Build a yaku dictionary indexed by Cards
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1 changed files with 52 additions and 47 deletions
@ -1,24 +1,8 @@
module KoiKoi where
import CCard
import Data.Bits (popCount, (.&.))
import System.Random (randomRIO)
type Points = Int
data Player = Player {
hand :: Pack
, captured :: Pack
, scored :: [Yaku]
data State = State {
players :: (Player, Player)
, river :: Pack
, deck :: [ Card ]
, month :: Flower
, turn :: Bool
import Data.Bits (popCount, (.&.), shift, testBit)
import Data.Map (Map, empty, insert, unionWith)
data Yaku =
@ -33,37 +17,58 @@ data Yaku =
| Kasu
| TsukimiZake
| HanamiZake
| TsukiFuda
deriving (Show)
type Points = Int
type Score = Pack -> Maybe (Yaku, Points)
yakus :: [ Pack -> Maybe (Yaku, Points) ]
yakus = [
(\p -> lightsYaku (popCount p) (p `contains` RainMan)) . (lights .&.)
, is inoshikacho InoShikaCho
data Player = Player {
hand :: Pack
, captured :: Pack
, scored :: Map Yaku Points
data State = State {
players :: (Player, Player)
, river :: Pack
, deck :: [ Card ]
, month :: Flower
, turn :: Bool
has :: Pack -> (Yaku, Points) -> (Pack, Score)
has pack points =
(pack, \p -> if p == pack then Just points else Nothing)
moreThan :: Int -> Pack -> Yaku -> (Pack, Score)
moreThan count pack yaku =
(pack, (\n -> if n > 0 then Just (yaku, n) else Nothing) . ($count) . (-) . popCount)
hikari :: (Pack, Score)
hikari = (lights, \p -> rate (popCount p) (p `contains` RainMan))
rate 5 _ = Just (Goko, 10)
rate 4 hasRainMan = if hasRainMan then Just (AmeShiko, 7) else Just (Shiko, 8)
rate n hasRainMan = if not hasRainMan && n > 2 then Just (Sanko, 5) else Nothing
tsukiFuda :: Flower -> (Pack, Score)
tsukiFuda flower = has (0xf `shift` (fromEnum flower * 4)) (TsukiFuda, 8)
index :: (Pack, Score) -> Map Card [Score]
index (pack, score) =
foldl (\map card ->
if testBit pack $ fromEnum card then insert card [score . (.&.) pack] map else map
) empty cards
yakus :: Map Card [Score]
yakus = foldl (\map -> unionWith (++) map . index) empty [
, has inoshikacho (InoShikaCho, 5)
, moreThan 4 animals Tane
, is poetry Akatan
, is blue Aotan
, has poetry (Akatan, 5)
, has blue (Aotan, 5)
, moreThan 4 ribbons Tan
, moreThan 9 plain Kasu
, is (set [SakeCup, FullMoon]) TsukimiZake
, is (set [SakeCup, CampCurtain]) HanamiZake
, has (set [SakeCup, FullMoon]) (TsukimiZake, 5)
, has (set [SakeCup, CampCurtain]) (HanamiZake, 5)
lightsYaku 5 _ = Just (Goko, 10)
lightsYaku 4 hasRainMan = if hasRainMan then Just (AmeShiko, 7) else Just (Shiko, 8)
lightsYaku n hasRainMan = if not hasRainMan && n > 2 then Just (Sanko, 8) else Nothing
moreThan points set yaku =
threshold yaku . (\x -> x - points) . popCount . (set .&.)
threshold yaku n
| n > 0 = Just (yaku, n)
| otherwise = Nothing
is set yaku pack = if set == pack then Just (yaku, 5) else Nothing
shuffle :: [a] -> IO [a]
shuffle l =
aux (length l) l
aux n [] = return []
aux n (h:t) = do
cut <- randomRIO (0, n-1)
shuffled <- shuffle t
let (top, bottom) = splitAt cut shuffled
return $ top ++ h : bottom
Add table
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