2021-11-26 17:14:31 +01:00

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module Servant.Auth.JWT where
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import qualified Crypto.JWT as Jose
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, Result (..), ToJSON, fromJSON,
#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
import qualified Data.Map as KM
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as KM
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- This should probably also be from ClaimSet
-- | How to decode data from a JWT.
-- The default implementation assumes the data is stored in the unregistered
-- @dat@ claim, and uses the @FromJSON@ instance to decode value from there.
class FromJWT a where
decodeJWT :: Jose.ClaimsSet -> Either T.Text a
default decodeJWT :: FromJSON a => Jose.ClaimsSet -> Either T.Text a
decodeJWT m = case KM.lookup "dat" (m ^. Jose.unregisteredClaims) of
Nothing -> Left "Missing 'dat' claim"
Just v -> case fromJSON v of
Error e -> Left $ T.pack e
Success a -> Right a
-- | How to encode data from a JWT.
-- The default implementation stores data in the unregistered @dat@ claim, and
-- uses the type's @ToJSON@ instance to encode the data.
class ToJWT a where
encodeJWT :: a -> Jose.ClaimsSet
default encodeJWT :: ToJSON a => a -> Jose.ClaimsSet
encodeJWT a = Jose.addClaim "dat" (toJSON a) Jose.emptyClaimsSet