tensorflow-ops- Friendly layer around TensorFlow bindings.

Safe HaskellNone



An implementation of ResourceHandle-based variables.

The main difference between this and Ref-based variables is that reads are explicit, via the readValue op.

TODO: given that distinction, figure out a good story around gradients and save/restore. Then, merge this module into TensorFlow.Ops.



variable :: (MonadBuild m, TensorType a) => Shape -> m (Variable a) Source #

Creates a new, uninitialized variable.

variable' :: forall m a. (MonadBuild m, TensorType a) => OpParams -> Shape -> m (Variable a) Source #

readValue :: TensorType a => Variable a -> Tensor Build a Source #

Gets the value stored in a variable.

Note that this op is stateful since it depends on the value of the variable; however, it may be CSE'd with other reads in the same context. The context can be fixed by using render along with (for example) withControlDependencies. For example:

  runSession $ do
    v <- variable []
    a <- assign v 24
    r <- withControlDependencies a $ render $ readValue v + 18
    result <- run r
    liftIO $ (42 :: Float) @=? unScalar result

initializedValue :: Variable a -> Maybe (Tensor Value a) Source #

The initial value of a Variable created with initializedVariable.

initializedVariable :: (MonadBuild m, TensorType a) => Tensor v a -> m (Variable a) Source #

Creates a variable initialized to the given value. Initialization happens next time session runs.

initializedVariable' :: forall a m v. (MonadBuild m, TensorType a) => OpParams -> Tensor v a -> m (Variable a) Source #

zeroInitializedVariable :: (MonadBuild m, TensorType a, Num a) => Shape -> m (Variable a) Source #

Creates a zero-initialized variable with the given shape.

assign :: (MonadBuild m, TensorType a) => Variable a -> Tensor v a -> m ControlNode Source #

Sets the value of a variable.

assignAdd :: (MonadBuild m, TensorType a) => Variable a -> Tensor v a -> m ControlNode Source #

Increments the value of a variable.

resourceApplyAdam Source #


:: (MonadBuild m, OneOf '[Complex Double, Complex Float, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, Word16, Word8, Double, Float] t) 
=> Variable t

var: Should be from a Variable().

-> Variable t

m: Should be from a Variable().

-> Variable t

v: Should be from a Variable().

-> Tensor v1 t

beta1_power: Must be a scalar.

-> Tensor v2 t

beta2_power: Must be a scalar.

-> Tensor v3 t

lr: Scaling factor. Must be a scalar.

-> Tensor v4 t

beta1: Momentum factor. Must be a scalar.

-> Tensor v5 t

beta2: Momentum factor. Must be a scalar.

-> Tensor v6 t

epsilon: Ridge term. Must be a scalar.

-> Tensor v7 t

grad: The gradient.

-> m ControlNode 

Update '*var' according to the Adam algorithm.

lr_t <- learning_rate * sqrt(1 - beta2^t) / (1 - beta1^t) m_t <- beta1 * m_{t-1} + (1 - beta1) * g_t v_t <- beta2 * v_{t-1} + (1 - beta2) * g_t * g_t variable <- variable - lr_t * m_t / (sqrt(v_t) + epsilon)

resourceApplyAdam' Source #


:: (MonadBuild m, OneOf '[Complex Double, Complex Float, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, Word16, Word8, Double, Float] t) 
=> OpParams 
-> Variable t

var: Should be from a Variable().

-> Variable t

m: Should be from a Variable().

-> Variable t

v: Should be from a Variable().

-> Tensor v1 t

beta1_power: Must be a scalar.

-> Tensor v2 t

beta2_power: Must be a scalar.

-> Tensor v3 t

lr: Scaling factor. Must be a scalar.

-> Tensor v4 t

beta1: Momentum factor. Must be a scalar.

-> Tensor v5 t

beta2: Momentum factor. Must be a scalar.

-> Tensor v6 t

epsilon: Ridge term. Must be a scalar.

-> Tensor v7 t

grad: The gradient.

-> m ControlNode