =
let (top, bottom) = splitAt cut shuffled
return $ top ++ h : bottom
pair :: Card -> Pack -> Maybe (Pack, [Card])
pair :: Card -> Pack -> Either String (Pack, [Card])
pair card pack =
let sameMonthCards = sameMonth card `intersection` pack in
case size sameMonthCards of
0 -> Just (add pack card, [])
1 -> Just (difference pack sameMonthCards, card : cardsOfPack sameMonthCards)
_ -> Nothing
0 -> Right (add pack card, [])
1 -> Right (difference pack sameMonthCards, card : cardsOfPack sameMonthCards)
_ -> Left "This card can pair with several others"
@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ module Hanafuda.Day where
import Hanafuda.Card (Card, Pack, Flower(Pine), contains, flower, packOfCards, pair, remove)
import Hanafuda.Yaku (rate)
import Hanafuda.Game (Game(..), Move(..), PlayerState, meld, yakus)
import Hanafuda.Game (Game(..), Move(..), PlayerState, meld, plays, yakus)
import Data.Map (Map, adjust, empty, fromList, insert, union, (!))
import Control.Monad.Reader (runReader)
data Step = ToPlay | ToChoose (Maybe Card) | Scored | Over Bool
data Step = ToPlay | Turned Card | Scored | Over Bool
data Day = Day {
river :: Pack
@ -30,28 +30,30 @@ new river player next = Day {
instance Game Day Day where
play day@(Day {river, step, next, trick}) move =
play day@(Day {river, step, next, trick, player}) move =
case (step, move) of
(ToPlay, Play card) ->
case pair card river of
Just (newRiver, newCaptured) -> turnOver $ day {river = newRiver, trick = newCaptured}
Nothing -> Right $ day {step = ToChoose (Just card)}
(ToChoose maybeCard, Choose caught) ->
let (continue, card) = maybe (end, next) ((,) turnOver) maybeCard in
(ToPlay, Play card) -> pair card river >>= play card
(ToPlay, Capture (card, caught)) ->
if card `canCatch` caught
then turnOver $
day {river = remove river caught, trick = [card, caught] ++ trick}
then play card (remove river caught, [card, caught])
else Left "You can't choose that card"
(Turned card, Choose caught) ->
if card `canCatch` caught
then end $ day {river = remove river caught, trick = [card, caught] ++ trick}
else Left "You can't choose that card"
(Scored, KoiKoi win) -> Right $ day {step = Over win}
(_, _) -> Left "You can't play this move in that state"
canCatch card1 card2 = flower card1 == flower card2 && river `contains` card2
play card (river, trick) = do
played <- player `plays` card
turnOver $ day {river, trick, player = played}
turnOver :: Day -> Either String Day
turnOver day@(Day {river, next, trick}) =
case pair next river of
Just (newRiver, newCaptured) -> end $ day {river = newRiver, trick = trick ++ newCaptured}
Nothing -> Right $ day {step = ToChoose Nothing}
Right (newRiver, newCaptured) -> end $ day {river = newRiver, trick = trick ++ newCaptured}
Left _ -> Right $ day {step = Turned next}
end :: Day -> Either String Day
end day@(Day {month, trick, player}) =
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Hanafuda.Game where
import Data.Map (Map, empty, fromList, (!))
import Hanafuda.Card (Card, Pack, packOfCards)
import Hanafuda.Card (Card, Pack, contains, packOfCards, remove)
import Hanafuda.Yaku (Score, Points)
data Player =
@ -37,7 +38,13 @@ initPlayers =
, yakus = empty
data Move = Play Card | Choose Card | KoiKoi Bool
plays :: PlayerState -> Card -> Either String PlayerState
plays player@(PlayerState {hand}) card =
if hand `contains` card
then Right $ player {hand = remove hand card}
else Left "You don't have this card"
data Move = Play Card | Capture (Card, Card) | Choose Card | KoiKoi Bool
type Scores = Map Player Points
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