We allow a user-specified type to represent the foreign type of haskell types encountered in the API. This lets users map Integer, Date etc. to representations other than Text, and have those representations available in the returned list of Req. For example, we might want to map a type which has an instance of Generic to both a foreign type name and a class declaration for that foreign type such that it can encode/decode itself to JSON. The previous limitation to a single Text output prevented this case.
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- |
-- Module : Servant.JS
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : Alp Mestanogullari <alpmestan@gmail.com>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- Generating Javascript code to query your APIs using vanilla Javascript,
-- Angular.js or JQuery.
-- Using this package is very simple. Say you have this API type around:
-- > type API = "users" :> Get '[JSON] [Users]
-- > :<|> "messages" :> Get '[JSON] [Message]
-- All you need to do to generate the Javascript code is to write a 'Proxy'
-- for this API type:
-- > api :: Proxy API
-- > api = Proxy
-- And pick one of the generators:
-- - 'vanillaJS' and 'vanillaJSWith' generate functions that use
-- /XMLHttpRequest/ to query your endpoints. The former just calls
-- the latter with default code-generation options.
-- - 'jquery' and 'jqueryWith' follow the same pattern except that they
-- generate functions that use /jQuery/'s AJAX functions.
-- - 'angular' and 'angularWith' do the same but use /Angular.js/'s $http
-- service. In addition, we provide 'angularService' and 'angularServiceWith'
-- which produce functions under an Angular service that your controlers
-- can depend on to query the API.
-- Let's keep it simple and produce vanilla Javascript code with the default options.
-- @
-- jsCode :: Text
-- jsCode = 'jsForAPI' api 'vanillaJS'
-- @
-- That's it! If you want to write that code to a file:
-- @
-- writeJSCode :: IO ()
-- writeJSCode = 'writeJSForAPI' api 'vanillaJS' "./my_api.js"
-- @
-- If you want to customize the rendering options, take a look
-- at 'CommonGeneratorOptions' which are generic options common to all the
-- generators. the /xxxWith/ variants all take 'CommonGeneratorOptions' whereas
-- the /xxx/ versions use 'defCommonGeneratorOptions'. Once you have some custom
-- > myOptions :: 'CommonGeneratorOptions'
-- All you need to do to use it is to use 'vanillaJSWith' and pass it @myOptions@.
-- @
-- jsCodeWithMyOptions :: Text
-- jsCodeWithMyOptions = 'jsForAPI' api ('vanillaJSWith' myOptions)
-- @
-- Follow the same pattern for any other generator.
-- /Note/: The Angular generators take an additional type of options,
-- namely 'AngularOptions', to let you tweak aspects of the code generation
-- that are specific to /Angular.js/.
module Servant.JS
( -- * Generating javascript code from an API type
, writeJSForAPI
, JavaScriptGenerator
, -- * Options common to all generators
, defCommonGeneratorOptions
, -- * Function renamers
, snakeCase
, camelCase
, -- * Vanilla Javascript code generation
, vanillaJSWith
, -- * JQuery code generation
, jqueryWith
, -- * Angular.js code generation
, angularWith
, angularService
, angularServiceWith
, AngularOptions(..)
, defAngularOptions
, -- * Axios code generation
, axiosWith
, AxiosOptions(..)
, defAxiosOptions
, -- * Misc.
, javascript
, NoTypes
, GenerateList(..)
) where
import Prelude hiding (writeFile)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text
import Data.Text.IO (writeFile)
import Servant.JS.Angular
import Servant.JS.Axios
import Servant.JS.Internal
import Servant.JS.JQuery
import Servant.JS.Vanilla
import Servant.Foreign (GenerateList(..), listFromAPI, NoTypes)
-- | Generate the data necessary to generate javascript code
-- for all the endpoints of an API, as ':<|>'-separated values
-- of type 'AjaxReq'.
javascript :: HasForeign NoTypes () layout => Proxy layout -> Foreign () layout
javascript p = foreignFor (Proxy :: Proxy NoTypes) (Proxy :: Proxy ()) p defReq
-- | Directly generate all the javascript functions for your API
-- from a 'Proxy' for your API type. You can then write it to
-- a file or integrate it in a page, for example.
jsForAPI :: (HasForeign NoTypes () api, GenerateList () (Foreign () api))
=> Proxy api -- ^ proxy for your API type
-> JavaScriptGenerator -- ^ js code generator to use (angular, vanilla js, jquery, others)
-> Text -- ^ a text that you can embed in your pages or write to a file
jsForAPI p gen = gen (listFromAPI (Proxy :: Proxy NoTypes) (Proxy :: Proxy ()) p)
-- | Directly generate all the javascript functions for your API
-- from a 'Proxy' for your API type using the given generator
-- and write the resulting code to a file at the given path.
writeJSForAPI :: (HasForeign NoTypes () api, GenerateList () (Foreign () api))
=> Proxy api -- ^ proxy for your API type
-> JavaScriptGenerator -- ^ js code generator to use (angular, vanilla js, jquery, others)
-> FilePath -- ^ path to the file you want to write the resulting javascript code into
-> IO ()
writeJSForAPI p gen fp = writeFile fp (jsForAPI p gen)