They seem to encounter multiple sandboxes sometimes, we now provide a more helpful error if that happens. Didn't look into why this happens.
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31 lines
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module Main where
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.FilePath.Find
import Test.DocTest
main :: IO ()
main = do
files <- find always (extension ==? ".hs") "src"
cabalMacrosFile <- getCabalMacrosFile
doctest $ [ "-isrc"
, "-optP-include"
, "-optP" ++ cabalMacrosFile
, "-XOverloadedStrings"
, "-XFlexibleInstances"
, "-XMultiParamTypeClasses"
, "-XDataKinds"
, "-XTypeOperators"
] ++ files
getCabalMacrosFile :: IO FilePath
getCabalMacrosFile = do
contents <- getDirectoryContents "dist"
let rest = "build" </> "autogen" </> "cabal_macros.h"
return $ case filter ("dist-sandbox-" `isPrefixOf`) contents of
[x] -> "dist" </> x </> rest
[] -> "dist" </> rest
xs -> error $ "ran doctests with multiple dist/dist-sandbox-xxxxx's: \n"
++ show xs ++ "\nTry cabal clean"