Fix lens errors

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Johannes Maier 2023-03-03 16:24:18 +01:00 committed by fkm3
parent 00aeb23b1e
commit bfd8de5582
1 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ gradients y xs = build $ do
(\f x -> fromMaybe (error $ "no NodeDef found for " ++ show x) (f x))
. flip Map.lookup
let (gr, nodeMap) = createGraph yName nodeDefLookup
xnodes = mapMaybe (\x -> nodeMap ^. (at . outputNodeName . renderedOutput $ x)) xs
xnodes = mapMaybe (\x -> nodeMap ^. (at $ outputNodeName $ renderedOutput x)) xs
-- make a set of the nodes reachable from the xnodes
-- The xnodes are not part of this set (unless reachable from another xnode)
reachableSet = computeReachableSet xnodes gr
@ -199,7 +199,8 @@ computeReachableSet vs g =
IntSet.fromList $ concatMap (drop 1 . FGL.preorder) (FGL.dff vs g)
outputIxAt :: OutputIx -> Lens' (IntMap.IntMap v) (Maybe v)
outputIxAt = intAt . unOutputIx
-- NOTE: point-free notation leads to unification problems here
outputIxAt x = intAt (unOutputIx x)
-- | Incomplete gradients of a node's outputs.