-- Hoogle documentation, generated by Haddock -- See Hoogle, http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/ -- | TensorFlow demo application for learning MNIST model. -- -- Please see README.md @package tensorflow-mnist @version -- | Paths to test helper files. module TensorFlow.Examples.MNIST.TrainedGraph -- | File containing a Tensorflow serialized proto of MNIST. mnistPb :: IO FilePath -- | Files containing pre-trained weights for MNIST. wtsCkpt :: IO ByteString -- | Files containing pre-trained weights for MNIST. biasCkpt :: IO ByteString module TensorFlow.Examples.MNIST.Parse -- | Utilities specific to MNIST. type MNIST = Vector Word8 -- | Produces a unicode rendering of the MNIST digit sample. drawMNIST :: MNIST -> Text -- | Check's the file's endianess, throwing an error if it's not as -- expected. checkEndian :: Get () -- | Reads an MNIST file and returns a list of samples. readMNISTSamples :: FilePath -> IO [MNIST] -- | Reads a list of MNIST labels from a file and returns them. readMNISTLabels :: FilePath -> IO [Word8] readMessageFromFileOrDie :: Message m => FilePath -> IO m