// Haddock JavaScript utilities var rspace = /\s\s+/g, rtrim = /^\s+|\s+$/g; function spaced(s) { return (" " + s + " ").replace(rspace, " "); } function trim(s) { return s.replace(rtrim, ""); } function hasClass(elem, value) { var className = spaced(elem.className || ""); return className.indexOf( " " + value + " " ) >= 0; } function addClass(elem, value) { var className = spaced(elem.className || ""); if ( className.indexOf( " " + value + " " ) < 0 ) { elem.className = trim(className + " " + value); } } function removeClass(elem, value) { var className = spaced(elem.className || ""); className = className.replace(" " + value + " ", " "); elem.className = trim(className); } function toggleClass(elem, valueOn, valueOff, bool) { if (bool == null) { bool = ! hasClass(elem, valueOn); } if (bool) { removeClass(elem, valueOff); addClass(elem, valueOn); } else { removeClass(elem, valueOn); addClass(elem, valueOff); } return bool; } function makeClassToggle(valueOn, valueOff) { return function(elem, bool) { return toggleClass(elem, valueOn, valueOff, bool); } } toggleShow = makeClassToggle("show", "hide"); toggleCollapser = makeClassToggle("collapser", "expander"); function toggleSection(id) { var b = toggleShow(document.getElementById("section." + id)); toggleCollapser(document.getElementById("control." + id), b); rememberCollapsed(id, b); return b; } var collapsed = {}; function rememberCollapsed(id, b) { if(b) delete collapsed[id] else collapsed[id] = null; var sections = []; for(var i in collapsed) { if(collapsed.hasOwnProperty(i)) sections.push(i); } // cookie specific to this page; don't use setCookie which sets path=/ document.cookie = "collapsed=" + escape(sections.join('+')); } function restoreCollapsed() { var cookie = getCookie("collapsed"); if(!cookie) return; var ids = cookie.split('+'); for(var i in ids) { if(document.getElementById("section." + ids[i])) toggleSection(ids[i]); } } function setCookie(name, value) { document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + ";path=/;"; } function clearCookie(name) { document.cookie = name + "=;path=/;expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT;"; } function getCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) { return unescape(c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length)); } } return null; } var max_results = 75; // 50 is not enough to search for map in the base libraries var shown_range = null; var last_search = null; function quick_search() { perform_search(false); } function full_search() { perform_search(true); } function perform_search(full) { var text = document.getElementById("searchbox").value.toLowerCase(); if (text == last_search && !full) return; last_search = text; var table = document.getElementById("indexlist"); var status = document.getElementById("searchmsg"); var children = table.firstChild.childNodes; // first figure out the first node with the prefix var first = bisect(-1); var last = (first == -1 ? -1 : bisect(1)); if (first == -1) { table.className = ""; status.innerHTML = "No results found, displaying all"; } else if (first == 0 && last == children.length - 1) { table.className = ""; status.innerHTML = ""; } else if (last - first >= max_results && !full) { table.className = ""; status.innerHTML = "More than " + max_results + ", press Search to display"; } else { // decide what you need to clear/show if (shown_range) setclass(shown_range[0], shown_range[1], "indexrow"); setclass(first, last, "indexshow"); shown_range = [first, last]; table.className = "indexsearch"; status.innerHTML = ""; } function setclass(first, last, status) { for (var i = first; i <= last; i++) { children[i].className = status; } } // do a binary search, treating 0 as ... // return either -1 (no 0's found) or location of most far match function bisect(dir) { var first = 0, finish = children.length - 1; var mid, success = false; while (finish - first > 3) { mid = Math.floor((finish + first) / 2); var i = checkitem(mid); if (i == 0) i = dir; if (i == -1) finish = mid; else first = mid; } var a = (dir == 1 ? first : finish); var b = (dir == 1 ? finish : first); for (var i = b; i != a - dir; i -= dir) { if (checkitem(i) == 0) return i; } return -1; } // from an index, decide what the result is // 0 = match, -1 is lower, 1 is higher function checkitem(i) { var s = getitem(i).toLowerCase().substr(0, text.length); if (s == text) return 0; else return (s > text ? -1 : 1); } // from an index, get its string // this abstracts over alternates function getitem(i) { for ( ; i >= 0; i--) { var s = children[i].firstChild.firstChild.data; if (s.indexOf(' ') == -1) return s; } return ""; // should never be reached } } function setSynopsis(filename) { if (parent.window.synopsis && parent.window.synopsis.location) { if (parent.window.synopsis.location.replace) { // In Firefox this avoids adding the change to the history. parent.window.synopsis.location.replace(filename); } else { parent.window.synopsis.location = filename; } } } function addMenuItem(html) { var menu = document.getElementById("page-menu"); if (menu) { var btn = menu.firstChild.cloneNode(false); btn.innerHTML = html; menu.appendChild(btn); } } function styles() { var i, a, es = document.getElementsByTagName("link"), rs = []; for (i = 0; a = es[i]; i++) { if(a.rel.indexOf("style") != -1 && a.title) { rs.push(a); } } return rs; } function addStyleMenu() { var as = styles(); var i, a, btns = ""; for(i=0; a = as[i]; i++) { btns += "