diff --git a/tensorflow/src/TensorFlow/Types.hs b/tensorflow/src/TensorFlow/Types.hs index 3d47f39..2c9c193 100644 --- a/tensorflow/src/TensorFlow/Types.hs +++ b/tensorflow/src/TensorFlow/Types.hs @@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ type family Delete a as where -- | Takes the difference of two lists of types. type family as \\ bs where as \\ '[] = as - as \\ b ': bs = Delete b as \\ bs + as \\ (b ': bs) = Delete b as \\ bs -- | A constraint that the type @a@ doesn't appear in the type list @ts@. -- Assumes that @a@ and each of the elements of @ts@ are 'TensorType's.