Implement a naive AI believing cards have an intrinsinc value not depending on the context of the game

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Tissevert 2019-08-22 17:51:05 +02:00
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@ -3,19 +3,89 @@ module AI (
move move
) where ) where
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.Map ((!)) import Data.Map ((!))
import Hanafuda (cardsOfPack, sameMonth) import Data.Ord (Down(..))
import Data.Set (Set, member)
import qualified Data.Set as Set (fromList, intersection, unions)
import Hanafuda (
Card(..), Flower(..), Pack
, cardsOf, cardsOfPack, contains, empty,flower, packOfCards, sameMonth, size, union
import Hanafuda.Player (Player(..), Players(..)) import Hanafuda.Player (Player(..), Players(..))
import Hanafuda.KoiKoi (GameBlueprint(..), Move(..), PlayerKey, Step(..)) import Hanafuda.KoiKoi (GameBlueprint(..), Move(..), PlayerKey, Step(..), Score)
import Hanafuda.Message (PublicGame) import Hanafuda.Message (PublicGame)
move :: PlayerKey -> PublicGame -> Move move :: PlayerKey -> PublicGame -> Move
move me (Game {step = ToPlay, players = Players p}) =
Play . head . cardsOfPack . hand $ p ! me move me (Game {step = ToPlay, month, players = Players p, river}) =
move me (Game {step = Turned card, river}) = case getAvailableCards myHand (cardsOfPack river) of
Choose . last . cardsOfPack $ sameMonth card river [] -> Play $ worstFor month (p ! (nextPlayer $ p ! me)) myHand
available ->
let riverCard = bestFor month (p ! me) available in
let matchingCards = cardsOfPack . sameMonth riverCard . hand $ p ! me in
capture (bestFor month (p ! me) matchingCards) riverCard river
where where
last [] = error "Empty list" myHand = cardsOfPack . hand $ p ! me
last [x] = x
last (x:xs) = last xs move me (Game {step = Turned card, month, players = Players p, river}) =
move me _ = KoiKoi True Choose . bestFor month (p ! me) . cardsOfPack $ sameMonth card river
move me (Game {players = Players p}) = KoiKoi $ hand (p ! me) /= empty
capture :: Card -> Card -> Pack -> Move
capture card caught river =
if size (sameMonth card river) == 1
then Play card
else Capture (card, caught)
getAvailableCards :: [Card] -> [Card] -> [Card]
getAvailableCards hand =
filter ((`member` flowersInHand) . flower)
flowersInHand = Set.fromList $ flower <$> hand
choose :: Ord a => (Card -> a) -> [Card] -> Card
choose sortCriterion = head . sortOn sortCriterion
bestFor :: Flower -> Player Score -> [Card] -> Card
bestFor monthFlower player = choose (Down . rank monthFlower player)
worstFor :: Flower -> Player Score -> [Card] -> Card
worstFor monthFlower player = choose (rank monthFlower player)
rank :: Flower -> Player Score -> Card -> Int
rank monthFlower _ card
| isTrueLight card = 5
| card == RainMan = 2
| isSpecialRibbon card = 4
| isRibbon card = 3
| isSpecialAnimal card = 4
| isAnimal card = 3
| isMonthly monthFlower card = 4
| otherwise = 1
isTrueLight :: Card -> Bool
isTrueLight = (packOfCards [Crane, CampCurtain, FullMoon, Phoenix] `contains`)
isSpecialRibbon :: Card -> Bool
isSpecialRibbon = ((aotan `union` akatan) `contains`)
aotan = packOfCards [PeonyBlue, ChrysanthemumBlue, MapleBlue]
akatan = packOfCards [PinePoetry, PlumPoetry, CherryPoetry]
isRibbon :: Card -> Bool
isRibbon card = isSpecialRibbon card || packOfCards other `contains` card
other = [WisteriaRed, IrisRed, BushCloverRed, WillowRed]
isSpecialAnimal :: Card -> Bool
isSpecialAnimal = (packOfCards [Butterflies, Boar, SakeCup, Deer] `contains`)
isAnimal :: Card -> Bool
isAnimal card = (isSpecialAnimal card) || (packOfCards other `contains` card)
other = [BushWarbler, Cuckoo, EightPlankBridge, Geese, Swallow]
isMonthly :: Flower -> Card -> Bool
isMonthly monthFlower = (cardsOf monthFlower `contains`)