Implement KoiKoi's yakus

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Sasha 2018-02-26 09:07:53 +01:00
parent 786dfe4bb8
commit 034fee8ecd
1 changed files with 79 additions and 0 deletions

Yaku.hs Normal file
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module Yaku where
import Card (Card(..), Flower, Pack, size, contains, intersection, packOfCards)
import Data.Map (Map, empty, insert, unionWith)
data Yaku =
| Shiko
| AmeShiko
| Sanko
| InoShikaCho
| Tane
| Akatan
| Aotan
| Tan
| Kasu
| TsukimiZake
| HanamiZake
| TsukiFuda
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Points = Int
type YakuFinder = Pack -> Maybe (Yaku, Points)
type Score = Map Yaku Points
fixed :: (Yaku, Points) -> Pack -> YakuFinder
fixed points indicatorSet pack = if pack == indicatorSet then Just points else Nothing
moreThan :: Int -> Yaku -> (Pack -> YakuFinder)
moreThan count yaku _ pack =
let n = size pack - count in
if n > 0 then Just (yaku, n) else Nothing
lights :: [Card]
lights = [Crane, CampCurtain, FullMoon, RainMan, Phoenix]
hikari :: Pack -> YakuFinder
hikari _ pack = rate (size pack) (pack `contains` RainMan)
rate 5 _ = Just (Goko, 10)
rate 4 hasRainMan = if hasRainMan then Just (AmeShiko, 7) else Just (Shiko, 8)
rate n hasRainMan = if not hasRainMan && n > 2 then Just (Sanko, 5) else Nothing
tsukiFuda :: Flower -> ([Card], Pack -> YakuFinder)
tsukiFuda flower = (map toEnum $ map (fromEnum flower * 4 +) [0..3], fixed (TsukiFuda, 8))
index :: ([Card], Pack -> YakuFinder) -> Map Card [YakuFinder]
index (cards, scorer) =
let pack = packOfCards cards in
foldl (\map card -> insert card [scorer pack . intersection pack] map) empty cards
inoshikacho :: [Card]
inoshikacho = [Butterflies, Boar, Deer]
animals :: [Card]
animals = [BushWarbler, Cuckoo, EightPlankBridge, Geese, SakeCup, Swallow] ++ inoshikacho
blue :: [Card]
blue = [PeonyBlue, ChrysanthemumBlue, MapleBlue]
poetry :: [Card]
poetry = [PinePoetry, PlumPoetry, CherryPoetry]
ribbons = [WisteriaRed, IrisRed, BushCloverRed, WillowRed] ++ blue ++ poetry
plain :: [Card]
plain = (foldl (++) [] [map toEnum [4*i, 4*i+1] | i <- [0..10]]) ++ Lightning : [Paulownia0 .. Sand]
allYakus :: Map Card [YakuFinder]
allYakus = foldl (\map -> unionWith (++) map . index) empty [
(lights, hikari)
, (inoshikacho, fixed (InoShikaCho, 5))
, (animals, moreThan 4 Tane)
, (poetry, fixed (Akatan, 5))
, (blue, fixed (Aotan, 5))
, (ribbons, moreThan 4 Tan)
, (plain, moreThan 9 Kasu)
, ([SakeCup, FullMoon], fixed (TsukimiZake, 5))
, ([SakeCup, CampCurtain], fixed (HanamiZake, 5))