Oleg Grenrus 420ebd0475 Refactor servant-client-core
- No more Internal modules
- Remove ClientLike-generic. Let's use Routes-generics
    - Let's see if anyone notices, otherwise we can add it back
- Add Makefile for common tasks
    - Fix servant-client-ghcjs
2019-02-18 19:08:13 +02:00

145 lines
5.3 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Servant.Client.Core.BaseUrl (
BaseUrl (..),
Scheme (..),
InvalidBaseUrlException (..),
) where
import Control.DeepSeq
(NFData (..))
import Control.Monad.Catch
(Exception, MonadThrow, throwM)
import Data.Aeson
(FromJSON (..), FromJSONKey (..), ToJSON (..), ToJSONKey (..))
import Data.Aeson.Types
(FromJSONKeyFunction (..), contramapToJSONKeyFunction,
import Data.Data
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Network.URI hiding
import Safe
import Text.Read
-- | URI scheme to use
data Scheme =
Http -- ^ http://
| Https -- ^ https://
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Lift, Data)
-- | Simple data type to represent the target of HTTP requests
-- for servant's automatically-generated clients.
data BaseUrl = BaseUrl
{ baseUrlScheme :: Scheme -- ^ URI scheme to use
, baseUrlHost :: String -- ^ host (eg "")
, baseUrlPort :: Int -- ^ port (eg 80)
, baseUrlPath :: String -- ^ path (eg "/a/b/c")
} deriving (Show, Ord, Generic, Lift, Data)
-- TODO: Ord is more precise than Eq
-- TODO: Add Hashable instance?
instance NFData BaseUrl where
rnf (BaseUrl a b c d) = a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c `seq` rnf d
instance Eq BaseUrl where
BaseUrl a b c path == BaseUrl a' b' c' path'
= a == a' && b == b' && c == c' && s path == s path'
where s ('/':x) = x
s x = x
-- | >>> traverse_ (LBS8.putStrLn . encode) $ parseBaseUrl ""
-- ""
instance ToJSON BaseUrl where
toJSON = toJSON . showBaseUrl
toEncoding = toEncoding . showBaseUrl
-- | >>> parseBaseUrl "" >>= decode . encode :: Maybe BaseUrl
-- Just (BaseUrl {baseUrlScheme = Http, baseUrlHost = "", baseUrlPort = 80, baseUrlPath = ""})
instance FromJSON BaseUrl where
parseJSON = withText "BaseUrl" $ \t -> case parseBaseUrl (T.unpack t) of
Just u -> return u
Nothing -> fail $ "Invalid base url: " ++ T.unpack t
-- | >>> :{
-- traverse_ (LBS8.putStrLn . encode) $ do
-- u1 <- parseBaseUrl ""
-- u2 <- parseBaseUrl ""
-- return $ Map.fromList [(u1, 'x'), (u2, 'y')]
-- :}
-- {"":"x","":"y"}
instance ToJSONKey BaseUrl where
toJSONKey = contramapToJSONKeyFunction showBaseUrl toJSONKey
instance FromJSONKey BaseUrl where
fromJSONKey = FromJSONKeyTextParser $ \t -> case parseBaseUrl (T.unpack t) of
Just u -> return u
Nothing -> fail $ "Invalid base url: " ++ T.unpack t
-- | >>> showBaseUrl <$> parseBaseUrl ""
-- ""
showBaseUrl :: BaseUrl -> String
showBaseUrl (BaseUrl urlscheme host port path) =
schemeString ++ "//" ++ host ++ (portString </> path)
a </> b = if "/" `isPrefixOf` b || null b then a ++ b else a ++ '/':b
schemeString = case urlscheme of
Http -> "http:"
Https -> "https:"
portString = case (urlscheme, port) of
(Http, 80) -> ""
(Https, 443) -> ""
_ -> ":" ++ show port
newtype InvalidBaseUrlException = InvalidBaseUrlException String deriving (Show)
instance Exception InvalidBaseUrlException
-- |
-- >>> parseBaseUrl ""
-- BaseUrl {baseUrlScheme = Http, baseUrlHost = "", baseUrlPort = 80, baseUrlPath = ""}
-- /Note:/ trailing slash is removed
-- >>> parseBaseUrl ""
-- BaseUrl {baseUrlScheme = Http, baseUrlHost = "", baseUrlPort = 80, baseUrlPath = ""}
-- >>> parseBaseUrl ""
-- BaseUrl {baseUrlScheme = Http, baseUrlHost = "", baseUrlPort = 80, baseUrlPath = "/dir"}
parseBaseUrl :: MonadThrow m => String -> m BaseUrl
parseBaseUrl s = case parseURI (removeTrailingSlash s) of
-- This is a rather hacky implementation and should be replaced with something
-- implemented in attoparsec (which is already a dependency anyhow (via aeson)).
Just (URI "http:" (Just (URIAuth "" host (':' : (readMaybe -> Just port)))) path "" "") ->
return (BaseUrl Http host port path)
Just (URI "http:" (Just (URIAuth "" host "")) path "" "") ->
return (BaseUrl Http host 80 path)
Just (URI "https:" (Just (URIAuth "" host (':' : (readMaybe -> Just port)))) path "" "") ->
return (BaseUrl Https host port path)
Just (URI "https:" (Just (URIAuth "" host "")) path "" "") ->
return (BaseUrl Https host 443 path)
_ -> if "://" `isInfixOf` s
then throwM (InvalidBaseUrlException $ "Invalid base URL: " ++ s)
else parseBaseUrl ("http://" ++ s)
removeTrailingSlash str = case lastMay str of
Just '/' -> init str
_ -> str
-- $setup
-- >>> import Data.Aeson
-- >>> import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
-- >>> import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS8
-- >>> import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map