Falco Peijnenburg 798d9e8967 Fixes MVar blocking exception
Uses the fix mentioned by @arianvp in

See also

The cause of the issue very is similar to the issue described
in this blog post:

The main thread creates a waiter, creates an asynchronous callback which is
called when the `readyState` of the request changes. When the readyState
changes to 4, which means 'request finished', the waiter MVar is put.
The main thread takes the MVar and continues to do stuff with the response.

The problem is that the `readyState` can change to 4 more than once,
for some reason. The second time this happens, the waiter MVar can be put
again, since the main thread took it. The main thread, however, won't take
it again. After all, it only needed to take the MVar once to know that the
request was finished. The third time `readyState` is set to 4, the putMVar
would block, causing the following exception to be thrown:

thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation

Since state 4 should really mean that the response is ready, it seems
appropriate to decide that all changes of the state to 4 after the initial one
can be safely ignored.
2016-09-30 18:12:22 +02:00

191 lines
6.8 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module Servant.Client.PerformRequest.GHCJS (
-- exported for testing
) where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.CaseInsensitive
import Data.Char
import Data.String.Conversions
import Foreign.StablePtr
import GHCJS.Foreign.Callback
import GHCJS.Prim
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal as HttpClient
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Servant.Client.PerformRequest.Base
newtype JSXMLHttpRequest = JSXMLHttpRequest JSVal
newtype JSXMLHttpRequestClass = JSXMLHttpRequestClass JSVal
performHttpRequest :: Manager -> Request -> IO (Either ServantError (Response LBS.ByteString))
performHttpRequest _ request = do
xhr <- initXhr
performXhr xhr request
toResponse xhr
-- * initialization
initXhr :: IO JSXMLHttpRequest
initXhr = do
lib <- requireXMLHttpRequestClass
newXMLHttpRequest lib
foreign import javascript unsafe
-- branching between node (for testing) and browsers
"(function () {if (typeof require !== 'undefined') { return require('xhr2'); } else { return XMLHttpRequest; };})()"
requireXMLHttpRequestClass :: IO JSXMLHttpRequestClass
foreign import javascript unsafe "new $1()"
newXMLHttpRequest :: JSXMLHttpRequestClass -> IO JSXMLHttpRequest
-- * performing requests
-- Performs the xhr and blocks until the response was received
performXhr :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> Request -> IO ()
performXhr xhr request = do
waiter <- newEmptyMVar
bracket (acquire waiter) releaseCallback $ \_callback -> do
t <- myThreadId
s <- newStablePtr t
openXhr xhr (cs $ method request) (toUrl request) True
setHeaders xhr (requestHeaders request)
sendXhr xhr (toBody request)
takeMVar waiter
freeStablePtr s
acquire waiter = onReadyStateChange xhr $ do
state <- readyState xhr
case state of
-- onReadyStateChange's callback can fire state 4
-- (which means "request finished and response is ready")
-- multiple times. By using tryPutMVar, only the first time
-- state 4 is fired will cause an MVar to be put. Subsequent
-- fires are ignored.
4 -> tryPutMVar waiter () >> return ()
_ -> return ()
onReadyStateChange :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> IO () -> IO (Callback (IO ()))
onReadyStateChange xhr action = do
callback <- asyncCallback action
js_onReadyStateChange xhr callback
return callback
foreign import javascript safe "$1.onreadystatechange = $2;"
js_onReadyStateChange :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> Callback (IO ()) -> IO ()
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.readyState"
readyState :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> IO Int
openXhr :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> String -> String -> Bool -> IO ()
openXhr xhr method url async =
js_openXhr xhr (toJSString method) (toJSString url) async
foreign import javascript unsafe "$$2, $3, $4)"
js_openXhr :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> JSVal -> JSVal -> Bool -> IO ()
toUrl :: Request -> String
toUrl request =
let protocol = if secure request then "https" else "http"
hostS = cs $ host request
portS = show $ port request
pathS = cs $ path request
queryS = cs $ queryString request
in protocol ++ "://" ++ hostS ++ ":" ++ portS ++ pathS ++ queryS
setHeaders :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> RequestHeaders -> IO ()
setHeaders xhr headers = forM_ headers $ \ (key, value) ->
js_setRequestHeader xhr (toJSString $ cs $ original key) (toJSString $ cs value)
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.setRequestHeader($2, $3)"
js_setRequestHeader :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()
sendXhr :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> Maybe String -> IO ()
sendXhr xhr Nothing = js_sendXhr xhr
sendXhr xhr (Just body) =
js_sendXhrWithBody xhr (toJSString body)
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.send()"
js_sendXhr :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> IO ()
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.send($2)"
js_sendXhrWithBody :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> JSVal -> IO ()
toBody :: Request -> Maybe String
toBody request = case requestBody request of
RequestBodyLBS "" -> Nothing
RequestBodyLBS x -> Just $ cs x
_ -> error "servant-client only uses RequestBodyLBS"
-- * inspecting the xhr response
-- This function is only supposed to handle 'ConnectionError's. Other
-- 'ServantError's are created in Servant.Client.Req.
toResponse :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> IO (Either ServantError (Response LBS.ByteString))
toResponse xhr = do
status <- getStatus xhr
case status of
0 -> return $ Left $ ConnectionError $ SomeException $ ErrorCall "connection error"
_ -> do
statusText <- cs <$> getStatusText xhr
headers <- parseHeaders <$> getAllResponseHeaders xhr
responseText <- cs <$> getResponseText xhr
return $ Right $ Response {
HttpClient.responseStatus = mkStatus status statusText,
responseVersion = http11, -- this is made up
responseHeaders = headers,
HttpClient.responseBody = responseText,
responseCookieJar = mempty,
responseClose' = ResponseClose (return ())
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.status"
getStatus :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> IO Int
getStatusText :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> IO String
getStatusText = fmap fromJSString . js_statusText
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.statusText"
js_statusText :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> IO JSVal
getAllResponseHeaders :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> IO String
getAllResponseHeaders xhr =
fromJSString <$> js_getAllResponseHeaders xhr
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.getAllResponseHeaders()"
js_getAllResponseHeaders :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> IO JSVal
getResponseText :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> IO String
getResponseText xhr = fromJSString <$> js_responseText xhr
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.responseText"
js_responseText :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> IO JSVal
parseHeaders :: String -> ResponseHeaders
parseHeaders s =
fmap (first mk) $
fmap (first strip . second strip) $
fmap parseHeader $
splitOn "\r\n" (cs s)
parseHeader :: BS.ByteString -> (BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)
parseHeader h = case BS.breakSubstring ":" (cs h) of
(key, (BS.drop 1 -> value)) -> (key, value)
splitOn :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> [BS.ByteString]
splitOn separator input = case BS.breakSubstring separator input of
(prefix, "") -> [prefix]
(prefix, rest) -> prefix : splitOn separator (BS.drop (BS.length separator) rest)
strip :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
strip = BS.dropWhile isSpace . BS.reverse . BS.dropWhile isSpace . BS.reverse