The tensorflow-haskell package provides Haskell bindings to [TensorFlow]( This is not an official Google product. # Instructions ## Build with Docker on Linux As an expedient we use [docker]( for building. Once you have docker working, the following commands will compile and run the tests. git clone --recursive tensorflow-haskell cd tensorflow-haskell IMAGE_NAME=tensorflow/haskell:v0 docker build -t $IMAGE_NAME docker # TODO: move the setup step to the docker script. stack --docker --docker-image=$IMAGE_NAME setup stack --docker --docker-image=$IMAGE_NAME test There is also a demo application: cd tensorflow-mnist stack --docker --docker-image=$IMAGE_NAME build --exec Main ## Build on Mac OS X The following instructions were verified with Mac OS X El Capitan. - Install dependencies via [Homebrew]( brew install swig brew install bazel - Build the TensorFlow library and install it on your machine: cd third_party/tensorflow ./configure # Choose the defaults when prompted bazel build -c opt install bazel-bin/tensorflow/ /usr/local/lib cd ../.. - Run stack: stack test Note: you may need to upgrade your version of Clang if you get an error like the following: tensorflow/core/ops/ error: return type 'tensorflow::Status' must match previous return type 'const ::tensorflow::Status' when lambda expression has unspecified explicit return type return Status::OK(); In that case you can just upgrade XCode and then run `gcc --version` to get the new version of the compiler.