-- Copyright 2016 TensorFlow authors. -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} import Control.Monad (forM_, when) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Int (Int32, Int64) import Data.List (genericLength) import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified TensorFlow.Core as TF import qualified TensorFlow.Ops as TF hiding (initializedVariable, zeroInitializedVariable) import qualified TensorFlow.Variable as TF import qualified TensorFlow.Minimize as TF import TensorFlow.Examples.MNIST.InputData import TensorFlow.Examples.MNIST.Parse numPixels, numLabels :: Int64 numPixels = 28*28 :: Int64 numLabels = 10 :: Int64 -- | Create tensor with random values where the stddev depends on the width. randomParam :: Int64 -> TF.Shape -> TF.Build (TF.Tensor TF.Build Float) randomParam width (TF.Shape shape) = (`TF.mul` stddev) <$> TF.truncatedNormal (TF.vector shape) where stddev = TF.scalar (1 / sqrt (fromIntegral width)) -- Types must match due to model structure. type LabelType = Int32 data Model = Model { train :: TF.TensorData Float -- ^ images -> TF.TensorData LabelType -> TF.Session () , infer :: TF.TensorData Float -- ^ images -> TF.Session (V.Vector LabelType) -- ^ predictions , errorRate :: TF.TensorData Float -- ^ images -> TF.TensorData LabelType -> TF.Session Float } createModel :: TF.Build Model createModel = do -- Use -1 batch size to support variable sized batches. let batchSize = -1 -- Inputs. images <- TF.placeholder [batchSize, numPixels] -- Hidden layer. let numUnits = 500 hiddenWeights <- TF.initializedVariable =<< randomParam numPixels [numPixels, numUnits] hiddenBiases <- TF.zeroInitializedVariable [numUnits] let hiddenZ = (images `TF.matMul` TF.readValue hiddenWeights) `TF.add` TF.readValue hiddenBiases let hidden = TF.relu hiddenZ -- Logits. logitWeights <- TF.initializedVariable =<< randomParam numUnits [numUnits, numLabels] logitBiases <- TF.zeroInitializedVariable [numLabels] let logits = (hidden `TF.matMul` TF.readValue logitWeights) `TF.add` TF.readValue logitBiases predict <- TF.render $ TF.cast $ TF.argMax (TF.softmax logits) (TF.scalar (1 :: LabelType)) -- Create training action. labels <- TF.placeholder [batchSize] let labelVecs = TF.oneHot labels (fromIntegral numLabels) 1 0 loss = TF.reduceMean $ fst $ TF.softmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits logits labelVecs params = [hiddenWeights, hiddenBiases, logitWeights, logitBiases] trainStep <- TF.minimizeWith TF.adam loss params let correctPredictions = TF.equal predict labels errorRateTensor <- TF.render $ 1 - TF.reduceMean (TF.cast correctPredictions) return Model { train = \imFeed lFeed -> TF.runWithFeeds_ [ TF.feed images imFeed , TF.feed labels lFeed ] trainStep , infer = \imFeed -> TF.runWithFeeds [TF.feed images imFeed] predict , errorRate = \imFeed lFeed -> TF.unScalar <$> TF.runWithFeeds [ TF.feed images imFeed , TF.feed labels lFeed ] errorRateTensor } main :: IO () main = TF.runSession $ do -- Read training and test data. trainingImages <- liftIO (readMNISTSamples =<< trainingImageData) trainingLabels <- liftIO (readMNISTLabels =<< trainingLabelData) testImages <- liftIO (readMNISTSamples =<< testImageData) testLabels <- liftIO (readMNISTLabels =<< testLabelData) -- Create the model. model <- TF.build createModel -- Functions for generating batches. let encodeImageBatch xs = TF.encodeTensorData [genericLength xs, numPixels] (fromIntegral <$> mconcat xs) let encodeLabelBatch xs = TF.encodeTensorData [genericLength xs] (fromIntegral <$> V.fromList xs) let batchSize = 100 let selectBatch i xs = take batchSize $ drop (i * batchSize) (cycle xs) -- Train. forM_ ([0..1000] :: [Int]) $ \i -> do let images = encodeImageBatch (selectBatch i trainingImages) labels = encodeLabelBatch (selectBatch i trainingLabels) train model images labels when (i `mod` 100 == 0) $ do err <- errorRate model images labels liftIO $ putStrLn $ "training error " ++ show (err * 100) liftIO $ putStrLn "" -- Test. testErr <- errorRate model (encodeImageBatch testImages) (encodeLabelBatch testLabels) liftIO $ putStrLn $ "test error " ++ show (testErr * 100) -- Show some predictions. testPreds <- infer model (encodeImageBatch testImages) liftIO $ forM_ ([0..3] :: [Int]) $ \i -> do putStrLn "" T.putStrLn $ drawMNIST $ testImages !! i putStrLn $ "expected " ++ show (testLabels !! i) putStrLn $ " got " ++ show (testPreds V.! i)