This commit introduces a new type-level combinator, `WithRoutingHeader`. It modifies the behaviour of the following sub-API, such that all endpoint of said API return an additional routing header in their response. A routing header is a header that specifies which endpoint the incoming request was routed to. Endpoint are designated by their path, in which `Capture'` and `CaptureAll` combinators are replaced by a capture hint. This header can be used by downstream middlewares to gather information about individual endpoints, since in most cases a routing header uniquely identifies a single endpoint. Example: ```haskell type MyApi = WithRoutingHeader :> "by-id" :> Capture "id" Int :> Get '[JSON] Foo -- GET /by-id/1234 will return a response with the following header: -- ("Servant-Routed-Path", "/by-id/<id::Int>") ``` To achieve this, two refactorings were necessary: * Introduce a type `RouterEnv env` to encapsulate the `env` type (as in `Router env a`), which contains a tuple-encoded list of url pieces parsed from the incoming request. This type makes it possible to pass more information throughout the routing process, and the computation of the `Delayed env c` associated with each request. * Introduce a new kind of router, which only modifies the RouterEnv, and doesn't affect the routing process otherwise. `EnvRouter (RouterEnv env -> RouterEnv env) (Router' env a)` This new router is used when encountering the `WithRoutingHeader` combinator in an API, to notify the endpoints of the sub-API that they must produce a routing header (this behaviour is disabled by default).
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Servant.Server.Internal.RoutingApplicationSpec (spec) where
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
import Control.Exception hiding
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import Data.IORef
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.TypeLits
(KnownSymbol, Symbol, symbolVal)
import Network.Wai
import Servant
import Servant.Server.Internal
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Wai
(request, shouldRespondWith, with)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.IO.Unsafe
data TestResource x
= TestResourceNone
| TestResource x
| TestResourceFreed
| TestResourceError
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Let's not write to the filesystem
delayedTestRef :: IORef (TestResource String)
delayedTestRef = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef TestResourceNone
fromTestResource :: a -> (b -> a) -> TestResource b -> a
fromTestResource _ f (TestResource x) = f x
fromTestResource x _ _ = x
initTestResource :: IO ()
initTestResource = writeIORef delayedTestRef TestResourceNone
writeTestResource :: String -> IO ()
writeTestResource x = modifyIORef delayedTestRef $ \r -> case r of
TestResourceNone -> TestResource x
_ -> TestResourceError
freeTestResource :: IO ()
freeTestResource = modifyIORef delayedTestRef $ \r -> case r of
TestResource _ -> TestResourceFreed
_ -> TestResourceError
delayed :: DelayedIO () -> RouteResult (Handler ()) -> Delayed () (Handler ())
delayed body srv = Delayed
{ capturesD = \() -> return ()
, methodD = return ()
, authD = return ()
, acceptD = return ()
, contentD = return ()
, paramsD = return ()
, headersD = return ()
, bodyD = \() -> do
liftIO (writeTestResource "hia" >> putStrLn "garbage created")
_ <- register (freeTestResource >> putStrLn "garbage collected")
, serverD = \() () () () _body _req -> srv
simpleRun :: Delayed () (Handler ())
-> IO ()
simpleRun d = fmap (either ignoreE id) . try $
runAction d (emptyEnv ()) defaultRequest (\_ -> return ()) (\_ -> FailFatal err500)
where ignoreE :: SomeException -> ()
ignoreE = const ()
-- Combinator example
-- | This data types writes 'sym' to 'delayedTestRef'.
data Res (sym :: Symbol)
instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasServer api ctx) => HasServer (Res sym :> api) ctx where
type ServerT (Res sym :> api) m = IORef (TestResource String) -> ServerT api m
hoistServerWithContext _ nc nt s = hoistServerWithContext (Proxy :: Proxy api) nc nt . s
route Proxy ctx server = route (Proxy :: Proxy api) ctx $
addBodyCheck server (return ()) check
sym = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
check () = do
liftIO $ writeTestResource sym
_ <- register freeTestResource
return delayedTestRef
type ResApi = "foobar" :> Res "foobar" :> Get '[PlainText] T.Text
resApi :: Proxy ResApi
resApi = Proxy
resServer :: Server ResApi
resServer ref = liftIO $ fmap (fromTestResource "<wrong>" T.pack) $ readIORef ref
-- Spec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Delayed" $ do
it "actually runs clean up actions" $ do
liftIO initTestResource
_ <- simpleRun $ delayed (return ()) (Route $ return ())
res <- readIORef delayedTestRef
res `shouldBe` TestResourceFreed
it "even with exceptions in serverD" $ do
liftIO initTestResource
_ <- simpleRun $ delayed (return ()) (Route $ throw DivideByZero)
res <- readIORef delayedTestRef
res `shouldBe` TestResourceFreed
it "even with routing failure in bodyD" $ do
liftIO initTestResource
_ <- simpleRun $ delayed (delayedFailFatal err500) (Route $ return ())
res <- readIORef delayedTestRef
res `shouldBe` TestResourceFreed
it "even with exceptions in bodyD" $ do
liftIO initTestResource
_ <- simpleRun $ delayed (liftIO $ throwIO DivideByZero) (Route $ return ())
res <- readIORef delayedTestRef
res `shouldBe` TestResourceFreed
describe "ResApi" $
with (return $ serve resApi resServer) $ do
it "writes and cleanups resources" $ do
liftIO initTestResource
request "GET" "foobar" [] "" `shouldRespondWith` "foobar"
liftIO $ do
res <- readIORef delayedTestRef
res `shouldBe` TestResourceFreed