resolver: lts-11.9 packages: - tensorflow - tensorflow-core-ops - tensorflow-logging - tensorflow-opgen - tensorflow-ops - tensorflow-proto - tensorflow-mnist - tensorflow-mnist-input-data - tensorflow-records - tensorflow-records-conduit - tensorflow-test extra-deps: - snappy-framing-0.1.1 - snappy- # `haskell-src-exts < 1.20` is needed due the dependency on # `proto-lens-protoc < 0.3` in the `tensorflow-proto` package: - haskell-src-exts-1.19.1 - proto-lens-protobuf-types- - proto-lens-protoc- # For Mac OS X, whose linker doesn't use this path by default # unless you run `xcode-select --install`. # TODO: remove this once we stop depending on `snappy`. extra-lib-dirs: - /usr/local/lib extra-include-dirs: - /usr/local/include nix: enable: false shell-file: shell.nix