Andres Loeh a551eb62e2 Do the accept check before the body check.
This is a reasonably simple attempt at fixing .
By moving the accept check to a place before the body check,
we can make it recoverable (the body check is irreversible,
so everything done after the body check has to fail fatally).

The advantage is that we can now specify routes offering
different content types modularly. Failure to match one
is not fatal, and will result in subsequent routes being

The disadvantage is that we hereby bump the error priority
of the 406 status code. If a request contains a bad accept
header and a bad body, we now get 406 rather than 400. This
deviates from the HTTP decision diagram we try to follow,
but seems like an acceptable compromise for now.
2016-04-15 10:54:22 +02:00

273 lines
9.9 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Servant.Server.ErrorSpec (spec) where
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (throwE)
import Data.Aeson (encode)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BCL
import Data.Proxy
import Network.HTTP.Types (hAccept, hAuthorization,
hContentType, methodGet,
methodPost, methodPut)
import Safe (readMay)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Wai
import Servant
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "HTTP Errors" $ do
-- * Auth machinery (reused throughout)
-- | 'BasicAuthCheck' holds the handler we'll use to verify a username and password.
errorOrderAuthCheck :: BasicAuthCheck ()
errorOrderAuthCheck =
let check (BasicAuthData username password) =
if username == "servant" && password == "server"
then return (Authorized ())
else return Unauthorized
in BasicAuthCheck check
-- * Error Order {{{
type ErrorOrderApi = "home"
:> BasicAuth "error-realm" ()
:> ReqBody '[JSON] Int
:> Capture "t" Int
:> Post '[JSON] Int
errorOrderApi :: Proxy ErrorOrderApi
errorOrderApi = Proxy
errorOrderServer :: Server ErrorOrderApi
errorOrderServer = \_ _ _ -> throwE err402
-- On error priorities:
-- We originally had
-- 404, 405, 401, 415, 400, 406, 402
-- but we changed this to
-- 404, 405, 401, 406, 415, 400, 402
-- for servant-0.7.
-- This change is due to the body check being irreversible (to support
-- streaming). Any check done after the body check has to be made fatal,
-- breaking modularity. We've therefore moved the accept check before
-- the body check, to allow it being recoverable and modular, and this
-- goes along with promoting the error priority of 406.
errorOrderSpec :: Spec
errorOrderSpec =
describe "HTTP error order" $
with (return $ serveWithContext errorOrderApi
(errorOrderAuthCheck :. EmptyContext)
) $ do
let badContentType = (hContentType, "text/plain")
badAccept = (hAccept, "text/plain")
badMethod = methodGet
badUrl = "nonexistent"
badBody = "nonsense"
badAuth = (hAuthorization, "Basic foofoofoo")
goodContentType = (hContentType, "application/json")
goodAccept = (hAccept, "application/json")
goodMethod = methodPost
goodUrl = "home/2"
goodBody = encode (5 :: Int)
-- username:password = servant:server
goodAuth = (hAuthorization, "Basic c2VydmFudDpzZXJ2ZXI=")
it "has 404 as its highest priority error" $ do
request badMethod badUrl [badAuth, badContentType, badAccept] badBody
`shouldRespondWith` 404
it "has 405 as its second highest priority error" $ do
request badMethod goodUrl [badAuth, badContentType, badAccept] badBody
`shouldRespondWith` 405
it "has 401 as its third highest priority error (auth)" $ do
request goodMethod goodUrl [badAuth, badContentType, badAccept] badBody
`shouldRespondWith` 401
it "has 406 as its fourth highest priority error" $ do
request goodMethod goodUrl [goodAuth, badContentType, badAccept] badBody
`shouldRespondWith` 406
it "has 415 as its fifth highest priority error" $ do
request goodMethod goodUrl [goodAuth, badContentType, goodAccept] badBody
`shouldRespondWith` 415
it "has 400 as its sixth highest priority error" $ do
request goodMethod goodUrl [goodAuth, goodContentType, goodAccept] badBody
`shouldRespondWith` 400
it "has handler-level errors as last priority" $ do
request goodMethod goodUrl [goodAuth, goodContentType, goodAccept] goodBody
`shouldRespondWith` 402
type PrioErrorsApi = ReqBody '[JSON] Integer :> "foo" :> Get '[JSON] Integer
prioErrorsApi :: Proxy PrioErrorsApi
prioErrorsApi = Proxy
-- Check whether matching continues even if a 'ReqBody' or similar construct
-- is encountered early in a path. We don't want to see a complaint about the
-- request body unless the path actually matches.
prioErrorsSpec :: Spec
prioErrorsSpec = describe "PrioErrors" $ do
let server = return
with (return $ serve prioErrorsApi server) $ do
let check (mdescr, method) path (cdescr, ctype, body) resp =
it fulldescr $
Test.Hspec.Wai.request method path [(hContentType, ctype)] body
`shouldRespondWith` resp
fulldescr = "returns " ++ show (matchStatus resp) ++ " on " ++ mdescr
++ " " ++ BC.unpack path ++ " (" ++ cdescr ++ ")"
get' = ("GET", methodGet)
put' = ("PUT", methodPut)
txt = ("text" , "text/plain;charset=utf8" , "42" )
ijson = ("invalid json", "application/json;charset=utf8", "invalid" )
vjson = ("valid json" , "application/json;charset=utf8", encode (5 :: Int))
check get' "/" txt 404
check get' "/bar" txt 404
check get' "/foo" txt 415
check put' "/" txt 404
check put' "/bar" txt 404
check put' "/foo" txt 405
check get' "/" ijson 404
check get' "/bar" ijson 404
check get' "/foo" ijson 400
check put' "/" ijson 404
check put' "/bar" ijson 404
check put' "/foo" ijson 405
check get' "/" vjson 404
check get' "/bar" vjson 404
check get' "/foo" vjson 200
check put' "/" vjson 404
check put' "/bar" vjson 404
check put' "/foo" vjson 405
-- }}}
-- * Error Retry {{{
type ErrorRetryApi
= "a" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Int :> Post '[JSON] Int -- err402
:<|> "a" :> ReqBody '[PlainText] Int :> Post '[JSON] Int -- 1
:<|> "a" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Int :> Post '[PlainText] Int -- 2
:<|> "a" :> ReqBody '[JSON] String :> Post '[JSON] Int -- 3
:<|> "a" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Int :> Get '[JSON] Int -- 4
:<|> "a" :> BasicAuth "bar-realm" ()
:> ReqBody '[JSON] Int :> Get '[PlainText] Int -- 5
:<|> "a" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Int :> Get '[PlainText] Int -- 6
:<|> ReqBody '[JSON] Int :> Get '[JSON] Int -- 7
:<|> ReqBody '[JSON] Int :> Post '[JSON] Int -- 8
errorRetryApi :: Proxy ErrorRetryApi
errorRetryApi = Proxy
errorRetryServer :: Server ErrorRetryApi
= (\_ -> throwE err402)
:<|> (\_ -> return 1)
:<|> (\_ -> return 2)
:<|> (\_ -> return 3)
:<|> (\_ -> return 4)
:<|> (\_ _ -> return 5)
:<|> (\_ -> return 6)
:<|> (\_ -> return 7)
:<|> (\_ -> return 8)
errorRetrySpec :: Spec
errorRetrySpec =
describe "Handler search" $
with (return $ serveWithContext errorRetryApi
(errorOrderAuthCheck :. EmptyContext)
) $ do
let jsonCT = (hContentType, "application/json")
jsonAccept = (hAccept, "application/json")
jsonBody = encode (1797 :: Int)
it "should continue when URLs don't match" $ do
request methodPost "" [jsonCT, jsonAccept] jsonBody
`shouldRespondWith` 200 { matchBody = Just $ encode (8 :: Int) }
it "should continue when methods don't match" $ do
request methodGet "a" [jsonCT, jsonAccept] jsonBody
`shouldRespondWith` 200 { matchBody = Just $ encode (4 :: Int) }
-- }}}
-- * Error Choice {{{
type ErrorChoiceApi
= "path0" :> Get '[JSON] Int -- 0
:<|> "path1" :> Post '[JSON] Int -- 1
:<|> "path2" :> Post '[PlainText] Int -- 2
:<|> "path3" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Int :> Post '[PlainText] Int -- 3
:<|> "path4" :> (ReqBody '[PlainText] Int :> Post '[PlainText] Int -- 4
:<|> ReqBody '[PlainText] Int :> Post '[JSON] Int) -- 5
errorChoiceApi :: Proxy ErrorChoiceApi
errorChoiceApi = Proxy
errorChoiceServer :: Server ErrorChoiceApi
errorChoiceServer = return 0
:<|> return 1
:<|> return 2
:<|> (\_ -> return 3)
:<|> (\_ -> return 4)
:<|> (\_ -> return 5)
errorChoiceSpec :: Spec
errorChoiceSpec = describe "Multiple handlers return errors"
$ with (return $ serve errorChoiceApi errorChoiceServer) $ do
it "should respond with 404 if no path matches" $ do
request methodGet "" [] "" `shouldRespondWith` 404
it "should respond with 405 if a path but not method matches" $ do
request methodGet "path2" [] "" `shouldRespondWith` 405
it "should respond with the corresponding error if path and method match" $ do
request methodPost "path3" [(hContentType, "text/plain;charset=utf-8")] ""
`shouldRespondWith` 415
request methodPost "path3" [(hContentType, "application/json")] ""
`shouldRespondWith` 400
request methodPost "path4" [(hContentType, "text/plain;charset=utf-8"),
(hAccept, "blah")] "5"
`shouldRespondWith` 406
-- }}}
-- * Instances {{{
instance MimeUnrender PlainText Int where
mimeUnrender _ x = maybe (Left "no parse") Right (readMay $ BCL.unpack x)
instance MimeRender PlainText Int where
mimeRender _ = BCL.pack . show
-- }}}